How to cook chicken chikhirtma in Azerbaijani style. Chicken chikhirtma in Azerbaijani style. Recipe for duck with quince. Duck pilaf with quince

Chikhirtma is a traditional Azerbaijani dish. Can be made from chicken, lamb, veal. It should not be confused with the Georgian dish of the same name, which is a soup (although it contains similar ingredients). Sometimes Azerbaijani chikhirtma is called “chikhirtma”.

To prepare Azerbaijani chicken chikhirtma we take:
chicken – 600 g
onion – 400 g
butter – 50 g
chicken broth – 250 ml
tomatoes – 1–2 pcs.
lemon juice – 2 tbsp. spoons
eggs – 3 pcs.
turmeric – 1 teaspoon
salt pepper

You can take more chicken - even a whole chicken. This recipe just used a small amount, just three thighs. Accordingly, if we take more meat, then it is advisable to increase the volume of other products, especially onions.

Cooking chikhirtma in Azerbaijani style

There are many different recipes for chikhirtma. Most often it is prepared from meat or poultry in combination with vegetables and eggs. But there are also options without meat, only from vegetables. Some consider chyhyrtma as a Caucasian version of scrambled eggs or omelet, because eggs play a very important role in this dish. A thick sauce is prepared from them, forming a delicate soufflé.

Chicken chikhirtma is often prepared from boiled chicken. This is due to the need to use chicken broth for the dish. However, fried chicken tastes better than boiled chicken. Therefore, you can take ready-made chicken broth and fry the chicken pieces. Moreover, the chicken does not need to be completely fried, as it will then end up in the sauce. Simply fry the pieces of meat until you get a golden, appetizing crust.

Now about the salt. Since the broth is salty, salt is also added when frying the onions, and we add a little salt to the chicken pieces themselves before frying, it is important not to oversalt the dish during the cooking process.

The process of preparing chikhirtma with chicken

Cut the chicken into portions (we don’t need to do this, we have ready-made thighs). If you use boiled chicken, you still need to fry it a little in butter until you get a crust. Add salt and pepper to the chicken, place in a deep frying pan and fry.
All onions need to be finely chopped. We'll make it in time while the chicken is fried.
Take the fried chicken out of the pan, add butter and add chopped onion. In order for the onion to fry better and give off the smell, we immediately salt it.
We set the fire a little more than medium. The onion should not so much fry as simmer. Stir occasionally with a spatula. Knead slightly so that the onion is homogeneous. It should become transparent and begin to caramelize.
Peel the tomatoes. We cut it, pour boiling water for 3-4 minutes, then cold water and immediately remove the skin. Chop the tomatoes finely, almost into porridge.
Our onions have already dried out and become transparent, gradually starting to fry slightly. At this point we add chopped tomatoes and lemon juice.
Pour 1/3 cup of broth into the pan. Mix.
Simmer the vegetables with the broth over low heat for about five minutes, continuing to mash the onion with a spatula.
Place the previously fried chicken pieces on top of the onion. Sprinkle with turmeric.
Pour the remaining broth into the pan, which should not completely cover the chicken pieces. Stir and cover with a tight lid.
That's it, now we leave our chihyrtma to languish. With the heat on low and the lid closed, this should take about 25-30 minutes. The chicken should simmer slowly. The heat needs to be very low so that the sauce, especially the onions, does not burn.
It is desirable that the sauce be as homogeneous as possible.
Chop the greens.
Break the eggs into a bowl and beat. Salt and pepper.
Here you can add the greens directly to the eggs, stir and then cook in the same way as the recipe given. Or you can add greens at the end, sprinkling them on the finished chikhirtma. We use the second option.
Important stage! Carefully pour the beaten eggs into the sauce. It is advisable to try to ensure that the eggs are distributed approximately evenly over the entire surface of the pan.
No need to stir!
Now, over low heat with the lid removed, you need to bring the sauce until it thickens. The sauce should not boil violently! You can't interfere with it either. To speed up the cooking process, you can pierce the sauce so that the moisture evaporates better.
The sauce should remain moist and should not be allowed to dry out.
As a result, we get tasty and aromatic stewed chicken, with soft and juicy meat. Chicken pieces are covered with a tender and delicious egg and onion soufflé.
That's it, our chikhirtma in Azerbaijani is ready! Place the chicken and sauce on plates and sprinkle with chopped herbs.
Chikhyrtma is often served as a side dish for folding Azerbaijani pilaf. However, it will go perfectly as a separate dish.

