Hysteroid and other types. How to understand a person with a hysterical personality type

Hysteroid personalities

A sharp change of mood - from deafening laughter to a shrill cry because of any trifle, demonstrative behavior and eternal discontent. "Hysterical!" - they say behind the back of such a person.

But what is more here: licentiousness, bad manners, disrespect for others, lack of a culture of behavior, or something else? After all, hysteria is not just a one-time inappropriate behavior of a person, a conscious disregard for other people's rights and interests.

This is an example of a complex and subtle mental disorder. In modern classifications, hysteria is a whole group of mental disorders: from the so-called character accentuation and personality disorders to somatoform and dissociative disorders.

The main feature of hysteroid personalities, according to the figurative expression of K. Jaspers, is the desire to appear larger than they really are.

The core of this character is egocentrism against the background of dysfunctional infantilism. Egocentrism is characterized by a not always conscious desire to draw attention to oneself.

A deep, talented person, as a rule, involuntarily finds himself in the center of attention, people themselves are drawn to him due to the significance of his personality and high creative achievements. He often not only does not strive to be at the epicenter, but sometimes he is burdened by them; he is often disgusted and hindered by popularity, the hype associated with it around his person. For such people, efficiency is more important than popularity.

Popularity is when everyone loves you, usually a little and not for long. And efficiency means your qualities, abilities and skills. In contrast, it is easier to understand the hysterical person who longs to be in the spotlight and at the same time is not too picky about the means and methods of achieving it. The main one is demonstrativeness, that is, the desire to flaunt oneself.

Hysterical disorders are one of the most amorphous and many-sided forms of borderline neuropsychiatric disorders. “There is no more controversial concept, both in content and scope, than the concept of “hysteria”,” wrote psychiatrist Emil Kraepelin in 1913.

The concept of "hysteria" has a long history spanning over 4,000 years. Symptoms of this mental disorder as early as 1700 BC were described in the Ebers Papyrus: convulsive seizures, nervousness, overly vulnerable pride, fainting, and the ability to imitate almost any disease.

The concept of hysteria began with the ancient Egyptian idea that if the uterus is not fixed, it will wander throughout the body and stop in a certain place, causing hysterical symptoms there.

ancient greek doctors Galen and Hippocrates also believed that the dramatic changes in the emotional state of such patients and their vague complaints about physical well-being were caused by a disease accompanied by a displacement of the uterus (from the Greek. hystera- mother).

The treatment consisted of procedures that contributed to the return of the uterus to its normal position. The main techniques included fumigating or smearing the vagina with incense, or applying foul-smelling poisonous substances to the "affected" area.

Hippocrates' prescriptions often included regular sexual intercourse, marriage, and childbearing (doctors' recommendations most often given to hysterical patients today).

AT Middle Ages hysteria was perceived as demonic possession and often tried to be treated with the help of exorcism. To do this, various specific procedures were used: from the notorious so far “reprimand”, exile to a monastery or insane asylum to burning at the stake in case of additional accusations of witchcraft and intercourse with the devil.

Much later, an appointment similar to that of Hippocrates was encountered Sigmund Freud. Among his first patients was Lisa Pufendorf, who suffered from hysteria. It turned out that due to the fact that Lisa's husband was impotent, she, having lived 18 years in marriage, remained a virgin.

Freud asked a gynecologist he knew how to help the patient, and he cynically replied: “The only remedy that can be prescribed in this case is too well known to us, but it cannot be prescribed in a prescription. It should look like this: "Penis normalis dosim repetatur!" ("Normal penis in repeated doses!")."

Freud was shocked, opposed the idea of ​​a predominantly sexual nature of man. However, the facts confirming the significance of sexuality literally haunted him, and in the end he recognized the influence of libido on the human psyche.

Although psychoanalytic theory derives from Freud's explanation of the symptoms of hysteria, his primary interest was in conversion hysteria (the bodily manifestations of hysteria - hysteroid arcs, pseudo-paralysis, and a host of other variations) rather than hysterical personality traits.

In early psychodynamic descriptions, he emphasized unresolved oedipal conflicts as the primary cause of the disorder. Suppression is regarded as the most characteristic type of defense.

Based on the belief that the release of repressed sexual emotions would lead to a cure, psychoanalytic therapy for hysteria initially consisted of suggestive influences and hypnosis to act out the emotions and alleviate the patient's condition.

Freud later modified his method to include the use of free association, resistance interpretation, and transference. This was supposed to facilitate the achievement of the so-called insight (clarification, enlightenment), which, as the father of psychoanalysis mistakenly believed, automatically causes catharsis (purification, liberation). Although the treatment of hysteria has been considered the foundation of the psychoanalytic method, very few well-described controlled studies have been published.

Conversion in psychology means a protective mechanism of the psyche, manifested in the tendency to translate psycho-emotional stress into bodily (somatic) reactions and dysfunctions. This refers to functional disorders of the sensory-motor sphere and the activity of internal organs that do not reveal an organic basis, characterized by unusual and bizarre localization of painful disorders.

Since the transformation occurs unconsciously, patients usually sincerely believe in their serious illness. This belief forms the basis of the clinical picture, since from the inside it sets the nature of the dysfunction, reflecting the person's ideas about how the disease “should” manifest itself.

Usually, "lesions" correspond to philistine ideas about the anatomy and function of organs, and not to real zones of innervation and functioning mechanisms. This manifestation is most characteristic in individuals of a hysterical warehouse.

A good example of conversion at the symptom level is the so-called globus hystericus (lat. globus hystericus), when a person is concerned about the sensation of a foreign body (lump) in the throat, a feeling of pressure in the neck, usually somewhat weakening during meals. Sometimes one lump is not enough, and with a high strength of psycho-emotional stress, bodily symptoms turn into a pronounced disorder that causes serious functional impairment.

One example of such a disorder is history of Hitler. On October 15, 1918, Corporal Adolf Hitler lost his sight during an enemy gas attack. Treatment in the Bavarian field hospital in Udenard did not work.

Doctors came to the conclusion that the retina, optic nerve and visual analyzer were not damaged, however, despite a healthy organ of vision and intact pathways with a working analyzer in the occipital cortex, the patient continued to be blind. He was transferred to the psychiatric department of the Prussian rear infirmary in Pasewalk.

Hitler could not move without the help of a nurse. His eyes were covered with a bandage. He believed that he was blind for the rest of his days, and was consumed by the misfortune that befell him. An invalid crushed by misfortune entered the infirmary, who happened to fall into the hands of an inquisitive doctor - Edmund Forster, a German psychiatrist who later became a professor.

Adolf Hitler did not suspect that in a month he would leave the infirmary a different person, and not only sighted. How did an insecure corporal, whom fellow soldiers considered unremarkable, in all characteristics passing as "weakly initiative and led", suddenly became a bright orator who hypnotically acted on the crowd, a political leader and, in 1934, the Fuhrer, the leader of the nation?

The British historian and writer David Lewis, in his book The Man Who Created Hitler, argues that in fact the future Fuhrer had to be treated not for physical blindness, but for a mental disorder, which consisted in conversion visual impairment. A side effect of the unusual treatment proposed by Dr. Forster, according to Lewis, was the transformation of the personality of Adolf Hitler and his psychic initiation.

German psychiatrists were well aware of the symptoms of hysteria. During the First World War, she mowed down the ranks of German soldiers who ended up in psychiatric clinics from ordinary hospitals with pseudo-paralysis, pseudo-blindness, pseudo-deafness, astasia and abasia (loss of the ability to walk and stand without brain damage), other conversion options.

