Famous stories. The most famous Russian writers and their works. What is a story

David looked out the window at the rapidly receding city. Somewhere not far from the main mosque, something suddenly flared up, and then scattered into many multi-colored lights and just as quickly went out. My heart sank painfully. That was his smile. Bright, blinding and unforgettable, like a flash in the night.

The author, through the eyes of a grandmother from a remote Bashkir village, who by chance found herself in the whirlpool of the Chechen conflict in the mid-90s of the last century, shows the cruelty and senselessness of war. Heroes - people of different nationalities and religions - behave differently in extreme situations. The reader will find adventure, love, and funny stories in this work.

Behind the rotten swamps, in the thicket of the forest, where no bird sings, where no wild beast walks, a witch lives. Her face is full of holes and ruts, warts and vile mucus from her sinful deeds. The voice is a crow's croak; whatever he says, the toad will jump off. The body is tailed and horned, neither male nor female, but animal. The witch prowls through the forests and swamps, looking for an innocent victim to sink her fangs into the throat, tear them apart and drink blood... And then dance on the remains in the light of the moon, with wild whoops and cackles...

These are the tales they tell in our area. Scary. And what to do if fairy tales don’t lie? And if each of them is about me.

The story, as always, is about love. About hard times and life's trials.

Julia is a girl with a difficult childhood behind her, who is trying to take fate and luck into her own hands.

Sasha is the “golden boy”, his parents’ spoiled first-born son, who is trying to find his path in life.

She is a little naive, he is angry and self-centered. They are from different worlds, but they are damn drawn to each other.

Subsequently, everyone takes an oath, which becomes more and more difficult to fulfill with each meeting.

I don't know how to write annotations. They turn out clumsy and a little awkward. In short, the story is about prejudice, about a difficult time for the heroes. It's about love.

I hope you like it. And thank you for reading, dear ones.

In the early 60s of the last century, in the midst of the construction of communism in a single country, unable to withstand the humiliation, three children run away from an orphanage. To find a children's institution for orphans, where they are not beaten, not humiliated, and in which children live happily. Ordinary orphans with twisted destinies. They will drive, swim, walk halfway across the country, and meet different people. Many difficult trials and adventures await them along the way.

A story about children during the war. The village ended up in a zone occupied by the enemy, but people live under the protection of partisans, children continue to study.

For primary school age.

Katya froze, wondering what to do. It just didn’t work out in an amicable way, but how to behave further... Only she could get into such a stupid situation.
Second day of work. Friday. Corporate event dedicated to the fifteenth anniversary of the company. Her immediate superior immediately warned her that the event was mandatory and formal, there was no way she could leave early, it was advisable not to stand out and behave in a civilized manner. In addition to your own, there will also be all kinds of partners. This means that we must try to do without scandals and excesses; the management does not like this.

Bullerby is the best place on Earth, according to the children who live there, and Astrid Lindgren herself, whose childhood was spent in the same small village in southern Sweden.

And although there are only six children in Bullerby, they are never bored, just as the great writer was never bored, because it was there that her worldview was formed. With her usual brilliance and humor, she describes their carefree childhood, in which there is a place for wonderful family holidays, pranks, joys, and fleeting sorrows.

When Sonya was a little girl, she believed that the New Year brings miracles. Then she grew up and realized that if miracles happen to anyone, it certainly doesn’t happen to her. But one day, on New Year’s Eve, a miracle nevertheless appears in her life - a fat, impudent, gluttonous, meowing one, which turns Sonya’s life upside down, thereby weaving real magic into the despondency and regularity!


In prose literature, there are not only large-scale works that occupy hundreds of pages. There are also small forms, among which it is worth noting such a genre as the story.

What is a story?

A story is a prose literary work that occupies an intermediate position by volume between novel and short story . This form is characterized by a sequential presentation of events, but the number of storylines is minimized due to the brevity of the work.

In a story, the development of events usually occurs rather slowly, the plot is uniform , the pace of the story is even. These works have a simple plot; events unfold, as a rule, in chronological order.

