Research paper on literature. Research work on literature Chekhov's notes for medical research

Research work on literature on the topic:

“The image of a doctor in the works of A.P. Chekhov”

Completed by: Kudryashova K.K. Checked by: Shakirova G.M.

Study plan

Purpose of the study: determining the role of the medical profession in the life and work of A.P. Chekhov.

Research objectives:

1. Why A.P. Chekhov chose this profession.

2. How A.P. Chekhov belonged to the profession of a doctor.

3. Medicine and literature in the life of Chekhov.

Hypothesis: The depicted images of doctors in Chekhov's works are positive.

Object of study – the profession of a doctor in the life and work of A.P. Chekhov.

Subject of study - Chekhov's stories.

To carry out the research sequentially, I outlined the following stages:

I. Study of theoretical material, special and fiction literature;

II. A survey of representatives of the medical profession in order to determine the correctness of the choice they made;

III. 1. Questioning of representatives of medical activities (Appendix 1)

2. General survey of schoolchildren in grades 5-11 (Appendix 2)


A word about the writer.

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov was not only a Russian writer, a generally recognized classic of world literature, but also an honorary academician of the Imperial Academy of Sciences in the category of belles-lettres (1900-1902), one of the most famous playwrights in the world, as well as a doctor.

Over 25 years of creativity, Chekhov created about 900 different works (short humorous stories, serious stories, plays), many of which became classics of world literature. Natural scientific thinking and literary talent were organically combined in the writer, which allowed him to better understand human psychology and correctly depict the spiritual world of his heroes.

“I didn’t have a childhood as a child.” The writer's childhood and youth.

The father is a merchant in a shop, but a great lover of music, drawing, and a church choir director. When, after the death of his father, the family leaves for Moscow, Anton is left alone in Taganrog. About these years, A.P. Chekhov wrote to Suvorin: “Write a story about how a young man, the son of a serf, a former shopkeeper, a choirboy, a high school student and a student, brought up on honoring rank, kissing the priest’s hands, worshiping other people’s thoughts, thanked for every a piece of bread, cut many times, went to class without galoshes, fought, tormented animals, loved to dine with rich relatives, was a hypocrite to God and people without any need - only from the consciousness of his insignificance, write down how this young man squeezes out drop by drop of himself as a slave and how he, waking up one fine morning, feels that it is no longer slave blood that flows in his veins, but real human blood.”

Medicine in the life of A.P. Chekhov
Chekhov the student

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov entered the medical faculty of Moscow University in 1879. Chekhov's student years were full of studies and work in clinics under the guidance of outstanding scientists. Chekhov received excellent marks from Bogdanov, Snegirev and Sklifosovsky. The scientific work “The History of Sexual Authority”, conceived by the future doctor during his student years, bears traces of his passion for Darwin, whose propagandist was Professor Timiryazev. Outlining to his brother a detailed plan for his proposed research work, Chekhov wrote that he wanted to use Darwin’s techniques, which he “liked terribly.” The future doctor expressed his solidarity with Timiryazev in the feuilleton “Magicians,” directed against the profanation of science, against sloppiness in the methods of scientific research. In his final year, Chekhov the student developed the topic “Medical practice in Russia,” where, collecting materials, he discovered scientific thoroughness and accuracy, systematization skills, the ability to find a guiding goal.

Thus, the writer’s stay at the medical faculty of Moscow University is not just a biographical detail, but a very significant stage in the development of Chekhov’s worldview and moral character - a doctor, a writer, and finally, a person to whom the words of Pierre Cruy, a French scientist, probably fully correspond. bacteriologist of the 20th century: “Medicine is love, otherwise it is worth nothing.”

In 1884 A.P. Chekhov graduated from the medical faculty of Moscow University, deciding to devote himself to the art of medicine.

Medical activity of A.P. Chekhov

Anton Pavlovich began his practical medical activity in the Chikinsky zemstvo hospital, which he knew; for some time he was in charge of the Zvenigorod hospital, replacing the hospital’s doctor, S.P. Uspensky, who had gone on vacation. From Zvenigorod he wrote to N.A. Leikin that, by the will of fate, he was reclaiming the position of zemstvo doctor. Half the day is busy with receiving patients (30-40 people a day), the rest of the time he rests. However, Chekhov did not have to rest much, since he not only received patients in the zemstvo hospital, but also served as a district doctor, traveled with the forensic investigator to perform autopsies, carried out orders from the local administration, and acted as an expert in court.

During his medical career in Voskresensk and Zvenigorod, and then in Babkino, Anton Pavlovich closely observed the life of the local population - peasants, district intelligentsia, landowners. In the midst of this life, the writer drew plots for the stories “The Fugitive”, “Surgery”, “Dead Body”, “Siren”, “Daughter of Albion”, “Burbot”, “The Witch”, etc.

The Babkinsky period is a happy time in the writer’s life. For three years in a row (1885-1887) he lived here with his family in the summer months. Patients with a variety of diseases came to Chekhov, which was generally typical for the work of a zemstvo doctor. This is how Chekhov spent three years in Babkino.

