How to draw a dove: a few simple rules. How to draw a bird with a pencil step by step for children? Master classes for beginners

Now we will draw a dove of peace carrying a twig in its beak. This expression became popular after the First World Peace Congress, where Pablo Picasso painted white dove with an olive branch in its beak, as the emblem of this congress. What we are going to draw was not drawn by Picasso, but by me myself. Dove is present in Christian culture when a dove flew to Noah with an olive branch after global flood, i.e. God has mercy and the water recedes. Those. the dove became a symbol of reconciliation, the peace of God with people. Also in Christianity, the dove is considered a symbol of the Holy Spirit. IN Ancient world doves were also considered a symbol of peace, according to ancient legend they built their nest in the helmet of the war god Mars, and he abandoned the war because he did not want to destroy their nest. In China, pigeons symbolize longevity; in other countries and religions, pigeons are also present, they are considered sacred birds and messengers of the gods, prophets, personify divine inspiration, purity and innocence.

Step 1. First of all, draw a simplified head of a dove with a beak.

Step 2. Draw the pigeon's breast and part of the wing.

Step 3. Draw the wings of the dove of peace.

Step 4. Draw the tail.

Step 5. Draw a twig in the beak of the white dove.

Today we will tell you how to draw a bird with a pencil step by step. Having acquired such skills, you can easily and quickly depict any feathered bird on canvas and teach it to your child.

Draw a bird quickly and easily

This master class will tell you how to draw a flying bird with a pencil step by step for beginners. The technique, of course, is far from perfect, but it allows you to understand the basics of creating a drawing. So, stock up on two pencils - soft and hard, let's start.

Necessary materials:

  • eraser;
  • pencils;
  • paper.

Process description:

Let's bring the cartoon to life

Every child simply loves to watch colorful and exciting cartoons about animals. So why not help your child draw his favorite cartoon character on paper? For example, a wonderful feathered friend from Disney films. The process will become much easier if you study in advance the basic aspects of how to draw a bird with a pencil step by step for children, using this example.

Necessary materials:

  • album sheet;
  • pencil;
  • eraser.

Process description:

Visiting a fairy tale

The prototype of the famous character of many Russian fairy tales, the firebird, can also be found in real world- this is a peacock. Therefore, if you set yourself the goal of figuring out how to draw a firebird with a pencil step by step, take this representative of the world of birds as a basis. To depict this fantastic miracle of nature as realistically as possible, you don’t need to arm yourself to the teeth, as they did in fairy tales, but simply prepare pencils and paper in advance.

Necessary materials:

  • eraser;
  • pencil;
  • paper.

Process description:

Read also:

And in conclusion, it is worth noting that the creation of any initial sketch almost always begins with drawing simple geometric shapes: circle, semicircle, arcs and triangles. Based on this, you can create whatever your imagination suggests. Just imagine what a bird would look like if it could be broken down into regular symbols, and then draw what you see on paper. Everything is very easy, isn't it?

After going through this lesson on how to draw a bird step by step with a pencil, you will be able in the future, without much difficulty, to draw birds flying in the air.For convenience, everyone new stage drawing is indicated in red.

How to draw a bird step by step with a pencil

All you need to draw a bird is a simple pencil and an eraser. To color the drawing, you will need colored pencils or some other drawing materials, such as felt-tip pens, watercolor paints, markers, etc.

Start drawing a bird flying in the air by drawing the lines of the head. If you are drawing an eagle, then you need to draw a small bend at the tip of the beak.

Next, draw the outline of the eye and separate the bird's beak. There is no need to detail the drawing, because the bird flies high in the sky, and we are unlikely to fully see its eye. Look at the picture below of this drawing stage.

At the next stage, move on to drawing the wings. First draw the wing “looking” down. Make it voluminous.

Draw the second wing “looking” up in the same way.

The next stage is drawing the bird's tail. A flying bird's tail is fully extended, pay attention to this when drawing the tail.

In the lesson how to draw a bird step by step with a pencil All that remains is to draw the lines separating the feathers at the ends of the wings.

Look at the picture below - drawing these lines is not at all difficult. Draw one line first...

For now we are with you, but today we will draw a flying eagle.

We know roughly what a sitting bird looks like. It's time to figure out what the bird looks like in flight. Flight is a way of moving through the air, usually with the help of wings. Of the vertebrates, almost all birds can fly, as well as the bats, some squirrels and some lizards, however, the latter in the strict sense do not fly, but glide. Well, let's also mention flying fish.

Further. In birds, the forelimbs are used for flight, those that correspond to our hands or the front paws of animals. In flying birds they are much more developed than the hind ones and, like the body, are covered with feathers. Feathers serve to increase dense surface area, they are strong, resilient and very light (hollow). Everyone knows what a feather looks like, but let’s repeat it anyway:

The spine of the feather runs in the center, and on its two sides there are barbs. Not all feathers are the same, large and powerful feathers are located on the wings and tail, the body, neck and head are covered with softer and shorter ones. In general, if necessary, we will develop this topic in another article, but now we can’t wait to move on to the eagle: if difficulties arise during the work, we will clarify it on the spot. The eagle is flying. How does a flying bird differ from a sitting bird? Of course, the pose. Basically, all birds fly differently. The legs are not needed in flight and even get in the way, they are tucked in, forward or backward - depending on what kind of bird it is, for an eagle - back - towards the tail.

