How to draw a turtle step by step with a pencil. How to draw a question ant and a wise turtle Turtle drawing in pencil

The turtle is an interesting and mysterious creature. And the sea turtle is doubly mysterious. She has an unusual body shape compared to other representatives of this species, making her more fun to draw, but no less difficult. It is more difficult to depict the unusual shell of this type of turtle, and the relief pattern will also not be easy.
In addition, the skin of such a reptile has many wrinkles and folds, which also need to be shown in the drawing. Such turtles are most often drawn with an ordinary pencil, since this makes it much easier to create shadows on the shell and draw wrinkles on the turtle’s body.
That is why today we will draw a sea turtle step by step with a simple pencil. And in this lesson you will learn how to draw yourself, and you can always buy a painting with a beautiful landscape on this site.

So let's get started!

Stage one - draw the outline of the shell.

We will start our drawing with an image of the outline of the shell. To do this, you need to draw a small oval, slightly extending to the lower left corner. Divide it in half with a straight line, it should be even and located exactly in the center. After all, the success of any drawing depends on the initial proportional sketches.

Stage two - draw the paws

Now it's the paws' turn. They are not at all like the paws of an ordinary turtle. In appearance, they are more like fins or flippers, so we will draw the paws in the form of triangles extended forward. They should be positioned so that they “mirror” each other on both sides.

Stage three - draw the turtle's head

Now let’s draw the turtle’s heads in the form of a small oval. And you should remember about the small tail in the form of a miniature triangle right in the center of the line drawn on the shell.

Stage four - decorating the shell

Here you should pay attention to the shell. Inside the oval, which plays its role, we will draw another line, repeating the contour of the original oval. Immediately connect the head to the body using the neck, draw one eye.

Stage five - finishing the fins

Now we will draw the details of our drawing. First of all, let's change the contour of the fins, making them smoother than they looked before.

Stage six - finish the shell.

Now it's time to draw the shell. Our line placed in the center of the shell will help us here. All segments should be drawn as symmetrically as possible. Their size, shape and quantity can be depicted at your discretion.

Stage seven - finishing the details

In order to achieve maximum realism, you need to pay attention to detail. Let's say you can draw small specks on the paws and head, thus creating rough skin.

Stage eight - outline the outline

Now trace the outlines of all the parts again. Erase unnecessary lines and blots with an eraser. Darken the segments on the shell again. At this stage, the drawing can be considered complete. Our turtle turned out just like a real one, and the simple gray color of a simple pencil only adds to the unusualness.

Anyone can draw on craft paper; we use simple available tools and materials. However, colored pencils alone will not be enough. After all, you need to bring the picture to life, and this difficult task can be accomplished perfectly with a white marker or gel pen.

So let's get started!

Necessary materials:

  • colour pencils;
  • eraser and HB pencil;
  • sheet of kraft paper.

Steps for drawing a turtle:

Draw the body of the turtle in the form of a circle. At the top we will add an oval, which will become the head of the animal.

At the top of the head we will draw two large ovals and one small oval in the middle of each figure. These will be the turtle's eyes.

Then we will add highlights and pupils in the eyes, as well as eyelashes on the sides of the eyes. At the bottom of the head we draw a mouth in the form of a small smile.

Let's move on to creating the body. To do this, add the lower and upper legs to the circle. We draw a line for the base of the shell.

Then, on top of the outline of the circle, we will add another arc, which can create the shell of the animal. We draw the texture in the form of geometric shapes, having decided on the contour and base.

Now you can move on to coloring the picture. First, take a light green pencil, which we use in the muzzle, paws and some areas of the shell.

Use a dark green pencil to add volume to the already painted areas of the drawing.

Using a yellow pencil we add a tint to the lower part of the shell-tummy. Then in orange we get the volume in these areas of the picture.

To color the upper part of the turtle's shell, you should use three pencils of different colors at once: beige, turquoise and dark brown.

You can't color a picture without a black pencil. After all, it will help create a contour and add color to some parts. For example, the depressions in the shell or the pupils and upper eyelids.

