How to have a successful job interview. How to behave at an interview

So, how to successfully pass a job interview or answers to questions that may be asked.

There are questions that most employers ask during interviews.

Usually this is: “Do you have any work experience, how long did you work at your previous job and for what reason did you quit?”

This is justified by the employer’s desire to hire a person who will not only easily cope with the work assigned to him, but will also stay in the company for a long period of time.

So if your work record indicates that at your previous place of work you worked long and dutifully, then this is an absolute plus.

Try to answer such questions truthfully, since the employer can verify the information provided. Take care in advance of phone numbers from previous places of work to receive a positive recommendation.

When asked about the reasons for leaving, one should not talk about conflict situations with management or the team. Employers want to see only friendly employees in their company who know how to find a common language with colleagues and clients. Don’t talk about wanting to earn more.

This may lead the employer to believe that you are only interested in money. It’s better to say that you want to develop and improve your professional skills in a new direction, or gain experience in this particular company.

Don't forget to mention the company's achievements. Demonstrate your knowledge of the history of its creation (information can be found on the company’s official website). Thus, you will show your desire to work only in this company.

If an employer asks questions like “What other vacancies have been considered, what were your successes in previous interviews, how long have you been looking for a suitable vacancy?”, then he is interested in whether you are in demand on the labor market.

In this case, you should not focus on the exact addresses and dates of the interview. Everything should be superficial. Don’t forget to praise yourself a little and note that this is the vacancy you finally settled on.

A popular question is: why do you want to work with us? You can find a detailed answer to this. When asked what kind of salary you would like to receive, you should not shy away from answering the question. Name the amount that currently suits you (or the one that was higher than the previous one).

Do not mention fabulous sums, otherwise the employer may doubt your hard work.

Some interviewers like to ask questions about your personal life.

This is necessary in order to understand what psychological state you are in and whether you can work overtime.

These questions should be answered calmly and truthfully.

If your future boss is interested in your positive sides or shortcomings, don’t worry.

The main thing is not to praise yourself or scold yourself. Be sure to talk about communication skills, accuracy, responsibility and willingness to accept any criticism (objective).

The employer does not need to hear about everything else. Also talk about shortcomings succinctly. For example, your future boss will be pleased to hear that you are too pedantic and cannot stand the smell of tobacco. Don’t forget about additional qualities - knowledge of languages, playing the guitar, playing volleyball, etc.

In general, employers like to ask the most tricky questions during interviews. You can read more about them in this.

How to behave?

A lot of people are interested in how to pass a job interview well? To pass a job interview well, you also need to choose the right manner of behavior. As soon as you enter the office, say hello. It is better to address the interviewer by name and patronymic. Don't forget to smile.

Kindness will always add a plus to your piggy bank. In general, the rules for a successful interview are not only professionalism, but also confident, friendly behavior. You can read about the rules for conducting an interview.

During the interview you should look at the interlocutor. Keep your back straight. You should not lounge in a chair, cross or spread your legs. Try to relax as much as possible. Think about the fact that in front of you is an ordinary person, albeit in the director’s chair.

Listen to questions until the end - do not interrupt. If you don’t quite understand what the employer is talking about, apologize and ask again.

We should talk separately about. Dress strictly.

There should be no colored shirts, blouses, shoes, skirts or trousers. Only neutral tones.

The same applies to bright jewelry and catchy makeup.

During the interview you should speak clearly and to the point. Don’t tell your future employer all your secrets. This is not interesting to him - only the most important and necessary. Do not speak for more than 2 minutes and do not answer questions too succinctly (“yes” and “no”). This may demonstrate your lack of self-confidence.

What are the types of speech errors?

What are the main speech mistakes of candidates during interviews??

  1. Quiet voice, look at the floor. The ideal candidate should speak clearly and look the future boss in the face. Do not support your head with your hand. Firstly, it will make your voice less clear, and secondly, it looks strange.
  2. Fast and loud speech.
  3. Illiteracy. Employers pay special attention to this fact. Correct placement of stress (“rings”, not “rings”) and pronunciation of words (“put”, not “lay down”), etc.
  4. Excessive literacy. Do not express yourself too abstrusely and do not argue like a philosopher. Not all employers like this.
  5. Profanity.

