How to change a cash receipt order in 1c

Creation of an Incoming Cash Order (PKO) and an Outgoing Cash Order (RKO)

Cash documents in the accounting department are drawn up, as a rule, in two documents: Incoming cash order (hereinafter referred to as PKO) and Outgoing cash order (hereinafter referred to as RKO). Designed for accepting and issuing cash to the cash desk (from the cash desk) of the enterprise.

Let's start the review with PKO. As the name implies, this document formalizes the receipt of money at the cash desk.

Receipt cash order

In 1C Accounting 3.0, the following types of transactions can be executed using the PKO document:

  • Receiving payment from the buyer
  • Refund of funds from an accountable person
  • Receiving a return from the supplier
  • Receiving funds from the bank
  • Repayment of loans and borrowings
  • Repayment of a loan by an employee
  • Other cash receipt transactions

This separation is necessary for the correct formation of accounting entries and the book of Income and Expenses.

First of all, we will consider Payment from the buyer, Return from the buyer and Payments for loans and borrowings since they are similar in structure and have tabular parts.

All these three types of PCO have the same set of fields in the header. These are Number and Date (hereinafter for all documents), Counterparty, Account and Amount.

  • The number is generated automatically and it is better not to change it.
  • Date – current date. Here it should be taken into account that if you change the date to a lower date (for example, the previous day) than the current one, when printing the cash book, the program will issue a warning that the numbering of sheets in the cash book is incorrect and will offer to recalculate them. It is desirable that the numbering of documents throughout the day is also consistent. To do this, you can change the time of the document.
  • Counterparty - An individual or legal entity who deposits funds into the cash register. Let me immediately note that this field indicates exactly the Counterparty for whom mutual settlements will be carried out. In fact, money can be deposited into the cash register, for example, by an employee of the Counterparty Organization. It is selected from the Individuals directory in the Accepted from field. In this case, the printed form of the PKO will indicate the full name from whom the money was received.
  • Accounting account - in a self-supporting chart of accounts this is usually 50.1, but you can set up a different one by default. The corresponding account depends on the type of transaction and is taken from the tabular part of the PKO.

Pay attention to the registration of the amount of money deposited. Payment from the buyer, Return from the buyer and Payments for loans and borrowings cannot be processed without specifying the agreement. Moreover, funds can be accepted simultaneously under several contracts. This is what the tabular section is for. The payment amount is formed from the amounts in the rows of the tabular section. The Settlement Account and the Advance Account (corresponding accounts) are also indicated there. These accounts are configured in the information register Accounts for settlements with counterparties.

Other types of operations should not present any difficulties. They do not have a tabular part and the entire filling out of the PQS comes down mainly to the choice of the Counterparty. This could be an accountable person, a bank or an employee.

Other cash receipt transactions reflect any other receipts to the enterprise's cash desk and generate its own entries. An arbitrary corresponding account is selected manually.

Account cash warrant

Registration of RKO is practically no different from registration of PKO. In 1C Accounting, there are the following types of cash withdrawals:

  • Issuing payment to the supplier
  • Issuing a refund to the buyer
  • Issuance of funds to an accountable person
  • Issuance of wages on a payroll or separately to an employee
  • Cash to bank
  • Issuance of credits and loans
  • Carrying out collection
  • Issuance of deposited salary
  • Issuing a loan to an employee
  • Other operations for issuing funds

Separately, I would like to focus only on the payment of wages. This type of operation has a tabular part in which it is necessary to indicate one or more pay slips. The total cash settlement amount will be the sum of the statements. Without specifying at least one statement, it will not be possible to carry out cash settlement.

When issuing wages, an employee also needs to indicate a statement, but only one.

When issuing a deposited salary, it is not necessary to indicate the statement.

Setting a cash balance limit

In order to set a cash balance limit in 1C 8.3, you need to go to the “Organizations” directory and on the “Go” tab select the “Limit” item

Where to click the “Add” button, where to indicate from what date the restriction is valid and its size:

Based on materials from:

Hello dear blog readers. In the next article we will talk about reflecting the most pleasant procedure for employees and heartbreaking for management - payment of wages in 1C ZUP. The program provides automation of two payment options: through the cash register and through the bank. There is also the possibility of simplified payment accounting, in which RKO (Expense Cash Order) or payment documents through the bank are not entered at all, and the salary is considered paid when the document is posted "Salary payable". I wrote about this possibility of simplified accounting in the article in the section about setting up “Simplified accounting of mutual settlements”.

