Why dream of being petrified by a glance. Why dream of seeing your eyes - interpretation of sleep from dream books

face one-eyed go blind eyes blind blindness barley

Dream Interpretation Eye Seeing an eye in a dream means receiving a warning about the evil intentions of people watching your every move. For those who love, this dream promises an insinuating rival. Brown eyes are a sign of treachery and cunning. The look of blue eyes fixed on you in a dream foreshadows failure, the cause of which will be your lack of self-confidence. Gray eyes dream of meeting a flatterer. Eye disease or loss of them in a dream foreshadows disturbing events in reality. A dream in which a one-eyed person appears is a sign of possible misfortunes. Modern dream book

Dream Interpretation Eyes Seeing eyes as sick and blind: business failures, deception, resentment, illness. Seeing a person with healthy eyes: luck, fortune, joy. Seeing an eye in a dream: an unfavorable sign. He warns you that insidious enemies are looking for the slightest opportunity to harm you in business. This dream tells the lover that he will have a rival. Brown eyes: mean deception and treachery. Blue: predict powerlessness, gray If you dream that you have lost one eye or your eyes are sick: such a dream portends trouble. A one-eyed man in a dream: a sign that you are threatened with losses and troubles, in comparison with which all other troubles will fade. If a woman sees in a dream that she is blindfolded, this means that she should be more careful: an alarming situation is developing around her. It can lead to real trouble. The actions of this woman can greatly disappoint her loved ones. Modern dream book

Dream Interpretation Eyes The eyes have long been considered the mirror of the soul; they reflect everything a person thinks about and feels. People have the following proverbs and sayings for this occasion: “hide your eyes”, “make eyes”, “beautiful eyes”, “eyes run wild”. Eyes not only reveal a person’s mood and thoughts, but also serve as a guide in space: “it’s dark, even if you poke your eye out.” Eyes are a great value given to a person that needs to be protected, therefore the value of other things is expressed in proverbs and sayings where eyes are mentioned. For example, the value of life and the weight of an oath are expressed by the words: “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.” Sometimes they give instructions using the comparison “to cherish like the apple of your eye.” To see a person walking in clouds of dust and trying to find the way - this dream warns that you are going along the wrong path, someone is deliberately trying to lead you astray from the true path, beware of a veiled obstacle, a trap. To dream that views are flashing before your eyes that you don’t even have time to consider - you are irritated by the lack of time and because of this everything is falling out of your hands, it seems to you that things are going badly and there is no way to improve them, in fact you need just stop and focus on the main thing, discarding everything that is unimportant. You dream that you are warned about the wrath of a powerful man who watches absolutely everyone and always knows where, what and with whom is happening - you have a rich imagination, and therefore you are nervous about what is not there; you are afraid of those in whose hands the power is, stay away from them. To see in a dream in the middle of winter an orange tree growing on a mountain that is impossible to approach - this dream foretells you prospects, the implementation of which relates to the distant future; you will be passionate about a new project. You dream of a conversation with a person who constantly avoids looking at you, and you cannot even catch the expression of his face, consider the color of his eyes - you will be put in a difficult position; do not be afraid of frank conversation; do not try to find out what constantly eludes you because the time has not yet come; forgive old debts, otherwise you will get sick. You are walking down the street in a bad mood and, as luck would have it, you notice that all the passers-by you meet have garbage and tears in their eyes - this dream indicates growing dissatisfaction with yourself and the inability to cope with your sorrows; you are overly critical. To see that you are wandering in pitch darkness and cannot understand whether something has happened to your eyes, or whether it is really dark - indecision will take you by surprise and will not allow you to make the right decision in time; Beware of anything suspicious and watch your health. Seeing in a dream everything you have dreamed about lately and being at a loss - to disappointment, tedious work, difficult thoughts. Seeing protective cases that you are trying to attach to your eyes so that nothing could accidentally hurt them - something will appear in your life that you will greatly value and worry about its safety; to a successful purchase. Seeing a stranger in a dream who is trying to attract your attention with his gaze means an unexpected acquaintance, a romantic date; you will witness something secret that can bring you troubles and troubles. Aesop's Dream Book

Sleep Lowering of eyes, gaze This is a sign of compliance with the commands of Allah Almighty and his prohibitions.
Eyes in a dream They mean a person’s true faith and his reason, with which he clearly distinguishes the true path from the path of error. Seeing many eyes on your body means strengthening faith, piety and righteousness. And whoever sees that his eyes are made of iron will be exposed and heavy worries will befall him. If a person's vision becomes sharper and stronger in a dream, it means that concealment from faith and religion is better than openness, and this is also a sign of the strength of his mind and insight. Whoever sees a thorn in his eye will suffer sorrow or separation from those who are dear to him. Loss of vision is a sign that punishment will befall him from Allah Almighty. And if he sees redness in his eye, then he will be overcome with anger or rage because of some incident that will ever happen to him. Losing your eyes in a dream means the death of your own child. Becoming blind in a dream means deviating from the truth, weakening faith and piety. The Koran says: It is not their eyes that are blind, it is their hearts that are in their breasts that are blind. (22:46) To look askance and intently in a dream means to experience hatred towards the one to whom one is looking. Eyes on the heart - to purity, purity and complacency. And the brighter the eyes shine, the more these qualities appear. Seeing blue eyes means something new; green - to a change of religion; black - religiosity, piety of a person; blue - impiety. Islamic dream book