The government has set the task of returning the "simulators involuntarily" to the ranks as soon as possible. The technology of their speedy cure in the literal and figurative sense was forged by medical enthusiasts on arriving front-line soldiers.

What is the essence of technology and effective communication with a hysterical client? Today, we would most likely call this method Ericksonian hypnosis. Although Milton Hyland Erickson himself at that time was a little less than seventeen years old, and the next year he had to suffer polio, which eventually chained the scientist to a wheelchair.

Erickson created his version of hypnosis, which later received his name, only 20 years later. However, Edmund Forster used the techniques of adjustment, rapport, trance induction and metaphor much earlier.

Thanks to his rich experience of communicating with such patients, he perfectly knew their characteristics, "open places" and leading motives. The ambitious psychiatrist began his “dance of the boa constrictor” with a reliable shot: he invited the feeble corporal directly to his office and stunned him with the words that he allegedly immediately singled him out as a very unusual and significant personality.

“What happened to you is no ordinary blindness,” Forster continued, peering at the slightest non-verbal reactions of Hitler. “This is a sign from above!”

And the ambitious Adolf, who as a child spent hours examining religious symbols in the church, and seconds before this conversation believed in his destiny least of all in his entire conscious life, with parched lips, asked again what the respected doctor had in mind? And the doctor explained that since the higher forces that sent such a sign to the warrior have real views on him, the treatment is doomed to success. “Come to me tomorrow, and we will open your eyes,” the experimental psychotherapist promised.

The next day, Edmund Forster again began a conversation with a somewhat excited Adolf Hitler from afar. On the table, behind which the psychiatrist sat, there were two burning candles, for obvious reasons, inaccessible to the gaze of the interlocutor. The doctor again gently walked through all the key fibers of the corporal's personality, purposefully preparing him for the apotheosis of hypnotic suggestion.

“Heaven,” Forster continued in a soulful voice, continuing yesterday’s theme, “can give a real signal right here. If you are destined to influence the destinies of many people on this planet, your eyes will definitely open right now.

Given the specifics of Hitler's personality, his unconscious sphere of the psyche simply could not help but react to such a seductive offer. “And then you will see my silhouette and a white coat,” Forster was already using his trained voice with might and main, putting on suggestion traps in his viscous forms.

Oh miracle! For the first time since being wounded in battle, Hitler noticed vague stains in his eyes, and then found that he was able to distinguish the contours of the interlocutor and the white spot of his dressing gown. "How many candles do you see on my table?" the psychiatrist asked. After a little hesitation and letting his eyes get used to the pain of the newly flashed light after long weeks of darkness, Adolf whispered: "Two."

The following days, quickly recovering and restoring his sight, Hitler indulged in deep thought. The conclusions to which he then came sunk into oblivion with him, but the whole world knew their consequences.

This hypnosis session and short-term therapy cost humanity dearly, including the doctor himself, when his ward came to power. Now the hypnotist was playing the role of the rabbit.

When in 1933 Forster tried to publish information about the treatment of his patient, who by that time had become Chancellor of Germany, they began to threaten him. On Monday, September 11, 1933, at 8 o'clock in the morning (the most suicidal time is Monday morning), the doctor was found dead by his wife in the bathroom.

Edmund Forster was shot at close range, next to him was a pistol, about which no one in the family knew anything. There was a suspicion that this was not a suicide, but the liquidation of a too well-informed doctor.

Forster passed away on his own, fearing the coming retribution, or he was helped by professionals who eliminated the Fuhrer's personal enemies, it is not known for certain. But it is obvious that the end of his life was closely connected with fatal therapy.

Although the psychoanalytic theories of the hysterical personality were better known than any other concept, they did not have a strong influence on official classifications.

For many years, the 1968 American Classification of Mental Diseases (DSM-II) identified the so-called hysterical neurosis (including the conversion reaction and the dissociative reaction) and the hysterical personality as typical.

The term "hysteria" has been used to refer to such diverse phenomena as temporary loss of control due to severe stress, conversion disorder, Briquet's syndrome, personality disorder and personality trait.

Most often it was used to describe excitable patients who were difficult to treat. K. Schneider suggested calling people of this type "requiring recognition."

In an effort to reduce confusion (and possible sexist connotations) regarding the use of the term "hysteria", the American Psychiatric Association did not include the term in its 1980 DSM-III classification. Instead, separate categories of somatization, conversion disorder, hypochondria, dissociative and hysterical personality disorder (IDD) were designated.

In the last, 10th attempt to revise the International Classification of Diseases, separate categories of dissociative (conversion) disorders, somatoform disorders and hysterical personality disorder are also designated.

According to her, a person suffering from hysteria is characterized by excessive emotionality, self-dramatization, theatricality and a desire to attract attention. Such people constantly seek or demand support, approval, or praise from others.

Tantrums actively seek the attention of others through flashy, engaging behavior. They are overly concerned about their appearance, are often attractive, and are most comfortable being the center of attention.

Their emotionality seems inadequately exaggerated, labile and superficial. They are prone to general statements, have an impressive style of speech and behavior; excessively, to the point of obsession, enterprising, intense and assertive, emotionally excitable and crave stimulation, often responding to minor stimuli (both negative and positive) with unnecessarily strong emotional outbursts.

Their speech is often energetic, emotionally rich, theatrical, accompanied by dramatic gestures and includes a lot of exaggeration. Tantrums tend to make sweeping statements like, "This always happens to me!" Often they talk about their symptoms, thoughts and actions as if they were external objects imposed on them against their will.

Emotions are intensely expressed, but are perceived as exaggerated or unconvincing, as if the patient is playing a role. The clothes of such people are dominated by a provocative style, bright or unusual colors. They abuse cosmetics, perfumes and hair coloring.

Their interpersonal relationships are disrupted, which is why healthy people around them often perceive them as limited, insincere, whimsical and overly dependent. It is precisely because of the dependence on the attention of others that hysterical individuals are prone to separation anxiety, they can go to different tricks and manipulations, barely feeling threatened.

In 1984, American researchers K. Standidge, K. Bilsbury, S. Jane and D. Smith found that women diagnosed with hysteria have an impaired ability to feel and evaluate their own behavior as it is perceived and evaluated by others in the same culture. . A woman with hysterical personality disorder is defined more as a caricature of what is commonly considered femininity: vanity, superficiality, demonstrativeness, immaturity, overdependence and self-centeredness.

hysteria most often diagnose among women. When this happens to men, it is often stereotyped to nod at homosexuality. However, this sex-role specificity is more a consequence of our social expectations than true differences.

Hysteria is more adequately viewed as a caricature of sexual roles in general, referring to it not only an extremely pronounced femininity, but also the same masculinity, such as, for example, the image of a "macho" who is looking for thrills, superficial, vain and self-centered. In men, antisocial tendencies often act as characteristic masks of hysteria, and in women, hysteria in our time often hides behind psychosomatic reactions and illnesses.

One of the main ideas of the patient with hysteria is: "I am inadequate and unable to live on my own." This assumption and false thought pattern is also characteristic of other personality disorders.

The hysteric differs from others in how he tries to deal with the problem. For example, depressed people with this belief will fix their attention on the negative aspects of their own personality, feeling worthless and hopeless. Hysterical personalities, on the other hand, take a more pragmatic approach, leaving nothing to chance.

They come to the conclusion that since they are unable to take care of themselves, they must find a way to arrange for others to take care of them. They then begin to actively seek attention and approval to make sure that those around them are adequately meeting their needs. The belief that everyone must love them in order to survive leads to a strong fear of rejection.