The story is typical for Russian literature; such a genre does not stand out in world literature. In structure and volume, it is closest to the European short story, although it is not identical to the latter.

Works of this genre describe a chain of successive episodes that add up to a certain fragment of the life of the main character. There are more events and characters in a story than, say, in a short story.

In general, this term is quite vague; it has come a long way in its development. Over time, not only the interpretation of the word itself, but also the material contained in the story changed .

The point is also that the internal boundaries of genres are almost impossible to establish; one form can be too close to another and imperceptibly transform into it. And different authors interpret this term differently.

Best stories

The subject matter and content of such works are very extensive. Almost all writers turned to this genre in their work. Therefore, the number and variety of stories is simply enormous. We can name only the brightest, most famous examples of the story genre:

  • Michael Bulgakov ;
  • Fedor Dostoevsky Hussar Minsky lived at the station for several days, pretending to be sick. Dunya looked after the young captain. When Minsky supposedly recovers and, leaving, offers to give the girl a ride to the church. But later it turned out that he took her with him.

    The caretaker goes to the capital to look for his daughter, but Minsky creates all sorts of obstacles for the old man and he returns to the station himself. Over time, from grief, he becomes an alcoholic and dies, and our narrator, having visited the station again, visits the grave of the caretaker.

    Marina Kletsko

    The writer in her work tells about a dramatic conflict in the family of a priest . The author poses a number of important questions to us: is it possible to go against the will of fate? Is there a need to submit to someone else's will, despite your own desires? How can we find ourselves in this cruel world? All these difficult questions confront the main character of the book, Maria. Despite everything, she will be able to overcome all difficulties and find love.

    In the electronic library of the site you can familiarize yourself with summaries of the most interesting stories, as well as read them online.

(estimates: 50 , average: 4,00 out of 5)

In Russia, literature has its own direction, different from any other. The Russian soul is mysterious and incomprehensible. The genre reflects both Europe and Asia, which is why the best classical Russian works are extraordinary, striking in their soulfulness and vitality.

The main character is the soul. For a person, his position in society, the amount of money is not important, it is important for him to find himself and his place in this life, to find the truth and peace of mind.

The books of Russian literature are united by the features of a writer who has the gift of the great Word, who has completely devoted himself to this art of literature. The best classics saw life not flatly, but multifacetedly. They wrote about life not of random destinies, but of those expressing existence in its most unique manifestations.

Russian classics are so different, with different destinies, but what unites them is that literature is recognized as a school of life, a way of studying and developing Russia.

Russian classical literature was created by the best writers from different parts of Russia. It is very important where the author was born, because this determines his formation as a person, his development, and it also affects his writing skills. Pushkin, Lermontov, Dostoevsky were born in Moscow, Chernyshevsky in Saratov, Shchedrin in Tver. Poltava region in Ukraine is the birthplace of Gogol, Podolsk province - Nekrasov, Taganrog - Chekhov.

The three great classics, Tolstoy, Turgenev and Dostoevsky, were completely different people from each other, had different destinies, complex characters and great talents. They made a huge contribution to the development of literature, writing their best works, which still excite the hearts and souls of readers. Everyone should read these books.

Another important difference between the books of Russian classics is that they ridicule the shortcomings of a person and his way of life. Satire and humor are the main features of the works. However, many critics said that this was all slander. And only true connoisseurs saw how the characters are both comical and tragic at the same time. Such books always touch the soul.

Here you can find the best works of classical literature. You can download books of Russian classics for free or read them online, which is very convenient.

We present to your attention the 100 best books of Russian classics. The full list of books includes the best and most memorable works of Russian writers. This literature is known to everyone and is recognized by critics from all over the world.

Of course, our list of top 100 books is just a small part that brings together the best works of the great classics. It can be continued for a very long time.

A hundred books that everyone should read in order to understand not only how they used to live, what were the values, traditions, priorities in life, what they were striving for, but to find out in general how our world works, how bright and pure the soul can be and how valuable it is for a person, for the development of his personality.