Dreaming Eyes Seeing yourself in a dream with cloudy eyes: is also an unkind sign in the interpretation of dreams. Seeing yourself with pus in your eyes: speaks of deviation from the truth and bad faith, depending on the extent of the disease, since it is one of the signs of blindness. Some argue that pus in the eyes: symbolizes the rapid prosperity of the one who saw the dream. If the illness does not affect visual acuity: the author of the dream will be unfairly accused of fulfilling religious instructions and the Almighty will compensate him for this accusation. They also said that pus signifies the worries that the dreamer will be surrounded by in his relationship with his children. Seeing yourself taking care of your eyes: means confirming your faith. If someone sees in a dream how he uses antimony for the eyes as a medicine, he will strengthen his faith. If he is convinced that he is using her for beauty: he will perform acts of worship for show. If a sleeper sees in a dream that he has been given a certain amount of antimony, this means that he will gain wealth. If the people around him are mistaken about the quality of his vision and consider it good when it is not: it will be known that his religious behavior is far from what it really is. But if he sees in a dream that he is endowed with sharp vision, better than others think, then it will be known that his faith is much better than how it manifests itself outwardly. If he sees himself with more eyes: he will strengthen his faith. His religious behavior will become straightforward if he sees in a dream his heart equipped with an eye. Finally, they say that to see an eye in a healthy state in a dream and the diseases that may affect it: can be attributed by the dream interpreter to the wealth of the dreamer, his children, his knowledge or the general health of his body. For a modest person to see himself one-eyed in a dream means sincerity in zeal and strength of faith. But if the person who sees such a dream is a depraved person, he will lose part of his faith and commit a grave sin. He will become a victim of misfortune or illness, as a result of which he will be on the verge of death. He may also become the victim of a misfortune that befalls one of his children, his wife, brother or comrade, or he may lose his happiness. To see the loss of one of your eyes in a dream: foretells the disappearance of a gift from the Almighty. If a sleeper sees in a dream that he is losing both eyes, he will experience the loss of what has always brought him happiness. Islamic dream book

Interpretation of dreams Eyes Eyes without a face or strange: changes for the better slanted: luck in money beautiful: fidelity very large: inheritance eyesore: deception lose an eye: confusing affairs blink: well-being eyeball spinning strongly: you will have an incident that will disturb your normal state of mind go blind: illness. New dream book 1918

Why do you dream about Eyes? Seeing someone's eyes in a dream foretells good luck, success in business and joy. If the eyes are unhealthy, blind, slanted, etc., this means deception, resentment, illness and other troubles. Quickly follow with your eyes - prosperity; see poorly - lack of money, loss. At the same time, myopia means confusion in business and an unexpected visit from an unwanted guest, and farsightedness means that you will learn about the existence of a rival living with you under the same roof. Losing your eyes in a dream means illness, death of loved ones. A one-eyed person is a hitch in business, unexpected and undesirable. Seeing eyes out of place is a bad sign, foreshadowing weakened vision or progressive eye disease. Brown eyes are a sign of treachery and cunning, gray eyes are a warning against a flattering person, blue eyes are a sign of failure due to your own timidity. Inflamed eyes - to anxiety and terrible events, reddened - unfortunately with friends. Bulging eyes are a warning against the machinations of your enemies, who are watching your every step. Languid, drooping eyes - to a charming rival. A blindfold - an epiphany, a change of opinion about something, an eyesore - to deception, a stye - to wealth. Black eyes - beware of false friendship, green - ardent love, colorless - a decline in business or a demotion at work, drooping - love is ripening in the soul and will soon make itself felt, closed - you will receive good news. Stupidly blinking eyes portend loss through one's own fault. Large and very beautiful eyes are a sign of happiness and wealth. Seeing a person without eyes means losing a loved one. Crying eyes are a harbinger of a bad future. Crying in a dream or constantly wiping your eyes from tears while cutting onions foretells that your rivals will inflict a serious defeat on you. Wearing glasses over your eyes in a dream means you will reach a ripe old age. Seeing glasses in front of others means take a closer look at your property, here you may suffer losses. Having your eyes treated by an ophthalmologist in a dream means that you are not satisfied with your life and will resort to very sophisticated means to achieve the desired success. Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Dream Interpretation Eyes EYES - seeing two burning eyes looking at you in complete darkness means that in real life you have a strong opponent about whom you know nothing yet. If in a dream the eyes come close to you, then after 2 weeks you will fall into a trap prepared for you by your enemy, but if the eyes move away or are frozen in place, then after 11 days you will expose your enemy and will not give him a chance to defeat you. Seeing a human face with disproportionately large eyes in a dream means that problems will arise in your family - in 2 days you will cheat on your spouse or let your parents down. Seeing that only one eye on your face looks normal, and the other is leaking or covered with a cataract, then in reality you will have a choice, and you will choose the familiar as opposed to the new and lose. Seeing that there are more than 2 eyes on your face means that you are in danger of trouble in life related to money: perhaps in 2 weeks and the same number of days as there are eyes on the face you saw, creditors will come to you and demand that you repay the loan you took in full amount, or your checkbook and all your cash will be stolen. Dream Interpretation of Pythagoras

Dream Interpretation Eyes Eyes: prototype of a mandala. All-seeing eye. Staring is associated with aggression. Loss of vision (blindness) rebirth. Open, receptive and therefore feminine. Something pierced the eye: coitus. Psychoanalytic dream book

