How to prank a friend on the street in winter. April Fool's Day: ideas for jokes and practical jokes. Pranks for your beloved family

On April Fool's Day, April 1, it is customary to play pranks on each other. On this day, smiling and joking is considered a good omen. Have you already prepared pranks for your friends, relatives and colleagues? If not, then we are happy to offer you a selection of the funniest pranks for April 1st.

How to play on April 1

Draws at home. Give your family a real April Fool's morning! Let your family's day begin with an innocent joke addressed to them!

  • While everyone is sleeping, you need to squeeze out the contents from a tube of toothpaste and use a syringe to pour sour cream into it.
  • Choose a piece of clothing that a person will wear outside and put a spool of thread in your pocket. Pass the end of the thread outward. The thread, of course, will not go unnoticed, but anyone who wants to remove it will have to pull the thread for a long time until the spool runs out, or until he himself realizes that this is an April Fool's joke.
  • Place a box on a tall cabinet whose bottom can be easily opened. Pour confetti into the box and ask a member of your household to help you get it out. Confetti spills onto his head.
  • You can sew pieces of fur in the armpit area to a person’s jacket. It will be funny when a person raises his hands.

Pranks at work. How to cheer up your work colleagues and joke with your boss?

  • If there is a person in your office who is poorly versed in computers, then tell him about e-mail. Start the conversation casually so that he doesn’t suspect anything. Suddenly remember that they should send you a hundred rubles by email. You open the computer’s disk drive and, as if nothing had happened, you get the money, which, of course, you put there in advance.
  • Use double-sided tape to attach everything that is on your boss or colleague's desk to the table.
  • Set clocks forward one hour throughout the office. Let your boss or colleague think that you are late. Time confusion will haunt you all day!

Pranks for your significant other. Laughter prolongs not only life, but also relationships!

  • Invite a girl to a restaurant. The moment she goes to the toilet, pay the bill. At the end of dinner, frightenedly tell her that you forgot your wallet and inform her that you will have to run away from the restaurant.
  • Send your beloved a bouquet of flowers home with a signature from some Vasya or Petya. When you come home, you will be surprised and ask who the bouquet is from. Start being jealous and suspicious of her. Let him justify himself. At the end of the draw, do not forget to admit to her that you sent the bouquet.
  • Hide all of your man's socks, leaving one in each pair. Let him go to work in multi-colored socks, it’s April 1st after all!

Remember that jokes and pranks on April 1 should not be angry and caustic. Be sure to think about whether the person will be offended by your joke. Well, and of course, after the drawing, expect Alaverda in your address! We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

31.03.2015 09:15

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By tradition, April 1st is the most record day of the year in terms of the number of draws, because it is the Holiday of Laughter!

How to play a prank on your friends on April 1 to make the holiday unforgettable and your mood amazing?

April Fool's jokes are invented and organized by a great many people, join us, because this uplifting holiday comes only once a year!

Look funny and funny jokes and pranks for friends on this page. And happy laughter to you!

Don’t know how to prank your friend on April 1st by accidentally bumping into him at a gas station? Yes, just by carefully looking at the display of his refueling machine, during refueling and after you have already refueled your car, ask: “I hope you are filling up with WINTER diesel fuel???” The owner of the car will probably have time to get scared that he has filled up with something wrong before he figures out the April Fool's prank.

April Fool's Prank: "SMOKED"

The draw for April 1 is hopelessly shabby, however, it is simply surprisingly effective. Play the “most gloomy” member of your friendly company - cheer up both the “book” and the rest of your friends. The only condition is that the person being played must be a smoker. During a regular get-together, offer to smoke new cigarettes, which were given by some distant mutual friend. After a few minutes, having previously agreed with your friends, do whatever you want: throw chickens into the room, get dirty with paint, just quietly turn on some melody. The main thing is that everyone must pretend that nothing is happening, and only he sees it all. The expression of complete confusion on a friend's face will lift your spirits for a long time!

If you have reliable, loyal friends who are ready to help without any questions or delays, we know how to play a prank on your friends on April 1st. Early in the morning of April 1, call your closest friends and in an alarmed voice, ask everyone urgently, without delay, to come to you with a 10-liter bucket (it can be with water, it can be without - it doesn’t matter).

Imagine the faces of your friends when they start arriving at your entrance early in the morning, all with buckets. It will be no less pleasant to watch the neighbors’ reaction to the fact that a dozen cars and young guys with buckets and serious faces have gathered in the yard. If you are lucky, then in your house there will probably be such a meticulous neighbor who, out of worry about missing something important, will jump out into the yard with a bucket (in ours, there was one :)).

Friendly prank: “SWALLOW”

Here's an old, simple way to prank your friends on April 1st. Returning home after a party in a group, a dispute breaks out about who is the most sober of the group members. The friend who is most confident in his own sobriety is asked to make an even “swallow” - to emphasize that it is even. After the person being acted out has diligently portrayed what is required, announce that he/she is hopelessly drunk. In response to the perplexed and indignant exclamations of the “victim,” give an explanation that a sober person would never do such a thing, especially in a crowded place.

