Why do you dream about a lot of wristwatches? Interpretation according to different dream books. Interpretation of the dream Clock in the Modern Dream Book

Dreams give a person the opportunity to look at least a little into the future. When interpreted, even quite ordinary things, such as, for example, a wristwatch, can tell a lot of interesting information. To do this, you need to remember the main details of the plot: what the accessory looked like, what you did with it, etc. It is also important to compare the information received with events that occur in real life.

Why do you dream of a wristwatch?

Most often, wristwatches are a symbol of important events that are currently happening in life. This may also be an indication that you often spend a lot of time on insignificant details and miss real chances to change everything for the better. If you stole a wristwatch, this is a warning about the emergence of influential enemies who will try to ruin your life. This also indicates the emergence of enemies among colleagues. , where you let down your watch, predicts receiving a reward for the work done, but it will not necessarily be expressed in material equivalent.

In a dream, you were presented with a wristwatch, which means that due to frivolous behavior, numerous troubles can arise. For girls, such a dream promises a meeting with their soulmate. If you are given a watch with an expensive bracelet, it means you can count on a successful marriage. The loss of such an accessory is an unfavorable sign that promises the destruction of hopes. It is also a symbol that you often waste time. Seeing a wristwatch in a dream and admiring its beauty means that in reality you will be able to realize your plans. Night vision, where a wristwatch is presented, warns that you yourself will harm your plans and interests. For a girl, such a dream foreshadows a meeting with her future husband. If you give a watch, it means that in reality you cannot cope with the current situation and want to shift the problems to another person.

Sending your watch for repair means that a difficult situation that has been tormenting you for a long time will end successfully. A dream where a gold wristwatch appeared is an unfavorable sign that promises betrayal on the part of a loved one. An expensive accessory is a symbol of positive changes, excellent health and a stable financial situation. Finding a wristwatch in a dream means that you will find yourself in a difficult situation due to rash actions. This dream also indicates that you are rushing things. Seeing an accessory without arrows means wasting your time. If you see that the clock is behind, this is a symbol of the slow development of events.

Choosing a wristwatch in a dream means that good luck will accompany you in the near future; maybe you should play on the stock exchange. If you bought such an accessory, this is a symbol indicating the start of a new business. Buying a wristwatch in a dream means that in reality you are a carefree person. The dream book says that you do not know how to make important decisions and get out of difficult situations on your own. An unusual watch is a symbol of attending an interesting event.

Why do you dream of a broken wristwatch?

If you broke your watch, it means that a difficult time will come in your life, perhaps you will lose a loved one. Night vision, where the watch slips from the hand and breaks, can be taken as a recommendation that it is necessary to change life principles in order for the future to be happy. A broken wristwatch is a warning that you will startle yourself. It may also be an indication that in real life there is a problem that should be solved as quickly as possible.

Household objects are often part of a dream and do not leave a noticeable impression. However, if you remember some everyday objects after waking up, it is advisable to decipher the clues. To understand why you dream about a watch, you will need to remember all the details of what you saw.

Dream Interpretation: seeing a clock in a dream

Gustav's Dream Interpretation Miller interprets the watch he sees as a symbol of successful business management. If their glass is broken, in reality their reputation will suffer due to an unseemly act. Losing a watch is a bad sign. Troubles will follow for a long time. If they were stolen in a dream, then behind all the troubles there is a secret enemy who does nasty things and spreads dirty rumors.

At the same time I dreamed of many working watches - you can rejoice. There will be an active period in business and profit making.

When you dream that you gave a watch to someone, you should be careful. Otherwise, the awkward situation will be reflected in an unfavorable way.

According to Vanga's dream book An old watch means lessons from the past that it’s time to learn. The walkers on the wall reflect a frivolous attitude towards time, and its dispersion over insignificant details. The absence of a dial on a watch is a warning of a serious threat. Loud ticking - inevitable tests are coming that will test your character's strength.

Dream interpretation of esotericism Evgenia Tsvetkova suggests that the time on the clock indicates the date of an important event. This can be a hint in month and day format.

According to the Muslim dream book A watch as a gift together with a bracelet means an early marriage for single people, or a purchase for married ones. Losing them and finding them in a dream means mutual understanding.

