How a man fed two generals the plan of the work. Retelling of the work “The Tale of How One Man Fed Two Generals” by Saltykov-Shchedrin M.E. Folk tales are divided into three groups

Lesson summary on problematic technology

Lesson topic: A.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin “The Tale of How One Man Fed Two Generals”

Goal: to teach independent problem solving, discovery of new knowledge

Lesson steps



Board and equipment

Creating a problematic situation.

What work is the cartoon based on?

What collection of the writer is it included in?

What contradiction did you notice?

« Tale about how one man fed two generals"

" Fairy tales for children of a fair age"

Both a story and a fairy tale at the same time

Showing fragments of the cartoon

Formulation of the problem

What question do you have? What remains to be discovered?

Is this a story or a fairy tale?

Need to find out what it is? (various suggestions may apply)

On the slide:


And on the blackboard


What versions do you have to solve the problem?

All versions of children are accepted

Goal: analyze the text, identify signs of stories and fairy tales, determine their role in the text

Activity planning

What do you need to know to solve the problem?

Remember what a story or fairy tale is. Find signs of stories and fairy tales in the text

Updating knowledge

Give words with the same root - verbs for the word story

And so it was in the original version, the writer structured it so that the narrator retells this story to him, but he then removed it from the text

What is a fairy tale?

Complete the following task:Fill out the table: Real and fabulous in the text

Narrate, talk about the real, about real life

Fantastic, unreal, transformations, movements in space, fairy-tale turns, beginning and ending

Fill out the table with examples from the text. They draw conclusions about which elements are more numerous: real or fabulous

NARRATIVE (on one board) entries are added as work progresses:

Narrate, tell, real pictures



Fabulous turns

Beginning, ending

Funny, comical

Satirical, criticizes

On the slide, an analogy of the table is shown after the guys’ work

Search for a solution (discovery of new knowledge).

Now please get acquainted with the diagram “Speech means of the comic”

By what means is the comic created?

Which of them are in Shchedrin's text?

What are the 2 types of comics?

Does our text relate to satire or humor?

Complete Task No. 3

In nightgowns we found ourselves on a desert island; they didn’t know where the east was, where the west was; They can’t pick an apple or catch a fish; out of hunger, the order was bitten off from one another; No matter what they read, it was all about food; the man made a rope with which the generals tied him to a tree so that he would not run away;

Study the diagram independently and prepare to comment. They speak briefly. List the means by which the comic is created.

Name the means that are in this text.

Satire and humor. Read the definition.

To satire. They can respond to humor - then correct it.

Generals because they don’t know how to do anything and are not adapted to life.

A man for making a rope for himself, taking a sour apple for himself, that is, he doesn’t love himself, he’s so used to always pleasing his masters, but nothing to himself. It’s bad that he doesn’t value himself, he has no human dignity

Laughter at generals: angry, bitter, provokes anger and hatred.

Laughing at a man: sad, regretful,

There is a diagram on the children's tables.

There is a diagram on the slide.

Solution Expression

What answer to the main question of the lesson can we give? Whose versions were confirmed?

Generalization: A.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin tells us an interesting incident from the life of the generals, using the form of a fairy tale, enriching it with various means of satire, bringing to us, the readers, the main idea, the main idea of ​​the text.

Before us is a satirical fairy tale.


Try writing a satirical fairy tale


Underline one of the suggested words based on your assessment of the lesson, your activity and the material studied in the lesson