Dream Interpretation Eyes Seeing someone else's EYES as blind, slanted and generally unhealthy means failure in business, deception, resentment, illness and trouble; to see a person with healthy eyes is good luck, success in business and joy. Dream Book of Schiller-Schoolboy

Dream Interpretation Eye An eye seen in a dream warns you of the machinations of your enemies. For lovers, this dream promises the appearance of a rival. If you lose an eye in a dream, then disturbing events await you in reality. Universal family dream book

Dream Interpretation Eyes EYES - good news; without a face - change for the better; see well - success; see poorly - loss, poverty, obstacles in business; myopia - failure; looking quickly is good; another has oblique, blind ones - failure, deception, resentment, illness, trouble; to become blind, to become deformed - death or illness of children; blue - love; black, brown - beware of deception; oblique - money // quarrel, obstacles; large ones - inheritance; beautiful - fidelity; many eyes - success in business; if they hurt, your family will get sick. Maly Velesov dream book

Dream Interpretation Eye Seeing an eye in a dream promises lovers the appearance of a rival who will be able to pretend to be a friend. Brown eyes dream of betrayal. Perhaps your loved one will commit a treacherous act or betray you. If you see gray eyes in a dream, beware of a person who will lull your vigilance with flattery and seriously harm your relationship with your loved one. Dream book for lovers

Dream Interpretation Eyes Eyes: symbolizes someone's close observation or one's own search. Also a sign of erotic relationships. Seeing beautiful eyes: fortunately, love. Animal eyes or separate eyes: enemies are watching you. ABC of dream interpretation

Dream Interpretation Hamsa Eye of Fatima A symbol that appears not only in Judaism, but is also generally popular in religion: a palm with an eye in the center. Worn as an amulet, it is considered a talisman of good luck and has been used for thousands of years to protect against outside psychic influences. Why do you have a dream: If this symbol appears in a dream, your subconscious mind warns you that you need to take precautions: someone wants you harm,
Tiger's eye in a dream This golden semi-precious stone is described as iridescent - its changing, undulating play of color is similar to a cat's eye. It is often used in men's signet rings. The soldiers of Ancient Rome wore it for protection in battle: it was believed that the play of color distracted the eye, and therefore the soldier was more difficult to hit. Why do you dream: The tiger's eye symbolizes royalty, the sun and the qualities of a tiger. See also Tiger.
Eye of Horus in a dream Ancient Egyptian symbol. It is worn as a decoration as a talisman. What is the dream about: The presence of this symbol in a dream may indicate that someone is watching you, even if you are not aware of it. And if you wear it, it indicates the need to take steps to protect yourself, especially to protect your health. English dream book

Dream Interpretation Eye Eye. Seeing the eye is a warning against the machinations of your enemies, who are watching your every step in order to ruin your business. For those who love, this dream promises an insinuating rival. Brown eyes are a sign of treachery and cunning. The look of blue eyes fixed on you in a dream promises you some kind of failure, the reason for which will be your excessive timidity. Gray eyes are a warning against a flattering person. If in a dream your eyes are inflamed or you lose an eye, expect disturbing events in reality. An unfavorable dream where a one-eyed man appears to you - it promises misfortune. Big dream book

Dream Interpretation Face, eyes The dreamer sees his face in some reflection, as scary, suspicious, dark, unfamiliar. Or he sees the face of a wild animal instead of his own face. Eyes: scary, glowing with red or yellow fire. A bad, ominous light from the eyes. Big crooked nose. This is typical for black magic dreams. Dream Interpretation of Black Magic

Dream Interpretation Eyes Brown eyes: mean that treachery and cunning await you; blue eyes: promise failure; gray eyes: this is a warning that you may succumb to someone’s flattery if you see sore, inflamed eyes or lose an eye in a dream: disturbing unpleasant events are possible ahead. Dream book of the future

Dream Interpretation Eye A dreamed eye is a warning against the machinations of enemies who are relentlessly watching your every step. They just sleep and see to ruin everything for you. For a lover, this dream promises an insinuating rival. Brown eyes are a sign of treachery. The look of blue eyes promises failure. Gray eyes are a warning against excessive gullibility. Losing an eye in a dream means disturbing events. A one-eyed person is unlucky. Large universal dream book

Dream Interpretation Blindfold A woman dreams that she is blindfolded - not all is well in this woman’s family life; It’s as if the woman is blindfolded - she doesn’t see the obvious; the situation that is developing around should alarm her; someone with bad intentions will send a letter addressed to the spouse or call the spouse. Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Dream Interpretation Eyes Eyes: separate from the face, light, with help from above. Dirty, dark: pay attention to your behavior and thoughts. The face is bright: don’t miss an intelligent person. Injure: the ground will be knocked out from under your feet. Esoteric dream book

Dream Interpretation Eyes “Open your eyes to something”: see the essence, notice “glassy eyes”: indifference, disinterest “look with all your eyes” or “look with both eyes”: passion, extreme attention, vigilance “look with wide open eyes”: horror, extreme surprise “turn a blind eye to...”: inattention, avoiding a problem, deliberately not noticing “not even blinking an eye”: endurance “hurts the eye”: rejection “eyes wide open”: extreme surprise, surprise “put your eye on something, someone": the desire to master it "an eyesore" ong>: to bore, irritate "to throw dust in the eyes": to embellish, to create the wrong impression "to poke in the eyes": to reproach "blinded by success": not to take into account real circumstances "to incinerate with a glance" : anger, hatred, love passion “all-seeing eye”: clairvoyance “eye for an eye”: irreconcilable enmity, revenge “punch in the eye”: aggression, hit in a vulnerable spot “shoot with your eyes”: seduce, show interest in someone, try to fall in love with yourself, to attract. Idiomatic dream book

