How to reinstall windows xp beast. Setting up your computer to boot from a CD. Preparing to reinstall Windows XP

Constant installation and removal of programs that gradually “litter” the computer, infection by viruses, replacement of the hard drive, motherboard and many other factors sooner or later confront the user with the task of reinstalling the Operating System.

Many people think that this is a rather complicated procedure and take the computer to a workshop or call a technician to their home. However, in reality everything is not so complicated. Almost any user can do this on their own, saving a decent amount of money.

Preparing for Reinstallation.

The first thing you need to do before reinstalling Windows XP is to find and prepare all the device drivers for your computer. Find driver discs or download them from the Internet. You can also use the DriverMax program, which will create a copy of your drivers. When the system is installed, you just need to run the program and specify the path to the saved drivers.

Secondly, you need to save all your data so as not to lose anything important. What files and folders should you pay attention to? These are your documents, photos, videos and music stored on the system drive (usually drive C). If you have logical disk partitions (C and D), you can transfer all the information to disk D. If there is only one hard drive partition or drive D is not enough, write the information to CDs and DVDs or use flash drives.

Reinstalling Windows XP.

Step 1. To begin the installation, you need to make sure that the computer boots not from the hard drive, but from the CD/DVD drive. To do this, you need to enter the BIOS settings. At the moment of switching on, press the Delete or F2 key. The keys may differ on different motherboards, but when you turn it on, a message like “press F2/delete to run SETUP” briefly appears at the bottom of the screen. By pressing the appropriate key you will be taken to the BIOS. This option is also possible: when loading, press F12 and select boot from DVD.

BIOS settings are different on different computers, but in principle everything is the same. Look for labels like Boot (boot) or Boot Device Priority (device boot order) or Boot Sequence (boot sequence)

Set boot priority to 1st Boot Device and 2st Boot Device.

Step 2. Insert the disk with the Operating System into the CD/DVD drive and boot from it. Wait for the files to download and accept the license agreement using the F8 key. In the list of logical partitions (if there are two or more), you need to select where you will install Windows. This is usually drive C.

If you need to partition your hard drive, delete all previously created partitions using the D key. Then use the C key to create a new partition for the Operating System and programs (for example, half the volume of the entire hard drive). Selecting the “unallocated area” again, create a partition for the entire remaining space.

To continue installation, select partition “C”. Select "Format partition using NTFS system."

Wait while the installer copies the files.

Step 3. After copying the files, restart your computer and boot from drive C. The installation process will begin.

During the installation process, you will need to enter a key, specify the region and other parameters. In about 30 minutes you will receive a “virgin” clean Operating System.

Step 4. Now our task “how to reinstall Windows XP” has been solved and the system is installed, but for it to be fully operational, it is necessary to install all device drivers and necessary programs.

Finally, useful advice: After installing drivers, programs and completely setting up the system, make a full image of the hard drive, for example, with the AcronisTrue Image program. In this case, subsequent reinstallation will not require any effort from you other than booting from the image.

Hello, dear reader! Today I would like to look at a “fundamental” area of ​​computer knowledge, namely, to explain how to install Windows XP on a computer from a disk.

In everyday life, it is generally accepted that anyone who knows how to do this already definitely knows at least a little about computers. I cannot judge how true this statement is, but I have no doubt that this material can be useful to many.

Attention! If you need an original installation disk from Windows XP or any other version, then write to me by email [email protected]. Thus, you will receive an image without viruses and 100% bug-free.

Today we will learn how to reinstall the Windows XP operating system, or as they more often say “reinstall Windows”. Let me note right away that using this article, you can not only reinstall the OS, but also install it on a new hard drive or clean partition.

At the end of the article you can watch a video tutorial.

The quality of the installed system largely depends on the distribution you will use. I do not recommend using various assemblies like Zver DVD and similar ones.

The right choice would be a distribution that has had minimal changes. Ideally, it is better to use the official version. Depending on which distribution you choose, you may be missing some of the following items during the installation process. This does not affect the performance of the system in any way; their number is reduced specifically in order to simplify and speed up the installation process.