You shouldn’t waste money in reality, that’s why you dream about the watch that the sleeping person buys, in the opinion of old dream book. Rash acquisitions will be unsuccessful and will not bring joy.

Who dreamed of a clock in a dream

When you dream of a watch, it is important to take into account the personality of the dreamer himself and how the appearance of this useful accessory is something extraordinary for the sleeper. You should not pay close attention to the dreamed property.

Dressy watches girl, especially in combination with a beautiful strap, are a positive sign. Romantic relationships will soon begin, and if they already exist, then the dream predicts the creation of a happy, harmonious family.

But watches decorated with rhinestones and shiny stones woman married serve as a warning. The husband is preparing to cheat, but there is still time to prevent adultery.

As a symbolic representation of libido, this is what watches are dreamed of man according to Sigmund Freud. Seeing a lot of working dials means increased sexual activity. Giving a watch to a woman you know in a dream is a reflection of the dreamer’s attitude. In reality, he wants to have sex with this lady.

What watch did you see in your dream?

Wall mounted The watch encourages you not to rush when making important decisions. It is worth concentrating on the main goal, without being distracted by extraneous petty problems, carefully consider the options, and only then make a choice. Cuckoo walkers are an excellent sign for family dreamers, promising harmony and love between household members. If you dream of a clock on the wall in your apartment, although in reality there is none, this is an indication of a waste of time. The “chimes” outside the building warn of incorrectly chosen life guidelines. It's time to reconsider your worldview, otherwise problems are coming.

Disproportionately big watches are interpreted as related to the intimate sphere. In reality, you have to make love with an amazing person whom you had never thought of as a possible partner before.

Finally, you will be able to achieve public recognition if you dreamed about gold watch. This glory will be well deserved.

For bachelors and unmarried women beautiful The watch symbolizes a love adventure. Families will enjoy happiness.

The receipt of a tempting offer in reality is signaled donated watch. This shows the chance to change your social status and advance in your career.

Dream about positive changes expensive watch. You will be pleased with the increase in prosperity and good health.

Vintage the watch, but in fair condition, is an indicator symbol. The time has come to draw important conclusions based on the experience of the past, to sum up the results of our own actions.

The tendency towards systematization and orderliness is evidenced by mechanical hours in a dream, if a person observes the rotation of gears and other contents. Health is excellent, and the body functions without failures.

Sometimes new a clock sparkling with inlay indicates the need for vigilance. A person you know will try to deceive, taking advantage of the trust and sincere disposition of the sleeping person.

A quarrel is foreshadowed electronic watch. Conflict can break out both at home and among colleagues.

Good to see in a dream Pocket watch. In reality, it will be hard to earn the respect of others. The implementation of business projects will go exactly according to plan, and harmony reigns in relationships with loved ones.

Alarm The clock will mark an urgent matter. In the coming period, it is especially important for businessmen not to miss the opportunity to make a profitable deal.

The hourglass has a similar interpretation. If you don’t hurry up with the implementation of your planned projects, time will flow away, taking away profitable chances.

A dream about a sundial is a warning symbol. You should reconsider your unrealistic fantasies. The ideas are interesting and have a creative approach, but in the original version they are difficult to implement. Now they are based on too frivolous principles.

However, all of the above interpretations are valid if you dream of a watch in good condition. There will be losses and we won't be able to take advantage of the chance. This is what they appear for broken hours in a dream. Most likely, the cause of failure will be insurmountable circumstances.

Serious warning if broken clock stopped. Health will require increased attention.

Also stopped a clock can mean the final stage of a period. It is worth controlling the development of the smallest ailments so that they do not manage to firmly establish themselves in the body.

Why do you dream of a wristwatch?

When you dream about a watch, the most common subject is the usual wristwatch. Such a practical accessory deserves a separate detailed interpretation.

To indicate unexpected worries in a dream, wristwatches appear women's watch. For a bachelor to see them on his hand - to a quick marriage.

Wrist men's A clock in a lady's dream means an eventful reality. The importance of some will be difficult to appreciate right away, but they will bring favorable changes.

Gender-appropriate wristwatches On the hand portend a lot of joyful troubles. Life will be in full swing.

Interpretation of sleep based on actions with a clock

Considered a good omen choose clock in a dream. In reality, after trial and error, the right path has finally been found, which will definitely lead to success.

