Inside how to open a door in a cornfield. Inside: Walkthrough

The game starts with main character, boy, falls from a cliff. At this moment you take control into your own hands. Run into the depths of the forest, climb over the fence, hide behind a tree and wait for the truck to leave. After this, you can run further until the cliff. At the bottom, hide behind the tank and wait until the two strangers leave, then run further to the concrete fence.

There is a refrigerator nearby, throw it on its side and move it to the fence. After crossing the fence, run further and go down the slope. Here, take the box and throw it into the pit, having done this, you can climb higher and run further. After going down another slope, you will find yourself in the water, but you can’t hesitate here. As soon as you reach the middle, a dog will chase you, quickly get out of the water and run to the cliff that you can jump over. After passing through the thickets, you will come to a place next to the road where a minibus will go. To avoid detection, run without stopping until you reach the rock, then jump down and hide behind it.

After this you can continue on your way. You'll soon come across this minibus again, but now you need to run. A man will be chasing you, your task is to escape from him, to do this you need to jump over a snag in the water.

Wait for the car to leave here, then continue running immediately after. After a couple of meters there will be a snag again, jump over it and run further. After jumping from the ledges, dogs will chase you; after jumping over another log, run to the cliff. Once in the lake, you need to swim underwater and then run through the cornfield, this way you will end up on Farm.

Secret 1

Once in the lake, swim to the left. Then dive underwater and swim through the underwater cave. Once you surface, you will find yourself in a secret cave.

Here you need to push the beam towards the ball, going over it, you need to destroy this ball.

Secret 2

Once in the cornfield, look for a place where the grass will be cut and you will see your character.

It is in this place that you can find a hatch; open it, go down the stairs and go left. Here you can disable another device.


After collecting all the chickens, run to the large barn, there is a rope right next to it, with its help you can get inside. Once in the barn, open the door for the chickens, they will be useful to you later. In the barn you will find a strange device, first turn it on, to do this, pull the lever three times, then activate the device. You need to bring the chickens to the pipe so that they are drawn there, and thus they will knock down a haystack for you.

Move the haystack towards the wall and climb over it. Climb onto the roof using the ladder, and then jump down onto the pig cart.

Secret 3

Move the cart to the left towards the barn, climb onto the cart and break the board in the wall of the barn.

Inside, go to the rope that hangs in the center of the pigsty. Climb the rope higher, swing well and jump onto the beam, and from there to the device itself.

Push the cart to the right towards the fence, climb onto the building, and then jump down. Run further to the mesh fence, you just need to climb over it. Next, a pig will chase you, bring it to the next barn so that it can make a path for you. Once in the building, run towards the metal fence to knock out the pig. When the pig loses consciousness, remove the worm from its body. Now you can move the pig, move it towards the helmet so you can use it.

By wearing a helmet, you can control people in the background. To begin, take one person down, just go left. Now, with the help of all the people, open the wooden cage. Having freed the remaining two, go to the structure on the right and destroy it. Having made your way, you can remove the helmet; to do this, press the “down” and “interact” buttons. Follow further and raise the gate, then run towards the city.


After passing the crowd of zombies in the background, push the trolley towards the wall so that the chain lowers. Climbing higher up the chain, run to the window and open it. Once outside, you will find a safe at the top, you need to throw it down. To do this, go to the hangar and go up the stairs, then jump onto the platform on the left and further to the beam. You need to turn it closer to the platform from which you jumped, and then raise the beam using the lever.

Once you've done this, you'll be able to get close to the safe and reset it. But be careful, you may crash when you throw the safe, so it's better to push the safe and run away from the edge. After that, run to the place where the safe fell and jump down.

Secret 4

To the left of the safe you can find a ventilation grill.

Remove it and go to secret room, here you can turn off the device.

After jumping down, run to the right to the lever, pull it and then put on the helmet. Here you need to press two buttons at the same time with the help of controlled people. First, place people so that you can see them, then jump off the helmet and pull the lever again. Now put the helmet back on and place the people in the corners and then put them on the buttons.

Having done this, the door on the right will open and you can move on. Get out of the subway using the stairs and run across the rooftops to right side.

Secret 5

While sliding down the roof, grab the pipe and go down it, and then jump on the stairs to the left.

Go down it into the room with the device, where you can easily turn it off.

Once you reach the pipe, go down it.

Below, break the boards from the passage and go into the building. Roll down the slope, push the ladder to the other side and climb up it. Having climbed higher, go to the end of the floor and lift the door, only after that activate the lever. Activating the lever will launch the elevator at the end, but this will trigger the spotlights, which will kill you if detected. To get past them, you need to time it right and hide behind the columns. Once in the elevator, press the red button and go up.


Climbing into the next building and approaching the hole in the floor, you will fall to the lower floor, where zombified people are walking, and now you need to pretend that you are the same. When everyone is walking you must also walk, once you get into the zone you must do certain things. In the first zone you need to jump, in the second you need to turn around. As soon as you move out of the camera's view and approach people, you will need to run because they will unleash a dog on you. After jumping through the window, run up to the small ledge and wait for the dog.

Having let her close enough, climb onto the ledge and run to the helmet, which is on the right. Controlling a person, take the trolley and move it to the right. Jump down as soon as you are above the building. Here you need to move the red box to the button in the floor, which is located a little further. After that, return to the trolley and put on the helmet. Move the trolley all the way, there is another helmet here, send the person you control there. After this is done, another person will appear; move the trolley with him so that he can climb higher on the button.

Once you open the door, remove the helmet, this way you will disconnect yourself and disconnect the other person. Put the helmet back on as a boy and move the trolley through the opened passage. In the next room below you can see a hatch, stop the trolley right at the beginning of this hatch, and send the person to the lever and pull it. Wait until the hatch is completely open, and then jump down, you should have time to fly past the hatch. Having fallen into the water, come up and take in air, then dive into the water and swim to the left, there will be a tray here.

