The history of the creation of Vasnetsov's painting The Frog Princess. Description of the painting by Viktor Vasnetsov “The Frog Princess”. based on the fairy tale of the same name

Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov took inspiration from folk art. With his help, he tried to understand the spirit of the Russian people and explore it, convey all its beauty and originality. The embodiment of this desire was the painting “The Frog Princess”.

A girl appears in the foreground, dressed in a green dress with long sleeves with a white shirt underneath. The color of her robe emphasizes nature, and the whiteness of her shirt harmonizes wonderfully with the swans depicted in the background.

According to legend, at this moment Vasilisa the Wise is at the royal feast. Around her on the benches are depictions of guslars, mesmerized by the dance. By waving her left hand, Vasilisa created a lake, and by waving her right hand, she created swans swimming across it.

As soon as the viewer remembers the exact text of this legend, his eye immediately sees the details of the background, on which a blue lake, small figures of snow-white swans are visible, and in the distance, in front of a wheat field and village houses, a blue forest.

Such details create the impression of action unfolding in a full-dimensional space. It is noticeable how the flying birds harmonize with the clouds, as if they appeared from them. The princess herself is preparing to perform another miracle. Many artists tried to embody this plot in their work, most of whom depicted the heroine at the moment when birds flew out of her sleeves. However, only Vasnetsov managed, without such a designation of the action, to convey it so vividly and vividly.

In addition to the description of the painting “The Frog Princess” by V. M. Vasnetsov, our website contains many other descriptions of paintings by various artists, which can be used both in preparation for writing an essay on the painting, and simply for a more complete acquaintance with the work of famous masters of the past .


Bead weaving

Bead weaving is not only a way to occupy a child’s free time with productive activities, but also an opportunity to make interesting jewelry and souvenirs with your own hands.

Marina Skorobogatova

Target: development of figurative speech in children of senior preschool age

Tasks: continue to introduce children to the works of V. Vasnetsov; develop the emotional side of preschoolers’ speech; cultivate interest in native culture

Equipment: on one easel - reproductions of paintings by V. Vasnetsov on a fairy-tale theme (format no less than A4); on another easel there is a reproduction of the painting “The Frog Princess” (format no less than A2); audio recording of a cheerful folk dance; model of the lake and paper figurines of swans according to the number of children)

Preliminary work: reading and analysis of the Russian folk tale “The Frog Princess”; viewing the painting “The Frog Princess” by artist V. Vasnetsov; exercises for the development of figurative speech in children.

Children approach the easel, on which there are reproductions of paintings by V. Vasnetsov on a fairy-tale theme.

Here are several paintings by the wonderful Russian artist Viktor Vasnetsov, who has painted fairy tale characters many times.

Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov loved oral folk art and he drew many heroes and plots for his paintings from epics and fairy tales. In his paintings, Vasnetsov tried to show the beauty and originality of the Russian people.

Try to guess what fairy tales these pictures were written for. (“Koschei the Immortal”, “Alyonushka”, “Flying Carpet”, “Baba Yaga”, etc.).

We have already looked at one of these paintings. What is it called?

Children approach the easel on which the painting “The Frog Princess” is located.

The painting is called “The Frog Princess,” but in the foreground we see a beautiful girl. Who is she? (Vasilisa the Wise).

Where does such an unusual name come from - the Wise? (she was very smart)

How did she become a frog? (she was ordered to become a frog by her father Koschey the Immortal, because she was wiser than him; and she obeyed him).

What moment of the fairy tale is depicted in the picture? (Vasilisa dances at a feast in the king’s palace).

How did you guess that Vasilisa was dancing in the palace? (Vasilisa dances in the royal mansion, the room is very beautiful, as evidenced by the walls and floor decorated with ornaments, and the carved legs of wooden tables that are bursting with food, and the doorway bordered with paintings).