Today we will talk about the document “Salaries payable”, about "Account cash warrant" when reflecting payment through the cash register and about a couple of documents “Outgoing payment order” + “Bank statement for salary transfer”, which record the payment of amounts through the bank. We’ll also talk about personal accounts and banks in 1C ZUP.

Payment of salaries through the cash register in 1C ZUP

To begin with, we will assume that in the “Accounting Parameters” on the “Salary Payment” tab the checkbox is unchecked "Simplified accounting of mutual settlements"(I wrote more about this). Now, in order for the salary to be considered paid in the system, it will not be enough to just hold a document "Salary payable" and you should enter a document based on it "Account cash warrant". Let's create a new document “Salaries payable”. In general, I wrote about how to work in this document in an article from a series of review publications about the sequence of salary calculation in 1C ZUP:. So, in the new document you need to fill in the following fields:

  • Month of accrual– indicate the period for which the salary is paid. If in the accounting parameters the setting “Mutual settlements of salaries are carried out in terms of the months of their accrual” is set, then when filling out this document only the amounts accrued in the specified accrual period will be taken into account. If this parameter is not set to the active position, then the document is filled out based on the balance of debt to the employee at the end of the specified accrual month. You can also read more about this setting of accounting parameters in the article to which I already referred a little earlier -.
  • Payment method– can have two states “through the cash register” and “through the bank”. The choice determines the set of document fields, attached printed forms, and also determines the document that will be created “based on” the current one: either “Outgoing cash order” or “Outgoing payment order”. Select the value “through the cash register”.
  • Field "Pay"— determines where the program will take data from when filling out this document. We will select the “Salary” value, and the tabular part of the document will be filled in with all the accruals that have not been paid. There are also the values ​​“Planned advance” and “Advance for the first half of the month,” which I wrote about in the article. There are also values ​​for making inter-account payments: “sick leave benefits”, “maternity leave”, “vacation pay”, “travel allowances” - when you select these values, when filling out, you are asked for amounts accrued only for the corresponding types of accrual. These are the main options for filling out this field.

Next, press the button "Fill in" and the tabular part of the document is filled out by all employees who were not paid wages in the specified accrual month. You can fill in employees according to a specific condition “Selection by condition” or the list “Selection by list”, and also add manually.

Usually in practice it is done as follows. The accountant creates “Salaries payable” documents for all employees. The document is recorded, but not posted. One of the forms (T-53 or T-49) is printed from the document and given to the cashier.

If some employee did not receive wages, then the value is set "Deposited".

Next, based on the posted document “Salaries payable”, a document is created and posted "Account cash warrant". If this is not done in 1C ZUP, then the salary will not be considered paid and the organization’s debt to these employees will remain. So, let's create a document “Expense cash order” based on “Salaries payable”. In the created document, all necessary fields are filled in automatically. You only need to enter the RKO number field manually, since the program cannot know which number is available in the accounting department at the time of salary payment. Also note that the amount differs by the amount of the deposited payment.

After the cash settlement, the salary for these employees will be considered paid. In this case, the document “Salaries payable” will be closed for editing. It can be changed only after canceling the “Expense cash order”.

Also, based on the document “Salaries payable”, a document is created "Deposit of organizations" for deposited amounts.

Paying salaries through a bank in 1C ZUP

Seminar “Lifehacks for 1C ZUP 3.1”
Analysis of 15 life hacks for accounting in 1C ZUP 3.1:

CHECKLIST for checking payroll calculations in 1C ZUP 3.1
VIDEO - monthly self-check of accounting:

Payroll calculation in 1C ZUP 3.1
Step-by-step instructions for beginners:

Now, using the example of the same employees, we will understand how payment through the bank is reflected in 1C. Also in the accounting parameters the checkbox should be unchecked "Simplified accounting of mutual settlements." Before reflecting the payment through the bank, you must fill out information about the personal accounts of employees. As a rule, an organization enters into an agreement with a bank to pay wages to its employees using plastic cards from that bank. And a personal account is registered for each employee. These accounts must be entered into the program. To do this, open the form of the information register of the same name. In the full interface, access to the register can be obtained from the main menu items “Payroll calculation by organizations” -> “Cash and bank” -> “Personal accounts of the organization’s employees”.

Let only two of the three employees who participate in the example have personal accounts. In this case, it is necessary to create a Bank in the appropriate directory and fill in information about it.

After that, we click the “Fill” button and the tabular part is filled in by those employees who have accrued and unpaid amounts, as well as those to whom we indicated accounts a little earlier for this very bank (Ivanov was not included, although the organization has a debt to him).

