We pump the rear delts on the horizontal bar. Training the rear deltas on the horizontal bar. How to load the deltoid muscles on the horizontal bar

Almost every yard or sports ground has a horizontal bar. This essentially simple projectile will allow you to make your body beautiful, pumped up and toned. If you want to increase muscle mass and build broad shoulders, then without arm exercises on the horizontal bar you can't get by.

At performing exercises on the shoulder bar The deltoid and trapezius muscles are involved. - the superficial muscle of the shoulder, forms its outer contour. Takes part in flexion and extension of the shoulder, and is also responsible for abducting the arms to the sides. – a flat, wide muscle that is located in the back of the neck and upper back. The trapezius muscles on both sides of the back together resemble the shape of a trapezoid. When the upper bundles contract, the muscle raises the scapula, and when the lower bundles contract, it lowers it.

Shoulder bar exercises

Swinging the trapeze

Wide-grip chest pull-ups. The distance between the hands should be as wide as possible. You must hold onto the bar with a direct grip. As you exhale, pull yourself up only with your arms, reaching towards your chest, not your chin. As you inhale, lower yourself, your arms should be almost straight. Remember, do not swing during the exercise; do pull-ups slowly, without jerking.

Wide grip pull-ups. The technique is similar to the previous one, only here you place the bar behind your head and touch your shoulders at the top point. Straighten your back and tilt your head slightly forward. This exercise works the middle part of the latissimus muscles.

Downloading deltas

Reverse mid-grip partial pull-ups. Here you need to pull yourself up to the middle of the amplitude, and not to the highest point. Once you reach this point, hold this position for a few seconds and bend your forearms. Try to bring your collarbones as close to the bar as possible.

Reverse close grip pull-up. The distance between your hands, with which you grasp the crossbar, should be narrower than the width of your shoulders. Lower your shoulders, take them back. When you have pulled yourself up, at the top point, touch the bar with your lower chest, lift your chin above it. Don’t forget about breathing, exhale - you pull yourself up, inhale - you lower yourself.

Pull-ups are an excellent exercise with which you can pump up a huge number of muscles. Thanks to variations, you can focus on specific muscle groups, for example, wide pull-ups work well on the latissimus dorsi, and a narrow reverse grip works the biceps brachii. If you want to know how to pump up your shoulders on the horizontal bar, then this article is for you.

You can work on the horizontal bar by changing the position of your hands. The grip can be direct, reverse or intermediate. Thus, by combining different types of pull-ups, you can work several large muscle groups at once. You can work on relief and mass. In order to increase muscle size, you must train with special weights. Put a briefcase on your shoulders, put dumbbells, water bottles or regular books in it. In order to dry out, perform as many repetitions as possible with your own weight.

Exercising on the horizontal bar

You should perform pull-ups using different grip styles. The distance between your hands should be large enough. If an athlete pulls up using a narrow grip, the athlete’s biceps and triceps will begin to receive the main load. In order to effectively increase the width of your shoulders, you must load the deltoids and trapezius in one lesson.

How to load the deltoid muscles on the horizontal bar?

Pumping up an athlete’s shoulder girdle should consist of three to four workouts per week using the “full body” system. In one session you need to work your whole body. To work the deltoids, there is no need to perform a full pull-up - muscle tension reaches its peak already in the middle of performing the element.

  • Jump onto the bar. Grip width is medium. You can straighten your legs. They can also be crossed and then bent at the knees.
  • Pull yourself up smoothly, do not use jerking movements.
  • Complete the maximum number of repetitions, do 3-4 sets.
  • Rest briefly between sets and then perform the movement again.

There is one more useful movement. To perform it, you must jump on a sports equipment and also bend your legs at the knee joint. Grip type: straight. While lowering the body, the athlete needs to make a slight bend in the spine. Squeeze your shoulder blades together as you move. The number of repetitions depends entirely on the individual abilities of each athlete. Gradually increase the number of repetitions and sets. You will be able to notice the first results within a month.

How to load the trapezius?

The secret to pumping up your shoulders on the horizontal bar also lies in regularly loading the trapezius muscles. Unlike the deltoids, this muscle group requires full tightening, and in compliance with certain requirements. You need to work at a slow pace, perform movements without jerking.

  • Jump onto the bar. The grip should be wide. Straighten your legs. They can also be crossed and then bent at the knees.
  • Perform pull-ups. Touch your chest to the bar.
  • Do as many approaches as possible. Rest a few minutes between sets.

To shift the emphasis from the arms to the trapezius, it is necessary to bring the shoulder blades together as much as possible at the top point, trying to bend in the back.

Don't forget about rest. It is important to avoid the effect of overtraining. Your muscles should recover completely during the rest period. Work not only on the horizontal bar, but also on the uneven bars.