I thought to myself
I ate chikhirtma
and didn't give it to anyone...

Chicken chihyrtma is the most tender pieces of meat in a thick sauce of vegetables and broth. The chicken is so tender that pieces of meat fall off the bones. If you are preparing a dish from homemade chicken (not broiler), you will have to simmer it longer to get the most soft meat. Well, from store-bought chicken or home-made broiler, chykhyrtma can be prepared in literally an hour.

Chykhyrtma belongs to Caucasian cuisine; in addition to chicken, it may also include potatoes, garlic, ginger, and herbs. Actually, it's soup. Therefore, if you want to prepare a dish according to all the rules, then add more broth and serve the dish with more of it.


  • 500 g chicken
  • 1 large onion
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
  • 3-4 bay leaves
  • 2 tsp. salt
  • 1 tsp. spices for chicken
  • 1 tsp. ground saffron
  • 2 chicken eggs
  • 700 ml broth


1. Place the chicken pieces in a saucepan, add salt, spices and bay leaf. Fill with water and set to cook.

2. While the chicken is cooking, prepare the vegetables. Peel the onion and finely chop it. Wash the tomatoes and cut into very small pieces.

3. Heat refined oil in a frying pan and add vegetables. Sauté over low heat for 3 minutes, then add 200 ml of broth and simmer for 5 minutes.

4. Remove the boiled chicken from the pan and, if desired, fry in vegetable oil until golden brown.

5. Transfer the fried chicken pieces to the pan. By the way, you can simmer in a saucepan or pan with a thick bottom if you don’t have a frying pan with high sides. Add ground saffron (turmeric) to the pan for added color.

6. Beat a couple of chicken eggs with a pinch of salt and spices.

- a traditional dish of Azerbaijani cuisine. Served, most often, as a side dish for Azerbaijani folding pilaf, but also as an independent dish chyhyrtma not at all uncommon.

In Georgian cuisine there is a dish with a similar name - - but different from this one. First of all, because chikhirtma is a soup, although the ingredients and preparation are similar.

The ingredients required are the simplest, there is not much time either, but in the end you get a bright, tasty and very tender dish.

For chihyrtma you will need:

Since I cooked it to be eaten immediately, very little food was used.

We had to take 3 eggs, since 2 were not enough at all. You could take 4 pieces, especially if the eggs are small.

  • Chicken or parts thereof. There are 3 thighs here.
  • Onion. Slightly less in weight than chicken.
  • Butter. 50gr.
  • Chicken bouillon. 250 ml.
  • Tomatoes. Taste.
  • Lemon juice. 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Turmeric. 1 teaspoon. (or saffron).
  • Eggs. 3 pcs.
  • Greenery. There are green onions, parsley and cilantro.
  • Salt.
  • Freshly ground black pepper.

We are preparing chykhyrtma.

There are many recipes for chykhyrtma. Meat or poultry can be used for this dish. You can use only vegetables or vegetables in combination with meat. Here the situation is the same as with or - everyone preparing their own recipe.

Chyhyrtma can also be considered as a special version of scrambled eggs, interesting, tasty and very unusual, since the eggs in this recipe are a component of a thick sauce and form a very delicate soufflé.

If chyhyrtma made from chicken, it is usually prepared with boiled chicken. I think this is due to the fact that broth is needed to prepare this dish. And boiled chicken itself is less tasty than fried or baked, so adding flavor won’t hurt at all.

Since I already had chicken broth, there was no point in boiling chicken thighs. So for better taste, I decided to simply fry the chicken pieces until golden brown. There is no need to completely fry the chicken, as it will have time to cook in the sauce and the meat will turn out very juicy and tender.

I would like to immediately talk about salt. The broth is already salted initially, when frying the chicken, we also pre-salt it, and salt is also added when frying the onions. So when adding salt, all these factors need to be taken into account.

If you use a whole chicken, then you need to cut it into portions.

Lightly fry the chicken, even if it is boiled, in a deep frying pan with some butter until golden brown. Lightly add chicken pieces and pepper.

While the chicken is frying, finely chop all the onions.

The chicken is fried, take it out of the deep frying pan and, adding the remaining butter, put the chopped onions in the frying pan. Immediately add a little salt so that the onions are better fried and give off their smell.