The need to seek approval is often expressed in the excessive manifestation of one's sexual role. Hysterical women from an early age were rewarded for grace, physical attractiveness and charm, and not for competence or any effort that required systematic thinking, planning, patience.

Hysterical men have learned to play an extremely masculine role, being rewarded for courage, toughness, and strength rather than for actual competence or problem-solving ability.

Since the time of E. Kretschmer, ideas about demonstrativeness (involuntary pretense, penitimism) of behavior have been considered in the light of the doctrine of hysteria. Female hysteroidity is predominantly extroverted and painfully addressed to the outside world, surrounding witnesses. Male hysteria is more often introverted and directed at oneself: “I can do without you!” (hiding in demonstrative passivity). Or it is characterized by internal bravado: “I am all of you!..” (exit to the representation of one’s activity). This is already heroic hysteria.

The desire to please in itself is not necessarily pathological. However, hysteroid personalities are so addicted to this strategy that they use it ineffectively. Carried away by their role and attracting attention, they lose sight of the real goal, they begin to look for excitement and dramatization for their own sake: the path from the idea of ​​​​liking to the habit of showing themselves.

Hysteroids consider themselves sociable, friendly and pleasant personalities. They really easily converge with people, they know how to adapt perfectly and find a common language at first. At the beginning of a relationship, they are often perceived as very charming. But then it becomes noticeable to most of the interlocutors that the actions of hysterical personalities are picturesque, the emotions are bright and exaggerated, but superficial.

When others discover their negative traits, they easily break ties and leave to look for new ones. And those who left are accused of misunderstanding, inconsistency and that they were “inappropriate” or even inadequate people. The charm is gradually lost, tantrums begin to be considered overly demanding and in need of support.

In the pursuit of acceptance and approval, they tend to resort to tricks, often use manipulation. Tears, fainting, falls, various illnesses, scandals, intrigues, lies, boasting, outfits, unusual hobbies, etc. can be used. And if more subtle methods fail, they resort to coercion, blackmail, outbursts of irritation and suicide threats.

The characteristic style of thinking of the hysteroid leads to several internal psychological distortions, which Aaron Beck identified. Since these people are quite impressionable, not prone to reflection and analysis, they are prone to dichotomous (“black and white”) thinking, react intensely and spontaneously, hastily drawing extremely negative or positive conclusions.

Due to the fact that these individuals pay insufficient attention to detail and logic, they also tend to overgeneralize. Because of their preoccupation with external events, people of this type become accustomed to valuing external events more than their internal experiences. This leads to the avoidance of self-knowledge, which is a serious obstacle to an adequate perception of oneself and high-quality interaction with others. Which, in turn, entails various problems in communication, both for their interlocutors and for themselves.

In the domestic medical environment there are expressions (tropes) that single out as an informal, tacit and parascientific division of homo hystericus into two types: “mimosa hysterosis” and “bitchiness hysterosis”.

"Mimosa" appears to be weak and helpless, thin and vulnerable, submissive and surrendering, and "bitchy" - strong and domineering, aggressive and insidious, seductive and punishing. "Mimosa" seduces with the desire to protect, "bitch" - with the desire to achieve. In general, this is a phenomenologically accurate, although not quite correct, designation of subgroups.

Two main lessons that can be learned as a master class from "mimosa hysteria". First, if you don't know anything about your partner, be quiet and kind, let him talk, and create a "projection screen." Second: if the opponent is stronger than you or has great resources of any order, help him to believe in global superiority over you and your helplessness. As a result of these two actions, the hysteric himself will tell about all his weaknesses and vulnerabilities, with confidence he will give all access keys for use.

Today, the concept of "bitch" has become almost synonymous with female success and assertive (confident) behavior. “Do you want to become the same - confident, strong, self-sufficient? Today we give lessons of the Real Bitch!” - headlines of sites and advertisements are full of.

Dozens of popular books, hundreds of seminars, trainings and advisers, "how to become a real bitch", manage "men and the world" somewhat turned the usual interpretation of this term and concept.

In a figurative sense, a bitch is traditionally perceived as a scandalous, grumpy and wayward woman. But literally, according to Dahl's dictionary, a bitch is the corpse of a dead animal, carrion, carrion. Which is very symbolic and even metaphorical, because, voluntarily or not, it reflects the inanimate, artificial game of a strong personality of a deeply insecure person who is trying with great effort to create an attractive virtual image.

Now in our society, they are trying to position a strong, self-sufficient, smart, beautiful and self-loving woman, a skilled manipulator and a master of seduction as a “bitch”. The combination of an impeccable female appearance with a cold, calculating mind and a masculine, logical, cynical outlook on the world and attitude towards people is attributed to the features and advantages of the “bitch”.

She knows exactly what she wants and how to get it. She has a clear plan and needs a man who will fit perfectly into it, help to realize it. Such women have something to show, and they skillfully use it, turning their every step into a performance and an act of seduction.

As a tool for managing relationships, a bitch usually uses her external sexuality and initiative. However, tantrums become hostages to the image of success and independence that they carefully and with their own hands create: an unusual role in the long run is too difficult for them. In the course of the formation of real relationships, it becomes more and more difficult to maintain an image - in direct proportion to their density and duration.

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Hysterical personalities A sharp change of mood - from deafening laughter to a shrill cry for any trifle, demonstrative behavior and eternal discontent. “Hysterical” - they say behind the back of such a person. But what is more here: licentiousness, bad manners,

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Hysteria is a somewhat old-fashioned concept, in modern everyday life it carries a negative connotation. People say: “stop the tantrum”, “hysteria with or without”, when it comes to uncontrollable experiences. In science, the term is used - histrionic character, found in people without conspicuous hysterical symptoms.

Bright talented people who have taken place in a public profession may have a normal histrionic or hysterical personality type, and in sick people suffering from epileptic convulsions without epilepsy, blindness without eye diseases, and other psychogenic symptoms without organic lesions - hysterical neurosis.

The hysteroid child is receptive and sensitive by temperament - fights and cries when it hurts, and screams with delight when it's fun. The child is looking for new sensations, and is overwhelmed by them, sometimes unable to cope with the volume of experiences. The hysteroid has an innate sensitivity, like a schizoid, but unlike him, the hysteroid child is drawn to people.

The child is passionately involved in the game, it is not distracted to feed. It is only when the hunger becomes intense that he suddenly realizes that he is "terribly" hungry, right now and "very, very much."

From a conversation with the mother of a six-year-old boy

In the childhood experience of women of the hysterical personality type, one can find events and attitudes that attributed power and value to the male sex. Situations are typical when a girl is painfully aware that adults give preference to boys, and men have much more power than mother or women.

Grandfather kicked out my mother, who was pregnant with me, with the words: “I brought it in the hem, go to all four sides.”

From a therapeutic conversation

When a girl child receives positive attention, it is related to appearance, or to cuteness or naivety. Growing up, the girl notices that people of her gender are less valuable, and boys are even scolded, using a comparison with girls - “you are like a girl!”

The father of a histrionic woman is often emotional and explosive, which terrifies a receptive girl. It attracts, and at the same time, frightens. If there is no father in the family, then his absence makes men in the eyes of the girl exciting, unknown and suitable for idealization.

Having mastered the patriarchal stereotype "men have power, access to resources, they are strong and dangerous, and women are soft and kind, but weak and defenseless", a woman - a hysterical personality type - is looking for support and the basis of her own self-esteem in relations with men, whom she perceives as powerful and powerful.

