Why do you dream about buying tree seedlings? Planting something in a dream - what could it mean? Planting trees - what does it mean?

Green spaces in dreams are a wonderful symbol denoting the spiritual world of a person, the flowering of his creative powers.

The sign promises health, a prosperous family life, and finding balance in all areas of life. Despite the fact that there are a great many gifts of nature, with the help of a dream book you can quickly understand what the subconscious wants to convey to us through dreams, why we dream of planting flowers, trees or vegetables.

What does planting flowers in a dream mean?

All your plans will quickly come true if you dreamed of planting flowers that begin to grow quickly and reach for the sun. The dream interpretation of planting bright flowers for lovers foretells an imminent marriage, a happy family life, and the birth of heirs.

  • Flowers were planted around one's own home - harmony in family relationships.
  • In the greenhouse - there will be a chance to make your dream come true.
  • In the pot - stability in career growth.

Joyful events await a woman if she dreamed in a sleepy kingdom that she was planting flowers that were beautiful and fragrant with wonderful smells. As soon as the plants planted in the ground begin to bloom, your loved one will present a surprise that will bring a lot of pleasure.

Planting trees and flowers (especially roses) at the same time means a brilliant career. The dream book calls for paying attention to the type of flowers that you dreamed of growing in a dream.

If in a dream you had to plant:

  • Roses - a dream promises happiness and prosperity in family life. If a guy dreamed that he was burying a rose bush without thorns, his future wife will have a calm disposition.
  • Chamomiles - in the near future your health will be good.
  • Forget-me-nots - long-extinguished feelings will flare up with renewed vigor.
  • Gladioli - at the upcoming holiday you will be able to show off your abilities.
  • Tulips - very soon those around you will admire your noble deed. Planting a lot of bulbs in the ground means significant success in service and business.

Planting dug-up flower bulbs is a good time to start new projects. Planting flowers in loose and soft soil in a dream means you can easily overcome obstacles that hinder the development of your own business and the advancement of a project.

If the soil for planting turns out to be hard and rocky, your enemies are trying in every possible way to harm you. for flowers in dreams it was clayey and viscous - the dream book suggests that the help of outsiders is needed to resolve the issue.

Vegetable bed

If you planted in a dream, then such a dream promises a happy fate and longevity. The dream book predicts an eventful life if you had to plant onions in a dream. I dreamed that onions occupied most of the garden - your hard work will bring well-deserved glory. Planting onions, cucumbers, tomatoes with friends in a dream means a brilliant career and respect from colleagues await you.

Replanting plants or seedlings in dreams means significant changes will occur in life. You can change your place of residence, take up another job, change your previously planned plans.

Seeing a young sprout in a dream is the beginning of something new, including new relationships, new projects. In a dream, a planted garden began to quickly turn green - to quick and positive results in the professional sphere.

If in the kingdom of Morpheus you dreamed of growing tomatoes and caring for them, then in reality your efforts will pay off handsomely. In the dream, tomatoes grew quickly - you will achieve your goals in the shortest possible time.

Seeing a vegetable garden planted with tomatoes and peppers in a dream means a joyful event ahead among witty people. A young girl dreamed that tomatoes or cucumbers immediately bloomed after planting - a sign of a happy marriage.

Sow the seeds

  • Corn - to prosperity, a well-fed life.
  • Wheat, rice, buckwheat - you need to concentrate on the task at hand in order to achieve the desired result.
  • Radishes - for an interesting acquaintance.
  • Maka - good luck will come to those who take life with ease.
  • Pumpkins - for a festive mood.
  • Parsley - you are too shy and insecure in life, it’s time to change.

While you were sleeping, you dreamed that you were throwing onion, beet or carrot seeds into the ground - there would be long and painstaking work ahead. Sprinkling flax seeds into the ground in windy weather means the beginning of a grandiose task.

The meaning of sleep is also directly related to the size of the root crop. Planting potatoes that are large and smooth means getting an extremely profitable offer, for which you don’t even have to fight. In this way, management will decide to encourage you so that you continue to strive for career achievements. Planting small and medium-sized potatoes in a dream means excessive care for minor children.