Buying a watch in reality is not a very common event, but it is a joyful one. The interpretation of sleep varies depending on its purpose.

Buy a watch in a dream in order to give it to someone is a warning. Advice and recommendations from loved ones deserve close attention. Buying a watch of any type for yourself means that in reality you will have to start a new business. It will be interesting and promising, and will also have an impact on the entire coming period.

Giving a watch to lonely dreamers is interpreted very favorably. A whirlwind romance soon follows.

The plot lose There are two interpretations of the clock, differing in scope. On the one hand, in reality the sleeper runs the risk of being late somewhere, and on the other hand, of missing out on a wonderful opportunity for development.

Find a watch is an excellent symbol. Suddenly everything will work out, your undertaking will be a fabulous success.

Accidentally smash A watch in a dream means in reality incurring small material losses. Intentional destruction - to the purposeful and decisive elimination of certain circumstances and the severance of relationships.

The plot is a reflection of the dreamer's character watch the time on the clock. Thanks to the ability to plan work and leisure, you can get a lot of things done.

Winding up a watch or moving the hands is an indication of impatience. Although the sleeper has a large amount of obligations ahead of him that must be fulfilled, excessive haste can be harmful and lead to the fact that some of the work will have to be redone.

Having interpreted what the clock means in dreams, all that remains is to listen to the recommendations of the dream books and adjust the actions so that they bring maximum benefit.

Every day we check the time many times, afraid of being late somewhere or trying to get as much done as possible. Why do you dream of a wristwatch? As the dream book says, a wristwatch can have many meanings, but most often such a dream is a warning. A wristwatch in a dream could mean that a time of change is coming in your life, or that it’s time to take that step that you’ve been dreaming about for so long. This image does not appear in dreams in vain, so its interpretation should be approached with all seriousness.

A wristwatch in a dream is a symbol of the changes that your life will soon undergo. But whether they will be good depends on the details of the dream.

It is worth noting that in the modern world, a wristwatch is more of an accessory that is necessary to demonstrate a sense of style or the thickness of a wallet. There are many easier ways to find out the time - you can see what time it is on the screen of any mobile device. However, the interpretation of dream books is more conservative, since most of them were written in the last or the century before last. Therefore, if you happen to see a wristwatch in a dream, the interpretation in one sense or another will be related to time.

If you saw a women's watch in a dream

Why do you dream about women's wristwatches? This is a reason to think, first of all, about the state of your current affairs, including those of the heart. You probably have too many questions, problems, and maybe even some troubles. So, now is the time to start clearing it all out.

There is no point in further postponing a conversation with a loved one if you are not happy with something in the relationship, or it is high time to talk with your boss about raising your salary, or promoting you to a position, if such thoughts have been swarming in your head for a long time. The time has come!

As the dream book says, a women’s wristwatch that is broken warns you about the importance of little things. Any, even the most insignificant detail, can be absolutely indispensable in building your bright future.

Why do you dream of a gold women's wristwatch - for an early marriage. Your single time has come to an end, soon your life will change beyond recognition. For those women who are already married, seeing such a dream means that you are not spending enough time with your loved ones. Children and husband need your care and attention. Try to find free time for them in the whirlwind of endless tasks.

An elegant women's watch on a man's hand means that you will soon find yourself in a difficult life situation, and in order to get out of it, you will need endurance and all the strength of spirit.

You saw a solid men's watch in a dream

Winding the watch means you are ready to start something new and global. You are full of strength and energy, you are eager to fight. And this is good, because success awaits you. But stopped hands on the dial, on the contrary, foreshadow stagnation in business and financial difficulties. Having seen such a dream, try to limit yourself in spending; in the near future money will be tight.

For a woman, the dream in which she saw a man’s wristwatch signifies a pleasant acquaintance, which, by the way, can develop into something more. There is a high probability that this man will be your co-worker or colleague. Time to look around!