I love to ask groups one provocative question about women's rights. With an innocent face, I ask: “Tell me, in what country and in what year did women get the right to vote?” After that, those present strain that part of the memory that is responsible for the knowledge of history, and for a long time offer options ... They rarely come across, since the first such country was New Zealand in 1893. And when we finally finish guessing and name the facts, I ask the second of the prepared questions: “Tell me, from whom did they get this right?” Usually there is dead silence in the audience.

An excerpt from the book “I am a feminist. Do you want to talk about it?"

Maria Sabunaeva

Hysteroid boys, raised by a mother with a physically or psychologically absent father, develop in a hysterical direction as a result of contemptuous comparison with stereotypical "real men". Idealized "real" men are strong, generous heroes, to which "this bespectacled man is like the moon."

If masculinity is belittled by the mother - “squishy, ​​where are you puffing up”, or sexuality is belittled - “changed your underpants, washed your bells?”, Then the boy has a feeling of male failure, which will accompany him in adulthood. The unconscious meaning of attracting attention to themselves in histrionic people is an attempt to prove that they themselves and their gender deserve respect, as opposed to childhood experiences.

Deep inside the hysterical personality is a small, frightened, imperfect child who is doing his best in a world dominated by powerful other people. Therefore, for a histrionic personality, it is important to learn to rely on oneself, to believe that without sexism, a person is interesting in itself. That a man, for example, may be interested in the content of the thoughts and feelings of a histrionic woman, and resist her seductive sexual impulses.

Thus, often the source of the hysterical personality type is the feeling that one's own gender is associated with problems against the background of innate sensitivity and susceptibility.

Hysteroid men have a painful awareness of the inaccessibility of the ideal of a real man - a strong macho who can do anything and win everyone. Innate emotionality was belittled by adults in the family, or at school, as it was considered a girlish manifestation. Receptive male hysteroids attract the attention of others, unconsciously proving that a man can be different, while remaining a man.

Hysteroid women have an understanding of the patriarchal way of life - discrimination of women by men, the weakness and defenselessness of women and the strength and power of men. Emotionality and sensitivity develop into sexuality, through which attempts are made to correct the imbalance and equalize with men. A hysteroid woman unconsciously proves to herself and others that she is valuable, has a value in itself.

Hysterical personality type
organized around themes of sexuality and sexual power. Normal desires for intimacy with others are intensified, filled with sexual energy. Hysteroids, especially women, are seductive, unaware of implicit sexual invitations in their behavior. And they are shocked when others perceive their behavior as initiating a sexual relationship.

You say “no”, but with your whole body it’s like “yes”.

From a retelling of a conversation between a young man and a girl

The self-esteem of histrionic people depends on the feeling that they have the same power as the person they fear, or an authoritative person of the opposite sex - "this powerful person is part of me." Such an idea is present in the psychology of fans who idealize an idol, artist or singer.

A young attractive student, was carried away by a courageous and brutal teacher. She approached all men as a reverent follower, and it was not easy for them to ignore her seductiveness. When she received a signal that the teacher was attracted to her, she experienced a sense of her own power, excitement, significance, and, at the same time, fear and guilt for having received the attention of a married man.

It is important to regain the right to be outside the powerful other, a separate and interesting person. It is difficult for a histrionic person to believe in his own significance. His emotional statements only seem theatrical or exaggerated: “I saw sooooo!” Having experience of devaluation, they do not expect respectful attention to feelings, intensify them in order to convince themselves and others of their own right to self-expression.

When the hysteroid has the experience of being heard, he has the opportunity to describe his feelings plausibly without amplification.

Hysterical people can act out of their own fears, seem fearless, adventurous and flamboyant. They seduce when they are afraid, expose themselves when they are ashamed of their body, move into the spotlight when they unconsciously consider themselves inferior to others, are eager to perform feats when they are afraid of aggression, provoke authority figures when they feel threatened by them.

Sometimes a histrionic person in a state of stress "runs away" into physical symptoms - wakes up, forgets, gets sick. It is important not to discount the symptom by accusing the hysteria of simulating the disease.

The well-known "glove paralysis" is described by Freud, its essence is that motor activity in the hand is lost. The disorder cannot have a physiological neurological cause, as nerve damage leading to hand paralysis will cause paralysis of the entire arm. Such a symptom resolved the internal conflict between the desire for sexual self-stimulation and the prohibition on it.

Symptoms of diseases without physiological causes - heart pain without diagnosable heart disease, intestinal problems with a healthy intestine and other diseases in the absence of physiological problems - are vivid manifestations of a person who has a hysterical personality type. Symptoms of the disease can be presented as something objective, as something that is not accepted to be ignored.

With the help of symptoms, the histrionic person tries to show more vividly what he really feels. However, from the point of view of others, he “replays”, and as a result, he is not taken seriously, feelings and suffering are devalued - the trauma is repeated.

She is forty years old, and everything is in red tights and miniskirts ...

From gossip among women

The hysteroid pretends to be who he really is. Unlike the narcissist, who needs the admiration of others to fill his inner void, the hysteroid is overwhelmed with feelings and expresses them too vividly, too theatrically, or through psychosomatic symptoms, trying to be taken seriously.

“When you talk to me like an adult, I don't believe you. When you say that I am strong, point to my own achievements, I cannot believe, I am afraid to believe, I do not believe. I feel weak, of little value, so I should at least be well-groomed. But when I look in the mirror - I feel like a terribly creepy ugly! The monologue of a beautiful woman with an hysterical personality type can be perceived as coquetry, but the drama is that the intensity of the experiences is so high that it is difficult for her to cope with them herself. At the same time, due to the level of anxiety and internal conflicts from which she suffers, her emotionality looks to others as exaggerated or superficial, and her feelings seem to change too quickly.

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Hysteria is a somewhat old-fashioned concept that carries a negative connotation in modern everyday life. People say: "stop the tantrum", "hysteria with or without" when it comes to uncontrollable experiences. In science, the term is used - histrionic character, found in people without conspicuous hysterical symptoms.

Bright talented people who have taken place in a public profession may have a normal histrionic or hysteroid personality type, and sick people suffering from epileptic convulsions without epilepsy, blindness without eye diseases, and other psychogenic symptoms without organic lesions - hysterical neurosis.

Hysteroid type of personality: inner world and formation

The hysteroid child is receptive and sensitive by temperament - fights and cries when it hurts, and screams with delight when it's fun. The child is looking for new sensations, and is overwhelmed by them, sometimes unable to cope with the volume of experiences. The hysteroid has an innate sensitivity, like a schizoid, but unlike him, the hysteroid child is drawn to people.

The child is passionately involved in the game, it is not distracted to feed. Only when the hunger becomes intense does he suddenly realize that he is "terribly" hungry, right now and "very, very much"

From a conversation with the mother of a six-year-old boy.

In the childhood experience of women of the hysterical personality type, one can find events and attitudes that attributed power and value to the male sex. Situations are typical when a girl is painfully aware that adults give preference to boys, and men have much more power than mother or women.

Grandfather kicked out my pregnant mother with the words: "Brought it in the hem, go to all four sides"

From a therapeutic conversation.

When a girl child receives positive attention, it is related to appearance, or to cuteness or naivety. Growing up, the girl notices that people of her gender are less valuable, and boys are even scolded, using a comparison with girls - "you're like a girl!"

