How does Molchalin characterize his own statements? To help a schoolchild

The images of Moscow nobles of the early 19th century are presented, when a split emerged in society between the conservative nobility and those who adopted the ideas of Decembrism. The main theme of the work is the confrontation between the “present century” and the “past century”, the painful and historically natural replacement of old noble ideals with new ones. Supporters of the “past century” in comedy are numerous. These are not only such significant and influential people in the world as the feudal landowners Famusov and Colonel Skalozub, but also young nobles who do not have high ranks and are forced to “serve” influential people. This is the image of Molchalin in the comedy “Woe from Wit”.

Molchalin is a poor nobleman originally from Tver. He lives in the house of Famusov, who “gave him the rank of assessor and took him on as secretary.” Molchalin is secret lover Famusov’s daughter, but Sophia’s father does not want to see him as a son-in-law, because in Moscow it is supposed to have a son-in-law “with stars and ranks.” Molchalin does not yet meet these standards. However, his desire to “serve” is very valuable for Famus society.
Thanks to this skill, Molchalin received the position of Famusov’s secretary, because usually such positions are hired only through patronage. Famusov says: “With me, strangers’ employees are very rare: more and more sisters, sisters-in-law and children; Only Molchalin is not my own, and that’s because he’s a businessman.” Exactly business qualities, and not honor and dignity, are valuable in the Famus environment.

In the play "Woe from Wit" the image of Molchalin fully corresponds to the accepted standards of behavior of a young nobleman in society. He curries favor and humiliates himself in front of influential guests in Famusov’s house, because they can be useful in his career advancement. Molchalin descends to the point that he begins to praise the smooth fur of Khlestova’s dog. He believes that while “we are small in rank,” “we must depend on others.” That is why Molchalin lives by the principle “At my age one should not dare to have one’s own opinion.”

Like everyone else in Famusov society, in the comedy “Woe from Wit” Molchalin is proud of his successes in his career and boasts of them at every opportunity: “As I work and effort, since I am listed in the archives, I have received three awards.” Molchalin also succeeded in establishing connections with the “right” people. He often visits Princess Tatyana Yuryevna, because “officials and officials are all her friends and all her relatives,” and even dares to recommend this manner of behavior to Chatsky.

Despite the fact that Molchalin’s views and values ​​completely coincide with the ideals of the conservative nobility, Molchalin is capable of causing serious harm to the society in which he is located. Famusov’s daughter will be deceived by this very man, since he assumes the guise of her lover “by position,” that is, for profit.

Molchalin fully reveals his face when interacting with the maid Liza, whom he expresses sympathy.
“You and the young lady are modest, but the maid is a rake,” she tells him. It becomes clear to the reader that Molchalin is not at all a stupid, modest person - he is a two-faced and dangerous person.

In Molchalin’s heart there is neither love nor respect for Sophia. On the one hand, he puts on this performance “to please the daughter of such a man,” and on the other hand, he is mortally afraid that his secret relationship with Sophia will be revealed. Molchalin is very cowardly. He is afraid of ruining the opinion of himself in society, because “evil tongues scarier than a pistol" Even Sophia is ready to go against the light for the sake of love: “What do I hear?!” This is probably why Molchalin does not find “anything enviable” in his marriage to Sophia.

It turns out that with his meanness Molchalin causes harm even to the society of which he is a product. Molchalin simply clearly follows his father’s advice - “to please all people without exception - the owner, where I happen to live, the boss with whom I will serve...”

This hero fully corresponds to the ideals of the “past century”, although he belongs to to the younger generation nobles He knows the main thing - to adapt, and therefore “Silent people are blissful in the world.”

Thus, Molchalin is the product and worthy continuation of representatives of the conservative nobility. He, like this society, values ​​only rank and money and evaluates people only by these standards. The cunning and duplicity of this hero are the defining features of Molchalin’s characterization in the comedy “Woe from Wit.” That’s why Chatsky claims that Molchalin “will reach the well-known levels, because nowadays they love the dumb.”

The problem that Griboyedov raises in the comedy “Woe from Wit” remains relevant to this day. At all times there have been Molchalins who stopped at nothing to achieve their goals. The image of Molchalin will remain alive for readers as long as such values ​​as wealth and position in society, rather than honor, conscience, human dignity and true patriotism, are put at the forefront.