The top 100 list includes the best and most famous works of Russian classics. The plot of many of them is known from school. However, some books are difficult to understand at a young age and require wisdom that is acquired over the years.

Of course, the list is far from complete; it can be continued endlessly. Reading such literature is a pleasure. She doesn’t just teach something, she radically changes lives, helps us understand simple things that we sometimes don’t even notice.

We hope you liked our list of classic books of Russian literature. You may have already read some of it, and some not. A great reason to make your own personal list of books, your top ones that you would like to read.

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky opened to the world new facets of knowledge of worldly vanity and spiritual nobility. All his works are close to the people, each hero plays the role of himself, and sometimes it seems that it is I who live on the pages of the writer’s famous novels.

His great “Pentateuch” is known to everyone from his student days, because such large-scale works are forever etched into the reader’s subconscious.

We will forever remember the plots of the works "Crimes and Punishments"(1866), where the main character tries to get out of everyday poverty and commits a terrible murder. Self-affirmation of the individual, the desire for power, the right to selfishness - such were the mindsets of that period, this book tells the story of the fall and resurrection of the human soul, the history of liberation from the circles of hell and the triumph of goodness, truth and love.

"The Brothers Karamazov" is the writer’s last novel, which was completed in November 1880. Four months after the publication of this work, Dostoevsky died.

Critics consider this painting to be the most authentic and majestic. The whole of Mother Russia is represented in the person of the main characters, the three brothers.

Mitya is a broad soul, capable of high and low actions, the complete opposite is Ivan, a cold mind and reason, every action is balanced and calculated. What can we say about Alyosha? A pure, pious, kind and merciful young man. The novel is highly artistic and based on real events.

Novel "Idiot"(1868) is still positioned incorrectly by many readers; you can often find on the shelves of bookstores an announcement of the work with the following content: “A vivid and almost painful story of the unfortunate Prince Myshkin, the frantic Parfen Rogozhin and the desperate Nastasya Filippovna.” But this is not all, just the tip of the iceberg, but inside there are global thoughts about divine powers, the purpose of man on this earth, the life story of the great messiah Jesus Christ. How society influences a healthy person, turning him into a sick person. Idiot.

"Humiliated and Offended"(1861) - all the established morals and character traits of the writer are clearly visible here. Severe psychological and emotional stress, pain and acute perception of reality, permanent hysteria and a gripping plot that makes it impossible to stop reading and horrifies with its long-lasting pathos. A deep and painful novel that lifts the curtain on the soul of a thinker and a mournful writer.

"Player"(1866) is a large-scale work that was not included by critics in The Pentateuch. The topic of excitement of the Russian public is insignificant and anecdotal. Yes, the book was written in a hurry in order to quickly complete the order to receive a large sum that Dostoevsky lost at cards. But readers were still able to discern the psychology of a gambler who has the literary gift and insight of the great writer of Rus'.

Tale "White Nights"(1848) revealed to readers the heartbreaking nature of Dostoevsky. The poetic image of the dreamer evokes sympathy and compassion at the end of the book.

The atmosphere of the white nights of St. Petersburg is so alluring and captivating that many filmmakers took up the film adaptation of this story. The sharp stoicism and exciting beauty of Mother Earth still surprises the modern reader, but Fyodor Mikhailovich himself experienced this drama!

Tale "Notes of a Dead House"(1860) - is an intriguing real document that reveals to the reader the life and customs of criminals who were sent to cold and distant Siberia. The characters of the people and the actions of the main characters spoke about the elusive reality and truthfulness of the essay written by the creator.

It is impossible to erase from the writer’s biography the moment when he spent many years in exile, in prison, so why should he remain silent and not pour out his soul on paper. This is how Dostoevsky’s exciting and raging work “Notes of a Dead House” came about.