We carry out the document and create a document based on it “Payment order outgoing”. All fields of this document will be filled in automatically, but you will have to manually fill in the payment order number, since the ZUP does not know which numbers are occupied and free in 1C Accounting. Also notice the two account fields. The first upper one indicates the number of the organization’s regular account opened in this bank. To automatically fill it in, it is necessary that it be listed in the “Organizations” directory for our organization. But in the field below, the so-called “salary account” is indicated, which is opened when concluding an agreement for the payment of wages through a bank. A total of funds are transferred to this account to pay salaries to employees. In the program, this account is indicated in the directory element "Counterparties: Banks". We used the bank from this directory when filling out information about the personal accounts of employees a little earlier.

We post the document “Outgoing payment order”. Please note that the salary is not considered completed yet.

Uploading payment orders into 1C ZUP using the “Import/export of transactions on personal accounts” processing

Seminar “Lifehacks for 1C ZUP 3.1”
Analysis of 15 life hacks for accounting in 1C ZUP 3.1:

CHECKLIST for checking payroll calculations in 1C ZUP 3.1
VIDEO - monthly self-check of accounting:

Payroll calculation in 1C ZUP 3.1
Step-by-step instructions for beginners:

Now we need to download this payment order in XML format, so that we can then send it through one of the client banks for execution to the bank. The program has special processing for this. “Import/export of transactions on personal accounts”. It can be accessed via the same path as the register with personal accounts, which we worked with a little earlier. Open processing and go to the bookmark “Export of salary transfer”. In the “Export directory” field, indicate the path where we want to save the XML file. The “Branch” number and “Agreement number” of the bank will also have to be specified manually; for some reason, 1C programmers did not implement the storage of this data in some directory. Our payment order should be reflected in the tabular section. Place a checkmark next to it and click the “Upload” button.

As a result, an XML file will be generated in the specified directory. This file is sent to the bank through the client bank. In essence, it states that a certain amount must be transferred from the organization’s current account to the organization’s salary account and distributed between the personal accounts of the specified employees.

After the bank fulfills this order, it is necessary to create a document in 1C ZUP based on the document “Payment order” “Bank statement for salary transfer.”

We carry out this document and now the salaries of the employees are considered paid. It turns out that in order to pay you need to complete a chain of 3 documents:

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Companies that work with budget funds must also take into account regulations governing cash transactions.

Individual entrepreneurs may not keep records of such cash transactions in 1C. But they are required to keep a book of income and expenses (KUDiR), since this document is not considered a cash document.

Cash desk in 1C

The 1C program has many opportunities for complete and correct work with cash documents. First you need to select the appropriate type of cash document. To do this, go to the menu item “Bank and cash desk” and then select “Cash documents”

In the document you select the type of PKO (receipt cash order) or RKO (output cash order)

PKO (receipt cash order)

The cash book in 1C 8.3 offers a choice of ten types of cash registers for different introductory operations:

  1. Retail revenue;
  2. Payment from the buyer;
  3. Return from supplier;
  4. Return from an accountable person;
  5. Receiving cash from the bank;
  6. Obtaining a loan from a bank;
  7. Receiving a loan from a counterparty;
  8. Repayment of a loan by an employee;
  9. Repayment of the loan by the counterparty;
  10. Other arrival.

By the title you can immediately understand the essence of the document.

At the same time, the PKO document “Other receipt” is universal, but it should be used only as a last resort, if the receipt transaction is atypical.

RKO (expenditure cash order)

In many ways, this document is formed by analogy with the PKO. In 1C there are the following types of cash registers:

  1. Payment of wages
  2. Issuance to an accountable person
  3. Payment to the supplier
  4. Repayment of loan to the bank
  5. Return to buyer
  6. Cash deposit to the bank
  7. Payment of wages according to statements
  8. Payment to an employee under a contract
  9. Repayment of the loan to the counterparty
  10. Issuing a loan to a counterparty
  11. Collection
  12. Issuing a loan to an employee
  13. Payment of deposited wages
  14. Other expenses

Cash book in 1C 8.3

The cash book is formed on the basis of PKO and RKO, which were posted in one business day. As a result, we receive a report on cash transactions performed.

Advance report

This type of document is included in the “Cashier” block

It is filled out as follows:

In the “Advances” tab, we enter information based on the issued settlement settlement.

In the “Products” tab, enter data about the purchased goods or materials.

We enter payment for previously purchased goods in the “Payment” tab.

Payment for goods with payment cards

Acquiring (another name for the payment card payment procedure) is a modern and widespread method of paying for services or goods. In 1C, such an operation is carried out as follows:

Let's continue to study conducting cash transactions in the 1C Enterprise Accounting program 8.2.