Summer 1888 and 1889 he spends it on the Lintvarevs’ estate near the city of Sumy, Kharkov province. Chekhov goes there to rest, but firmly intends to engage in medical practice. In Luki at the Lintvarevs, as in Babkin, Chekhov devoted several hours every day to medical work.

In 1890, Chekhov travels to Sakhalin Island. In this trip and in his work on the island, the best traits of Chekhov as a writer, doctor, and citizen were reflected. Having settled in his estate in Melikhovo in 1892, Chekhov established regular reception of patients.

He is a doctor who treated up to 1000 patients during 1892, he is also an organizer of the fight against the epidemic, and an active participant in the county sanitary council, and, according to Kurkin, he did not miss a single meeting. Chekhov's close acquaintance with zemstvo doctors enabled Chekhov the writer to reflect their life in a number of remarkable works - in the stories “Enemies”, “Trouble”, “Princess”, in the play “Uncle Vanya”, etc.

In his works (“Name Day”, “Seizure” and others) he strived for a combination of life truth and scientific data. “I have no doubt,” Dr. Chekhov wrote in his autobiography, “that my studies in medical sciences... significantly expanded the field of observation and enriched me with knowledge.” Such literary works as “The Fugitive” and “The Dead Body” owe their appearance to the life experience and observations of Chekhov the student. ”, “Rural Aesculapians”, “Surgery”, “Trouble”, “On Duty” and others.

Having moved to Yalta due to illness (the writer was already seriously ill with tuberculosis), Anton Pavlovich left medical practice, but continued to be actively interested in the achievements of medicine and read special magazines. Medicine has now firmly entered into the artistic work of Dr. Chekhov, giving the prose of the wonderful short story writer objectivity and accuracy, a scientifically reliable depiction of various shades of the heroes’ state of mind: a good or depressed mood, a feeling of anxiety and fear, joy and pleasure...

Thus, both in life and in his work, Chekhov always remained a doctor.

I decided to choose the topic of this research work, since a doctor is one of the oldest and noblest professions on Earth.

Medical worker in the works of A.P. Chekhov

The analysis of individual stories is presented in the table.




His attitude towards work; patients

Attitude towards him

"Case from practice"



Seeing an ugly girl sobbing, the doctor is imbued with sympathy for this sufferer, whom her mother, sparing no expense, treats all her life; wealth did not give these people happiness, joy and health. Moreover, they are separated and lonely.

Lisa saw many doctors, but it was him who she gained confidence in.



Serves in two hospitals: as a resident in one, as a dissector in the other

A simple doctor, above the world of vulgarity. You can respect a person for his ascetic work and high moral strength.

“Served science and died from science”

“What a loss for science... If we compare all of us with him, he was a great, extraordinary man! What talents! what hopes he gave to all of us!.. He was such a scientist as you won’t find today.”


Startsev Dmitry Ionych

Zemsky doctor

He is a good doctor, otherwise he would not be so popular. “He hurriedly received patients in his home in Dyalizh, then left to visit the city patients.”

“He has a huge practice in the city, he has no time to breathe.”

"... But still he does not give up his zemstvo position; greed has overcome."

Remains a professional, but the doctor must combine professionalism and humanism.

At first, Startsev’s degradation evokes pity and sympathy, then disgust. It is very difficult to answer unequivocally why Ionych deteriorated. Of course, he himself is to blame for something, Ekaterina Ivanovna is to blame for something, but the largest share of the blame falls on the society surrounding Startsev.

“Step wider, maestro!”


Country hospital doctor

Talking about a tractor driver who has an ulcer. Solodovnikov, forgetting that he himself had sent him to the area, decided to operate. Girl with meniscus. They postponed the operation again, “I easily agreed.”

BUT: in his dreams he is at the pinnacle of fame. "...Work, work, work. Exhausting. Joyful. Brave. Ascetic. Love of the population. Respect." "You have to live big." Conclusion: Solodovnikov is not shown as a doctor

Solodovnikov is changing so quickly that he will soon work not for himself, but for the sake of other people. Accordingly, their attitude towards him is positive.

"Ward №6"


Zemsky doctor

His manners are soft and insinuating. He is an intelligent and honest person, but he does not have the will and faith in his right to change his life for the better. At first he worked very hard, but soon he got bored and realized that in such conditions it was pointless to treat patients. “And why bother stopping people from dying if death is the normal and legitimate end of everyone?” Because of these considerations, Ragin abandoned his work and began to go to the hospital not every day.

The doctor is treated like a madman because of his communication with the resident of ward No. 6 Gromov. In the end, he is cunningly placed in this ward, and he dies of hopelessness. Only Mikhail Averyanych and Daryushka, his former servant, were at the funeral.


Ivan Ivanovich Chimsha-Himalayan


Nothing is said about his medical activities.

“...not only Burkin and Alekhine listened to him, but also old and young ladies and military men, who looked calmly and sternly from their golden frames...”