Another exercise is wide head pull-ups. It is performed in the same way as the previous one, but the crossbar should not touch the chest, but the back of the neck, as if you are diving under the horizontal bar. The exercise is dangerous, so it is extremely important to ensure that your elbows and head are pointing straight down.

You can pump up the target muscle group on the horizontal bar not only by ordinary pull-ups of the body. You can hold your body in a certain position for a few seconds.

If you don't know how to do pull-ups, you can hang from a bar. The grip should be wide. This way you can prepare and strengthen your joints and ligaments. If you can go to the gym, use the gravitron, a special machine for pull-ups and push-ups.

How to make the training process more effective?

In order for your classes to be beneficial, train systematically. In addition to working out the shoulder area, you should also work other muscle areas. Exercise 3 times a week. It is important that muscle groups have time to recover between workouts.

It's important to eat right. Eat plenty of complex carbohydrates (rice, buckwheat, pasta) and protein (eggs, meat, fish), which will help you quickly build up a certain amount of muscle mass. Without a high-quality and proper diet, you will not be able to quickly pump up your shoulders on the horizontal bar. Your diet should not contain foods high in fast carbohydrates and fats. Don't overeat before class.

Limit your consumption of sweets and starchy foods. If you don't have time to eat often, buy protein or. Drink plenty of water. It must be clean and non-carbonated.

In addition to following proper nutrition, you must recover well between workouts. Sleep for 8 hours. Your muscles should be completely rested and fresh. Some time after starting classes, you should increase the level of load. Exercise with heavy sports equipment. Thanks to the training load, the muscles will receive the necessary stress, which will stimulate their growth (). Perform all exercises using correct technique.

An effective and properly designed training complex will help anyone pump up their shoulders well. They will become much wider and also more massive.

In addition to pull-ups, there are also many other training programs for effectively pumping up the shoulder girdle at home ().

Many exercises are built around parallel bars, but not all of them contribute to training the shoulder muscles. However, you can pump up your shoulders using this apparatus.

Many exercises are built around bars, but not all of them contribute to training. Consider push-ups. When you do them, you work your chest and triceps. The rest of the upper torso muscles are not involved but may become sore after exercise. However, you can pump up your shoulders on the uneven bars.

Bar press

In addition to the chest, this exercise also allows you to use your shoulders. To achieve maximum results, adhere to the correct technique.

  • Starting position – take an emphasis on the uneven bars. Straighten your arms along your body and support your weight on them.
  • Bend your elbows and slowly lean forward. The result should be an angle of 30º. While moving, spread your elbows in different directions. At the end of the movement you should feel a slight tension in your pectoral muscles. This is a sign that you need to stop. Take a short break.
  • Return to the starting position using the same movement path.
  • Repeat as many times as necessary, for a total of 5 approaches.

Perform the exercises slowly and smoothly. To be on the safe side, you can use a special restraint device that will not allow you to fly off the bars under the weight of your own weight if you suddenly do not calculate the strength. For additional weight, wear a belt with a weight attached to it.

Helps increase the elasticity of the shoulder muscles. But it is important not to overdo it with loads in order to avoid shoulder injury.

You can quickly and safely pump up your shoulders if you follow the following recommendations.

  • Do a warm-up. Always. It will help warm up the muscles, prepare them for work, and increase the effectiveness of training. Include slow running and stretching movements in your list of warm-up exercises.
  • Avoid sudden jerks. Do everything smoothly, slowly.
  • On the descent, use your muscles rather than bending under your own weight.
  • Adjust the distance between the bars. It should be slightly wider than your shoulder width. But by no means less.

The shoulders are one of the main muscles of the arm in terms of motor function and appearance. Their shape will make you visually more voluminous and stronger, and with pumped lats, you will look beautiful, threatening and powerful. If you pump up your biceps, forgetting about your shoulders, then the result is unlikely to inspire you. There are many really effective push-up exercises, but today we’ll talk about how to pump up your shoulders on the horizontal bar and parallel bars.

A set of shoulder exercises on the horizontal bar and parallel bars

This may make it more difficult for you to achieve the desired result, but such training will strengthen not only your shoulders, and not even just your arms. They will strengthen your entire core, your entire body.

1. Straight-grip pull-ups

  1. Grab the bar with your fingers away from you;
  2. hands should be shoulder-width apart;
  3. pull yourself up to your chin;
  4. at the lowest point, the back should not straighten.

8. Incline Bar Press

  1. Jump onto the bars;
  2. tilt your body forward as much as possible and tuck your legs;
  3. go down to rib level.

Your body should strive for a horizontal position. Don't fall all the way forward, but raise your pelvis to reach the required level. This is a difficult exercise, especially if you haven't done parallel bars, but it's how you can effectively pump up your deltoids.