The heat under the frying pan is slightly above medium. It is necessary that the onions are not so much fried as they are simmered, become transparent and begin to caramelize. From time to time, using a spatula, we not only mix the onion, but also cut/knead it so that it becomes as homogeneous as possible.

Tomato, which is used as desired, is peeled (cut, pour boiling water for 3-5 minutes, then doused with cold water and remove the skin), after which we chop it very finely, almost into porridge.

Add chopped tomato and 2 tablespoons of lemon juice to the stewed onion, which has become transparent and has begun to lightly fry.

Add a third of a glass of chicken broth and stir.

Simmer everything together for 5 minutes over low heat, mashing the onion with a spatula.

Then add the fried chicken pieces and turmeric to the onion.

Add the remaining broth, it should not completely cover the chicken, and mix everything again. Cover the pan with a tight lid.

Simmer over low heat chyhyrtmu until the chicken is completely cooked. This will take 25-30 minutes. A low heat and a lid on the frying pan are needed to ensure that the chicken slowly simmers and the sauce and, especially the onions in the sauce, do not burn.

The smoother the sauce, the better.

Initially, I thought that 2 eggs would be enough, since the dish was prepared quite small. But after reasonable reflection, it became clear that two eggs were not enough, so I added a third.

Chop the greens.

Break the eggs into a small bowl and beat. Add salt and freshly ground black pepper.

I like the second option better, but it all depends on personal preference.

Pour the eggs into the sauce, trying to distribute the eggs over the entire area of ​​the pan.

Don't mix!

With the lid open on very low heat, so that there is no rapid boiling, bring the sauce until it thickens. Do not stir; you can occasionally pierce the sauce, allowing the moisture to evaporate.

Do not let it become completely dry; the sauce should remain moist.

The result is a very tasty stewed chicken, juicy and soft, in a delicate egg and onion soufflé.

Ready. Place the chicken and sauce in a serving bowl and sprinkle with finely chopped herbs.

Usually chyhyrtma served as a side dish for Azerbaijani folding pilaf - its main difference from the usual pilaf is that the ingredients of the folding pilaf are prepared separately.

Chikhirtma soup is a Georgian thick dish, into which two dressings are poured at once at the main stages of preparation - egg and flour. Most often, the dish is cooked in lamb or poultry broth. This thick soup differs from others in that it contains no vegetable grounds at all.

The calorie content of the dish is 70-90 kcal per 100 g, so it is considered quite light. Let's look at how to prepare chikhirtma in several interpretations step by step and with photos.

Classic chicken chikhirtma

This is a real tender and light Georgian soup, which is distinguished not only by its ease of preparation, but also by its appetizing and incredible taste and aroma. To give the soup a beautiful color, add 1/2 small spoon of saffron.

List of components:

  • 2-3 eggs;
  • Large onion;
  • One lemon;
  • 0.5 kg chicken;
  • 3 large tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • Green cilantro – 20 g;
  • Corn or wheat flour - 2.5 tablespoons;
  • 2.5 liters of water;
  • Salt - to taste.

Georgian classic recipe for chikhirtma:

  1. Cut the chicken into pieces, wash it and cook the broth. The foam must be skimmed off during cooking. After the water boils, turn the heat to low and cook for about 1.5 hours. 20 minutes before the end of cooking, add salt;
  2. Peel the onion, cut into cubes and fry in vegetable oil;
  3. Beat the eggs with lemon juice;
  4. Remove the fried onion from the frying pan and leave the frying oil on it. Fry the flour a little in this oil and add hot broth (glass). Mix well so that there are no lumps;
  5. Remove the meat from the broth and cut into medium pieces;
  6. Wash and chop the greens;
  7. At the end of the process, put the fried onions into the hot broth, pour in the flour mixture and stir thoroughly. After boiling, add the egg-lemon mixture in a thin stream. Take a whisk and stir the resulting mixture.

When the chicken chikhirtma boils, remove it from the stove and taste it. If necessary, add salt. Place the meat in plates and sprinkle everything with herbs.

Lamb recipe

This is a Georgian national masterpiece made from young lamb, which does not contain cereals or vegetables and is based on meat and broth. The dish is thickened with flour and egg-acid dressing, which gives it a piquant taste.