Characteristics of the hero, reasoning about his views and ideals, description of relationships with other characters - all these arguments will help 9th grade students when writing an essay on the topic of the image of Molchalin in the comedy “Woe from Wit”

The image of Molchalin in the comedy “Woe from Wit” by Griboyedov - a characterization for an essay on the topic |

In the comedy “Woe from Wit” by A.S. Griboyedov presents images of Moscow nobles of the early 19th century, when a split emerged in society between the conservative nobility and those who adopted the ideas of Decembrism. The main theme of the work is the confrontation between the “present century” and the “past century”, the painful and historically natural replacement of old noble ideals with new ones. Supporters of the “past century” in comedy are numerous. These are not only such significant and influential people in the world as the feudal landowners Famusov and Colonel Skalozub, but also young nobles who do not have high ranks and are forced to “serve” influential people. This is the image of Molchalin in the comedy “Woe from Wit”.

Molchalin is a poor nobleman originally from Tver. He lives in the house of Famusov, who “gave him the rank of assessor and took him on as secretary.” Molchalin is the secret lover of Famusov’s daughter, but Sophia’s father does not want to see him as a son-in-law, because in Moscow it is supposed to have a son-in-law “with stars and ranks.” Molchalin does not yet meet these standards. However, his desire to “serve” is very valuable for Famus society. Thanks to this skill, Molchalin received the position of Famusov’s secretary, because usually such positions are hired only through patronage. Famusov says: “With me, strangers’ employees are very rare: more and more sisters, sisters-in-law and children; Only Molchalin is not my own, and that’s because he’s a businessman.” It is business qualities, and not honor and dignity, that are valuable in the Famus environment.

In the play "Woe from Wit" the image of Molchalin fully corresponds to the accepted standards of behavior of a young nobleman in society. He curries favor and humiliates himself in front of influential guests in Famusov’s house, because they can be useful in his career advancement. Molchalin descends to the point that he begins to praise the smooth fur of Khlestova’s dog. He believes that while “we are small in rank,” “we must depend on others.” That is why Molchalin lives by the principle “At my age one should not dare to have one’s own opinion.”

Like everyone else in Famus’s society, in the comedy “Woe from Wit” Molchalin is proud of his career successes and boasts of them at every opportunity: “According to my work and effort, since I am listed in the archives, I have received three awards.” Molchalin also succeeded in establishing connections with the “right” people. He often visits Princess Tatyana Yuryevna, because “officials and officials are all her friends and all her relatives,” and even dares to recommend this manner of behavior to Chatsky.

Despite the fact that Molchalin’s views and values ​​completely coincide with the ideals of the conservative nobility, Molchalin is capable of causing serious harm to the society in which he is located. Famusov’s daughter will be deceived by this very man, since he assumes the guise of her lover “by position,” that is, for profit.

Molchalin fully reveals his face when interacting with the maid Liza, whom he expresses sympathy. “You and the young lady are modest, but the maid is a rake,” she tells him. It becomes clear to the reader that Molchalin is not at all a stupid, modest person - he is a two-faced and dangerous person.

In Molchalin’s heart there is neither love nor respect for Sophia. On the one hand, he puts on this performance “to please the daughter of such a man,” and on the other hand, he is mortally afraid that his secret relationship with Sophia will be revealed. Molchalin is very cowardly. He is afraid of ruining the opinion of himself in society, because “evil tongues are worse than a pistol.” Even Sophia is ready to go against the light for the sake of love: “What do I hear?!” This is probably why Molchalin does not find “anything enviable” in his marriage to Sophia.

It turns out that with his meanness Molchalin causes harm even to the society of which he is a product. Molchalin simply clearly follows his father’s advice - “to please all people without exception - the owner, where I happen to live, the boss with whom I will serve...”

This hero fully corresponds to the ideals of the “past century”, although he belongs to the younger generation of nobles. He knows the main thing - to adapt, and therefore “Silent people are blissful in the world.”
Thus, Molchalin is the product and worthy continuation of representatives of the conservative nobility. He, like this society, values ​​only rank and money and evaluates people only by these standards. The cunning and duplicity of this hero are the defining features of Molchalin’s characterization in the comedy “Woe from Wit.” That’s why Chatsky claims that Molchalin “will reach the well-known levels, because nowadays they love the dumb.”

The problem that Griboyedov raises in the comedy “Woe from Wit” remains relevant to this day. At all times there have been Molchalins who stopped at nothing to achieve their goals. The image of Molchalin will remain alive for readers as long as such values ​​as wealth and position in society, rather than honor, conscience, human dignity and true patriotism, are put at the forefront.