You can make an installation disk yourself, use pre-installed drivers (integrated), and also configure all settings so that they are not specified when installing Windows. I will definitely tell you how this is done in one of my next articles.

After installing this version of Windows, you will be able to install any! If you don’t believe me, you can read an article about installing other versions of Windows on the blog:

Steps before installing Windows XP

Before I start telling you how to install Windows XP on your computer from a disk, first you need to make sure that you have there is a license key suitable for the existing disk. It can usually be found on the surface of the disk, on the box, on the system unit (if you bought a computer with Windows installed) or in a text file called “serial.txt” or “s/n” in the disk itself.

In the latter case, the disk must be started before reinstalling the OS and the key must be copied onto a piece of paper. Another option is possible - the license key may be located where you downloaded the disk image.

Before you begin the installation, copy all data from the system drive “C:/” to another partition, for example, “D:/”, a portable hard drive, or a flash drive.


Before starting the installation, you need to force the computer, after turning it on, to access not the hard drive, but the optical drive (into which you have already inserted the Windows XP installation disc).

This can be done in two ways: the first is to force the computer to access the optical disc drive once during installation, the second is to make the computer always check for the presence of a disk in the drive.

To implement the first method, you need to go to the “Boot menu” and select “ ” in it. To do this, after turning on the computer, PRESS the “F8” or “F12” button. You must not just press and hold the button, but repeat the presses.

To implement the second method, you need to go to the “BIOS” setting - “BIOS Setup”. To do this, when booting the computer, press the “F2”, “F10” or “Del” key.

In the BIOS you need to find a setting indicating the boot order of devices; it will be called something like this: “Boot device priority”.

This can be presented in the form of several items: the first boot device is “First boot device”, the second is “Second boot device”, the third is “Third boot device”, etc.

In order to find out which button you need to press to load the BIOS, you need to look carefully at the screen - there will be hints at the bottom. The button for the first method will be labeled “Boot menu”, and for the second “Setup”, “BIOS” or “BIOS Setup”.

The first method is more suitable for beginners, as it will not lead to anything bad. Unlike the second one, where the user can make a mistake when setting up the BIOS. In addition, after successful installation of the OS, the settings made in the second method must be returned to their original position, which is not required in the first method.

Launching and installing Windows XP

Once the steps described above have been completed, and after turning on the power, the computer boots from the disk and the installation disk is inserted into the drive, you can continue with the installation.

In principle, I have already talked about the nuances of how to install Windows XP on a computer from a disk. But in order for the article to be complete, so to speak, we will complete the Windows installation.

After you restart or turn on your computer, you will be asked to click " Press any key to boot from CD…", which means "Press any key to boot from disk." Accordingly, when we see the message, press any button. I usually press Spacebar (it's hard to miss).

If everything is done correctly, you will soon see the screen shown in the following figure, which indicates that the installation program has begun its preparation procedures.

If the installation is performed on a hard drive that already contains an installed version of Windows XP, you will be prompted to restore it using the Recovery Console. Since we have firmly decided to reinstall the system, press “Enter”.

The next step is to demonstrate the Windows XP License Agreement. Of course, we agree with him, so we press “F8”.

If your computer already has Windows installed, you will be prompted to restore the system, indicating where it should be installed. We refuse, press “Esc”.

The next step is to select a location to install the new system. Here the installer will show a list of your hard drives and the partitions on them.

If you are reinstalling the OS, then you need to select the partition with the letter “C:” (it is assumed that this is where the old OS is installed) and press “Enter”.

If the installation takes place on a blank hard drive, then instead of a list of partitions it will be written “(some) MB”. In this case, you first need to create a partition for the system; to do this, press the “C” key.

On the screen that appears, you need to specify the size of the partition to be created in megabytes. By modern standards, for comfortable work, the system partition should be made 30-50 GB in size, that is, you need to specify a figure from 30,000 to 50,000 at your discretion. If you play modern games on your computer, then you need to create a partition from 50,000 to 100,000 MB.

Upon returning to the previous screen, the created partition will be assigned the letter “C:”. Select it and continue by pressing “Enter”.