If in a dream the landing took place during a blind rain, then the dream book foreshadows pleasant changes in life; in dark times - you keep your desires secret, try to hide them from strangers. When planting potatoes, the bright sun was shining - this means joyful events, and if the sun's rays made their way through the clouds, you will soon have to experience a streak of minor failures.

What does tree planting mean?

If the dreamer planted a young tree and fruits appeared on it, then this is a clear sign that all innermost desires - even the most grandiose ones - will certainly come true. If a married woman had this dream, then it foreshadows the appearance of children in the family. For an unmarried man, planting trees means meeting a woman with whom he wants a serious and permanent relationship.

Be sure to remember your mood when disembarking. You were happy with the process - a positive outcome of the things started, but you were upset about something - changes in life will not go as smoothly as you wish. Planting trees with parents means mutual understanding and harmony in family relationships.

In my dreams I happened to plant:

  1. – a long-awaited move to a new apartment, an increase in living space. For a man to plant an apple tree with his son is a good sign to start a successful business in real life.
  2. Pear - fortunately on the family front. For a young girl, the dream promises a successful marriage and swimming in luxury. A particularly favorable sign for people involved in trade. They will become even richer.
  3. Plum - there will be an opportunity to purchase an expensive item that you have long dreamed of.
  4. Cherry - you will learn news that will be remembered for a long time.
  5. Cherry - to wealth, abundance.
  6. Walnut - to win, increase profits. Planting hazelnuts means successful business, walnuts mean getting benefits, and almonds mean a happy life.
  7. Planting several fruit trees at the same time, for example, an apple tree and a pear tree, means prosperity and good health.

Did you see yourself planting Christmas trees in a dream? The dream promises a long and prosperous life, as well as new prospects for professional growth. The more magnificent the prickly trees were, the more stable your financial situation will be. Planting Christmas trees with cones means waiting for unexpected happiness. Author: Ekaterina Volkova

Planting a tree in a dream is a very good prophecy. At least, a huge number of dream books claim that this is exactly the case. It’s not difficult to find out why you dream about planting trees - just remember which tree you planted and whether it took root? Well, then it’s a matter of technique: open the dream book and look at the interpretations.

Miller's Dream Book

Gustav H. Miller in his dream book does not skimp on interpretations explaining why one dreams of planting a tree. For example, if the tree you planted has taken root and even put out leaves, expect your hopes to come true. And if you see that the sprout has dried up, this means that the dreamer should be very careful.

An equally joyful prediction is a dream in which the plant you transplanted has bloomed. It means unexpected happiness.

The variety will tell you what to expect

If you want to get more accurate explanations of why you dream of planting a tree, remember which tree appeared in your vision.

  • A cherry tree promises prosperity.
  • In a dream, an apricot seedling was transplanted - to a change of place of residence or work.
  • Pear prophesies betrayal.
  • The lemon bush symbolizes jealousy.
  • A peach has been planted - expect new acquaintances.
  • Apple trees were planted around the garden - a sign of love adventures.
  • An orange or tangerine promises the joy of meetings.

Successful landing as a symbol of prosperity

A very good interpretation of the dream will be given to the person who planted a tree in the ground in a dream. According to the White Magician's dream book, planting plants in the ground is a symbol that the dreamer is on the threshold of something new, which he will be able to achieve with his own efforts, efforts and skills. Has the tree started to grow? Great - get ready to “reap the rewards” of your endeavors.

It doesn’t hurt to find out what it means to dream that you are planting a tree in winter or early spring in frozen ground. If you see this in a dream, know that not everything that seems unreal is so in reality. It might be worth the risk!

A wilted seedling is a sign of failure

It’s sad if you dreamed that the seedling did not take root and dried up. The gypsy dream book interprets this night dream this way: you should not try to do something you don’t know how to do. You need to learn from other people's mistakes.

And in the dream book of Nostradamus you can find the following hint: reduce your spending, otherwise you will end up in bondage to creditors. To paraphrase this interpretation, we can say the following: if you don’t stop wasting money, you will find yourself on the threshold of poverty.

