How to endow a wand with magical powers. How to make a real magic wand? Gratitude is the beginning of magic

What is present in almost all existing fairy tales? You probably already guessed that this is magic. And what kind of fairy tale would it be without magic, because it is with the help of it that plots for any fairy tale are created. So don’t be surprised if one day your child wants to become its owner, like Harry Potter’s, which has a lot to do with magic. We will tell you about that very secret recipe with which you can learn how to make a magic wand with your own hands at home.

What is this magic wand? Usually it is some kind of magical weapon or object with the help of which wizards and magicians work their miracles.

To make a magic wand you need:

1. Preparation.

To begin with, you will need the base itself; a tree branch is perfect for it (you can also use a pencil). The ideal place to look for it would be a forest or a nearby park.

You can only use dead branches, that is, those lying on the ground or hanging broken from a tree. Concentrate your search right near the trees, go around them on all sides, and look for a suitable specimen for yourself.

It is better to search for a branch alone, because friends may distract you and you will not be able to fully examine the area and find a good branch.

If for some reason you couldn’t find the wand you needed, don’t be upset, it means there wasn’t one in that place that was intended specifically for you. Don't stop searching, you'll be lucky next time.

2. Gratitude is the beginning of magic.

And so you found that very branch that seemed more suitable to you, intended just for you. And you will understand this when you take the twig in your hand.

When the choice is made, try to remember to say thank you to the tree on which your branch grew. No matter how strange it may seem, for true magic everything is sacred and everything has its own soul.

3. Preparation. We give the appearance.

First you will need to bring the twig into proper shape, to do this, clean its bark, go over it with sandpaper, smoothing out all the uneven places, and at the end apply a varnish coating, this will prevent damage to the base itself.

This would be the end of the straightening procedures, but if you want to give your magic wand a unique appearance, then you can decorate it with various materials, be it stones, beads, foil, colored paper or even feathers, in general, whatever your heart desires wishes.

4. Rite of passage. When to do it?

The final procedure for creating a magical attribute will be its dedication.

For such a ritual, one of the days of the fiery celebration is best suited. According to the wizarding community, there are many such days in the year, some prefer Beltane (the first day of May), others dedicate their wand on the day of Samhain (the date falls on the Celtic New Year on October 31st).

For the most impatient, the initiation ceremony is allowed to be carried out on the full moon, but this is a last resort; it is best to wait until the day of the fiery celebration.

5. How to perform the initiation ceremony?

At initiation, a number of preliminary preparations must be made.

To begin with, take it with you outside, place it with your own hands in a place where the moonlight falls, it must lie on the fabric.

Place one burning candle on opposite ends. Close your eyes and mentally power the wand with the moon, take an oath that you will never use it for evil purposes or harm any living thing on Earth.

Until this time, no one knew the secret of making a real magic wand, no one knew where to get it. However, now, you can easily create this magical attribute without leaving your home, because we have shared with you a magical secret that has been kept secret for centuries.

Fortune telling using mice or birds became most popular in Europe in the Middle 20th century. The predictions were based on which stick with which inscription the bird or animal would pull out of the box.

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what awaits you in the near future.

How to make a magic wand?

Not only children dream of a magic wand that helps make wishes come true - adults would also not refuse such a gift. Alas! With age, fairy tales about fairies and powerful sorcerers are believed less and less, so a person stops thinking about how to make a magic wand (a real one with magic). By the way, it’s completely in vain, because miracles do happen in real life.

An amazing tool for a real sorcerer

To a savage who does not know how to light a fire, matches are just pieces of wood. For a person who does not know the laws of the subtle world, the magic of a magic wand is just a fiction, an illustration from a book about Harry Potter. Let’s put it simply: it is indeed possible to create this “working tool,” but only a select few who wield the Force will be able to use it.

Those who have already discovered special abilities in themselves and now plan to develop them should think about how to make a magic wand with magic. It is very important to find “your” material. Most likely, it will be wood (stone or metal could work just as well, but due to their weight and complexity of processing, they turn out to be an unsuitable option).

The most versatile types of wood that are used most often by sorcerers are elderberry, ash, oak. The last tree especially protects warriors, so it goes well with combat magic techniques. Will become flexible and moderately obedient willow stick. Special protective properties will be demonstrated maple or hawthorn.

Nut- an excellent assistant for beginning wizards, because the tree itself helps strengthen and demonstrate innate abilities. It also wards off the evil spells of others, protecting its not very experienced owner. This is the best choice for a born magician who is not yet confident in his abilities and is just beginning to comprehend the basics of practical witchcraft.

