What is the best way to rob a bank without attracting the attention of law enforcement officers? Rob a bank in five minutes Where can you rob a bank

A man named Clay Turney calls himself a “retired specialist,” however, the “profession” in which Clay specializes is not taught at any university in the world. Terney is a professional robber who claims that he has managed to “rob” so many banks that it is even difficult for him to count them. For several years he made a living by cleaning out safe deposit boxes and cash registers, and was never caught.
Having managed to acquire a wife and children, and at the same time tired of playing hide and seek with the police, Clay decided to give up his criminal career, voluntarily surrendered to the servants of the law, honestly served four years in prison and now, being already a free man, decided to tell the whole world about the difficult and dangerous matter bank robber.

So, today we have collected for you the most interesting answers from “retired professional burglar” Clay Tierney to questions that Internet users were able to ask him as part of the Reddit AMA section.

Let's start with the most important thing, how did you actually do it?

“In fact, robbing a bank is very simple, the main thing is not to be nervous or fuss. And yes, guys, don’t take my story as an instruction, I’m just sharing my story with you. I always had one debugged scheme. You calmly enter the bank, like an ordinary client, and stand in line at the cash register. As a rule, I chose the box office that had the least number of people. When it was my turn, I went to the window and handed the cashier a note demanding that she give me all the 50 and 100 bucks bills if she didn’t want anyone to get hurt.”

What, no masks and shots at the ceiling?

"What for? It's just unnecessary attention. I ordered them to hand over the money and they obeyed. The fact is that all American banks require their employees that in the event of a robbery and the threat of bloodshed, they unquestioningly fulfill all the demands of the robber and raise the alarm only when the potentially armed person leaves. Bank management believes that it is better to lose 5-7 thousand dollars (on average, this is how much you take out of one cash register) than to jeopardize human lives if shooting suddenly starts in a bank filled with customers. I’m not talking about the kind of robberies like in Hollywood films or in GTA 5, this is all fantasy, no one is doing this now, but about the kind when you really need to quickly make some money.”

But you had a weapon with you, right?

“There was no gunshot. I always took a hammer or crowbar with me, which I hid under my clothes, in case I suddenly had to break down glass or break down a locked door, but I never used shotguns or pistols.”

By the way, why exactly 50 and 100 dollar bills?

“I don’t know how it is now, but for some reason they always used to mark twenties, and of course I had no use for marked money. The $1, $5 and $10 bills are too small in denomination; they wouldn’t do much for me, but I’d have to waste extra time waiting for the entire cash register to be emptied at the counter. In addition, I always managed to leave the bank without making too much noise, and if someone saw that the cashier was raking out all the banknotes cleanly, this could alert the security. And just like that, an ordinary client withdraws a large amount, and a pack of fifty kopecks and hundred rubles is counted out to him. In my experience, this is the easiest and fastest way."

Did you have any special rules regarding the time of the robbery, for example, entering the bank before closing or, conversely, when there are a lot of people there?

“Any weekday will do. It's best to go to work around 3 pm. Again, I don’t know how it is now, but before, it was at this time that the police changed shifts, which means I always had a little more time left. Yes, I usually robbed banks at lunchtime, and after the robbery I went to have a snack in some quiet cafe.”

How did you manage to run away?

“I thought through the escape routes in advance. I only robbed banks that had large parking lots or many other different stores and offices. I would park my truck in some alley and blend in with the crowd so that no one at the bank could see which car I was getting into.”

How the hell did you never get caught by the cops?

“I didn’t tell anyone what I was doing. In the vast majority of cases, they catch guys who work in groups. When there are several people acting, someone is bound to screw up at something and let the others down. I've always worked solo. Anyway, I kept my mouth shut and didn’t talk too much. Until I surrendered to the police, even my best friend and I didn’t know where I got the money from.” June 23, 2011, 09:07 No comments yet

Most often, criminals rob pawn shops, jewelry stores and small banks. This is quite simple, because from year to year the affected owners make the same mistakes.