After pulling it out of the garbage, you can climb onto the ledge that will be to your right. Having climbed, go to the right and climb further through the ventilation.


In the next room you can see a red button, there is exactly the same one on the street, with their help you can raise and lower the water level. After flushing the water, go outside and press the button here. The water will lift you higher, first swim to the left and open the hatch to the first button, then dive under the water and activate the button to the street. The water will begin to descend, and at this time you need to swim to the right, where the door will open. Go right all the way, here you can find a suitcase, place it directly above the chain on the street. Now all you have to do is press the button so that the water lifts the suitcase closer to the chain and you can jump onto it.

When you climb up the chain, do not rush, there is a spotlight here that can kill you. Wait until the spotlight starts moving down the slope to the right, at this moment jump down and hide in the shadow of the pipe. At this point you need to lower the cage with people, to do this you need to rotate the valve. But you need to do this carefully, because the spotlight may detect you. Having lowered the cage, jump into it and jump over to the other edge. There's a spotlight here too, so you may have to jump back into the cage to avoid detection. Run further and hide in the shadow of the pipe, after which you need to open the hatch, which is located on the roof of the building. After going down into this building, run right and jump down, then left and go down the chain. Having gone down to the very bottom, run further along the abandoned metro. Once in the water, get out and wait for the dog, when he runs up, jump back into the water.

Move your dog away from the ledge and then swim underneath it. Having completed these steps, get out of the water and run further towards the descent down. Don't stop here, run to the fence. Climb over it and run to the door, to open it, you need to break the boards, break one and return to the fence. Climb back and wait for the dogs, when they run closer, jump onto the fence and break out another board. Having broken all the boards, run further to the stairs.


After going down the stairs, approach the house and wait until two strangers enter it, while you climb into the submersible. Now you have to swim underwater in a submersible, go down to the very bottom. There will be a red door on the right side, just swim towards it and it will open.

In the next flooded room below you will find boards; break them through with the help of a bathyscaphe. Once in open waters, swim along the black pipe, which will be almost at the bottom. On the right side you can find a gap in the wall, break through this wall and swim further. After several flooded rooms you will come across a wall with cracks. Hit it once, and then get out of the submersible and swim through the grate. Swim to the surface, you need to swim to the right. Once on land, climb the rope higher, and then press the red button near the aquarium. As soon as you do this, a door will open from which iron barrels will roll towards you, turn around and run away from them. Having fallen into the water, float up and climb back to the door that you opened. Behind it you will see a pillar and a strange device, with its help you can climb higher. Climb onto it and activate it, when you rise higher jump onto the beam to your left. Run left, then use the rope to jump over the gap and press the red button. Jump into the water and climb into the submersible, jump over the opened doorway. After that, swim underwater to the closed gate.

Secret 6

If you swim down, past the staircase openings, you will find a container.

Hit it and swim down and then left. Once on land, climb the ladder and put on your helmet. Place a person on the submersible, remove the helmet and throw the person with the submersible to another helmet that is above the water.

After that, put the helmet back on as a boy and, while controlling the person in the background, turn off the device.

Use the bathyscaphe to ram the red doors and swim to the right until it stops. You must leave the submersible behind the pipe, which will be under water. Get out of it and swim to the red button, which was immediately a red door. As soon as you press it, the water will drop and the gate will open, and you can swim further. Jump the bathyscaphe over the opened passage and swim down, here you will again need to break through the gate. Behind them you will stumble upon a strange creature that looks like a little girl. She will try to kill you, but is afraid of the light of your lantern, so swim further, periodically driving her away with the light of the lantern. When you swim through the passage, close it. To do this, you need to hit the beam that is located above the passage.

After that, swim to the boards that will be on the ceiling. Hit them several times to make your way further.

Secret 7

After surfacing, swim to the left. You will find supports near the wall; hit them several times with the bathyscaphe.

Climb up to the ladder using the ledge, and then climb the ladder to the device itself.

Swim to the right, onto the beach, and then open the double door and go through it.


Having fallen down, run forward to the switch and activate it to send current to the elevator with three levers that you ran through. Return to the elevator and go down to the bottom floor. Here, run to the right to the stairs, use them to go even lower. Run further past the people and jump into the water. Dive down to swim under the obstacle. Having emerged, dive again, and then get out onto land. Having climbed the ledges higher, jump onto the rope and, having swung properly, jump to another, and after that go to the left side to the helmet.

By wearing a helmet, you will be able to move around on your own, and people will follow you and help you. Now return to the stairs, with the help of people, jump onto it and go up. There will be a lift to the left of the stairs; lower it down to take people with you. After that, go left, to the carriage. Place it so that the light from the ceiling falls into the center of the car. After that, go back a little and jump onto the rope. After climbing the rope above, go left and jump into the hole on the floor, you will fall onto the carriage. People will move the car to the left, so you can jump onto the platform. Climb higher and run to the left until you see a hanging cage with people. To release them, move the drawer, then start the device. When it takes off, move the box into its place, then jump onto the device and activate it again.

In the air, jump onto the cage so that it opens and the people are freed.

Secret 8

With the people, return to the beam where you climbed up. Break down the boards and climb inside.
After going down the stairs, run to the left; along the way, be sure to take a torch to drive away the dogs. At the end of the corridor you can destroy another device.

There are no more people on the bottom floor, so go back to the elevator and go up to the top floor. Having risen, run to the right to the cliff, here with the help of people you will jump onto the platform. Go into the room on the right, there will be a human corpse here, drag it to the left until it falls down. After that go to left side floors and throw the cage with people down. Now go down to the middle floor and run towards the fallen cage. Having collected all the people from the cage, go further to the left to the grate, open it and run further. Jump up to the lever with the help of people and press the lever.

But you will need to click on it again when the trolley has passed half the way so that it will move towards you by inertia and not crash into the rock. Having gathered all the people, return to the switch and the scales with the scoreboard. Place everyone on the scale and don't forget the body you dropped down. The gate will open and you can move on.