If you are reinstalling, that is, you are installing the system on a partition with the OS installed, then the program, suspecting that you intend to install two copies of Windows on one partition, will warn you that this is not recommended. Press "C" to continue.

After this, we will be warned that during the formatting process all data on the selected partition will be lost. But we were ready for this, and before reinstalling, we copied all the valuable data from the “C:” drive (after all, we copied it, right?). Select “Format partition using NTFS (Quick)” and press “Enter”.

When asked by the system, press the “F” button.

Ahead of us are two screens that do not require user intervention. The first of them is the progress of the formatting procedure, the second is the process of copying files to the hard drive.

Copying data.

After completing these steps, the computer will restart. He will wait 15 seconds, you can hurry him up by pressing the “Enter” button.

Important point! After the reboot, you no longer need to boot from the disk; the further installation procedure will continue using the files copied to the hard drive. That is, you ignore the sentence “Press any key to boot from CD...” (if it appears). You just don't press anything. The disc remains in the drive.

Further, the appearance has a more pleasant and familiar graphical interface. Dialog boxes will appear from time to time. I will note right away that the time until the installation is completed, indicated at the bottom left, is very different from the truth and depends most of all on the performance of the computer; the speed of the hard drive is also important.

The first dialog box will be "Region and Language". There is no need to change anything in it, but if you want, you can click the first and second “Customize...” buttons and select the desired parameters at your discretion.

Select the country you are in and click “Next”.

In the next window you will be asked to introduce yourself. Feel free to write your name or nickname here.

The next step is to enter the license key. It needs to be prepared in advance, as mentioned above.

A clear name is necessary if the computer operates on a local network (even a home network of 2-3 PCs). Otherwise, you don’t have to bother. It is recommended that you set the administrator password and write it down in a safe place for security reasons. However, if you have any doubts due to forgetfulness, you can leave the field blank.

Select the current date, time and time zone.

In the next window, leave the default settings and click “Next”.

After this, the “Welcome” screen will appear, click “Next”.

When checking your Internet connection, click the “Skip” button.

Select “No, some other time”, click “Next”.

Afterwards you will be asked to specify the users who will work on this computer. A separate account will be created for each. If you will be the only one working, enter your name and click Next.

If all the steps described in the article were performed correctly and the process was successful, congratulations, now you know how to install Windows XP on a computer from a disk.

The next step is to install drivers for your devices. To find out how this is done, read the article: “”. And about the software that will be useful after reinstalling the OS, you can read in the article: “”.

See you soon!

P.S.: I recorded a video tutorial where you can clearly see how to install WIndows XP on your computer from a disk.

Is it possible to reinstall Windows XP if the computer does not have a CD-ROM drive or the laser disk itself with the system is missing? Yes, you can, and not even in one way, but in several. For example:

  • reinstall or update the system from within Windows itself, if it has retained at least a minimum of functionality - it can load and run exe files;
  • reinstall Windows XP from your hard drive;
  • reinstall Windows XP from a USB flash drive.

But with all this, you cannot do without the distribution kit of the system that you will install. Since you don't have an optical drive to read discs, search the Internet and download a bootable Windows XP ISO image. In addition to it, you will need any program that can open such images, for example, UltraISO, Daemon Tools, Alcohol 120% or an archiver like 7Zip.

If you plan to reinstall the system from a flash drive, prepare a flash drive with a capacity of at least 1 Gb and a program for transferring the distribution to it (we will do this using UltraISO). If from a hard drive, you will need any bootable media running Windows (most likely it will also be a flash drive with Windows Portable Edition, for example, BartPE, Alcid Live USB, Hiren’s boot USB, etc.).

After you have downloaded the ISO image from Windows XP to your computer, open it, select all the files it contains, click the “Extract” button and specify the directory for this (the example shows how this is done in UltraISO). We will refer to this directory during the system reinstallation process.

Reinstalling Windows XP in update mode

If the Windows you have installed is outdated because it has not been updated for a long time, or has partially lost its functions due to some kind of failure, updating it from the installation disk will help restore it to functionality. This is practically the same as a “clean” reinstallation, but with the preservation of user files and programs.