A white pencil will help to “revive” the drawing of a turtle on craft paper a little. Apply strokes to the eyes. If you are drawing on plain paper, you can skip this step.

Today we will tell you how to draw a turtle with a pencil step by step. The article is suitable for those parents who want to teach their child to draw.

The turtle has a dense shell with a certain pattern on its upper part. The torso is located inside it, which can go out. The shell is colored in brownish-green tones, but the wrinkled skin of the turtle itself is green.

  • colour pencils;
  • medium hard sketch pencil;
  • eraser
  • landscape sheet of paper.

Steps for drawing a turtle:

1. Draw the body of the turtle in the form of an oval, but the head in the form of a circle. You can also determine the location of the eyes and draw it in the form of a small circle.

2. Connect the oval with the circle to get a neck. On the right side of the circle, draw the outline of the front part of the turtle’s muzzle.

3. At this stage, you should draw the outline of the paws and shell, which we will draw in the form of several circles.

4. Draw the outline of the turtle’s shell. Draw vertical stripes to create a pattern on the top of the shell. On the left side we will add a small tail.

5. Draw the lower parts of the front legs together with the hind legs. You should also draw the folds on the turtle’s neck and begin to draw the upper part of the outline of the shell in segments.

6. We finish drawing the turtle’s shell in segments so that it turns out voluminous and convex. You should also work out the entire drawing: create the outline of the head and torso, work on the paws and muzzle, draw the eyes, mouth, wrinkles and folds on the animal’s skin. Use an eraser to remove excess lines.

7. Use a light green pencil to color the entire drawing. Then we take a dark green pencil, which should give volume and a more saturated color to the skin of the reptile. This is a head with a neck, a tail and paws.

8. Apply strokes to the shell with pencils in brown tones: from light to dark shades. We work on each segment to achieve convexity.

9. Use a black pencil to create shadow areas in the turtle drawing and an outline.

10. The step-by-step drawing of a turtle with colored pencils is ready.

We hope that this article on how to draw a turtle step by step with a pencil will be interesting to both children and adults.

All first-graders are familiar with an inquisitive ant named Question. He goes to school with the guys and studies the world around him. And the Wise Turtle helps them in this, who showed him the way to school. As you may have guessed, we will draw exactly these characters.

Ant question

Let's first look at how to draw a Question Ant step by step.

Stage 1
Sketch the outline. It can be represented in the form of simple figures. The head looks like a sunflower seed, outline the body in the form of an elongated oval, and then something like a droplet.

Stage 2
Detail the head. Draw the cap and mustache. Then erase the unnecessary line. Draw an eye - 2 circles and a dot, then draw a mouth. It's pretty simple.

Stage 3
The next step will be drawing all the limbs. Carefully outline the upper legs, look how graceful they are. Then draw the same thin lower legs. They act as Questioner's legs, so put him in boots.

Stage 4
You remember that our character is a first grader, right? Show the backpack on the student's back. Add details to the backpack - buttons and a pocket.

This is such a wonderful Question that turned out to be, you can also color it at your discretion.

Drawing example for children

Surely many mothers are wondering how a child can draw an ant Question? And we will show you.

Draw the head in the form of a seed. Add a nose in the form of a dot and a mouth in the form of an arcuate line. Draw the eye, cap and antennae.

Then take care of the Ant's body, it consists of two parts: an oval and another seed. Add a couple of touches for some dimension.

Now draw four thin upper legs and two lower ones. Don't forget that your lower paws are in boots. You can color the ant at your own discretion or in the color scheme in which it is depicted in the textbook. Look what a wonderful ant!

Wise turtle

And now we will show you how to draw a Wise Turtle.

Outline the silhouette of the head: first draw a semicircle, and then draw the mouth and lower jaw, as shown in the example.

Our heroine is no longer young and smart, so she wears glasses. Draw glasses and dots in them - eyes. It is also necessary to add an important detail from our character’s wardrobe – a scarf around his neck.

Start drawing the shell. Smoothly outline a semicircle and then a transition line between the back and the stomach. It doesn't have to be straight out. Don't forget to leave an outlet for the paws.