If you saw a watch on your hand

  • In most cases, seeing a wristwatch in a dream means anticipation. At the moment you are very tense, trying to figure out the time to start something new and important to you. If you were able to accurately see the time that the arrows are pointing to, it means that that very moment will come soon.
  • Dreamed of a wristwatch put on another person’s hand - to disappointment and missed opportunities. Perhaps you couldn’t decide on something, but now time is lost. The only way out is to wait for another favorable moment. Don't be upset, it will definitely come.
  • If you try on a new watch on your hand, you will receive an expensive, meaningful gift in the very near future. A dream in which a wristwatch does not have hands means that a difficult life period will soon come for you. Perhaps even those closest to you will turn away from you.
  • Hearing a clock tick in a dream means that you should immediately take care of your own health. Perhaps some kind of illness can quickly knock you down, try to see a doctor as soon as possible after such a dream.

When did you see a gold watch in a dream?

A gold watch in a dream promises you success and financial well-being.

It's hard to imagine a more favorable dream. Naturally, it promises well-being, especially financial. Well-deserved success and possible fame (for those who strive for it) await you.

But don’t forget about the other side of the coin - envy and hostility on the part of strangers, or even your loved ones. Your task after such a dream is not to relax in anticipation of the blessings that will fall on you from heaven, but to increase your success. Yes, everything will be fine, but it can be even better if you work hard at it.

But a crack or chip on the glass of a gold watch may hint to you that you are not moving in the entirely right direction. In general, everything is fine, but either you made several wrong steps, or began to scatter yourself on things that are completely unnecessary for you at the moment. Get your act together!

A vintage antique gold watch encourages you to stop and take stock. What have you achieved, what dreams have you come true, and what really matters to you. This is especially true for workaholics. You may reconsider a lot, because now is the time for change. A broken gold accessory means that it’s time to solve the accumulated problems; you can’t put it off any longer, otherwise troubles won’t be long in coming.

  • English dream book. A gold watch is a symbol of temporary joy and health. Breaking a watch in a dream means you may receive bodily harm, as well as failure in all your endeavors. Buy a gold watch - you are wasting your life on trifles.
  • Lunar dream book. In a dream, if you put a gold watch on your hand, you will be rewarded for the work you have done, but this reward may not be material. A broken watch is a symbol of bad sex.
  • Dream book of Artemidor. Your idea of ​​the World is incorrect or does not correspond to your inner feeling. You limit yourself to generally accepted rules, although this does not have a beneficial effect on the trajectory of life. Don't fuss - let the evil flow through your rejection of it.

Did you buy an accessory or receive it as a gift?

Why dream of buying a wristwatch - such a dream indicates the superficiality of your aspirations in achieving your goal. You are not ready or do not want to spend a lot of effort and time, but want to get everything at once. You will also be happy with the option if someone else does all the dirty work for you, and you just rest on your laurels. Unfortunately, nothing will work out. If you don't reconsider your "all is good" attitude and don't work hard towards your aspirations, life will give you an unpleasant and painful surprise. But for now you have time to fix everything.

If you were given a wristwatch, this is a good, favorable dream, promising positive changes. You will successfully complete the work you started, receive a bonus or salary increase at work. And if the gift also comes with an engraving, many will know about your success. Isn't this a reason to be proud of yourself?

If the mechanism was broken or broken

Why do you dream of a broken watch - it means unexpected expenses. Troubles will soon come into your life, they will arise solely through your fault. Of course, over time, everything will return to normal, but you will need to make an effort to get your life back on track. A dream where a broken watch appears is interpreted in a similar way. You will find yourself in a very difficult life situation, from which it will not be easy to get out.

In a dream you found or lost your watch

  • We continue to study the dream book: find a wristwatch: what is it for? If you find a watch in good working condition, then this is a great sign. All your endeavors will be successful, expect profit in your wallet.
  • Even if you take the watch out of water or dust, it’s okay. This just means that there will be minor obstacles on the way to your dream, but you will overcome everything.
  • But in a dream, a watch that has no hands means that your efforts are futile. You will waste time, money and other resources, nothing worthwhile will come of it. Finding a broken watch means losses you will incur. Although at first you may not consider all the unprofitability of your endeavor.
  • For a girl to lose her wristwatch in a dream will be a hint of her carelessness and frivolity. You are too unserious, and because of this, you may end up losing something (or someone) that is really important to you. For a man, such a dream promises loss of job or demotion. Losing a gold watch means parting with power, wealth and influence.

