Yogurt at home. Yogurt, benefits and harm to the human body. Is yogurt from a yogurt maker healthy?

Natural starter cultures for cooking homemade yogurt are becoming more and more popular.

But can store-bought yogurt be compared with home-fermented yogurt? What is the significant difference? And how to make yoghurt at home that is tasty and truly healthy?

Say no to store-bought yogurt!

Why? After all, this is a source of beneficial lactobacilli, say the manufacturers. They are trying their best to produce yoghurts of different fat contents and the most intricate flavors. But doctors are unanimous in their opinion - do not expect all the benefits that natural yogurt may contain from store-bought yogurt.

What is yogurt by definition? This is a fermented milk product resulting from the fermentation of milk by lactic acid bacteria. Most often these are the Bulgarian bacillus Lactobacillus bulgaricus and the thermophilic streptococcus Streptococcus thermophilus, which are friendly to human microflora. They ferment the milk sugar lactose at a warm temperature, thereby providing the final product with a characteristic taste and consistency. It is the content of lactic acid bacteria and their metabolic products in milk that makes yogurt at home useful for the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and metabolic processes. Does this apply to store-bought yogurt? Unlikely.

Beneficial bacteria do not last long. They do not live more than 5 days, even when yogurt is stored in the refrigerator. What is the shelf life of store-bought yogurt? Sometimes up to 10 days, sometimes up to 21. If you expect to benefit from buying yogurt that is 2 days old, then think about it in this case too. The manufacturer will certainly add it to the yogurt preservatives so that it does not spoil. It is the content of preservatives in purchased yogurt that negatively affects bacteria in the first hours and days. Their growth and reproduction is suppressed.

Will yoghurts “with a milky taste”, or better yet with a “sour milky taste”, be in great demand? Not only children, but also adults won’t be particularly interested in this kind of thing. That's why manufacturers add it to yogurt flavorings and flavorings. Berries and pieces of fruit, syrups, caramel, vanilla and so on. Do you believe that this yogurt contains natural additives? In vain. In this case, its cost would be much higher, and the shelf life would again be lower. This is not beneficial for either the enterprising manufacturer or the thrifty buyer. This means that store-bought yoghurts contain dried fruits/berries (most often leftover from the production of juices and similar products), which smell amazing, but are completely useless and even potentially harmful additives.

Carefully read the ingredients of purchased yogurt. Yes, you will see milk, and, of course, the names of fermented milk crops. Flavorings will also be mentioned. But what about all kinds of thickeners, starch and other difficult to pronounce and unmemorable names? They provide a pleasant texture of the drink, uniformity, and creaminess. They also affect the cost of the product - more chemicals, less cost. As a result, in terms of cost, a liter of ready-made yogurt will cost the buyer less than a liter of good milk and a bottle of starter. And this does not include fresh fruits, nuts, and honey. In the pursuit of profit, the buyer loses the main thing - instead of the most useful product our body needs, it receives its analogue, a substitute of not the highest quality.

Is it possible to buy healthier yogurt for more money? Again - unlikely. If you categorically do not accept making yogurt at home, give preference to products with a shelf life of 3-5 days, with a natural taste (without additives or flavors) and with the least number of mysterious names in the composition.

And before you make the final choice between store-bought and homemade yogurt, find out about the benefits of natural yogurt and that preparing it is not so difficult.

What are the benefits of yogurt at home?

And now a few words about the potential benefits of yogurt. Manufacturers of mass products claim that their jars of yoghurt already have a lot of positive qualities, but in fact it’s all about yoghurt prepared at home using natural starters.

So, the benefits of cooking homemade yogurt:

  • source of vitamins and minerals - fresh homemade yogurt will supply the body with phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, B vitamins, vitamins A and K; their intake into the body ensures healthy bones and the digestive tract, builds immunity and resistance to infections and a wide variety of diseases;
  • intestinal health and prevention of dysbiosis - yogurt contains lactobacilli and calcium; the first resist pathogenic intestinal microflora, the second destroys microorganisms that, according to some studies, cause intestinal cancer;
  • health of the gastrointestinal tract - yogurt is useful not only for the intestines, which are characterized by a certain microflora; a portion of good yogurt will help overcome indigestion and diarrhea, and will also be very appropriate in parallel with the use of antibiotics;
  • formation of immunity - 300 grams of natural yogurt per day will be an excellent alternative to vitamin and mineral complexes if there is a need to strengthen the immune system; so that your health does not fail on the eve of epidemics and all year round, yogurt should be consumed on a regular basis;
  • prevention and recovery from thrush - treatment of thrush should often take place not locally, but comprehensively; In addition to the fact that drugs are prescribed to suppress the growth of the fungus, it is also necessary to strengthen the immune system and form healthy microflora in the intestines;
  • reduction of cholesterol levels in the blood - studies show that the entire range of beneficial substances from natural yogurt in the human body is reflected in the composition of the blood, in particular, the concentration of “bad” cholesterol in it decreases; this will subsequently have a positive effect on metabolic processes and the health of the cardiovascular system.

In addition to these pronounced positive effects of homemade yogurt, it should be mentioned that natural yogurt improves brain function, prevents the development of depression (the content of B vitamins has a positive effect on the functioning of the brain and central nervous system), helps to lose a few extra pounds (by normalizing digestive and metabolic processes).

This is not a complete list of the beneficial properties of yogurt.