Now take hold of the paws themselves. First the upper ones, then the outline of the abdomen, and then the lower ones. Erase the extra lines.

Draw a small tail. The turtle carries a whole store of knowledge, which is in her briefcase. Draw its outline in the form of a curved quadrilateral.

Arm yourself with an eraser and erase all unnecessary lines. Add some details. Show the rivets and side pleats on the briefcase. And also draw the handle that the Turtle holds the briefcase. The shell can also be detailed, for example, decorated with patterns such as in the picture below.

All that remains is to paint.

An example of drawing a Wise Turtle for children

Children also want to portray this interesting character. This is not difficult to do, because we will show you how to draw a wise turtle for a child.

Draw a semicircle. This will be the turtle's shell. Decorate with an extraordinary ornament.

The most important step is to outline the paws, a small tail and a scarf. Color the drawing. This is how the Wise Turtle came out.

Now you know how to draw these school favorites. You can show them apart, but it's even better to present them together. We wish you success!

Turtles are unusual animals; they differ from others in their strong shell-house, which has a beautiful, relief pattern. It is not easy to portray this animal. But we have selected for you the most interesting and simple instructions that will help you understand how to draw a turtle with a pencil step by step for children.

Example of a drawing for children

Painting with a sea turtle

We have already learned how to draw turtles with pencils and markers step by step, now it’s time to move on to working with paints.

In our work we will use:

  • gouache;
  • brushes of different sizes;
  • paper;
  • water;
  • palette;
  • scotch.

Let's move on to the creative process:

  1. To prevent the paper from sliding on the working surface while drawing, secure it with tape. We dilute the blue color heavily with water. Using this color and a thin brush we will make markings. By the way, it can be done with a simple pencil.
  2. Approximately in the center of the sheet we outline the approximate position of the shell. Initially, its silhouette looks like an eye or a grain.
  3. On the right side we draw the neck and rounded head. These two parts should be approximately half the length of the shell.
  4. Now let's note the part in which this turtle differs from ordinary ones. This animal has fins. We draw them using curved lines, the ends of the fins should be rounded and tapered. Add the turtle's hind legs. The marking is ready.
  5. Now we will do the underpainting. Use a large brush and mix white and blue gouache. We will cover the water around the turtle. Use gentle strokes to completely paint over the background.
  6. Mix white, green and blue paint. Use the resulting shade to paint the turtle's shell. You need to make a dense layer. Add blue and black to the color used. This shade should be used to cover the remaining parts of the turtle.
  7. Let's move on to working with the middle brush. Let's start decorating the water around the turtle. Mix blue, green and a little white. We begin to mark the shadow areas using simple strokes. They need to be scattered throughout the sheet.
    There is no need to draw any specific figures; everything should be applied randomly so that the emphasis remains on the turtle.
  8. Add more white to the color used. We add new light ones to the strokes made earlier. Be sure to make smooth transitions.
    Add white again and continue to paint strokes on the background. Add white until the blue tint is completely gone from the paint. We are working on the background, we can depict corals.
  9. We will continue to display corals in red. They can be drawn using small strokes throughout the background, as shown in the sample.
    Add white to the paint and draw in the light areas. Thus, you can decorate the seabed with both green and yellow paint.
  10. Let's start drawing the sea turtle. Mix blue with green and draw cells of different shapes on the shell. Add white and yellow to the color. It should be a light shade.
    We begin to mark the shadow areas. We make strokes inside each cell. We add even more yellow and use a bright color to make the final touches in the cells.
  11. Add white to the yellow color and highlight the outlines of the cells on the shell. Create shadows and highlights with a thin brush and dark green color.
    Using the same color, use dot painting to decorate the fins, back of the turtle and head. Decorate the neck with dots and brown paint. Draw the eye.
  12. To make the animal look natural, add a drop of green to the white color. Draw the outlines of the dots on the fins and head.

Ready. We got a real abstract painting with a sea turtle. If you decide to study the underwater inhabitants in detail, we suggest you find out how

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