Dream Interpretation Eyes Eyes: Try to look at everything with open eyes. Are there situations in your life that you prefer to close your eyes to? Eyes: called “mirrors of the soul.” The third eye is believed to connect us to the spiritual world. Do you treasure something or someone as the “apple of your eye”? Dream Interpretation Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Dream Interpretation Eyes Eyes: good news without a face: changes for the better see well: success see poorly: loss, poverty, obstacles in business myopia: failure quickly look: good the other has slanted eyes, blind: failure, deception, resentment, illness, troubles become blind, crooked: death or illness of children blue: love black, brown: beware of deception oblique: money / quarrel, big obstacles: beautiful inheritance: loyalty many eyes: success in business hurt: relatives will get sick. Small dream book

Dream Interpretation Eyes EYES are a symbol of the soul (mental state), foresight, the proximity of fateful events. Beautiful, oblique, luminous, large or strange - to extraordinary luck; happy love; good kids. Many eyes - success, happiness. Having a third eye means the activity of intuition, spiritual self-knowledge; pregnancy, birth of a child. The animal's eye is a predatory, selfish part of the sleeper's personality; danger; obvious influences of black magic. An eyesore - deception, evil. Someone’s evil gaze is an evil eye, interference in the life of a sleeping person by someone’s evil forces. Dream Interpretation Master of Dreams

Dream Interpretation Eyes Symbolizes someone's close observation or one's own search. Also a sign of erotic relationships. Seeing beautiful eyes is a sign of happiness and love. Animal eyes or separate eyes - enemies are watching you. To see a person with a thorn, with sunken eyes - see Blind. Dream Interpretation of Medea

Dream Interpretation Eyes Seeing an eye in a dream means receiving a warning about the evil intentions of people watching your every move. For those who love, this dream promises an insinuating rival. Brown eyes The look of blue eyes fixed on you in a dream: foretells failure, the cause of which will be your lack of self-confidence. Gray eyes: dream of meeting a flatterer. Eye disease or loss of them in a dream: foreshadows disturbing events in reality. A dream in which a one-eyed man appears: to possible misfortunes. Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Dream Interpretation Eyes If anyone sees an eye on his hand, he will receive a certain amount of hard cash. If a poor person sees himself blind in a dream, he will be freed from the burdens of need. And if an important person, while traveling, sees himself blind in a dream, he should abandon that trip. If he continues on his way, he will not return from this journey. If a person on a journey sees one extra eye in his dream, he will get lost, and if a person staying in one place sees such a dream, he should take great precautions to protect his property. If someone sees in a dream that he is rubbing his eyes with antimony, then he will work to educate himself in the truths of faith and will exalt himself in the eyes of people; if he sees antimony on his hand, he will receive property.

Seeing the eye is a warning against the machinations of your enemies, who are watching your every step in order to ruin your business.

For those who love, this dream promises an insinuating rival.

Brown eyes are a sign of treachery and cunning. The look of blue eyes fixed on you in a dream promises you some kind of failure, the reason for which will be your excessive timidity. Gray eyes are a warning against a flattering person.

If in a dream your eyes are inflamed or you lose an eye, expect disturbing events in reality. An unfavorable dream where a one-eyed man appears to you - it promises misfortune.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

Seeing the Eye in a dream

The unconscious influence that accompanies powerful rational analysis. It means a powerful unconscious influence with a negative effect if eye contact occurs and rational analysis is carried out. Symbolizes full control by the deviation monitor.

Interpretation of dreams from the Free Dream Book

What does the dream Eye mean?

You will experience in reality a manifestation of someone's wise kindness. If you lose both eyes in a dream, unexpected wealth will soon come to you in reality.

Interpretation of dreams from the French dream book

Dream about the Eye

Seeing an eye in a dream promises lovers the appearance of a rival who will be able to pretend to be a friend.

Brown eyes dream of betrayal. Perhaps your loved one will commit a treacherous act or betray you. If you see gray eyes in a dream, beware of a person who will lull your vigilance with flattery and seriously harm your relationship with your loved one.

Interpretation of dreams from the Love Dream Book

What does Eye mean in a dream?

Seeing an eye in a dream means receiving a warning about the evil intentions of people watching your every move. For those who love, this dream promises an insinuating rival.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

Meaning of Dreams Eye

An eye seen in a dream warns you of the machinations of your enemies. For lovers, this dream promises the appearance of a rival. If you lose an eye in a dream, then disturbing events await you in reality.

Interpretation of dreams from the Universal Dream Book

What does the Eye mean in a dream?

A dreamed eye is a warning against the machinations of enemies who are relentlessly watching your every step. They just sleep and see to ruin everything for you.

For a lover, this dream promises an insinuating rival.

Brown eyes are a sign of treachery.

The look of blue eyes promises failure.

Gray eyes are a warning against excessive gullibility.

Losing an eye in a dream means disturbing events.

A one-eyed person is unlucky.