Characteristics of the hero, reasoning about his views and ideals, description of relationships with other characters - all these arguments will help 9th grade students when writing an essay on the topic of the image of Molchalin in the comedy “Woe from Wit”

Work test

Among the heroes of “Woe from Wit” (see summary, analysis and full text), Famusov stands at the top steps of the official and social ladder. Molchalin, being on the lower steps of the same ladder, tries to climb it, following the principles and life rules of his boss. Adulation and servility, common in Famus society, were instilled in him from childhood:

“My father bequeathed to me

says Molchalin,

Firstly, to please all people without exception;
The owner, where he will live,
The boss with whom I will serve,
To his servant, who cleans the dress,
Doorman, janitor, to avoid evil,
To the janitor’s dog, to be more affectionate.”

We can say that Molchalin really fulfills his father’s wills! We see how he tries to please the noble old woman Khlestova, how he praises and caresses her dog; and although Khlestova treats him very condescendingly (“Molchalin, here’s your little closet!”), however, she allows him to lead her by the arm, plays cards with him, calls him “my friend,” “dear,” and probably won’t refuse he has protection when he needs it. Molchalin is confident that he is going the right way and advises Chatsky to go “to Tatyana Yuryevna,” since, according to him, “we often find patronage there where we don’t aim.”

Woe from the mind. Maly Theater performance, 1977

Molchalin himself recognizes two “talents” in himself: “moderation” and “accuracy,” and there is no doubt that with such properties “he will reach the known levels,” as Chatsky notes, adding: “after all, nowadays they love the dumb.” Molchalin is truly speechless, since he not only does not express, but does not even have own opinion,” No wonder Griboedov called him “Molchalin”:

"At my age one should not dare
Have your own opinion,”

he says. Why risk “having your own judgment” when it is so much easier and safer to think, speak and act as the elders do, as Princess Marya Alekseevna does, as “everyone” does? And can Molchalin have his own opinion? He is undoubtedly stupid, limited, although cunning. This is a small soul. We see the baseness and meanness of his behavior with Sophia. He pretends to love her because he thinks it can be beneficial for him, and at the same time flirts with Lisa; he sneakily crawls on his knees in front of Sophia, begging for her forgiveness, and immediately after that he rushes to hide from Famusov’s anger, like a real coward. The pathetic type of Molchalin is depicted by Griboyedov with merciless realism.

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In Griboyedov's comedy "Woe from Wit" the main opposing array of events occurs in the images of Chatsky and Famusov. Rest acting characters help reveal the true state of affairs and the depth of the conflict.

Origin and occupation

One of these characters, with the help of which the tragedy of what is happening is enhanced, is the image of Alexei Stepanovich Molchalin.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with A. Griboyedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit.”

Molchalin does not belong to the aristocracy - he is a man of ignoble origin, but thanks to his service, he has access to high society.

Alexey Stepanovich has not yet managed to rise to significant heights - he currently only holds the position of Famusov’s secretary, but he holds out hope for a quick promotion career ladder, which arouses Famusov’s special love.

Pavel Afanasyevich allocated a room in his house for Molchalin, although it is difficult to call it a full-fledged room: it is most likely a small closet, but Molchalin, deprived of fate, is quite happy with this.

Alexey Stepanovich has been working as Famusov’s personal secretary for three years now, however, he is registered in a completely different position - based on official data, Molchalin works in the archives department, but in practice this is a fictitious thing, he is just listed there. However, not without benefit for himself - during such service he received three awards.

Of course, this was Famusov’s exceptional work. This situation is also beneficial to Famusov and allowed him to get out of a difficult situation - he provided himself with a good secretary and, moreover, he had to pay out of his own pocket.

The text mentions Molchalin's rootlessness, but there is no exact explanation. Based on this, several assumptions can be made regarding the essence of such a statement. The first is that Molchalin is a man of simple origin, the second is that he is an orphan, that is, a person without a family.

Symbolism of the surname

The image of Molchalin carries symbolic features. This is primarily due to his last name. It is based on the verb “to remain silent.” And indeed, this word is an accurate reflection of the essence of Molchalin. He is Famusov's silent and faceless servant. Even his step is devoid of any sounds. It seems that he wants to be as unnoticed and quiet as possible.

From time to time, Alexey Stepanovich moves on tiptoe so as not to disturb his household. This behavior of his is one of the ways to achieve his life goal.

The purpose of life

While most aristocrats are devoid of purpose in life and lazily live their lives without filling it with any meaning, Molchalin’s life has a pronounced character. His goal is to succeed and achieve significant achievements in life. Achievements in the eyes of Molchalin are in no way connected with improving the lives of ordinary, ignoble people or promoting the development of morality of the aristocracy. Alexey Stepanovich’s highest goal is to become a full-fledged representative of high society.