Miniature wand and its older “relatives”

No dozen blanks - the required part was looked at carefully, for a long time, taking into account the “inner voice”. A branch, root or trunk was cut off with the deepest respect, words of regret and gratitude. Subsequently, the sorcerer and his staff (rod) spent several months getting used to each other, in the full sense - getting used to each other. The wood was slowly sanded and covered with intuitively selected

A magic wand is a device of good and useful magic. It helps to change the properties of objects so that they bring joy and good mood to any person. A real magic wand never causes harm.

She refuses to perform evil or hurtful magic. In this case, it deteriorates and forever loses its magical properties. In addition, it will be possible to make another magic wand no earlier than in one year.

Making a real magic wand at home is very simple. If you complete some preparatory steps, the process of creating a magic wand will take no more than 1 second. It is important to comply with the mandatory simple conditions for the production of a magic wand.

First of all, you need to find the basis, or the blank for the future magic wand. The base can be any solid object that has an oblong or elongated shape.

It is not at all necessary to use stick-shaped objects - twigs, twigs, Chinese chopsticks, pencils, etc. A lightweight, elongated object made from almost any non-fragile material - plastic, metal, paper, impact-resistant glass, wood, clay and others will do.

A magic wand can even be made from dough (the recipe is given below) and baked in the oven until golden brown. In this case, if the wand loses its magical properties, it can be eaten as a cookie for tea. In short, the scope for imagination when choosing material is unlimited.

Only one important condition must be met: the blank for the magic wand, no matter what it is made of, should not have sharp edges, jagged edges, or anything that could injure or scratch the skin.

Making a magic wand

Step 1

Stand in the center of the room, straighten up, keep your head straight.

Step 2

Place the wand blank on your head and lower your arms.

Step 3

Close your eyes tightly.

Step 4

Say loudly and clearly: “Wand! Magical! Real! Be!”

It is important to pronounce these words strictly in this sequence, with conviction and firmness. It is not necessary to say it out loud, you can say it mentally to yourself, the main thing is not to break the order of the words.

To make a real magic wand yourself you need:

  • One second of free time;
  • A blank in the form of an elongated object;
  • Room;
  • A special sequence of words.

The magic wand is ready for use immediately after casting; its shelf life is unlimited if used properly. We wish you success in your work of good magic and look forward to further cooperation.

Hello, friends!

Many of you probably remember the famous saga about Harry Potter and the moment when Harry acquired his magic wand, with the help of which he later performed real miracles.

His wand operated at a distance, could lift objects in the air, send a powerful fiery stream of energy, and with its help he could perform many different actions and rituals. Magic and nothing more!

However, a fairy tale is a fairy tale, but what about things in real life? And does a magic wand really exist?

Yes or no

It turns out that such a wand really exists. True, in reality it is called a little differently - “magic wand” or “magic wand”.

Historically, this artifact originated from an instrument of power - a staff, which over time, for convenience, was shortened to a magic wand, and then to a more elegant and easy-to-use instrument - a magic wand.

It has become more convenient to carry such a tool with you, hiding it under a cloak or robe, and quickly take it out at any time as soon as you need it.

Currently, magicians most often use such wands in special rituals performed at home or in secluded corners of nature. In ordinary life, for example, on the street, you and I are unlikely to meet a person who, opening his jacket, takes out a magic wand and, waving it, shouts spells. Such fairy-tale characters have a place, as they say, in fairy tales.

You need to understand that a real magic wand is not limitless miracles and magic. It will not turn water into milk, and it will not make a poor man rich the next morning. And you are unlikely to use it to make objects move. Although, if you have the ability and with intensive training, you may be able to demonstrate certain elements to your surprised relatives.

However, the point of a magic item is not to perform tricks. Like any other artifact, a magic wand allows you to work with your consciousness and energy, self-improvement and development.

Magic wand capabilities

What can she do? The answer is simple: she can do everything...the same as you, only faster, more powerful, more accurate. The fact is that the wand in your hands is a conductor of your own energy.

She collects, concentrates it within herself, and then conducts it to the outside world, due to which the energy is directed more accurately and quickly, and it is easier to control. The material from which such an artifact is made (for example, wood) amplifies this energy several times with its vibrations.

The wand is a helper. The main magical instrument is yourself, your thoughts, your energy and will. If you are unable to perform this or that action without a wand, then it will not do it for you!

The same joke applies to it as to the camera - “there is no “good photographer” button.” But if you already know how to do something, then with the help of a wand you can materialize it faster and better. And how much better...depends on, as you know, its quality.

Therefore, the issue of purchasing this tool must be taken seriously.

How to buy a magic wand

If you now enter the query “buy a magic wand” into Yandex or Google search and start looking, the very first links will take you to the store of magic wands from, again, the famous Harry Potter, but these, of course, are souvenir products intended for replenishment collections of fans of books about a boy wizard.

Perhaps, with certain skills and knowledge, some of these sticks can be “sharpened” for yourself, turning them into a really working tool, but with the same success you can sharpen an ordinary pencil, or, in general, any elongated object with a pointed tip. However, you need to be prepared for the fact that its quality will be appropriate.

