How to draw winter trees step by step. Unconventional techniques for drawing a winter tree. Music to which masterpieces are created

A sheet of paper lies vertically in front of you. The sketch is not complicated. Several wavy lines represent hills. All you have to do is draw the roof and the right wall of the wooden house. It will be partially hidden by the tree that will be added later, since it is much easier to paint a tree against the sky than to paint the sky around the tree. And the coating properties of acrylic paints will help us with this.

For the sky, mix white paint and ultramarine and apply the resulting color to the drawing using horizontal movements using a No. 8 bristle brush. The closer you get to the snow-covered hills, the more white paint you will need to use. Paint the snow on the hills white.

Now mix a transparent coating from ultramarine, cadmium red and white paint:

To give the sky the cool blue hue of a winter's day, apply this clear coat over the already dry layer. For shadows in the snow around the small wooden house, also use this transparent layer. The shadow around the tree is painted with a #8 bristle brush and clear ultramarine paint.

Using the already dry paint, draw a large tree with a pencil.

Mix burnt sienna and black wood paint. For the trunk and thickest branches, use a #8 hair brush.

To draw thin branches, use a hair brush No. 2.

If you add ocher to still wet acrylic paint on paper, light and shadow will appear.

From burnt sienna and ocher, mix a red-brown shade for a wooden house.

Using a #4 bristle brush, apply this paint in vertical strokes to the roof and walls.

To finish the house, you will again need the dark mixture you used to paint the tree. Using a #2 hair brush, draw thin dark lines. Now the house looks as if it was really built from wooden planks.

For dry grass that sometimes shows through the snow cover, you will first need ocher. Then paint the dark stems with burnt sienna color using the very tip of a #2 hairbrush. Place the brush on the snow cover, and then sharply pull it up.

Finally, using a No. 4 bristle brush, paint with white paint the snow lying on the branches of the tree and on the roof of the house. At the same time, hold the brush vertically, so that only the very tips touch the paper, and do not press too hard.

This fragment of the drawing clearly shows where the snow needs to be drawn.

Are you happy with your first winter landscape? I hope so, because now I'm going to show you something new. We'll put the brush aside for a moment and try a completely different painting tool.


Draw from life or from a photograph - this way you can depict more interesting graphic patterns formed by crossed tree branches and achieve a better realistic effect. Place the sheet vertically if you are drawing one, or horizontally if you are planning a composition of several trees.

Draw a horizon line. Mark with faint lines the locations of the trees in the drawing. At the same time, keep in mind that the objects closest to the viewer in the picture will be larger than those further away. Draw the axis of the trunk in the foreground from a lower point on the sheet, and as the trees move away, place their bases higher. These lines should follow the slope of the trunks, their curvature, curvature or slenderness.

Start drawing the outlines of the trees: indicate the thickness of the trunks, gradually tapering upward, the directions of the main branches - they also have thickness and unique bends. Transfer onto paper the outlines of thinner branches that have the most interesting bend and shape. One by one, draw thinner ones on the large thick branches.

There is no need, and it is impossible to depict all the branches of a tree exactly as they grow on a living tree, in the smallest detail. Try to grasp the basic directions and shapes of branches and trunks characteristic of each type of tree. Copy the most interesting shapes from the tree.

Create a beautiful, clear pattern of branches, avoid an incomprehensible jumble of strokes and monotonous, repeating lines, because all tree branches are unique, no two are alike. The thickness of the lines should also be of varying degrees of intensity. Try to draw lines that are drawn almost without lifting off the paper, lively, with unequal pressure on the pencil or charcoal.

Draw the crowns of distant trees in less detail, but those closest to the viewer can even draw a textured pattern of bark. Using light and shadow shading, add volume to the trees. The trunks and branches have a rounded cylindrical shape.

If you are depicting trees in the snow, draw oblong snow caps on top of the branches, hiding the branches themselves in some places. Using an eraser, remove sections of branches and trunks in some places and draw a layer of snow.