If you doubt the meaning of a term, it is better not to say it at all.


When going for an interview, you should understand that the employer will see you for the first time. He still has no idea about your professional qualities, so he will evaluate you only by your appearance and behavior. So, what should you not do during the interview process?

Untidy. Unironed trousers, dirty shoes, careless hairstyle - these are all things that are unlikely to impress your future boss.

Late. This is the most common mistake among candidates and demonstrates a frivolous attitude towards the job. Read what to do if you are late for an interview.

Bad habits. You should not smoke before an interview or attend an alcoholic party the night before. It is better not to advertise your love for cigarettes and drinking. By the way, this also applies to chewing gum.

Don't come to the interview with your mom, girlfriend, husband, or other "support group." This will demonstrate the candidate's inability to make serious decisions on his own.

How to increase your chances?

Now let’s talk a little about how to successfully pass a job interview and what the key to a successful interview is.

Tips for preparing or secrets for a successful interview:

To successfully pass an interview, you should pay attention to the following factors.

  1. Prepare in advance. Resume in two copies, passport, work book and diplomas.
  2. In advance, take an interest in the history of the company’s creation, areas of activity, and study information about achievements. To do this, go to the company’s website, use various directories and other useful sources.
  3. Think over the route and calculate the time. It is better to leave home 30-40 minutes earlier.
  4. Think about the questions that you will .material. Successful interviewing is an immediate response: congratulations, you're accepted.

    To the question: how to successfully pass a job interview, we can say with confidence. Prepare for the interview carefully and with all responsibility, because your future financial well-being depends on it. And now you know how to pass a successful interview!

Firstly, you should not be late for an interview. This will show that you are an unpunctual person. If you arrive early, you can get familiar with your surroundings. Secondly, learn to listen and never interrupt an employee. When she finishes the question, answer, but there is no need to talk about yourself for a long time, the question is answered clearly and to the point.
Never show your nervousness or uncertainty; you must answer questions confidently. You can’t say phrases: probably, maybe, I don’t know, how, and so on. These phrases are used only by those people who are completely unsure of their words. It is advisable to behave confidently and answer questions clearly. If you are asked about your desired salary, speak openly; there is no need to underestimate your salary, otherwise they will understand that you do not value yourself. It is also worth remembering that our speech demonstrates our internal state, and if a person speaks quietly and slowly, it means that he doubts something or is afraid of something.
At the interview, you will hear questions that you have never heard even in the movies. Employees deliberately provoke you into non-standard actions, indignation, negative reaction, and so on. You may be asked why you divorced your wife or why you left your last job. Of course, these are personal matters, but the HR department will still ask you several similar questions. Because they also read forums and know how people prepare for interviews, the question may be rephrased. Employees are proficient in hypnosis techniques, so you may be confused and asked how long would you have worked at your previous job if there were no negative people in the team and paid three times more? It is difficult to answer this question, because you will agree that you were paid little, and you did not like the team.

You may be asked not about your career, but about your lifestyle. For example, they will ask what you do on the weekend and what kind of food you prefer. You shouldn’t immediately talk about your exciting hobby, they just need to understand that you are an adequate person and spend your time like all normal people.
You can’t praise your positive qualities too much, and it’s better to emphasize them from the outside. For example, saying that in the office everyone thought I was too hardworking, they said that I quickly fulfill the work plan and therefore do more than others. But in no case is it unnecessary to talk about yourself in the first person, much less mention achievements in areas other than work. Tell them that you easily learn new information and like to read books, this will let them know that you will quickly get used to the new workplace.
You will also be asked about the disadvantages. Don't say anything true, for example, about how you like to lie on the couch on weekends and are too lazy to go to the store. Or that you like to flirt with girls at work and therefore often complete your work plan later than planned. Just say that you forget about time when you are actively working and it bothers you. Talk about being fanatical about everything new and interesting, that you quickly gain interest and want to achieve more. Talk about negatives as if they were positives.

