Towards the end of winter, noon when it was written. Essays for all classes. Bead weaving

1 essay option:

The famous Russian artist Yuon Konstantin Fedorovich lived and worked mainly in Moscow and the town of Ligachevo near Moscow. He loved to paint portraits, architectural monuments and landscapes of his favorite places.
Landscapes of his native Moscow region are captured in Yuon’s paintings “March Sun. Ligachevo”, “Spring Sunny Day”, “End of Winter. Afternoon”. In addition to drawing, Yuon studied the history and theory of art.
The painting depicts a winter day in the village. The snow is white and fluffy, like a blanket. It covers the earth like a soft blanket, under which it sleeps until spring. There is snow on the roofs of houses
People also rejoice in the spring warmth. We see how in the background of the picture some family is in a hurry to cross the river to ski in the forest. They have to cross the bridge, and one of them (apparently a child) has already taken off his skis, and his parents are just getting ready to do this. In addition, one of the family members or their friends has already crossed the bridge and is “insuring” the rest...
The mischievous winter did not frighten people with frost and snow.
The artist wanted to say that he really loves the Russian winter, fluffy and snowy, and not in the city, but in the countryside. You look at this reproduction and feel a little sad because you don’t see the same snow outside your window until you can go skiing

Essay option 2:

The work of K.F. Yuon is a bright page of Russian pre-revolutionary and Soviet painting. A master of unique artistic talent, he saw in his own way the architecture of ancient Russian cities and the nature of the Central Russian strip. His paintings are distinguished by a joyful perception of reality and a decorative richness of the palette.

Yuon's great skill as a landscape painter lies in the fact that he can transform the most ordinary landscape motif into an artistic image that attracts with its poetry and freshness of perception of the world. A striking example of this is one of the artist’s best paintings, “The End of Winter. Noon".

The artist depicted a typical corner of the Moscow region. The country yard, the snow-covered distances - everything is flooded with the rays of the sun. The birch tree trunks and spring-like loose snow turn dazzlingly white. A wooden house on a hill, children skiing, chickens digging in the snow give the landscape a “lived-in” feel and a special warmth. There is a lot of true poetry in a simple, familiar landscape motif.

Painting “End of Winter. Noon” is distinguished by its naturalness and vital spontaneity. It seems that the artist did not think about the composition, but simply painted what was before his eyes. But actually it is not. The composition of this canvas has its own logic, which is why the picture makes such a complete impression. In fact, the fence divides it into almost equal parts horizontally, the house on the left is balanced by the dark masses of fir trees on the right. This brings the necessary balance to the composition and prevents it from falling apart.

The thoughtfulness of the compositional solution made it possible for Yuon to focus the viewer’s attention on the main thing that he wanted to express, namely, the feeling of the vital forces hidden in nature, the feeling of joy and festivity that a person experiences in the face of nature triumphant in its eternal beauty. This sensation and this feeling arise mainly due to the radiant coloring with which Yuon achieves the impression of a bright sunny day. The snow, transparent blue shadows from the trees, and the haze enveloping the forest expanses are depicted with great skill in the painting. This skill made it possible to convey with great conviction the state of nature on the eve of spring, when the sun begins to warm up, when the shadows become deeper, when nature wakes up after winter days.

It is important that Yuon connects the life of nature with man, whose presence brings special warmth to the picture. At the same time, the feeling of festivity that the painting emits seems natural, alive, thanks to the presence of people in the painting. The artist seems to be saying that his experiences when looking at this view are akin to the experiences of skiers returning from a walk. He immediately introduces the viewer into his world of feelings and thoughts, revealing to him the beauty in nature.

By means of composition and color, the artist affirms the ever-living life of nature and its impact on human feelings and thoughts. These remedies are very typical. Despite its structure, the picture gives the impression of freedom and naturalness. It seems to be a fragment of a large panorama: the edges of the frame cut off the tops of birches and blue shadows from the trees, the viewer mentally imagines the whole house and spruce trees beyond the right edge of the picture.

The coloring of the picture is based on contrasting comparisons and combinations. Dark, brown-green spruce trees are contrasted with white snow with intense blue and blue shadows. The color composition of the canvas is enlivened by the bright spot of a woodpile of yellow firewood and a red rooster rummaging in the snow. Colorful combinations create that emotional tension, which helps the artist express the feeling of freshness, joy, and festivity that arises when looking at this jubilant nature.