In a vulgar article we learned, today we will find out how to issue a cash receipt order.

The issuance of cash from the cash register is documented by posting in the cash flow journal to the credit of the “50-Cash” account in correspondence to the debit of the cash receipt accounts:

51 – cash deposit to the current account;

60 – return to supplier;

62 – return to the buyer;

70 – issuance of wages to employees;

71 – issuance of funds to an accountable person;

66 – provision of short-term credits and loans to employees;

75 – settlements with founders on income;

76 – other expenses.

Go to the 1C Enterprise Accounting 8.2 program, main menu – Cash desk – Expenditure cash order – Add , select the type of operation, issue to an accountable person, OK.

The number will be filled in automatically, the date is the current day, fill in the amount to be issued, select the accountable person, not in the list, add a new one by entering individual data, OK.

Let's go to the menu - Print b, fill in the recipient, twice with the mouse, write the basis, in the sub-report. Then the bottom menu - Seal – Expenditure cash order R. The machine says that we need to write it down, we agree.

We receive a ready-made cash receipt form. We check that the form is filled out correctly, print it out, and give it to the accountable person for signature by the chief accountant and manager.

When issuing cash at the cash desk, the cashier will process the document, the expense order will go into the cash flow journal, and a posting will be made Debit 71/Credit 50 in the amount of 13,200 rubles.

At the end of the working day, after posting incoming and outgoing cash orders for the day, it is necessary to create a cash book for the current day.

The law requires this to be done daily, but it is possible at the end of the month if there are not enough expenditure and receipt documents for the month.

Main menu - Cash – Reports – Cash Book .

The window for generating a cash book opens, set the period, mark with a bird: Recalculate sheet numbers from the beginning of the year and Display the basis of cash orders, if desired, Form.

Print out the received cash book. Sign and place daily cash receipts and expenses. At the end of the month, sew the sheets of the cash book together and store them for 5 years.

Today we learned how to issue a cash order and how to create a cash book.

We entered the menu of the 1C Enterprise Accounting 8.2 program, selected an expense cash order, filled out the main fields, and saved the form. After issuing cash from the cash register, the cashier entered a cash order, selected the menu - Cash Book, set the date, generated and printed the cash book sheets.

To register cash register operations in 1C Accounting 8.3, the following documents are used: cash receipt and expenditure order. The journal for registering outgoing and incoming cash orders in 1C is located in the “Cash documents” item of the “Bank and cash desk” menu.

In order to create a new document, click on the “Receipt” button in the list form that opens.

The set of fields and transactions displayed directly depends on the value specified in the “Type of Operation” field.

Let's look at each type in more detail:

By default, the debit account is 50.01 everywhere – “Cash of the organization”.

Account cash warrant

To create cash settlements in the list of cash documents 1C 8.3, you must click on the “Issue” button.

The execution of this document is practically no different from receipt at the cash desk. The set of details also depends on the selected type of operation.

The only thing worth noting is that when choosing the type of salary payment transactions (except for work contracts), in the document you must select a statement for paying salaries through the cash register. The repayment documents also indicate the type of payment: repayment of debt or interest.

Cash balance limit

To set a cash register limit, go to the section of the same name in the “Organizations” directory card. We have it in the “More” subsection.

This guide indicates the limit amount and validity period. This functionality has made life much easier for accountants to comply with the law.

Cash book

The 1C:Accounting program implements the functionality of creating a cash book (form KO-4). is in the journal PKO and RKO. To open it, click on the “Cash Book” button.

In the report header, indicate the period (the default is the current day). If your program maintains records for more than one organization, it must also be indicated. In addition, if necessary, you can select a specific division for which the cash book will be generated.

For more detailed report settings, click on the “Show settings” button.

Here you can specify how the cash book will be generated and some of the settings for its design in 1C.

After you have made any changes to the settings of this report, click “Generate”.

As a result, you will receive a report with all cash movements at the cash desk, as well as balances at the beginning / end of the day and balances.

Cash inventory in 1C 8.3 Accounting

The procedure for conducting a cash register inventory is described in the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 49 dated June 13, 1995.

Unfortunately, in the 1C 8.3 program there is no cash inventory report in the INV-15 form. This request has already been proposed to the 1C company. Perhaps someday they will finalize the program, but for now accountants have to take inventory of the cash register manually.

You can download the form and sample of filling out INV-15 at.

The fastest and most effective way to solve this problem is to order processing for the formation of INV-15 from a specialist. This processing will not only save a lot of time, but will also reduce the influence of the human factor, which will avoid errors.

Training video

See also video instructions for recording cash transactions in 1C 8.3:

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