Very often employees ask about children. They may ask how much children interfere with work. Say that you raised independent children and you are on very good terms with them. Once they have asked you all the questions regarding you and your family, they will allow you to ask a few questions. Ask the following questions:
  • What is the main problem of the work?

  • How well did the previous employee do the job?

  • Can I talk to my boss?

  • What will be the work schedule?

And so on, you need to ask about salary carefully. They understand perfectly well that you came to earn money, and not sit in the office 5 days a week. If the employer understands that you are an excellent specialist, he will offer you the salary level himself. If he names too small a figure, you need to ask if there is a possibility of promotion. When the employer asks you how much you want to earn, there is no need to talk for a long time - name the amount and remain silent. There is no need to be nervous and say that you are ready to “give everything” for a salary increase, sit in the office for 12 hours instead of 8, work 6 days a week, and so on. Your salary will be increased, but you will actually work 6 days a week, 12 hours. At the end of the interview they will tell you that they will call you within a certain time. It’s better to ask in advance when to expect a call, otherwise you will worry for a whole week, and the employer will never call.

What are asked during an interview and how to answer such questions

  • Do you have any weaknesses?

Everyone has shortcomings, but the employer wants to find out about your openness. Never tell all the shortcomings, otherwise you will make too negative an impression. It’s better to say that you get caught up in your work and forget what time it is. You can say it differently, for example, that you, like all people, have shortcomings, but they do not affect the quality of your work.
  • Tell us about yourself?

People begin to talk about what worries them most. Basic life values, problems in different areas of life, and so on. First of all, the employer wants to hear about your professional skills. Tell us a little about your studies, hobbies, educated and successful friends (namely about them). You can ask a counter question: should I tell you about interests in general or interests related to career growth and development? In any case, you should try not to talk about your hobby, what if you take up boxing and are a candidate for master of sports?

  • Why weren't you satisfied with your previous workplace?

Of course, any employer is interested in why an employee quit his job after a certain period of time. A frivolous person will begin to insult the boss, the team, working conditions, and so on. But an intelligent person must be well-mannered and restrained; it’s better to tell about the fact that you were not promoted. Say that it is inconvenient to get to work, the schedule was inconvenient and difficult, that the work was too monotonous, and there were no difficult tasks. But if you know that this company also has problems with work schedules or career growth, don’t even think about talking about it. It’s better not to talk about earning money for trips to Spain or France, you need to say that you are a family man and strive for stability, you want to update your car and make home renovations. It is worth remembering that a good specialist is primarily passionate about his work, and not about counting the money he earns.
  • How much do you want and don't want to earn?

Add 30% to your previous salary and tell your employer the amount. The minimum wage should be 10% higher than the previous one. There is no need to underestimate yourself and name small amounts.

  • How long will you work in our company?

Of course, we can say that you will work all your life. But this is not true either, you haven’t even gone to work, and you are already saying such things. Say that you want to work for a month and figure out what you will have to do and what kind of people will work with you. Often people quit because of problems in the team.
  • What achievements are you proud of?

Don't try to please the employer; talk about your achievements coldly. Just say that you were able to solve a difficult task at work and you were promoted. Or that you wrote a thesis on an interesting topic and defended it with an A. You can tell that you are the life of the party and people around you feel at ease, and that you love and appreciate this in other people. Don't talk about your friends, of course, you can say that you helped your friend, the director of a large company, in some area, but you are transferring responsibility to another person.
  • How do you feel about recycling?

You may be asked if you are ready to work hard. Ask how many hours the overtime lasts, and whether Saturday and Sunday hours are paid. Answer confidently that you are ready to recycle. Naturally, if it does not interfere with your personal life.

  • What do you know about our company?

Before the interview, you need to study the company’s activities, at a minimum, look at the website and study the basics of production activities. It is not possible to study the activities of all companies, since you can attend two or three interviews at once. Study the minimum information so as not to get stuck on this issue.
  • Why did you choose us?

Here the employer wants to know what attracts you to your new workplace. You may have heard that they have a high salary or an ideal benefits package. Tell them that you have confidence in the company, that there is an opportunity for career growth, that you can quickly get to your workplace. The last thing you should talk about is your salary and benefits package.