In the story, Chekhov ridicules the “woeful doctor” who covers up his inability and ignorance with self-praise and idle talk “.. Nonsense...” - the paramedic is modest, going to the cabinet and rummaging through the instruments. - Surgery is nothing. It’s all about habit, firmness of hand... It’s a piece of cake...” But in fact, the paramedic, having caused terrible torture to the sexton, was unable to pull out the tooth.

At first, the sexton is imbued with the paramedic’s speeches and looks at him with reverence. But after the paramedic tries to pull out his tooth, the sexton’s respect gives way to contempt and hatred.



Regimental veterinarian

The image of Smirnin is not depicted so vividly.

“...the veterinary business in the city is very bad...” (conversation between Olenka and Smirnin).

At first Olenka (Darling) takes pity on him, then she loves him, becoming an “echo” and “shadow” of her lover, then the end of the situation comes.


Stepan Lukich

County doctor

Nellie's pleas for help for her dying husband go unheard. Nellie takes the doctor by force to her husband.

Nellie scolds the doctor, calls him selfish, and says that she will sue him.

Thus, the doctors in the stories of A.P. Chekhov are workers who are faithful to the Hippocratic Oath, selflessly struggling with human illnesses, suffering, and people who treat the medical profession negligently.

What kind of doctor is like in our time, what is valued in medical practice, we found out by conducting a survey among medical workers in the Atnyash NVA. The survey was conducted using questions (see Appendix 1).

A survey conducted among students in grades 5-11 gave the following results (see Appendix 2).

Conclusion: the supposed hypothesis was not confirmed - not all the doctors in Chekhov’s stories that I reviewed are positive characters. It is very pleasing that now medical workers take their work seriously, with love (based on a survey of medical workers in the Atnyash NVA) and at least this many children (25%) want to be doctors (based on a survey of students).

Chekhov wrote: “My studies in medical sciences had a serious influence on my literary activity.” He did not regret his choice of profession, but during his studies at the university he published more than two hundred different materials. But, creating his funny stories, conceiving monumental works, for example, “The History of Sexual Authority” (about the interaction of the sexes at all stages of development) and “Medical practice in Russia,” Chekhov chooses the profession of a doctor and... a writer. He remained in Russian culture - a doctor-writer and a writer-doctor. Without hesitation, he hurried to a child sick with diphtheria, “caught cholera on his tail,” and received men, often without taking anything. And he wrote his stories, which brought him fame as a true writer. And all this despite his serious illness. Chekhov is devoted to medicine, so the doctor “peeks out” from many of his stories.


    Geyser I. M. Chekhov and medicine / I. M. Geyser. – M.: Medgiz, 1954. – 140 p.

    Chekhov, A. P. Ionych // Stories / A. P. Chekhov. – M.: Khudozh. lit., 1963

    Chekhov, A. P. Chamber No. 6 // Collection. op. in 12 volumes / A.P. Chekhov. – M.: State Publishing House of Fiction, 1956. – T. 7.

    Chekhov A. P. Full collection op. and letters: In 30 volumes. Works: In 18 volumes. M., 1974-1982.

    2) What is your profession for you?

    (the unanimous answer is “to everyone - a source of life and pleasure”)

    3) Have you ever regretted your chosen profession?

    (unanimous answer - “no”)

    4) How many years have you devoted to your profession?

    (average 28 years)

    5) What qualities do you think a doctor should have?

    (the majority of respondents answered “kindness, compassion, determination, desire to help people”)

    6) How do your friends close to what you chose feel?

    profession of a medical worker?

    (8 out of 8 – “positive, proud, respected”)

    7) Do you think the doctor’s attitude towards patients has changed over time? If yes, how did this manifest itself?

    (8 out of 8 – “no”)

    8) Do you think the attitude of patients towards doctors has changed over time? If yes, how did this manifest itself?

    (5 out of 8 believe that the attitude has changed, i.e. they have become more understanding)

    9) If you were offered to change your profession to another, would you agree?

    (8 out of 8 – “no”).

    Appendix 2.

Unified State Exam 2018

1. Indicate two sentences that correctly convey the MAIN information contained in the text. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) The basis of natural selection is hereditary variability, and the selecting factor is human activity.

2) In the process of natural selection, those animals that are more adapted to specific living conditions survive and leave full-fledged offspring.

3) Animals that are better adapted to specific living conditions are more likely to survive as a result of natural selection and leave behind full-fledged offspring.

4) In the process of the ongoing struggle for existence, traits useful for humans gradually accumulate in the offspring of animals from generation to generation.

5) Due to the incessant struggle for existence, only those animals whose hereditary characteristics are useful for humans survive and leave offspring

2. Which of the following words (combinations of words) should appear in the gap in the third (3) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combination of words).

On the other side,


Despite this,

3. Read a fragment of a dictionary entry that gives the meaning of the word REPRESENTATIVE. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the second (2) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.