You are being filmed by a hidden camera

An experienced thief knows: the owners of pawn shops and small banks are greedy and petty people. They are not worried about a possible attack by robbers, but about the cashier not stealing a pencil. That's why bankers and jewelers install the wrong video surveillance system. Typical footage of a jewelry store robbery: the frightened face of the seller is clearly visible. And the back of the robber's head.

“As much as I work, people are always trying to save money. Let's say, fewer cameras! Let's have one here, why two! - complains Evgeniy Parshin, head of the installation department of the Security Systems company, - But the right thing to do is this: a specialist comes and studies the inputs and outputs. They must be controlled. A good camera at the central entrance - to recognize faces and objects. Cameras around the perimeter. Ideally, the entire street, parked cars, and sidewalk along the building’s façade should be visible.”

But the owners want it cheaper. Therefore, instead of a good digital camera (recognizes facial features at 50 meters), they install a poor analog one (at 20 meters you can no longer see the car license plate). Yes, and they put it somehow, crookedly and askew. “The field of view of one camera must be within the field of view of another camera! - says Evgeny Parshin. “I know a lot of objects where there are 60 cameras, but you can go there and shoot them one by one without getting into the lens.”

Of course, sometimes no camera will help. Suffice it to recall the ingenious robbery of Promsvyazbank in the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg, when the criminals entered through the roof.

“Before, even before Perestroika, such a special grid was installed in savings banks,” says Evgeny Parshin. — If the wall or roof was damaged, the contact was broken and the alarm was triggered. Well, and vibration sensors. All savings bank branches in residential buildings were equipped with such devices. It used to be that children were jumping in the apartment on the second floor, and the alarm went off in the savings bank on the first floor.”

Sorry, this is a robbery

So, the masked raiders burst into the room. An employee of a bank or pawnshop hears the sacramental cry of “everyone on the floor” and, falling carefully, presses the panic button. By the way, it is not big and red at all, but rather small and discreet.

The signal is sent to the security company's control panel. “One of the main problems is signal delivery,” says Andrey Grigoriev, chairman of the board of directors of Securicop and an expert on the State Duma Security Committee. — Most do not use professional stations on a dedicated frequency, but a regular GSM communicator. It's even worse when the messages come via SMS. You understand, there is a possibility that the SMS will never arrive.”

But then the message came, and the RRT (rapid response team) got into the car and went to save the bank. The GBR, of course, moves quickly, but not faster than traffic jams. “The time it takes for an alarm group to arrive at an object is from one minute to infinity,” Andrey Grigoriev honestly admits. — Until the traffic jams end! A friend of mine once drove from Vosstaniya Square to the southwest for 7 hours. The realities of our city are such that neither the police nor private owners can guarantee the time of arrival.”

Let's imagine that criminals are very slow or stupid. They politely put the sellers on the floor, smoothly throw money into the bag, and constantly take smoking breaks. In general, they are waiting for the arrival of the GBR fighters. Even then they have nothing to fear: the soldiers will not shoot.

“I categorically believe that it is not a person’s place to try to use a machine gun,” says Andrei Grigoriev. “His task is to come, see, inform the police and call for reinforcements. It is impossible for two people with service weapons, no matter how prepared and protected they are, to stop raiders with a machine gun. My guys wear a fifth-class bulletproof vest that can withstand a shot from a Kalashnikov, but this is not a reason to get in front of bullets.”

If the bank tried to "take" a lone gentleman of luck, the alarm group, of course, will cope with him. And if the matter is serious, the fighters call in support forces. This is not even riot police: the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has special sniper squads. This is where the raiders end. Unless, of course, they have already managed to escape from the crime scene three times.

So robbing a bank in St. Petersburg is as easy as shelling pears. But we haven’t revealed all the security secrets, so we don’t recommend trying it.