The father of a histrionic woman is often emotional and explosive, which terrifies a receptive girl. It attracts, and at the same time, frightens. If there is no father in the family, then his absence makes men in the eyes of the girl exciting, unknown and suitable for idealization.

Having mastered the patriarchal stereotype "men have power, access to resources, they are strong and dangerous, and women are soft and kind, but weak and defenseless", a woman - a hysterical personality type - is looking for support and the basis of her own self-esteem in relations with men, whom she perceives as powerful and powerful.

I love to ask groups one provocative question about women's rights. With an innocent face, I ask: "Tell me, in what country and in what year did women get the right to vote?" After that, those present strain that part of the memory that is responsible for the knowledge of history, and for a long time offer options ... They rarely come across, since the first such country was New Zealand in 1893. And when we finally finish guessing and name the facts, I ask the second of the prepared questions: "Tell me, from whom did they get this right?" There is usually dead silence in the audience..

An excerpt from the book "I am a feminist. Do you want to talk about it?"
Maria Sabunaeva

Hysteroid boys, raised by a mother with a physically or psychologically absent father, develop in a hysterical direction as a result of contemptuous comparison with stereotypical "real men". Idealized "real" men are strong, generous heroes, to which "this bespectacled man is like the moon."

If masculinity is belittled by the mother - “squishy, ​​where are you puffing up”, or sexuality is belittled - “changed your underpants, washed your bells?”, Then the boy has a feeling of male failure, which will accompany him in adulthood. The unconscious meaning of attracting attention to themselves in histrionic people is an attempt to prove that they themselves and their gender deserve respect, as opposed to childhood experiences.

Deep inside the hysterical personality is a small, frightened, imperfect child who is doing his best in a world dominated by powerful other people. Therefore, for a histrionic personality, it is important to learn to rely on oneself, to believe that without sexism, a person is interesting in itself. That a man, for example, may be interested in the content of the thoughts and feelings of a histrionic woman, and resist her seductive sexual impulses.

Thus, often the source of the hysterical personality type is the feeling that one's own gender is associated with problems against the background of innate sensitivity and susceptibility.

Hysteroid men have a painful realization of the inaccessibility of the ideal of a real man - a strong macho who can do anything and win everyone. Innate emotionality was belittled by adults in the family, or at school, as it was considered a girlish manifestation. Receptive male hysteroids attract the attention of others, unconsciously proving that a man can be different, while remaining a man.

Women-hysteroids have an understanding of the patriarchal way of life - discrimination of women by men, the weakness and defenselessness of women and the strength and power of men. Emotionality and sensitivity develop into sexuality, through which attempts are made to correct the imbalance and equalize with men. A hysteroid woman unconsciously proves to herself and others that she is valuable, has a value in itself.

Hysteroid: relationships with others

The hysterical personality type is organized around the themes of sexuality and sexual power. Normal desires for intimacy with others are intensified, filled with sexual energy. Hysteroids, especially women, are seductive, unaware of implicit sexual invitations in their behavior. And they are shocked when others perceive their behavior as initiating a sexual relationship.

You say "no", but with your whole body it's like "yes".

From a retelling of a conversation between a young man and a girl

The self-esteem of histrionic people depends on the feeling that they have the same power as the person they fear, or an authoritative person of the opposite sex - "this powerful person is part of me." Such an idea is present in the psychology of fans who idealize an idol, artist or singer.

A young attractive student, was carried away by a courageous and brutal teacher. She approached all men as a reverent follower, and it was not easy for them to ignore her seductiveness. When she received a signal that the teacher was attracted to her, she experienced a sense of her own power, excitement, significance, and, at the same time, fear and guilt for having received the attention of a married man.

It is important to regain the right to be outside the powerful other, a separate and interesting person. It is difficult for a histrionic person to believe in his own significance. His emotional statements only seem theatrical or exaggerated: "I saw sooooo!" Having experience of devaluation, they do not expect respectful attention to feelings, intensify them in order to convince themselves and others of their own right to self-expression.

When the hysteroid has the experience of being heard, he has the opportunity to describe his feelings plausibly without amplification.

Hysterical people can act out of their own fears, seem fearless, adventurous and flamboyant. They seduce when they are afraid, expose themselves when they are ashamed of their body, move into the spotlight when they unconsciously consider themselves inferior to others, are eager to perform feats when they are afraid of aggression, provoke authority figures when they feel threatened by them.

Thus, they try to cope with internal anxiety and fears.

Sometimes a histrionic person in a state of stress "runs away" into physical symptoms - wakes up, forgets, gets sick. It is important not to discount the symptom by accusing the hysteria of simulating the disease.

The well-known "glove paralysis" is described by Freud, its essence is that motor activity in the hand is lost. The disorder cannot have a physiological neurological cause, as nerve damage leading to hand paralysis will cause paralysis of the entire arm. Such a symptom resolved the internal conflict between the desire for sexual self-stimulation and the prohibition on it.

Symptoms of diseases without physiological causes - heart pain without diagnosable heart disease, intestinal problems with a healthy intestine and other diseases in the absence of physiological problems - are vivid manifestations of a person who has a hysterical personality type. Symptoms of the disease can be presented as something objective, as something that is not accepted to be ignored.

With the help of symptoms, the histrionic person tries to show more vividly what he really feels. However, from the point of view of others, he "replays", and as a result he is not taken seriously, feelings and suffering are devalued - the trauma is repeated.

She is forty years old, and everything is in red tights and miniskirts ...

From gossip among women

The hysteroid pretends to be who he really is. Unlike the narcissist, who needs the admiration of others to fill his inner void, the hysteroid is overwhelmed with feelings and expresses them too vividly, too theatrically, or through psychosomatic symptoms, trying to be taken seriously.

“When you talk to me like an adult, I don’t believe you. When you say that I am strong, point to my own achievements, I can’t believe, I’m afraid to believe, I don’t believe. I feel weak, of little value, therefore I should at least be well-groomed. But when I look in the mirror - I feel like a terribly creepy ugly! " The monologue of a beautiful woman with an hysterical personality type can be perceived as coquetry, but the drama is that the intensity of the experiences is so high that it is difficult for her to cope with them herself. At the same time, due to the level of anxiety and internal conflicts from which she suffers, her emotionality looks to others as exaggerated or superficial, and her feelings seem to change too quickly.

The hysteroid enhances the emotion in order to convince others that he is really experiencing it. At the same time, he retains the ability to retract his words if others reject him.

"I was sooooooo scared!" - the hysteroid woman says, expanding her eyes, inviting interlocutors to consider panic as actually absent or trivial. But there was panic, and it is difficult for a hysteroid to say this directly and calmly. Suddenly rejected? If they take it seriously, then it’s good, it was so, but if they reject it or make fun of it, then there was no panic, “I exaggerated especially for laughter.”

When a histrionic person manages to combine his receptivity and sensitivity with a logical approach, amazing creative abilities appear. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the awareness of feelings and the recognition of their significance, but also to the integration of thinking and feeling.