1) A person who acts on someone's behalf. on behalf of, expresses someone's. interests, views. P. plant. Plenipotentiary

2) A typical example of one or another category of animals, plants, etc. This flower is part of the northern flora.

3) Expressor of someone. interests, opinions, views, etc. P. needs of the people. To be someone's representative. interests.

4) A person who represents some kind of person. rank, group of people or some kind. area of ​​activity. The best representatives of the officers.

4. In one of the words below, an error was made in the placement of stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound was highlighted incorrectly. Write this word down.



5. One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word incorrectly. Correct the lexical error by choosing a paronym for the highlighted word. Write down the chosen word.

At the moment, smartphones are in development, and their design may CAN undergo changes.

The pain turned out to be UNTObearable, and a doctor approached the athlete right on the football field.

The INFORMATION portal of the All-Russian School Olympiad is very popular among high school students.

They stood silently at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, looking at the flames of the ETERNAL flame rushing in the wind.

The WARRANTY card must indicate the date of sale, name of the product, and its serial number.

6. In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

experienced TRAINERS

on BOTH sides

sounds no less LOUD



7. Establish a correspondence between grammatical errors and the sentences in which they were made: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

A) incorrect construction of a sentence with a participial phrase B) a violation in the construction of a sentence with a participial phrase C) a violation of the temporal correlation of verb forms D) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition E) a violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application 1) The new aesthetics that emerged in the work of Russian avant-garde artists radically changed the previous “Greco-Roman” ideas about the artistic value of art. 2) People who read Russian fairy tales and epics in childhood were breathtaking from heroic deeds. 3) Having higher reliability, portable receivers consume much less energy. 4) When, after graduating from school, my friend entered the factory, he acquired the qualifications of a turner in a short time. 5) According to I.N. Kramskoy, despite the fact that many landscape painters depict trees, water and even air in their paintings, there is a soul only in the painting “The Rooks” by A.K. Savrasova. 6) Most of the young scientist’s works are devoted to problems of theoretical physics. 7) The inner strength and courage of a person are glorified in the poem by A.T. Tvardovsky "Vasily Terkin". 8) Subsequently, he could not even explain to himself what made him rush across the horses. 9) Using the letter “ъ” at the end of words, in the 19th century it was only a tribute to tradition

8. Identify the word in which the unstressed alternating vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.


mountainous (terrain)

grow up


9. Identify the row in which the same letter is missing in both words. Write out these words by inserting the missing letter.

soulless and... frightening

up..up, announcement

about..heated, ..threw

picked...picked, n..ruled


10. Write down the word in which the letter I is written in place of the gap.





11. Write down the word in which the letter E is written in the blank.


fall out..shit



12. Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

The son’s (IN)AUDIBLE answer aroused suspicion, and the father was forced to ask a few more questions.

Vasilisa returned home, (NOT) HAVING done the most important thing: she did not learn anything about Andrei’s fate.

Former students, in shabby overcoats, with still (NOT) HEALED wounds, returned to their families.

In I. S. Turgenev’s story “The Unhappy,” the hero talks about the impression that a sonata made on him, which he had (NOT) HEARD before.

(UN)AWARE of their purpose, the heroes of A.P. Chekhov’s plays often live their lives meaninglessly.

13. Determine the sentence in which both highlighted words are written CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write down these two words.

(BY) how concentratedly silent L.N. Tolstoy was, his loved ones could guess (HOW) HOW hard his brain was working now.

(C) SUBSEQUENTLY, scientists found that magnesium plays an important role in regulating potassium levels in the body, and ALSO regulates the functioning of the adrenal glands.

From the first pages, I experienced a strange feeling: AS WELL as if from a dark world I (THAT) HOUR was transported to another world - sunny and bright.

(B)SUBSEQUENTLY, researchers have repeatedly said that the apotheosis of Russian glory is the painting “Bogatyrs”, in which V. M. Vasnetsov expressed his romantic and at the same time deeply civil understanding of Russia.

The physical properties of interstellar gas significantly depend on whether it is located in comparative proximity to hot stars or, on the contrary, sufficiently distant from them.

14. Indicate all the numbers in whose place NN is written.

Already in V. Serov’s first landscape, almost all the features characteristic (2) of him as a landscape painter were manifested: sharpness of vision, deepest insight into the essence of what is depicted, sophistication and precision of color.

15. Place punctuation marks. List two sentences that require ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) The captivating beauty of Russian landscapes is amazing and remains in the memory for a long time.

2) Among the most ancient images on the walls of Paleolithic caves are human handprints and incomprehensible patterns with random interweaving of wavy lines.

3) Descartes built the logic of knowledge from the simplest and obvious to the complex and incomprehensible.

4) Artistic speech is characterized by both imagery and emotionality.

5) The poet sees either the diamond shine of a birch tree, or the velvet shine of arable land, or the amber shine of candles.

16. Place all punctuation marks:

Returning the original beauty and splendor of (1) the Shuvalov Palace in St. Petersburg (2), the restorers coordinated the stages of their work with specialists (3) who were preparing the opening in its halls of the Carl Faberge Museum (4), famous for the creation of unique jewelry.

