Evgeniy Osin, who recovered from alcoholism, almost hit the storm live. Alexander Novikov and deceived fans: castles in the air of the king of chanson Let them say - Alexander Novikov. The heavy hand of the king of chanson

The dashing 90s have passed, and with them the names of many idols of those times have sunk into oblivion. But the outgoing year suddenly turned out to be generous with comebacks from seemingly forever forgotten stars. True, their return can hardly be called good news. Neurological diseases, problems with alcohol, illegitimate children, past grievances and new scandals - this is what caused a new round of popularity for the idols of the 90s. Against this background, it seems that only Shura’s business has improved: the artist has overcome cancer, is giving concerts again and generously giving interviews, including for Vokrug TV. Let's figure out what went wrong with other stars of the 90s, whose names were heard in the past year.

Yuri Loza

Another reason for Yuri Loza to speak out was the death of Chester Bennington on July 20 of this year. The musician said that the band's frontman Linkin Park betrayed his fans by committing suicide. “His death should show everyone for the tenth time that any person, even the most successful, wealthy, surrounded by fans, is not able to overcome drugs, there is no such power. He had the opportunity to connect any medicine, any services - and failed. At that moment he was thinking only about himself, about his cockroaches, about his problems, he didn’t think about the fans at all, he didn’t care about anyone. At that moment he betrayed his fans,” Loza told RIA Novosti.

Scandalous statements, of course, is Yuri Loza’s specialty, but in the past year they were not the only ones that made the musician famous. The singer and composer showed his handsome son Oleg in Boris Korchevnikov’s new show “The Fate of a Man” in October 2017. Viewers of the show noted the similarities young man with Brad Pitt. By the way, it is quite possible that the father’s decision to show his son on television was not accidental. At the beginning of November this year, Oleg Loza became a participant in the “Success” show on STS, but a week later the young singer left the program: he did not last long.

31-year-old handsome son of Yuri Loza Oleg

Irina Saltykova

Shura (42 years old)

The hits “Summer Rains Have Stopped” and “Do Good” were brought to Alexander Medvedev (Shura’s real name. - Note ed.) wildly popular in the dashing 90s. The artist was at the peak of his fame, but then, alas, something terrible happened. The diagnosis is cancer. Just this word from the lips of doctors can give up. But Shura did not give up, found the strength to move on and defeated the disease. Now he is back in action: recording new songs, touring and willingly giving interviews.

It came out at the end of November exclusive interview Shura for "Around TV". The artist spoke about his struggle with a terrible illness. It turns out that the real savior for the musician was a dog named Matilda. “This is a very difficult situation in general. When they announce your sentence, you don’t want to live. I don’t want to strain my relatives... I don’t want to undergo chemotherapy. In my case, some kind of fiction helped me. One clairvoyant told me: “Get yourself a dog, and it will save you.” I didn’t want to live for my relatives, because living for my relatives would strain them. Every day they will endure your chemotherapy courses, investing money in it, because it costs a lot. My treatment cost about a million dollars. Thank God that the people around me helped me. And I didn’t want to live. And so I got myself a dog. And I lived for this lump. I came after a course of chemotherapy, I felt bad. Then he kissed this little lump. I lived for him. That is, you need to decide on the purpose for which you live. For example, a loved one. But at that time I had no one except this dog. And so she pulled me out of oncology. Not relatives, but a dog,” admitted Shura.


Exclusive video interview with Shura for “Vokrug TV”

Popular songwriter and performer in the style of “Russian chanson” Alexander Novikov is accused of fraud on an especially large scale. It's about on the construction of the Queens Bay cottage community, located near Yekaterinburg on the shores of Lake Shartash. An investigation into this has been ongoing for 2 years now. high-profile case. Watch the episode of the program Let Them Talk - Alexander Novikov and deceived fans: castles in the air of the king of chanson 09/20/2017

Today Alexander Novikov is under recognizance not to leave. The musician's entire property was seized for a total amount of 250 million rubles. The singer himself cannot now leave Yekaterinburg. What awaits Novikov and will he go to prison for the third time? As you know, the construction of a cottage community began in 2008 and 4 years later, in 2012, the first residents were supposed to settle in it. However, in 2011, construction was frozen and this caused a storm of indignation among shareholders. After a while, charges were brought against the singer Alexander Novikov and the former deputy. Minister of Investment and Development Sverdlovsk region Mikhail Shilimanov. In December 2016, they were under house arrest, but later the court decision was overturned and Novikov is now under recognizance not to leave.