(1864) - is one of the writer’s works that must be read after reading the great Pentateuch. The problem described in the novel is close and familiar to many contemporaries. The “underground” where the St. Petersburg official drives himself makes you think about your life and actions as a person of rank, representing the features of society. Complete inaction, despair, reflexive panic, cruelty and moral deformity of the main character represents the top of the proletariat, topical and uncontrollable.

Two years later, Dostoevsky will write “Crime and Punishment,” where he will reveal the essence of the moral Raskolnikov and his views on reality. It is here that the nature of the writer and the characteristic personality traits of Fyodor Mikhailovich can be traced.

Vaudeville "Someone else's wife and husband under the bed", written in 1860, surprised audiences with Dostoevsky's humorous nature and sarcastic writing style. Let's say, he did not often resort to this type of composition, which adds even more gloss and respect to his work.

The work did not go unnoticed by film directors, and already in 1984 a film adaptation of this vaudeville was made with Oleg Tabakov in the title role. This once again emphasizes the deep power of thought and high writing talent of the author.

An unusual story by Dostoevsky from 1865. This nasty joke amazes with its wisdom and courage; the main character, an official, swallowed whole by a crocodile, remained alive after the attack and did not change his social and political views. Even being in this cavernous, cold and wretched place, he absurdly talks about the new prospects and opportunities that have opened up for him.

It is in this work that Fyodor Mikhailovich does not skimp on expressions; with a caustic grin he attacks his political opponents from the liberal camp. This is where the minds and leaders of socialism are born.

Anyone who has read Gogol’s nose or is familiar with the work of the surrealist Kafka should understand where the legs of their works “grow from.” The topic of bureaucracy, unjust and insignificant, has always been and will be the first on the pages of describing the political history of the public. Dostoevsky's thoughts still excite the minds of modern readers.

What genres represent the list of the writer’s works?

The list of Dostoevsky's works is long and extensive. Here you can find prose and poetry, journalism and novels, short stories and vaudeville, it is simply impossible to list everything.

Hidden images

According to leading critics of our time, in the works of Fyodor Mikhailovich one can find encrypted pages of the sacred Gospel when reading the novel “Poor People”. The theme of egoism and the second “I” is carried out in the story “Double” and can be traced in many images of the writer’s heroes.

The criminal storyline is vividly represented in Dostoevsky’s novels “The Adolescent,” “Crime and Punishment,” and “The Brothers Karamazov.” The image of Supremacy and terrifying realism demonstrates the essence of the developing Russian social democracy, the complete cynicism of populist ideology.

When mentioning crime themes, it would be wrong to omit the novel “Demons,” written in 1872. Unfortunately, it is practically unknown to the modern reader, due to the strictest ban. But today each of us can discover the soul of the writer and look into the vastness of the cynical ideology that led to Bolshevism.

List of works by F. M. Dostoevsky

Eight novels:

  • (1846)
  • (1861)
  • Player (1866)
  • Crime and Punishment (1866)
  • (1869-69)
  • (1871-72)
  • (1875)
  • (1879-80)

Novels and stories:

  • Double (1846)
  • A Novel in Nine Letters (1847)
  • Sliders (1848)
  • Uncle's Dream (1859)
  • Another Man's Wife and Husband Under the Bed (1860)
  • A Bad Joke (1862)
  • Notes from Underground (1864)
  • Crocodile (1865)
  • Writer's Diary. September-December 1877
  • Writer's Diary. 1880
  • Writer's Diary. 1881


  • On European events in 1854 (1854)
  • On the first of July 1855 (1855)
  • On the coronation and conclusion of peace (1856)
  • Epigram on a Bavarian Colonel (1864)
  • The struggle of nihilism with honesty (1864-73)
  • Describe all the priests alone (1873-74)
  • Collapse of the cantor of Baimakov (1876-77)
  • Children Are Expensive (1876)
  • Don't be a robber, Fedul (1879)

A separate volume contains a collection of folklore material “My convict notebook”.

Love and read Dostoevsky

This is a whole world of enthusiastic soulfulness, intellectual mind, enlightenment and despair. The works are devoted to the eternal questions of the universe and do not go beyond the time frame of history.

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