Interpretation of sleep in various dream books: Vanga, Miller, Freud and others

The mysterious multidimensional world of dreams, what do we know about it? There is a category of people who call themselves esotericists. So, they take dreams very seriously and try to decipher them as accurately as possible, so that later, if we find ourselves in a difficult life situation, we can seek help and interpret what we saw. After all, dreams are an unbreakable thread stretched between our consciousness and the deep unconscious, in the depths of which lie the answers to life’s questions. Let's see, if you dreamed about a wristwatch, what is it for, according to famous dream interpreters.

Miller's Dream Book - good luck in business awaits you

According to Miller's dream book, a wristwatch in a dream portends you good luck in gambling.

Why dream of a wristwatch on your hand is a good sign, especially if you are a player on the stock exchange or in a casino. Then success in this field will definitely await you. Giving someone this accessory means giving your luck rather than bringing trouble on your head.

Breaking them also means losing your luck. Be prepared for the fact that your enemies will start something evil against you. Losing a watch in a dream foreshadows loss in reality. A stopped clock symbolizes stagnation in business. No profit or prospects are expected in the near future.

Vanga's dream book - changes for the better are ahead

The Bulgarian seer believed that such a dream is a harbinger of the onset of an important stage in life. And here it is very important that the watch is in perfect condition, then the expected changes will be positive. If they are scratched or slightly broken, expect obstacles along the way. But they will be overcome. But Vanga considered a stopped watch to be an unkind sign, since they dream of a possible imminent death, just like a watch without a dial. You may find yourself in such a difficult life situation that only faith can help you get out of it.

Freud's Dream Book - you have problems in your personal life

A broken watch symbolizes problems in sex with your regular partner. Something about each other doesn’t suit you, and neither wants to meet you halfway. The situation can be corrected by compromise. In any case, you will have to give in if this relationship is important to you.

A stopped clock in a dream for a married couple will be a symbol of sexual stagnation in life. Try experimenting, it can be very refreshing for a relationship.

If a girl dreams that a man gives her an ornate watch, this is a sign of a passionate romance. And if, on the contrary, she gives a watch, this is not very good for her relationship with the young man, since she will have to give more in it. Ultimately, everything will end in separation.

Modern dream book - you will discover something new

  • New hours - for a new activity. In the very near future, you will come up with something fundamentally new for yourself, and open up yet unexplored horizons.
  • A stopped clock, on the contrary, is a symbol of stagnation. We can say that your life will pause and no significant events or accomplishments will occur in it.
  • Looking closely at a watch for a long time, choosing it, means minor problems, the source of which will be you yourself. Try to fix everything as soon as possible.

Dream Interpretation Kananita - you will be a leader

Symbol of leadership, commanding position. You will have to lead and give orders. An expensive new watch is a great success in management. Broken wristwatches, non-working ones - failure in career, inability to cope with the assigned responsibility.

Online dream book - you are trustworthy

People management. The type of watch is your portrait as a leader. Cheap, broken, etc. - you fail to inspire respect from your subordinates. Expensive beautiful watch: you are a true leader, people want to look up to you, people like to act in your interests.

Dream Interpretation for Lovers - You are too selfish

Often looking at the clock is a sign of self-obsession; you don’t notice the people around you, ignore the state of your loved ones and the opinions of your interlocutors. Receive a new wristwatch as a gift - compliments, you are the center of attention.

Old Russian dream book - anxiety and problems

A warning that important changes in your destiny are approaching. Listening to the clock ticking means anxiety and problems. Losing a watch means the collapse of your plans and desires. Finding a watch means creating a strong, happy family.

Chinese dream book - you are a punctual person

Wristwatches are most often associated with the passage of time, changes in life, anticipation and precision. A watch on your hand is a symbol of punctuality and prudence. If your clock has stopped, this indicates the completion of the next stage of your life.

Esoteric dream book - you lack harmony

Your view of the world is incorrect or does not correspond to your inner feeling. You limit yourself to generally accepted rules, although this has an unfavorable effect on the trajectory of life. Don't fuss, get to know your true Self.

American dream book - you are a creative person

Positive results from activities that require high development of fine motor skills: needlework, assembling products from small parts, packaging. This is a good prerequisite for making something with your own hands.

Lunar dream book - you are entrepreneurial

Expensive wristwatches represent resourcefulness, enterprise, leading to success. You will discover in yourself the qualities necessary to organize your own business, you will be able to improve your affairs and improve your financial situation.