Let them say - Alexander Novikov. The heavy hand of the king of chanson

Singer Alexander Novikov will tell his version in the “Let Them Talk” program. What is the master of chanson accused of and how is he trying to avoid punishment? At the beginning of the episode you will see his friend and stage colleague Mikhail Shufutinsky, who will express his opinion on this story:

- Of course, I believe that Sasha is not guilty of anything and he is not a fraudster. This is not the person who will appropriate the money of shareholders like this. But he is accused of advertising this village. Yes, he participated in advertising, but that is part of our great profession! The point is that the person has achieved people's love with his many years of work and it’s normal that he advertised that village. As for the embezzled money, you have to prove it first!

A real man and a patriot of his country. He deserves respect. Yes, he promised, but force majeure happened and he could not influence it.

And here’s what Alexander Novikov himself said about “Queens Bay” several years ago:

- This beautiful place. Beautiful noble houses, not just buildings. I would recommend this village. And yes, I act as a guarantor. If I said that the houses will be ready in October, then if the village is not yet fully built, I will be responsible for this. We do not depend on anyone, we do not have credit money.

Among the invited experts on the program are: music producer Andrey Razin:

- When Alexander received these lands, he decided to do good for ordinary people. This is very Noble act. He received money and built houses, but now people cannot own these houses. And now, because of two people who are slowing down the process of getting cottages, both he and other people are suffering. The houses were completed two months ago. Alexander did not steal a single ruble from anyone! All invested money was used only for construction.

— The whole point is that materials began to become more expensive, but there was no other money for it. He even invested his own money.

Alexander Novikov and deceived fans. Talk show "Let them talk"

On a direct line with the studio Let them talk - the star of Russian chanson Alexander Novikov, who tells all the details of the scandalous story with a cottage village near Yekaterinburg:

— The situation is as follows: I am the owner of land with an area of ​​4.5 hectares in the center of Yekaterinburg. The land plot is located near Lake Shartash. I gave my land free of charge to a development company, and the developer began to build houses there for shareholders. And they promised me money after the construction of the village was completed. Everything was going great...at first. I had nothing to do with the construction - I only actively advertised future houses.

“But in 2012 there was a crisis and construction, like many other construction projects throughout the country, was suspended. And then this is what happened: the shareholders, led by a possessed lady, came out to a rally with posters accusing me of fraud. And immediately there were people who supported them financially, after which other similar rallies began to be organized. Everyone knows that I am friends with the governor of the Sverdlovsk region and I support his policies. But there are forces in the area that are interested in him not holding this post. And me like famous person They decided to knock out the Sverdlovsk region.

On the talk show “Let them talk to Dmitry Borisov” the version of the deceived shareholders will also be voiced. In the program studio, Maria Baldina and the chairman of the housing cooperative Zilya Bulatova:

— We signed an agreement with the son of Alexander Vasilyevich Novikov and he (the son) promised us our houses in six months. The houses are actually not completed at all, there are no necessary communications.

Guests of the program: singer Natalya Sturm, Vladimir Vasiliev, Moscow City Duma deputy Inna Svyatenko, lawyer Alexander Treshchev and others. Watch online for free the episode Let Them Talk - Alexander Novikov and deceived fans: castles in the air of the king of chanson, broadcast on September 20, 2017 (09.20.2017) .

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Singer Natalya Sturm spoke about filming in the new episode of the show “Live”. The star is outraged by the behavior of musician Evgeny Osin.

Three celebrities went to Thailand to get rid of their addictions in September: Dana Borisova, Chris Kelmi and Evgeniy Osin. Andrei Malakhov’s television programs (first “Let Them Talk”, and after the transition to “Russia” - the show “Live”) controlled this process - and sponsored it. To help people, and then to film new episodes of the show about what results the stars have achieved, how they have changed and started a new life.

But 41-year-old Dana Borisova came to Malakhov’s final program in cheerful form and immediately declared that “I’m done with drugs and alcohol forever.” But Chris Kelmi, for example, could not participate in the show. The artist suddenly became worse, and the entire program of the artist was shown in a hospital bed in a semi-conscious state.

