Cairo National Museum, Egypt - video. What can you see at the Cairo Egyptian Museum? Egyptian Museum of Antiquities in Cairo

Yes, to this day, when I tell someone that I was in Cairo for Tahrir Square (Midan al-Tahrir), everyone becomes a little uneasy. I think you know that the square is famous for its uprisings, but let's not talk about that. The most important thing that interested me was the Cairo Museum, which is located here. It contains many interesting exhibits found in the tombs of ancient pharaohs and queens. And the most interesting thing about it is the collection of treasures from the tomb of Tutankhamun, found in the Valley of the Kings.

Important! Soon, the Tutankhamun collection, along with many other exhibits, will be transported from the Cairo Museum to the new Grand Egyptian Museum in Giza. My guess is why - to again attract tourists who are afraid to travel to Tahrir due to constant unrest; plus, the new museum is located next to it - you can combine a tour. By 2018, he plans to open the new Tutankhamun Galleries, where almost all the exhibits found in the tomb of the pharaoh will be exhibited. But the Cairo Museum will remain operational.

We came here early, for the opening. In the morning there are not many tourists yet, and there is an opportunity to carefully photograph the exhibits. The museum is located directly opposite the square. Tahrir. Its name is translated from Arabic as “liberation square”, quite ironically.

Here's what we saw along the way. There were several tanks, and there were guards everywhere. On the one hand, you feel safe, on the other, you feel uneasy... We hurried to the entrance.

Founded at the beginning of the 20th century, the museum is the world's largest repository of exhibits on the theme of Ancient Egypt, of which there are more than 150 thousand. It covers 5,000 years of ancient Egyptian history from pre-dynastic to Greco-Roman times; it has more than 100 halls. In addition to the collection of Tutankhamun, there is a separate Hall of Mummies, where the mummy of the female pharaoh Hatshepsut is kept.

Cairo Museum (National Egyptian Museum)
Address: pl. Tahrir, Cairo (Midan al-Tahrir); metro station “Sadat”, exit towards the sign “to Egyptian Museum”
Opening hours: daily 09:00 – 19:00
Cost: museum – 60 LE, students – 30 LE, room with mummies – 100 LE, students – 50 LE
Since 2016, a photo pass has been introduced - permission to take photographs inside the museum, except for the room with mummies and the hall with the mask of Tutankhamun. Price - 50 LE. Previously, this was prohibited; the camera had to be handed over to a storage room (but I didn’t give up the iPhone).
Signatures for exhibits are in English and Arabic.

The area is fenced. In front of the main entrance to the museum there is a nice courtyard where you can take pictures. Tickets are also sold here.

Inside there is a frame like at the airport, security will check you. On the 1st floor, exhibits are arranged chronologically. On the 2nd floor - by theme; there is a collection of Tutankhamun and a room with mummies.

We didn't have much time, so we walked around the museum quickly. Huge statues, sarcophagi, gold items, figurines and jewelry found in tombs and temples - we came for a reason, because I am a big fan of Egyptian art. We paid special attention to the treasured 2nd floor.

Collection of treasures from Tutankhamun's tomb. The famous exhibits that the whole world has been talking about, finally! I’ve already been to Tutankhamun’s tomb; it’s time to look at what it was filled with. Let me remind you that the tomb with all its contents - more than 3,500 artifacts - was discovered by a team of archaeologist Howard Carter and Lord Cornarvon in 1922.

The collection is impressive and is located in several rooms. There are a lot of gold objects here, as well as jewelry, figurines, and household items, it’s amazing.
At the beginning of the exhibition, one after another there are boxes lined with gold, in which the sarcophagi were located. This is how they were “packed” - inserted one into the other: mummy in sarcophagi, sarcophagi - in boxes (photo from

And here's what they really look like. The boxes are huge; it is not surprising that the largest of them occupied almost the entire area of ​​the pharaoh’s burial chamber.

You can also see a stretcher in the museum (6) , on which lay a large sarcophagus, the sarcophagi themselves - 2 wooden and one gold, and the famous funeral mask of Tutankhamun. It is magnificent, executed perfectly down to the smallest detail, truly impressive.