  • Lamb – 0.5 kg;
  • Two chicken eggs;
  • Wine vinegar – 2 large spoons;
  • Wheat flour and vegetable oil - one tablespoon each;
  • Two onions;
  • Cilantro, black peppercorns, salt - to taste;
  • Saffron – 0.5 small spoon.

The recipe for chikhirtma is:

  1. We wash the lamb with cold water, cut it into small pieces, put it in a pan and let it cook, not forgetting to skim off any foam that appears. Remove the cooked meat from the container, strain the broth through a fine sieve or cheesecloth;
  2. Fry finely chopped onion in butter, sprinkle it with flour, stir and fry again. Then put the prepared meat, onion fried with flour into the strained broth, add salt, saffron, pepper and wait until it boils;
  3. Boil light wine vinegar separately and add it to the soup, let it boil again and then remove the saucepan from the heat;
  4. Before serving, beat the egg yolks in a separate bowl, mix with the broth, pour into the soup, stir and heat. Do not bring them to a boil because they may curdle.

At the final stage, Georgian-style chikhirtma is sprinkled with cilantro. After this, the dish can be put on the table and enjoy the amazing taste.

Azerbaijani recipe

Chikhirtma chicken soup is also prepared in the Azerbaijani version, only it has a slightly different national name - chikhirtma. This dish in a thick, aromatic sauce turns out very tasty, satisfying and tender, and your loved ones will definitely like it. The cooking instructions are slightly different from the similar Georgian variation of this dish.

Product composition:

  • Butter – 70 g;
  • Onions – 400 g;
  • Chicken – 600 g;
  • One large tomato;
  • Vegetable oil and lemon juice - 2 large spoons each;
  • 3 eggs;
  • Turmeric – teaspoon;
  • Greens, pepper and salt - to taste;
  • Chicken broth - a glass.

Home cooking recipe:

  1. First, we set the chicken to cook, because we will need chicken broth. At the same time, peel and finely chop the onion. This vegetable is the main ingredient in a great sauce;
  2. Melt the butter in a deep frying pan or saucepan, put the onion in it and simmer, make sure it doesn’t fry, add some salt;
  3. We remove the skin from the tomato ourselves, to do this we make a cut on it and keep it in boiling water for a minute, then finely chop it;
  4. Add the chopped tomato to the onion, stir and simmer for 3 minutes;
  5. Remove the finished chicken pieces from the broth and fry a little (optional);
  6. Add lemon juice and 1/3 cup of broth to the tomato-onion mixture;
  7. Next, put the chicken pieces in a frying pan, add a little salt and sprinkle with turmeric for aroma and a beautiful color;
  8. Add the remaining broth, close the lid and simmer the bird with vegetables for 25 minutes over medium heat. If necessary, add more broth, because the onion should not be fried;
  9. Finely chop the greens, beat the eggs with a fork, sprinkle with pepper and salt. Don’t forget that you’ve already added the poultry and onion;
  10. Pour the eggs into the pan, distribute the mixture evenly between the chicken pieces. Close the lid and cook for about three minutes - the eggs should “set”. Do not stir, but only pierce the omelette so that it cooks well over the entire surface.

Chicken chihyrtma can be served with a side dish of rice, but also as an independent dish. Sprinkle with herbs and serve. The result was a delicious chicken in a fragrant tomato and onion sauce, with the most delicate omelette and herbs.

Simplified recipe

In this cooking method, no flour is used, and the required consistency is achieved by increasing the number of eggs.

You will need:

  • Whole chicken carcass;
  • Wine vinegar – 50 ml;
  • Egg yolks – 5 pcs;
  • Onion – 250 g;
  • Ghee butter – 100 g;
  • Cilantro or other greens;
  • Salt and peppercorns;
  • Bay leaf.

Let's prepare it step by step:

  1. Cook chicken broth. Half an hour before readiness, add bay leaf, pepper and finely chopped herbs;
  2. We take the bird out of the saucepan and divide it into portions;
  3. We clean and chop the onion, brown it in melted butter, then put it in a hot broth and boil for another 8-10 minutes;
  4. Beat the yolks together with vinegar until they form a thick foam. Carefully pour the resulting mixture into the saucepan. The acid prevents the eggs from curdling;
  5. Place the meat in the hot broth again and bring to a boil.

With this our soup is ready. Pour it into bowls and put it on the table, garnishing with chopped cilantro.

Video: Recipe for Georgian soup chikhirtma

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