A dramatization of the fairy tale “Pykh” in the second junior group. “Forest Teremok” (Theatrical production of a fairy tale for children of the 2nd junior group, a group with an in-depth emphasis on theatrical activities) Staging of fairy tales for children of the junior group

Dramatization of the fairy tale “Kolobok”, teacher Akopyan M.A.

In the younger group.

Goal: introducing children to the art of theater through joint theatrical activities.

Objectives: learn to embody the idea in a role, respond to a cue in a timely manner and enter the role; develop the ability to expressively play a role and develop the ability to improvise.

Methods and techniques:

Conversation with children and parents. Preparing and setting up the stage. A theatrical adaptation of a fairy tale. Vocabulary work on the formation of correct diction in the pronunciation of phrases: “ruddy side”, “I’m about to leave”, “place it in the barn, scrape it in the bottom of the barrel”.

Implementation stages:

1.Work with children: reading the fairy tale “Kolobok”, retelling the fairy tale, inventing a new ending to the fairy tale, table theater, playing episodes of the fairy tale “Kolobok”

Work with parents: Conversation to identify parents to play roles, looking for costumes for a fairy tale together with the teacher.

2. Creative and exploratory stage

(directly educational activities)

Working together with children to write an ending to the fairy tale “Kolobok” (communication)

Distribution of roles and rehearsals

Playing out different situations

3. Effective and practical stage


Text of the dramatization

(there is a house, trees, Christmas trees, grandparents, a hare, a wolf, a bear, a bun and a fox).

A child dressed as a grandfather comes out from behind the door, with a basket in his hands and nothing in it.

Presenter (teacher): Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman. Once upon a time a grandfather says to a woman

Grandfather (child): Hey grandma, I want to eat something, I walked through the forest and didn’t get anything, bake me a kolobok.

Grandmother (girl) looks out from the house: there is no flour to bake from.

Grandfather: Grandma, don’t be lazy, come on, go ahead, mark the bottom of the barn, scrape up maybe and pick up a handful of flour.

Presenter (teacher): There was nothing left for the grandmother, so she did just that: she swept the barn, scraped the bottom of the tree, picked up a handful of flour, kneaded the dough and baked a bun and put it on the window to cool.

Kolobok lay there and lay there, got up and ran.

Kolobok: They almost dried it in the oven,

And now we decided to eat it,

I can not take it anymore,

I'll run away from home.

And the bun rolled away.

Then the grandfather and grandmother came out and looked, but there was no kolobok.

Grandma (girl): Grandfather, look, he ran away!

He didn’t even say goodbye to us!

Grandfather (boy): It’s all you - wait and wait, sit and sit (The grandfather waved his hand and went into the house, and the grandmother followed him).

The bun rolls and sings a song:

I'm a bun, a bun

Swept across the barn,

Scratched the bottom of the barrel

I left my grandmother

I left my grandfather.

The bun rolls and the Hare meets it.

Hare (child): Kolobok, Kolobok, I will eat you.

Kolobok (child): Don’t eat me, Hare, but listen to my song

I am a bun, a bun,

Swept across the barn,

Scratched the bottom of the barrel,

I left my grandfather

I left my grandmother

And I will also leave you, hare.

The bun sang and rolled on.

The bun rolls and the Wolf meets it.

Wolf (child in a wolf mask): Kolobok, Kolobok, I’ll eat you.

Kolobok: Don't eat me, Wolf, but listen to my song

I am a bun, a bun,

Swept across the barn,

Scratched the bottom of the barrel,

I left my grandfather

I left my grandmother

And I’ll leave you too, wolf

The bun rolls and a bear meets it.

Bear (child in a bear mask): Kolobok, Kolobok, I will eat you.

Kolobok: Don’t eat me, bear, but listen to my song

I am a bun, a bun,

Swept across the barn,

Scratched the bottom of the barrel,

I left my grandfather

I left my grandmother

And I’ll leave you too, bear.