17. Place all the missing punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

18. Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

Chekhov's notes for the study “Medical Practice in Russia” (1), work on which (2) began in 1884 (3) were published only after the death of the writer.

19. Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

Foggy masses rose across the night sky (1) and (2) when the last starlight was absorbed (3) the blind wind, covering its face with its sleeves, swept low along the empty street (4) and then flew up to the roofs of houses.

20. Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error, excluding unnecessary word. Write this word down.

There was not a single flashy color in this landscape, not a single sharp feature in the relief, but its meager lakes, filled with dark and calm water, seemed to express the main essence of water more than all the seas and oceans.

21. Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Please provide answer numbers.

Enter the numbers in ascending order.

1) Lisa’s mother, Anna Sergeevna, who laughed at Paul, was horrified when her daughter called Paul her fiancé.

2) The last words of Paul Sepp, who died in battle, were addressed to his beloved girlfriend Lisa: “Farewell, dear.”

3) Seeing off sixteen people called up for war, the residents of the Estonian village of Orgo cried and behaved as if at a funeral ceremony.

4) Bubenchikov and Kozovalov were filled with pride that they would have to defend their Motherland, adding to the number of recruits.

5) Lisa was determined to go with Paul, who was going to serve, in order to become a sister of mercy and marry him at the first opportunity.

(1) In the evening they met again at the Starkins’. (2) They only talked about the war. (3) Someone started a rumor that the call for recruits this year will be earlier than usual, by the eighteenth of August, and that deferments for students will be cancelled. (4) Therefore, Bubenchikov and Kozovalov were oppressed: if this is true, then they will have to serve military service not in two years, but now.

(5) The young people did not want to fight: Bubenchikov loved his young and, it seemed to him, valuable and wonderful life too much, and Kozovalov did not like anything around him to become too serious.

(6) Kozovalov said sadly:

I'll go to Africa. (7) There will be no war there.

“(8) And I’m going to France,” said Bubenchikov, “and I will become a French citizen.”

(9) Lisa flushed with annoyance. (10) She screamed:

And don't be ashamed! (11) You must protect us, but you think for yourself where to hide. (12) And you think that in France you will not be forced to fight?

(13) Sixteen reserves were called from Orgo. (14) The Estonian caring for Liza, Paul Sepp, was also called up. (15) When Lisa found out about this, she suddenly felt somehow awkward, almost ashamed that she was laughing at him. (16) She remembered his clear, childishly pure eyes. (17) She suddenly clearly imagined a distant battlefield - and he, big, strong, would fall, struck by an enemy bullet. (18) Careful, compassionate tenderness for this departing one rose in her soul. (19) With fearful surprise she thought: “He loves me. (20) And me, what am I? (21) She jumped like a monkey and laughed. (22) He will go to fight. (23) Maybe he will die. (24) And when it’s hard for him, who will he remember, to whom will he whisper: “Goodbye, dear”? (25) He will remember the Russian young lady, alien, distant.”

(26) Those called were seen off solemnly. (27) The whole village gathered. (28) They made speeches. (29) A local amateur orchestra was playing. (30) And almost all the summer residents came. (31) The summer residents have dressed up.

(32) Paul walked ahead and sang. (33) His eyes sparkled, his face seemed sunny-bright - he held his hat in his hand - and a light breeze blew his light curls. (34) His usual baggy appearance disappeared, and he seemed very handsome. (35) This is how the Vikings and Ushkuiniki once went on campaigns. (36) He sang. (37) The Estonians enthusiastically repeated the words of the folk song.

(38) We reached the forest outside the village. (39) Summer residents began to return. (40) The conscripts began to get into the carriages. (41) Clouds were rolling in. (42) The sky was frowning. (43) Gray whirlwinds curled and ran along the road, beckoning and teasing someone.

(44) Lisa stopped Sepp:

Listen, Paul, come to me for a minute.

(45) Paul moved to a side path. (46) He walked next to Lisa. (47) His gait was decisive and firm, and his eyes boldly looked forward. (48) It seemed that the solemn sounds of warlike music beat rhythmically in his soul. (49) Lisa looked at him with loving eyes. (50) He said:

Don't be afraid of anything, Lisa. (51) While we are alive, we will not let the Germans go far. (52) And whoever enters Russia will not be happy at our reception. (53) The more of them enter, the fewer of them will return to Germany.

(54) Suddenly Lisa blushed very red and said:

Paul, these days I have fallen in love with you. (55) I will follow you. (56) They will take me as a sister of mercy. (57) We will get married as soon as possible.

(58) Paul flushed. (59) He leaned over, kissed Liza’s hand and repeated:

Darling, darling!

(60) And when he looked into her face again, his clear eyes were wet.

(61) Anna Sergeevna walked a few steps behind and grumbled:

What tenderness! (62) God knows what he imagines about himself. (63) You can imagine: he kisses the hand, like a knight to his lady!