To reinstall the system in update mode, we do not need separate bootable media - just transfer the directory with the distribution files that we extracted from the ISO image to a flash drive or hard drive.

  • Download Windows XP which you are going to upgrade.
  • Find the Setup.EXE file in the distribution directory and click on it. The system installation wizard window will open, where you will need to select the first item from the list of actions.

  • Next, select the installation type “Update”.

  • Accept the license agreement.

  • Enter your serial number (if desired). If you don’t want to, put it off for later and just click “Next.”

  • Windows installation will continue automatically. Until the system is completely updated, you will most likely no longer see any dialog boxes. The whole process will take approximately 20 - 40 minutes, and reinstallation from a flash drive takes a little longer than from a hard drive due to the difference in data reading speed.

  • At the very final stage of the update, the system will ask for your participation.

  • You will be prompted to enable the auto-update feature

and carry out activation. If your Windows has already been activated before, you will need to do so again after updating. However, if desired, this can also be postponed until later.

Next, click the “Finish” button, log in with your account, and your usual desktop will open in front of you. All user documents will be in the same places, and installed programs will work.

Reinstalling Windows XP from a hard drive

This option will help out when the system that needs to be reinstalled does not boot. Before proceeding with the reinstallation operation, we will have to somehow transfer our distribution folder to the hard drive. This can be done, for example, by booting from external media (various Live USB) or by removing and connecting the hard drive to another PC, as well as by booting from a system installed on another partition of the same hard drive (if there is one).

If you removed the hard drive to copy the distribution, before reinstalling Windows XP, connect it to the computer on which it was located, and perform all further actions on it. You cannot install Windows on one PC and then transfer the hard drive to another, since during installation the system is “tied” to the equipment and can only work on it.

Since the distribution is located in the same place as the system being reinstalled, there are no special requirements for the capacity of the bootable media. In rare cases, even boot floppy disks are used for these purposes. And we will show the entire reinstallation process by starting the computer from a “live” flash drive “Alkid Live USB”.

  • Make sure that the partition of the disk with the system being reinstalled is displayed normally in Explorer.
  • Open the distribution folder and click on the Setup.exe file - the Windows Setup Wizard will start. Here you will also need to select “Install Windows XP”.

  • This time, the “Update” installation type will not be available; all that remains is to select the only one – “New installation”.

  • Next, the wizard will ask you to accept the license agreement and enter the serial number. The agreement will have to be accepted, but it is not necessary to indicate the number.
  • Further actions require active user participation: first of all, you will need to select the system language.

  • Next, the process of preparing for installation will begin. After it is completed, the computer will reboot (if this does not happen, reboot manually) and the further installation of Windows XP will proceed as usual. You will first be greeted by the installer.

  • Next, the distribution files will be copied to the system partition of the hard drive. If you do not want to lose your data, it would be correct to refuse to format the partition - in this case, the old Windows directory will be renamed to Windows.0, which you can then delete manually.

  • Further actions are completely similar to a “clean” installation of Windows XP: you will need to specify user information (name and organization), give a PC name, come up with an administrator password, set the date, time, network settings, connect to a workgroup or domain, and create the first user account .
  • After installation, as usual, initial system setup with a prompt to perform activation. If we do everything correctly, we will soon see a completely clean desktop of the brand new Windows XP.

Reinstalling the system in this way is almost equivalent to installing from scratch. The only difference is that the hard drive partition in this case was not formatted, and our user files remained intact. Using disk search we can always find them.

Reinstalling Windows XP from a USB flash drive

Another frequently used method is to both reinstall and completely install the system. If in previous cases we used ready-made tools - distribution files and bootable media, now we will have to make the installation flash drive ourselves. To do this, we need only three things: the flash drive itself, the Windows XP distribution kit (ISO) and the UltraISO program. With the help of the latter, a bootable flash drive with a single system is created correctly, quickly and easily. So let's get started.

Preparing a flash drive

  • Connect the flash drive to your computer, launch UltraISO, open the “File” menu, and then “Open”. Using Explorer, find the Windows XP distribution kit (ISO image) and open it in the program.
  • Expand the “Boot” menu, click “Burn hard disk image”.