Finally, highlight the most expressive trunks and branches in the foreground with bold strokes and lines. Where necessary, use shading to move the trees or parts of them into the shade. Complete the surface of the earth, snowdrifts, dry blades of grass sticking out from under the snow.

Add volume and depth to your painting with transparent black watercolor. Tint the sky, leaving the clouds unpainted, and depict thicker clouds with dark, wide strokes and stripes. Use large gray spots to combine the shaded areas, draw long falling shadows; Use a light tone to add volume to the snow caps, and emphasize the dark trunks with black strokes.

Oksana Stol

Tasks: develop children's cognitive interest, cultivate an aesthetic perception of the winter landscape; enrich your vocabulary; teach children to draw a tree in winter using mixed media: a tree - blotography with a tube, snow - a poke with a hard brush, snowflakes - with cotton swabs, owls - finger painting.

Material: black ink, gouache, tinted sheets, brushes, napkins, tubes, cotton swabs, glue brushes, illustrations of a winter forest and trees.

Preliminary work: looking at illustrations depicting a winter forest; reading fiction and educational literature.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Introductory part:

The teacher's story about trees in the winter season.

In winter all the trees sleep. They stop eating and growing. In autumn, deciduous trees shed their leaves and covered their roots with a warm blanket. Bark is the skin of trees and it helps them survive in severe frosts.

Do you know how to distinguish one tree from another in winter?

You can recognize a tree in winter by its crown, the color of its bark, the location of its branches, its buds and its fruits.

Birch is easier to recognize than other trees in winter. Its crown is soft and openwork. This is the only tree with white bark, which is called birch bark. The branches are so thin that they hang down like threads. We call trees with such hanging branches weeping.

Willows come in a variety of varieties, both shrubs and majestic trees. Willow has thin gray-green branches.

Poplar is easily distinguished from others by its gray-green bark.

The linden tree has a powerful crown and an almost black trunk. In winter, you can clearly see the pattern of the branches; they grow in zigzags and resemble a broken line. On some branches fruits are preserved - nuts equipped with flakes.

Maples have straight branches, side branches grow in pairs, like arrows. On a female maple tree, lionfish are golden on a sunny day.

Aspen has smooth green bark and is completely covered with yellow-orange spots at the bottom. Larch can be recognized by the cones on its branches.

Sometimes it seems that when you recognize a tree, it also recognizes you and rejoices in you as a friend.

Finger game “Trees in winter”

We put on snow hats

Maples, lindens, pines, spruces (show - put on hats)

Here is a mighty old oak tree,

He put on a snow sheepskin coat (show - put on a sheepskin coat)

The wind suddenly blew strongly (wave your arms in front of you, blow like the wind)

And he bent the trees.

All the trees swayed (sway from side to side)

Fur coats, hats are lost (shake hands in front of you)

The teacher suggests drawing a winter tree using the blotography technique with a straw. Shows and explains step by step how to draw a trunk and branches using a tube. First, use a brush to drip ink at the bottom of the sheet and blow from the tube so that its end does not touch either the stain or the paper. We drip and blow mascara until our spots turn into wood. Then we cover the roots and branches of the trees with a thick snow cover using the poking technique with a hard brush so that they do not freeze. We will plant forest inhabitants – owls – on the branches using the finger painting technique.

The winter forest hides its magical secrets, snowy secrets...

2. Independent activity.

Children sit in their places, the teacher reminds them of the sequence of work. If there is any difficulty, the teacher once again explains the technology of work to those who need help.

While the tree dries, we play a game

"Goodbye old forest"

Goodbye, old forest,

Full of fabulous wonders!

(Walk in a circle and wave)

We walked along the paths,

We galloped in the clearing,

You and I became friends

It's time for us to go home now.

(March in place. Jump in place. Hug themselves with their arms. Walk in a circle and wave)

3. Bottom line.

At the end of the lesson, all drawings are reviewed and discussed with each child.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of GCD for drawing in non-traditional technique “Trees in Autumn” Summary of GCD for drawing in non-traditional techniques. Topic: “Trees in autumn” Technique: Imprint with leaves, cotton swabs. Age: senior.