Shock wave

A very difficult location awaits you behind the gate. All because of the shock wave, which kills the main character if he is not in cover. Your task here is to basically hide in cover and take your time, because rushing can lead to death. Once you start running, you will already hear the sounds of a shock wave; moving the box to the edge, it will explode, and the path further will be open. Wait for the next salvo, and then run to another shelter. The interval between shock waves is somewhere 5-6 seconds, during this time you must have time to hide in cover. The next shelter will need to be activated using the lever; to do this, run towards it. After the shot, press the lever again to raise another cover, quickly run towards it. When you come to the stairs, you will need to press the lever when the rotating shelter is in this position:

After the explosion, press the lever again to make the platform rotate and now, when the platform is near the stairs, jump on it and climb up. Hiding behind the panel, wait until the platform makes a circle and is above you, at this moment run to the right, the platform should protect you from the wave. Near the pillar and the flying device, you will again need to guess the moment. After the explosion, climb onto the device and start it, then hide behind the rock from the explosion and return to the device. While in the air, jump to the right and then go through the gap. After activating the lever, hide behind the red shield. Move it to the right so that it protects you from explosions.

When you reach the large rotating mechanism, you will need to wait until its part is in the upper position, after the explosion, jump down and hide behind the part. Run up to the slope, but don't jump, wait for the explosion to start, at that moment you can go down. You will be safe below, run to the elevator and take it down.

Under the water

After an accident with an elevator, get out of it quickly so as not to choke. Once in the building, start the generator and use it to jump onto the rope, and then onto the platform with the lever. Pull the lever until the door is completely open, then run to the rope and jump to the gate. Then run down the stairs, and then swim underwater to go further. When you go up the stairs, you will find yourself in a room with two generators that lift you into the air. Here you need to do the following:

  1. Start the right generator.
  2. Start left generator
  3. Jump to the red button and press it using the right generator.
  4. Jump onto the left generator, which should already be on the protruding platform, and then fly up even higher.

Follow the right and jump into the water through the hatch. Without hesitation, swim further, immediately after the tank, swim to the rope and climb higher. After swinging properly on the rope, jump to the right, there will be another rope, climb along it to the platform with the stairs. Having turned even higher, run and jump. The inertia should be enough for you to dive deep, where the doorway will be. As soon as you swim through it, immediately float to the surface and climb onto the platform. After resting, continue moving forward. After jumping into the water, swim along the surface to another platform with a chain. Climb the ladder and press the red button, the chain will begin to move to the left, at this time you must go down to the bottom edge of the chain to lure the creature. After this, you will return to the platform, dive into the water and swim to the red button, press it, swim through the closing gate and swim to the surface. Climb the ladder and move on, jumping from one part of the bridge to another. Once in the building, open the door and jump into the water, where the creature is already waiting for you, so don’t hesitate and quickly swim to the metal platform.

Secret 9

Run along the metal platform to the hatch, open it, jump into the water and wait here for the creature, when she swims close enough, climb back onto the metal platform and run to the left. Jump into the water and swim to the left.

Climbing up, you will find a device that needs to be disabled. After disabling the device, break the grate and swim to the left, and then up the rope. There you will already find yourself in a familiar location, just return to the hatch where you lured the creature.

After jumping into the hatch, press the red button and immediately return through the hatch. A gate has opened under the water, but in order to go further, you need to take this creature out of there. To do this, run along the platform to the left and dive into the water, letting the creature get close enough, return to the platform and run to the hatch. After diving into the water, be sure to press the red button and only after that swim through the already closing door. After taking in air, dive and swim further; when you see a chain, climb up it. After the cutscene, swim up and to the right into the building.

Secret 10

After passing the building, swim down to the locked door.

To open it, you need to remove the wires and then press the lever of the door itself. At the end of the room you will find a device.


You will find yourself in a pipe, where at a certain interval the cleaning system will turn on and the blades will be activated, which can throw you back or kill you. There are red handrails on the ceilings here, grab them so you don't get carried back. The second such handrail will be a door; after opening it, swim to the top, where you can get out of the water. After getting out of the water, you will finally find yourself on a platform with a spotlight; you can hide from it by standing under a beam. Using the valve located in front, you can rotate the beam so that it blocks you from the spotlight.

Secret 11

After placing the beam directly above the valve, go back. Dive into the water at this place:

Swimming below and through the door, you will find yourself in a room with a device, but be careful - the spotlight can reach you. Therefore, wait for the right moment, and then destroy the device.

Having placed the beam opposite the stairs, wait until the light goes in the other direction, and climb the stairs onto the beam, and then jump onto the wall on the right. Run further and jump into the opening of the tank. Swim out of the tank and run to the right. In the room with water on the ceiling, jump into the hatch that will be on the floor. To your left there will be a red button that closes and opens this hatch that you jumped into. First, go right and jump down, at the end of this room there is a generator that you need. Remove the platform it's on using the button and then launch it. When he is opposite the platform, press the button to knock the generator off the iron pole.

Now drag the box to the wall on the left. Place it on the inclined floor and launch it, it should fly up, and you should climb the stairs. Place the generator in front of the hatch (open), start it and close the hatch when the generator flies over it. To get out, you need to go left. In the water, opening the hatch, you will find yourself in the tank. From this place, return to the room with water on the ceiling.

Secret 12

Push the generator to the right, you need to place it directly above the red button, which is located high on the wall. Start the generator and press the button during the flight.

Now move the generator closer to the wall and start it. Jump onto the rising platform and disable the device at the top. To return, simply stand on the platform you used to get here.