  • In the “Write Disk Image” window that opens, in the Disk Drive section, select your flash drive. Set the recording method to “USB + HDD” and “Xpress boot”. After that, click “Format”.

  • Before formatting, transfer all important data from the flash drive to another location, otherwise they will be permanently deleted.

  • Select the file system “NTFS” or “Fat32”, check the quick formatting option and click on the “Start” button. After formatting is complete, close this window and, going to “Write Disk Image”, click “Burn”. In about 15 - 20 minutes, the installation flash drive will be ready.

Setting up the BIOS

The BIOS Setup configuration for booting from a flash drive is not difficult even for not very experienced PC users: to enter the settings before booting the system, you need to hold down the specially assigned key, then go to the BOOT tab and use the “F5 - F6” or “ + -” raise “USB-HDD” or “USB-Zip” to the first place - depending on how the flash drive is displayed in the list of devices.

But the next moment, pay closer attention. If the system on your computer is installed on an IDE drive, leave all other options as default and exit the BIOS (press “F10” and “Y” to save the settings). If you have a SATA drive installed, Windows XP may not recognize it, since it does not include drivers for devices of this type. In this case, it will not be possible to reinstall the system correctly without special BIOS settings.

In order for Windows XP to recognize your hard drive, open the “Advanced” tab and make sure that the value of the “OnChip SATA” parameter corresponds to “Native IDE” and not “IDE-AHCI”. If your BIOS version does not have this option, check the “IDE Configuration” parameter – its value should be “Compatible”. Only after making sure that these settings are correct, proceed to the next step.

Reinstalling the system

The only thing left to do is reinstall Windows. Further operations will proceed exactly as during the initial installation, the main thing is not to make a mistake in choosing a hard drive partition, especially if you plan to format it.

The operator’s actions during the process of reinstalling the system from a flash drive are completely similar to those that we did when installing from a hard drive. This includes accepting the license agreement, entering the serial number, setting language, date, time, network connections, administrator password, creating a user account, and activating the system. And if problems arise during this, they are most likely due to the fact that mistakes were made when creating the flash drive.

There are also cases when, when you try to install Windows XP on a modern PC equipped with the latest generation SATA drives, even if you change the BIOS configuration, the system does not install. The process is endlessly interrupted by blue screens of death with the error code “Stop 0x0000007B INACCESSABLE_BOOT_DEVICE”.

Despite the fact that you did everything correctly - as described in the instructions, you will have to first integrate the SATA controller drivers into the Windows XP distribution. This is done using a specially designed utility nLite. Also, with its help, you can add an update package, other drivers and other Windows components that you need to the distribution. Having such a disk on hand in case of system reinstallation is a very convenient solution.

You will also need drivers for devices installed in the computer (chipset, sound card, video card, webcam, etc.)

Burning a Windows XP installation disc

To burn a Windows installation disk, we need a disk image, a disk burning program from the image, a CD writer, and the CD itself.

Download the Windows XP SP3 Professional disk image

Any disc burning program that supports burning from an ISO image will do, for example Nero or DeepBurner, which can be downloaded for free.

So, we downloaded the disk image and installed the DeepBurner program. Now let's look at the disc burning process.

Insert a blank CD-R into the drive and launch DeepBurner. Once launched, DeepBurner prompts you to select the type of project to create.

Choose Burning an ISO Image and click Next.

I don’t know about you, but for me the project window opened in a compressed form. Therefore, you need to stretch it by grabbing the lower right corner with the mouse or expand it to the full screen so that it looks like in the figure below.

In the project window, click the button with three dots (Browse) and select the file of the downloaded iso image of the Windows XP installation disk. In our case this is the file ZverCDlego_9.2.3.iso.

Now you need to select the recording speed and press the button Burn ISO. In order for the disc to record better, the speed should be selected slightly less than the maximum. Now all you have to do is wait for the disc to burn. Once the Windows XP SP3 installation disc has been burned, the drive tray will eject itself. The disc is ready!