This differs from the first two situations in that one side, as a rule, carefully prepares this situation. A domestic scandal arises unexpectedly for both parties; a hooligan attack is also, to some extent, a surprise for the attackers and the victim. But robbery is a completely different matter. In addition, in a domestic scandal or a hooligan attack, the goals of the attacking parties are not clearly defined, the process itself is fascinating, and the result is secondary. A robbery implies that the attacker clearly knows what he wants and what he is trying to achieve.
So, the distinctive features of an attack for the purpose of robbery:

First of all, it is the presence of a clear goal for the criminal. Namely, open theft of someone else’s property, if we recall the Criminal Code. The robber is not interested in defending his point of view in a dispute; he does not need moral satisfaction from humiliating another person. All he wants is your money or things. The rest doesn't matter to him. At the same time, it is highly desirable to have the opportunity to quietly leave with this money or things. In short, the burglar's goal is to take what he is attracted to and avoid being caught. The presence of such a clear goal also determines the nature of the robber’s actions. Namely: determination, clarity, pressure. If a robber enters into negotiations, it is only to lull the victim's vigilance. If he tries to humiliate the victim, it is only to demoralize her. If he uses physical force, it is solely to take away the object of his predatory desires. He is not focused on the process, but on the result. And to get this result, he is ready for any action. It is very important to remember this. Because in robbery situations, very often both the victim and the robber are faced with the question: does the result justify the effort? If a robber wants to take a hundred rubles from a victim, and the victim takes out a gun, the robber will probably abandon his plans. Only a complete fool would risk his life for a hundred rubles. On the other hand, if a robber wants to get a cell phone at knifepoint, then it would be better for the victim to agree to the demands and give the phone back. Even the most wonderful phone is not worth a human life. And so on.

An attack for the purpose of robbery is always prepared. The degree of preparedness may vary. Sometimes the victim can be tracked for several weeks. Sometimes a robber only needs a few minutes to identify the victim, his target and draw up a plan of action. It all depends on the item that the robber is going to take possession of. The smaller the goal, the shorter the preparation time. What might the preparation consist of? Well, first of all, in the discovery of a valuable item or money from a potential victim. As soon as the robber has his eyes on a thick wallet or a gold chain, the first stage can be considered complete. Then you need to choose a course of action. There are countless options here, it all depends on the imagination of the robber and his capabilities. This could be a blow to the head in a dark entrance, a direct threat with a weapon, a beating, just a sharp tug for a bag with valuables, and so on. I repeat, there are a lot of options. When choosing a method, the location, time of day, presence of witnesses, gender, age, height, weight and psychological characteristics of the victim, the physical and technical capabilities of the robber himself, their number, etc., etc. are taken into account. In any case, prepare in advance for absolutely everything possible options - unrealistic. Moreover, robbers strive as much as possible to take the victim by surprise.

Often a robbery is preceded by relatively long surveillance of the victim. A person, for example, withdraws a large amount from an ATM, the attackers see this and begin to “lead” the future victim. This is understandable - robbing, say, right at a metro station, in broad daylight, is quite dangerous. Sometimes the police react quite quickly. Therefore, it makes sense to simply follow the victim, hoping that she herself will lead the robbers to a secluded place where it will be easier for her to part with her money. Moreover, the victim does not necessarily have to wander into a deep forest. It is enough to turn onto a not too busy street, into a cozy courtyard, or just stand at a public transport stop that is not very crowded with the public. Robbers can also use another option - not to first identify the victim and then choose a place, but on the contrary - choose a good place, and then wait for the “lucky one” who wanders in “to the light.” In the first case, the victim has a slightly better chance of surviving - just look around and, at the slightest suspicion of surveillance, rush to a crowded place or closer to the police station. Robbers won't follow a citizen with five hundred in his pocket all day long - it's not worth the candle. In the second case, the victim has little chance. Either chance or an excellent reaction can save you here. Some precautions, of course, won't hurt either. But more about them below.