Eating homemade yogurt may turn out to be more practical than at first glance, and here are a few reasons:

  • It’s delicious - some people don’t like the natural taste of yogurt at home, but it can be supplemented with a variety of syrups, jams, fresh fruits and berries, dried fruits, honey, chocolate, nuts, sugar in the end. Yogurt is also fermented with the addition of natural flavors (cinnamon sticks or vanilla).
  • Pleasant texture - other housewives complain that their yogurt turns out to be too liquid or with lumps, separates, and generally tastes too sour or has an unpleasant odor. The solution to the problem lies in observing the subtleties of preparation (in particular the desired temperature) and choosing the appropriate starter (cultures can affect the taste).
  • Savings - third housewives count every penny, but in the end they calculate it. Only at first glance, ready-made yogurt is cheaper than homemade. And if you save just a little, you will not provide your body with anything useful. In addition, housewives have the opportunity to re-ferment a new liter of milk using a few tablespoons of homemade yogurt. This can be done within five days of activity of living bacteria and no more than two times from one bottle of starter culture. As a result, the cost of the product is reduced, and given its exceptional usefulness, the benefits are obvious.
  • Ease of use is an argument of the fourth category of lazy housewives. It would seem that what could be easier than opening and drinking a jar of store-bought yogurt? The answer is simple and varied. Firstly, you can buy a yogurt maker, and then all your culinary efforts will be reduced to dissolving the starter in milk and plugging in the household appliances. Secondly, yogurt ferments on its own and without a yogurt maker - use a slow cooker or a turned off but preheated oven (plus a blanket and jars wrapped in cling film). It may be somewhat time-consuming, but it’s unlikely to take longer than preparing a full dinner.

If such a list of arguments tips the scales towards homemade yogurt, then take into account some contraindications to its regular use. Yes, yes, there are those too.

Who wouldn't like natural homemade yogurt?

The first thing that comes to mind is people with . But there is a nuance here - lactic acid bacteria take over the function of digesting lactose and this allows people with lactase deficiency to consume dairy products in a small amount.

Another thing, . This disorder is incompatible with the consumption of cow's milk products. You can try making yogurt at home from sheep or goat milk. But it is possible that such milk will not be accepted by the body, and this is certainly a good reason not to experiment with making yoghurts.

Interestingly, even ordinary natural yogurt without added sweeteners already contains sugar. There are 4 grams of it in yogurt per 100 grams of product. Sweet drinking yoghurts can contain up to 30 grams of sugar. Eating such yoghurts daily risks leading to the development of diabetes. And even more so, diabetics should treat homemade yoghurts with caution. As for the sugar content in yoghurts for people losing weight, it does not play a significant role, and other components of yoghurt only normalize metabolic processes and promote weight loss.

Another danger of yoghurts lies in the use of homemade unpasteurized milk. In this case, it is not so much yoghurt that is dangerous as milk. It can be a source of dangerous bacteria - salmonella, E. coli. If you think homemade milk is healthier, remember these risks, and be sure to boil the milk and then cool it to the required temperature, this is a minimum. Also, during the preparation of yogurt, both beneficial and pathogenic microorganisms can multiply in it, and therefore you need to use not only pasteurized milk, but also clean dishes.

The subtleties of making yogurt at home

If you have a yogurt maker, then there are usually no difficulties with making yogurt at home. However, even in this case, you need to choose excellent milk, choose a good starter, and keep the kitchen clean. If you consider a yogurt maker unnecessary, and you treat yourself to natural yogurt not regularly, but from time to time, then there are secrets on how to make yogurt without such equipment. But first things first.

Choosing milk. It is preferable to choose pasteurized and ultra-pasteurized milk. Don't think it's less healthy than homemade one. Give preference to homemade milk only if you are completely confident in its manufacturer. And what kind of milk you definitely shouldn’t use for drinking or making yoghurt is sterilized milk - all its beneficial components have been destroyed.

Before preparing yogurt, homemade milk must be boiled, pasteurized milk must be heated to 90 o C, ultra-pasteurized milk requires neither boiling nor heating, but only heating to the required temperature.

In order for bacteria to actively multiply and certainly not die, milk for yogurt at home needs to be heated to 38-44 o C. If you do not use a thermometer, but determine the temperature “by eye”, drop a few drops of milk on your wrist - it will should be lukewarm, not hot. Please note that at temperatures above 50 o C, lactic acid bacteria will die.

To boil or heat milk, use a thick-bottomed stainless steel pan, ceramic or glass container. It is better not to use enamel dishes; milk will quickly burn in them. It is better to ferment milk in a glass container or special jars that come with a yogurt maker and some multicookers.

Choosing a sourdough starter. Most popular for cooking homemade yoghurts I use dry industrial starter. It can be purchased at pharmacies, health food stores or large supermarkets (in the dairy department). This starter usually contains classic yogurt bacteria - Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus.

What you definitely shouldn’t use to make yoghurt at home is yoghurt from factory packaging. Even with natural taste and without flavorings. Even with a short shelf life. Such a jar is hardly cheaper than one bottle of dry starter, but you run the risk of encountering an unnatural product, or even pathogenic microflora.

As stated in the instructions, the powder from the bottle must first be dissolved in a small amount of milk, shaken, and then mixed with the bulk. For the next batch of yogurts, you can use your own prepared yogurt as a starter. There is an opinion that yogurt can be re-fermented 4-10 times, but it must be taken into account that at home we cannot provide sterile conditions, and along with beneficial bacteria, pathogenic microbes will multiply in each subsequent serving of yogurt. Therefore, the optimal number of re-fermentations will be two.

Selection of cookware. As already noted, to heat milk, use thick-bottomed stainless steel, glass or ceramics; for fermentation, use glass or plastic. But much more important than the material of the dishes is its cleanliness. At home, it is almost impossible to ensure the sterility of the process, but it is necessary to thoroughly wash the cups/jars in which the yogurt will be fermented. Use hot water, soda, brushes. At a temperature of about 40 o C in a slightly contaminated container, many unfavorable organisms run the risk of developing during 6-12 hours of ripening. Please use caution. After the allotted time has passed, transfer the container with yoghurts to the refrigerator, where they will be stored for no more than five days.

