How to draw jasmine with a pencil step by step. How to draw a blooming jasmine branch. Guo Hua painting

Disney has always made spectacular films, especially when the company's career was just beginning. Just remember the cartoon about Aladdin, which I basically like only because an ordinary thief from the street flies on carpets and has a personal genie. Of course, all this may be a consequence of street life and feeding on genetically modified objects, but I don’t think the directors would make a documentary cartoon about the harsh life at the Sultan’s palace. The guys dug deeper and decided to show us all the delights of the Sultan's life. In the meantime, I will show you how to draw Jasmine with a pencil. Jasmine is Aladdin's constant passion, the daughter of the Sultan and, of course, a girl with character, like anyone in Disney cartoons. In general, jasmine is a flower, but the practice of naming women flowers is not so rare. A rose, for example, or a dandelion grandmother. It is very noticeable that the girl in the story is about 16 years old. I don’t know how it is in Tatarstan, but here such a story can be censored more than completely. Such a fate has already overtaken Well, wait a minute. If you know what I mean?

She studies at a school for princesses, and nothing good can be expected from this. Proud and stubborn, with a habit of finding adventures for the second ninety, from which her knight on the white carpet must rescue her. The father is very much against giving his daughter to some mongrel with a monkey, but due to the weakness of his character, he cannot do anything. Apparently, his daughter was definitely not his type of character.

What can we say about this lady:

  • She is an official member of the Disney Princesses group. They're like Charlie's Angels, only they're not angels and they're not Charlie;
  • Although she is the princess of a great kingdom, her political and public role it holds in the same place as the danger of flying on a magic carpet without seat belts;
  • Once she was a teacher at school, but, assessing the level of development of the children, she resorted to using Raja’s tame tiger to educate them;

Now let’s do what we all came here for, namely find out

How to draw Jasmine with a pencil step by step

Step one. Carefully draw a template of the girl's body. Step two. Divide the face with lines to highlight facial elements symmetrically. Step three. Draw and shade the hair and other elements. Step four. Remove the auxiliary lines and outline the contours of the girl’s body more clearly. You can draw other princesses.

Disney has always made spectacular films, especially when the company's career was just beginning. Just remember the cartoon about Aladdin, which I basically like only because an ordinary thief from the street flies on carpets and has a personal genie. Of course, all this could be a consequence of street life and eating genetically modified objects, but I don’t think the directors would make a documentary about the harsh life at the Sultan’s palace. The guys dug deeper and decided to show us all the delights of the Sultan's life. In the meantime, I will show you how to draw Jasmine with a pencil. Jasmine is Aladdin's constant passion, the daughter of the Sultan and, of course, a girl with character, like anyone in Disney cartoons. In general, jasmine is a flower, but the practice of naming women flowers is not so rare. , for example, or grandma dandelion. It is very noticeable that the girl in the story is about 16 years old. I don’t know how it is in Tatarstan, but here such a story can be censored more than completely. Such a fate has already overtaken us. If you know what I mean?

She studies at a school for princesses, and nothing good can be expected from this. Proud and stubborn, with a habit of finding adventures for the second ninety, from which her knight on the white carpet must rescue her. The father is very much against giving his daughter to some mongrel with a monkey, but due to the weakness of his character, he cannot do anything. Apparently, his daughter was definitely not his type of character.

What can we say about this lady:

  • She is an official member of the Disney Princesses group. They're like Charlie's Angels, only they're not angels and they're not Charlie;
  • Although she is the princess of a great kingdom, she keeps her political and social role in the same place as the danger of flying on a magic carpet without seat belts;
  • Once she was a teacher at school, but, assessing the level of development of the children, she resorted to using Raja’s tame tiger to educate them;

Now let’s do what we all came here for, namely find out

How to draw Jasmine with a pencil step by step

Step one. Carefully draw a template of the girl's body. Step two. Divide the face with lines to highlight facial elements symmetrically. Step three. Draw and shade the hair and other elements. Step four. Remove the auxiliary lines and outline the contours of the girl’s body more clearly. You can draw other princesses.