So, we have identified the following features of a person who has a histrionic or hysterical personality type, and proposed ways to integrate them into life:

  • The assimilation of the patriarchal stereotype "men have power, access to resources, are strong and dangerous, and women are soft and kind, but weak and defenseless", leads to the fact that a hysteroid woman seeks support and the basis of her own self-esteem in attachment to the men she perceives domineering. But it is important to seek support within the personality, perceiving oneself also outside the context of gender, as a person.
  • It is important for hysterical men to accept themselves "not like that", not like the stereotype "macho who does not cry."
  • The self-esteem of histrionic people depends on the feeling that they have the same power as the person they fear, or an authoritative person of the opposite sex - "this powerful person is part of me." It is also important to regain the right to be outside the powerful other, a separate and interesting person.
  • Strengthening feelings, theatricality. When the hysteroid feels heard, he has the opportunity to describe his feelings believably without amplification.
  • In a state of stress, it "runs away" into physical symptoms - wakes up, forgets, gets sick. It is important not to discount the symptom by accusing the hysteria of simulating a disease, but to listen to what the body wants to "tell" and check for the presence of an organic disease.
  • If you can combine your receptivity and sensitivity with a logical approach, amazing creative abilities appear.

The term "hysteria" is actively used in a highly specialized field, for example, in medicine, and in everyday life. Many people perceive this concept in a negative context, associating it with uncontrollable emotions or actions. From a psychological point of view, such behavior is interpreted as a hysterical personality type, which has pronounced features.

Features of the hysterical personality type

It is not difficult to recognize the histrionic character, since its main feature is egocentrism. The constant demand for attention to oneself is the prevailing motive for the actions of most "hysteroids". At the same time, by what means the goal will be achieved (pretense, defiant behavior, nervous breakdown, etc.), for these people it does not matter.

The described person draws attention to himself in order to be sympathized with, praised, or noted for his outstanding abilities. Having received his portion of positive emotions, he calms down for a while, but after a certain time the need arises again. In the absence of the desired result, the emotionality of the "hysteroid" intensifies, and the options for achieving the goal become more and more sophisticated.

The list of the main signs of histrionic character includes:

  1. The desire to outrageous;
  2. Theatricality of emotions;
  3. Heightened self-esteem;
  4. Open demonstration of feelings;
  5. Increased demands on the environment.

The hysterical personality type is extremely susceptible, and even a minor reason can serve as a catalyst for a violent reaction. At the same time, such a person will not fake emotions: if he finds it funny, he will laugh; if he is sad, he will be sad;

The feeling of empathy is unfamiliar to the “hysteroid”, because he does not know how to empathize with others. However, he will prefer to hide this feature so as not to “run into” a negative assessment of society. The desire to please everyone and in any situation completely subjugates the actions of a person. As a result, the hysterical type of person is cowardly and not inclined to take on those cases in which he can fail. Often such people become terrible pedants, striving for order in everything, from the love sphere to everyday issues.

Sloppy folded socks on a shelf or dirty dishes in the sink bring logical dissonance to their worldview, leading to conflicts.

The appearance of hysterical people

Egocentric people usually pay a lot of attention to their appearance. In their form, everything, from tips to heels, must be perfect. Hence the desire to stand out from the gray mass, but not to be a black sheep. "Hysteroids" dream of catching the admiring glances of the opposite sex, pleasantly surprising and shocking the audience. The clothes of such people are dominated by:

  • bright colors;
  • elegance;
  • unconventional cut;
  • fashionable combinations of accessories.

Persons of the hysteroid type have expressive lively speech, which makes it easy to win over the interlocutor, involve him in a discussion or convince him that he is right. They are not afraid to participate in mass events, easily agreeing to the role of a host, organizer, "highlight of the program." Natural charm, strong charisma, extraordinaryness allow you to quickly fall in love with others and become their favorites.

Hysteroid disorders

Increased emotionality of the individual often leads to poor health. It has been scientifically proven that the risk group includes patients with a histrionic type of character. Among the main problems experienced by such people, we note:

  • increase in body temperature;
  • decrease in vitality;
  • weakening of the immune system;
  • severe headaches;
  • and etc.

As an illustrative example, let's take a situation: a woman constantly complained of severe pain in her abdomen. After a visit to a gastroenterologist, she was diagnosed with a mild form of gastritis, but taking the drugs did not lead to the expected results. Attacks of vomiting and discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract did not leave the patient until she was advised to consult a psychologist. Only a visit to a specialist helped to establish the true causes of what was happening: fear of being fired from work, constant conflicts with her husband, fear of losing the respect of the team.

After psychological therapy, the health problems went away, but the woman still continued to attract attention at work with stories about problems in family life.

The main problems of hysteroid personalities

The main problem of people with a histrionic character is increased emotionality, which leads to a sharp negative or joyful reaction. The behavior of the individual is characterized by sharp laughter, tears, anger, tenderness and other feelings. Unfortunately, they appear only if the situation affects the personality of the egocentrist. When it comes to the problems (successes) of another person, the "hysteroid" remains indifferent to them.

The list of problems of this type of personality should include:

  • lack of desire to overcome difficulties;
  • inability to perform routine work;
  • relationships in society;
  • striving for the ideal.

The main problems of hysteroid personalities

Egocentric people, as a rule, do not know how to solve life's difficulties. Often they are faced with a problem, they understand that it will not be possible to quickly overcome it, and immediately lose interest in it. The same can be said about monotonous duties that oppress "hysteroids" and cause them negative emotions. Too frequent problems and routine activities often lead this type of personality to protracted, breakdown, apathy. This fact is explained by the protective reaction of the body (in particular, the nervous system) to stress or overstrain.

The problem of interpersonal relations deserves special attention. The considered type of personality does not have tact, restraint and modesty. On the contrary, he is too demonstrative, uncompromising, demanding, and this is a direct path to conflict. In a team, such people can become both a recognized leader and an outcast, whose society will be avoided. Family life rarely resembles an idyll, rather because of the constant nit-picking of the “hysteroid” than due to the shortcomings of the partner. A priori, egocentrists have few friends, because they do not accept the slightest contradiction in their views on life and other people.

Suicidal tendencies of "hysteroids"

The tendency of a person with a histrionic character to commit suicide is infrequently manifested. Such deviations are observed in adolescence, when hysteroid traits begin to form against the background of a hormonal surge. Often, suicide is another attempt to attract the attention of peers or parents to one's person. However, due to their inexperience, teenagers may not calculate their strength, which leads to tragic consequences.

In adulthood, the hysteroid type rarely resorts to suicide, as it is so narcissistic that it cannot harm itself. The desire to cross the line occurs only in depressive states, in particular, if the person remains misunderstood by society, rejected or wounded.

Decreased self-esteem, loss of authority among colleagues and relatives, humiliation from relatives - these are the main reasons to commit suicide.


Psychotherapy of people with hysterical personality

Pronounced forms of hysteria are usually classified as psychological diseases. To make a diagnosis, the regular nature of the manifestation of a personality disorder, coupled with three signs of a hysteroid type, is sufficient. Most often these include:

  • egocentrism;
  • extravagance in clothes;
  • exaggeration of emotions, posturing, theatricality.

Psychotherapy of the hysteroid type of patients is carried out using special methods (cognitive, psychodynamic, psychoanalytic, group or individual). In the course of such treatment, it is important for the doctor to find out the cause of the person’s condition, eliminate it and teach the patient to independently cope with emotions. The doctor is constantly obliged to control the distance, since the "hysteroid" will surely try to shorten it, using all his charm and theatrical abilities.

Together with psychological methods, the use of medications, mainly sedatives, neuroleptics, anticonvulsants, and painkillers, is acceptable. The choice of a particular drug, as well as its dosage, is determined only by a specialist.

Reception of potent medicines is possible only with harmful psychological conditions (prolonged depression and stress).

The decisive step towards recovery and social adaptation of a hysteroid-type personality will be the realization of the cause of one's condition. Only constant control of feelings, experiences, behavior will allow you to cope with the problem, develop new outlooks on life and learn how to overcome difficulties. Hysterical personality disorder has a generally positive prognosis for recovery, but for this the patient and his doctor will have to make some effort.