Summary of an integrated lesson on non-traditional drawing in the senior group “Trees in the Forest” Lesson summary of an integrated lesson on non-traditional drawing in the senior group “Trees in the Forest” Goal: - to develop creative abilities.

Summary of a lesson on drawing using the monotype technique “Trees look into the lake” Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution “Kindergarten No. 13 “Rodnichok”, Kusa” Lesson notes on art.

Summary of the drawing lesson “Trees in the Snow” (junior group) Drawing lesson notes. Junior group. Topic: “Trees in the snow.” Objectives: 1. Learn to identify the color white, draw “snowy” ones.

Objectives: Teach children to create an image of a tree in drawing; draw objects consisting of straight vertical and inclined lines; dispose.

Objectives: expand knowledge about proteins, expand children’s vocabulary; cultivate a humane attitude towards the animal world; strengthen your drawing skills.

Objectives: to consolidate the ability to draw a bird cherry branch using the technique of blotography with a tube, to consolidate the technique of printing with leaves, fingers, etc.

The article offers you tips and templates for depicting winter landscapes, drawings and characters.

The winter girl is often present in children's drawings, like a kind sorceress who brings fairy tales into everyday life. Most often, the winter girl is associated with a fairy-tale character named Snegurochka. However, there are no special rules or requirements for drawing it; the main thing is to convey the subtlety of the pore.

Features of the winter girl:

  • Cold colors. They must be present in everything: the girl’s main features, her hair and eye color, her clothes.
  • Warm clothes. Here it is important to depict furs, long fur coats, large hats, mittens, scarves and other clothes that are associated only with winter.
  • Magic. Since the character is a fairy tale, he may well have unusual abilities: making snow, freezing, covering the ground where he steps with ice.

Drawing step by step:

Sketching and shaping the silhouette

Add small details to the drawing

Complete the drawing with paints

How to draw a Christmas tree in winter with pencil and paints?

The symbol of winter and the New Year holidays is the green Christmas tree and it is invariably present in any drawing with a winter landscape. The Christmas tree can be small or large, green or covered with snow. In order for the Christmas tree to be beautiful in the drawing, you need to use tips for drawing it.

Step by step drawing:

Step by step image

Simple image of a Christmas tree

How to draw a birch tree in winter with a pencil and paints?

Russian winter is invariably associated with the beauty of Russian nature, and the main symbol of Russian nature is the birch tree. With the help of step-by-step tips you can draw a beautiful birch tree against the backdrop of a winter landscape.

Step by step drawing of a birch tree

Finished drawing: birch tree in a winter landscape

How to draw a tree in winter with pencil and paints?

In addition to birch, you can draw absolutely any tree. The main thing in the image of trees is a lush, beautiful crown with many branches.

Step by step drawing of a tree Finished drawing: winter tree

How to draw a rowan tree in winter with a pencil and paints?

In winter, rowan attracts the eye with its bright red berries, massively hanging down from thin branches. By drawing a rowan, you will complement any winter landscape, making it contrasting, interesting and unusual. Rowan can grow in a forest or city, near a house or by a stream.

Young rowan: winter landscape

Winter rowan: finished drawing How to draw rowan branches? Bullfinches on a mountain ash: drawing

How to draw a bullfinch on a branch step by step in winter?

On rowan branches you can often find bullfinches feeding on its berries. These bright red-breasted birds are constant symbols of winter. By drawing a bullfinch, you will decorate any drawing with a winter landscape.

Simple step-by-step drawing of a bullfinch Red-breasted bullfinch: step-by-step drawing Step by step drawing of a bullfinch for children

Ideas for drawings with a winter girl: photo

If you don't have artistic skills, you can always depict something on paper by sketching. Choose a suitable template, place a sheet of paper and draw along the outline of the drawing with a simple pencil. Draw the finished sketch manually with a pencil and color it.

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