Interpretation of dreams from

It is very rare in a dream to see someone's eyes or carefully examine your own. Why do you dream about eyes? As the dream book says, eyes in a dream are a very important sign. You can tell just as much from them as by observing a person’s gaze in reality. The dream in which you saw the eyes contains a hidden meaning that can be deciphered. So let's take a closer look at everything.

If you saw eyes in a dream, the dream should be interpreted according to the dream book, taking into account the details: were they your eyes or someone else’s, what color were they, etc.

Dreams are most often fantastic, unclear, full of mysterious signs and symbols. But they are not meaningless. Every dream is an encrypted hint from the subconscious. To correctly understand what you saw at night, you need to try to remember all the details of the dream down to the smallest detail. Our tips will help you remember your dream and not miss a single important nuance.

Whose eyes did you see: yours or someone else's?

As the dream book says, your eyes mean the need to carefully analyze your behavior. Do you correctly assess what is happening, do you feel how others treat you? You are probably mistaken in your assessments. Such a dream carries a warning to be more serious.

Looking at your eyes means trying to find a way out of a difficult situation. You are in an anxious state. An important matter for you cannot be resolved without problems, and your actions are to blame. Don't make hasty decisions. If the eyes in the reflection attract your attention and seem larger than usual, an improvement in your financial situation awaits you. Wins and unexpected finds are possible.

Red eyes in a dream symbolize your anxiety about the future.

We continue to study the dream book: looking into the eyes of another person means that someone is closely watching your every step. Any careless action of yours may be interpreted not in your favor.

  • Looking into the eyes of your loved one means loyalty, trust, sincerity in your relationship. You have nothing to fear;
  • Looking into a friend's eyes means doubting the decision made;
  • Looking a relative in the eyes means seeking support among loved ones.

It is also important to remember what the gaze was on you. Malevolent means that someone has strong negative feelings towards you. If the look is pleasant, understanding, try to remember the features of the stranger, maybe he will remind you of someone.

Not making eye contact in a dream is also symbolic. If your interlocutor kept looking away from you in a dream, there is a high probability that you will find yourself guilty without guilt - someone else’s actions will cost your reputation. You will have to put in a lot of effort to get out of this situation without losses.

If in a dream you see eyes, but cannot see faces, good luck in business and favorable changes await you. Empty eye sockets on your face mean difficulties ahead that you cannot predict. Have you seen cloudy eyes in a dream? The dream predicts the worries that an attempt to resolve legal issues will bring.

Color: blue, blue, green, gray, brown, dark

  • If you dreamed of brown eyes, you are too trusting, beware of the actions of ill-wishers;
  • Blue eyes portend a deep, mutual feeling that absorbs you and your chosen one;
  • Blue eyes are a symbol of your simplicity. Luck will turn away from you.
  • Why do you dream about green eyes? As the dream book says, green eyes portend that in difficult times, loved ones and friends will be with you and provide the necessary support.
  • Gray eyes indicate cunning, a game that someone from your inner circle is playing with you.
  • Dark eyes - a dream indicates that you have an insidious and strong enemy;
  • As the dream book says, red eyes mean that your prospects are unclear, planning the future is pointless, your intuition is asleep. Read also: .

If in a dream you did your makeup

Seeing painted eyes means you often have to portray emotions that you do not experience. Be more frank! As the dream book says, painting your eyes with shadows in a dream means that in reality you will have to change your view of any situation to the opposite. There is another interpretation of why you dream of painting your eyes with shadows - you are very insightful now, it will not be possible to deceive you.

There was something wrong with your eyes in the dream

  • Seeing red, sore eyes is a sign of anxiety;
  • Festering eyes are a sign of a situation that will make you feel awkward and ashamed;
  • Barley on the eye portends the dreamer receiving money;
  • Tears in the eyes symbolize feelings of guilt and remorse. Read also: .
  • Eyes with bags indicate the possibility of misunderstanding. Someone will misinterpret even your completely clear actions.
  • A bruise under the eye in a dream is an advice to you to be restrained. Your emotionality can lead you into a terribly unpleasant situation. Read also: .
  • Treating your eyes in a dream means getting more information that allows you to objectively look at your problems and the people around you.

Who saw the dream: man, woman, child

If another person is staring at you in a dream, this could mean surveillance in real life.

For men, dreams related to eyes are always associated with competition. If in a dream you look intently into the eyes of a stranger, and he is the first to look away, this speaks of your self-confidence. If you looked away first, there are men in your environment who cause you hostility and a hidden feeling of envy.

Women have dreams that reflect feelings of love, jealousy, and trust. If a woman is staring at you in a dream, this may mean that you have a rival and she is very interested in you.

A glance from under your loved one's brows means serious suspicions about you. Even if they are groundless, there is a risk of a significant deterioration in the relationship, including separation.

If a child dreams of eyes watching him, he probably feels constrained, squeezed into a framework. Invite him to do the kind of creativity that he likes. This will help release repressed emotions.

Interpretation of the meaning of sleep in various dream books: Miller, Vanga, Freud, Modern

As popular wisdom says, eyes are the mirror of the soul; they are a reflection of everything that a person thinks and feels. The eyes most accurately indicate how sincere our interlocutor is. Resorting to slyness, we, without noticing it ourselves, look away. The eyes betray our emotions - the joyful light in them cannot be hidden when a person is happy. On the contrary, when someone is sad, even a smile cannot dispel the sadness in the eyes.