Thus, an excessive manifestation of egocentrism indicates a hysteroid type of personality. It is characterized by increased emotionality, exactingness to the attention of others, striving for perfection. At the same time, the discrepancy between the expectations of the "hysteroid" and reality leads to conflicts, deterioration, as well as suicidal tendencies. It is important to recognize progressive hysteria in time, choose the right treatment and eliminate the cause of the deviations.

This type is described in many monographs and manuals and is included in a wide variety of systematics of psychopathy. His spiritual trait is boundless egocentrism, an insatiable thirst for constant attention to his person, admiration, surprise, reverence, sympathy.

At worst, even indignation or hatred of those around them is preferred, but not indifference and indifference - just not the prospect of going unnoticed (“thirsty for a higher rating” according to K-Schneider, 1923). All other qualities of the hysteroid feed on this trait. Suggestibility, which is often brought to the fore, is distinguished by its selectivity: nothing remains of it if the atmosphere of suggestion or the suggestion itself does not "pour water on the mill of egocentrism." Falsity and fantasizing are entirely aimed at embellishing one's person. The seeming emotionality in reality turns into a lack of deep sincere feelings with a great expression of emotions, theatricality, a tendency to drawing and posturing.

Hysteroid traits often appear from an early age. Such children cannot stand when others are praised in front of them, when others are given more attention. They get bored with toys quickly. The desire to attract eyes, listen to admiration and praise becomes an urgent need. They willingly read poetry in front of the audience, dance, sing, and many of them really show good artistic abilities. Academic success in the first grades is largely determined by whether they are set as an example to others.

With the onset of puberty, there is usually a sharpening of hysteroid traits. As is known, the picture of hysteria in adults has changed significantly in recent decades. Hysterical seizures, paralysis, etc., almost disappeared. They were replaced by less severe neurasthenic symptoms [Karvasarsky BD, Tupitsyn Yu. Ya., 1974; Karvasarsky B. D., 1980]. This also applies to adolescence. However, during this period, hysterical traits of character are manifested primarily in the characteristics of behavior, in adolescent behavioral reactions. In addition, the acceleration of physical development has significantly changed the previous idea of ​​the infantile gracefulness, fragility, and childishness of hysterical adolescents. Only with one of the options we have described (“labile hysteroids” - see p. 113) is it often necessary to meet a gracile appearance. In other cases, there may be no trace of it.

Among the behavioral manifestations of hysteria in adolescents, which serve as the reason for contacting a psychiatrist, suicidal demonstrations should be put in the first place - they caused referral to a teenage psychiatric clinic in 80% of cases of hysteroid psychopathy and character accentuations. The first suicidal demonstrations, according to our observations, in accelerated adolescents often fall at the age of 15-16 years. At the same time, only safe methods of “suicide” are chosen (cuts of the veins on the forearm, medicines from the home first aid kit) or calculated on the fact that a serious attempt will be warned by others (preparation for hanging, the image of an attempt to jump out of a window or throw yourself under a transport in front of those present and etc.). Abundant suicidal “signaling” often precedes or accompanies a demonstration: farewell notes are written, “secret” confessions are made to friends, “last words” are recorded on a tape recorder, etc.

As the reason that pushed the hysterical teenager to “suicide”, he himself most often calls “unsuccessful love”. However, it is usually possible to find out that this is just a romantic veil or just an invention aimed at “ennobling” one’s own

personality, to create an aura of exclusivity around him. The real reason is usually wounded pride, the loss of valuable attention for this teenager, the fear of falling in the eyes of others, especially peers, of losing the halo of the “chosen one”. Of course, rejected love, a breakup, and especially the appearance of a rival or rival deals a sensitive blow to the egocentrism of a hysterical teenager, if, moreover, all events unfold in front of friends and girlfriends (see Mikhail B., p. 18).

Another reason for a suicidal demonstration may be the need to get out of a dangerous situation, to avoid serious punishments, causing sympathy, pity, compassion.

The very same suicidal demonstration with the feelings of others, fuss, ambulance, curiosity of bystanders gives considerable satisfaction to hysteroid egocentrism.

In search of the real reasons for a suicidal demonstration, it is important to note where it is being performed, to whom it is addressed, whom it should pity, whose lost attention should be returned, who should be forced to make concessions or denigrate in the eyes of others. If, for example, a discord with a beloved is declared the cause, and the demonstration is carried out in such a way that she not only cannot see, but also cannot find out about her, but her mother becomes her first witness (Nikita B., p. 17), there is no doubt that it is in the relationship with the mother that the conflict lies. If the rejected love of a girl who lives in another city and no one here knows her is given as a reason, and a demonstration (an attempt to throw herself from the embankment into the canal in front of passers-by) takes place in front of the doors of her educational institution, a very prestigious one, then the inevitable threatening exclusion for failure. Parents, however, often play the role of a “scapegoat” for hysterical teenagers for the “disappointments” that befall them among their peers. In cases of hysteroid psychopathy, suicidal demonstrations can be repeated, especially if the previous ones were successful, they can turn into a kind of behavioral stamp, which is resorted to in various kinds of conflicts [Aleksandrov A. A., 1973]. Suicidal demonstrations are joined by the bravado of "playing with death" with a claim to gain a reputation as an exceptional person.

In addition to suicidal demonstrations, with the hysteroid type of psychopathy and accentuations, one also has to meet acute affective suicidal reactions, which are more frequent in labile hysteroids. Such affective reactions are also most often caused by blows to self-esteem, humiliation in the eyes of others, loss of hope for a special role, the prospect of rising in someone's eyes. Affective suicide attempts are usually saturated with elements of demonstrativeness, aimed at attracting everyone's attention. However, they are not only a performance - against the background of a strong affect, at some point, a true suicidal goal or a desire to entrust one's fate to the cause of chance (“come what may”) may flash. Against the background of affect, even in the absence of a true intention to die, the line of safe action can easily be crossed, and a demonstrative action by design can end in a completed suicide - such a force of affects is especially inherent in a mixed hystero-epileptoid type.

Characteristic of hysterical natures “escape to illness” in difficult situations, the image of mysterious unknown diseases sometimes acquires a new form among some teenage companies, for example, imitating Western “hippies”, expressed by the desire to get into a psychiatric hospital and thereby get a reputation for unusualness in such an environment. To achieve this goal, not only suicidal threats are used, but also playing the role of a drug addict and, finally, complaints gleaned from books on psychiatry, with all sorts of depersonalization-derealization symptoms, ideas of influence and cyclical mood swings being especially popular.

Alcoholization can also be purely demonstrative. Formed alcoholism in hysterical adolescents is quite rare, and usually in these situations there is a combination of hysteria with traits of another type. As a rule, hysterical teenagers drink a little, prefer mild degrees of intoxication, but they are not averse to boasting a huge amount of alcohol they have drunk, the ability to drink without getting drunk, or an exquisite selection of alcoholic beverages (“I only drink cognac and champagne,” said the 14-year-old hysterical teenager). However, according to our employee Yu. A. Strogonov, in asocial companies, where the ability to drink a lot causes “respect

nie", hysterical teenagers, wanting to give the impression that they can "outdrink everyone", become a victim of their claims and can really become addicted to alcohol. However, they are not inclined to portray an alcoholic as this role does not promise them either an aura of unusualness or greedily curious eyes.