(64) Bubenchikov imitated the gait of Paul Sepp. (65) Anna Sergeevna found it very similar and very funny, and laughed. (66) Kozovalov smiled sardonically.

(67) Lisa turned to her mother and shouted:

Mom, come here! (68) She and Paul Sepp stopped at the edge of the road. (69) Both had happy, radiant faces.

(70) Kozovalov and Bubenchikov approached together with Anna Sergeevna. (71) Kozovalov said in Anna Sergeevna’s ear:

And for our Estonians, militant enthusiasm suits us very well. (72) Look how handsome he is, like the knight Parsifal.

(73) Anna Sergeevna grumbled with annoyance:

Well, he's so handsome! (74) Well, Lizonka? - she asked her daughter.

(75) Lisa said, smiling joyfully:

Here is my fiance, mommy.

(76) Anna Sergeevna exclaimed in horror:

Lisa, what are you saying!

(77) Lisa said with pride:

He is the defender of the Fatherland.

(According to F. Sologub*)

* Fedor Sologub(1863-1927) - Russian poet, writer, playwright, publicist.

22. Which of the following statements are erroneous? Please provide answer numbers.

1) Proposition 4 indicates the consequence of what is said in sentence 3.

2) Sentences 15–18 contain descriptive elements.

3) Sentences 32–34 present the reasoning.

4) Sentences 38–40 present the narrative.

5) Sentences 51–53 contain description.

23. From sentences 64–72, write down a book word with the meaning “viciously, mockingly, sarcastically.”

24. Among sentences 64-72, find one(s) that is related to the previous one using a collective numeral. Write the number(s) of this sentence(s).

25. Describing the events that took place in the summer of 1914 in an Estonian village, F. Sologub focuses primarily on the actions of the characters and their behavior, as a result of which he often uses a syntactic means of expression - (A)________ (sentences 1, 2, 26, 28, 38). But no less important to the author are the characters themselves: their appearance, feelings, thoughts. Thus, in creating the images of Lisa and Paul, the following tropes play an important role: (B)_______ (in sentence 9, “the sounds beat rhythmically” in sentence 48) and (C)________ (“clear, childlike eyes” in sentence 16 , “careful, compassionate tenderness” in sentence 18, “happy, radiant faces” in sentence 69), which the author skimps on when describing the other characters. And the trope found in the speech of Anna Sergeevna and Kozovalov - (G)________ (“like a knight to his lady” in sentence 63, “like a knight Parsifal” in sentence 72) - despite the sarcasm with which it is pronounced, only emphasizes the contrast between Lisa and Paul, on the one hand, and her family and friends, on the other.”

List of terms:

1) colloquial vocabulary

2) metaphor

3) comparison

4) opposition

5) a number of homogeneous members of the sentence

6) hyperbole

7) phraseology

9) one-part indefinite-personal sentences

Write down the numbers in your answer, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:


To narrow down the search results, you can refine your query by specifying the fields to search for. The list of fields is presented above. For example:

You can search in several fields at the same time:

Logical operators

The default operator is AND.
Operator AND means that the document must match all elements in the group:

research development

Operator OR means that the document must match one of the values ​​in the group:

study OR development

Operator NOT excludes documents containing this element:

study NOT development

Search type

When writing a query, you can specify the method in which the phrase will be searched. Four methods are supported: search taking into account morphology, without morphology, prefix search, phrase search.
By default, the search is performed taking into account morphology.
To search without morphology, just put a “dollar” sign in front of the words in the phrase:

$ study $ development

To search for a prefix, you need to put an asterisk after the query:

study *

To search for a phrase, you need to enclose the query in double quotes:

" research and development "

Search by synonyms

To include synonyms of a word in the search results, you need to put a hash " # " before a word or before an expression in parentheses.
When applied to one word, up to three synonyms will be found for it.
When applied to a parenthetical expression, a synonym will be added to each word if one is found.
Not compatible with morphology-free search, prefix search, or phrase search.

# study


In order to group search phrases you need to use brackets. This allows you to control the Boolean logic of the request.
For example, you need to make a request: find documents whose author is Ivanov or Petrov, and the title contains the words research or development:

Approximate word search

For an approximate search you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of a word from a phrase. For example:

bromine ~

When searching, words such as "bromine", "rum", "industrial", etc. will be found.
You can additionally specify the maximum number of possible edits: 0, 1 or 2. For example:

bromine ~1

By default, 2 edits are allowed.

Proximity criterion

To search by proximity criterion, you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of the phrase. For example, to find documents with the words research and development within 2 words, use the following query:

" research development "~2

Relevance of expressions

To change the relevance of individual expressions in the search, use the " sign ^ " at the end of the expression, followed by the level of relevance of this expression in relation to the others.
The higher the level, the more relevant the expression is.
For example, in this expression, the word “research” is four times more relevant than the word “development”:

study ^4 development

By default, the level is 1. Valid values ​​are a positive real number.

Search within an interval

To indicate the interval in which the value of a field should be located, you should indicate the boundary values ​​in parentheses, separated by the operator TO.
Lexicographic sorting will be performed.

