How to do pull-ups to pump up your pectoral muscles. Is it possible to pump up your chest on the horizontal bar: a review of effective exercises. Pull-ups on the horizontal bar for the pectoral muscles

It is possible to pump up muscle groups on your chest not only in the gym, but even at home. Those who believe that apartments are not designed for training can use the adjacent areas. To understand how to pump up the pectoral muscles on the horizontal bar, you should study the basic rules developed by experts.

How to pump up a group of pectoral muscles on a regular horizontal bar?

The simplest type of simulator is considered to be a horizontal bar, on which ancient Greek soldiers trained. It helps strengthen muscles. Of course, if you stop only at pull-ups, it is unlikely that you can qualitatively develop the muscles on the chest.

Exercises on the horizontal bar are considered an excellent addition to the main training for the chest muscles. The dorsal and pectoral muscle fibers are considered to be opposing. When pulling up, all movements made must be smooth. Steady breathing helps you achieve success from your workouts.

It is important to control the load. It is forbidden to perform many repetitions in one approach. It is best to focus on the quality rather than the quantity of exercises. An increase in the number of repetitions is allowed with ideal technique. After adaptation, the muscles need additional “stress” in the form of increased repetitions.

When performing exercises, you need to correctly change the type of grip: wide, narrow, medium. The load on the muscle group depends on this. A narrow grip only increases the load. At first, 3 full approaches of 15 pull-ups will be enough for training.

Bars or crossbars for the chest

Strong crossbars with parallel bars become an excellent exercise machine for muscles. On the crossbars, you should perform an exit with straight arms, and then lower and rise to the chest line evenly, slowly. Thanks to simple exercises, in addition to the pectoral muscles, you can pump up the triceps.

The parallel bars strengthen the muscle complex, and the load directed to the chest will depend entirely on the position of the body on them. The best option is a perpendicular position that pumps the triceps. If you lean forward while doing push-ups on your elbows, straightened out to the sides, you can transfer the load to your chest.

With the help of such simple exercises and a clear pull-up technique, you can quickly pump up your chest.

How to pump up your upper chest yourself?

The generally accepted method is to press the barbell when the body is positioned at an angle. To pump different chest areas, the grip will have to be changed. Exercises using a barbell are alternated with exercises with dumbbells and an inclined bench. During such a workout, the main load falls on the internal part of the pectoral muscles.

Flying dumbbells on an incline bench effectively pumps up muscles. However, you should not use a lot of weight right away. You can add definition without building muscle by working out with not very heavy dumbbells.

To maintain excellent physical shape and improve health, you need to exercise, but it takes a lot of time. You can also practice on the crossbar and parallel bars, which are found in many yards. If you do not want to depend on the vagaries of the weather, you can use it for personal use and practice at any convenient time.

There are good exercises on the bar for the pectoral muscles, but they have certain subtleties of implementation.

How to properly pump your chest on the bar?

There are few exercises on the chest bar that are sufficient to develop good muscles. The following are considered proven and effective:

  • exit on both hands;
  • push-ups from the horizontal bar;
  • close grip pull-ups;
  • horizon.

Chest bar exercises for men recruit the right fibers as you push rather than pull the bar. Let's take a closer look at the above movements.

The best exercises on the chest bar

Output for two

In this exercise on the horizontal bar, the pectoral muscles work in the second phase of the movement, when you throw your elbows. The chest is activated not only when pushing up from the bar, but also when lowering down, if done under control and slowly.

You will not be able to purposefully pump up your chest with this movement, since pull-ups will take up most of the energy. The situation can be corrected with another exercise that specifically targets the chest.

Push ups

First you need to rise on the bar to the front emphasis, using a two- or one-out, skeletal or other gymnastic movement. Once you are in front position, begin push-ups. During this exercise on the chest bar, you should try to go as low as possible and then rise up. Disadvantages include shifting the load to the lower chest.

Horizon from above

One of the most difficult exercises on the chest bar, allowing you to evenly distribute the load throughout their entire plane. You must try to get into a position in which you rest on the bar from above and your body is horizontal. This is difficult to do, but quite possible.

Close grip pull-ups

The last exercise on the chest bar is close-grip pull-ups. Additionally, the back muscles and biceps work, but if you perform the movement smoothly and without swinging, the chest will work well and begin to grow.