French dream book - find time for yourself

Receiving an expensive watch as a gift means doing what you love, time for yourself. Breaking a wristwatch means absent-mindedness, forgetting about something important. Buying or finding a wristwatch means concentration, concentrating on something, making an important decision.


Time is a constant companion of our life, its most valuable resource. At the end of our journey, we will only regret one thing, that we were given so little time. Let's appreciate every minute and live life to the fullest so that every precious moment is not wasted.

Video “Why do you dream about a Clock?”

Clock in a dream- A large wall or tower clock symbolizes a meeting with a loved one or a long-awaited guest.
Seeing a wristwatch with a gold bracelet in a dream- to big profits.
Seeing a wristwatch that has stopped in a dream means loss.
In a dream, you look at the clock and do not notice the hands, then this is a sure sign that your time has already passed, your success will come to naught.
Throwing away broken or old watches in a dream- to change for the better, to get rid of bad habits.
Giving a watch to someone in a dream promises trouble; you will suffer from your own absent-mindedness, bad habits and dubious hobbies in real life.
If in your dream you heard a clock striking, expect unpleasant news.
If you dreamed of a wristwatch, it means that a great event will happen in your life very soon.
If you dreamed of a faulty watch or a watch that has no hands, this is a sign that you may soon be severely deceived.
If you dreamed about a clock, then this dream could be a reminder that your life is passing by. Such a dream denotes a certain period of life.
If you dreamed that you were giving someone a wristwatch, it means that you cannot cope with the current situation and are trying to put your burden on someone else.
If you dreamed that you were letting your wristwatch down, it means that you are afraid of falling out of time, you are afraid of not being able to do something in time.
If you dreamed that you were listening to the clock strike and counting how many strikes the clock struck until noon, great happiness awaits you in life.
If you dreamed that someone left their wristwatch with you, it means that this someone may become your good friend.
If you dream about winding your wristwatch- Expect to be rewarded for the work you do, although it is quite possible that you will be rewarded in a non-material way.
If you dream that you are throwing away an old watch- in life you will begin to relate more freely to everything, and life will go in the right direction.
If you dream that you are late for something and always look at your watch so as not to be late, you have an opportunity in life that you should not miss. The good meaning of sleeping with a clock is that in the near future a moment will come when you will have time to do everything, and everything will work out.
If you are dreaming. That the clock has “moved ahead” means that in reality you are rushing things too much.
If you see a clock striking in a dream, it means that it’s time to analyze yourself and check your work.
If in a dream you see an hourglass and see how the sand in it decreases, in life you are wasting time on some business or on a person who will not thank you.
If in a dream you wind a watch- your life will change for the better.
If in a dream you admire your wristwatch, then in reality you will have enough time to carry out your plans.
If in a dream you are in a hurry and looking at your wristwatch, a new period of life will soon begin in you, in which events will develop slowly but surely. If you carefully think through your actions, you will find what you have dreamed of for so long.
If in a dream you saw that the clock was standing, it means that you did something wrong, and your development will stop. Sometimes such a dream symbolizes illness and even death.
If in a dream you stole or found a watch- be on your guard, someone will greatly harm your good name by spreading gossip about you.
If in a dream you heard a clock striking, this means changes for the better. Winding a watch in a dream is a sign of the right step in life.
If in a dream you heard the monotonous ticking of a clock hand, it means that everything in your life will also happen monotonously, and you do not expect success in business.
If you see in a dream a watch that is broken or one that has no hands, in real life you may be rejected by your family or society.
If you dream that the clock has stopped- your real life is now stagnant.
If you find a wristwatch in a dream- this means that you should stop and catch your breath, since you are rushing things too much - this can result in serious problems. Haste has never led to good things, so try to be more reasonable.
If you hear a clock striking in the afternoon, this is a bad dream.
If you saw the clock stop and no longer start, then, alas, you will have to come to terms with the loss of a very close person.
If a girl dreamed that she was given a wristwatch, it means that she will soon meet her future husband.
If the clock is behind, it means that, on the contrary, you are very slow with something.
As a rule, a wristwatch in a dream symbolizes immediate routine worries and obligations. Perhaps, against your will, you will have to cope with new worries and affairs every day, which will take up a lot of your time and energy. However, you should not be nervous and try to avoid responsibility - this can lead to a quarrel with family and friends, and as a result you will have to suffer.
When a sick or elderly person dreams of a watch- this is a bad sign. The dream means that a person has very little time left to live.
A faulty wristwatch symbolizes problems in relationships with loved ones or illness.
An hourglass or sundial in a dream means that in reality you won’t have time to do something. Others will do it for you.
The bad thing is that you waste time on some things. And only you know how to get out of this situation. In addition, a clock in a dream predicts small losses that you will not even notice. While sleeping, you should pay attention to the clock readings. Remember this time, it is possible that it indicates very important events for you that will happen soon.
Losing a wristwatch in a dream- a waste of time.
Lose hours in your sleep- to loss or separation from a faithful comrade, to a quarrel with a loved one, or to the infidelity of a spouse.
If you dreamed of a pocket watch, expect minor troubles.
Break your own watch- discord in the family, fights, ruin, major troubles in the service. After this dream, fleeting acquaintances are likely that will not lead to anything good.
Break a clock in a dream- to trouble.
In a dream, handing over your wristwatch for repairs- to a positive outcome of some complicated story.
Listen to the ticking of a wristwatch in a dream- to promotion.
Looking at the clock in a dream- to the tricks of ill-wishers in reality. Pay attention to the numbers indicated on the dial, which you will be able to remember - it is likely that this is the date of some very important event in your life.
Steal a wristwatch in a dream- to problems with colleagues. Perhaps someone will accuse you of laziness and failure to fulfill your duties.
Clocks, as a symbol of time, usually dream of impending changes.

