Why do you dream of ringing bells? Interpretation of the dream bell ringing in dream books

A dream about hearing a bell ringing can leave the dreamer with different sensations: a joyful chime in honor of a holiday will give joy and hope, while an alarming alarm will cause fear. Let's see how famous dream books interpret such dreams.

Women's dream book

Lonely bell sounds are a harbinger of anxiety associated with disappointment in people. And the festive chime means the onset of good times, victory over an opponent

Miller's Interpreter

A well-known psychologist interprets this vision this way: to hear a chime means to learn about the death of a relative or friend. Holiday ringing - good prospects await your business. For young people, the dream predicts the fulfillment of a dream. A melodious chime predicts that you will emerge victorious from a difficult battle in life.

English dream book

Hearing a bell ringing means getting good news. For girls and boys, this is a harbinger of a wedding with a loved one. For businessmen, the dream predicts profitable trading operations and deals. A sailor, having heard such a ringing bell in a dream, can be sure of a quick return home and a successful marriage.

Eastern dream interpreter

Hearing bells ringing is a dream that means that a friend is in danger. But the fun chime is to defeat all enemies.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Looking into the depths of the subconscious, the dream book interprets the bell as a desire to return the situation back and change it. Ringing the bells yourself is the voice of the dreamer's awakening conscience.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

A melodious blow heard in a dream warns of the treachery of friends. But you will be glad that you found out who was hiding under the masks of devoted comrades.

The alarm is a symbol of trouble, the death of friends.

“Silver” chime - you will force the enemy to show his true face. Victory will be yours.

“Crimson” melodic ringing - you will achieve success, your dreams will come true.

Ringing the bell yourself means complaining to loved ones about illnesses and failures.

People's dream book

Hearing bells in a dream means immediate joy: the birth of a child, a wedding, a holiday. But very loud bangs portend danger. Ringing bells means feeling anxious, calling for help.

A bell in a dream is a sign of power and strength. But if he has no tongue, expect weakness and loss of strength. Hear a bell ringing - a quarrel will happen. And if in a dream you ring bells, in reality you will have a heated argument with someone. The distant ringing of bells means unfounded rumors.

21st century interpretation

The ringing of bells predicts good news. But if you see bells, then there is a danger of mortgaging or selling the house. Hearing the bells of the evening service - anxiety will be replaced by joy, as well as a calm old age.

You call yourself - you will bring joy to those around you. Dreaming of a falling bell means rest. But if it's broken, then you shouldn't talk too much.

The ringing of bells is a sign of necessary spiritual cleansing and recovery. But for a seriously ill person, sleep can be a harbinger of imminent death.

A bell ringing heard in a dream foreshadows good news about sad events, for example, the miraculous recovery of a seriously ill person.

Bells ringing for matins foreshadow quarrels and scandals, the instigator of which will not be you. The evening ringing of bells means that sadness will be replaced by joy, and stormy youth - by restrained maturity and calm old age.

The bells ringing in honor of a great holiday promise you victory over your opponents. The ringing of Christmas bells means profit and good prospects for the harvest.

If in a dream you climbed a bell tower and see the bells up close, in reality you will have your own home. Ring the bells yourself - your dreams will come true. A pleasant, melodious ringing, about which they say “raspberry”, is a harbinger of a struggle from which you will emerge victorious. The sound of alarm bells means squabbles and discord in the family.

Seeing a church bell tower in a dream means the illness of someone very close to you. An old, dilapidated bell tower means a quick funeral.

Seeing a bell falling from a height means you will have to overcome many difficulties before achieving the desired result. A broken bell in a dream foreshadows poor health and a headache.

Interpretation of dreams from

Miller's Dream Book

Bells, bell ringing - Hearing bells ringing in a dream means the death of distant friends or anxiety caused by the actions of treacherous people. Liberty bells (celebratory ringing) signify the joy of victory over the enemy. The ringing of Christmas bells heralds favorable prospects for all those involved in agricultural work and the world of business. For a young man, hearing this ringing means his dream will come true. The ringing of bells, delighting your ears with melody, promises you a fight from which you will emerge victorious.

Why do you dream about bells ringing?

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

To the death of a distant friend, relative.

Why do you dream about bells ringing?

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Bell ringing - You hear a single strike of a bell in a dream - those who were called your friends will commit treachery; but you will not suffer much, you will even be glad that the false friends discovered their essence so early. Why do you dream of bells ringing - you hear the alarm - this is a bad dream; it foretells misfortunes, the death of friends. You hear a festive “silver” ringing in a dream - you will be able to bring the enemy to light; you will win and will not hide your joy; your friends will rejoice with you and, inspired by your example, they themselves will become more intolerant of your enemies. You dream of a melodious “raspberry” chime - your dreams and reality differ little, you will easily achieve what you want. It’s like you’re ringing a bell - you will complain to friends and family about your illnesses; you will nurse your pain.