A few final secrets:

  • if you cook without a yogurt maker, it is important to maintain the temperature at about 40 o C for 6-10 hours, for this you can use:
    • thermos;
    • a blanket and leave the wrapped container next to the central heating radiator or heater (observe fire safety!);
    • The container with water needs to be kept at a temperature - you need to place jars wrapped in cling film in it (make sure that water does not get inside), and periodically add hot water;
    • the oven is turned off, but preheated to 50 o C - you can place both a container wrapped in a blanket and a container with hot water and jars in it;
  • during the process of preparing yogurt, “do not disturb” it - do not open, shake or stir for at least 6 hours, or even the full cooking cycle (up to 8-9 hours);
  • add flavorings to already prepared yogurt, since both sugar and acids from fruits can disrupt the fermentation process;
  • In order for the fermentation process to be complete, the finished yogurt must be cooled for at least 4 hours in the refrigerator.

If you follow all these recommendations, as well as “through trial and error,” you will certainly get yogurt at home with a pleasant and delicate consistency. You can complement it with your favorite flavors of berries, fruits, caramel, chocolate, vanilla. Homemade yoghurts are also used to make soups and salads. The maximum shelf life of homemade yogurt is 1 week, but it is better to eat it within 5 days.

Detailed chemical composition and description of homemade yogurt, from what it can be prepared. Beneficial properties and harm of the product. Simple recipes for cooking in a slow cooker, yogurt maker, thermos.

Description and composition of homemade yogurt

This is a completely natural low-calorie product that serves as a dessert. It is widely used for feeding children and on diets. It can be safely included in the menu if you have problems with the intestines and stomach. This treat is much tastier and healthier than store-bought; there are no harmful additives or preservatives.

This product is a fermented milk product and is made from milk, various additional ingredients to enhance the taste - berries, fruits, chocolate and sourdough. The products “Evitalia” and “Narine” are excellent for the latter. You can do without this component, but then the mass will not be sour and thick enough. The easiest way to prepare it is in special equipment - a yogurt maker, in the absence of which thermoses and multicookers are suitable.

The calorie content of homemade yogurt per 100 g of product without fruits, berries and other additives is 68 kcal, of which:

  • Proteins - 5 g;
  • Fats - 3.2 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 3.5 g;
  • Organic acids - 1.3 g;
  • Ash - 0.7 g;
  • Water - 86.3 g;
  • Cholesterol - 9 mg.
Vitamins per 100 g:
  • A, RE - 22 mcg;
  • Beta-carotene - 0.01 mg;
  • Retinol - 0.02 mg;
  • B1, thiamine - 0.04 mg;
  • B2, riboflavin - 0.2 mg;
  • B4, choline - 40 mg;
  • B5, pantothenic acid - 0.31 mg;
  • B6, pyridoxine - 0.05 mg;
  • B12, cobalamin - 0.43 mcg;
  • RR, NE - 1.4 mg;
  • Niacin - 0.2 mg;
  • C, ascorbic acid - 0.6 mg.
Macroelements per 100 g:
  • Potassium, K - 147 mg;
  • Calcium, Ca - 122 mg;
  • Magnesium, Mg - 15 mg;
  • Sodium, Na - 52 mg;
  • Sulfur, S - 27 mg;
  • Phosphorus, Ph - 96 mg;
  • Chlorine, Cl - 100 mg.
Microelements per 100 g:
  • Iron, Fe - 0.1 mg;
  • Iodine, I - 9 mcg;
  • Cobalt, Co -1 µg;
  • Manganese, Mn - 0.006 mg;
  • Copper, Cu - 10 μg;
  • Molybdenum, Mo - 5 μg;
  • Selenium, Se - 2 μg;
  • Fluoride, F - 20 mcg;
  • Chromium, Cr - 2 μg;
  • Zinc, Zn - 0.4 μg.
Digestible carbohydrates per 100 g:
  • Mono- and disaccharides (sugars) - 3.5 g;
  • Glucose (dextrose) - 0.03 g;
  • Lactose - 3.5 g;
  • Galactose - 0.05 g.
Essential amino acids per 100 g:
  • Arginine - 0.174 g;
  • Valine - 0.323 g
  • Histidine - 0.156 g;
  • Isoleucine - 0.3 g;
  • Leucine - 0.45 g;
  • Lysine - 0.387 g;
  • Methionine - 0.115 g;
  • Methionine + Cysteine ​​- 0.17 g;
  • Threonine 0.216 g;
  • Tryptophan - 0.072 g;
  • Phenylalanine - 0.225 g;
  • Tyrosine - 0.47 g.
Essential amino acids per 100 g:
  • Alanine - 0.16 g;
  • Aspartic acid - 0.344 g;
  • Glycine - 0.093 g;
  • Glutamic acid - 0.897 g;
  • Proline - 0.518 g;
  • Serine - 0.278 g;
  • Tyrosine - 0.242 g;
  • Cysteine ​​- 0.05 g.
Of the fatty acids in 100 g of homemade yogurt there are 0.03 g of Omega-3 and 0.1 g of Omega-6.

Saturated fatty acids per 100 g:

  • Nylon - 0.07 g;
  • Caprylic - 0.04 g;
  • Capric acid - 0.08 g;
  • Lauric acid - 0.09 g;
  • Oily - 0.1 g;
  • Myristic - 0.45 g;
  • Pentadecane - 0.03 g;
  • Palmitic - 0.56 g;
  • Margarine - 0.02 g;
  • Stearic acid - 0.31 g;
  • Arachina - 0.04 g.
Monounsaturated fatty acids per 100 g:
  • Gadoleic acid - 0.01 g;
  • Oleic - 0.69 g;
  • Palmitoleic - 0.08 g;
  • Myristoleic - 0.04 g.
Polyunsaturated fatty acids per 100 g:
  • Arachidonic acid - 0.08 g;
  • Linoleic acid - 0.02 g;
  • Linolenic - 0.03 g.

The benefits of homemade yogurt for the body

The positive effect of yogurt on health is easily explained by the fact that they contain probiotics, among which the most important are lactobacilli bulgaricus and lactobacilli thermophilus. Their complex effect allows you to improve the functioning of the intestines, stomach, heart, kidneys and other organs, but first of all we are talking about digestion. Considering the benefits and harms of yogurt, it must be said that this is a particularly useful product for the elderly and children due to its high calcium content.