The following most famous exhibits are: Pharaoh's chariot and him throne, gold sandals. And many other objects that I had once seen only in Carter’s black and white photographs and on TV, and now I was able to look at them in person.

The collection has traveled extensively throughout Europe and the USA, and some exhibits are permanently displayed in museums in these countries. For the opening of the Grand Egyptian Museum, the United States even voluntarily gave Egypt some of its exhibits stored in the museum in New York.

Mummy room: this is a small exhibition consisting of 11 mummies. The price is, of course, high, but I recommend going in to see the real mummies right in front of you behind the glass. Here is an underground photo of one of them - the famous female pharaoh Hatshepsut.

I can admit that I feel proud. I have long wanted to visit both the tomb of Tutankhamun and the Cairo Museum, it was not for nothing that I wrote school reports on this topic. Thank you Egypt, my plan is completed!

During our trip to Egypt, we couldn't help but go to Cairo. Yes, we knew that there was unrest in the capital of Egypt, we knew that there were military equipment and soldiers on the streets, we knew that we could stop on the road and check documents, we knew that we would have to drive almost 500 km at night, pass many checkpoints with armed soldiers , we knew that organized excursions don’t go to Cairo yet, and we knew a lot of other things, but we went anyway.

International group of 14 people. We and the Kazakhs spoke Russian, there was a couple from England, two couples from Germany, a couple from Poland and a couple from France. The group was cheerful, many did not understand each other, somehow translated, joked, laughed all the way so much that the minibus swayed.

We arrived in Cairo early in the morning. It amazed us with everything, without exception: strange driving according to some rules known only to them, but there were no accidents on our way, dirt all around and mountains of garbage, people running and chewing as they walked, military equipment traveled on the same roads as city transport , soldiers on military equipment shouted to other soldiers on other vehicles, gesticulated, neighed, and pointed their fingers.
Our tourists became quiet and watched what was happening with square eyes.

We drove around the city for at least two hours to get to our destination, the Egyptian Museum, where our guide met us.
Finally the bus stopped. There are military equipment and soldiers all around. Some military men shook hands with us at the exit of their bus and asked us not to linger, not to take photographs, but to quickly enter the museum territory.
We passed. The museum stood still, but around there were burnt high-rise buildings, charred logs, and some kind of horror.
The guide told the history of the museum, touched a little on what was in the courtyard and with great regret uttered the phrase: “In the museum you will see many beautiful exhibits, they are all originals. But the bulk, all the most valuable, the most significant for Egypt, the main history of the country and its priceless riches were taken to their countries by the Europeans. They took out so much that it’s hard for you and me to even imagine. But, nothing. Egyptian treasures, mummies, pharaohs and sarcophagi will call their people to them. And people will come to them. And then they will have to “either come to terms with this, or bring the people back to the shrines of the Egyptian land.”
Similar to this expression we heard a guide say in Luxor...
I can say that in European museums there are halls of Egyptology, where the values ​​of Ancient Egypt are stored. I have read about this and am familiar with two Egyptologists from Germany who regularly take part in excavations and scientific expeditions to Egypt. So they also said that you cannot drag into your country what does not belong to you, your land. Over time, all this will talk and it will be very bad. These people live in their Germany today, but they do not change their opinion.

The building of the Egyptian Museum in Cairo was built in 1900 in the neoclassical style according to the design of the French architect Marcel Dunon, who is buried in the courtyard of the museum and there is a monument to him there.
The museum was built in Tahrir Square and opened in 1902.

It all started with the fact that the new government of Egypt in 1835 decided to stop the looting and export of priceless relics.
The previous rulers of the country did not particularly value antiquities and allowed almost everyone to take them out of the country. Under the pretext of scientific research, priceless items were exported and sold for thousands and millions of dollars to private collections and museums. The Egyptians did not know the true value of many things, since they were practically not interested in all this and such “good” was found everywhere.
In the mid-19th century, scientists sounded the alarm and persistently demanded to save the country's cultural heritage, at least what still remained. And there are quite a few left today. And today, black diggers and Bedouins make good money from ancient relics.