The robbers are determined. This suggests that it is often very difficult to disrupt their plans. Talking and sluggish resistance to the matter will not help. Rather, on the contrary, they will lead to sad consequences. Talk and resistance are a hindrance, an obstacle to the goal that needs to be eliminated. And eliminate it as quickly and efficiently as possible. The robber will not calculate the physical impact so as not to cause harm to the victim’s health. It’s much more important for him not to go to jail and to get what he needs. Therefore, he will stop at nothing. Especially in our time, when the value of human life is reduced to a minimum. For a thousand rubles they can kill you quite calmly - this is a guarantee that the robbed person will not run to the police to give evidence. So it’s important not to create illusions here. There will be no concessions. On the contrary, everything will happen quickly and roughly. And there is no use in chatting. You must either enter the fight just as decisively, or run away very quickly, or part with your goods. The choice depends on the value of the thing they want to take away, on the number and physical parameters of the robbers, on your capabilities and on the environment.

Robbers are more subtle psychologists than hooligans. This means that they choose their victim much more carefully and it concerns not only her material well-being, but also her potential readiness to resist. Of course, now we are not talking about drug addicts or thick-headed gopniks who can attack a platoon of riot police, depending on the mood. I'm talking about those whose “profession” is robbery. Correctly choosing a person who is not able to provide more or less serious resistance is as important for these citizens as the ability to identify a rich victim. Again, no one needs extra problems. Therefore, preference is given to old people, women, puny men, as well as: careless mouthers, stupid lovers of boasting of values, indecisive nurses, mama's boys and other citizens who are not able to fight back. So one of the ways to deal with robbers is to simply be attentive and demonstrate your attentiveness.

Robbers can be very inventive. Robbery can be armed or unarmed, with or without causing bodily harm, in a gang or alone. They can put a knife to your throat, they can simply snatch a bag with an expensive camera out of your hands, they can forcefully take you to a secluded place and remove every last thread there, they can hit you on the head in a dark entrance. The list can be endless. In short, you need to always be ready. But at the same time, robbery is a type of crime that is better to prevent than to stop. And in order to minimize the possibility of finding yourself in this unpleasant situation, you need to follow a number of simple rules: - First of all, you need to remember that “show-offs” rarely lead to good things. If you have hung yourself up with expensive phones, players, cameras and put on a solid gold chain and trendy clothes, be prepared for the fact that very soon not only pretty girls will be interested in you.

There is a time and place for “show-offs”. Late in the evening on a sparsely populated street, it is better to hide all your valuables away and not show them off. It is unlikely that anyone will rob an ordinary passerby; there is nothing to take from him, and therefore there is no need to take risks.
- Now both girls and young people carry documents and valuables in small bags over their shoulders. This, of course, is convenient - you don’t have to carry all your stuff in your pockets. But such a handbag costs nothing to tear off your shoulder. And it acts on a potential robber like a red rag on a bull. That is, it teases great. It’s clear that you’re not carrying a volume of Blok there. The same cameras, phones, electronic notebooks, handhelds - these are, of course, not diamonds, but the devices are still not cheap. Well, add money and plastic cards to this - it turns out to be a tempting thing. And it’s easy to get. Perfect option. You can’t count how many onlookers parted with their bags. Moreover, it only seems that if you look around carefully, everything will be in order. Don't worry, it won't. A person is not able to constantly be on the alert. Sooner or later, something is bound to distract your attention. Then a rapid breakthrough will follow. You won't even have time to understand anything. Don’t forget: the workers are professionals for whom such robberies are their only income. By the way, the robbers themselves can distract you. Or rather, their accomplices. A cute girl comes up and asks how to get to the library. While you are trying to explain this to her and at the same time ask for her phone number, her friend rips your purse off your shoulder and runs away.

It's a simple circuit, and it works flawlessly. Well, who wouldn’t be distracted by a pretty girl?.. So it’s better to carry something bulky, but not too valuable, in your purse. For example, Blok's volume. Keep money and valuables in your pocket. And the closer it is to the body, the better. And if you do carry a bag, then at least do not carry it from the side of the roadway and keep it under your arm.
- The next rule echoes the first. Many people have a bad habit, when paying, to take out the entire wad of money that they have in cash. Partly this is carelessness, partly it’s bragging, like, look, good people, how much money I have. There are also craftsmen who count money on the street. The same applies to withdrawing money from an ATM. I repeat - the ATM has no habit of cheating. This is a mechanism, there is no need to lie to it. But a thick wad of money in the hands of a bungler attracts the attention of criminals, and very much so. Hence the conclusion: never, under any circumstances, flash your money. If you really need to get a wad of banknotes, look around first to see if there are any types hanging around nearby, trying hard to pretend that they don’t care about your money.