Invite unmarried guests to find out the name of their future betrothed. You give the “victim” of the prank a box of matches prepared in advance, with a mysterious look ask you to choose an arbitrary number of matches from it, and carefully and accurately break off the heads from them. You can even inspect the matches meticulously, reject a couple, and demand that the procedure be repeated. The “victim” must insert the broken matches behind the ears, between the teeth, in the hair, and at her/his discretion. After this, you carefully study the result, bring the victim to the mirror and declare: “Well, tell me, who needs you so scary?!”

Having met with friends, as if by chance, somewhere in the middle of the evening, share with them that a long time ago your grandmother taught you to tell fortunes by the lines on your hand in a special way - using cigarette ash, which gives the lines greater clarity.

If you want to find out your fate and don't smoke, find an assistant. You need to knock the ash off a burning cigarette with your right hand. left palm(don't be afraid, it won't be hot). You need to knock off the ash from the entire cigarette - the more there is, the more accurate the prediction. Then ask for the "victim" with your thumb right hand strictly clockwise, rub this ashes over your palm, making as many circles in the ashes with your finger as you have years. When the diligent victim is smeared in ashes, you take it carefully and with a thoughtful look, peer, squinting, into the palm, mutter something, like about an extremely rare combination of lines, and then announce: “Well, what can I tell you.... You made a very bad ashtray!”

Making fun of your friends is the most interesting thing. You know very well who can be pranked and with what, who and how will react to jokes and practical jokes on April 1st.

You don’t have to stand on ceremony with your friends, and you don’t have to worry about being offended. But you still need to know the limits - don’t overdo it inadvertently!

Raffle - toast

You gather a group of people in a cafe. When the fun is in full swing, stand up and say: “My grandmother knew a lot of old conspiracies. In order for a person to be lucky in business and love, he must loudly pronounce the spell: “Tsakha chunazhra” 10 times in a row with his eyes closed. I love you all and want you to be lucky.
Stand up and say the magic words!” Friends get up and say a “spell” in unison... And people at the neighboring tables fall to the floor laughing. Don't believe me? Try saying in a patter in a crowded place: “I want to get drunk, I want to get drunk...” Find the right company and precisely choose the moment when your friends will fall under the influence of the cozy atmosphere of the cafe and relax.

Prank about a swollen head

In some student dormitory, everyone conspired to play a trick on each other. Let’s say, Vasya wakes up in the morning, and his neighbor:
- Wow! Why is your head so swollen?
Vasya goes to the toilet to the mirror, looks - his head is fine. And there are three people standing in the toilet smoking:
- What a head you have!
- Why are you so swollen, why are you thinking a lot?
- Don't worry about the bowler!
Vasya looks in the mirror again - his head is normal. He comes out of the toilet, and there are girls coming towards him:
- Vaska, hello! Oh!!! What's wrong with your head? So big!
And so the whole day... Finally Vasya can’t stand it, shouts: “You are all assholes!!! I'm fed up with you! Go to such and such a mother, you idiots!!!” He puts on his coat, grabs his hat and runs out of the dorm.

...And the hat was sewn in the day before...

DUNYA draw

In the midst of some conversation, you need to throw in the following question: “By the way, do you know what the abbreviation “DUNYA” stands for?” After the natural answer “No. But as?" you answer: “We have no fools.” After which your interlocutor in 90% of cases automatically says: “And I?”... After a second of confusion and the subsequent burst of laughter from all the other listeners, you can already comment: “Well... if only you...”

Toilet paper prank

Slip one tip of the paper into someone's back pocket and place the rest of the paper on the floor. When a person goes somewhere, a roll of toilet paper will be dragged behind him

Drill prank

We are looking for an object to prank, take an electric drill and launch it a couple of times in front of the object of the prank in order to attract his attention... Then we go behind the back, launch the electric drill and poke our finger in the back of the object... The object will jump three meters away... After that it will jump on you. Protect yourself with the drill turned on

Upset stomach prank

You will need: a piece of paper
For this joke you will need empathetic people around you. Because your task at the first stage is to attract their sympathetic attention with complaints about the supposed heaviness in the stomach. Before doing this, you will need to finely crumble a sheet of paper into feather-sized pieces. Squeeze them in your fist. Place your fist to your mouth as if you are belching and feeling nauseous. Walk around the room, demonstratively suffering. When they finally ask you what happened, tell them that you ate the duck, but it looks like it was poorly plucked and you feel sick. Nauseous... Poorly plucked... Having brought the audience's sympathy to the climax, feign a sharp cough, simultaneously unclenching your fist and blowing on the pieces of paper. The feather burping effect will be as realistic as it is unexpected.

Prank with a postcard

They're sold everywhere these days. Greeting Cards with all sorts of funny inscriptions(like on the cover - ‘What a handsome man you are’, and inside the continuation - ‘ would make a pretty unimportant beauty’).
The joke is that such a postcard (with the most appropriate inscription for the occasion) needs to be thrown into your friend’s mailbox on behalf of some serious institution (military registration and enlistment office, tax office and so on.). The envelope, of course, should not be signed by hand, but printed on a printer.

Prank - egg and basin

Bet with someone that he cannot crush an egg with a basin.
After that, put the egg in the corner of the room and have fun.