Place the generator next to another generator that is in the floor. Start the one in the floor first, then put another generator on it and start it. Eventually they should throw you into the water, here you swim up. To open the large hatch, you need to pull out the flasks that are on the side. Having done this, the hatch will open and you will be able to swim to the surface. Run to the right and climb up the stairs, here grab the box that will be on the left side. Move to the right along with the box, when people appear in the background, hide behind the box and wait for them to leave. Push the box to the right until you hit the barrel. Here you will need to solve a small puzzle. First, jump to the lever, with its help you can control the water level in the room. Lower the water so that the box floats to the top; meanwhile, you will climb the stairs to the top and move it to the platform with the stairs. Having done this, return to the lever and raise the water so that the door on the right opens, and you can use the box to jump into the water.

After this, going through the door will not be difficult. And behind it there is water again, swim down, after the guards leave, fall down and run left to the lever. Lift it up, when people gather around you, use them to press the lever again to return the water to the reverse position. After that, go right. After going up the steps, throw the boy into the water and swim further. When you are above the red button, swim down, you must press it while flying. Now you can go through the opened door. Run to the right, jump over the abyss with the help of your henchmen, when they fall down, jump towards them. Here you need to jump up to the vent, people will help you with this. After going through the ventilation, go down the stairs and run left to the elevator. Go up one floor and run to the left until the henchmen fall on you.

Secret 13

Return to the elevator and take 4-5 people with you, no more. After dividing a group of people, take the elevator down and then back up. As a result, you should end up with 4-5 people with you, and the rest on the floor above.

To the right of the elevator you will find a rope, jump onto it with the help of people and climb up. On the top floor, go left to another group, use it to throw the boy towards the device to destroy it.

Return to the elevator and go down, run to the right and lift the door. Continue running and, with the help of the people, jump onto the ledge, and then go into the building.

The escape

Run to the right until you come across a glass bunker, where some kind of experiment is being carried out and a crowd of people has gathered. There is a cart near this place, move it towards the stairs to climb higher on it. Climb onto the control panel and from it jump onto the cable, and then onto the red pipe that is adjacent to the wall. Break down the ventilation grill and move to another part of the building. Run to the right until you find a hatch in the floor, open it and jump down. Continue running and jump onto the stairs.

Secret 14

Climb up the stairs and run towards the spaceship.

Near it in the background there should be 13 lights on, if one is not on, then you will have to load the area in which you missed the secret.

If all the lights are on, go inside the ball and turn it off. After this, you can already get it by loading into a corn field.

Go down the stairs, open the hatch and jump down. Now you need to run to the left and jump onto the booth that will be below. Enter it and move it to the stairs that will be behind you; to do this, lower the booth lower and move to the right all the way. Go down the stairs and run to the left, and then jump into the water. In water, pull the handles to open and remove the grate. After this, float to the surface and pull the switch, wait a few seconds and then pull the switch again. Now you need to act quickly, jump into the water and swim to the bottom, there you must grab the handle, when you completely open the passage to the top and the current becomes strong, let go. As a result, you will find yourself in the bunker where the whole crowd was looking, here you need to pull out several devices from a creature consisting of people.

Now you control this creature. Swim left and break the glass, then continue left, destroying everything in your path. Returning to the elevator, you will fall down. Here, continue to the left, break open the container and drag it to the right wall. With its help you will climb higher. Run to the right, destroying all obstacles. As a result, you will fall down, where you need to solve a small puzzle. Here you need to press the red button, which is located very high. To do this, take the wooden beam on the left and use it to press the button. Go through the gate, be sure to take the log with you. Stop near the platform, throw the log onto the pressure plate, and climb onto the rising platform.

After going up, jump down and stand at the left wall so that the worker opens the door for you. Another person will open the hatch for you, go down through it. Here, take the box and go left to the boiler room. Set fire to the box in it and return to the place where you fell. To prevent the fire from going out, throw it through the fire extinguishing system, but at the same time you need to have time to catch it. When you go back, throw the box into the pipe that has a "flammable" sign on it. Once outside, there will be trolleys to your left, push them to the right and place them under the booth. Climb onto the carts and grab onto the booth, now you need to swing hard to destroy the wall. After breaking through the wall, climb through the hole into another room. Here you need to take the generator and throw it to the person, and then throw it at the button so that it presses.

Quickly go through the opened door. In this room, try to grab the generator suspended on a chain. Unfortunately, you won't succeed, and it will turn out to be a trap, and you will find yourself locked under water. But there is a way out. Break out the slabs on the bottom right, and then the grate. Swim to the surface and run to the right, destroying the last wooden obstacle. After this you will see the last cut-scene and credits, this is the end of the game. Inside.

Alternate ending

To get the secret ending, you must find all 14 secrets in the game and destroy the strange devices. This is not difficult to do; the locations of the secrets and how to get into them are written.

After destroying all the devices, load the corn field, this can be done either after passing or immediately after deactivating the last device. Go down into the bunker and go to the control panel on your right.

To open the door, move the lever to next sequence: 3x up, right, 3x left, 2x up, right, left, 3x right
Having opened the door, run further to the wall with bars. Lift the grate and pull out power cable, this is the secret ending Inside.

The dark adventure Inside is filled with secrets. One of the most big secrets- a locked door located in a bunker that most players will never find. And so the community of Inside fans put together all their efforts and knowledge, and finally figured out the issue. We now know that this locked door allows for an alternate ending to Inside 2016.

But opening the door is not so easy! You will have to find 14 other secrets, and then destroy 14 strange devices. Most likely, you will miss some of these devices on your first playthrough. More to the point: you probably won't find any of them, since each one is very well hidden. In some locations, complex puzzles await you, and it is incredibly difficult to find clues. Below you will learn how to find all these secrets and get the additional ending.

Alternate ending Inside

In order to unlock the hidden ending, you must find 14 devices and destroy them. These devices are scattered throughout storyline. They are hidden in distorted space, difficult to pass places. Often, thanks to their search, you end up in interesting places, allowing you to learn even more about the history of the nameless hero.

Secret 1. Troubled waters

After escaping the three dogs and jumping into the water, swim down and to the left to find the first device. To disable the strange sphere, interact with it and pull it towards opposite direction.