If you are going to the store for a large purchase, or you need to make a substantial payment, or pay off a debt, in short, if you have to carry a large amount of money across half the city, do not use public transport. And of course, don’t go on a long walk. Spend a little on a taxi or ask your friends to give you a ride to the right place. And then there are such gifted citizens who go to buy a car by tram. By the way, when you are carrying something valuable, get rid of the habit of patting yourself on your bulging pocket or bloated bag every five minutes. It immediately becomes clear to everyone that you are carrying something very valuable.

Forget the elevator. The elevator is a great trap. They can attack you at the entrance to the elevator - just follow them, and then it’s a matter of technique. Fighting in an elevator is inconvenient, there is nowhere to run, and it is useless to call for help. And if the criminal is armed, then turn out the lights altogether. You can press the button to call the dispatcher until you lose your pulse. Until you are rescued, you will be left without money and without valuables. They can catch you on the way out. It's also very convenient. One hit to the head and that's it. By the way, there is a little trick here - when the elevator doors open, do not rush to get out of it. Wait a couple of seconds and only then take a step forward. This can confuse the waiting criminal - after all, he acts according to a certain pattern: the doors have opened, he must attack. But the best thing, I repeat, is not to take the elevator at all. It’s both safer and healthier.

It’s also better to forget about any gullibility and desire to help your neighbor, no matter how sad it is. This, of course, does not mean that you need to pass by a drowning or lost child. But, if someone on the street asks you to change money, or offers to buy something at a huge discount, or asks you to urgently call your cell phone, it is better to politely refuse the request. It doesn't matter who it is - a young guy or an attractive girl. All unusual requests should be ignored. All requests that will lead to you having to take out your wallet, phone or some other valuable item should also be ignored. No matter how harmless they may seem at first glance. In general, the less contact you have with strangers on the streets, the healthier your wallet. Yes, and you yourself.

Another rule, which we already talked about in the chapter on hooligans, is to avoid suspicious companies. Especially in the evenings and on deserted streets. There is no need to get into trouble. It’s better to spend five minutes on a workaround, but save money and health. Time, of course, is also a very important resource. But situations when a minute can dramatically change your life are extremely rare. Robberies happen much more often. So try to walk along normally lit streets, avoiding very quiet and secluded places. They often rob near residential buildings - in public gardens, courtyards, entrances, etc. Therefore, as soon as you find yourself near a residential building, pay attention to the fullest. This also includes traveling on public transport. In the evening, it is better not to board empty subway or train cars. Sit where there are passengers. And the closer to the first carriage, the better. It’s the same on buses - you need to sit closer to the driver. This will make it more difficult for him to pretend that he does not see how his passenger is being robbed. In short, light and the presence of other people are your allies.

If you do end up in an unpleasant situation, you can only hope for luck. Try to negotiate with the robber or robbers. This is unlikely to help, but you can gain time to get your bearings and make the right decision for your own salvation. You can shout, but only if the robbers do not threaten you with weapons. By the way, if this happens in the entrance, on the landing or in another confined space, it is better not to shout “Help! “- few people respond to these calls, but “Fire!” This way there is still a greater chance that someone will react.

If you are walking calmly down the street and suddenly hear that someone is following you or perhaps catching up with you, turn around sharply. Some robbers like to snatch bags while running, hoping that the victim will only see the back of the fleeing criminal. If you see his face and the robber understands this, his ardor may decrease. And it will be easier for you to control your belongings. It is also useful to change your walking pace or direction, preferably by turning into a crowded place. If you decide to run away, then do it suddenly and quickly - let this situation be a surprise to the robber. At the same time, you can scream as much as you can. It doesn’t matter what, the main thing is to attract the attention of passers-by. Remember that the criminal has no need for extra witnesses. They may not help you, but they can remember the signs of the criminal.

