Why do you dream about fish in water? Why does a woman dream about living fish in water?

See the interpretation: by the names of the fish, as well as the net, the trap.

Fish in a dream symbolize coldness, illness, and indifference.

Seeing a gnawed fish skeleton in a dream is a harbinger of misfortune, collapse of plans and disappointments.

Fishing in a dream is a sign of ingratitude, useless work, a waste of time and effort.

Seeing a fish caught by others in a dream foreshadows illness, and for women, pregnancy.

If in a dream you watch the float of your fishing rod, which is calmly swaying on the water, then the fulfillment of your desire is postponed.

If in a dream the float twitches and you catch a fish, then you can count on your plans being fulfilled.

Catching a big fish in a dream means that a profitable marriage awaits you. Sometimes such a dream predicts a big and profitable business.

Watching the fish you catch means that you will soon have serious plans for the future.

Catching a lot of fish in a dream is a sign of big profits. The larger the fish, the more money you will receive.

Catching a lot of small fish in a dream is a sign of a lot of trouble, from which there will be little benefit or little money.

But fishing with nets, drags or seines means that you should be wary of risky activities. However, such a dream portends success for those people who have lost something (or someone) and are trying to find it.

Not catching anything in a dream means that your plans will not come true.

Fishing hooks in a dream portend danger. Such a dream may mean that your enemies have prepared a cunning trap for you.

A motley, brightly colored fish in a dream warns you of the danger of poisoning or deception. For patients, such a dream foreshadows death. Such a dream can also foreshadow insult or quarrels.

A red fish in a dream predicts great experiences, inflammation, or the discovery of some secret.

If you dream that you take a fish in your hands, and it slips out of your hands, then you will have to deal with such a cunning person whom you will never be able to catch or expose.

It is also believed that lake fish seen in a dream portends happiness and prosperity.

A dream in which you caught a bony fish predicts obstacles in business and failures in the implementation of plans.

Eating fish in a dream is considered a good omen, as long as it is not raw.

Eating raw fish in a dream means that losses, obstacles in business and disappointment await you. But if it is also full of bones, then disappointment or failure awaits you.

A dead fish floating on the water predicts that your wishes will not come true.

Watching a fish splashing in the water portends receiving a gift or very good news. Sometimes such a dream predicts anxiety and troubles associated with your work.

Feeding fish in a dream is a sign of reconciliation with enemies whom you will charm with your charm.

Seeing fish in your bed in a dream is a sign of illness. For those who go on a journey by water, the dream foretells the danger of a shipwreck or other misfortune.

For pregnant women to dream that they gave birth to a fish, the dream predicts that their unborn child will be in poor health and will not live long. Sometimes such a dream foretells them a miscarriage.

It is believed that rotten fish in a dream foreshadows failures in business or in your personal life.

If you saw fishing gear in a dream, then you should be wary of deception or some kind of cunning trap.

Fatty fish in a dream is a sign of diseases associated with tumors or inflammation.

Fishermen in a dream are a sign of unreliable friends who should not be relied on.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Many are sure that seeing a fish in a dream is a good sign, because from time immemorial it has symbolized good luck and prosperity. But what do you really dream about about living fish? How do popular dream books interpret vision?

Dream Interpretation of Astromeridiana

The interpreter is sure that most often a fish in a dream is a positive sign. A dream in which a girl dreamed of a live fish may indicate an imminent pregnancy. But what if this image in the world of dreams was seen by an already pregnant woman? In this case, interpreters perceive the dream of a live fish as a symbol of fertility and promise easy relief from the burden. If a man saw a live fish in a dream, it means that higher powers want to remind him of some important matter that he has put on the back burner. It's probably time to deal with him.