Miller's Dream Book - problems in personal life

  • Eyes in a dream warn a person that his enemies are not asleep and are ready to ruin any important undertaking. You look intently into the eyes of your lover - mistrust, betrayal, separation.
  • Brown eyes speak of the cunning and resourcefulness of the people around you. Blue eyes indicate excessive timidity, which is a serious obstacle. The gray eyes you see flatter you.
  • Swollen, red, sore eyes - your personal life will soon be filled with disturbing events. In a dream, losing one eye means financial losses await you. A person you meet without one eye promises misfortune.
  • The open eyes of a dead person require the strictest keeping of someone else's secret; your talkativeness will entail extremely undesirable consequences that you can neither predict nor prevent.

Vanga's Dream Interpretation - you have an enemy

When an unkind look is directed at you in a dream, your enemy appears to be a friend, be careful and restrained in communicating with others. Don't reveal your plans to anyone. Seeing blue eyes in a dream means reciprocity and fidelity in a relationship.

To go blind in a dream - you try to close your eyes to obvious things, drive away any creeping doubts, but this only brings temporary relief. If there are gaping holes instead of eyes, such a dream is a harbinger of a serious illness, sometimes death.

Freud's Dream Book - you love yourself

Seeing eyes in a dream means being overly passionate about yourself. In a relationship, it is necessary not only to take, but also to give. A knocked out eye in a dream foreshadows a serious conflict and a tarnished reputation. In a dream, the eye is damaged - be careful in your actions. Blindness is the loss of the taste for life, the ability to enjoy. A revision of priorities and a reassessment of values ​​is possible.

Modern dream book - you are being watched

  • A man looks into your eyes in a dream - you are being closely watched. Your careless actions may result in unpleasant consequences for you.
  • Seeing your eyes in a mirror image means analyzing, evaluating your own actions;
  • To dream of painting your eyes with eye shadow means that you will be subjected to a lot of pressure. You are being forced to change your position.
  • If you saw a person without eyes, the true state of things is hidden from you, you are not objective;
  • Blindness - you gave the wrong interpretation to your actions. You don't want to notice any other point of view.


Eyes seen in a dream make us wonder whether we are doing everything right. It's time to evaluate your experience and plan your actions. Take the time to thoroughly analyze the situation; your mistakes can be costly. Be interested in points of view different from yours, this will allow you to be more objective. Try not to indulge in base hobbies and restrain inappropriate emotions. The anxious period will end, and luck will smile on you again!

Video “Why do you dream about Eyes”

If you dreamed about your eyes, then it is likely that something is bothering you. But a dream is a phenomenon whose meaning and significance cannot be guessed at random. If you want to get a hint on what to do, you need to analyze everything you saw in your dream and, by looking at various dream books, find out why you dream about such a plot.

Miller's Predictions

Miller’s dream book pays considerable attention to the “mirror of the soul”, and, telling what one’s eyes are about in dreams, he gave the following explanations. If you see in a dream that your eyes are inflamed, then this means alarming incidents and tense situations.

A dream in which you discovered only one eye on your own face promises misfortune and failure. But if you like your eyes in a dream, then this means that you will be able to realize your plans.

"Rainbow" palette

Did you dream about your eyes? Pay attention to what color they were in your dream. So:

  • brown - there is a risk that you will be deceived;
  • blue - a great feeling awaits you;
  • green - to the loyalty of friends;
  • gray symbolizes your cunning;
  • white, without iris and pupil - to spiritual blindness;
  • completely black, without protein - you have a very insidious and powerful opponent.

Reflection – both joy and sadness await you

Why do you dream that you are looking at your eyes in the mirror? This suggests that you are trying to solve an issue that has been tormenting you for a long time, the Wanderer’s dream book interprets.

Do you see that all parts of the face are reflected in the mirror except the eyes? Someone is secretly plotting dirty tricks that they will later use against you. And if in the mirror you saw that the eyes are unrealistically large and shiny, then great success awaits you, the Eastern Dream Book gives hope.

Irises of a different color as a symbol of upcoming events

If you dreamed of your own eyes, but of a different color, then this is a sign that changes await you very soon. So, for example, you see that your eyes have turned blue - to a love affair. And if not only your irises, but also your whites turn blue, passion will overwhelm you.

Why do you dream that your eyes turn blue? Innocence and naivety are the qualities that you will possess in the near future. Especially if the beautiful blue eyes in the dream are actually black or brown.

Have you dreamed of green beautiful eyes on your own face? You will meet a person who will become a close friend. And if you really like new green eyes, then perhaps you will meet your future spouse.

"Eye" nightmares: From romance to grief

The interpretation of a dream in which you see your eyes swollen or bruised promises unexpected profit. You will have a source of income that you didn’t even count on, Pastor Loff’s dream book pleases.

If you dreamed about your eyeballs falling out, you will experience losses and grief. But the sideways eyes warn that a seemingly fleeting hobby will develop into a serious relationship.

Sore eyes in a dream mean an unwillingness to come to terms with reality, says Miss Hasse’s dream book. Treating sore eyes in a dream is a sign that you are trying to get to the bottom of the hidden truth. But painting sore eyes is a symbol of meeting a person whose interests differ from yours.

More than two, or Miracles are on the doorstep

Why do you dream that you have three eyes? The opinions of the dream books are divided. Thus, the Slavic interpreter prophesies the birth of a child to the dreamer who discovered three eyes on her face.