It's a completely different matter if they threaten you with a weapon. It doesn't matter what it is - a knife or a gun. Both are extremely dangerous things in the hands of a determined person. Always keep in mind that a robber will most likely be willing to use a weapon. He has no particular obstacles to this. He already breaks the law; it’s ridiculous to talk about conscience and compassion. In addition, crimes of this kind are usually committed by people of a certain type. Risk-prone, able to act without thinking, with a quick reaction, not burdened with moral principles. Why would such a person expose himself to unnecessary risks and give you the opportunity to resist to your heart's content? Keep in mind that he himself will be very nervous in such a situation. And he can very easily use a weapon, at least out of elementary fear, guided by the instinct of self-preservation. There is, of course, another, no less common type of robber in our time - ordinary drug addicts, trying to get money for their next dose at any cost. In general, everything is simple with them - these people forgot how to think with their heads a long time ago. So you can expect anything from them.
In a word, when you see a knife or pistol in the hands of an attacker, immediately discard all fantasies about the fact that the criminal simply decided to scare you. Here it is better to play it safe and unconditionally believe in the seriousness of his intentions. And having believed... give the robber everything he demands. I categorically do not recommend entering into a fight, even if you are a world boxing champion. Life has nothing to do with Hollywood action movies. In most cases, even experienced martial artists prefer not to go for a gun and knife with their bare hands. It is very difficult to disarm a determined person. The risk is huge. Is your health or even your life worth your wallet? Hardly.

Therefore, do not play Superman, but fulfill all the requirements of the robber. At the same time, try to behave as calmly as possible. Don't twitch, don't scream, don't swear, don't beg. Dignity can be preserved in such a situation. In addition, if you remain calm, you will be able to properly remember the signs of the attacker. Well, then, when it’s all over, run to the police and file a report. The easiest way is to catch a street robber in hot pursuit. This, by the way, happens most often. Once you wait at least a day, catching a criminal becomes something out of the realm of fantasy.

specifics / Robbery

“I just asked you to give me the money.” Rules of life for a bank robber

American Clay Tumey robbed banks for more than a year. He took little money, did not threaten anyone with a weapon, and acted alone. As a result, the police never found the criminal until he surrendered to them. The rules of life of a bank robber are published by IGNAT OMA.
Clay Twomey did not use weapons or threats and acted alone. He was never caught.

In 2005-2006, Clay Twomey "learned and perfected the art of bank robbery." He was not caught, but nevertheless went to prison five months after the last robbery. Clay himself surrendered to the police, serving, as he put it, “three and a half years.”

Bank robber, writer, poet
About studies and mentors

Internet only. I've studied countless reports of robberies gone wrong and robbers caught.

About accomplices

No. I never told anyone what I was doing. One of the main things I learned from studying the reports was that the vast majority of burglars caught were caught because they did not act alone. So I never told (not even my wife or best friend) what I was doing.

About modus operandi​*

I went into the bank and waited in line like an ordinary visitor. Whichever cashier was free first, I robbed him. I simply walked up to him when it was my turn and asked - usually with a note in an envelope - to give me all the $50 and $100 bills.

There was usually less than $10,000 in the top drawer of the cashier's desk. I usually took about $5 thousand from the bank. It’s safer to work this way, and I wasn’t greedy.

About robberies without weapons and threats

No threats. I just told them what I wanted and they obeyed. This is how it works in America. The amount of money that a bank will lose in a robbery (on average $5-7 thousand) is infinitely less than what it could lose if a massacre breaks out in a branch full of clients.

They just want to give you what you came for and get you out of their bank.

About the most memorable robbery

One day the cashier was stingy and didn’t give me everything I asked for. I told her: “You are capable of more.” She just shrugged and spread her arms like a little child and said, "That's all I have." Quite brave of her.
She also stole a $100 bill from the money she had collected for me. I think it is unnecessary to clarify that she was fired.
When the lawyer brought all the documents on my case, I noticed that the bank charged me $100 dollars more than I took. I told the lawyer that I was 100% sure that the data was incorrect. He told the police, the police told the bank, they checked the video... and saw the teller stealing the banknote. Crazy, right?