People are also interested in why they dream about a lot of live fish. According to the dream book, a passing school promises wealth, which the sleeping person will suddenly receive. A dream in which a large live fish is in the dreamer’s hands symbolizes good luck that a person will literally catch by the tail. If the caught prey is prepared for spawning right in the hands of the sleeping person, it means that the enterprise he has planned will give additional dividends. Moreover, this will happen unexpectedly even for the dreamer himself.

The dream book interprets dreaming of aquarium fish as the completion of business, the receipt of profitable projects. For a woman who does not yet have a soulmate, the appearance of aquarium fish in a dream is a favorable sign, which indicates the appearance in her life of a person who in the future will offer to tie her destinies together.

Idiomatic and Autumn dream books

The authors of the Autumn Dream Book have their own view of what living fish mean in dreams. An individual floating in the water is a sign that the sleeper will never miss his benefits and will definitely fight for his rights. If a person holds a fish in his hands, it means that people are discussing his character, considering the dreamer weak and weak-willed, as people say - neither fish nor fowl.

According to the Idiomatic Dream Book, a fish that lives in an unnatural environment can predict natural disasters. The same interpretation has a vision in which several individuals were dreamed of at once flying through the sky or calmly moving on land.

A predator swimming in the sea indicates a possible fight with competitors. Waterfowl from the aquarium are a sign that the sleeper’s problems can be solved very easily, the exit is very close - you just have to stretch out your hand.

Catching fish with a fishing rod means that the dreamer can achieve a successful resolution of the case, but for this he will have to put in a lot of effort, labor and ingenuity. If the dreamed fish was in a net, it means that all the sleeper’s affairs will be successful, and he will not have to do anything special for this.

Family dream book

One of the most popular publications does not give a definite answer to the question of why a woman dreams of fish, believing that details are decisive in the interpretation of a dream. Thus, if a girl saw a live fish in a dream, it means that soon she will be given a date by a loved one who reciprocates her feelings. If a girl holds a waterfowl directly in her hands, her loved one will soon propose to her.

Small sprat or smelt laying eggs portend unexpected happiness, which is likely to be fleeting. Perhaps a woman will meet a young man with whom she becomes very interested, but he will turn out to be a two-faced type.

A huge shiny fish is a sign that after marriage a girl will end up in a good family and will not need anything. A large individual can also be dreamed of if a young man has decided to actually participate in a large project, but doubts the legality of the enterprise. The interpreter advises him to cast aside doubts and boldly go into “battle,” since this business will bring him a good win.

According to the interpreter, if a pregnant woman dreams of river fish, for example, carp or carp, then after the due date she will give birth to a boy. The birth of a girl is prophesied by an apparition of a live pike.

Russian folk and Gypsy dream books

The Gypsy dream book, unlike most others, does not perceive a dreamed fish as a positive sign. The authors are confident that if a patient dreams of the image, then after some time his condition will worsen. For a healthy person, a dream foretells quarrels and misfortunes. A large fish caught with a fishing rod symbolizes good luck in business. Many small individuals are a sign that the sleeper is doing nonsense, forgetting about the main thing in his life.

The Russian folk dream book is confident that if a waterfowl dreams of being in an unnatural environment, it means that in reality the dreamer will try his best to complete the task, but the attempts will be unsuccessful. An individual splashing in the water foreshadows the beginning of a troublesome business that will bring virtually no profit.

Fishing with a fishing rod in a dream indicates that the sleeper can safely resolve all his problems, but only if he does not involve strangers in them. Old or sick fish promises deception and disappointment. Empty hopes are also promised by a dream in which a caught fish jumps out of the hands of the sleeper.

Other interpretations

The modern dream book assures that if a dreamed fish swims in a pond in a dream, it means that to interpret the dream one should remember how clean it was. Transparent water promises a pleasant acquaintance, relaxation in a cheerful company. If the water was cloudy or dirty, then this suggests that you should not place too much hope on practically strangers. For a family man, a vision in which he observed individuals living in an aquarium promises a quiet life in the circle of his household. If the fish was in a raging sea, it means that scandals and quarrels in the family cannot be avoided.