Beneficial properties of yogurt for the gastrointestinal tract

Gastroenterologists and nutritionists strongly recommend including it in the therapeutic diet No. 4, No. 5 and No. 2. It is especially necessary for gastritis with high acidity, because it reduces the amount of hydrochloric acid produced. This allows you to protect yourself from the development of ulcers and colitis. We are talking only about the chronic form of the disease; during an exacerbation, this dessert will be more harmful than useful.

When studying the beneficial properties of homemade yogurt, it is impossible not to note the following:

  1. Normalization of stool. Acts of defecation become more frequent, pass without problems, constipation is no longer a concern due to the softening of the intestinal mucosa and the putting in order of its microflora.
  2. Improving bile flow. As a result, nausea ceases to bother you, appetite improves, and the level of bilirubin in the blood normalizes.
  3. Elimination of dysbacteriosis. Yogurt destroys pathogenic microorganisms, populating the intestines with beneficial bacteria. This helps stop constipation, nausea and bloating, and eliminates bad breath and belching.
  4. Prevention of colitis. Lactobacilli relieve dysbiosis and flatulence, which create favorable conditions for inflammation of the intestinal mucosa.

The benefits of homemade yogurt for the immune system

Due to the content of vitamin B12, iron and ascorbic acid, this product strengthens the body's defenses. This is especially important in winter, when the risk of encountering viral diseases and colitis is increased. In the latter case, the necessary substances are poorly absorbed and anemia occurs. This yogurt can slightly increase hemoglobin, and children primarily need it. It is no less useful for women in “position”, who often have problems with this.

As a result of eating this dessert, the following occurs:

  • Strengthening resistance to viruses and microbes. Flu, sore throat and other ENT diseases are no longer so scary.
  • Normalization of red blood cell volume in the blood. This is an important step in increasing hemoglobin and supplying cells with oxygen. With its deficiency, the head often hurts and feels dizzy.
  • Activation of cell renewal. Over the years, this process slows down, which is facilitated by improper, unhealthy nutrition.
  • Elimination of weakness and lethargy. This effect is explained by the inclusion of B12 and iron, which give a person energy.
  • Improved mood and overall well-being. Thanks to its pleasant taste and delicate sweetish aroma, hunger is quickly satisfied and stress goes away.

The benefits of yogurt for bones and joints

This is the most common reason for making yogurt at home. Its positive effect on joints, bones and teeth is explained by the fact that the composition contains a lot of calcium (if we are talking about a drink based on animal milk). Without this microelement, their full formation and development is impossible, and the risk of osteoporosis, arthritis, and osteochondrosis increases.

Considering the beneficial properties of homemade yogurt, we should highlight:

  1. Preventing caries. It is impossible to stop it completely in this way, but you can slow down the course and start preventing the disease.
  2. Strengthening tooth enamel. Under the influence of junk food and a lack of calcium, it is significantly weakened, as a result of which sensitivity becomes higher and the tooth decays faster.
  3. Improved bones and joints. Yogurt, being rich in calcium, selenium and copper, compensates for the lack of these micro- and macroelements and prevents cartilage from deteriorating. This is especially important for older people who are susceptible to such problems.
  4. Mitigation of arthrosis. This product must be included in the therapeutic diet No. 10. The substances included in its composition prevent the inflammatory process from progressing and reduce pain.

The benefits of yogurt for cleansing the body

The results are visible after 1-2 months of regular use of the product, subject to a low-carbohydrate diet that excludes all fatty foods, flour, fried foods, spicy foods and sugar. This method is suitable only for those who do not suffer from chronic gastritis and colitis in the acute stage. Not only the intestines will be cleansed, but also the liver, kidneys, stomach, blood vessels and blood.

As a result of using such a product, it becomes possible:

  • Detoxification. To do this, just drink a glass of the drink on an empty stomach every morning for 1-2 weeks in a row.
  • Neutralization of free radicals. Their timely suppression protects against the development of cancer, benign neoplasms, atherosclerosis and thrombosis.
  • Lower cholesterol levels. The effectiveness of this will be much higher if you add fresh fruits and berries to the main product. As a result, blood pressure is normalized and the risk of myocardial infarction is reduced.

Beneficial properties of yogurt for weight loss

The effectiveness of consuming this lactic acid product in the fight against excess weight is determined by its high nutritional value and low calorie content. It is almost impossible to recover from it, even if you get very carried away. But its benefits will be noticeable only if you create the right diet with the consumption of a limited amount of carbohydrates and exercise.

Here's what causes weight loss:

  1. Detoxification. This takes from 1 to 2 months; The worse a person eats, the more time it takes.
  2. Cleansing from toxins. They settle in the intestines and blood vessels, preventing sufficient oxygen from reaching the cells. As a result, metabolism slows down, which leads to the appearance of fatty folds on the abdomen.
  3. Normalization of cholesterol levels. Its high levels are associated with a sedentary lifestyle, eating unhealthy foods and being overweight. Yogurt gives energy for sports, quickly satisfies hunger and fights fat.

Important! To lose weight, you cannot cook this dish with sugar and its analogues; it is better to replace them with berries and fruits.

The harm of homemade yogurt

In itself, such a product is not at all harmful; it can only cause problems if it goes bad. In this case, most likely, the stomach will hurt, nausea, belching and loose stools will appear, up to the urge to vomit. With such symptoms, you must immediately drink at least 0.5 liters of pure mineral water or activated carbon, following the instructions for it.

Such a delicacy can also cause harm in case of exacerbation of gastritis with high acidity, colitis, or cholelithiasis. If your health condition worsens, you should avoid any yogurt dessert for 5-10 days, which can cause colic and abdominal pain.

Among the contraindications to consuming homemade yogurt is lactose intolerance. In such a situation, it is possible to replace milk of animal origin with any vegetable milk - soy, almond, rice, etc. You also need to take into account the body's reaction to additional ingredients - sourdough, sugar, fruits and berries.