clock in a dream

Seeing a clock in a dream is a harbinger of extremely unfavorable events. A dream in which you watch the hands of a clock is a warning that your rivals will turn all your efforts and achievements into dust. If in your dream you break a clock, in reality get ready for serious losses and troubles. A dream in which you accidentally break the glass of your watch foretells that in reality you will spend time in an extremely unpleasant society. Giving someone a watch as a gift means dooming yourself to misfortune and sorrow. A dream in which you hear the clock striking is a harbinger of bad news in reality. If your watch is stolen in a dream, it means you should be on guard in reality. Ill-wishers intend to ruin your reputation. Losing hours of sleep is also an extremely bad sign. If a woman in her waking dream discovers that her watch is missing, then in reality she will face domestic troubles that can lead to conflicts and quarrels.

why do you dream about watches

A dream in which an ancient clock is present is evidence that the time has come to rethink your life. Weigh the correctness of the decisions made. Understand what spiritual legacy you are able to leave behind. If in your dream you look at a wall clock, it’s time to realize the real value of your life. You cannot allow all the joys of life to pass you by. We must remember that in this world we are just guests. You need to have time to get the brightest things from life. Looking at a wristwatch in a dream signals that there is very little time left for an important event that will completely change your usual life. A dream in which you are trying to tell the time using a watch that does not have a dial is a bad omen. A serious tragedy will happen in your life. Only God will help you survive all the pain that she will cause you. Listening to the clock tick in a dream means in reality you will understand that life has not been getting better for a long time. There is no need to give up and be angry with God. He didn't turn away from you. You are destined to go through trials in order to find harmony and true happiness.

what does it mean if a watch is in a dream

The watch that appears in your dream is a symbol of colossal changes that will happen in your life very soon and completely unexpectedly. But you can determine at what time these changes will occur if you suddenly remember the position of the hands on the clock from your dream.

clock in a dream

A watch in a dream is a symbol of age. The flow of life in general. There is a sign that a clock that has stopped running is a bad sign. If in your dream you look at your watch every now and then, you are in a hurry, you are afraid of being late - in reality you will get a chance that will be very disappointing to miss. A broken watch is a harbinger of difficult and unpleasant situations. A dream in which you buy a new watch suggests that in reality you are extremely childish and do not know how to take responsibility for the difficult situations that have developed around you.

clock in a dream

Seeing a clock in a dream means wasting a lot of time in reality. If in a dream the clock hands run forward very quickly, it is a harbinger of sudden death. If they are the opposite, they lag behind or go in the opposite direction - a symbol of longevity.

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