Do reflection




Doesn't matter

I'm in class

Have worked



Bottom line

Got the material

Learned more than I knew

Didn't understand

Result Result Result

I don't understand I don't understand I don't understand

Lesson I'm at a lesson Lesson I'm at a lesson Lesson I'm at a lesson

Interesting worked interesting worked interesting worked

Bored, rested, bored, rested, bored, rested

Helped indifferently Helped indifferently Helped indifferently

Result Result Result

I understand the material I understand the material I understand the material

Learned more than I knew Learned more than I knew Learned more than I knew

I don't understand I don't understand I don't understand

Lesson I'm at a lesson Lesson I'm at a lesson Lesson I'm at a lesson

Interesting worked interesting worked interesting worked

Bored, rested, bored, rested, bored, rested

Helped indifferently Helped indifferently Helped indifferently

Result Result Result

I understand the material I understand the material I understand the material

Learned more than I knew Learned more than I knew Learned more than I knew

I don't understand I don't understand I don't understand

Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin wrote satirical tales. We would like to offer to your attention summary one of the most popular fairy tales -

"The story of how one man fed two generals"

Once upon a time there lived two frivolous generals. They served all their lives in some kind of military registry, and when it was dissolved, the generals also resigned. They settled in St. Petersburg on Podyacheskaya Street. Each had their own apartment and cook. Only then one day the generals incredibly found themselves on a desert island, sleeping under the same blanket. At first they thought they had dreamed everything. But it turned out that all this was not a dream. They are actually standing on the seashore in only their nightgowns, with an order around their necks. When the generals got hungry, they decided to explore the island. During the inspection, they discovered that the trees on the island were full of fruits, the streams were teeming with fish, and there was a lot of game in the forest. But the generals couldn’t help but pick an apple, catch a fish or a hazel grouse. We only found a newspaper. So we went to bed hungry. But the generals were not used to going hungry. And the hunger was so strong that the generals almost ate each other, they even managed to fight, but they came to their senses in time. They decided to distract themselves with conversation, but all the conversations, willy-nilly, came down to food. They decided to read the Moskovskie Vedomosti newspaper, but even there the articles were only about dinner parties and delicious dishes. The generals were completely spinning, all thoughts were only about dinner. And then one of the generals had the idea that they needed to find a man who would give them bread and catch hazel grouse and fish. The generals went to look for the man. They wandered around the island for a long time, and finally found a man. He slept peacefully on the island. The generals woke him up and forced him to feed himself. First of all, the man picked apples for them. Then he dug up some potatoes and lit a fire. From his own hair he wove a snare with which he caught a hazel grouse. The man prepared a lot of delicious food. The generals could not be happier with him, and they praised themselves for such an idea. To prevent him from escaping, the generals tied the man with a rope, which he himself wove from wild hemp. Several days passed, the generals benefited from a well-fed life, they again became loose, white and cheerful. And the man learned to cook stew even in a handful. But the generals began to miss their apartments and their cooks. And let's pester the guy so that he takes them to St. Petersburg. The man, in gratitude that the generals did not disdain his peasant labor, built a boat on which he could sail across the ocean all the way to St. Petersburg. Taking care of the comfortable sailing of the generals, the man lined the bottom of the boat with soft swan's down. The man put the generals in the boat, and they sailed home. Throughout the voyage, the generals scolded the man for the pitching, wind and storms. And he kept rowing and feeding his generals. The generals reached their apartments, drank coffee and ate buns. And the treasury gave them a lot of money, a pension for all the time they spent on the island. To celebrate, they even sent the man a glass of vodka and a nickel of silver.

Such summary tales about how a man fed two generals.

“The Tale of How One Man Fed Two Generals” was written in the mid-19th century and has many fans. She tells the reader how a man fed two generals. The summary fully shows the stupidity of respected St. Petersburg officials and their inability to take care of themselves.

Briefly about the author

The future famous Russian writer was born in 1826. During his years of study at the famous Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, he began to study poetry and publish his works, but later abandoned this activity. While working in the military chancellery, he began to create prose works. He was sent into exile for showing freethinking. After returning to Moscow, he served in one of the ministries, and later was the governor of Ryazan and Tver. For some time he headed the Sovremennik publishing house. He died in St. Petersburg in 1889.