Such a query will return results with an author starting from Ivanov and ending with Petrov, but Ivanov and Petrov will not be included in the result.
To include a value in a range, use square brackets. To exclude a value, use curly braces.

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov



September 18. Korsakov post. The shipwrecked American whalers were interrogated at the police department. Five Americans and one black. They said that the captain of the ship sent them in a boat in pursuit of the whale; they harpooned a whale and followed it in tow; the boat started leaking due to the strong speed; I had to cut the tug and let the whale go. It became dark and the ship was not visible. In the morning there was fog... Then we stormed at sea for four days, having only 10 pounds of bread with us. They washed up on the south-eastern coast of Sakhalin near Cape Tonin.

My neighbor V.N. Semenkovich told me that his uncle Fet-Shenshin, a famous lyricist, driving along Mokhovaya, lowered the window in his carriage and spat on the university. He will hark and spit: ugh! The coachman was so used to this that every time he drove past the university, he stopped.

In January I was in St. Petersburg and stayed with Suvorin. I often visited Potapenko. I saw Korolenko. He often visited the Maly Theater. One day Alexander and I were going down the stairs; B.V. Gey came out of the editorial office at the same time and said to me indignantly: “Why are you arming the old man (i.e. Suvorin) against Burenin?” Meanwhile, I never spoke ill of the employees of “New Time” under Suvorin, although I deeply do not respect most of them.

In February, while passing through Moscow, I visited L.N. Tolstoy. He was irritated, spoke harshly about the decadents and argued for an hour and a half with B. Chicherin, who all the time, it seemed to me, was saying nonsense. Tatyana and Maria Lvovna were playing solitaire; both, having made a wish about something, asked me to remove the cards, and I showed each of them separately the ace of spades, and this saddened them; There were two aces of spades in the deck by chance. Both of them are extremely cute, and their relationship with their father is touching. The Countess denied the artist Ge all evening. She was annoyed too.

5 May. Deacon Ivan Nikolaevich brought my portrait, which he painted from a card. In the evening, V.N. Semenkovich brought his friend Matvey Nikanorovich Glubokovsky to me. This is the head of the foreign department of the Moskovskie Vedomosti, the editor of the Delo magazine and a doctor at the Moscow<овских>imp<ераторских>theaters The impression of an extremely stupid person and bastard. He said that “there is nothing more harmful in the world than a vile liberal newspaper,” and said that the men he treated, having received advice and medicine from him for free, asked him for tea. He and Semenkovich spoke about the peasants with anger and disgust.

On June 1st I was at the Vagankovskoye cemetery and saw the graves of those killed on Khodynka there. I. Ya. Pavlovsky, the Paris correspondent of Novoye Vremya, went with me to Melikhovo.

August 4th. Consecration of a school in Talezh. The Talezh, Bershov, Dubechen and Shchelkovo men brought me four loaves of bread, an icon, two pieces of silver<яные>salt shakers. The Shelkovsky man Postnov gave a speech.

From August 15 to 18, M. O. Menshikov visited me. He is forbidden to publish, and now speaks contemptuously of Gaideburov (son), who told the new head of the Main Directorate for Press Affairs that because of Menshikov alone he would not sacrifice “Week” and that “we have always prevented the desires of censorship.” M<еньшиков>in dry weather he wears galoshes, carries an umbrella so as not to die from sunstroke, is afraid to wash his face with cold water, and complains of heart palpitations. From me he went to L.N. Tolstoy.

Left Taganrog on August 24th. In Rostov I had dinner with my high school friend Lev Volkenshtein, a lawyer who already had his own house and dacha in Kislovodsk. I was in Nakhichevan - what a change! All streets are illuminated with electricity. In Kislovodsk at the funeral of Gen. Safonov's meeting with A.I. Chuprov, then a meeting in the park with A.N. Veselovsky, on the 28th a hunting trip with Baron Steingel, an overnight stay on Bermamut; cold and strong wind. September 2 in Novorossiysk. Steamship "Alexander II". On the 3rd he arrived in Feodosia and stayed with Suvorin. I saw I.K. Aivazovsky, who told me: “You don’t want to know me, an old man,” - in his opinion, I should have come to him for a visit. On the 16th in Kharkov I was at the theater to see “Woe from Wit”. 17th house: the weather is wonderful.

Vlad. S. Soloviev told me that he always carries an ink nut in his trouser pocket - this, in his opinion, radically cures hemorrhoids.

29 was at the zemstvo meeting in Serpukhov.

On the evening of November 26, there was a fire in our house. S.I. Shakhovskoy participated in the extinguishing. After the fire, the prince said that once, when his house caught fire at night, he lifted a vat of water, weighing 12 pounds, and poured the water on the fire.