Powerful and developed chest muscles are one of the main indicators of a man’s athletic physique. It not only attracts the attention of the opposite sex, but also helps to work out other muscle groups, since it is anatomically connected to them. This is why many people strive to pump up their chest.

The chest muscles are located above the diaphragm and consist of two parts:

  • Large. A muscle that attaches to the shoulder and extends to the sternum. It is she who is responsible for the volume and relief shape that athletes so strive for. The work of the forearms depends on it - their rotation and flexion.
  • Small. A triangular-shaped muscle located under a large one. She controls and stabilizes her work.

These muscles are quite large, so training them requires significant effort.

Today there are different exercises for the pectoral muscles. Some need to be performed on special simulators, while others can be done at home. If you choose the first option, then before you start, we recommend that you contact a professional trainer for an individual training program. He will create an optimal training schedule based on your physical fitness.

Pumping up the pectoral muscles using a horizontal bar

One of the effective ways to develop chest muscles is the horizontal bar. Exercises on this multifunctional equipment should definitely be included in the training course, especially for beginners. In this article we will learn how a man can pump up his pectoral muscles on the horizontal bar.

A simple and obvious exercise that is performed on the bar is pull-ups. But it only seems simple; it is important to follow a certain technique if you want to achieve results.

  • Smoothness. Do not make sudden jerks with your arms up and down, so as not to pull the muscles;
  • Correct breathing. Before you begin, take a breath. As you exhale, begin to pull yourself up, this will allow you to “push” your body up;
  • Frame. The main rule on how to pump up the pectoral muscles using a horizontal bar is not to sway when doing pull-ups. Yes, this simplifies the exercise, but makes it pointless. It is important for the muscles to work, so they need to be tense;
  • Keep your body straight and in one line;
  • Load control. Don't chase the number of pull-ups. Work on quality, especially if you started training recently. If you do it 20 times in one approach, you can be proud of yourself, but your muscles won’t thank you. Start small and gradually increase the load.

To maximally work your chest muscles, hold on to the horizontal bar with a narrow grip. For greater effect, you can increase the load and perform pull-ups with additional weight. But this is only after you master the primary technique.

During exercises on the horizontal bar, the arms, biceps, triceps and back muscles also work, so there is no external proportional imbalance of the figure. But in this matter, patience and regularity are important. This approach will allow you to get the result you dreamed of.

Contraindications to exercises on the horizontal bar

Like any strength load, exercises on the horizontal bar have limitations. Training is contraindicated if you have a herniated disc, cervical osteochondrosis, or if you have recently undergone surgery.

If you are a beginner, be sure to include horizontal bar exercises in your basic training program. The fact is that this equipment is multifunctional; it is useful for chest training.

If you are a beginner, be sure to include exercises in your basic training program. The fact is that this equipment is multifunctional; it can be used to train different muscle groups, and completely free of charge. Try it and see for yourself that you can easily pump up your pectoral muscles on the horizontal bar!


When they say “Turn-up bar”, the first exercise that comes to mind is this. It is the simplest and at the same time the most effective, since it requires significant effort. But, despite its simplicity, many novice bodybuilders manage to perform it incorrectly, and, as a result, do not see results. Let us share with you a few secrets of the technique.

  • Do everything smoothly, do not allow sudden jerks, and do not fall with all your weight when lowering your body. Ideally, the time spent moving to the top and bottom points should be equal.
  • Breathe through your nose. Exhale for effort (ascent), inhale for relaxation (descend). Always control your breathing and don’t let it get lost.
  • Don't swing. Of course, it is much easier to rise with a sharp jerk, but you decided to pump up on the horizontal bar, which means you need to force them to work.
  • Control the loads. Do not try to perform the maximum number of repetitions; at the initial stage, pay more attention to the quality of training. And only when you master the correct technique, begin to gradually increase the load. First, do more repetitions and sets, then add weight, for example, through additional weighting.

Pumping up muscles

When doing pull-ups, use a narrow grip; it helps to thoroughly work the chest muscles. To increase the load, try tilting your upper body back while lifting, and simultaneously moving your legs forward. Perform 3-5 sets of 10-15 reps.

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