The Egyptian government created the "Egyptian Antiquities Service".
The first was a collection of ancient Egyptian art. It was housed in the first museum, opened in 1858, in Bulak, which was founded by the Egyptologist Auguste Mariette, one of the directors of the Louvre. Here the collected collection was exhibited for the first time.

Just as the museum began to be replenished with collections and priceless exhibits, a severe flood occurred, many exhibits were badly damaged, and some of them were stolen.
The founder of the museum, Mariette, approached the government with a proposal to create a large museum with good security and collect all the valuable exhibits of Egypt in it.

2 years after the appeal, the exhibits were transported to a wing of the palace of the ruler of Egypt, Ismail Pasha, in Giza. The exhibits were kept there until the opening of the museum in Cairo for 22 years.

During public demonstrations on January 28, 2011, looters broke several display cases and, after an inventory, the list of stolen museum values ​​included at least 18 artifacts. These are two gilded wooden statues of Pharaoh Tutankhamun, a statue of Nefertiti, a figurine of a scribe, a scarab heart and much more.

Today, photography is strictly prohibited in the museum. All equipment must be placed in a storage room. But there is a lot to see in the museum. The ancient values ​​are breathtaking. These are the famous mask of Tutankhamun and treasures from his tomb, 11 royal mummies of the pharaohs, statues of the pharaohs, the head of Queen Nefertiti, the statue of Mentuhotep, the statue of Pharaoh Thutmose the Third, the statue of Pharaoh Akhenaten, and one of the most popular exhibits is the statue of Pharaoh Djoser. This statue was found in Saqqara (the oldest necropolis of Ancient Egypt) in 1924. It is famous for the fact that the Pyramid of Djoser is the first pyramid in the world, and it has survived to this day in excellent condition.

There are several sculptures in the museum's courtyard, the most famous of which is the Sphinx sculpture located in front of the building's facade. Next to the sphinx is a small pool with bluish Nile lotus flowers, washed by small fountains.

Due to the situation in the country, there were few people in the museum. You could take your time and carefully examine the exhibits.

The Egyptian Museum has more than a hundred halls, with about 120 thousand exhibits on its two floors. The museum's exhibition is presented in chronological order and covers all historical periods of ancient Egypt.

It will be interesting for everyone here...

Ancient civilizations attract people with their secrets and riddles. One of the places of attraction is Egypt. The amazing history of this country, ancient myths and unique artifacts arouse the interest of both scientists and ordinary people.

The Cairo Egyptian Museum houses many historical relics. Today, the halls and storerooms of the museum contain more than a hundred thousand unique items dating back to different eras and of historical and cultural value.

When was it created?

Unfortunately, for a long time no records of archaeological finds were kept. Ancient tombs were plundered by ordinary citizens who did not realize the value of the objects found there. These items were sold to Europe for next to nothing or simply thrown away. There were also organized expeditions of archaeologists who carried out excavations and simply removed everything they found without asking permission from the authorities.

It was only in the 19th century that a special commission was created to take into account valuables and provide conditions for their storage. The first systematic collection of valuables was collected by O. Mariette in the middle of the 19th century. This collection was kept in one of the Cairo districts, Bulak. However, after a severe flood occurred, most of the collection was lost. It was then that it was decided to build a large museum to preserve the collection of antiquities there.

For this purpose, according to the design of the French architect M. Dunon, a two-story building in the neoclassical style was built. The discovery took place in 1902.


The collection of exhibits, which the Cairo Museum of Egyptian Antiquities is rightfully proud of today, began back in the thirties of the 19th century. Nowadays, all finds that have historical value go to this museum.

Almost all parts of the exhibition are dedicated to the era of the reign of the pharaohs. At the same time, the exhibits are systematized in chronological order. But since the museum has more than a hundred rooms, viewing the entire exhibition will take a lot of time.