Molchalin is ready to die for the next promotion, so he serves Famusov with all his might - it is Pavel Afanasyevich who can help him achieve this goal. And Molchalin had already overcome the first step on this steep ladder - thanks to his ability to suck up and please the Famusovs, he was given the rank of collegiate assessor. Thus, Alexey Stepanovich turned from a commoner into a poor nobleman. Molchalin found a special charm in the fact that his rank tended to be inherited.

Molchalin and Sofya Famusova

You can further improve your position in society through a profitable marriage. For this, girls needed to have a charming figure and an equally charming face. In the case of the male half of society, it was enough to have a helpful character. It is the ability to serve well that becomes the criterion for favor. Despite his low origins and financial insolvency, in the eyes of Famusov, Alexei Stepanovich looks like a more attractive son-in-law than the noble aristocrat Chatsky. The fact is that Pavel Afanasyevich believes that such wealth and diligence, which Molchalin possesses, can compensate for his origin and achieve an advantageous position in society. To achieve a final advantage over other young people, Molchalin can only accumulate significant capital or start attacking Famusov from another front - if Sonya falls in love with Alexei Stepanovich, then she will be able to convince her father to make a decision in his favor.

Alexey Stepanovich accelerates this process by beginning to show interest in Famusov’s daughter, Sophia.

Relationships between young people are in the best traditions platonic love– Molchalin does not allow anything unnecessary towards the girl.

Thus, he demonstrates his respectful attitude towards Sophia and the seriousness of his intentions. In addition, such behavior contributes to achieving his goal with marriage - Molchalin does not need to possess Sonya, he needs to become her husband, so debauchery is an unacceptable thing for him.

We offer a comparison in A. Griboyedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit.”

In communicating with Sophia, Alexey Stepanovich adheres to the same principle as with her father - he pleases her all the time. Naturally, Molchalin’s behavior differs sharply from the behavior of other aristocrats towards her. Young people of noble origin are not ready to grovel before Sonya the way Molchalin does, which is why they do not arouse such interest in her.

To some extent, Famusova’s attachment to Molchalin was caused by the lack of proper candidates - after Chatsky’s departure, the girl chooses the least evil from the remaining ones. At the time of the emergence of attachment and the beginning of communication, Sonya did not experience enthusiasm and love attraction for Molchalin, her act could be regarded as revenge on Chatsky, but as a result, such an act did not bring the desired effect, Sonya eventually got used to Molchalin’s oddities and began to perceive them as ordinary things . In Molchalin, Sonya has found a wonderful “living toy”; he not only treats her with adoration (which, as it turned out, was feigned), but is also ready to fulfill any of her desires.

Chatsky and Molchalin

The conflict between Chatsky and Molchalin was a priori predetermined - an honest and noble aristocrat cannot understand and accept the position of Famusov and his society, Alexey Stepanovich, who is not only dependent on Famusov, but also strives to become like them, could become an excellent opponent to Chatsky , if he had more persistence and individuality, however, since Alexey Stepanovich is used to being a silent observer and never revealing his attitude to certain situations, there is no heated discussion between the characters.

In addition, the insightful Chatsky notices Alexei Stepanovich’s strange attitude towards Sonya Famusova. Over time, he discovers Molchalin's true attitude towards the girl and his ghostly love. Chatsky is amazed by Molchalin’s double standards - on the one hand, he is ready to flatter immensely, but, on the other hand, he immediately does not neglect to publicly announce his disdain and even disgust for those whom he idolized just a couple of minutes ago.

Attempts to open the eyes of others to the fallacy of their opinions do not lead to anything good - it is more flattering for others to perceive their superiority than to realize that all the respect towards them was a farce.

Molchalin and Lisa

No matter how two-faced Molchalin may be, he still sometimes reveals his true feelings and intentions. This state of affairs is not exposed in discussions or small talk(since he tries in advance not to take part in them).

So, for example, Alexei Stepanovich develops a feeling of affection and love towards the maid in Famusov’s house, Liza. The hero of the story is faced with a choice - to play his role as Sonya's lover to the end or to confess his feelings to Lisa.

Unfortunately, as a dishonest person, Molchalin is not limited to this state of affairs and cares for two girls at once.

Thus, Alexey Stepanovich Molchalin is a classic version of a character playing a double game. This trend continues in the case of Molchalin in all types of activities. He is hypocritical towards Famusov and plays with Sonya’s feelings.