Essay option 3:

In front of me is a reproduction of a painting by K.F. Yuona "End of Winter. Midday." I really like her. The artist, apparently, really loved the beginning of spring.The artist, apparently, really loved the beginning of spring. The painting depicts a sunny day.The painting depicts a sunny day. The sky is in pearlescent shades that are reflected in the snow. And the snow is loose, sticky and very beautiful. The sun pleases everyone with its beauty and warmth. The air is clean, pleasant, warm. Snow is reflected in the sky, like in a mirror. In the background of the picture the kingdom of winter is depicted. In the foreground I see happy chickens, they are looking for last year's seeds. In the background of the painting, the landscape artist depicted a dark forest. There is still the kingdom of winter. The snow in the forest is white and white, no shades. The hut is all in the sun's rays. A cap of snow slides off her. The skiers turned their faces to the sun. The chickens are so happy that they run around and fuss. Cross marks from chicken feet are visible in the snow. The birch trees have raised their branches and are reaching for the sun. Even the spruce stands happy. Everyone is waiting for warmth and light. With the help of paints, the artist showed the struggle between spring and winter.

In the painting by artist K.F. Yuona “End of Winter. Noon. Ligachevo" depicts a sunny winter day. The author probably captured the end of February. In the picture one can feel the imminent approach of spring and warmth.

A wooden house and estate on the edge of the forest catches your eye. The house is shown from the back. Here lies the firewood intended for lighting the stove. A little further away you can see another dwelling - probably this is the outskirts of the village. Or these are houses in the forestry.

The snow has not melted yet, but in many places it is already soft and loose. It is all pitted with melted footprints, grooves and grooves.

The weather is beautiful and sunny. The sky is still winter-gray, not blue. Long thin birch trees leave bluish shadows on the snow. It can be seen that very soon the sun will melt the winter snows. A hen and a rooster are walking near the house. Children are busy behind the fence. They decided to go skiing while the weather was good and the snow had not yet melted. Evergreen spruces decorate the winter village landscape.

A forest is depicted in the background of the landscape. It contains different shades: gray, white, bluish, and dark green. The artist masterfully combines the colors of nature on his canvas.

The snow at the edge of the forest looks pretty clean. But, probably, he has already melted. The atmosphere of the picture is filled with a cheerful mood. Winter freshness in it is perfectly combined with spring revival, the expectation of nature’s speedy awakening from winter sleep.

Together with the article “Description of Yuon’s painting “The End of Winter. Noon" read:


Essay based on the painting End of Winter. Noon by K. Yuon for students in grades 3 and 7.

Essay based on the painting End of Winter. Noon 3rd grade

Painting End of Winter. Noon was painted by the famous artist K. Yuon. In it he depicted the countryside at the end of winter. On the left side of the picture you can see an old log house. Thin logs lie next to him. Tall birches grow here. They cast gray shadows on the snow.

A long wooden fence stretches from the house. The fence continues on the right side of the picture. There are children behind him. They are going on a ski trip. A little further you can see green spruce trees and another house. There is still quite a lot of snow everywhere. It lies on the ground, on the roofs of houses and on logs. The snow can be clearly seen in the distance on the forested hills.

The snowdrifts have already noticeably settled and become very dense. Three hens and a bright red rooster walk calmly along them. The artist depicted simply wonderful weather! It's quiet, sunny and slightly frosty here. All nature seemed to have calmed down in anticipation of a stormy spring.

Yuon's painting The end of winter. Noon photo

Essay based on the painting End of Winter. Noon K. Yuon 7th grade

K. Yuon is a famous Russian artist who created many works of various styles. He was involved in the design of theatrical productions, artistic graphics and painting. However, it was painting that became his true calling. His portraits and landscapes are distinguished by their brightness, beauty and realism. Painting End of Winter. Midday is no exception.

In this painting, the painter captured the outskirts of the village at the end of winter. Shown here are two old log houses. They are located at a fairly large distance from each other. Near one of the houses one can see snow-covered piles of logs and a long fence, and around the other there are several low buildings. The roofs of the buildings are almost completely covered with a layer of dense snow. There is a lot of it on earth.

The snow is no longer as fresh and fluffy as it used to be. Its grayish color immediately catches the eye. Such snow, of course, will not be able to attract anyone with its beauty. Only a mixed forest located on the hills can do this. However, these trees cannot be seen clearly. They are very far away. But you can admire the slender birches and fluffy spruce trees growing in the foreground of the picture. A red-breasted rooster with his chicken family is also depicted here. A little further on, several people are going skiing.