According to Miller's dream book, waterfowl caught in large numbers foretell gifts from a loved one. If someone else was fishing in a dream and showed the sleeping person a good catch, it means that in reality some unpleasant events will happen that the dreamer can easily cope with.

The dream book of Nostradamus claims that the dreamer’s position is too precarious and unstable if in a dream he dreamed of a school of small fish. A serious illness or natural disaster is prophesied by a dream in which a fish falls from the sky directly on the dreamer’s head.

According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, a fish seen in a dream symbolizes the dreamer’s wandering in search of himself. In some cases, such a vision indicates additional financial opportunities. The sleeper will probably find a good part-time job, thanks to which he will make his life more stable. Catching live fish with bare hands means the appearance of ill-wishers who will try to harm the dreamer in any way. If you dreamed of a fish that was still alive, but without a head, it means that the sleeper is irresponsible about his health. He needs to see a doctor as soon as possible. Red fish - to joy in the house, prosperity.

A woman dreamed of a fish in the water ▼

Felomena's dream book considers fish in water as a need to pay close attention to relationships with. Understand the existing ones before it's too late.

A man dreamed of a fish in the water▼

Why do you dream about fish in water? You will take on a major task, participation in which will require a lot of time from you. The effort invested will be justified by the reward received.

What was the fish doing in the water?

Why do you dream of a fish swimming in the water▼

Seeing a fish swimming in the water in a dream means your skill and ability to quickly respond to the current situation will be noticed by your superiors. Business affairs are foreshadowed.

A fish jumps out of the water in a dream▼

If you dream that a fish jumps out of the water, a joyful and cheerful time will begin in life. In some cases, this dream can promise a girl something unexpected.

What kind of water was in your dream?

I dreamed of a fish in clear water▼

The dream book interprets fish in clear water as an extremely positive sign. Very soon you will be able to meet your true love, with whom you will spend your whole life side by side.

Dreaming of fish in dirty water▼

I dreamed of a fish in dirty water - the search for love will not be successful. Don’t despair, on the love front they will soon be replaced by success and will bring new interesting acquaintances.

Why do you dream of fish in troubled water▼

Seeing a fish in troubled water in a dream means suffering from disappointments in your personal life. The surrounding contenders for your heart will not be those with whom you would like

Ancient predictors associated water with the state of the human soul. They believed that water, conveying the spiritual mood of the sleeper, his emotions, the feelings that he experiences at this stage of life, the mental perception of the world around him, can be a positive change in a person’s future destiny, as well as introduce negative touches.

What if you dream of muddy water and fish?

In dream books, water has a wide variety of meanings, for example, it is the source of all life among the Chinese, the Vedas associate it with the birth of a new life and motherhood, for Hindus the secret of preserving life and longevity is hidden in water, but in Christianity, water represents the trinity - life, death , Sunday. Water seen in a dream gives a hint about the correctness of the chosen path. For example, if you dream of a pond in which the water is motionless, that is, stagnant or musty, you urgently need to reconsider your spiritual values, discard unnecessary emotions and change your attitude towards the world around you.

An important point in a dream is the state of the water. If clean water personifies a person’s being in harmony with himself, and is a sign of the purity of his thoughts and righteous deeds, then seeing muddy water in a dream entails a number of life troubles.

Muddy water is associated with the sleeper’s unclean thoughts and unseemly actions. Big troubles can lead to both spiritual and material changes. Moreover, they will be far from positive. If we consider a fish in line with the water element, it is obvious that it personifies the depth of a person’s subconscious perception of the world, while water symbolizes emotions and his consciousness. By and large, fish in a dream represent indifference, illness and coldness. Then why dream of muddy water and fish, what clue does this dream give? It follows from this that these signs, seen in a dream, do not prophesy anything good to the sleeper.

What does it portend?