Alexei Stepanovich is characterized by resigned and silent servility. For the sake of moving up the social ladder, he is ready to do even the most immoral acts. The image of Molchalin has become a household name and is used in relation to the dishonest, hypocritical person.

Characteristics of Molchalin in the comedy “Woe from Wit” by Griboyedov, description of the character of the hero

Here he is, on tiptoe and not rich in words. Silent people are blissful in the world. A. S. Griboedov One of the favorite themes of the greats writers of the XIX century - the formation of a young man, his choice of life path. Diversity human destinies They draw us such world-famous novels as Pushkin’s “Eugene Onegin”, “Ordinary History” and “Oblomov” by I. A. Goncharov, “Red and Black” by Stendhal, “The Human Comedy” by Balzac and many others. Among these immortal books is “Woe from Wit” by A. S. Griboedov, not a novel, but a “high” comedy, in which, in my opinion, there is very little funny, except for some situations, but the most important socio-political and moral problems, many of which still concern us today. What should a person be like? How does he lay his life path? What can you afford along this path and what should you never allow yourself? What is more important - human dignity or career? The author of the comedy answers these and many other questions in the image of Alexei Stepanovich Molchalin. By origin and social status he does not belong to the capital's nobility. “Bezrodny was warmed up and brought into his family, given the rank of assessor and taken as secretary” by the Moscow ace Famusov. Molchalin's surname is justified by his behavior: he is a modest young man, handsome, silent, insinuating. He plays the flute, loves sentimental poems, and tries to please everyone. It would seem that there is nothing wrong with this. But, reading the comedy, we are convinced that Molchalin’s decency is a skillfully selected mask hiding a vile, hypocritical, false person. In a moment of frankness, he admits that he is guided in life by his father’s behest “to please all people without exception,” even the janitor’s dog. Molchalin’s goal in life is to make a career, preferably a brilliant one, to achieve rank and wealth. The highest happiness, your life ideal he sees it as “winning awards and having fun.” On the way to this goal, all means are good for him. At the same time, Molchalin elects the most the right way to curry favor - flattery, sycophancy, servility. He is respectful and considerate with Famusov, pleases the influential lady Khlestova in every possible way, does not leave the rich old men, plays cards with them. A flatterer and a hypocrite, he pretends to be in love with Sophia (of course, she is the daughter of his all-powerful boss) and immediately tells Lisa that he loves the owner’s daughter “by virtue of her position.” His life “principles” are simple and shameless. This is a renunciation of one's own human dignity, from one’s own opinion, self-deprecation: “After all, one must depend on others” or: “At my age one should not dare to have one’s own judgment.” Molchalin doesn’t know what honor, honesty, sincerity means, and he acts meanly just like that, just in case. This behavior brought him a certain success: the insignificant secretary not only lives in the house of his patron, but is also accepted in his society. Moreover, “moderation and accuracy” have already secured him “three awards” in his service, the favor and support of influential gentlemen. The reader of the comedy also understands something else: Molchalin’s life “experience” is a verdict not only on him, but also on the society that approves and supports him. The people who organized the persecution of the sincere, honest Chatsky, who declared him, an intelligent, educated man, crazy, do not consider it shameful to communicate with a dishonest scoundrel, to patronize him, and this characterizes them perfectly. “Silent people are blissful in the world,” is one of Chatsky’s most bitter conclusions after a day of communication with Famus society. Molchalin is not helpless and not funny - in my opinion, he is scary. The role of this hero in comedy is determined by two circumstances. Firstly, we have before us a man who, living in Famusov’s society, will definitely “reach the famous levels.” Even exposure will not destroy him, because, bowing humbly and crawling on his knees, the “businesslike” secretary will again find the way to the heart of his boss: after all, Famusov needs him, and there is someone to intercede! No, Molchalin is unsinkable. Secondly, talking about the “formation” of Molchalin, the author exposes the Moscow nobility (and it, in turn, represents social order Famusov’s Russia), “the tormenting crowd”, afraid of people with progressive views and strong, unbending characters and accepting them as their many silent ones. The “great ability to please” brought many people into the public eye in this unprincipled society. Griboedov also convinces of what he does not directly say: he only needs the tactics chosen by Molchalin for the time being. Having achieved his goal, he will shed the mask of modesty and respectfulness - and woe to those who stand in his way. Unfortunately, this human type has not become a thing of the past. And today, under the mask of decency and modesty, a modern Molchalin can hide, who knows how to please everyone, and does not disdain any means to achieve his goals. Author immortal comedy teaches you to understand people, to see under the mask, if it is worn, the true face of a person.
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