Why do you dream about bells ringing?

Dream Interpretation of O. Smurova

If you dreamed that you heard a bell ringing, this means that you will soon receive good news.

See also: why do you dream about ringing, why do you dream about a church holiday, why do you dream about good news.

Why do you dream about bells ringing?

Astrological dream book

If you dreamed of a bell ringing, this means the fulfillment of a long-standing bright desire, good news.

If you dreamed that you were blessing someone, then everything will be fine.

Why do you dream about bells ringing?

Dream interpretation book by S. Karatov

If you dreamed of a bell ringing, this promises you good news in the near future.

Why do you dream about bells ringing?

Intelligent dream book

To dream of a bell ringing - to hear is joy.

Hearing a joyful bell ringing in a dream is a very good omen, foreshadowing joy in reality. Why do you dream about the ringing of bells - This dream will certainly lead you to a state of mind in which luck itself comes into your hands, and all you have to do is not to frighten off this wonderful mood.

Why do you dream about bells ringing?

Women's dream book

Bells, bell ringing - The ringing of a lonely bell in a dream foreshadows anxiety caused by the actions of treacherous people. The Christmas, festive ringing of bells means the joy of victory over the enemy, an auspicious time. The melodious ringing of a bell foreshadows a struggle in life from which you will emerge victorious.

The reality and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Saturday to Sunday

The picture seen tells about people who play a leading role in the dreamer’s life, or his secret desires, which he successfully suppresses. A dream with a pleasant emotional coloring promises good changes, an unpleasant dream means exhaustion of strength. The fulfillment of sleep should be expected before lunch.

Dream interpretation of bells

The image of a bell appears in people's dreams, predicting imminent changes. What fate has in store for the near future, happiness or sorrow, will be interesting for every dreamer to know. To understand why bells are ringing in dreams, you must take into account not only the tempo and timbre of the sound, but also pay attention to your own emotional state.

For young people full of strength and energy, hearing a ringing in their dreams is a good message, hinting that all their cherished dreams are destined to come true; girls may dream of the sound of a bell as a symbol of a successful marriage.

The esoteric dream book insists: melodic and measured beats promise a carefree future, accompanying good luck, good health and good mood, while sad monotonous beats are identified with upcoming troubles.

Meaning according to the dream book

Some meanings will be unexpected for a sleeping person, while others have already been known since childhood thanks to popular interpretations. Dream books of mediums, witches, and sorcerers will help you figure out which bell ringing warns of danger.

I dreamed of a bell on an animal's neck

  • The dream book of the sorceress Medea says: a distant bell was heard - the long-awaited changes are approaching, there is not long to wait.
  • The medium Hasse associates ringing bells in a dream with good news.
  • According to the predictor Tsvetkov, the plot with bells will indicate that the person is more likely to sort out all the problems and begin to search for the true values ​​of life.
  • According to Russian folk interpretation, a pleasant melody symbolizes freedom, inner harmony, and peace of mind.
  • A ringing bell on an animal's neck, according to the idiomatic dream book, promises the completion of complex tasks that ultimately will not live up to expectations.

Small interpreter Velesov insists: church chimes in dreams will tell you that a friendly atmosphere reigns in the family, for women the vision predicts an imminent pregnancy, for men the dream promises profit from the work performed.

Hearing church chimes in a dream

Psychological picture

According to Miller, the ringing of bells can suggest that soon after a dream an important event will happen, the consequences of which will change not only the sleeping person’s lifestyle, but also her views and principles.

The famous psychologist, taking into account the peculiarities of the human brain’s perception of prototypes, makes unique predictions. By the sound of a dreamed chime, you can understand what is disturbing the soul of the sleeping person.

If the dreamer, according to the plot, goes to work on Sunday morning, then in reality there is a need to cleanse himself of sin, correct mistakes, apologize to those people who have been harmed or offended.

As the psychoanalytic dream book interprets, the beating of the gong is identified with failures on the path of life.

Characteristics of the image

The metal product itself is associated in a dream with power and authority. People who dream of such an image are destined to occupy a leadership position; the fate of the people around them will depend on the decisions they make in reality.

As the Russian dream book warns, a fallen and cracked bell is a sign of danger and proximity to death.

Dreaming about the call to prayer

To avoid possible troubles, you should exercise caution in the near future, says interpreter Simon Kananita.