Genre features

A popular story among schoolchildren is about how a man fed two generals. The summary of the work reveals the author's idea, who wanted to show the stupidity, ignorance of officials and the lack of will of a man who was so accustomed to obeying that he immediately began to fulfill the demands of the generals. The work is written in the genre of a satirical literary fairy tale and therefore contains many grotesque exaggerations, hyperboles and irony, designed to ridicule the shortcomings of the society of that time. A satirical work about how a man fed two generals (a summary is presented below) contains many expressions characteristic of Russian folk tales. The author also took the beginning and the fantastic element from oral folk art.

“The Tale of How One Man Fed Two Generals” tells about the incredible adventures of St. Petersburg officials. Having safely retired, they did not know how to do anything. Waking up one fine morning, the heroes discovered that they were on a desert island. The generals decided to look around: one of them was supposed to go north, the other south. However, there was an obstacle that they could not overcome. The heroes did not know how to determine the cardinal directions. After much debate, one official went left, the other went right.

Having examined the island, the generals realized that it was rich in food: fruits, fish, game. But the officials were unable to get it. After a long search for food, one of the generals managed to find an old issue of Moskovskie Vedomosti. Sitting under a tree, the heroes began to discuss which tasted better: boots or gloves, but suddenly, due to severe hunger, they attacked each other. Having come to their senses, the officials decided to talk, but all their conversations boiled down to food. Then they began to read the newspaper, but here again everything revolved around food.

And suddenly one official suggested finding a guy who is everywhere. After a short search, they managed to find a man who was sleeping under a tree. The heroes woke him up, accused him of not wanting to help, and clung to him so that he could not escape. The man fed them apples, potatoes, and hazel grouse. Having eaten, the officials ordered the man to weave a rope and tie himself to a tree with it.

After a while, the generals got bored and wanted to return home. They demanded that the man make a ship and take them there. The man prepared supplies, built a ship and transported them to St. Petersburg. The generals were so glad to be home again that out of generosity they gave their savior vodka and a silver coin.


This literary fairy tale was filmed. In 1965, a short animated film of the same name was released. It was filmed at the Soyuzmultfilm studio.

The reader can easily determine the author’s attitude towards the Russian people after reading the fairy tale about how a man fed two generals. The summary shows the author's sincere love and admiration for ordinary people, but their slavish behavior could not but cause him regret.

Literature lesson in 7th grade

Fairy tale by M.E. Saltykova – Shchedrin “The Tale of How One Man Fed Two Generals”

Lesson type: learning new material, business game


Identify the main themes of fairy tales, reveal their ideological orientation,

Show the artistic originality of fairy tales,

Vocabulary work on literary terms,

Develop the ability to analyze fairy tales

Develop the ability to work in a group.


Exhibition of editions of the writer's works

During the classes

1. The teacher's word. Satirist writer. Satire.

Creativity M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin is extremely diverse; the satirist's legacy is perhaps the most popular among his fairy tales. The form of folk tale was used by many writers before Shchedrin. Literary tales, written in verse or prose, recreated the world of folk poetry, and sometimes contained satirical elements. The form of the fairy tale met the writer’s objectives, because it was accessible and close to the common people. The satirist turned to this genre because of censorship persecution. Saltykov-Shchedrin's tales in miniature contain the problems and images of the entire work of the great satirist. \

Of the 32 tales, 29 were written in the last decade of his life (from 1882 to 1886), and only three tales were created in 1869.

Fairy tales are the result of the writer’s forty years of activity, the result of his entire creative path. They intertwine the comic and the tragic, combine fantasy with reality, and widely use hyperbole, grotesque, and Aesopian language. In fairy tales we meet the heroes of his era: fierce and ignorant rulers; a people, powerful, talented, but at the same time submissive to their exploiters (“The Tale of How One Man Fed Two Generals”, “The Wild Landowner”).

M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin introduces topical political motives into the world of fairy tales and reveals complex problems of our time. The ideological content and artistic features of satirical tales are aimed at instilling respect for the people.

2. Work on literary terms.

Allegory- allegory

Sarcasm- a caustic, caustic mockery, with a frankly accusatory, satirical meaning. Sarcasm- a type of irony.