The bun sang and rolled on

The bun was rolling and the fox came towards it. She saw the bun and was delighted.

Fox (girl in a fox mask): How rosy, how yellow, how delicious (she strokes her belly).

Kolobok by I liked that the fox praised him and sang a song:

I am a bun, a bun,

Swept across the barn,

Scratched the bottom of the barrel,

I left my grandfather

I left my grandmother

I left the hare

I left the wolf

Left the bear

And I will leave you too, fox.

But the fox was cunning and says to the bun.

Fox: I’m old and deaf, come closer to me and sing your song again.

Presenter (teacher): But the bun turned out to be even more cunning, he told the fox.

Kolobok: close your eyes, fox, and I’ll come to you.

The fox did just that, closed her eyes, but the bun was gone and let’s run away. The fox opened her eyes, but the bun was gone.

This is where the fairy tale ends.

Program content:

Educational objectives

1. To evoke an emotional response in children when they independently perform the roles of familiar characters.

2. Continue to get acquainted with the outside world (forest animals).

3. Continue to teach to listen carefully to a familiar fairy tale, to take part in the dramatization of the characters as much as possible.

Developmental tasks

Continue to develop memory, thinking, imagination, artistic abilities.

Educational tasks

Continue to cultivate a love for Russian folk tales and friendly relations.

Methodical technique: Examination of illustrations, conversation, dramatization of a fairy tale, music. accompaniment, p/i “Catch-up with Mishka”

Analysis of the lesson.

Preliminary work: reading the fairy tale “Teremok”, looking at illustrations, p/i “Catching up with Mishka”, games on onomatopoeia.

Individually differentiated approach:

Encourage children with a higher level of development to participate in dramatizing a fairy tale.

Children with a lower level of development should be involved in looking at illustrations.

Progress of the lesson.

Educator: Today, guys, we will tell and show a familiar fairy tale together. Now I’ll show you a book with bright illustrations of familiar characters, and you tell me what the name of this fairy tale is? – show.

On the pages of this book

A frog, a bunny, and a mouse hid.

They live in a little mansion,

The guys are waiting for you to visit.

Children recognize and call it “Teremok”. Well done guys, that's right. And Vasya guessed, and Christina recognized the mouse and the frog. And Alina saw a fox and a bunny. But look who is this clumsy, club-footed man who loves honey and sucks his paw (Mishka) - that’s right, Egorka. Okay, well done.

Now we’ve all sat down comfortably, we’ll listen and watch the fairy tale (after putting the character’s hats on the children’s heads).

Educator: There is a tower in the field, a tower. He is not short, not high, not high. Here, across the field, across the field, a mouse runs (directs the child to the tower). She stopped at the door and knocked.

The child knocks, saying: pik-pik-pik, who lives in the mansion?

Educator: There is no one in the mansion, no one answers the mouse. The mouse climbed into the little mansion and began to live there and sing songs:

As if the frog was jumping across the field, across the field (directing the child to the tower), it stopped at the door and screamed.

Child: Kva-kva-kva. Who lives in the little house?

Child: I’m a little mouse, and who are you?

Child: And I'm a frog.

Educator: The frog jumped into the tower. They began to live, live, and sing songs.

A little bunny is running across the field, across the field, stops at the door and knocks (directs the child to the tower).

Child: Chuk-chuk-chuk, who lives in the little house?

The teacher helps children:

I'm a little mouse

I'm a frog frog

And who are you?

And I'm a runaway bunny!

Teacher and children: Come live with us!

And the bunny jumped into the tower.

Here, across the field, across the field, a fox runs, stops at the door and knocks: - Who lives in the little house?

The teacher repeats the words for the children:

And who are you?

Child: “I am a fox-sister”

Educator: Come live with us. The four of them began to live together. There are already four of us living together. Brother Wolf is knocking on the house.

The teacher addresses the children:

Tell Zhenya, etc.

Child: I am a gray barrel top - let me into the little mansion.