On the ground floor of the building there are collected objects dating back to the times of the Old Kingdom. Here you can see statues of the pharaohs and princess Nofret. In addition, the halls display an extensive collection of vessels and figurines.

The second floor is dedicated to special halls that house artifacts discovered in the burial of Tutankhamun, and a unique hall of mummies. The peculiarity of this hall is that it maintains the temperature and humidity corresponding to the conditions in the Valley of the Kings. This is necessary for the safety of mummies. After all, the exhibits are very ancient. For example, the mummy of a monkey from the Cairo Museum is estimated by experts to be more than 4,500 years old.

What should you pay attention to?

Any exhibit in the exhibition is of undoubted interest, but it is impossible to see everything in one visit. Therefore, it is worth preparing a program for examining the most interesting relics in advance.

For example, a very interesting sculptural group recovered from the tomb of Pharaoh Menkuar. The group depicts the pharaoh himself surrounded by goddesses. The age of the sculpture is surprising; it was created around the third millennium BC.

It is worth looking at the images of the famous Queen Nefertiti and her husband, Pharaoh Akhenaten. A separate room has been allocated for these exhibits.

In a separate room, objects recovered from the tomb of Queen Hetepheres are also displayed. It is this queen, who was the mother of Cheops, who owns the famous Egyptian chair in the Cairo Museum. The chair is made of wood, decorated with inlay. Also, visitors can admire the queen’s jewelry and other household items. In the same room there are granite sphinxes and sarcophagi, made of black and red stone.

The true pearl of the collection are the treasures obtained from the tomb of Emperor Tutankhamun. This tomb was miraculously preserved intact; archaeologists studied it, so almost all the artifacts were preserved.

Priceless artifacts are stored in twelve halls of the museum. But the most famous of them, of course, is the golden mask of Tutankhamun. This elaborate replica of the young ruler's face is made of pure gold and precious stones.

Here you can see the golden sarcophagus of the pharaoh. This is a rather massive structure, decorated with inlays. The collection also includes numerous jewelry made of precious metals and stones (precious and semi-precious).

Pharaoh's furniture was also discovered in the tomb, for example, the pharaoh's throne, the back of which is decorated with elaborate carvings.

Mysteries of ancient civilizations

Among the exhibits found, there are also those that arouse great interest among mystery lovers.

For example, the bird from Saqqara may not at first attract much attention, since it is made not of gold, but of wood, and is not particularly attractive in appearance. But it turns out that this model can glide in the air for hours. That is, this is a preserved copy of a model of an ancient aircraft created before our era!

It is impossible to describe all the artifacts of the Cairo Museum in one article. Moreover, everyone knows that it is much better to see everything for yourself once than to read or hear information from other people a hundred times.

Helpful information

Cairo is the capital of the country, but it is not located on the sea, so tourists rarely stay in the city, preferring to visit resort areas on the coast. However, almost all hotels offer organized excursions to Cairo with a visit to the museum. The distance from the most popular resorts is about 500 kilometers. You can get to the capital either by flight or by bus, which is significantly cheaper. As a rule, a tourist group leaves by bus in the evening to arrive in Cairo early in the morning and have a good time.

The museum is located in the central part of the city on Tahrir Square, opening hours from 9 to 19, no days off.

A ticket to enter the museum will cost $10. You must pay in local currency. If you want to visit the hall of mummies, then you should stock up on Egyptian pounds; entrance to the hall is paid, and there is no exchange office on the territory of the museum.

On your first visit, it is better to use the services of a guide, since it is quite difficult to understand the exhibition on your own. Tours in the museum are conducted in different languages; finding a Russian-speaking guide is not a problem.

According to tourists' reviews, excursion services in the museum are organized very well. Despite the fact that many tourists visit the museum every day, there is no crowd. The guides work very harmoniously, moving their group from exhibit to exhibit so as not to create congestion.

At the entrance to the museum, tourists can receive a receiver with headphones, so the guide’s explanations will be perfectly audible, even if you are a little behind the group. The guides at the Cairo museum are well trained; they don’t just recite a memorized text, but actually know the subject and can answer questions.