Irony– a negative assessment of an object or phenomenon through ridicule. The comic effect is achieved by the fact that the true meaning of the event is disguised.

Grotesque- a depiction of reality in an exaggerated, ugly-comic form, an interweaving of the real and the fantastic.

Hyperbola- deliberate exaggeration

Aesopian language- allegorical and metaphorical

3. Folk and literary fairy tale. Similarities and differences.

(The class is divided into two teams)

1 team talks about the folk tale and its features.

A. Among the many genres of oral folk art, fairy tales occupy a special place. It has long been considered not only the most widespread, but also the most beloved genre of children of all ages.

B. Russian folk tale is imbued with the pathos of humanistic and patriotic ideas, deep faith in the victory of goodness and justice, in the miraculous power of high morality and heroic deeds.

S. Fairy tales glorify heroic deeds, creative work, and the combination of the inner and outer beauty of the heroes.

Folk tales are divided into three groups:

A. fairy tales about animals are the most ancient type of fairy tale in which animals behave like people.

B. everyday tales. Their characters live in the real world. They win the fight against the master, the landowner, the general, and their intelligence, resourcefulness and courage help them win.

S. Fairy tales. The heroes of these fairy tales fight with evil spirits and win.

Fairy tale composition:

1. Beginning (“In a certain kingdom, in a certain state...”)

2. Main part (Repeat actions three times)

3. Ending (“They began to live and live well...”)

2nd team talks about the literary fairy tale and its features.

1) A literary fairy tale is an author’s, artistic or poetic work, based either on folklore sources, or invented by the writer himself, but in any case, subject to his will. The work is predominantly fantastical, depicting the wonderful adventures of fictional or traditional fairy tale characters and in some cases aimed at children; a work in which magic, miracle plays the role of a plot-forming factor and helps to characterize the characters.

2) A literary fairy tale is a genre of literary work in which moral, poetic or aesthetic problems are solved in a magical, fantastic or allegorical development of events, and, as a rule, in original plots and images in prose, poetry or drama.

4. Team 1: quotation plan “The story of how one man fed two generals.”

Once upon a time there were two generals, and since both were frivolous,

soon, at the behest of the pike, at my desire, we found ourselves on

uninhabited island.

The registry was abolished as unnecessary and the generals were released.

We found ourselves on a desert island, woke up and saw: both under one

lie with a blanket. Of course, at first they didn’t understand anything...

They began to look for where the east is and where the west is.

No sooner said than done. One general went to the right...

There was nothing to do, I had to return to the appointed place with empty

The generals went to bed again, but they couldn’t sleep on an empty stomach.

- matter what the generals started talking about, he constantly

came down to the memory of food, and this irritated the appetite even more.

And suddenly the general, who was a calligraphy teacher, had an epiphany


-... there is a man everywhere, you just have to look for him!

He's probably hidden somewhere, shirking work!

Under a tree, with his belly up and his fist under his head, a huge man was sleeping and was shirking work in the most impudent manner.

And he began to act in front of them. The generals looked at these peasant efforts, and their hearts played merrily.

A day passed, another passed; the man became so contrived that he even began

Boil soup in a handful. Our generals have become cheerful, loose, well-fed,

Whether it's long or short, the generals are bored.

And the man began to speculate on how to please his generals

because they favored him, a parasite, and did not disdain his peasant labor!

And he built a ship...

How much fear the generals gained during the journey from storms and from various winds, how much they scolded the man for his parasitism - this cannot be described with a pen, nor in a fairy tale. And the man rows and rows and feeds the generals with herrings.

They went to the treasury, and how much money they raked in - it’s impossible to tell in a fairy tale or describe with a pen!

However, they didn’t forget about the peasant; sent him a glass of vodka and a nickel of silver:

have fun, man!

Team 2:

5. Team 2 Fairytale expressions and their role in the tales of Saltykov - Shchedrin.

(Find fairy tale expressions in the texts and comment)

Typical fairy tale openings: “In a certain kingdom, in a certain state...”