Homemade yogurt recipes

This dish needs to be cooked 1-2 times, as it spoils quickly. Here you can use both goat and cow's milk, even sheep's milk is suitable. The priority is a homemade product with high fat content, ideally cream. It is always boiled before adding it. Pasteurized, store-bought - not the best option. Adherents of raw food and vegetarianism should pay attention to soy, rice, and coconut analogues. The first has a bitter aftertaste, which not everyone will like.

Here are some ways to make delicious yogurt:

  • In the yogurt maker. You will need milk (1 l), bananas (2 pcs.), water (80 ml), sourdough starter (250 ml) and powdered sugar (100 g). All these components are mixed and the mass is beaten with a mixer. Next, place it in a bowl and leave the treat for 6 hours, selecting the appropriate settings. After the specified time, take out the dish and put it in the refrigerator for 3 hours, after which it is poured into glasses.
  • In a slow cooker. Wash the special bowl well in advance, place it upside down on a towel to drain and wait until it dries. At this time, boil 3 glasses of milk, cool it, add starter (30% of the total mass) and powdered sugar (50-100 g). Mix the mixture thoroughly, pour it into the prepared container and select the “yogurt” mode. The temperature should be no more than 40 degrees, the cooking time should be 4 hours, the mass should be stirred every 20 minutes, eventually it will thicken and will need to be poured into glasses. At the end, the dish can be decorated with fruit syrup, jam or berries; it is served chilled.
  • In a thermos. Boil 1.5 milk and cool, pour in the starter (0.5 l) and wait until it is completely dissolved. Instead of this ingredient, you can use ready-made yogurt. Next, add sugar, fruits and berries to taste, pour the mixture into a container, close the lid tightly and leave for 8 hours in a warm place. Then place the thermos in the same form in the refrigerator; You can try dessert 3 hours later.
  • The natural way. To prepare a delicacy without sourdough, you will need to combine homemade curdled milk (1 l) with vanilla sugar (2 tbsp.) and raspberries (100 g). The latter can be replaced with any other berry or fruit. Then carefully, stirring, add 1.5 tsp. corn starch, which serves as a thickener. After this, beat the mixture with a mixer and fill 0.5-liter jars with it, close them with lids and refrigerate for 12 hours.
It is best to serve yogurt in a transparent container - a glass, bowl or ice cream maker. You can insert a cocktail straw on top for beauty and convenience. During the season of fresh berries and fruits, it would be appropriate to decorate the dish with raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, plums, etc. It also turns out delicious with additives in the form of grated chocolate, nuts, ground coffee beans, jam, and syrups. With the resulting yogurt you can prepare casseroles, pancakes, cocktails, smoothies, cookies and many other equally delicious dishes.

Important! The longer you keep the mixture in the thermos, the brighter the sour taste will be.

This dessert is best digested on an empty stomach, and under no circumstances should you drink it with anything. Giving it in the evening is not as beneficial as is mistakenly believed.

It is almost impossible to gain weight from it, since it is one of the lowest calorie drinks.

This lactic acid product began to be produced by the ancient Thracians, and it was originally made from sheep's milk. In Kievan Rus, yogurt was as popular as mead.

Homemade drink should be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature not below zero. When it is frozen, about 50% of the nutrients are lost. If it is left in a warm place for more than a day, it may ferment, and then the sour taste will increase. It is almost impossible to get poisoned with such a dessert if the production technology is strictly followed.

How to make homemade yogurt - watch the video:

If you take into account the benefits and harms of yogurt for the body and how to prepare it at home, you will definitely be able to “outdo” commercial manufacturers who so love to pass off their products as natural, although in fact they are harmful and even dangerous. This dish can be safely given even to children!

Yogurt can be considered the most popular fermented milk product. Both children and adults enjoy it; it is included in diets and used in cosmetology. Not all yogurts presented on store shelves can benefit the body. Most of them undergo heat treatment and they become useless for health.

Only natural yogurt containing live bacteria can bring real benefits to the body, of which 1 gram. the product must contain at least 107 CFU.

The benefits of yogurt are determined by the beneficial properties of the milk used for its preparation. This product has features - these are live bacteria, which make it unique. Bifidobacteria are able to inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria that cause many diseases. They normalize intestinal microflora, neutralize the harmful effects of nitrites and suppress fungi. Thanks to this, live yogurt will become an assistant in the fight against gastrointestinal problems. It will help prevent candidiasis and colon cancer.

Another great thing about yogurt is that, unlike milk and other dairy products, it does not cause allergic reactions in people with lactose allergies. During the ripening process, living bacteria process almost all the lactose and release substances that facilitate the absorption of the product. Yogurt improves the intestinal absorption of other foods.

Eating a glass of yogurt in the morning and evening is possible, since the bacteria contained in it stimulate blood cells that fight infections and force the body to actively produce the protein interferon, which is the body’s natural defense.

Correct composition of yogurt

The benefits of yogurt are not limited to the content of live bacteria. This product contains many useful substances. It contains vitamins PP, C, A and almost all B vitamins, sodium, potassium, fluorine, zinc, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, mono- and disaccharides, organic acids and saturated fatty acids. This composition of yogurt makes it a valuable product that should be present in the diet of adults and children.

The shelves of modern stores are filled with a variety of yoghurts: natural, with additives, Greek and many others. But experts say that the benefits of yogurt for the body are real only when it is homemade. True, even in this case, you need to follow the dosage and exercise caution, otherwise eating the dish will not provide a therapeutic effect, but noticeable harm. Choosing or preparing a quality drink is not at all difficult, because there are clear requirements for the set of components, texture and properties of the finished product.