Secret 2. Field research

At the far end corn field There are secret bunker doors. To find them, press the corresponding key several times. The guy will pull the door open as soon as he is near it. Follow down and go through the red glowing hole on the left. You will find another device. In the same bunker you will find an alternative ending. Be sure to return here after you destroy all the devices.

Secret 3. Vi viv and

On the farm, after solving the riddle with the car, when you climb onto the roof of the barn, you will need to jump down onto the cart with dead carcasses. Push the cart to the left and climb onto it. Next, interact with the boards on the left wall of the barn to go inside.

Secret 4: Left Behind

After solving the crane and tree puzzle, push the safe off the ledge so that it falls through the floor. Jump down this hole and notice the ventilation grill on the left. Push the valve and enter the passage to find a small room with a device.

Secret 5. Obscure Foundations

Inside the city with people marching, you will pass a large billboard. Glide down the ramp to reach the next building on the right. Jump in the middle onto the pipe, but do not rush to go up, but go down. At the bottom of the alley you will find a hidden device.

Secret 6. Friends in the lowlands

Where further along the storyline you will find a submarine. In the flooded factory, you will need to use the submarine to break through the cracked wall and get to the control room, where you can open the bunker door. When the door is open, return to the submarine and jump over it. Go right to go through the red double doors with a wooden beam. Follow the sunken stairs and follow them down until you see a cargo container with a strip of light. Push the container to the left to open a passage to the device.

Solving the puzzle. To solve the puzzle, use a mind control device. Move the man model so that he is on top of the submarine. Return to the submarine and then jump to the mind control device above the water to connect the drone. Now go back to the control device on the left and move the drone to the secret device in the background to destroy it.

The article describes a detailed walkthrough of the game Inside Playdead's. You will learn how to get the normal and alternate endings, where to look for all the strange devices that must be destroyed.

The game is controlled using the keyboard. To move, use the left and right arrow keys. To go down, use the down arrow key. To jump, press the up arrow key. Finally, to grab onto something, hold down the right CTRL key. Be careful, the default is right CTRL.

A hint for everyone for the future. When you try to open the hatch, pay attention to where the main character is standing. He won't be able to open it if he's standing right on top of it. That is, you must stand to the side. In the cornfield, the secret hatch is barely visible, so it's a little more difficult, but remember the above.

Let's start playing the game Inside on the website portal. Move to the right side through the forest, get over the cliff using the log you need to jump onto. Soon you will find yourself near a fence through which the boy can easily climb.

Roll down and you will see a truck with people. Head to the right and go down to the fallen tank. Hide behind her until the two masked strangers disappear. Move on. The fence is too high, so you can’t just climb over it. There is an old refrigerator nearby. Walk up to it and hold down Right CTRL. Push the refrigerator in any direction to tip it over. Press CTRL again while in any part of the refrigerator. Push it all the way to the right. Climb onto the refrigerator by pressing the up arrow key. Use it to get over the fence.

Go past the fences. Having gone down the next slope, grab the metal box on the left and push it to the right. Having dropped the box into the hole, drag it close to the right rock, climb onto it, and from there onto the rock itself.

Go down to the lake. Go to the other side. The dog will chase you. Run to the right and take a running jump onto the branches hanging from the cliff. Follow forward. A minibus will travel in parallel. After jumping down, immediately hide under the stone slab on the left side. This way you won't be noticed.

We hide under the stones from the car.

Soon you will see that same minibus again. Move around without paying attention to the headlights being on. A man with a flashlight will chase you. Run away from him. Jump in front of the puddle to fly over the snag and avoid falling. Next there will be a small trailer behind which you must hide from the second man in a pickup truck. When he passes so that the headlights do not shine in front of you, then run out and continue on your way. Literally after a few meters you will need to jump over the next log again.

Go down the slope, run away from the dogs. You will need to jump over the third log. Eventually, the chase will end when you jump into the lake.

SECRET. Here you can find the first strange device in the form of a glowing ball. So, float to the surface of the lake and swim all the way to the left. Here, dive under the water and you will see a small loophole through which you can swim even further to the left. You will find yourself in a secret cave. Go left and jump onto the ledge. Grab onto the huge beam while holding down the right CTRL key. Swing it so that it tips over to the right (you will need to hold the beam and press the left and right arrow keys several times). Go along the beam to the wooden bridge to a strange device. Grab it while holding down the CTRL key and then drag it to the left. So you will destroy it! The same must be done with all other devices that you meet along the way.

This is how you need to knock over the beam to destroy the first secret device.

Unlocked new achievement – ​​“In Troubled Waters”.

Go back to the place of the lake from where you swam to the left. Swim to the right and notice that the car on the bridge is shining directly into the water. You must dive shortly before this point and swim through it entirely underwater. Otherwise you will die.

After getting out of the lake, run across the road, go down the slope and go into the corn field.

SECRET. In the place in the cornfield where the grass is mown and you can clearly see your character, there is a hatch leading to a secret bunker. The hatch is in a visible place, but difficult to recognize. Just hold down the CTRL key and your character will automatically grab onto it. Pull up and open the hatch. If you stand on it, you won't be able to open the hatch!

Correct location of the hatch.

Go down the stairs. On the right is the door and remote control with middle, top, right and left positions. You can't do anything with him yet. Go into the ventilation passage on the left and break another strange device.

Obtained a new achievement – ​​“Field Research”.


After leaving the cornfield, move to the right until you find yourself near a huge barn. There's a rope hanging here. Jump to grab it and climb up. Swing and jump into the window on the right. Move along top floor and jump down to the ground. Go to the left side, to the locked door. Grab the bar by holding down the right CTRL, and then lift it up using the appropriate key.

Open the door by simply moving to the left. Move with the chickens to the right. There is a strange device here. On the left side there is a large lever. There is also a lever on the generator itself, the same red color. First pull the lever on the generator three times to start it. Next, move to the right, all the way to the wall. You can't just climb over it.