Sayings: “At the behest of the pike...”, “How much or how little time has passed...”,

Turns of speech characteristic of folk speech: “thought-thought”, “said-done”,

Constant epithets: “black cloud”, “white body”,

Triple repetitions, vocabulary of folk tales: looking, saying, swarming,

Fairy tale characters.

6. Conversation on the content of fairy tales

Does the man look like his own kind? Does he embody the features of the Russian people? Which?

Can we call him an ideal hero?

What is the meaning of the fairy tale? What is the author protesting against?

Which heroes are worthy of respect?

7. Questions for 1-2 teams, 5 questions for each team

1. How did two generals end up on a desert island?

1.By order of the king

2. At the behest of the pike, at my will

3. Arrived by boat

4. We arrived in a carriage

2. What did the man use to cook soup for the generals?

1. In a pot

2. In a handful

3.In a saucepan

4.In a pressure cooker

3. What newspaper did the generals read on a desert island?

1. “Moscow truth”

2. "Moskovskie Vedomosti"

3. "Moscow Review"

4. "Bulletin of Moscow".

4. How did the generals find the man on the island?

1. Following footprints left in the sand

2. By advertisement

3. By the smell of chaff bread

4. By his snoring.

5. Who did this guy work in Moscow??

1. Cook

2. Blacksmith

3. Painter

4. A cab driver.

6.In what form did the generals end up on the island?

1. In uniform

2. In nightgowns

3. In fur coats and felt boots

4. In shorts

7.What decision did the generals make so as not to die of hunger?

1. Sleep all the time

2. Learn to work

3. Find a guy

4. Catch the beast

8.How did the generals return home?

1. Fell asleep and woke up at home

2. The same way we got to the island

3. They were saved by accident

4. The man built a ship.

9. On what street did the generals live?

1. On Podyacheskaya

2. On the Fontanka

3. On Liteinaya

4. On Nevsky.

10. What did the generals reward the man with?

1. Order

2. Medal

3. Whips

4. A glass of vodka and a nickel.

8. Conclusions. Working with the class

1. Genre and artistic features of S. Shchedrin’s fairy tales

(work with class)

- folklore motifs (fairy tale plot, folk vocabulary)

Grotesque (interweaving fantasy and reality)

- "Aesopian language" (allegory and metaphorical)

Social satire (sarcasm and real fantasy)

Reproof through denial (showing savagery and lack of spirituality)


2. The tales of M.E. Saltykov - Shchedrin are united not only by genre, but also by common themes:

Theme of power (“Wild Landowner”)

Theme of the People (“The Tale of How One Man Fed Two Generals”)

3. Problems of fairy tales

The tales of M.E. Saltykov - Shchedrin reflect that “ special pathological condition", in which Russian society was located in the 80s of the 19th century. However, they address not only social problems:

The relationship between the people and the ruling circles,

The phenomenon of Russian liberalism,

Education reform,

but also universal:

Good and evil, freedom and duty, truth and lies, cowardice and heroism.

9. Lesson summary, assessments


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Goals : continue to get acquainted with satirical fairy tales; highlight the vices of the exploiters and ridicule their arrogance and worthlessness; lead to criticism of the obedience of the Russian peasant.

Methodical techniques: work with a textbook, analytical conversation, expressive reading.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

II. Checking homework.

– What is humor?

– What is called satire? (Humor is a depiction of something in a funny, comic form: in A. P. Chekhov’s story “The Horse's Last Name,” the whole house and even acquaintances select “horse” names to write to some charlatan, instead of turning to the doctor. This funny.

III. Studying “The Tale...” (continued).

1. Analytical conversation on issues.

– Why did the writer call the work a fairy tale? (Name the fantastic moments of the fairy tale.)

