How to draw mushrooms with a pencil step by step. How to draw a mushroom, mushrooms with a pencil step by step? How to draw edible mushrooms with a pencil

How to draw a mushroom - draw boletus.

Well, well, it seems like I just drew a willow and a coltsfoot, I didn’t have time to look back, and summer is already in full swing - kind people are already selling mushrooms at the market, and how big they are! When did they have time to grow up?

I don’t have time to go mushroom hunting myself, so I bought “gifts of the forest” and now I will draw and write a lesson on step-by-step drawing of mushrooms.

I went home and wondered - what kind of mushrooms? Boletus or boletus? They have the same shape, the difference is the color of the cap: orange or brown. Who has what?

I looked on the Internet - yeah! With brown caps - BIRCHES. That's how I'll remember it.

We draw boletus mushrooms step by step from life

I choose a couple of prettier mushrooms, first I will draw them with a pencil.

We repeat the theme “Mushrooms” more than once throughout the year - we painted the mushrooms, fed the squirrel, and compared the umbrella with the mushroom. It seemed to me that I had a clear idea of ​​what mushrooms look like - the cap and the stem. Yeah, but now I finally see real, and not schematic mushrooms. Wow, how massive the legs of boletuses are. And it’s also so interesting that they are flared at the bottom. And I thought that mushrooms have legs like an even column, but it turns out that not all of them do.

I designate the middle line - I won’t call it the “axis of symmetry”, because the similarity of the halves of my mushrooms is very approximate. I draw a line for the cap - here it is necessary to correctly determine the angle of inclination: the cap of a large mushroom is put on straight, and the cap of a small one is on one side. The shape of the caps is dome-shaped, but also not ideal. On the underside of the cap there is a spongy “hymenophore” - this is what the whole mushroom grew for - the place where mushroom spores ripen. In the boletus, the hymenophore looks like... foam rubber, porous and slightly lumpy.

The contours of the mushrooms are drawn. Let's add volume with shading.

By the way, the cap of the small mushroom is almost black, and we’ll draw the larger one lighter. The legs are also different. I used to think that the legs of mushrooms are white, but look at them – they are gray with many black specks. Well, my theoretical ideas were very different from what mushrooms actually look like. Okay, it’s important not to dwell on your misconceptions, but to admit and follow the truth.

Well, the mushroom drawing is ready.

Drawing mushrooms - lesson 2

Now I’ll do what I’ve wanted for a long time, but I didn’t dare and put it off. I will paint with watercolors.

The fact is that I didn’t like working with paints since childhood. In art school I really hated painting. She shirked and pretended to be sick so as not to go to the art room on painting day. The teachers took an impressionistic approach, and this was not at all close to me. I liked thoughtfully looking for correspondences of halftones and contrasts in a black and white pencil drawing, and it was even exciting. But my soul did not accept brushwork, color transitions, and reflexes. I learned painting through force and clenching my teeth.

After finishing school, I happily threw the box of watercolors onto the mezzanine and forgot about it. Subsequently, as a graphic designer, I worked a lot with gouache, but this is a completely different technique. But now, when I started writing educational lessons, it somehow happened that I became interested in drawing in color. The always-favorite black and white drawings are somehow not enough anymore. The soul asks for more. Only now I have grown to color!

At first I colored the drawings with felt-tip pens, then I bought watercolor pencils. But recently, surprising myself, I found a box of watercolors on the mezzanine. God, how long has she been lying there... Do you know how difficult it is to overcome a dislike for a subject at school?

But, never mind, be brave.

The watercolor technique consists of either applying several transparent layers - glazing, or working on a raw sheet. But I’ll do it simpler: for the first time I’ll just try to choose the color as accurately as possible and paint it in one or two layers.

I choose two other mushrooms - for variety. How to draw - we have already discussed. Now it's time for the paints.

When coloring, the hats were easy to draw, but the most difficult part was the legs.

There are not only black specks on them - there are even what look like small shavings.

    Drawing a mushroom step by step is very easy. It consists of a cap and a stem. However, each mushroom has its own peculiarity; some mushrooms have a thick and short stem or a long and thin stem. The caps of all mushrooms are also different.

    For example, a fly agaric - its cap looks like a triangle:

    And these are honey mushrooms on a stump; they always grow in a bunch and have crooked legs.

    A plate with mushrooms, on which you can draw any mushroom, taking into account all the features.

    There are different mushrooms, and since you did not specify which mushroom you want to draw, I will suggest drawing Chanterelles like these.

    First we need to draw the shape of our future mushrooms.