There is a haystack on a wooden beam at the top. If you can reset it, then maybe you can move on. Standing near the wall with the chickens, run left to the vertical lever. Do everything without stopping so that the chickens lag behind you a little. Pull the lever, grab it by pressing the right CTRL and holding down the left arrow key at the same time. Thanks to this, the pipe on the mechanism will begin to suck in everything around it. The same thing will happen to chickens if they are nearby. The chickens will fly out through another pipe, which is aimed at a haystack. The stack will fall down. Drag the stack to the wall on the right and use it to get over it.

Move to the right, go to the roof and follow to the very end. Take a running jump to land on the cart with the dead pigs.

SECRET. Push this cart all the way to the left while holding down the right CTRL. Climb this cart, go to the wooden wall of the building and hold down the right CTRL again. The boy gets caught on a wooden plank. Hold down the "right" key to break it. Make your way inside the building through the loophole. Find a rope in the middle of the pig barn. Jump on it and climb up. Swing and jump to the left side, onto the wooden beam. From this beam, jump even more to the left and you will find another device. Break it down.

Unlocked new achievement – ​​“Nif-nuf-naf”.

Get back out and push the same cart towards the wooden fence on the right. With its help, climb up and run further, jumping down to the ground with the worms.

When you walk through the swamp, jump continuously by pressing the “up” key. Climb over the metal grate and go through another part of the swamp.

Walk straight until a mad pig starts chasing you. Jump over it if you don't want it to knock you down. Ultimately, you will have to make the pig crash into the wooden barn door on the right. Go inside and you will see that the pig does not want to calm down.

Jumping over it, run to the right. There will be a metal wall here. Make the pig crash into it. She will lose consciousness.

See the worm sticking out of her back? Walk up to it, grab it while holding Right CTRL, and pull it to the left. You will pull out this worm, and the pig will become normal. Push the pig using the same CTRL key to the left side, into the middle of the room. Here there is some kind of helmet hanging on a wire that looks like a lamp. Climb onto the pig and jump up to the helmet. Now you are controlling some people in the background.

With the help of such helmets (manipulators), you will control zombified people more than once.

You see two people in the cage to the left and one to the right of it. But there is also a fourth person. Just hold down the right arrow key to make this fourth one fall off the ledge on the left side. Now that all four people are on the same level, approach the wooden cage gate on the left side of the screen with two of them. Hold down the CTRL key so that two people grab onto the cage. Without releasing the key, direct the other two men to the same place. When all four of you grab the cage, hold down the up arrow key to raise the grate.

With all four of you, go to the structure on the right, grab onto it and drag it to the left. After destroying everything you can, literally jump down as a boy and go up the wooden planks.

NOTE. To jump from the manipulator as part of the Inside game to the site, you need to simultaneously hold down the down arrow key and right CTRL. The only way!

Go right and lift the iron gate to get out. Follow further through the location where zombified people are visible in the background.


Soon you will see a chain hanging high. To the right of it, there is a trolley on the ground. Push it all the way to the right side, towards the wheel. This will lower the chain to the lowest possible height. You can jump on it. Climb up and swing jump to the ledge on the right. Open the window and climb inside the building.

Go right until you find a ladder. Climb up it. Don't go up to the very end, but jump onto the wooden scaffolding on the left. Do you see the boards hanging on the rope? To the left of them on the wall there is a lever with a panel. By pulling this lever you can lower or raise the boards. But first, push these boards all the way to the right so that their end in the background goes all the way to the left. All this is done through right CTRL.

This is how you need to turn the boards.

Approach the lever and pull it up to raise the board. But now, along that same ladder, go up to the very top, jump onto the platform on the left, and from here, accelerate onto the suspended boards, the near edge of which you turned to the right. Jump onto the ledge even higher and to the left. Go left, where you will see a safe on the edge of the board. Push him down, but be prepared to run to the right off that thin board. The safe is tied to it, and under its weight the board breaks. If you are directly on it, you will fall from a great height and break. You need to run away from the board to the right, making sure to make a jump at the end.

Go down and go to the hole made by the safe. Jump down.

SECRET. After jumping down, notice that there is a grate on the left wall. Approach it and pull it to open a passage. Climb through the ventilation and you will find yourself in a secret room. Destroy another strange device!

A new achievement has been unlocked – “Over the Left Shoulder”.

Go to the right until you find yourself in a tunnel with rails. There is a lever in the center. First, pull it to open the tunnel in the background. To the right there is a manipulator on the wire. Jump onto it using the ledge on the right.

Press the left key to make the person in the background run to the left. Note that another person will run out of the niche on the left, running in the opposite direction. In the background, on the floor, there are two square buttons that you must press. You need to place two people directly on them.

But for now this cannot be done. First, jump off the manipulator.

NOTE. To jump from the manipulator, you need to simultaneously hold down the down arrow key and right CTRL.

Now pull the lever to close that very niche. In this case, both people must be outside of it. Jump onto the manipulator again, and then move the two people to different angles. Now direct them to meet each other. They must simultaneously stand on two different buttons. Jump off the manipulator.

Go through the door on the right side. Climb the stairs and follow to the right. After a series of jumps you will slide down the roof. At the very edge you will need to jump to the right to catch the pipe.


SECRET. Go down this pipe a little lower and jump onto the stairs located on the left. Follow the stairs to the very bottom until you find yourself on the ground. There is another device here - break it.

A new achievement has been unlocked – “Gloomy Foundation”.

Climb back up the pipe to the very top. Move across the roofs, jumping from one to another. When you fall down, go through the destroyed building. Carefully approach the edge of the building and hold down the down arrow key. This will take you down the pipe.

Break down the boards in the passage on the right. The steps will need to be repeated three times. Climb inside the building, roll down the slope and you will see a ladder. Hold down the CTRL key and push this ladder to the right side. Climb higher and go to the right. Pull the lever in the background.