Educator: He asks politely to let him in, there is nowhere for the poor to live. They also let the wolf in.

And then a bear wandered in and began to roar.

Child: Who lives in the little house?

The children, with the help of the teacher, answer: come in, the bear, we have a big mansion, there is enough room for all the animals.

The animals come out of the mansion to play catch-up with the bear and invite the guys.

Well done to our kids,

They deftly ran away from the mouse.

They told us a fairy tale

Putting everything in its place.

We stood together in a round dance,

The people here are so friendly!

Evgenia Alaeva

Just recently we were kids and had just arrived at kindergarten. And now we are already performing and showing our first fairy tale to guests and parents! This is our first experience! This is what we got!

Target: developing interest in theatrical games, developing the ability to act out performances based on familiar works.

Tasks: develop interest in theatrical activities, dramatization of familiar works, learn to perform movements in accordance with the text, convey the actions of characters, cultivate a love for folk art.

Material: vegetable masks (beets, cabbage, carrots, turnips, hedgehog, grandmother, grandfather and granddaughter.

Scenery: house, vegetable beds.

Fairy tale "Pykh" (Belarusian folk tale).

Once upon a time there lived a grandfather, grandmother and granddaughter Alenka. And they had a vegetable garden. Cabbage, beets, carrots and yellow turnips grew in the garden.

One day my grandfather wanted to eat turnips. He went out into the garden. He walks and walks, and the garden is hot and quiet, only the bees are buzzing and the mosquitoes are ringing.

Grandfather passed a bed of cabbage and a bed of beets. I walked through the carrot bed... And here the turnip is growing.

He just bent down to pull out a turnip, and someone from the garden hissed at him:

Pssh-pp-y-hh! Pssh-pp-y-hh! Isn't that you grandpa? Didn't you come for a turnip?

The grandfather got scared and ran away. He runs past the carrots, we run past the beets... his heels are already sparkling. I barely made it to the hut. He sat down on the bench and couldn’t catch his breath.

Well, grandfather, did you bring a turnip?

Oh, grandma, there is such a terrible beast sitting there that I could barely carry my legs away!

That's enough, grandfather! I’ll go myself, I’ll probably bring a turnip...

And the grandmother went to the garden, and in the garden it was hot and quiet, only the bees were buzzing and the mosquitoes were ringing.

Grandma is coming, in a hurry...

And here is the turnip. The grandmother bent down to pull out the turnip, and from the furrow someone hissed at her:

Pssh-pp-y-hh! Pssh-pp-y-hh! Isn't that you, grandma? Didn't you just come for a turnip?

The grandmother got scared and ran away.

She ran and ran past the carrots, past the beets, ran past the cabbage. I barely made it to the hut. She sat down on the bench, breathing heavily, couldn’t catch her breath.

Oh, grandpa, you're right! Someone is sitting there under a bush, so scary, and puffing. I barely lost my legs!

Granddaughter Alenka looked at her grandparents, felt sorry for them and said:

I'll bring a turnip!

Alenka went to the garden. And in the garden it’s hot and quiet, only the bees are buzzing and the mosquitoes are ringing.

She walked and walked and came to the place where the turnip grew.

And just as she bent down to pull out the turnip, someone hissed from the garden bed:

Pssh-pp-y-hh! Pssh-pp-y-hh! Isn't this Alenka? Didn't you just come for a turnip?

Alenka laughed here and shouted in a ringing voice:

So! It's me, Alenka! Grandma and Grandpa came for a turnip.

And in the garden someone starts puffing again:

Pssh-pp-y-hh! Pssh-pp-y-hh!

Alenka bent over the garden bed to see who was sitting there so scary, and suddenly she saw: some prickly ball lying on the garden bed, its beady eyes sparkling and puffing:

Pssh-pp-y-hh! Pssh-pp-y-hh!

The girl laughed:

Oh you hedgehog, prickly hedgehog! Did you scare your grandparents? Did you drive them home?