Video and photography in the museum is prohibited. The equipment you bring with you can be returned to the storage room. However, some tourists manage to take photos of the exhibits with mobile phone cameras. Only entry into the mummy hall is allowed after the mobile phone has been switched off (there is no need to hand over the phone to the storage room).

The complex, founded in 1885, has the highest concentration of archaeological artifacts in the world. This museum houses more than 100 thousand artifacts dating back to all periods of Egyptian history. Wherever you look, you will see something interesting. It will take several years to explore all the treasures of this fantastic place! Since most people come to Cairo for only a few days, it is better to focus your attention on the most popular and important exhibits for Egyptian history.

Egyptian Museum in Cairo - video

Cairo Museum - photo

For those who were impressed by the pyramids, or here is the original statues of Pharaoh Djoser. There is also a small ivory figurine depicting Pharaoh Cheops (the only image of the pharaoh that has survived to this day) - the creator of the Great Pyramid of Giza. And the beautiful statue of his son Khafre is one of the masterpieces of ancient Egyptian sculpture. He is protected by the god Horus in the form of a hawk. Hidden in a corner of the first floor are several stone fragments that were found directly under the head of the Great Sphinx. These are parts of the ceremonial beard and king cobra that once adorned the statue.

Those who have visited the ancient city of Akhetaten probably want to see the hall in which they are located. images of Pharaoh Akhenaten and Nefertiti. Egyptologists believe that when creating a new religion, Akhenaten wanted to be depicted in male and female guise at the same time, as the supreme creator.

Remember the Pharaoh who pursued Moses and his people in the Sinai desert? This is Ramses the Great. There are quite a few statues of him in the Cairo Egyptian Museum (he reigned for 66 years). You might want to look him in the eye hall of the royal mummies- this is an indescribable feeling.

Almost everyone who comes to Egypt visits, and the Cairo Museum has a special section for them. Everybody wants to see treasures of Tutankhamun's tomb. Almost half of the second floor of the Egyptian Museum is devoted to the exhibition of these priceless artifacts. There are more than 1,700 exhibits occupying 12 halls! Here you can see a beautiful statue of Tutankhamun standing on the back of a panther; a magnificent throne made of wood, inlaid with gold and precious stones, on the reverse side of which there is a picture of the pharaoh with his young wife, who was his half-sister; You can also see golden amulets and sarcophagi made of pure gold, as well as small (38-centimeter) golden sarcophagi in which the pharaoh’s entrails were stored. And, probably, the main treasure of Tutankhamun is the golden death mask that covered the mummy’s face. The mask, made of pure gold and decorated with azure brought from what is now Afghanistan, is one of the main treasures of the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.

Cairo Museum - opening hours, ticket prices

You can visit the Cairo Museum daily from 9:00 to 17:00.

Tickets to visit cost 60 Egyptian pounds. To visit the hall with mummies you need to pay an additional fee of about 10 dollars.

Cairo Museum - how to get there, address

Address: Al Ismaileyah, Qasr an Nile, Cairo Governorate.

The Egyptian Museum is located in the center of Cairo. You can get to it by metro - first (red) line, Urabi station.

Cairo Egyptian Museum on the map

Fresh review

Giebichenstein Castle was built during the early Middle Ages, between 900 and 1000. At that time it had a very important strategic importance not only for the Magdeburg bishops, whose residence it was until the castle was built, but also played an important role in all imperial politics. The first written mention dates back to 961. Built on a high cliff above the Saale River, approximately 90 meters above sea level, on the site where the main Roman road once passed. In the period from 1445 to 1464, the Lower Castle was built at the foot of the castle rock, which was intended to serve as a fortified courtyard. Since the transfer of the episcopal residence to Moritzburg, the so-called Upper Castle began to fall into decay. And after the Thirty Years' War, when it was captured by the Swedes and destroyed by fire, in which almost all the buildings were destroyed, it was completely abandoned and was never restored. In 1921, the castle was transferred to city ownership. But even in such ruined form it is very picturesque.

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