Features of a folk tale that Saltykov-Shchedrin used:

1) the fairytale beginning “once upon a time”;

2) stable expressions: at the behest of the pike, at my will; whether long or short; a day passed, another passed; he was there, drinking honey-beer, it flowed down his mustache, but it didn’t get into his mouth; neither to describe with a pen, nor to tell in a fairy tale;

3) various fantastic events: the generals found themselves on a desert island naked and under one blanket; The island is uninhabited, but a man was found.

– Remember what hyperbole is. What role does she play in the story? (Hyperbole is a strong exaggeration of certain properties of the depicted. For example, the statement of one of the generals that he thought that rolls would be born in this form, as they are served with coffee in the morning. With the help of hyperboles, a similar situation is created, causing the reader to laugh or outrage (for example, the episode with the apples).

– Where and how did you serve?

The generals are stupid and insignificant. They have become dumb, having spent their whole lives in “some kind of registry.”

– What does the epithet “some” mean? (he emphasizes its uselessness, its uselessness. And yet the generals served there and now receive a pension. For what? Is it because unnecessary people served in the unnecessary registry who did not know how to do anything, even knew few words: “Accept the assurance ..." The author’s mockery can already be heard in this.)

Assignment: to prove that the generals not only did not know how to speak, but also did not know how to do anything. pp. 265–266. Talk about the change of day and night. Prove their ignorance. (“They began to look for where the east is and where the west is.” P. 265. “The general wants to get at least one apple...”)

– What are the topics of their conversations?

– What do the newspapers write about? (p. 267. “Yesterday... strawberries”, “From Tula they write... Gravy...", “From Vyatka... will increase.” The society of the upper classes drowned in idleness and satiety. It considered the exploitation (oppression) of the people to be commonplace, it lived at the expense people.)

– What attitude towards the peasant, the common people, do these judgments indicate? (Living off the labor of the people, they, and not only them, believe that a man should feed them, that he lives in order to feed and drink them, to please them. Not wanting and not being able to work, they accuse him of unwilling to work, in laziness, they call him a parasite." Complete disrespect for the working man.)

– To whom should the word “parasite” be applied?

- How did the man please the traveling generals?

– Has their attitude towards the peasant changed? (“Shouldn’t we give the parasite a piece?” “However, they didn’t forget about the peasant...”)

– How do we see a man in a fairy tale? (Talented, knows how to work, any job is up to him.)

– What feelings does he evoke when he weaves a rope for himself? (Obedient, meekly performing any work, showing skill and dexterity, and meekly listening to the insults of the generals.)

– Do you think the laughter that is caused by the conversations and actions of the generals is the same as the laughter that is caused by the episode when a man weaves his own rope? (Laughter associated with generals, accusatory (revelatory). The author evilly, mercilessly ridicules the worthlessness, parasitism, greed and emptiness of the generals, exaggerating (exaggeration - hyperbole) their inadaptability and ignorance, revealing their bestial essence (“... in an instant they went berserk... They flew shreds...")

Ridiculing the timid humility of a man, Shchedrin experiences a feeling of pain, the man is powerful, will not be lost in any situation, environment, dexterous, resourceful (the author exaggerates the dexterity and resourcefulness) and... resignedly submissive, therefore the writer’s laughter is bitter, laughter through tears, mixed with real humanity pain. The peasant’s slavish obedience evokes protest from the author and the reader.)

IV. Summing up the lesson.

– What is unique about the language of Shchedrin’s fairy tale? Why does he use this style? (Different styles are mixed in the speech of the generals: the generals call each other “your excellency”, and use colloquial words, “if”, “now”. Clerical phrases are included in the narrative, here, even a whole circular (“if you want to find the east, then look with your eyes to the north, and in your right hand you will receive what you are looking for.” The expression “look for the north”, “tried all the countries, the world” also does not cause anything but laughter. Of course, Shchedrin uses such “linguistic vinaigrette specifically, with a satirical purpose - to expose stupidity and ignorance. , the stupidity of their heroes.)

Homework: prepare for extracurricular reading - read the fairy tale “The Wild Landowner” - work through the questions and assignments on p. 273–274 textbooks.

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