Meanwhile, 53-year-old Evgeniy Osin decided to create a scandal in live. Before the musician entered the studio, Dana Borisova said that Osin sold his garage “for crazy money,” bought himself a motorcycle, and, according to her observations, was sober all this time.

The artist actually looked relatively decent and spoke well. He told me that he bought a motorcycle for a million rubles after he sold a good garage.

But suddenly Osin again began to attack Natalya Sturm (the artist was once the first to worry that Osin seemed to be an alcoholic - approx.), not expecting that the singer was behind the scenes and heard all this.

While all these hens, including Natalya Sturm, throw mud at me, I sleep in a starched bed and drive a car every day,”

the singer boasted to the audience.

He clarified that he has an apartment of 140 meters, a billiard table, sports equipment, three motorcycles, a jeep, a garage - and all this, they say, suggests that if he were a complete drunk, he probably wouldn’t have all this was.

She came to me as a friend, brought alcohol, drank with me and mixed me with some nasty stuff, at that time I passed out, and she sent journalists to me, who filmed me in obscene form and gave me additional bottles for paraphernalia, that’s all They scattered it around as if I had a complete mess! —

Osin assures.

Andrei Malakhov tried to stand up for Natalya Sturm, but this time, as Komsomoslskaya Pravda writes, he entered the studio shouting: “Creature, brute and bastard!” The singer herself entered the studio.

Fuck you....! If you were a man, I would punch you in the face! Take her away or I'll leave! They promised me that she wouldn't be here! —

the musician, who was being tried to be dragged away by the guest of the program, singer Alexander Dobrynin, yelled at her.

Every word he said was a lie! You're just afraid, you cowardly skunk, for running away. Sue me if I poisoned you! Quite sick! Creature!" -

Sturm shouted in response.

After this, Osin, shouting “I’m leaving, interview her,” ran away from the studio.

Singer Natalya Sturm later spoke about filming in the new episode of the show “Live”: she was outraged by the behavior of musician Evgeny Osin.

So, after this, think about where lies and slander lead. I'm tired of it, Osin, stop mentioning me in every program and promoting my name. Article of the Criminal Code 5. Defamation combined with accusing a person of committing a grave or especially grave crime is punishable by a fine of up to five million rubles or in the amount wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to three years or by compulsory work for a period of up to four hundred eighty hours. You lie everything from the first to the last word,”

In his apartment after the singer had not been in touch for more than a day. Author of the cult composition “The girl is crying in the machine gun” for a long time unsuccessfully struggled with alcohol addiction. At the age of 55, the singer’s heart stopped. The death of Evgeny Osin is widely discussed in various talk shows, and friends and colleagues of the artist actively comment on his departure.

One of those who had close contact with Osin in Lately, was scandalous famous TV presenter. In the program "" she, which he rejected. Today the TV presenter took part in the filming of a program about Aspen on the Spas channel. Dana noted that the musician’s friend, the singer, did not come to the broadcast because the editors of the program refused to pay her a fee of 30 thousand rubles.

Evgeniy Osin

Evgeny Osin was treated in a clinic in Thailand, where Dana Borisova struggled with drug addiction. And if the TV presenter, then the musician quickly returned home from the hospital. He didn’t like that in the rehabilitation center they forced him to attend “some groups” and didn’t give him alcohol. Borisova said that the singer was in the hospital “with golden IVs, with restaurant food.” “This is a case when everyone wanted to help, but the person himself did not want to help. Willfulness, stubbornness, self-will. This is what hurts me, this is what tears me apart,” Dana concluded.

Dana Borisova and Evgeny Osin

Natalya Sturm, who was close friends with Evgeniy, confirmed the words of the TV presenter. “The natural ending... I remember only good things, we talked a lot. It’s a pity that he didn’t heed our assurances, help and desire to help. I took everything a little aggressively. Not even a little - I perceived everything as an invasion of my personal life. I didn’t listen to anyone, I did what I wanted. A real man... He was completely destroyed inside, alcohol destroyed all his organs. I’ve given up…” she commented on Osin’s departure to the Zvezda TV channel.