The delinquency of hysterical adolescents is usually not serious in nature. We are talking about absenteeism, unwillingness to study and work, since the “gray life” does not satisfy them, and to occupy a prominent place in study or work that would amuse their pride, they lack neither ability nor perseverance. There are also clashes over defiant behavior in public places, pestering foreign tourists, noisy scandals. In more serious cases, one has to deal with fraud, forgery of checks or documents, deceit and theft of persons whom one has credibly crept into. Hysteroids avoid everything that is associated with gross "violence, robbery, burglary, risk, and, apparently, are relatively rare among criminal teenagers [Ozeretsky N. I., 1932; Mikhailova L. O., 1976].

Dojo runs can start from the first grades of school and even at preschool age. Usually they are caused by punishments that have taken place or are expected, or are due to one of the children's behavioral reactions - the reaction of the opposition. This reaction in children and adolescents is more often associated with the loss of former attention from loved ones. Having run away from home, they try to stay where they will be searched for, or draw the attention of the police to themselves so that they can be brought home or their parents are called, or, finally, in some indirect way they signal to their parents about their whereabouts. With age, shoots can become longer and acquire a romantic color. Their reasons are often the same as those that push for a suicidal demonstration - loss of attention, the collapse of hopes for an exalted position, the need to get out of history, which threatens with the inevitability of being ridiculed and thrown down from an honorary pedestal.

For example, after assuring his acquaintances that his parents were in a high position, and talking about the “luxurious” lifestyle of their family, a 16-year-old boy ran away to distant lands when the demands of his friends to invite him home became too insistent.

Hysteroid adolescents retain the features of childhood reactions of opposition, imitation, etc. Most often, one has to see the reaction of the opposition to the loss or decrease in the usual attention from relatives, to the loss of the role of a family idol. The manifestations of the reaction of the opposition can be the same as in childhood - "flight into the disease" or attempts to get rid of the one to whom attention has switched (for example, to force the mother to break up with the stepfather who has appeared), but more often this children's opposition reaction is manifested by behavioral disorders - suddenly begun drinking, theft, absenteeism, asocial companies are intended to signal to loved ones: “Give me back my old

attention and care, otherwise I will be lost!”

The reaction of imitation can determine a lot in the behavior of a hysterical teenager. Hysteroids are generally of little originality, and their entire life path is an imitation of someone, although this is done as discreetly as possible and is always passed off as “their own”. The model chosen for imitation by a hysterical teenager, first of all, should not obscure the imitating person herself. Therefore, for imitation, an abstract image or (more often) a person who is popular among adolescents, but does not have direct contact with this adolescent group (“fashion idol”) is chosen. Sometimes imitation is based on a collective image: in attempts for originality, the stunning statements of some, the unusual clothes of others, the defiant manner of behaving of others, etc., are reproduced.

The reaction of hypercompensation is less characteristic of hysteroids, as it is associated with perseverance and perseverance in achieving the goal, which the hysteroid nature just lacks. But the reaction of compensation is quite pronounced. One might think that it is this reaction that plays a significant role in the “cosmetic lies” characteristic of hysteroids, in fantasies that they make others believe and, if they do not believe themselves, then at least enjoy them.

The fictions of adolescent hysteroids differ sharply from the fantasies of schizoids. Hysterical fantasies are always intended for certain listeners and viewers, so they are changeable, taking into account their interests, tastes, situation. Hysterical teenagers easily get used to a fictional role and behave accordingly. Gennady U.

(p. 13) was taken to a teenage psychiatric clinic after he appeared at the state security agencies with a statement that he had been recruited by foreign intelligence, instructed him to blow up a factory, pointed to certain individuals as agents of this intelligence, etc. which, of course, was pure fiction.

Since the time of E. Kraepelin (1915), hysteroids prone to such myth-making are often singled out as a special group of psychopathic pseudologists or mythomaniacs. From our point of view, for adolescence, it is hardly justified to single out this special group, since fantasies and lies that adorn their own personality are characteristic of almost all hysterical adolescents. And even when inventions are the main thing in behavior, obscuring, it would seem, all other hysterical traits, all these stories always feed on the basis of the hysteroid character - insatiable egocentrism.

Adolescent behavioral reactions are also colored by this main hysterical feature. The reaction of emancipation can have violent external manifestations - runaways from home, conflicts with relatives and elders, loud demands for freedom and independence, etc. It can be clearly manifested during examination with the help of PDO. It can also be due to demonstrative non-conformism - the ostentatious denial of generally accepted norms of behavior, common ideals, views, tastes. However, in fact, the real need for freedom and independence is not at all characteristic of adolescents of this type - they do not at all want to get rid of the attention and cares of their loved ones. As a result, emancipatory aspirations often slip into the rails of the childish reaction of the opposition.

The reaction of grouping with peers is always associated with claims for leadership or, in any case, for an exclusive position in the group. Possessing neither sufficient stenicity, nor intrepid readiness at any moment to assert his command role by force, to subjugate others, the hysterical teenager strives for leadership in the ways available to him. Possessing a good intuitive sense of the mood of the group, still brewing in it and sometimes still unconscious desires and aspirations, hysteroids can be their first spokesmen, act as instigators and incendiaries. In a fit, in ecstasy, inspired by the looks turned on them, they can lead others, even show reckless courage. But they always turn out to be leaders for an hour - they give in to unexpected difficulties, they easily betray friends, deprived of admiring glances, they immediately lose all their enthusiasm. Most importantly, friends will soon recognize their inner emptiness behind external effects. This is carried out especially quickly when a leadership position is achieved in a different and more accessible way for a hysterical teenager - throwing "dust in the eye" with stories about their past successes and adventures. All this leads to the fact that hysterical teenagers are not inclined to stay too long in the same teenage group and willingly rush to another to start all over again. If you hear from a hysterical teenager that he is disappointed in his friends, there is no doubt that they have already figured him out.

In conditions of closed adolescent groups, for example, in closed adolescent institutions with a regulated regime, where an arbitrary change of company is difficult, in order to occupy an exceptional position, another path is sometimes chosen. Hysterical adolescents willingly accept leadership functions from adults - positions of elders, organizers of all kinds of events - in order to take the position of an intermediary between older and other adolescents and thereby strengthen their special position.

Hobbies are almost entirely concentrated in the field of the egocentric type of hobby. Only that which makes it possible to show off in front of others can captivate. If there are abilities, then amateur art opens up the greatest opportunities here. Those types of art are always preferred that are currently the most fashionable among adolescents of their circle (in our period - pop ensembles) or can amaze with their unusualness (for example, mime theater). It was impossible not to notice among adolescents in the 60-70s the low popularity of drama circles and the falling popularity of dance ensembles. Sometimes your favorite hobbies, at first glance, do not belong to egocentric hobbies. However, in fact, it turns out that the enthusiastic lesson in a foreign language, which usually comes down to mastering the most common dialogues, is undertaken in order to flash a conversation with foreign tourists in front of friends, and the passion for philosophy is limited to the most superficial acquaintance with fashionable philosophical currents and is again intended to with his knowledge to impress the appropriate environment. The imitation of yogis and hippies is particularly fertile ground in this respect. Even the collected collections can serve the same purpose - to show off with them for foreign sailing, ”but he immediately defiantly declared that the“ colony spot ”ruined his life - they wouldn’t take him anywhere to a“ decent place ”. Education in vocational schools specializing in radio engineering considers unworthy for himself. He says that he is fond of modern pop music, quickly names several fashionable things and ensembles, but his knowledge here is superficial: apparently, he was more busy speculating on tape recordings than music itself.

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