Information about foreign writers and poets. Foreign storytellers. facts about writers and poets that you didn't know

Soul mates

From birth, the sisters experience reverent feelings and sincere affection for each other. Of course, quarrels and disputes often arise between them, offensive misunderstandings, and perhaps even personal conflicts. Be that as it may, sisters, like parents, are not chosen, and you have no one closer than your sister, so it is very important to behave politely and delicately towards her, to love her for who she is. You'll see, she will answer you in kind and will be your reliable support and support all your life. Give a touching poem to your sister, pamper her with your attention, even if there seems to be no official reason for such a manifestation of feelings.

A sister, like no one else, knows your character; your strengths and weaknesses cannot hide from her gaze, so it is to your sister that you go for advice when you cannot trust your parents or you with your secret. She will support, listen, help in any situation - her own sister will never leave you in trouble or leave you to the mercy of fate. And it doesn’t matter that as a child you fought and could not share common toys, quarreled over love affections. Thank your little blood for your understanding, help, and patience in poetic form! Sincere words, arranged in a beautiful and graceful poetic rhyme, will be the best gift for your dear sister!

Poems about sister from the best authors on the Internet

Unfortunately, not all of us are equally talented at writing poetry. Muse is a very capricious girl, and does not want to serve everyone indiscriminately. Therefore, when we want to write a poem about a person dear to our hearts, we do not always find the right words and succinct expressions to accurately convey the feelings and emotions experienced towards loved ones.

Fortunately, today on the Internet you can find funny and touching, humorous and heartfelt poems about your sister, which are suitable for any occasion and will allow you to convey your purest and most sincere feelings. The best author's poems will not leave any woman's soul indifferent, will help to find the key to the heart of a loved one, who for some reason has suddenly become more distant and alien, to melt the ice of misunderstanding, to brighten up separation.

On our website you will find poems for your sister that can convey warmth, devotion, and pride in the success of a loved one. In this section you will find short and long poems, funny and with a slight tinge of sadness, encouraging action or, on the contrary, soothing, healing emotional wounds, poems that will allow you to get the desired effect, give your sister pleasant impressions and unforgettable moments.

Cities separate us...

Sisters and brothers do not always live next door to each other. Very often, having fled from the parental nest, relatives find themselves in different cities, or even in different countries, on different continents. It becomes so difficult to maintain a family connection, but there is no way without it, because no one will understand and give practical advice like a sister.

Even if your loved one is far away, you can find a lot of ways to send poems to your beloved sister. It is very important to show your loved one signs of attention not only on holidays, but also just to show your emotional affection. Especially if twin sisters find themselves far from each other, who will be connected throughout their lives, whether they wish it or not, by an invisible thread of spiritual connection.

Technologies today have gone far ahead; if previously only letters helped to contact relatives, and even those took weeks, or even months, today the residents of our country have many ways to convey a message: by landline or mobile phone, by e-mail, through social networks. networks, via Skype, etc. Just think, you can recite a beautiful poem about your sister in real time, even if the culprit of this significant event is thousands of kilometers away! Don’t forget to pamper your loved ones with attention and often look at the pages of our website to find new poetic lines to express your feelings!


My younger sister's name is Yaroslava. Everyone affectionately calls her Yasya. Yasya is now nine years old, she is in third grade. I remember when she was brought home from the hospital nine years ago, I looked at this little bundle with a pink face peeking out and couldn’t believe that it was my sister. She looked more like a living doll: plump, pink-cheeked, with blue eyes that curiously looked at everything around her. A little time passed, and the pink-cheeked doll grew wonderful golden curls, soft and fluffy, such as little children can have.

One of my favorite things to do is comb and braid Yasin's hair. When my sister went to school, I had new responsibilities. We study at the same school, so every day I take her to classes and then pick her up. At home we do homework together. I help Yasya if she doesn’t understand something, I check her completed tasks. Yasya is a very smart and quick-witted girl, she grasps everything on the fly. She is also very cheerful and lively. When I invite her to play a game, a cheerful light flashes in her eyes. Yasya loves fairy tales very much, so every evening I read something to her or she tells me all sorts of magical stories of her own composition. She's so funny!

Yasya is the most wonderful sister in the world. She is still a child, cheerful, sweet, a little foolish and capricious, but I believe that she will grow into a good person. This is what her open smile and clear blue eyes promise me.

Statuses about my sister - Thanks to mom and dad for giving me a loved one with whom I can be friends. I love you, dear sister!

A sister can be feisty, grumpy and thorny, annoying like a fly and harmful like a snake. Or maybe wonderful, cheerful and lovely, and also very kind and cool, like mine!

Your sister may be your best friend, and it takes a lot of effort to get rid of her.

A real sister will never let you do anything stupid... Alone!

At times we are inseparable, but at times I’m ready to kill my sister! She is terrible and grumpy sometimes, and sometimes she is a beloved friend again.

Friendship with my sister is an endlessly long conversation that we interrupt with arguments.

A sister is a timeless connection. We remember each other as we have always been, we have common jokes that only we understand, we know all the secrets, sorrows and joys of each other... A sister is a friend forever!

The soul of a sister is something so crystal clear and bottomless.

A sister is the kind of person who will tell you to your face everything that infuriates her about you, but will prove to others that you are her best!

Only a sister is able to penetrate into the very heart and heal even the most terrible wounds.

A sister is a person who knows your secrets, loves, worries.... you can always laugh with her, only she truly loves... She is mother No. 2.

You can never hide anything from a real sister: she always knows even what you haven’t done yet.

Your sister is like your mirror and your opposite.

It is impossible to quarrel with my sister for a long time: either she will need something from me or I will need something from her. A truce is inevitable.

When you quarrel with your sister, you will definitely find a reason to make up, in about five minutes.

Your sister is your mirror image: outwardly similar to you, but, in essence, completely different.

You are smart, beautiful, friendly, kind, I really, really like that you are my sister! And I won’t hide from you: I love you more than anyone!

You can tell your sister your deepest secrets and not be afraid that anyone will find out about it. After all, she has the most direct participation in these secrets!

My sister and I have complete mutual understanding. We can grab each other's hair without further ado!

It's terrible when you have no one to take care of! It’s so good that I have a sister whom I can help and experiment on!

A sister is a person who will tell you to your face everything that infuriates her about you, and will tell everyone that you are the most wonderful person on Earth...

My sister is my best friend, who is faithful in both happiness and misfortune.

There are conversations about friendship, about the noblest feelings between people. But there is nothing nobler than love for a sister, because it is based on an instinctive feeling of kinship.

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