Gender, or Who is destined for what...

The interpretation of the dream, why you dream of planting a tree, can have several meanings. It all depends on who dreamed it.

Anchor points:

What can you plant?

Dreams about planting something, in a general sense are positive. They are the personification of something new. So, for example, if you were planting seedlings - planting trees, shrubs, then your plans are destined to come true, your ideas are worthy of being brought to life. Planting flowers means that a new relationship awaits you, which will bring a lot of positive emotions. Planting seedlings means hard work ahead, but one that will bring good results. The soil in the dream that you dug up for planting symbolizes the desire to get rid of the old and boring in order to develop further.

Planting potatoes - you would like to change the environment around you, but financial difficulties prevent you from realizing your dream. , planted by you, speaks of the dreamer as a person with an adventurous character, a lover of romantic adventures without responsibilities to each other. Seeds thrown into the soil predict good luck in your endeavors. The addition of your relatives to the family may suggest a dream about planting cabbage. It is worth remembering that feelings of fatigue and discomfort during landing indicate obstacles that will arise on your way. However, with persistence, you can overcome them.

Other dreams about being imprisoned

If you saw from the outside that someone else was planting a vegetable garden, then you should think about the reality of your plans; most likely, you will not be able to implement them alone - but with the help of loved ones you will achieve success. Other people planting trees, parks or gardens foreshadow your participation in charity. Pot– hopes associated with the future are not in vain – you are on the right path. Attempts to put a person in prison lead to an improvement in material well-being. Dreams in which you sat down or helped to sit on something (chair, sofa, etc.) predict a change in relationships with people around you as a result of your unfulfilled promises.

Tree in Vanga's dream book

Planting young trees in a dream is a good sign. Such a dream foreshadows good news from children or news of a new addition to the family. Seeing a huge tree in a dream is a prophecy of a quick acquaintance with an influential person who, like an angel, will help you in all matters. If you saw a dry or broken tree in a dream, then such a dream is a bad omen. News awaits you about the fatal illness of a person close to you. Cutting down trees in a dream is evidence that you not only have a bad attitude towards the environment, but also in every possible way encourage your children and loved ones to treat nature in a similar way. Stop before it’s too late: teach your loved ones to love trees and animals, otherwise your children will be deprived of the joy of hearing birds singing, walking through the forest and seeing the blue sky. Teach your loved ones to love trees and animals, otherwise your children will be deprived of the joy of hearing birds singing, walking through the forest and seeing the blue sky. If you dreamed of a large number of felled trees, then such a dream foreshadows troublesome affairs that will not end well. If in a dream you are standing in the shade of trees, then in real life you should stop hiding your true feelings. Trust people more, and you will have many good, loyal friends. Picking fruits from trees in a dream is a harbinger of big profits. Perhaps you will receive a large inheritance from unknown relatives, or the money you once invested in a dubious enterprise will bring unexpected income.

The meaning of the dream Tree in a modern dream book

One tree symbolizes loneliness, the search for a loved one. Young green tree - you need to pay more attention to your loved ones or start looking for a friend or loved one. Seeing a lonely old tree in a dream with flying leaves and broken branches means serious illness or lonely old age in poverty. Seeing a falling tree, cut down or torn out by the wind, broken, is a harbinger of imminent death. To cut down a tree yourself - by your actions you can destroy a person close to you or just an acquaintance or colleague. A flowering tree is a symbol of success and joy awaiting you soon. A tree with fruits that you collect - you will receive unexpected income, profit. Several trees, a forest - you are tired of communicating with people. You want to be alone, to relax. Getting lost in the forest means you don't know who you can trust or how to find a way out of the situation in which you find yourself.

Dream Tree in an intimate dream book

A dream in which you see a tree with young green foliage symbolizes the fulfillment of your secret desires. You are about to experience new sensations that will once again awaken passion and sensuality in you. A tree with falling or fallen leaves, on the contrary, means the loss of a former relationship. Love and sex will disappear from your life for a while, you will be completely immersed in work.

See also:

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