But Vanga’s dream book considers three eyes as the discovery of something unknown or secret. The interpreter of Nostradamus promises surprises to those who dreamed of a third eye on their forehead.

Dream interpretation of eyes: why do you dream about eyes in a dream?

Eyes are one of the most striking, metaphysical, symbolic images. When these sense organs, which play an exceptional role in the life of every person, are closed, the feeling of the illusory nature of the world intensifies. It is not for nothing that in many cultures the eye occupies a special place in symbolism.

A dream, the main element of which is these bottomless oceans of the soul, primarily reflects the mental state of the sleeper. And the smallest details of the dream will help you find out from the dream book what fate has in store for you.

If in a dream you cannot see the color of your interlocutor’s eyes, then in reality you will not yet find the answer to your questions. A frank conversation is ahead. There is a risk of finding yourself in a difficult situation.

Why do you dream of green eyes - to meet passionate love, to find true friends. It is a sign of sincerity, faith, balance, harmony, healing. However, the dream book warns of the evil eye, jealousy and envy if the main character of the dream was a stranger with the evil gaze of olive eyes.

If you saw blue eyes in a dream, you will soon receive useful information or a gift, and you will meet great, passionate love. Some dream books interpret this dream as a harbinger of failure due to gullibility, indecision, and lack of self-confidence.

If you see human eyes, which lie on something or in something, probably some shameful details of your life will soon be revealed, and you will experience fear of spiritual punishment. A human eye lying on your hand will bring you some income in reality.

If you saw clean, blue, beautiful child's eyes, such a dream may mean that you will be overwhelmed by a feeling of tenderness. If you dreamed that you saw the eyes of a child with rubbish in them, in reality you will have to reap the fruits of omissions in raising your child.

Seeing eyes as sick and blind means failure in business, deception, resentment, illness.

Seeing a person with healthy eyes is good luck, good fortune, joy.

Seeing an eye in a dream is an unfavorable sign. He warns you that insidious enemies are looking for the slightest opportunity to harm you in business. This dream tells the lover that he will have a rival.

Brown eyes mean deception and treachery.

Blue ones predict powerlessness, gray ones warn that flattery can harm you.

If you dream that you have lost one eye or your eyes are sick, such a dream portends trouble.

A one-eyed man in a dream is a sign that you are threatened with losses and troubles, in comparison with which all other troubles will fade.

If a woman sees in a dream that she is blindfolded, this means that she should be more careful: an alarming situation is developing around her. It can lead to real trouble. The actions of this woman can greatly disappoint her loved ones.

The eye is sanity in general. The need for sanity.

Why did you dream about Eyes in a dream?

To dream in the mirror that you have big beautiful eyes is fortunate in children; dull, sore eyes - unfortunately, worries about children; seeing yourself with your eyes closed means strong love; quick movements of the eyes - to well-being.

Seeing many human eyes means receiving jewelry or profit.

It is difficult to see with the eyes - to a lack of money or some kind of loss; the eye leaks in a dream - to the pangs of conscience; to go blind in a dream - to troubles, betrayal.

Gouging out someone's eyes means that by your actions you are scaring away or turning people against you.

For a woman to dream that she is blindfolded is a warning: you should be more careful, a situation is developing around you that can create a lot of problems for you and even lead to disaster.

Brown eyes mean that treachery and cunning await you; blue eyes - promise failure; gray is a warning that you may succumb to someone’s flattery; if you see sore, inflamed eyes or lose an eye in a dream, alarming and unpleasant events are possible ahead.

The big eye is looking at you - towards an ill-wisher, about whom you still do not know and do not suspect, but he is carefully watching you.

Seeing an eye in a dream promises lovers the appearance of a rival who will be able to pretend to be a friend.

Brown eyes - dream of betrayal. Perhaps your loved one will commit a treacherous act or betray you.

If in a dream you see gray eyes, beware of a person who will lull your vigilance with flattery and seriously harm your relationship with your loved one.

The appearance of the eyes, the quality of vision are signs of the dreamer’s state of mind, the intensity of his/the dreamer’s spiritual life, their health, illnesses/love organs of the dreamer himself, his sex, potency.

According to the dream book

in someone's eyes - trying to find out some information or attitude towards you. Looking at a man means being interested in what feelings, thoughts and emotions you evoke. Looking a guy in the eyes - the interpretation is similar to a man, only, as a rule, with a more romantic overtone. Watch your loved one who you like - expect reciprocity. See how

eyes themselves - in reality not wanting to see the obvious. To close a living creature is to commit deception, a deliberate forgery. Closing the dead man means coming to terms with losses. But if you yourself

(or do not open, it is difficult to open) - they are hiding something from you, and no matter how you try to find out the truth, alas, all efforts are unsuccessful.

– indignation and a simple reluctance to listen to others will put you at a disadvantage.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Seeing someone's eyes in a dream- portends good luck, success in business and joy. If the eyes are unhealthy, blind, slanted, etc.- this means deception, resentment, illness and other troubles.

Quickly follow with your eyes- well-being, see poorly- lack of money, loss.

Lose your eyes in a dream- to illness, death of loved ones. One-Eyed Man- a hitch in business, unexpected and unwanted.

Seeing eyes out of place- a bad sign that foretells weakened vision or progressive eye disease.