Hearing prayer, according to a Muslim predictor, happens to those who should observe moral standards and adhere to the commandments.

The more a church bell appears in a dream, the faster the period of need and difficulties will end.

The bell strikes

The joyful beating of bells before a holiday in a dream predicts only favorable events. The business will expand and bring great income to entrepreneurs. What other signals does the subconscious give to the dreamer with such a scenario?

  • A dream with a solemn ringing can be interpreted as a triumph, insists the interpreter for lovers.
  • The sound of a bell coming from afar means that in reality happiness will bypass the house of the sleeping person.
  • The ringing of church bells is often dreamed of before meeting true love.
  • A prayer read according to a dream scenario during a service is a symbol of spiritual cleansing and acceptance of what is given.

A small bell ringing somewhere in a field will hint that the sleeping person misses warm summer days and outdoor recreation.

Mourning motives

Mourning sounds from dreams

When the ringing of bells causes discomfort, in reality it will take time to come to terms with the current situation.

The one who, according to the plot of the dream, heard a sad ringing will receive sad news.

The annoying sound of a bell in dreams is a warning; you should secure your home, visit a doctor, and take care of the health of relatives and close friends.

The theft will occur soon after the dream of the alarm bell ringing.

A constantly ringing bell speaks of the constant tension experienced by the dreamer. Such an unpleasant dream will tell you that excessive pressure from superiors exposes a person to extreme stress.

The dreamer's actions

Considering the image and nature of the ringing, the dreamer should not forget about the actions being reproduced. The dream book insists that for a correct prediction you need to remember all the smallest details. What if you dream:

  • Climbing the bell tower means you will get material profit, perhaps you will be able to get your own home.
  • Ringing a gong or bell yourself means squabbles with relatives, division of property, inheritance.
  • For sailors, the plot with the sound of a bell foreshadows a return to their native land.
  • Career growth is guaranteed in reality for those who watched the work of the priest in the bell tower.

An alarm bell in a dream is a sign of receiving important and unique information that should be managed wisely.

Other dreams

Suddenly the person who heard the bells will become famous. But there is no need to rejoice in advance.

You may dream of a soaring bell as a symbol of deep and good ideas.

A sleeping person who was afraid of prayer in a dream will need to gather his courage and finally implement his plan.

Your mark:

Usually one dreams of ringing bells when something worries a person in real life, or he is waiting for some kind of change. In this case, it is worth noting that if the bell rings sadly, then in real life we ​​must expect disappointing events. If the gospel sounds, then everything is in order, problems will be resolved in a positive way.

What if you dream of a bell ringing?

If you delve into the details of why you dream of bells ringing, you should pay attention to this aspect: the sound of one bell is heard, and its ringing resembles an alarm bell, then you should expect trouble. Such a dream foreshadows loss. This could be the loss of property in a fire or natural disaster.

Investments may go down the drain, or a personal business may fail. The sad, mournful sound of bells also predicts loss, but this is the departure of a loved one from the life. We must gather all our strength into a fist and meet the blow of fate with dignity, fully armed.

If in a dream you only see a bell without hearing the ringing, then this is a good sign. Such a dream will bring elation and pleasant emotions. Wings will seem to grow behind your back and you will want to hug the whole world. This emotional outburst is especially evident in people who are visually impaired or blind.

The festive solemn ringing of bells foreshadows a big event in real life, and changes are coming for the better. For young people, this could be a wedding of great love. If the marriage is arranged according to convenience, then this will suit both parties well.

A solemn ringing can also signal that the enemies have surrendered and victory has been won. After such a dream, you can expect that things will successfully go uphill; no obstacles can hold back the powerful pressure. Blagovest in a dream can predict unexpected glory, which will fall on the dreamer out of the blue.

What does it portend?

If you ring bells yourself in a dream, then this is a warning. On a subconscious level, the dreamer is wary of something. Maybe you need to put an end to bad habits, get rid of some kind of addiction.

The ringing of Christmas bells promises a favorable year for people engaged in agricultural work - a good harvest, high milk yields and healthy offspring on farms. There is also the so-called raspberry ringing - this is the melodic ringing of bells. Such a dream foreshadows the joy of victory - albeit not so global, but very significant for the dreamer. For example, victory over your weakness.

If in a dream the ringing of a bell is not alarming or sad, but, on the contrary, joyful and solemn, then there is no need to be afraid of such a dream. It foretells only positive events and brings good news. Such a dream is a great blessing for the dreamer.

When a dream foretells good events, this does not mean that you have to sit and wait for the weather by the sea. A dream only predicts a favorable moment in a person’s destiny. It is important not to miss this chance, or at least not to cause harm through unfavorable actions.

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