And the hedgehog extended his sharp muzzle upward and again:

Pssh-pp-y-hh! Pssh-pp-y-hh!

Alyonushka pulled the turnip once, pulled another and a third time and pulled out the turnip. Yes, so big, round and yellow. Sweet, sweet. Alenka took the turnip, put the hedgehog in her apron, and went home. I ran past the carrots, ran past the beets, ran past the cabbage. She ran fast and fast! And she instantly ran to her hut. And her grandfather and grandmother came out to meet her. And they ask:

Where's the turnip?

And here's a turnip for you!

Grandfather and grandmother were happy here:

Well, we have a granddaughter! Well, Alenkushka! Well done girl!

But what about this beast - the terrible Puff? Aren't you scared of him?

Alenka opened her apron here:

And here's Pykh!

The old men laughed:

Well done Alenka! What a brave girl!

Publications on the topic:

Dramatization of the fairy tale “Ryaba Hen” in the first junior group Goal: to develop interest in theatrical play. Objectives: -continue to teach how to perform imitative movements in accordance with the text; -learn.

Autumn time is approaching us. This is the time not only for golden leaves to fall, but also for the harvest. And, of course, turnips grow in the fall. That's.

Staging a fairy tale in the senior group “Under the Mushroom” for theater week Goal: developing the ability to act out simple performances based on friends.

A dramatization of O. Suteev’s fairy tale “Who said “Meow”?” in the second junior group Music sounds with sounds of nature. The puppy sleeps near his kennel. He wakes up and runs out into the clearing. Puppy song. Sh: I am a cheerful puppy.

Summary of physical education classes in the second junior group. Dramatization of the Russian folk tale "Kolobok" Goal: to create conditions for strengthening and protecting the health of children, and systematic hardening of the body, foot massage. Tasks: Formations.

Summary of entertainment for the second younger group based on the fairy tale “Teremok” Goal: express emotions through movements and facial expressions; consolidate knowledge about the fairy tale “Teremok”; encourage active, expressive participation in the tale.

Efremova Nadezhda
Scenario of the fairy tale “Teremok” in the second younger group

Fairy tale script« Teremok» in second younger group

Efremova Nadezhda

Target: development of children's speech through theatrical activities.


1. Form correct pronunciation, teach dialogue.

2. Teach students to improvise the simplest movements, imitative movements using facial expressions, gestures, and intonation.

3. Create an emotional mood among students, get joy and satisfaction from participating in fairy tale.

Preliminary work:

1. Reading Russian folk fairy tales« Teremok» .

2. Examination of illustrations for fairy tale.

3. Performing musical-rhythmic movements “Show the hero” fairy tales« Teremok» .

4. Audition fairy tales in audio and video recordings.

Children come into group, sit on chairs. The actors in costumes are already sitting on chairs. In the center groups there is a house-teremok, nearby there are chairs for the heroes, a table covered with a beautiful tablecloth. There are also chairs for guests.

Comes in with music storyteller(to music "Visiting fairy tales» ).

Storyteller: Hello, dear girls and boys, and you, dear guests, hello! You came to us today, we always welcome guests. In our wonderful kindergarten, there will be interesting tale. Everyone loves fairy tales, loved by adults and children, they teach us how to live so that everyone around us can be friends. On a visit to fairy tale at this hour we will depart now.

Storyteller: Standing in a field teremok, teremok

Here, across the field, across the field, the Mouse is running (music by P. Tchaikovsky sounds "Komarinskaya") stopped at the door and knocked.

Mouse: Pi, pi, pi, who's in lives in little house? Knock, knock, knock, who lives in the low place?

Storyteller: Nobody answers the Mouse, the mouse entered mansion and began to live in it.

Storyteller: Here, across the field, across the field, the Frog is running, stops at the door and knocks (music by S. Maykopar sounds "Polka").

Frog: Kwa, kwa, kwa, who in who in lives in little house who lives in a low place?

Mouse And who are you?