The princess in the picture stands with her back to us, and we do not see her face. Do you think she is beautiful? Surely, you can guess this by looking at the faces of the musicians who play for Vasilisa. ( The guslars look at the girl with admiration and a smile, they are fascinated by her dance, and the girl’s spontaneous gaiety is captivating, and they themselves want to start dancing - their legs dance and their heads bend to the beat of the music.)

Depict how the musicians might look at the Princess if they didn’t like her. Now show me how they look at her (mimic sketches)

What instruments do the musicians play? (harp, balalaika, horn). What kind of music do you think the musicians play for the princess? (Russian dance). Let's listen to her.

Children listen to music, after the first verse everyone is invited to a common merry dance (dynamic pause).

Indeed, Vasilisa the Wise is very beautiful! Today we will try to tell about her beauty using beautiful words. Let's first remember these words.

Game “Choose a Word”

How do they usually talk about indescribable beauty in fairy tales? ( NEITHER TO SAY IN A FAIRY TALE, NOR DESCRIBE WITH A PEN)

If in a fairy tale they want to emphasize the slenderness of a girl, what tree is she compared to? (with BEREZKA)

Velvet sundress - what kind of sundress? (VELVET)

The sundress is green, like an emerald - what color is the sundress? (EMERALD)

A shirt as white as snow - what kind of shirt? (SNOW WHITE).

Crown of gold - what kind of crown? (GOLD).

The handkerchief is as light as air - what kind of handkerchief? (AIR)

Listen to how I describe the princess’s appearance. Try to remember what beautiful words and comparisons I use.

“The princess is so beautiful that it is impossible to say in a fairy tale or describe with a pen! She is as slender as a birch tree! She is wearing an elegant emerald-colored velvet sundress and a snow-white shirt. She has a golden crown on her head, and in her hands is a light, airy scarf. Vasilisa dances merrily. Her arms look like swan wings, and her long, heavy braids flutter as she dances. Oh yes princess, oh yes beauty!”

Let's say the last sentence together, with joy and delight!

And who wants to describe the beautiful princess himself? (1-4 children)

You did a great job today. And I want our Vasilisa’s dance to end with the same magic as in the fairy tale.

Who remembers how magically the Princess’s dance at the royal feast became famous? (she waved her right sleeve, and the blue lake overflowed; she waved her left sleeve, and beautiful snow-white swans flew to the lake).

Let's try to repeat this moment. For your beautiful stories about the beautiful princess, I will give each of you a small magical swan, which may fulfill some of your wishes. ...In the meantime, a cheerful dance song sounds again, the beautiful princess comes out into the center of the royal hall again, and the magic begins...

To the accompaniment of cheerful music, all the children follow the teacher and repeat the princess’s magical dance: they wave their right hand and a model of a blue lake appears on the table; they wave their left sleeve and place figurines of white swans on the lake.

Russian fairy tales in the paintings of Vasnetsov V.M., “The Frog Princess”.

The author of the painting “The Frog Princess” is the famous Russian artist Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov. The plot is based on an episode from the fairy tale “The Frog Princess”. The canvas was created in 1918. The artist was very interested in folklore and therefore many of his works depict episodes from Russian folk tales and epics. The artist in all his works managed to vividly and expressively depict the very essence of the fairy tale.

This painting is an illustration for the Russian folk tale “The Frog Princess.” The main character Vasilisa the Beautiful is depicted at the moment when she turned into a princess and came with Ivan Tsarevich to a feast with the father-tsar. The canvas shows an elegant, delightful young girl dancing. The picture shows the moment when the princess performs miracles while dancing. From the scraps from the royal table, which she hid in the sleeves of her luxurious outfit, the main character of the fairy tale created a beautiful lake with a pair of white swans and several ducks.