9. Commando Pull-Up

  1. Grab the horizontal bar with a forward and reverse grip;
  2. you should be twisted facing the post;
  3. Pull yourself up to your chin in different directions.

This exercise will work the front of your shoulders. Perform to full amplitude.

10. Typewriter

  1. Grasp the horizontal bar with an overhand grip;
  2. place your hands as wide apart as possible;
  3. pull yourself up to your chin;
  4. Without lowering yourself, pull your body towards one arm and then towards the second;
  5. return to the starting position.

This exercise is difficult. It refers to “statics”, which will help develop not only volume, but also functionality.

Training program

The top contains exercises that will maximally hammer your shoulders and other muscles during a long workout. Since there are not so many translators there, you will need to make a choice:

  • do not work for very long with a couple of exercises;
  • or take long breaks, but complete the entire workout.

For maximum objectivity (to suit everyone), exercises should be performed at 75% of your maximum repetitions. In more practical terms, you can pump your shoulders on the horizontal bar starting 7 to 10 reps.

  • Even if you are an experienced athlete and just want to swing, then this will be enough for you;
  • if you want some unimaginable strength or functionality, then you need to constantly increase the load.

The parallel bars can be distributed for 10 to 12 repetitions. During intense training time to rest should be 60 seconds, for a long time - 120 seconds. Do the exercises themselves in any order. Leave the most difficult ones for you until the end, so that the muscles are already sufficiently warmed up.

Also, in a short workout try to complete two circles, with a break between them of about 2-3 minutes.

As for the days, it’s ambiguous here. If you have previously trained a lot on the horizontal bar and uneven bars, then you can do this every day and rest on the weekends. If you previously only had experience in the gym or nowhere at all, then every other day. Muscles must adapt to specific loads and exercises. Chest pressing and carrying dumbbells are not the same as doing pull-ups.


Pumping your shoulders on the horizontal bar and parallel bars is both easy and difficult. It’s difficult because there are no exercises that will put the maximum load on these muscles, accelerating growth. However, almost every exercise strengthens your shoulders in different ways. That is, even if you were previously preoccupied with completely different training, then you will already have a base.

How to pump up your shoulders on the horizontal bar in video format

How to pump up your shoulders on the horizontal bar is a rather complex question and I will try to shed a little light on it. I myself went to the horizontal bars for 3 years, and I really liked them. I'll get to the point. I was unable to pump up my shoulders on the horizontal bar; the load between the muscles was too diffuse. When doing pull-ups, part of the load is taken by the biceps, the back, and only then the deltoids. Even if you pull yourself up with a wide grip or behind your head, the rear delta is activated, but again there is not enough load. The best thing you can do on the horizontal bars is to strengthen your shoulders, but not how not to pump them up. Build as little muscle as possible, strengthen ligaments and tendons. The monkey bars developed your shoulders very well; be sure to go through them a couple of times after doing pull-ups.

My advice is that you need to do a basic exercise specifically for the shoulders. A barbell, dumbbells, a kettlebell, or even a crowbar with eggplants are suitable for this. From the arsenal of exercises with your own weight, push-ups with your head down or “house” will help well; the higher the legs, the greater the load on the deltoids. An excellent exercise at the stadium for pumping up your shoulders would be push-ups with your feet on a Swedish ladder; the higher you place them, the better.

How to pump up your shoulders on the horizontal bar - training program

Advice: do not push the pull-ups behind your head, they greatly stretch your ligaments. The joint comes out of the shoulder bag, sooner or later your deltoids will start to hurt, since they are multifunctional muscles and, because of this, fragile. It's best to come home after your workout and do 2-3 more shoulder exercises with a barbell, kettlebell, or dumbbells, depending on what you have.

How to pump up your shoulders on parallel bars

The answer to the question “how to pump up your shoulders on the uneven bars” is first of all needed so that you think again and understand that there is no way. Yes, yes, it’s not particularly possible to pump up your shoulders on the uneven bars. You will be able to increase the minimum amount of meat on your shoulders, strengthen your ligaments, tendons, and develop your entire upper body, including your back and core muscles. No matter how you bend on the uneven bars, the load falls on the triceps, back, deltoids, and forearms.

Honestly, the best solution would be to do push-ups, even better than doing pull-ups in various perverted ways. It is necessary to include in the program an exercise that will specifically load the deltas. It’s hard to think of anything better than barbell, kettlebell, or dumbbell presses. When doing push-ups with the body tilted forward, the load is divided between the pecs and triceps with deltoids. In a vertical position, the load is divided between the triceps and pectorals with deltoids.

Conclusion: trying to pump up your shoulders on the uneven bars is a waste of time, move on to more specialized basic exercises.

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