A strange machine is activated, which will periodically shine in one direction or the other. A little to the right there is another one just like it. But don't rush just yet: turn off these devices by pulling the lever again. Go all the way to the right and you will see a shaft with a lift. Hold down the CTRL key and lift the door. Return to the lever and activate the security machines.

Follow the light. Hide behind the wooden pillars and then continue moving again. You have to figure it out. Run onto the lift and click on the red button, which is done with the right CTRL.

Once you go down and fall through the boards, you will find yourself trapped. You'll have to pretend to be a zombie person. When everyone else is moving, you should move too. IN certain moment you will see an area surrounded by a yellow line. If you are within this zone, then when you stop at the same time as everyone else, you will need to jump. If you leave this area, don't jump anymore. In the next similar zone you will need to turn around reverse side and after a second turn to the right.

As soon as you are noticed (you will hear dogs barking), then run to the right and jump through the window. Walk a couple steps forward and you will hear the dog barking again. She will run towards you, visible in the background. Go forward to the ledge and stop. Wait for the dog to run closer to you, and then quickly jump onto this ledge. Now boldly run to the right and jump onto the hanging manipulator (helmet on a wire). If you immediately climb onto the ledge, the dog will have time to catch up with you.


While controlling the zombified man, grab the trolley while holding Right CTRL and move to the right. As soon as there is a ledge below, jump onto it.

Controlling a zombified person, we move around the location, hanging on a wire.

There is no need to jump on the red box to the right, as you will need to move it. Having jumped down, you can easily catch on to the manipulator again. In the meantime, go as a boy to the red box and push it to the right, until it reaches the button in the floor. This button opens the passage at the top, where the rails and the zombified man are.

Return to the ledge and use it to jump up and grab onto the helmet. Use the zombified man to move the trolley with the boy to the right.

On the next screen everything will be more complicated. You need to move the trolley all the way to the right side, where there is a closed passage. There is another manipulator here, above the rails. So this zombified person needs to cling to the second manipulator. After this, another zombie will crawl out of the cardboard box. Grab the trolley and move it to the left so that the boy hangs above the lonely platform and, if something happens, falls on it, and not into the abyss.

Everything is so confusing in this situation!

Having done this, release the trolley, climb onto it, and from there jump onto the bridge with the button in the floor. Stand as a zombie on the button so that the passage on the right opens. After that, hold down the down key and click on the right CTRL. Both the first zombie and the boy will jump off the manipulators. Grab the boy's helmet again to control the zombies at the open gate. Run to the trolley and move it along with the boy through the opened passage on the right.

A huge hatch is visible below. Leave the trolley so that the boy is hanging over the left edge of this hatch. Walk as a zombie to the ledge with the lever and pull the lever until the hatch is completely open. Quickly release all the keys, hold down the down arrow and click on the right CTRL. The boy must manage to fly through the open hatch before it closes. You will find yourself in the water.

We run past the moving truck, and also hide a little further from the people with a flashlight. We run to the wall where we need to move the refrigerator, having first knocked it over.

We climb over the wall and continue our way, reaching the place on the screen where you need to move the box into the hole to get out. We cross the river, the dog will run after us. We must have time to jump over the abyss. We continue our way through the forest. We see a car in the background, we run from its headlights and hide behind a hillock. Then you will have to run away from your pursuer again. We run to the van and hide from the pursuer with the machine gun. But not for long, and we continue our escape. If we don’t stop at the van, he will shoot us, and this way we can gain distance and run away from this man with a machine gun. We jump into the water, but we need to come up immediately, since we won’t have enough air for a long time.

We get to the farm, where we climb up the rope and jump out the window. We go downstairs and open the doors on the left so that the chickens enter the building. Next, we run to the engine and start it using a rope. Chickens are running after us. Pull the lever on the left to make a stream of air at the top. This stream should knock down a sheaf of hay. However, air alone is not enough. So, we pull the lever several times and run to the place where air is pumped into the pipe. Since the chickens are following us, they will be sucked into the pipe, thanks to them the sheaf will fall, and we will be able to continue our path to the right.

Next, you need to jump onto the corpses of pigs so as not to crash on the ground. Next, we drag this cart to the wall on the left and continue the path. A pig with a worm in its butt will attack us. We jump from her, she will break through the wall into the building and run away to the right. We pull out the worm, and then drag the pig to the rope on the left. We climb onto the pig. This device will allow you to control zombies in the background. You need to lift the gate on the left with the help of two people on the right. We open it and the four of us need to push the wooden wall towards ourselves. We continue our way to the right. We reach the trolley, you need to push it all the way to the right so that the chain lowers, we climb up the chain. We go right and go up the stairs. We lower the boards down using a lever. Then we move the nearest edge to the right. Then we lift the boards and go to the stairs. Use the boards to move to the left.

Next, we throw the green safe down and immediately jump to the right, go down the stairs to the hole made by the safe and go down there. We tear off the grate on the left and enter the room where you need to snatch some kind of thing from the ball. We go to the right and pull the lever, again taking control of the zombies. We release the left zombie from captivity, then run to the lever and close the door. We take control again and spread the zombies at both ends of the room. Now the distance between the buttons and the zombies is the same, which means they can be placed on the buttons at the same time.

We continue our way, jump from the sheer roof onto the gutter and go down, there we will again pull the thing out of the ball. We go up and climb over the net. We reach the lever that will turn on the light on the robots, but we are in no hurry to run to the right. We are waiting for the light from the spotlight to start going to the right, so we will have the opportunity to run across to the column that will shield us from the light, and we do the same with the second spotlight. We run to the elevator on the right and go up.

We go to the right and do not let ourselves be revealed, we repeat the actions of the zombies. In the room with the dog you need to blow it up and jump out the window. There is a ledge in this room, you need to outwit the dog and linger a little in front of the ledge, so the dog will lose time, and we will jump to the controller with our minds.