How to dress for an interview

It is best to dress in a business suit, but you should not buy a suit that does not suit your social status. It’s clearly not worth putting on shoes for 30 thousand and a gold watch for 60 thousand. Buy nice boots and a business suit, preferably black or dark blue. The same applies to women; it is advisable to wear a mid-knee skirt along with a shirt. You cannot wear open shoes; wear closed shoes with medium heels. Do not dress provocatively and sexy, this will arouse suspicion from the employer.
Do not show off tattoos, this is highly undesirable, especially if you want to become a middle manager. Don't forget that too many accessories only turn people off, it is better to wear no watch at all than to wear the most luxurious gold and diamond watch to make an impression.

You can skip the nice business suit and dress in casual, well-fitting clothes. For example, a man can wear light jeans and a light jumper with suede boots, but the most important thing is to choose the right size so that it does not hang loose. The same applies to women, you don’t have to buy a business suit, you can just dress in attractive clothes. Of course, shiny belts, sandals, transparent blouses, and so on are unacceptable. You must show that you have come for business negotiations, and not for a party.
Don't forget that clothes tell a story about your inner world and behavior. If a man wears dirty shoes and wrinkled trousers, he will get the impression that he treats those around him as well as himself. Employers note that it is better to see an employee in ironed and clean clothes than in dirty and wrinkled ones. The fact that you are wearing an expensive suit does not mean anything if it is poorly ironed and looks ugly. Under no circumstances should you wear a dress with a deep neckline, jeans with holes in the knees, or a T-shirt with strange inscriptions. You also cannot show off your manicure, for example, with bright designs. You need to know moderation in everything, and in accuracy too. You should not use perfumes with too strong a smell, especially in large quantities. This will cause rejection by the employer; the sharp and pronounced smell, even perfume, will not be pleasant for anyone.
Conformity is important in everything, for example, if a person says that he wants to become a loan officer and comes to an interview in shorts and a red T-shirt, this will cause misunderstanding among the employer. Much depends on the position; it is better for specialists to dress casually: jeans with a shirt and jumper. Middle managers need to dress in business casual: suit, polished shoes, briefcase bag. It is advisable to familiarize yourself in advance with the clothes that employees of a particular department wear. A designer does not always need to dress in a business suit, just like a photographer or screenwriter. Don’t try to attract attention to yourself and stand out from the team, you should be like other people, this will immediately inspire the trust of others.

Every employer can say with confidence that a lot depends on the applicant’s clothing. According to statistics, you can see that employers treat applicants better in a businesslike, free and democratic manner. There is another group of employers who believe that the applicant should be up to date with fashion news and surprise others with his appearance. Of course, this is very rare.
Don't forget that during an interview you need to pay attention not only to your appearance, but also to what you will say. Before answering the employer's questions, you must understand exactly what you need and for what purpose you are applying for a job. Decide on your own goals, and you will significantly increase your chances of getting the position you are interested in. Be sure to practice with a friend before the interview; you may see a question that will stump you.

What if this is the first job and it is not yet clear whether the person will like it or not? Or did you already have a negative previous experience - nothing worked out at work?

I work as the HR director for a company of 3,200 people. Every month my colleagues and I hire from 100 to 150 employees in different cities of Russia. The company conducts 10,000 interviews annually.

As an experienced recruiter and system-vector psychologist, I can tell you... I can help you choose a job in which you will become a true professional and be able to maximize your potential.

How to apply for a job correctly and what the employer’s decision depends on

However, in practice there are often situations when a candidate answered all the questions correctly, but was refused. Why? “Intuition”, “flair”, “sixth sense”, “feeling” - this is how recruiters who are not familiar with the “System-Vector Psychology” training explain it.

The opposite situation also happens - the candidate is not suitable according to formal criteria, but he is hired because he was able to win over the interviewer. The selection specialist focuses primarily on his subjective impression of the person.