    Now you need to draw the edges of the caps - they are wavy.

    Draw the legs and outline the drawing.

    Extra lines should be removed.

    Let's add some shading and draw some grass.

    I really love picking mushrooms, especially milk mushrooms in the birch forest. Here in the photo are boletus and boletus, very nice mushrooms.

    You can copy the drawings of mushrooms and color them like this.

    And this is how you can draw a mushroom step by step with a pencil.

    A very good topic for children, or for parents who want to teach their children how to draw mushrooms. You will see everything in the picture that I will post, everything is shown there step by step, and you can easily learn for your child how to draw mushrooms.

    Pretty simple draw a mushroom, and the diagrams provided below will further simplify the drawing process.

    • Here are a few diagrams that will show in detail how to draw a fly agaric:

    • These same schemes are already edible mushrooms:

    As it turned out, everything is extremely simple, but it turns out very beautiful.

    In order to draw mushrooms (my favorite product), you must first choose a variety of mushrooms, then take white blank paper, pencils and start with the outline, and then paint the mushroom, depending on what variety you chose. If you want, you can draw trees in the background.

    Here are the videos where you can clearly see how to draw step by step.

    A simple mushroom is very easy to draw. Even a child can handle this. For example, just draw these mushrooms:

    The first stage is to draw a leg, look at the photographs, legs can be of different shapes.

    The second stage is to draw the hat. For the fly agaric it will be dotted, for other mushrooms it will be a single color.

    You can use the following diagram for drawing a porcini mushroom:

    Almost all mushrooms are drawn the same way: a column and a cap. Poisonous mushrooms still have a skirt, but not always. It is much more difficult to decorate a mushroom so that it looks like its original. You can draw according to this scheme. Try drawing with different thicknesses of the legs and decorating them with different colors.

    Here are different mushrooms, but they are almost all equally easy to draw.

    Mushrooms drawing them is not at all difficult; if you collect them often, you have an idea of ​​what they might look like. what mushrooms are, what colors and shapes they can be. This is a family of mushrooms

    Another option for drawing

    And we draw the brightest and most poisonous mushroom, fly agaric

    I can show you how to draw a fly agaric step by step with a pencil. To do this, you just need a sheet of paper, a pencil and an eraser. So, let's get started: By the way, if you want, you can color the mushroom, then it will turn out more interesting and bright

Picking mushrooms is a fascinating activity. Chanterelles, boletus, boletus, milk mushrooms. There are all sorts of mushrooms, but the king of all mushrooms is considered to be the White mushroom, with a thick white stem and a wide brown cap. If you like not only picking mushrooms, but also drawing, then let's try it together draw mushrooms, more precisely, we will draw a white mushroom. We will draw the mushroom drawing step by step with a simple pencil, but in the last step you can color the mushroom drawing with paints or colored pencils. And if you draw leaves and grass nearby, the picture of the mushroom will be very beautiful and attractive.

1. Let's mark the mushroom stem

First, draw just two circles for the mushroom stem. The circles will help you further accurately maintain the correct proportions in the picture of the porcini mushroom.

2. Add a cap to the leg

Draw two “ears” next to the leg, like Cheburashka’s. They will help you draw a mushroom cap. Add a “flattened” oval at the base of the leg. Mushrooms are not perfectly straight, their legs are curved, their caps are wrinkled, so in order to draw a realistic mushroom, you need to take these “little things” into account.

3. How to draw the general outline of a mushroom

You see how easy it is to draw the shape of a mushroom when you have geometric guidelines. All you have to do is draw a pencil, almost an arbitrary line, around these “circles” and you will get a real porcini mushroom.

4. Drawing of a porcini mushroom in detail

Before draw a mushroom in more detail, remove unnecessary contours from the drawing. Completely shape the hat and draw the edge of the hat with two lines. All the beauty of the porcini mushroom is in its contrasting cap. It is white inside and brown on top. The gap at the edge of the cap will only emphasize this effect.

5. How to draw a mushroom. Final stage

You see how easy it is to draw mushrooms if you draw them step by step. Just a few simple steps and you are ready to paint over the drawing with paints or pencils. The mushroom drawing looks very impressive using the technique of applying shadows with a pencil. If you also think so, you can simply shade the mushroom with a soft simple pencil, as in my drawing.

6. Drawing of a mushroom. Surrounding landscape

Small growing mushrooms, yellowed leaves, grass, twigs drawn around. They will make the drawing more attractive and realistic. If you were able to draw a mushroom beautifully and correctly, try to continue the drawing and draw the surrounding landscape. You can even draw a hedgehog next to the mushrooms. These animals love to collect mushrooms, storing them for the winter.