We move across the abyss and leave a “cap” right above the platform at the very edge of the surface. This is necessary in order to then jump to the cap yourself. So, we jump onto the platform and run to the container, which we move to the button on the right, the gate at the top will open, put on the cap again and continue to the right. We reach the place where we need to take control of the zombies, using controlled zombies. With these new zombies, we need to stand on the button at the top to open the passage.

We reach the lever and open the door at the bottom. We jump into the water, find the wooden platform on the left under the water and push it to the right. We reach the red button, press and level water will fall. Next, go to the right and click on the next button. The water will rise. Now we dive again to the same button and press, quickly emerge and get to the ledge on the right, there we go through the gate. We go to the right and pull the wooden platform behind us to the ledge on the left. Next, we press the button and raise the water level, now, by jumping onto the raft, we can reach the chain.

In the next episode, we need to avoid getting caught in the spotlight, wait until the light is on the right, and then run under the shadow of the pipe above. The shadow also moves away from the light, so we move with it. We need to lower the lift down, but we won’t be able to do this in one go, so we lower it a little at a time and hide in the shadow of the pipe. Once we get low enough, we jump and cross the abyss. Passing the light, open the hatch and jump down. We go down the chain to the very bottom, here our enemy is dogs. It’s not difficult to outwit them in the episode with the boards. You need to break the first board and climb the fence, the dogs will run around, we do this three times and they won’t get us.

Walkthrough Inside. Submarine

So, having hijacked the submarine, we sail down. First we swim through the passage-door, and then we break through the boards with a ram. Here and there you need to break a hole in the wall. But we don’t swim in a submarine for long, we break through the last wall, after which we dive to this hole and emerge.

We reach the rope on the right and get to the hatch. We open the door at the top, the barrels will roll, we jump to the left into the water, and again we go up the rope. Next we find a yellow lift, stand on it and start it, jump onto the beam on the left. We get to the button that will open the way for our submarine. We get into it again and jump over the barrier on the right. We swim to the button that is under water. We press, the water level will drop, then we get into the boat and move it to the right, we get out again and press the button, the water will rise, we move to the right on the boat. We will see a gate under the water, climb out of the boat and again press the button on the left, the water will drop and that gate will open.

We jump to the right on the boat, a water witch is waiting for us there, judging by long hair. She is afraid of the light of our spotlight, we scare her away with the light, and we ourselves rhythmically escape from her and swim into the passage, which is barricaded.

The game is somewhat similar to the famous platformer Limbo. So, you control an unnamed character.


When the game starts, you will take control of the character. Master the controls and learn everything. When you walk across the wooden log and then jump over the barricade. You will see a truck getting ready to move. Security guards are guarding him. Try not to attract attention: less noise, less running around (unless it is really required).

As you move forward, you will come across two other enemies. If you make the jump, the guards will begin to inspect the location, as this will attract their attention. Hide and wait for them to pass by. If they notice your character, they will catch him and stun him. After you get past the guards, you will be taught how to interact with objects. Throw down the faulty refrigerator to get to the other side. Do the same with the wooden crate (as soon as you jump down), and then move along the next path.

When you go down to the lake, you will see someone looking for something in the forest. When you are spotted, the dog will start following you. You must accelerate and jump over the hole as quickly as possible. When you jump from wooden board, then try to run back and hide behind the object so as not to be noticed.

Here you need to act very quickly, but at the same time calmly. To escape, run away. Hide behind a tree. Make a jump without being caught by the guards. Hide behind the caravan until the guard passes. Move on and make another jump when the guards are chasing you. If you don't jump, the guard will shoot you.

There will be several dogs ahead. They will chase you. Jump into the water on time. Swim underwater to avoid detection. Soon you will leave the forest and find yourself on a farm.

Go inside the barn: climb the rope and climb through the window. You will see small yellow chicks. Jump down and open the door so all the chickens can go inside.

Start the car, then run to the end of the wall, and the chickens should follow you at this time. Run up to the switch and pull the lever to get the chickens stuck inside the machine and push the box down. Leave the barn. Take a leap of faith and then push the pig car forward. So that you can climb to the roof.

Move forward to complete the chapter. Jump over the wild boar to avoid its attack. It is he who will allow you to get inside the plant.

Secret. In the lake we swim to the left, dive deeper. We swim through the underwater cave into the secret. We climb onto a hill, push the beam to the right side, and move along it to the right platform. We see a device in the form of a ball with lights around it. We take out the capsule to turn off the ball (1).

Secret. In the corn field we reach a place where there are fewer plants, and the hero is clearly visible. We stand a little to the left of this place, in the thickets we find a hatch in the ground, open it and go down the stairs. In the dungeon on the right, in front of the closed door, there is an input device with three positions. But to find out the password to it, you need to find all the secret balls in the game. In the dungeon on the left we find a hatch, crawl into the ventilation, and in a separate room we find a ball (2).


We go out to the farm. We run to the building, grab the hanging rope and climb into the top window.

Inside the barn, we start the generator and press the lever. We go back, open the door from the inside, chickens run inside after us. We lure the chickens to the device to the left of the generator, then quickly press the lever. The chickens will be sucked into the pipe, they will fly out from above, and this will cause the box to fall. We move the box to the right wall and climb up.

We run along the roof. From the edge we jump down onto a cart with pig carcasses.

Secret. We roll the cart to the left wall, climb onto it, and tear out the board from the wall. We go inside the pigsty. We climb up the rope into the attic, jump over to the left, there we find the ball (3).

We roll the cart to the right wall and climb onto the building.

It starts to rain. We walk through deep mud and climb over the fence. A piglet will chase us, we jump over it. We approach the right wall, the piglet will run and ram the wall, and we need to jump away in time.

Inside the room, we again approach the right wall, the piglet will crash into it. We pull out a leech from a stunned pig. After this, we move the pig back to the hanging device on the rope. We jump along the animal’s back to the device.

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