Windows XP(internal version - Windows NT 5.1) - operating system (OS) of the Windows NT family of Microsoft Corporation. It was released on October 25, 2001 and is an evolution of Windows 2000 Professional. The name XP comes from the English. eXPerience(experience).

Unlike the previous Windows 2000, which came in both server and client versions, Windows XP is a client-only system.

According to web analytics, from September 2003 to July 2011, Windows XP was the most used operating system for accessing the Internet in the world. As of February 2013, Windows XP was in second place after Windows 7 with a share of 19.1%. The maximum of this value was 76.1% and was reached in January 2007.

How to install Windows XP from a disk via BIOS

Now it's time to look at the process itself installing Windows XP on a computer from a disk.

First of all, you need to configure boot from the floppy drive in the BIOS. To do this you need to go to the BIOS menu. How to do this may vary depending on the motherboard model. In most cases, this menu can be accessed by pressing the button Del(on some motherboard models you need to press the key F2) after turning on the computer (during the startup splash screen). It's better to press this key several times to be sure.

The BIOS menu differs depending on the manufacturer and version. There are two main types of BIOS: AMI and AWARD.

Below are screenshots of the AWARD BIOS. Need to go to the menu Advanced BIOS Features.

Here in the menu item First Boot Device press Enter and select CD-ROM

After that, press the Esc key to exit to the previous menus, where select Save and Exit Setup. That's it, now the first device to boot your computer will be the DVD drive. You can proceed to the process installing Windows XP from disk.

Now let's look at how to install disk boot in AMI BIOS

Select a tab Boot, and in it we go to the menu Boot Device Priority

Set the first boot device (1st Boot Device) to a CD-ROM or DVD-ROM (your drive model)

In some BIOS versions, the first device is selected after pressing the Enter key on the desired item and selecting a device; in others, devices are moved up and down using the F5 and F6 or + and - keys

After this, you need to exit to the main menu using the Esc key and go to the tab Exit. Select an item Exit and Save Changes to save changes and exit.

Now let's look at the process itself installing Windows XP from disk to computer.

Insert the installation disc into the drive and restart the computer. The disc menu below appears.

Select an item Installing Microsoft Windows XP SP3 manually and press Enter.

Please be warned that installing Windows XP SP3 on a computer takes about 40 minutes. So be patient.

On the first screen, press the Enter key to continue the installation.

In the next step, read the license agreement and press F8

Now select the disk partition where you want to install Windows XP. If the hard drive is new and not yet formatted, you need to create a partition by pressing the C key.

Select the section and press Enter. If the partition already existed, you need to confirm installation to this partition by pressing WITH.

At the next stage, the installation program prompts you to format the disk. Select an item Format partition in NTFS system (Quick) and press Enter.

To confirm formatting, press F

After formatting, the process of copying the necessary files to the hard drive will begin.

Once the files are copied, the computer will restart.

When you boot your computer, it will start again from the boot CD. In the disk menu, select the item

A window will open for selecting driver packages for unpacking and installation. These are built-in drivers for many devices included in this build. If you install Windows XP from a Microsoft distribution, this window will not appear.

Select the required driver packages by checking the boxes and click OK. If you don't know exactly which drivers are needed and which are not, select all. If you have disks with drivers for all devices (motherboard, video card, etc.), then uncheck all the boxes to speed up the OS installation process. In this case, you will need to install the drivers manually from the disks after Windows installation is complete. Read more here: How to install Windows XP drivers.

After clicking OK, the unpacking of driver packages will begin, and when it is finished, Windows installation will continue.

Next, the Regional and Language selection window will appear. If the distribution kit is the Russian version of Windows XP, then nothing needs to be changed here.

In the next window you need to enter your product key and click Further.

A window will appear in which you need to enter the computer name and administrator password. You don't have to change anything in this window. Then the administrator password will not be set.

In the time and date settings window, set the correct date and time, as well as the time zone.

In the OS network parameters window, select Regular Options and click Further.

In the workgroup window, write the name of the workgroup or domain in which the computer participates. If you don't have a home or office network, you can leave everything unchanged and click Further.

After this, Windows installation will continue, after which the computer will automatically restart.