The artist very clearly and expressively showed the charm of Vasilisa the Beautiful. Her whole figure and body position show that the girl is very graceful and sophisticated. Everyone looks at the Russian beauty with admiration, and her dance captivated everyone. The artist conveyed the movement very expressively. The poses of all the participants in the picture show that Vasilisa’s dance captivated everyone - the musicians also danced to the beat of the music. The whole figure of the heroine is plastic and dynamic. She is full of grace, majesty and grace: her thin figure is slightly bent back, her head is slightly thrown back, her arms outstretched smoothly move to the beat of the perky music. In her right hand, she elegantly holds a small fluffy handkerchief with two fingers, her little finger coquettishly sticking out. She is a princess, and her every movement is full of a sense of her own perfection and awareness of her irresistible beauty.

The outfit of the former Frog Princess is impressive in its richness. She is dressed in an elegant green long dress embroidered with gold, under which a white shirt is visible, and in her hand she holds a snow-white light scarf. The girl’s face is not visible from the back, but you can see her gorgeous long hair, decorated with a dazzling headdress with precious stones.

The events on the canvas take place in richly decorated royal chambers with elegantly painted walls and an expensive multi-colored carpet on the floor. Only a corner of the set table is visible to the audience, but one can assume that the table was set with delicious dishes and the feast was delicious.

Outside the window in the background you can see a distant Russian village, and also snow-white birch trees standing on the shore of the lake, girls in folk costumes dance in a circle near the lake. You can also see a boat with a fisherman on the water. Swans gracefully swim along the surface of the water, and several more birds rush to the water from the sky. Minor elements of the depiction of nature on the canvas very accurately and beautifully convey the majesty and beauty of Russian nature.

The canvas exudes a festive, magical atmosphere; it amazes with its picturesqueness and elegance. The sophistication of the details and the elegant drawing of the figures emphasize the beauty of the fairy tale and classical Russian customs. The picture represents the inspiration of folk art, all the beauty and originality of the Russian people, who believe in the triumph of justice and magic. Paintings by Vasnetsov V.M. They captivate not only adults, but children also like them. Thanks to such bright illustrations for the fairy tale, every child can imagine what the heroes of their favorite fairy tales look like. Nowadays, the painting “The Frog Princess” is exhibited in the House-Museum of V.M. Vasnetsov. in Moscow. You can also see other paintings by the artist there.

  1. V.M. Vasnetsov is a fabulous painter.
  2. Foreground:
    • dance of the Frog Princess;
    • description of the clothes of the Frog Princess;
    • musicians;
    • Arsky tower;
  3. Background (nature, Russian village).
  4. My attitude to the picture.

Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov is a painter fascinated by the wonderful world of Russian fairy tales, epics and legends. He wrote a huge number of colorful canvases and sketches on subjects borrowed from oral folk art. In his paintings, the mighty heroes and fantastic birds of Sirin, the mysterious princesses and brave princes, the gentle Snow Maiden and the sad Alyonushka come to life before us... The artist captured one of the exciting scenes based on everyone’s favorite fairy tale “The Frog Princess” on the canvas of the same name.

In the foreground is a tall, stately girl with a proud posture - this is one of the king’s daughters-in-law. According to the plot of the fairy tale, we know that she is that same magic frog, the wife of the youngest son, who has already surprised all the guests at the feast with her extraordinary miracles. A girl dances a Russian folk dance. What exactly did she prepare to amuse the father-king this time? Maybe “The Lady,” or maybe a fiery improvisation dance. The artist captured the moment of the dance when the heroine of the fairy tale turned her back to the viewer. The delicate features of her noble face are depicted in profile. Captivated by the music, the girl closed her eyes, her lips were tightly compressed, her chin was proudly raised.

Her whole figure is plastic and dynamic. She is full of grace, majesty and grace: her thin figure is slightly bent back, her head is slightly thrown back, her arms outstretched smoothly move to the beat of the perky music. In her right hand, she mannerly, with two fingers, holds a small snow-white airy handkerchief, coquettishly sticking out her little finger. She is a princess, and her every movement is full of self-esteem and awareness of her irresistible beauty.