21 Dec Levitan has an enlarged aorta. He wears clay on his chest. Excellent sketches and a passionate thirst for life.

From January 10 to February 3 - census. I am a counter at the 16th precinct and I mentor the other (15) counters in our Bavykino volost. Everyone works great, except for the priest of the Starospassky parish and the zemstvo chief Galyashkin (the head of the census section), who lives almost all the time in Serpukhov, dines there in the congregation and telegraphs to me that he is sick. They say about other zemstvo leaders in our district that they also do nothing.

Writers such as N. S. Leskov and S. V. Maksimov cannot have success with our criticism, since almost all of our critics are Jews who do not know, are alien to Russian indigenous life, its spirit, its forms, its humor, completely incomprehensible to them, and seeing in a Russian person nothing more or less than a boring foreigner. Ostrovsky was never successful with the St. Petersburg public, mostly led by these critics; and Gogol no longer makes her laugh.

Task 50 #4145

The State Tretyakov Gallery (1) collection (2) of which (3) numbers more than sixty thousand works of art (4) reflects the development of Russian art since the 11th century.

“The State Tretyakov Gallery reflects the development of Russian art since the 11th century” is the first thought. The basis is “The State Tretyakov Gallery reflects.”

“the collection of which numbers more than sixty thousand works of art” is the second thought. The basis is “the collection contains”.

Two thoughts = two sentences. The second sentence is inside the first, so we put two commas: in numbers 1 and 4.

Answer: 14

Task 51 #4146

Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

Chekhov's notes for the study “Medical Practice in Russia” (1), work on which (2) began in 1884 (3) were published only after the death of the writer.

You need to find all the basics. And unions (conjunctive words). Most often - WHICH, WHEN. It is useful to read the sentence carefully and highlight two ideas in it. One thought may be inside another. Or they will go in a row.

“Chekhov’s notes for the study “Medical Science in Russia” were published only after the death of the writer” - the first thought. The basis is “the records were published.”

“work on which began in 1884” is the second thought. The basis is “the work has begun.”

Two thoughts = two sentences. The second sentence is inside the first, so we put two commas: in numbers 1 and 3.

The conjunction word “which” does not have to appear directly after the comma. It, unlike a union, can stand anywhere.

Answer: 13

Task 52 #4147

Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

From the entryway the door led directly to the kitchen (1) to the left wall (2) of which (3) a large Russian stove was attached to one side.

You need to find all the basics. And unions (conjunctive words). Most often - WHICH, WHEN. It is useful to read the sentence carefully and highlight two ideas in it. One thought may be inside another. Or they will go in a row.

“From the entryway the door led straight to the kitchen” - the first thought. The basis is “the door led.”

“to the left wall of which a large Russian stove is stuck on one side” is the second thought. The basis is “the stove stuck.”

The conjunction word “which” does not have to appear directly after the comma. It, unlike a union, can stand anywhere.

Answer: 1

Task 53 #4148

Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

You need to find all the basics. And unions (conjunctive words). Most often - WHICH, WHEN. It is useful to read the sentence carefully and highlight two ideas in it. One thought may be inside another. Or they will go in a row.

“Articles have appeared in the press more than once” is the first thought. The basis is “articles appeared.”

Two thoughts = two sentences. They are in a row, and therefore the comma is only in place of the number 1.

The conjunction word “which” does not have to appear directly after the comma. It, unlike a union, can stand anywhere.

Answer: 1

Task 54 #4091

Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

But when he began to speak in the same touching voice (1) and with the same sensitive intonations (2) with which he usually dictated to us (3) his eloquence had the strongest effect on himself.

You need to find all the basics. And unions (conjunctive words). Most often - WHICH, WHEN. It is useful to read the sentence carefully and highlight two ideas in it. One thought may be inside another. Or they will go in a row.

“His eloquence had the strongest effect on himself” is the first thought. The basis of the sentence is “eloquence worked.”

“But when he began to speak in the same touching voice and with the same sensitive intonations” - the second thought. The basis is “he began to speak.”

However, a subordinate clause with the conjunction “when” has its own subordinate clause with the conjunction word “which”. This is the third thought: “with which he usually dictated to us.” The basis is “he dictated.”

Three thoughts = three sentences. They are all located sequentially, so you need to put two commas.

Answer: 23

Task 55 #4092

Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

The impression (1) that he made on me (2) and the feeling (3) that he aroused (4) will never die (5) in my memory.

You need to find all the basics. And unions (conjunctive words). Most often - WHICH, WHEN. It is useful to read the sentence carefully and highlight two ideas in it. One thought may be inside another. Or they will go in a row.

“The impression and feeling will never die in my memory” is the first thought. The basis of the sentence is “impression and feeling will not die.”

“which he produced on me” is the second thought. The basis is “he produced.”

However, there is a third thought here: “which he aroused,” which is expressed by the truncated stem “aroused.”

Three thoughts = three sentences.

The second and third thoughts are inside the first, refer to different parts of the sentence and are separated by a fragment of the first thought, so each subordinate clause must be separated by commas on both sides.

Answer: 1234

Task 56

Three thoughts = three sentences. Here the subordinate clause with the conjunction “when” has its own subordinate clause, they are arranged sequentially and are inside the main one, so there should be three commas.

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