About the latest robbery that didn't go according to plan

The cashier went crazy as soon as I headed towards the exit. She started shouting: “Lock the doors, lock the doors!” But I didn’t pay attention and continued walking as if nothing had happened. I managed to get out, and the guy who tried to enter the bank a few seconds after me stumbled upon the locked doors. He got mad, of course, because it was still a long time before the bank closed, and the guy thought he was late. Of course, he did not realize that the visitor who had just left the bank had robbed the bank.

About regrets

I never felt guilty because I never attacked anyone. Given the circumstances, I was as polite to the bank employees as I could because I even sympathized with them a little.

I think morality is subjective. I wouldn't steal from an ordinary person because I think it's wrong. And banks view such thefts as inevitable losses. And I felt quite comfortable helping the banks lose what they were willing to lose.

I started doing this partly because I thought about how stupid rich people are with their money. I always thought that if I became rich myself, I could change the world instead of just hoarding cash. I don't say this to justify bank robberies. But at that moment this was enough to convince myself.

I still think about what I did. But everything that happened to me after, including prison, finding myself and meaning in life, made those actions useful in some sense. It's hard to regret something that has brought so much good.

In 2015, Twomey launched an online fundraiser to publish a book about how bank robberies changed his life. Of the $11 thousand needed for publication, he received $13,152.
Clay Twomey's Rules of Life - translation of an article from the British Independent.

The Heists update for GTA 5 Online brought, among other things, various gameplay changes to the game.

GTA Online, while retaining all its features, has become more like an MMO in the classic sense. The main feature was the possibility of robberies.

You can find out how to start a heist in GTA 5 Online in this article.

How to start a heist in GTA 5 Online

Heists in GTA Online are nothing more than cooperative missions with a plot and a clear, linear structure.

GTA 5 Online how to (start, first, robbery). To do this, you must be at least Rank 12 in GTA Online and also be the owner of a luxury apartment. If these conditions are met, Lester will contact you, after which you will have the opportunity to organize a robbery with your friends or at your own risk with random people. If you've already started Heist and want to continue it or start a new prep mission, don't expect a call from Lester: just use your phone and select "Play Heist in Fast Work."

Leicester instructs players

To stage a heist, you can hold a meeting in your luxury apartment to plan the heists. In this case, you will have to recruit random people from the queue or invite your friends. It should be remembered that robbery in GTA Online is a very non-trivial task, so the choice of accomplices must be approached with the utmost seriousness, otherwise it will be very difficult to enjoy the game. Once you complete all five available heists, you will be able to select and play any of them.

If you are unable to complete a heist as a leader (for example, if you have not reached grade 12), you can join another heist. In this case, you will be spared the need to pay the costs of preparing the case, but the final jackpot will be noticeably smaller. Additionally, you can take on the missions in any order and thus miss out on some interesting plot points. So it's better to start looting as a leader!


To lead your own heists, you need to reach Rank 12 in GTA Online and own a luxury apartment. The cheapest apartment in Del Perro Heights is $200,000.

If you meet these criteria, Lester will call you on your phone and invite you to his garment factory. Once you accept the heist mission, you will be able to invite other players through the lobby or friends list. Once you complete a heist, you will also have the option to invite players from the previous heist. Thus, the leader has the opportunity to create GTA Online robberies (how to create your own). In all likelihood, you will work with the same players more than once if they have proven themselves well.

Preparing for a robbery in GTA 5

GTA online how to start the first robbery if you don't have rank 12?

If you are below level 12, you can still play heists. Anyone can accept an invitation from a leader. The catch is that the progress for the robbery is saved only for the leader.

The reason for the rank 12 requirement for leaders is that you need a decent amount of cash to complete one of these operations. The leader must spend money to buy equipment and hire NPCs needed for the job. You will be provided with only part of the equipment necessary for the task. The only exception to this rule is the first mission, The Fleeca Job, for which Lester will cover the costs.