In our company we use an objective method of assessing candidates - the training “System-vector psychology” by Yuri Burlan. It allows you to accurately determine the skills and disadvantages, talents and potential of each person in the first five minutes of a conversation. Even if it's a phone interview.

In this article I will tell you how to behave during an interview in order to comply with all the external, formal aspects of employment. And, most importantly, how to properly impress the person whose decision determines whether they will hire you or not.

Work = favorite thing

According to our observations, people who enjoy the job are the most successful in job interviews. When a person is able to enjoy his work, he easily convinces the employer of this.

What if this is the first job and it is not yet clear whether the person will like it or not? Or did you already have a negative previous experience - nothing worked out at work?

If you can’t confidently say “I love this job,” you’ll have a difficult time in an interview. In this case, it’s better to figure it out first - ?

If the question of choice is no longer an issue, we will tell you how to pass an interview to get your dream job.

How to get a job correctly

Just three components will lead you to success:

  • competent preparation for a job interview;
  • understanding what to say at an interview;
  • your internal state at the job search stage.

Let's consider each point in detail.

Have you received an invitation for an interview? Need to prepare

1. Write your resume correctly

If you are writing a resume for the first time, use any template on the Internet as a basis and fill in your details. At the same time, think about what information the employer expects from you, and what information will be superfluous.

The article was written based on training materials “ System-vector psychology»

Any career usually begins with an interview between the applicant and the employer. The outcome of the negotiations depends on how correctly you behave in this process. A competent recruiter will pay attention not only to your resume and experience, but also to your appearance, ability to present yourself, and much more. How should you behave and what should you say if you have an important event coming up? How to attract interest in your candidacy and how to convince the employer that you are “the one” employee? Read about this, as well as what mistakes you shouldn’t make, below.

Preparation stage

The better prepared you are, the more confident you will be and feel during the interview. Don’t neglect this stage and get ready in a hurry. Even if you get a call completely unexpectedly, set a time so that you have the opportunity to get ready calmly.

How to properly prepare for an interview:

  1. Appearance. This is what you will be judged on first. Scientists have proven that it takes only 7 seconds to make a first impression on a person, and it is the general external image that will play the most important role in this.

It is better for both men and women to adhere to the official dress code: a formal suit, classic tones in clothes.

  1. Summary. You must have the following documents with you:
  • Passport or any other identification document.
  • Several copies of your resume (it is advisable to have an electronic file with your resume with you).
  • Copies or originals of educational diplomas, certificates (if any) and other documents confirming your qualifications in the proposed position.
  1. Information. Today, almost all companies have their websites on the Internet. Try to collect as much information as possible about the activities of the company you are going to negotiate with. Familiarize yourself with the history of the company, its activities, stages of development and other interesting facts. Show the employer at a convenient moment that you understand well what you are doing and are interested in this field.
  2. Good mood. It is unlikely that the employer will like it if you appear at an interview gloomy and in a bad or nervous mood. Get enough sleep on the eve of the important day, charge yourself with positivity, rehearse your speech, this will give you confidence. Try to “scroll” in your head the hypothetical questions that you might be asked and prepare your answers. There is no need to be nervous, it is always noticeable. If it is difficult to remain relaxed, take something calming before leaving, for example, mint tea or a few drops of valerian tincture - harmless and effective. Be sure to smile when entering the office.

How to behave

Calculate travel time in advance by analyzing the route. Try to arrive at the place a little earlier, and under no circumstances be late. A few free minutes before the interview will give you the opportunity to “collect yourself” and calm down.

So, you entered the office, how to behave:

  • Say hello, smile. Don't sit down until you're invited to.
  • Use the psychological technique “mirror”. When sitting down, take the same position as the interviewer, try to quietly copy his movement afterwards. This causes the interlocutor to like you on a subconscious level.
  • Don't start talking until someone starts talking to you or asking questions.
  • Do not use slang or any other rude or harsh words in your speech.
  • You must maintain a respectful and friendly tone no matter what.
  • Maintain eye contact with the person you are talking to, looking straight into their eyes.
  • If you don't understand or didn't hear a question, don't hesitate to ask again.
  • Always answer truthfully. Any lie may come to light sooner or later if you get this position. And this will play a cruel joke on you in the future.
  • Don't fidget in your chair or cross your arms. An experienced interviewer will recognize this as nervousness and withdrawal.
  • Ask all the questions that interest you. If you are afraid to find out important points right away, then if the interview has a positive outcome, not the best surprises may await you. Therefore, you need to immediately find out everything about the conditions and amounts of payment, schedule, workplace and other components of the vacancy.
  • When giving answers, do not deviate from the topic, answer only to the point.
  • You should be confident at all costs and behave calmly.
  • If you lack the knowledge or qualifications to perform certain tasks within a position, be honest about this and ask if the company provides training for employees.
  • Remember that not only you need a job, but the company also needs an employee, you are an equal, behave accordingly, without belittling your importance.
  • Feel free to mention your achievements and merits at your previous job, but do not cross the fine line from voicing facts to bragging.
  • When speaking, reinforce the meaning of words with gestures; of course, there is a balance to be maintained here. This technique really makes speech more effective.

If you are asked to simply tell about yourself, do not try to tell the story of your biography, remembering your favorite toy in kindergarten and funny things at graduation. It would be correct if you touch only on your professional activities and highlight some of your qualities, such as, for example, honesty, attentiveness, the ability to quickly assimilate information, etc. That is, everything that can advantageously present you as an employee.

What to keep silent about

The ability to behave correctly during an interview also includes the ability to avoid unnecessary answers and not to tell what should not concern the employer according to ethical and labor standards. Unfortunately, some interviewers allow themselves to invade the applicant’s personal life and ask incorrect and unacceptable questions. You have every right to refuse answers if it concerns your personal sphere.

What questions does the interviewer have no right to ask the applicant based on moral, ethical and labor standards:

  • About age. It sounds strange, because this is what those hiring are trying to find out about you in the first place. But by right, the employer should not be guided by the age of the hired employee, but only by his professional qualities.
  • About religious and spiritual affiliation.
  • About the nation and ethnic history (where you are from, who your parents are, origins, etc.).
  • About health. Usually they try to find out from the applicant whether he is often sick in order to prevent himself from paying for sick leave. But when applying for a job, you are not required to answer this, remember this.
  • About marital status, presence or absence of children.
  • About sexual inclinations.
  • About bad habits.

There is nothing wrong if you are asked about your hobbies, interests, interests or asked to take some psychological tests.

How to properly avoid such conversations

You should not rudely refuse to give answers if you hear an unacceptable question addressed to you. But confusion is not the best solution. You need to tactfully, correctly and in a polite manner explain that this concerns only you and your personal life, and not your professional side.

Sometimes, such things are asked specifically to see how a person reacts under stressful conditions. After all, such interference in personal life usually always causes negativity. Therefore, your task is not to lose your composure and maintain a calm, polite tone. Behave as casually as possible, but do not allow the ethical boundaries between you and your interviewer to be violated.

Exactly what things you shouldn’t do when interviewing for the desired position:

  • When entering the office, do not chew gum and try not to have heavy, bulky bags or objects in your hands.
  • There should be no accompanying person (friends, children, spouse, parent, etc.) with you.
  • Don't come or sit too close to the person you're talking to. To maintain a business style of communication, the distance between people should be 1.5 meters or more, but not less.
  • Turn off the sound on your mobile phone during the interview.
  • Don't show the interviewer that you're very interested in the position, need the job, or are desperate. Make it clear that you have a choice.
  • Don't say that you would like to get this particular job because the company's location, schedule, or anything like that suits you. The employer needs to see that you are interested in the process itself.
  • Don't put much emphasis on salary. This is undoubtedly important, and maybe even the main thing for you. But you shouldn’t make this topic a priority during an interview.
  • If in the middle of the conversation you realized that you are not interested in the proposal, bring the dialogue to the end, and only then politely express your opinion.
  • Do not withstand long pauses; if the question takes you by surprise, it is better to immediately say that you are not ready to answer right away.
  • Don't interrupt your interlocutor.