Sturm has not yet responded to Dana’s provocation. It is known that the singer took part in the filming of the program “,” dedicated to the memory of Osin. And Borisova, in addition to filming a TV show, shared an archived video interview with Evgeniy, filmed in a Thai clinic.

Natalya Sturm took part in the filming of the “Let Them Talk” program dedicated to Evgeny Osin (photo gallery: scroll right)

Archival interview with Evgeny Osin, filmed by Dana Borisova

By the way, exactly. Recently, the singer often appeared in various programs, where he talked about his addiction and deplorable financial condition. So, a musician needs a more modest home in order to survive for some time with the remaining money. As a result, the singer did not sell the apartment and lived on royalties for filming in television programs, and most spent money on products from the alcohol departments of supermarkets.

Three celebrities immediately went to treat their addictions in distant Thailand. Everything is in front of the public, partly sympathetic, partly mercilessly condemning. Andrei Malakhov’s television programs (first “Let Them Talk”, and after the transition to “Russia” the show “Live”), with him at the head, controlled and sponsored this process in order to help people, and then film new episodes of the show about what results the stars had achieved how they changed and started a new life.

But if 41-year-old Dana Borisova came to Malakhov’s final program like a cucumber, demonstrated excellent physical and mental shape, and immediately declared: “I’m done with drugs and alcohol forever,” then the situation with the new client of the Thai rehabilitation center is not so optimistic.

Chris Kelmi went to treatment for alcoholism following Borisova and Osin. The 62-year-old singer planned to return to Moscow to be on the show, but this did not happen. The artist suddenly became worse and the artist’s entire program was shown in a hospital bed in a semi-conscious state.

His brother Evgeniy came to Andrei Malakhov’s program, and he sadly admitted that he was not surprised by what was happening to his loved one.

But of all this trinity, Evgeniy Osin attracted the most attention. The 53-year-old musician again caused a scandal on air.

Before the musician entered the studio, Dana Borisova said that Osin sold his garage “for crazy money”, bought himself a motorcycle and, according to her observations, has been sober all this time.

With the appearance of Evgeniy Osin came the culmination of the program. Those who did not believe in him realized that they were mistaken. The artist looked relatively decent and spoke well. He told me that he bought a motorcycle for a million rubles after he sold a good garage.

But suddenly Osin again began to attack Natalya Sturm (the artist was once the first to sound the alarm that Osin needed to be saved, the first to say that he was an alcoholic - ed.), not expecting that the singer was behind the scenes and heard all this:

While all these hens, including Natalya Sturm, throw mud at me, I sleep in a starched bed and drive a car every day,” the singer boasted to the public and began making accusations. - She came to me as a friend, brought alcohol, drank with me and mixed me with some nasty stuff, at that time I passed out, and she sent journalists to me, who filmed me in obscene form and gave me additional bottles for paraphernalia, Everything was scattered, as if I had a complete mess! I have an apartment of 140 meters, a billiard table, sports equipment, three motorcycles, a jeep, and a garage. What does this mean? If I were a complete drunk, I probably wouldn’t have all this! Treatment at the rehabilitation center helped me a lot, it turned my mind around.

Andrei Malakhov tried to stand up for Natalya Sturm, saying that it was funny to “drive” her, because she was talking about the obvious.

Sturm doesn’t sing songs anymore, he only goes on talk shows! - Osin objected.

And at this time the singer herself comes into the studio shouting: “Creature, brute and bastard!”

Fuck you....! If you were a man, I would punch you in the face! - the musician yells at her, whom the guest of the program, singer Alexander Dobrynin, is trying to pull away. - Take her away or I'll leave! They promised me that she wouldn't be here!

Every word he spoke was a lie! You're just afraid, you cowardly skunk, for running away. Sue me if I poisoned you! Quite sick! Creature! - Sturm continues the squabble.

I'm leaving, interview her! - Osin shouts and runs out of the studio.

He's just lying, he's afraid of me! In legal language this is called libel. I want to sort things out with him on a legal basis. His wife ran away with their daughter, the whole family abandoned him, his sister is just waiting for her inheritance to come to her. This is such a person. - Natalya Sturm says after him, barely restraining himself.

Today we saw Osin in much better condition. And we should all pray for the health of Chris Kelmi, so that he can come back,” Andrei Malakhov concluded, since in the midst of the scandal the broadcast time came to an end.

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