We go into the BIOS and set the first option to boot from the hard drive, as described at the beginning of the article. We exit the BIOS and save the changes.

Now before that how to completely install Windows XP on a computer last minutes left.

When loading, the system will prompt you to automatically adjust the screen resolution. Click OK.

In the Windows XP welcome window, click Further.

A window will appear asking you to select a Windows update mode.

Choose Postpone this action to disable automatic system updates and press the button Further.

The next window will ask you to set up your Internet connection. Click Skip.

We refuse the offer to register by selecting No, some other time and press Further.

In the final window, click Ready.

That's all! Now you know how to install Windows XP from an installation disk on your computer.

All that remains is to install drivers and programs, but this is beyond the scope of this article.

Hello, friends! In the modern information world, everything is tied to personal computers, most of them running the Windows operating system. Most likely, you also have systems from Microsoft installed at home. These systems are good for everyone, but they can also be buggy. Therefore, knowledge about installing operating systems would not be superfluous. In this article I will try to explain it as simply as possible how to install windows(Windows XP).

Let's look for an image on the Internet. To do this, you can enter into the browser line windows xp sp3 download. Many resources recommend installing clean builds of Windows XP; you can find them by typing in your browser windows xp msdn. The choice is yours. Personally, I like IDimm's Windows XP builds. You can find them by entering in the browser line idimm.

At the moment, these assemblies have the following name: Windows XP SP3 IDimm Edition Full/Lite 24.12 RUS (VLK) (2012) Russian. Those. There are two assemblies: Full - complete and Lite - lightweight. The VLK entry indicates that this assembly does not require activation. The only thing you may need is a key. Find it in the information when you download the image and save it. Read there how the full and lite versions differ and decide which one you need. I like the full version.

Another plus of these assemblies. They added the “AHCI MassStorage” driver package for the ability to work in AHCI mode. This mode is responsible for supporting NCQ technology, which can significantly improve the performance of the drive and, consequently, the system as a whole. Therefore, we will install the operating system in AHCI mode.

You can download the image from the site, but it is not convenient and slow. It is better to find and quickly download this assembly on torrent trackers. For example or.

The downloaded file has the name: WindowsXP_SP3_IDimm_Edition_Full_v.24.12.isо.

Before writing a file to disk, you need to check the hash sums to make sure that no error occurred during the download process and that the downloaded image is 100% identical to the original.

File Hashes Tab

Copy the MD5 amount indicated below and paste it into the Hash Comparison field:. If the file is identical to the original, a green “bird” will appear instead of a picture with a question mark; if not, a red cross will appear.

At the beginning of the download you should see the following window. We don't touch anything. We wait

A menu appears with several boot options to choose from. Choose Semi-automatic installation of Windows XP.

Windows XP installation disk menu

The difference between a regular and semi-automatic installation of Windows XP is that in the latter, user participation is eliminated as much as possible.

After selection begins Windows installation.

Usually, 5 GB is enough to install Windows XP alone, but if you plan to install programs on the system disk (the disk on which the operating system is installed), it is recommended to make it larger.

Selecting a partition for installation

Setting the time and date

We get back to the main installation window

Windows installation main window

After Windows XP installation completes, the computer restarts

You will also be asked to wait a while

In the next window you need to enter the user or users who will work at the computer. At least one user must be entered

Computer users

Operating system installation is complete

The installation process for additional programs is as follows

Installing selected programs

Windows XP installation completed successfully if you see the picture below on your monitor

The operating system is installed.

Installing drivers


The article examined how to install Windows XP. Namely: where and how to download an image of the operating system, how to burn the downloaded image to disk, how to directly install the operating system and how to install drivers. The first time it will be difficult and time-consuming to install, but each time you will get it easier and faster. In essence, the operating system is the same program as others, just with minor installation nuances.

Another good news. The time of stable operation of the operating system will increase with each reinstallation)

If you have any questions, we recommend watching the video below or writing a comment. The only note is that it is not recommended to stop services, especially the Automatic Updates service. I hope I was able to tell you about it as simply and easily as possible. how to install windows, in our case Windows XP.

Thanks for sharing the article on social media. All the best!

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