Video on how to draw mushrooms.

Many mushrooms grow in birch forests; you can draw a birch tree like this next to the mushrooms.

Not only people collect mushrooms, but some animals too. The squirrel prepares a whole warehouse of dried mushrooms for the winter.

Next to the mushrooms you can draw fallen tree leaves, a hedgehog or a squirrel. The mushroom drawing will become more picturesque and realistic.

Mushrooms grow in shady places, but not under any tree. Even the name of the mushroom often indicates this: boletus, boletus. A lot of mushrooms grow in spruce forests.

When preparing food supplies for the winter, the hedgehog pricks mushrooms and apples on its needles and transports them in this way. Good story if you're up for it draw mushrooms.

To make your mushroom drawing more attractive, draw a butterfly perched on the mushroom cap. True, butterflies usually prefer flowers instead of mushrooms, but for the sake of a beautiful drawing, a slight inaccuracy can be allowed.

This Christmas tree drawing is intended for a New Year's picture or postcard. But it can be used to draw mushrooms, since many mushrooms, especially porcini mushrooms, “love” to grow in a pine forest, sometimes forming entire mushroom glades.

The article describes in detail the process of drawing mushrooms with a pencil. It will interest those people who are interested in drawing or who still dream of learning how to draw. This master class will also be useful for parents who want to get their children interested in drawing and teach them how to draw.

Many inexperienced artists think about how to draw mushrooms. To correctly draw mushrooms with a pencil and then color them, you can look at beautiful and clear photographs that can be found in encyclopedias and educational magazines. Or you can draw mushrooms in the forest from life, if possible. In nature, it is most convenient to make sketches with a simple pencil or pen, and you can color them at home.

Before you draw a mushroom you need to prepare:

1. Liner;
2. Pencil;
3. Pencils of various shades;
4. Eraser;
5. Landscape sheet.

It’s better to draw mushrooms step by step:

1. Draw the stems of three mushrooms and a line to represent the ground.

2. Sketch the mushroom caps. For now, the mushrooms look like hammers, but this is just a sketch; later the drawing will become more realistic.

3. Draw the cap of the extreme fungus.

4. Draw the bottom of the large mushroom cap.

5. Draw the top of the mushroom cap.

6. Draw the cap of the last fungus.

7. Draw blades of grass and a leaf lying on the cap of one of the mushrooms.

8. Outline the image with a liner.

9. Use an eraser to remove the pencil sketch.

10. Color the cap and fungus of the small mushroom. When coloring and drawing mushrooms, take into account the features of their structure. For example, in this case, russula are depicted, the caps of which come in different shades. The caps of porcini mushrooms can be colored brown, rather than yellow or red. And fly agarics, for example, have a characteristic “skirt” on their legs.

11. Color the cap of a large mushroom using yellow, brown and red tones of pencils.

12. Shade the bottom of the mushroom cap and its stem with pencils in gray and brown shades.

13. Color the third mushroom with the same colors as the big one.

14. Color the grass and the leaf with a green pencil.

The drawing of forest mushrooms is ready. It will also not be difficult for children to draw mushrooms, especially if their parents help them. Kids will certainly enjoy coloring mushrooms not only with pencils, but also with felt-tip pens or paints.

We invite you and your children to to our School of Painting “Art People Project”!

Hello! We present to you a new drawing lesson in which we will tell you how to draw mushrooms. This lesson is very simple, and therefore the discussion here will rather focus on how to draw mushrooms for children. We specifically make such a reservation in some lessons, which consist of a small number of stages and are drawn much simpler than the bulk of drawing lessons with.

By the way, we also have a more advanced one - it is very realistic, with texture rendering and complex shadows. Well, today we are drawing a very simple one for children and completely novice artists, let's get started!

Step 1

First, let's outline the caps of each mushroom. The top one is the largest, similar to a roof, under which the other two caps are located. We monitor the shape of the caps and try to copy them from our sample.

Step 2

Let's deal with the largest cap first. We will draw the inner part with it, marking a curving line inside the already finished outline. Then we will draw a leg for the central mushroom and two small ones. In the last two cases, the legs are more rounded.

Step 3

We outline all the previously drawn external contours and draw the rim of the central mushroom’s hat.

Step 4

The final stage is to draw spots on the caps (ordinary ovals), and also draw smooth lines on the inside of the cap.

This was a drawing lesson on how to draw mushrooms with a pencil for. Best wishes!

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