Frog: I am not a fish, not an animal - I am a green frog. Let me in teremok?

Mouse: Let's live together.

Storyteller: The frog jumped into teremok and the two of them began to live together.

Storyteller: Standing in a field teremok, teremok. He is not short, not high, not high.

Storyteller: Like across the field, across the field Bunny (music by A. Lyadov sounds "Bunny") runs, stops at the door and knocks.

Hare: Knock knock, who's in lives in little house who lives in a low place?

Mouse: I, the Laughing Mouse, my name is Norushka.

Frog: I, Frog-frog. And who are you?

Hare: I, Bunny - gray tail, in I came to visit the little mansion. Let me in teremok?

Mouse and Frog: Come in. Let's live together!

Storyteller: The bunny entered teremok and the three of them began to live together.

Storyteller: Standing in a field teremok, teremok. He is not short, not high, not high.

Storyteller: Here, across the field, across the field, is a fox (music by P. Tchaikovsky sounds "Polka") runs, stops at the door and knocks.

Fox: Terem, teremok, who in lives in little house who lives in a low place?

Mouse: I, the Laughing Mouse, my name is Norushka.

Frog: I, Frog-frog.

Hare And who are you?

Fox: And I, little fox-sister, red tail, in let the teremok visit.

Animals: Come in. Let's live together!

Storyteller: Chanterelle entered teremok, and the four of them began to live.

Storyteller: Standing in a field teremok, teremok. He is not short, not high, not high.

Storyteller: There’s a wolf across the field, across the field (music by P. Sviridov sounds "Witch") runs, stops at the door and sings.

Wolf: Uh-uh. Terem, teremok, who in lives in little house who lives in a low place?

Mouse: I, the Laughing Mouse, my name is Norushka.

Frog: I, Frog-frog.

Hare: I, Bunny - gray tail.

Fox: I, Red Tail Fox. And who are you?

Wolf: I, Top - a gray barrel. Let me in teremok.

Animals: Come in. Let's live together!

Storyteller: A wolf entered teremok, and the five of them began to live. The animals lived in together in the mansion, fun, did not offend each other. And then one day he walks by Teremka Bear-toed(music by P. Prokofiev "March").I stopped near little mansion and sang.

Bear: Uh-uh. Terem, teremok, who in lives in little house who lives in a low place?

Mouse: I, the laughing mouse, my name is Norushka

Frog: I, Frog-frog.

Hare: I, Bunny - gray tail.

Fox: I, Red Tail Fox.

Wolf: And I, Volchok, am a gray barrel. And who are you?

Bear: And I, Bear, can sing songs loudly. Let me in teremok.

Animals: We don't have room.

Bear: Then I’ll live on the roof.

Storyteller: Bear climbed onto the roof. Climb, climb, climb, climb. Just climbed in and ruined it teremok. The animals began to cry.

Bear: Don't cry, I'll build you a new house!

Building a new house (music sounds).

All actors sing the final song “We advise everyone to be friends”. The children bow.

Storyteller: Dear guests and guys, thank you all very much for your attention!

Publications on the topic:

Game-dramatization of the fairy tale “Teremok” in the second junior group Goal: to form simple emotional states and imitate the actions of characters. Tasks: - to promote the development of speech - to create.

Educational objectives 1. To evoke an emotional response in children when independently performing the roles of familiar characters. 2. Continue getting to know each other.

Technologies. Gaming, health-saving. Tasks. To consolidate children's ideas about forest animals (hare, wolf, bear, fox). Shape.

Summary of OOD on speech development in the second junior group “Retelling the fairy tale “Teremok” Educator: Semenyuta Marina Vitalievna Group: Second youngest Age of children: 3-4 years Goal: development of coherent speech in children using mnemonics.

Puppet theater in the second junior group based on the Russian folk tale “Teremok” Objectives: to encourage children to show interest in theatrical and play activities, dramatizations of familiar fairy tales; develop creativity in children.