Brown eyes are a sign of treachery and cunning, gray- a warning against a flattering person, blue- fail due to your own timidity.

Sore eyes- to anxiety and terrible events, flushed- unfortunately with friends.

Bulging eyes- a warning against the machinations of your enemies who are watching your every step.

Languid, languid eyes- to a charming rival.

Blindfold- insight, change of opinion about something, eyesore- to deception, barley- to wealth.

Black eyes- beware of false friendship, green- ardent love, colorless- decline in business or demotion at work, omitted- love is ripening in the soul and will soon make itself felt, closed- receive good news.

Blinking stupid eyes- portend loss through one’s own fault.

Large and very beautiful eyes- to happiness and wealth.

Seeing a man without eyes- losing a loved one.

Crying eyes- a harbinger of a bad future.

Crying in your sleep or constantly wiping tears from your eyes when cutting onions- portends that your rivals will inflict a serious defeat on you.

Wearing glasses over your eyes in a dream- you will reach a ripe old age. Seeing glasses in front of others- Watch your property more closely, here you may incur losses.

Have your eyes treated by an ophthalmologist in a dream- means that you are not satisfied with your life and will resort to very sophisticated means to achieve the desired success.

Women's dream book

Seeing an eye in a dream- means to receive a warning about the evil intentions of people watching your every move. For those who love, this dream promises an insinuating rival. Brown eyes are a sign of treachery and cunning.

The look of blue eyes fixed on you in a dream- portends failure, the cause of which will be your lack of self-confidence.

Grey eyes- dream of meeting a flatterer.

Eye disease or loss of them during sleep- foreshadows disturbing events in reality.

A dream in which a one-eyed man appears- to possible misfortunes.

Eye problems

Eyes without pupils are a message from the subconscious. In the near future, you need to listen to your own intuition.
Slanting eyes are a symbol of dullness and limited thinking. The owner of the dream is recommended to change his point of view on some important issue.
If in a dream something interferes with looking, for example, something gets into the eyes, then in real life something important eludes the sleeping person or someone prevents him from learning the truth.

If in a dream the sleeping person has only one eye, then the absence of the right eye indicates a lack of logic in actions and conclusions, and the absence of the left eye indicates a lack of imagination and intuition.

Myopia in a dream is a nuisance (if the owner of the dream in reality has normal vision).

Loss of vision in a dream (blindness) is a sign of loss of the ability to think clearly. Currently, the owner of such a dream cannot soberly assess situations, and the inner sense and intuition also do not work.

Gouged out eyes signal the loss of a person dear to the heart. If in a dream you personally poked them out to someone, then your demeanor surprises and repels those around you. Dream book hint: behave more modestly and simply, then it will be much easier to find a common language with people.

I dreamed of kind, beautiful eyes - life will be long, successful, prosperous, and love will be sincere and true.

If you noticed that in a dream you have stye on your eye, in reality you will be filthy rich.

I dreamed of worms in my eyes - a dream warning of huge troubles due to deliberately postponing resolution of the problem. Don't get caught in the nets pulled by your enemies. Moderate your ardor, get rid of hatred, rage, arrogance.

Why do you dream about a person without eyes - a dream about a break in communication, divorce or the death of a spouse.

In a dream, looking into a man’s eyes means you are trying to figure out his plans. This representative of the stronger sex is incredibly curious to you. Perhaps you are afraid of him or do not understand him, so you want to find out his weaknesses.

Seeing an eye watching you is a violation of the law.
Seeing an empty eye socket in a dream means the loss of a parent.
Seeing an eye with blood in a dream means a never-sleeping blood enemy.
Seeing an eye with a tear in a dream means repentance.
A red eyelid with a stye means unexpected income or a money transfer.
Looking eye to eye in a dream means mistrust.
Blue eyes - to innocence.
Blindfold your eyes in a dream - you will be deceived, and you will pretend that you do not see.
something got into the eye - you missed something in raising a child, now you have to reap the bitter fruits.


What does it mean when you dream about Eyes:

Why do you dream about eyes? – In a dream, looking quickly means well-being; seeing poorly with your eyes means a lack of money or some kind of loss; To lose one eye or both means illness and death of children; having sick eyes means a misdeed that will soon be repented of; also foretells the death of parents, children and friends; seeing slanted eyes in fact does not promise anything, but for others it foretells a stop in their affairs, a breakdown in their condition and abandonment as friends; to have many eyes in a dream foreshadows happiness and success in any enterprise; seeing eyes out of place is a bad sign and portends blindness to the one seeing this dream.

Empty eye socket - To the loss of a parent.

Autumn dream book

Why do you dream about Eyes according to the dream book:

The eye socket is empty - Unfortunately.

Why do you dream about the Eye - Seeing sore eyes in a dream means disturbing events, this is how this dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

Summer dream book

5. If your eyes hurt in a dream, you feel pain or “sand” - this is a hint of a bad conscience. Here you should think about your behavior and change it if necessary.

6. If you have lost your eye, this indicates some complicated, complex matter. To understand it, it may be worth stepping back and looking from the outside, without emotions - this will help you soberly assess the situation and find the right way out.

7. Going blind in a dream is a sign that in everyday life you do not see obvious reality. You fantasize and think up a lot, but don’t want to notice what is obvious.

Whatever the interpreter predicts, try to apply your new knowledge wisely. Remember that the dream book does not decide anything for the dreamer - and only you always choose what to do.

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