The girl is truly wearing a royal outfit. It was no coincidence that the artist chose the color for her attire: the deep emerald tone of the long sundress recalls the sad secret of the fairy-tale heroine. Floral ornaments - leaves, blades of grass and intricate patterns - are embroidered on the sundress with gold threads. The collar of the sundress is decorated with expensive stones, and the cuffs are trimmed with a gold border. The golden lining speaks of the high origins of the royal daughter-in-law, which are still hidden from everyone.

The sleeves of the sundress are sewn with large slits; they hang freely while moving. The Frog Princess is wearing a snow-white shirt made of fine material, which makes the swing of her arms look like the wings of a white swan. Long, below the waist, dark brown hair is pulled back into two heavy, thick, flowing braids. On the head is a low crown with precious stones, fastened at the back of the head with a large clasp. On the heroine's feet are small, neat green boots with low heels. They are also embroidered with a golden pattern.

Six court musicians play for the Frog Princess. They sit on massive carved wooden benches on either side of the dancer. They are wearing bright multi-colored kaftans, and all have bright red long boots on their feet. Balalaika players, guslar players and horn players are all passionate about the action. Both old and young with brave prowess perform a perky melody for the princess. They accompany their play with singing. Their faces shine with wild joy, and their legs are ready to dance from the sparkling play. All of them cannot take their admiring eyes off the beautiful girl, from her smoothness and majesty.

The action itself takes place in the painted royal palace. The decoration of the room is solemn and festive: the walls are decorated with multicolor paintings with marvelous birds and unusual flowers, the floor is lined with wooden rectangles of light and dark tones in a checkerboard pattern. On the floor there is a colorful carpet with images of overseas animals and plants. It is on this that the Frog Princess dances her dance.

To emphasize that the action takes place during a feast, V. Vasnetsov presented to our view a small part of the festive feast: elegant cutlery and dishes are placed on a snow-white lace tablecloth covering a table with carved painted legs.

In the center of the royal mansion there is a huge three-arched opening that leads to the terrace of the tower. From here, our gaze opens to a picturesque panoramic view of the Russian village, of the wide native expanses and of the miracles created by the Frog Princess: below, in front of the tower, there is a large lake, on the surface of which white swans and ducks swim. On the shore of the lake there is a village with neat wooden houses. As in the royal palace, there is also a noisy celebration in the village: girls in bright colorful sundresses dance in a circle. Behind the ancient one is a golden field and a dark ribbon of forest. And above this entire cheerful panorama lies a blue sky, across which white fluffy clouds float and white swans fly.

This is a very lively, emotional picture. V.M. Vasnetsov masterfully conveys the atmosphere and mood of a fairy tale plot. It seems that if you listen closely, you can catch the sounds of perky music, and the Frog Princess will spin in a dance, wave her white sleeves and, like a white swan, soar high into the sky and fly away with other white birds.

This painting by Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov was painted in 1918. The work is made in oil on canvas. The painting is in the V. M. Vasnetsov House-Museum, Moscow.

The Frog Princess is a character in Russian folk tales. According to the usual plot of the fairy tale, Ivan Tsarevich finds the Frog Princess by accident. Ivan Tsarevich shot from a bow so that the arrow would lead him to his bride, but instead of a girl he finds a frog in the swamp that holds his arrow. At the same time, the arrows of all the other brothers (usually there are two of them) fall into the houses of the boyar or merchant’s daughter.

Sometimes the Frog Princess turns out to be the daughter of a king, sometimes not. The frog princess in fairy tales is usually an intelligent, friendly, skillful girl who does the work quickly and efficiently. She often does housework at night so that her fiancé, Ivan Tsarevich, does not see it. In the form of the Frog, the Frog Princess must live for 3 years, since she disobeyed her father (option: she did not want to marry Koshchei the Immortal).

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