How to distinguish real yogurt

Just because it says “natural yogurt” on the package doesn’t mean anything. To make sure that the contents of the container correspond to the declared name, you need to evaluate the labeling, composition and fat content:

  • The shelf life cannot exceed 7 days; it is better if it is not only 3 days. If the numbers are noticeably higher, it means that the mass contains a lot of preservatives, and they definitely will not bring any benefit.
  • In a natural composition, the volume of various additives cannot exceed 30%. In general, the more impressive the list of ingredients, the fewer positive properties there will be.
  • You need to pay attention to the calorie content; on average, it is no more than 55-50 kcal per 100 g of product.

Among the ingredients marked “E” there are absolutely safe food additives, but in the case of yoghurts even they are unnecessary. Their presence, although it does not make yogurt harmful, practically eliminates all its potential benefits.

  • A real fermented milk dish consists of milk and starter culture with beneficial microorganisms. Adding cookies, natural jam, jelly or marmalade to the mixture will not harm the product.

An important indicator is the ratio of macronutrients. Don't be surprised if carbohydrates exceed proteins and fats in percentage terms; this is quite normal. It’s good if the product contains vitamins A, B, PP, macro- and microelements.

Useful properties of the drink

Nutritionists confirm that the benefits of natural yogurt are enormous. With regular consumption of fermented milk product in therapeutic doses, you can count on the following results:

  1. Digestion is normalized and the intestines are cleansed. Vitamins and other beneficial substances begin to be better absorbed by the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. The substances in the products envelop the mucous membrane, easing the condition of people suffering from ulcers or gastritis.
  2. Metabolic processes are being improved. A person recovers faster after operations and injuries, or long-term use of antibiotics.
  3. Homemade yogurt can even kill microorganisms that cause fungal and intestinal infections.
  4. Fermented milk drink contains a lot of calcium and phosphorus, so it allows you to quickly restore bones after fractures.
  5. People with individual intolerance to milk perceive yoghurt perfectly. No cases of allergies to it have been recorded.
  6. The product contains acids that promote better absorption of food due to more thorough breakdown of components. This helps not only to get rid of constant heaviness in the stomach, but also to lose a few extra pounds.
  7. Yogurt contains many antioxidants that block carcinogens, remove free radicals, and actively cleanse the body after poisoning.

Some people use yogurt as part of a complex dish, for example, pour it over cottage cheese or dip cookies in it. The therapeutic effect can only be counted on when used as an independent product.

Harm of synthetic yoghurts

Some experts believe that even a natural fermented milk drink can negatively affect human health. This is due to the following factors:

  1. Lactic acid bacteria, passing through the stomach, are destroyed and die. Accordingly, they do not bring any benefit.
  2. Even if these bacteria penetrate all natural barriers, they act unpredictably. In some cases, this can cause diarrhea and increased gas formation, and change the intestinal microflora.

As for synthetic yoghurts, the harm from consuming them may be even greater:

  • They are saturated with preservatives, thickeners and stabilizers, which little by little harm the body.
  • The presence of dyes, which give the product an appetizing appearance, also does not benefit the stomach and intestines.
  • Fruit and berry yoghurts are often subjected to additional treatment with radioactive radiation in an attempt to increase their shelf life.
  • The calorie content of such dishes is often off the charts, so they help not to get rid of excess weight, but to gain it.

Regular consumption of synthetic yoghurts usually does not improve digestion, but the development of dyspeptic disorders. Fans of such snacks often suffer from flatulence and constipation.

Simple homemade yogurt recipe

Making yogurts is not as difficult as it seems. You just need to use high-quality ingredients and maintain their optimal proportions. The benefits of homemade yogurt will be maximum if you prepare it according to this scheme:

  • For 1 liter of fresh milk, take 100 g of homemade sour cream or dry yogurt starter, which can be bought at the pharmacy.
  • Bring the milk to a boil, then cool to 40º C. The liquid should not be cool, but pleasantly warm.
  • Mix with sour cream or sourdough. No need to beat the mixture!
  • Cover the container with the workpiece with a lid and place it in a warm place. We wait 5-8 hours. Ideally, the temperature of the environment should remain at around 40º C, for this you can use a warm oven.
  • If necessary, stir the finished product, pour into sterile jars and close with lids. The shelf life of homemade yogurt is no more than 4 days.
  • If you want to diversify the mass with jam or other sweeteners, then this is best done immediately before serving the dish. Doing this in advance can ruin its taste and appearance.

When using sourdough, you should carefully read the instructions on its packaging. The yogurt production technology may differ slightly from the basic one, depending on the composition.

Source http://polzateevo.ru/molochka/jogurt.html

Homemade yogurt: properties

Calorie content: 59.6 kcal.

Homemade yogurt Every day, industrial options are increasingly being pushed aside. This is because such a product contains many useful substances and can be called natural. Homemade yogurt is included in the list of the most healthy dietary foods. In general, this product is a fermented milk product, which is prepared from 2 ingredients: milk and sourdough. You can also add additives to the yogurt to your taste, for example, berries, fruits, nuts, etc. (see photo).

To make homemade yogurt, a starter is used, which consists of Bulgarian bacillus and streptococci. You can prepare this yogurt using a yogurt maker, in which case the cooking time is significantly reduced.

How to choose a starter for homemade yogurt?

Today you can buy a lot of starter cultures for making yoghurt, so to choose a quality option you should know a few features:

  • Choose a starter with several types of bacteria, since the more there are, the tastier and healthier the yogurt will be.
  • The weight of the dry product should be 0.5 or 1 g.
  • Pay attention to where the starter is stored in the store or pharmacy. It is very important that the temperature does not exceed 10 degrees.

The benefits of natural yogurt and treatment

The benefit of homemade yogurt lies in the presence of nutrients. Without the use of various additives, this fermented milk product is low-calorie, so it can be safely used when losing weight, as well as for those who are watching their figure.

If you regularly eat homemade yogurt, you will notice a significant strengthening of the immune system, which allows you to much better resist the negative effects of viruses and infections. For women, homemade yogurt is useful because it suppresses fungal infections due to thrush.