But the wings are spread. The eagle makes several powerful strokes and then soars at a great height. Look at the position of his body – it’s almost horizontal! We observe our eagle from below and a little from the side - this is the only way we can convey MOVEMENT, our eagle is real, and not a static mannequin!

Let's carry out midline torso: not completely horizontal, but slightly at an angle. The tail is slightly lower than the head, and the head and beak are directed FORWARD (not up). The wings are huge! And not only in scope, but also in width!

These same wings make SYNCHRONOUS FLAPS. What does it mean? And the fact that birds flap both wings, and not first one and then the other. On the other hand, taking into account the law of perspective, we will depict the wing closest to the viewer (to us) a little larger than the one farther away. If you depict an eagle as completely equal-winged, it will turn out to be turned towards us for clarity (as in ancient stylizations), but this, of course, cannot happen in nature. The body of this predator is powerful, streamlined, not angular. Happened? Let's depict feathers: during flight, the flight feathers of the wings and tail feathers are spread apart like a fan. This is where I made a mistake - I overdid it and drew the tail almost like a wide broom. It's a mess. How will we do it? The marker line cannot be erased. So I...cut out the eagle and at the same time change the shape of the tail. That's it. We must not only admit mistakes, but also look for ingenious ways to correct them.

The eagle is a graceful and very dangerous bird. It is larger in size than the usual dove or crow. Some species grow to such a size that they can easily lift and fly away with a small child.

So, take your drawing supplies and get started :)

How to draw an eagle for beginners

The first example will be quite simple and detailed. We will move from simple to complex and if you already have great experience in drawing, you can simply skip a couple of examples.

Let's start with a sketch, depicting the body in the form of an oval and the head from incomprehensible geometric shapes.

Let's add a tree branch.

Let's draw the outlines of feathers and claws.

We have a sketch ready, now let's move on to detailing it, starting with the head and working our way down.

We are working on the wings and the body as a whole.

Detailing the claws.

The final touch will be the tail.

If you wish, you can color our bird or leave everything as is.

A minute of anatomy

We will not delve too deeply into bird anatomy, we just want to say that the beak of an eagle is different from the beak of other birds.

Since our bird is a predator that feeds on mice, rabbits, fish and other living creatures, the tip of its beak is strongly directed downward. This was done by nature to make it more convenient to eat and attack its victims.

For comparison, you can take a look at the picture below, which shows the structure of the head and the type of food consumed.

How to draw a flying eagle step by step

This example will turn out, perhaps, even simpler than the previous one. Here our eagle will not just sit on a branch, he will fly!

Stage 1
We depict the head.

Stage 2
Draw part of the wing and body.

Stage 3
We are finalizing it.

Stage 4
We cover it with feathers, and also don’t forget about feathers and claws.

How to draw an eagle with a pencil

Now we come to the most interesting example in this article. Take a pencil, an eraser and draw a realistic bird.

The first step towards realism will be the image of a completely unrealistic sketch. Do not press the pencil too hard, as these are just auxiliary contours that will be detailed later.

Draw the beak and eye. For a more dangerous look, draw the line above the eye at a slightly angled angle, just as we do with the eyebrows when we draw an angry person.

Cover with feathers as shown in the picture.

We are working on the legs.

Now we draw the wings.

Tail and branch.

Now we come to the last and most difficult step - applying light and shade with a pencil. Take a look at the drawing below and try to shade your eagle in the same way.

How to draw an eagle head

The head of our bird is very often used in the emblems of various companies and sports teams or it will look like a full-fledged drawing. It all depends on the style in which it is drawn.

Simple option

To create a simple version that would be perfect for a logo of something, we only need four steps.

Let's draw an eye.

And now the beak.

Sharp contours.

A couple of curved lines to somehow depict the plumage, and the drawing is ready!

Realistic option

We looked at a similar drawing in previous examples, but it won’t be superfluous. And so we take a pencil and...

Draw an outline.

A small circle for the eye and feathering on the neck.

Let's detail the eye. This is enough complex example, so don’t worry if you don’t get the highlight in your eye or anything else.

Please note that it is enough to simply shade the head itself with smooth, curving lines, but the feathers on the body should create sharp patterns.

We finalize the body and everything is ready.

For children

Well, let’s finish this article with an example for children. Although many adults draw worse than children. The main thing is to practice more and improve your skills.

By the way, this drawing will appeal not only to children, but also to adults, because the eagle here is very cute :)

So, first of all, let's draw two ovals connected by a stick.

Let's draw the contours of the head with a crest.

We depict the beak and eyes.

We work on the body and legs.

Now let's color it.

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