Additionally, the leader controls who plays what role in the heist. For example, one mission requires two players to infiltrate a highly secure facility while the other pair patrols the skies in an attack helicopter. This is another reason to play with friends, as it will be easier for you to beg the leader for the role you want.

While you're waiting for your heist to begin, it's also a good idea to have your headset ready. To successfully complete missions, you will need a lot more coordination than other GTA 5 missions. Voice chat ensures that you can quickly communicate with each other and actively carry out important steps in the work.

Heists can be very profitable if executed well. Be on the lookout for Elite Challenges, special objectives that provide a big cash bonus if you complete them. Each call can be made more than once.

There are also one-time bonuses that you can earn through heists. Here's the full list:

  • For completing each heist ending for the first time, you will receive a bonus cash reward;
  • Complete all heists, including Setups, to receive a $1,000,000 cash bonus;
  • Complete all heists, including Setups, with the same lineup of players to receive an additional $1,000,000 bonus;
  • Complete all heists, with the same group of players, without losing any lives, to receive a huge bonus of $10,000,000;

These challenges are another incentive to play with friends. You might be able to complete all the missions in a game with random players, but it's a roll of the dice. Each individual heist can take some time, so it's easier to coordinate the progress of all missions with friends.

Review of robberies in gta online

In general, heists in GTA are a kind of cooperative missions. There is a plot and a step-by-step structure of the passage. At the same time, there are not very many robbery missions themselves. Moreover, each is unique and quite interesting. There are well-choreographed dialogues and cutscenes. The leader can create (how, create, robbery, GTA, 5, Online) a group and plan the actions of the robbery. Overall, the addition turned out to be really exciting and worthwhile.

Robbery of 1 Fleeca bank

GTA 5 online how to start your first robbery?

The first mission facing the player is the fleeca bank robbery. It is for informational purposes only. The mission itself consists of three stages: two exploratory and final. At each stage, players will face different tasks.

Fleeca bank robbery

On normal difficulty, a successful bank robbery will reward players with a reward of $115,000.

How to complete the preparatory task for the Fleeca job robbery

This stage is not very difficult, as it is introductory. During this mission you will need to carry out surveillance of the target of the robbery. As mentioned above, the robbery is carried out by two players. One will be the driver, and the second will be the hacker and driller.

After determining the roles, the driver must drive a car with Lester and the second player to the robbery site. During the trip, Lester will give instructions (it is advisable to listen to him). Upon arrival at the site, you need to inspect the surveillance cameras.

Step-by-step analysis:

  • The Fleeca bank mission is the first and easiest, as it introduces the player to an innovation;
  • After you have installed the add-on and launched GTA Online. You receive a call from Lester. It is indicated by the letter L on the map, the same as in the single player mode;
  • When you arrive, a dialogue with Lester will take place;
  • After the meeting, Lester will call within a short time. Return to your apartment and enter the new heist planning room. You can now host and lead your own raids;
  • You don't need to wait for Lester's call if there is no rank 12. Just pick up your phone, select "Quick Work" and select "Play Heist" at the top of the list. In this case, you will have the opportunity to participate in the robbery as part of a group;
  • When completing the mission with Fleeca Bank, you need to find another player. This is a two-user job. Once the search is complete, you can begin;
  • It's very simple. Everything that happens in Scope Out obviously reveals the target of the robbery, in this case the Fleeca bank on the highway near the sea. Just get into Lester's car and go to the bank. You will need to steal a safe full of hook-shaped bonds;
  • The first task is to scout the bank. You sit outside for a minute while Lester explains the details of the case, then you take him back to your warehouse to pick up Lester's assistant and the necessary equipment for the heist;
  • During the trip, the non-driving player will be sent to the bank system. It is sent to your phone and takes the form of a mini-game where you need to move to the other side of the screen. Once you do this, the safe can be stolen;

That's all. Payment will be received when you arrive at the garage.

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