However, if you are not lazy and scroll further through the pages with links, then sooner or later you will come across more interesting and, most importantly, real offers. In fact, there are few such proposals, only two or three, but, in any case, this is already something.

In them, manufacturers offer magic wands (in particular, from India and Tibet), which for the most part are not exactly wands, but rather even wands.

The wand is usually thicker and larger in size (although there are, on the contrary, “shortened models” that fit in the hand), and their main difference is that they are encrusted with crystals on both (!) sides.

That is, both sides of it are working. One, as a rule, is charged at “minus”, the other - at “plus”. Most of them are intended for healing purposes, but there are wands with a wider range of effects.

Among the wands you can also find sticks - usually there are not many of them, one or two, but they still exist. These wands also have a crystal tip, and the main part is usually made of wood.

In my opinion, this is a more workable tool, however, without holding it in your hand, you are unlikely to understand how suitable it is for you. And the choice of tree species is quite scarce (this is understandable, since there are only a few sticks themselves).

In addition, the species that are offered there are usually not the best choice for a resident of Russia, because we are energetically much more powerfully connected with the trees of our strip. And they are the ones who are better able than other breeds to respond to our vibrations and give us their nourishment.

Therefore, I believe that if you want your magic wand to work, then you need to make it yourself. Choose the type of wood yourself, decorate it with crystals, runes or whatever you like (or not decorate it, if it’s intuitively closer), establish contact with it yourself, charging it with your energy.

It may not look as nice as store-bought, but that's not that important. Only if everything is done with your own hands, you can get not just a perfectly working tool, but, literally, an extension of yourself, which will ensure the accuracy and power of magical operations.

I will tell you how this happened in my life in one of the following articles.


In this article I talked about a magic wand and what they are like. The topic will be continued in one of the following posts, where I will share my experience and talk about how to make this magical artifact at home.

That's why I don't say goodbye

In many fairy tales about sorceresses and magicians, which we have all read since childhood, there was certainly such an attribute as a magic wand. How to make it yourself?

Firstly, a magic wand becomes magical only in the hands of a person initiated into magic. To do this, you first need to carry out a ritual of conversion to a sorcerer, fairy, magician or wizard. If you are, then a magic wand, in principle, can also serve you later, but more on that later.

After you have “grown up” to practice black or white magic (depending on your preferences and goals), you should get acquainted with talismans that are designed to help you in your magical rituals. It is worth noting that a magic wand is simply a symbolic representation of an attribute used in witchcraft. For such purposes, not only a long thin object is suitable, it can also be a set of gems selected in a special way, a magic ball, a pendant on a chain, and much more, if these items are charged correctly.

But if you still want to create miracles the way your favorite fairy tale characters did with a magic wand, you should start making it by finding the wand itself.

Regardless of whether you choose white or black magic for yourself, it still doesn’t hurt to enlist the forces of nature. Go in search of a wand in the forest immediately after any special natural phenomena - thunderstorms, storms, heavy snowfall, etc. The stick should not be torn off from a living tree, but should be looked for on the ground, under your feet. Very often, magicians find a necessary attribute completely by accident, stepping on it with their foot. Try to follow their example. Don’t purposefully look for the strongest, most beautiful, or, conversely, the most elaborate or scary stick. The wand will find you itself.

Once you have found what you will use to make your magic wand, it’s time to give free rein to your imagination. Imagine in your head or draw on paper what you want the future witchcraft attribute to be. It must certainly please the eye, delivering aesthetic pleasure. The wand should be pleasant to hold in your hands. For example, you can wrap the part of the stick that your hand will hold with suede or velvet, which creates a pleasant sensation on the skin when touched. The rest of the stick can be covered with varnish, paint, glitter, etc.

You can also attach various gems to the wand, which are your karmic helpers (each zodiac sign has its own patron stones). For black magicians, it would be advisable to have drawn or carved pentagrams, bones, skulls and other images on the magic wand.

If you want your magic wand to simultaneously serve as your personal talisman, then draw on it your karmic signs and symbols, which, as a rule, are depicted on and accompany good luck in love, financial well-being, health, etc.

In general, what your magic wand will look like is entirely up to you. The main thing is that it should be made only with your own hands, since it is during its manufacture that you charge it with your energy, thanks to which subsequently there will be no energy conflict between you and your attribute.

Start using a ready-made magic wand small, for example, to heal minor illnesses (headaches or stomach pains). Move the wand around the desired area of ​​the body, apply it directly to painful areas, while pronouncing special texts of spells. The tree has a very good memory and will happily absorb all the magical information it receives from practice. Over time, you will be able to do without casting some spells (especially “over trifles”), since the magic wand itself will already know how and in what direction it should act.

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