If you are satisfied with all the conditions and you see that the employer is also inclined towards your candidacy, do not rush to rejoice and quickly agree to everything. It would be right if you find out whether the company has delays in salary payments, whether you sometimes have to work overtime and whether these hours are paid, what the situation is with vacation and lunch time. And it is especially important what are the conditions of the probationary period. Remember that no money or career is worth working so hard and eventually ending up with depression or a nervous breakdown. Activities should bring pleasure and satisfaction. And if the place is truly “yours”, you will get it.

As you know, any job and successful career begins with a simple interview with an employer. Based on the results of the interview, the head of the company or his representative responsible for personnel selection draws conclusions and makes a decision on hiring the employee. Even the best specialist, who has all the data for the proposed position: level of education, age, professional qualities, may not get the desired job if he does not know how to behave during the interview.

How to behave at an interview: appearance

The appearance of the applicant plays an important role in employment. It has been noticed that employers give preference to those who come to an interview in a business or democratic free style, emphasizing your individuality. It is unacceptable for a woman to wear flashy outfits, with deep necklines and bright, provocative details in order to attract or impress a male manager. It is worth remembering that an interview is a business negotiation, not a date.

Clothes can tell a lot about our inner world and attitude towards life. Thus, a wrinkled shirt and unclean shoes will create the impression of a disorganized person who does not respect himself, and therefore those around him. Girls should not show off a bright, catchy manicure, wear a large amount of jewelry and decorations, or use perfume with a strong aroma; all this can turn off a potential employer.

How to behave at the beginning of an interview

  • Don't be late for a meeting. To feel confident and comfortable, arrive 15-20 minutes before the appointed time, look around, get your bearings in an unfamiliar place, and tune in to the upcoming communication.
  • Before you enter, knock. Introduce yourself, say your name loudly and confidently. If the interviewer was the first to extend his hand to you, shake it; if not, it means that in their team it is not customary to shake hands with employees.
  • Your task is to win over the manager and set him up in a friendly manner. Therefore, be relaxed, open and friendly, and smile. It is very important to remember the interviewer's name after he introduces himself to you.
  • If you are very nervous, admit it to your employer; this will defuse the situation a little and make further communication easier.
  • When choosing a place for a conversation, it is better to give preference to a place next to the employer, so he will perceive you as a like-minded person. If the only place where you can sit is opposite him, take an even posture without crossing your arms and legs, demonstrate maximum openness when communicating with your interlocutor.
  • Don’t forget about gestures; excessive hand waving may be taken by the employer as excessive emotionality or considered a sign of lying.

What to talk about with an employer at an interview

  • Using the psychological technique “mirror pose” helps to tune in to communication and on the same emotional wavelength with the employer. The essence of this technique is that you unobtrusively copy the poses and some gestures of the interviewer. Movements should be as natural as possible.
  • It is also worth noting that all questions asked by the employer must be answered truthfully. Experienced interviewers will quickly suspect lies and inconsistencies. Do not exaggerate your knowledge, capabilities and abilities. It’s better to say that you are ready to learn and grow professionally, strive for new knowledge.
  • When asked what the reason was for leaving your previous job, give a specific reason: relocation, unsuitable schedule, layoff, low salary. You should not mention conflicts with your team or superiors; this may create the impression of you as an unbalanced and conflict-ridden person.
  • If during the dialogue you misspoke or made a mistake, apologize and continue the conversation without focusing on the mistake.
  • Don't talk too much about yourself when detailing your biography. Clearly and concisely communicate your hobbies and professional qualities.

What not to talk about at an interview

In the process of free communication on arbitrary topics, you should not touch upon topics such as:

  • Don't talk about personal problems, failures, or financial difficulties.
  • Avoid political and religious topics.
  • Don't discuss your previous boss.
  • Do not use jargon or slang words in conversation.
  • Do not take the lead role in the conversation, flaunting your deep knowledge of the issue during the discussion, this can cause negativity in the manager.

By putting our tips into practice, you can be sure that your interview will go well. But, even if your attempt to find a job fails, do not despair, remember that you are gaining invaluable experience, and the next interview will be successful.

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