A high-quality fermented milk product helps restore intestinal microflora, this is especially necessary after the use of antibiotics or after an intestinal infection.

This fermented milk product contains a large amount of calcium, which is necessary for the functioning of the nervous system, as well as for bone tissue. In addition, it is worth noting that such yogurt is an excellent source of proteins, which are important for the normal functioning of the body.

Homemade yogurt promotes the absorption of other vitamins and minerals.

Use in cooking

Homemade yogurt in cooking is an excellent independent product, which, thanks to various fillings, can be used as a dessert or as a dressing or sauce. You can make many different desserts using homemade yogurt. Many people use homemade yogurt instead of mayonnaise, for example, if they add mustard or spices. It can also serve as an excellent dressing for fruit salads.

How to make yogurt at home?

The process of making yogurt at home is very simple, and anyone can do it. There are several ways to do it. The simplest one is to buy a special starter at the pharmacy and do everything that is written on the package. We will consider another option, for which you need to take 2 liters of milk, 5 tbsp. spoons of yogurt, which will act as a starter, and another 4 tbsp. spoons of sugar, but this is at your request.

The milk must be brought to a boil and after a few seconds turn off the gas. Then sugar is added to it, mixed and left to cool to 45 degrees. You can check the temperature by placing your finger in the liquid for 15 seconds. If this can be done without getting burned, then the temperature is acceptable. In a separate container, mix a small amount of cooled milk and yogurt, then pour into the milk, stir and cover with a lid. The container should be wrapped in a blanket and left alone for 8 hours. After the time has passed, the yogurt should be mixed thoroughly and refrigerated for a couple of hours. Please note that if you leave the yogurt for longer, it will simply turn sour.

Harm of homemade yogurt and contraindications

Homemade yogurt can be harmful if it is not prepared correctly or if low-quality ingredients are used. It is also very important to use clean containers for cooking, as otherwise you can provoke the growth of pathogenic microflora. Homemade yogurt is contraindicated for those who have allergic reactions to it.

Source http://xcook.info/product/domashnij-jogurt.html

Low-fat fermented milk products are among the permitted ingredients in almost any diet. But, unfortunately, the quality of purchased options is far from ideal, and is simply not suitable for a truly healthy diet. So consumers have to prepare everything themselves. Recipes for yogurt, cottage cheese, and baked milk are regaining popularity. But there is another product that is characterized as tasty and healthy - yogurt. The homemade version is prepared using bacterial starter culture. However, let's deal with the nuances one by one.

Homemade yoghurts: benefits and harms

Main components: milk, bacterial starter, flavoring fillers (optional).

The approximate energy value (the exact value depends on the presence/absence of additives) is 60 kcal. Protein/fat/carbohydrate ratio: 29%/36%/39%.

The most useful microelements contained in the product in question: potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus.

Natural yogurt (without dyes and flavoring additives) does not cause allergies.

  • acidophilus bacillus, bifidobacteria and lactobacilli help restore intestinal microflora;
  • due to the high concentration of lactic acid, it displaces pathogens, which means it prevents food stagnation, the development of disorders and infections in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • accelerates metabolic processes and normalizes body weight;
  • blocks carcinogens and promotes the natural removal of toxins from the body;
  • supports immunity;
  • enhance secretory function.

Yogurts are allowed for gastritis with low acidity, ulcers, cholecystitis. Helps normalize intestinal function during constipation.

A possible side effect is flatulence. With excessive addiction - the appearance of excess weight.

How to make homemade yogurt?

First of all, it is necessary to select a suitable bacterial starter. You can buy this component in almost any pharmacy, as well as in special departments of supermarkets and online stores. The approximate price of one package (enough to ferment a liter of milk) is $1. Popular options: Bifidumbacterin, Genesis, Yoghurtel, Laktina, Kefir-NN, Multilact, Evitalia, Vivo. In case of problems with the gastrointestinal tract, a specific option is purchased on the recommendation of a doctor, in other situations - according to taste.

You can use cereals, various berries and fruits as additives; some people like dill and cucumbers.

Prepare yoghurts in a slow cooker, a saucepan wrapped in a scarf or towel, or a thermos.

There is also a special device - a yogurt maker.

Ingredients: 2 liters of whole “rural” milk, 2 bags of dry bacterial starter. Flavoring filler - optional.

  • pour the milk into a saucepan, boil, simmer for a quarter of an hour;
  • cool until hot, but not scalding (≈ 45ºС);
  • pour the starter into a cup and add a little milk to it. Gently mix the ingredients, pour into the total mass;
  • mix everything again, cover the pan with a tight lid, wrap it in something warm and set aside for 5-7 hours.

The shelf life of natural yogurt is 4-7 days (in the refrigerator).

Source http://gastro-blog.ru/dieticheskoe-pitanie/domashnie-jogurty.html

Benefits of yogurt at home

Topic of today's article: Homemade yogurt benefits. First of all, friends, let’s dot all the i’s regarding the beneficial properties of yogurt.

In general, the benefits of yogurt itself (sold through the retail chain) are due to the presence of the following beneficial properties:

  • B vitamins;
  • vitamins C;
  • pantothenic acid;
  • riboflavin;
  • cyanocobalamin;
  • phosphorus;
  • calcium;
  • zinc;
  • potassium;
  • molybdenum.

If you see other microelements and vitamins on the yogurt label, know that these products are artificially enriched. And yet, the live lactic acid healthy stick is not available in all yoghurts sold through the retail chain of stores. The shelf life of such yoghurts is 3-5 days. Undoubtedly, such yoghurts contain preservatives that allow a temperature not exceeding 80 * C, so some of the enzymes, microorganisms and vitamins are preserved in them.

Other yoghurts with a shelf life of 1 month. and no longer have any value for the human body. This product (that’s what it’s more correct to call it) is stuffed with preservatives, synthetic colors and sweeteners. There is no benefit from it, except perhaps only harm, it is a dead product. The benefits of homemade yogurt in this regard there is no doubt. It contains live active bacteria capable of maintaining the microflora of the body. Only living bacteria destroy the proliferation of pathogenic microflora on the skin and mucous membranes. In general, this protects the body from various kinds of diseases (including dysbiosis).