Undesirable actions in business can lead to losses of a material nature, for example, a profitable deal can go wrong, a good position can slip through the cracks, which leads to a decrease in well-being, and as a result, causes poverty. Personal life is complicated by misunderstanding and hostile relationships with loved ones. If a person sees himself in a dream standing in muddy water, and also as a fish catcher, such a dream foreshadows the emergence of discord and conflict situations due to the fault of the sleeper. A fast stream of muddy water rushing with a roar from a mountain peak speaks of the transience of these troubles.

If you dreamed of muddy water and fish in it, this is not a tragedy, but only a sign of a future review of a person’s behavior if he wants to change the situation for the better. Therefore, a conscious assessment of the situation, its analysis and a plan for the subsequent exit from a difficult situation are important aspects.

Dreams are a wonderful world of dreams, in which many signs and tips are aimed at preventing unwanted events in a person’s life. The main thing is to notice them in time, understand them and be able to apply them in your life. And, as they say in one fairy tale, you will be happy!

See the interpretation: by the names of the fish, as well as the net, the trap.

Fish in a dream symbolize coldness, illness, and indifference.

Seeing a gnawed fish skeleton in a dream is a harbinger of misfortune, collapse of plans and disappointments.

Fishing in a dream is a sign of ingratitude, useless work, a waste of time and effort.

Seeing a fish caught by others in a dream foreshadows illness, and for women, pregnancy.

If in a dream you watch the float of your fishing rod, which is calmly swaying on the water, then the fulfillment of your desire is postponed.

If in a dream the float twitches and you catch a fish, then you can count on your plans being fulfilled.

Catching a big fish in a dream means that a profitable marriage awaits you. Sometimes such a dream predicts a big and profitable business.

Watching the fish you catch means that you will soon have serious plans for the future.

Catching a lot of fish in a dream is a sign of big profits. The larger the fish, the more money you will receive.

Catching a lot of small fish in a dream is a sign of a lot of trouble, from which there will be little benefit or little money.

But fishing with nets, drags or seines means that you should be wary of risky activities. However, such a dream portends success for those people who have lost something (or someone) and are trying to find it.

Not catching anything in a dream means that your plans will not come true.

Fishing hooks in a dream portend danger. Such a dream may mean that your enemies have prepared a cunning trap for you.

A motley, brightly colored fish in a dream warns you of the danger of poisoning or deception. For patients, such a dream foreshadows death. Such a dream can also foreshadow insult or quarrels.

A red fish in a dream predicts great experiences, inflammation, or the discovery of some secret.

If you dream that you take a fish in your hands, and it slips out of your hands, then you will have to deal with such a cunning person whom you will never be able to catch or expose.

It is also believed that lake fish seen in a dream portends happiness and prosperity.

A dream in which you caught a bony fish predicts obstacles in business and failures in the implementation of plans.

Eating fish in a dream is considered a good omen, as long as it is not raw.

Eating raw fish in a dream means that losses, obstacles in business and disappointment await you. But if it is also full of bones, then disappointment or failure awaits you.

A dead fish floating on the water predicts that your wishes will not come true.

Watching a fish splashing in the water portends receiving a gift or very good news. Sometimes such a dream predicts anxiety and troubles associated with your work.

Feeding fish in a dream is a sign of reconciliation with enemies whom you will charm with your charm.

Seeing fish in your bed in a dream is a sign of illness. For those who go on a journey by water, the dream foretells the danger of a shipwreck or other misfortune.

For pregnant women to dream that they gave birth to a fish, the dream predicts that their unborn child will be in poor health and will not live long. Sometimes such a dream foretells them a miscarriage.

It is believed that rotten fish in a dream foreshadows failures in business or in your personal life.

If you saw fishing gear in a dream, then you should be wary of deception or some kind of cunning trap.

Fatty fish in a dream is a sign of diseases associated with tumors or inflammation.

Fishermen in a dream are a sign of unreliable friends who should not be relied on.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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