The presence of people and domestic animals emphasizes not only the habitability of this area, but also the beautiful fine day. Yes! It turned out to be a really great day! The frost is weak, there is no wind. And there is not a single cloud in the clear bluish sky. The sun is not visible because it is not as low as at the beginning of winter. But its bright and warm light penetrates everywhere. It makes the trees cast long gray shadows on the old melted snow. This often happens at noon on the threshold of spring, which is what the author of the painting wanted to show.

It is worth noting that the artist not only managed to skillfully depict a winter landscape. It forces the curious viewer to look for confirmation of the title of this painting in its content.

Description of Yuon’s painting “End of Winter. Noon"

The end of winter is the time when nature comes to life on the eve of the coming spring.
The time when you want to breathe deeply, drinking in the fresh air.
The sun is already warming up and the snow is melting from its rays.
Yuon’s painting depicts precisely this time, when winter recedes and is replaced by the long-awaited spring.
The snow is no longer fluffy like in winter, but loose and wet.
It is already beginning to melt, and very soon mischievous babbling rivulets will begin to run.
Chickens and a rooster are trampling on this snow on the path, they are pecking something from the ground.
They are like bright spots against the background of already dirty snow.

Everything is still covered in snow, even the roofs of the houses, but it feels like spring is coming very soon.
The sky became somehow translucent and weightless.
The air is humid and clean, it is intoxicating and it is impossible to breathe in it.
As if there is not enough lung capacity to inhale and get enough of it.
Just the warm rays of the sun and the heady air can breathe joy and desire to live into a person.
You can feel how nature wakes up and a new life begins.
The forest on the mountain is shrouded in a light haze; it seems that something new is being born behind the mountain and it is because of it that spring will come with all its delights.

There are several people standing near the fence who have decided to take advantage of what may be their last opportunity to ski.
Two are standing leaning on sticks, and the third has already taken off his skis.
The three of them are waiting for a friend who is crossing the bridge.
Apparently they had already finished their walk on a warm day at the end of winter.
Now they are waiting for each other to go home together and drink hot aromatic tea.
It’s spring-like warm outside, which means that very soon the snow will melt and other chores will begin.
Yuon knows how to convey the mood of a sunny day.
His landscapes inspire and inspire.
They give the person looking at them a feeling of lightness, freedom and weightlessness.
You can feel the warmth of the sun's rays and the freshness of almost spring air.

Yuon loved spring and winter very much. He wrote: “I was looking for new colors in nature - in Russian spring and winter.”

Essay on the painting Plan. 1. A short information about the work of this artist (what paintings he painted and when, the direction in which he worked, features of the artist’s work). 2. Information about this painting (title, when it was painted, under the influence of what events, and so on). 3. Description of the painting: - the plot of the painting (what the painting tells about); - what is shown in the foreground; - what is shown in the background of the picture; - describe the main characters of the picture (if there are any); - the main colors (paints) of the painting (why the artist chose them); - what mood does this picture convey? 4. Your impressions of the picture (liked/disliked, why).

The artist depicted a typical corner of the Moscow region. The dacha yard, the snow-covered distances - everything is flooded with the rays of the sun. The trunks of the birch trees and the loose snow in the spring turn dazzlingly white. A wooden house on a hill, children skiing, chickens digging in the snow give the landscape a “lived-in” feel and a special warmth. There is a lot of true poetry in a simple, familiar landscape motif.

Creative dictation for inserting words based on a painting by K.F. Yuona End of winter. Noon. K.F. Yuon most of all loved to depict nature on his canvases (??). He dedicated the painting End of Winter to the onset of spring. Noon. (??) day. Air (??). The sky is tender, everything glows, shimmers pink and bluish. The picture does not depict the sun, but we feel the golden, sunlight on the thin, slender, stately, white-trunked, brooding birches, (lush, ?) spruce trees, on the logs of the village hut. Even skiers turned their faces to the sun!

In the center of the picture (???) chickens are looking for grains in (??) snow. On the right there are (???) spruce trees. On the left (???) is a house, a cap of snow is sliding (??) from its roof. But what attracts us most of all is the snow in the foreground of the picture. The artist deliberately sat against the sun to better show the beauty of the snow on (??) day. Here in the picture, the snow seems to have absorbed all the colors of the sky and shines with pearlescent shades (pink, blue, green, turquoise, azure), like a sea shell.


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