And now about the benefits of homemade yogurt and how to prepare it:

Method No. 1. For this you will need a yogurt maker. It’s easy to prepare yogurt in it; it will take no more than 10 hours; if you prepare it in the evening, you will get a delicious and healthy breakfast in the morning. Undoubtedly, the cooking time depends on the amount of starter; it is preferable to take live natural yogurt for this (without berries and fruits, they can be added to the finished product before eating, otherwise they can cause the growth of putrefactive bacteria).

For example, you can use yogurts with a shelf life of no more than 5 days (Biomax, Activia or bioyogurt) or a special “Narine” starter as a starter. It is preferable to use bioyogurt since it can later be used as a starter. Just leave a little for preparing subsequent portions; one glass will be enough (enough for 10 preparations).

And so, preparation: 1 l. Boil milk for 5 minutes. (no less), cool to 40*C, then add 70 ml of starter to it. If more milk is taken, then the starter is taken from this calculation. Using bio-yogurt ratio per 1 liter. milk + 1 glass.

When starting cooking, make sure that the dishes are perfectly clean (container, spoon, cups, thermometer), and the temperature is within 380-40*C. The mixture of milk and starter is placed in a yogurt maker, where the temperature will be maintained within the required limits. When the healing drink is ready, it is poured into clean jars and stored in the refrigerator. The shelf life of homemade medicinal yogurt is no more than 1 week.

Other ways to make homemade yogurt will be discussed in the following articles.
Good luck to you friends and health!

In Russia, many types of lactic acid products are produced, obtained by fermenting milk and cream. This includes sour cream, kefir, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, and yogurt. The difference between these products lies mainly in the type of lactic acid bacteria and lactic yeast used in their production.

What determines the benefits of lactic acid products?

The benefits of lactic acid products for the human body are undeniable; it depends on the amount of bioactive bacteria, which should be optimal. Since we are talking about living microorganisms, it is natural that their number in the same product is constantly changing. After the expiration date, the bacteria die, such a product is, at a minimum, useless.

Types of yogurt:

  • Yogurts are divided depending on their fat content: there are both products with low and high content (up to 5%).
  • A separate group of drinking yoghurts is distinguished, differing in liquid consistency.
  • Yogurts can be natural, consisting exclusively of milk and sourdough(particularly beneficial for children’s health), and may contain a variety of nutritional supplements. These are preservatives, flavors, dyes, fruit and berry additives, vanilla, cocoa and others.

Myths about yogurt:

  1. The term “long-life yogurt” is often heard. It has nothing to do with live yogurt. Preservatives used in the preparation of a product with a long shelf life do not allow live bacteria to reach the concentration necessary to maintain beneficial properties. Its benefit in this case is a myth, diligently supported by manufacturers.
  1. Another legend heard in the media is the claim that yogurt is a source of vitamins that can compensate for their deficiency in the body. Indeed, the product contains vitamins, but to compensate for their deficiency in the body, it should be consumed in such huge quantities that not everyone can handle.

The benefits of yogurt

When it comes to benefits, we mean natural yoghurts:

  • Yogurt helps the body destroy pathogenic microorganisms.
  • The bacteria contained in it improve the functioning of the human immune system.
  • The microorganisms included in its composition are involved in the digestion process (the acid present in it promotes the absorption of food) and normalize the functioning of the stomach.
  • Helps compensate for the lack of calcium and phosphorus in case of allergy to milk protein.
  • Normalizes metabolic processes and has a positive effect on the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Eating yogurt is effective in cleansing after poisoning.

Live yogurt can be stored for no more than one week at a temperature not exceeding +7 o C. The refrigerator is quite suitable for these purposes. If the expiration date indicated on the package is more than 7 days, the product contains preservatives, in which case the benefits of yogurt are absent.

Carefully study the product information provided on the packaging. The use of synthetic substances in the production of yogurt is evidenced by the words: bio-yogurt, fruit yogurt, yogurt product.

Can yogurt be harmful to your health?

Yogurt is one of the products that causes a lot of controversial opinions and controversy. There are scientists who claim that natural products cause harm to the body. They are guided by the fact that lactic acid bacteria, when they enter the body, die under the influence of stomach acid and the protective system. And the small amount of bacteria that managed to pass the protective barrier contributes to the occurrence of diarrhea and gases, and multiplies the number of harmful microbes. This means that consuming such a product is at least useless.

Harm that synthetic yoghurts can cause:

  1. Products with a long shelf life contain preservatives, carcinogens, and various additives.
  2. The fruit yogurt recipe allows no more than 33% additives. When buying a fruit-flavored preservative, you are dealing with a lactic acid product that does not contain fruit. The required taste was achieved by adding flavorings, the harm of which is beyond doubt.
  3. The dyes used in production are harmful to health.
  4. The product, to which fruits and berries are added, is treated with radioactive radiation to increase shelf life.
  5. May cause flatulence in the body.
  6. Synthetic products use various thickeners and starch.
  7. Instead of sugar, substitutes are often added to yogurt, such as aspartame (E951), which costs less. The harm of this supplement is that it breaks down in the body, releasing aspartic amino acid.

Products with a long shelf life are subject to heat treatment, which, according to state standards, does not give them the right to be called yogurt, which must include active microflora.

The concentration of harmful substances in fruit yogurt is not so critical as to cause significant harm to health. But their presence no longer allows us to consider the product healthy. At best it makes it useless.

As a rule, domestically produced products are more useful than imported ones, mainly due to the fact that they do not require long transportation, and preservatives are not involved in their production (or are present, but in much smaller quantities). All this is true when it comes to live yogurt. As for soy products that are flavored and contain preservatives, their harm is the same regardless of the country of origin. The only question here is the amount of additives.

Video about the benefits and harms of yogurt

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