Hello everyone, everyone, everyone who visited the site. I am glad to present you another (already the third) lesson from my “Disney Princesses” series! Today we will learn to draw Princess Jasmine - the princess of Agrabah. If for some reason (I hope there is no reason at all) you have not yet understood which princess we are talking about, then follow my thoughts - an eastern city, a sultan, a vile vizier, tales of a thousand and one nights, a hero-thief, a genie, a monkey, a parrot and... an airplane carpet! Well, everyone has already guessed that we're talking about, of course, about the cartoon “Aladdin”. And Princess Jasmine is Aladdin's lover. They are of different classes. I’ll tell you about Aladdin later, but now I’ll tell you about Jasmine. She is the princess of Agrabah, daughter of the Sultan of Agrabah. An independent and proud girl, endowed with indescribable (don't worry, we'll still try) beauty. The Sultan's father is trying to marry the princess to the prince in order to strengthen his ties. But the problem is that Jasmine only wants to marry the one she loves, not the one her father chose. She later falls in love with the street thief and ragamuffin Aladdin. She goes through many trials with him, but they eventually get married and live happily ever after. This cartoon was one of my favorites as a child. You will definitely need to watch a few episodes in order to plunge into childhood... That's it, now let's start the lesson.

Step 1. Let's start by drawing a circle for the face, in which we outline the guide lines, then the line for the luxurious hair, then the lines for the arms and finally Jasmine's body.

Step 2. Now let's start sketching out the shape of the hair, neck and necklace. Then we’ll draw the hands, divide the clothes into two parts, as shown in the picture, and proceed to the next step.

Step 3. Let's draw a headband with a diamond in the center. After this, you can start drawing sketches of the shapes of the eyes, nose, mouth and large earring. Now let's add folds to the right side of her pants, and also put shoes on Jasmine's feet.

Not every flower can be drawn quickly and easily with a pencil and paints. Many of them have their own tricks. But nevertheless, any of them must first be carefully considered. If there is such an opportunity, then you need to count the number of petals and see what the stamens look like in the middle.

Considering jasmine

How to draw jasmine without studying it carefully? Impossible. So first take a real jasmine flower with leaves and count the number of petals. There are only four of them. This greatly simplifies our task. How to draw jasmine? Place the flower on the paper and twist it. See how impressive it looks, and only then proceed to the preparatory stage:

  • Mark the center on a piece of paper. It is in it that a flower with a pair of leaves will be located. Then you should draw a circle with a compass and draw a vertical line in it.
  • The second step will be drawing the petals. Try to make them only vaguely diamond-shaped, this will make it more realistic.
  • First we draw the first two. They come out almost from the center. They are marked in blue in the picture. Their edges are slightly wavy. It's more natural this way.

Let's continue drawing

Now we have two nice petals. How to draw jasmine next? The red lines of two more petals, as seen in the picture, come out from the bottom. They are also slightly irregular in shape.

The flower itself has already turned out. How to draw jasmine with a pencil so that it looks like a real one? What else is he missing? Well, of course, leaves. Red shows how to place two long sheets diagonally. Our flower is almost ready. Only the most pleasant part remains.

Finishing the drawing

You need to take an eraser and use it to erase the circle and the straight line that intersects it. And in the center, draw the stamens with a pencil. Veins need to be applied to the leaves and petals. They will greatly enliven the drawing.

Now we have almost completely figured out how to draw a jasmine flower step by step.

All that remains is just a little - apply white gouache to the petals, since we chose a dark background, and cover the leaves with green paint, not forgetting that the veins have a lighter color. This must be done carefully. Gouache lays down tightly, and mistakes will be difficult to correct. Therefore, take your time with coloring, allowing each petal and leaf to dry thoroughly. Outline the petals with a thin brush with light brown paint, and where they lie on the leaves - with dark green.

Yellow stamens can be drawn by drawing an inclined line and putting a dot at the end of it.

So, the drawing is ready. It will be a pleasure to show it to friends and parents.

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