Aquarium prank

You will need: carrots, knife.
If your friend is partial to fish and keeps an aquarium with swordtails, there is a chance of giving him a little nervous breakdown. Cut out a symbolic fish from a carrot in advance. When you come to visit a lover of aquatic fauna, unceremoniously approach the aquarium and put your hand (with a fake fish clutched in it) into the water. To the indignant cry of “what are you doing, fascist?!” take a carrot sculpture out of the aquarium and, waving it in the air, throw it into your mouth. You could also add something along the lines of “Fish day, fish day!”

Telephone pranks

IN big company The telephone number of a mutual friend is selected. Someone calls on it and asks for, for example, Sergei Ivanovich. Naturally, they answer that Sergei Ivanovich is not here and never has been. After a while, the next one calls, and again urgently asks Sergei Ivanovich to answer the phone. Then the third, fourth, as many people as there are enough. All in all, last call to this number: “Hello, this is Sergei Ivanovich. Nobody called me here?”

Draw for a bet

For example, bet on beer that the person arguing with you will not be able to run a certain distance (obviously short) in a minute. Witnesses are called and the race begins. Of course, the victim runs this distance in less than a minute (the time is recorded by the clock) and demands the winnings. In response to this, you shrug your shoulders in bewilderment:
- We argued that you could run in a minute, but you are faster. Lost, that is.

Prank with a straw

Take a straw and pierce it with a needle. Pour water into a glass, put a straw and ask a friend to drink the water through the straw. I assure you, nothing will work out for him.

The main thing is not to forget about yourself important rule: pranks for April 1 must be adequate to the sense of humor of the person for whom the April 1 jokes are prepared; there must be a sense of proportion in everything.

We wish you not to overdo it with humor, choose a good object for the prank, because it should be funny not only for you, there is no need to overshadow the holiday with the mood of an annoyed “victim”.

Nice prank for school. During class, write a note with the words “There is a mop on the ceiling” and pass it to your neighbor at the desk. Tell him to pass the note on after reading it. The effect will be amazing when everyone who reads the note looks up, and so does the teacher!

You can also play a funny prank on your favorite guy by replacing his glove with your own (smaller in size, of course).

You need to ask a friend to stand in the middle of the room with his arms extended forward. Further into the hands (between the index and thumb) insert two matches, heads facing down. Place the next two matches under the shoes of the friend being played, barely pushing them in. At the end, ask him a question about what month it is. Of course, you will hear in response: “April.” And then the trick: “Why are you skiing then?” We guarantee laughter in the room!

The raffle is suitable for people who are not very well versed in astronomy. It consists of telling the person that today the news reported that a piece of the Sun, during the next flare, came off and is flying towards the Earth. It will reach our planet by the end of this day. And they say that it is not yet known what damage it can cause, but most likely it will be colossal. So far, the details are unknown; scientists are unlikely to be able to do anything in such a short time.

For such a prank, you need to find out when a person is away and then returns home. Throw a decorated box under the door with the inscription “Your surprise from the company” with a note inside - “Your bonus for hard work.” Place your choice of a turtle, lizard, snail or something else inside the box; of course, you need to make sure that the animal has access to air. Also include a business card with the “company” phone number. If you like the surprise, it will also be a gift. If not, he will return to the “company”.

A call at 6 am to a friend - dear, help, robbed at night, beaten, woke up in the morning outside the city - there’s not even a way to get there, no money, I asked the mushroom picker for the phone number (it’s better for a stranger like a mushroom picker to start the conversation - here’s your friend supposedly - all beaten up, etc.). He says where to go... along such and such a highway, bring money. A friend brings money and ends up at a holiday where the table is set for all his friends.

A wonderful joke to play in an establishment with a huge number of visitors. Place a sign indicating the toilet on the door of one of the offices. It will be better if his employees leave the office infrequently. This will give time for jokes until the sign is removed. It's a lot of fun to imagine office workers watching the following scene. “The door to the office quickly opens, another visitor almost runs in and quickly exits with a surprised look.”

On April 1st, you can make such a prank at work to prank your colleagues. Take a 250 gram glass bottle of vodka at home. Pour water there. Place a bottle of water in your bag. At work, you can first start a conversation about healthy way life, while taking out this bottle and drinking water from it. You could also offer one of your colleagues a drink from this bottle. It will be especially funny if a person drinks who has never drunk before.

The method is hopelessly shabby, but surprisingly effective. If you have good company friends and you need to play “the most gloomy one” - then there is a good way to cheer up. At ordinary get-togethers, you offer to smoke new cigarettes, a gift from some distant mutual acquaintance. In a few minutes you can do whatever you want: throw 10 chickens into the room, get dirty with paint, or even quietly turn on some kind of melody. The main thing is to pretend that no one notices anything. The look of confusion on your friend's face will lift your spirits for a long time.

To find the perfect way to prank your friends on April 1, you will have to review many options. But such searches for the perfect prank are worth it if, in the end, both you and the person at whom the prank was directed laugh heartily and spend the whole day on April 1 good mood. When choosing a specific draw, you need to pay attention to where exactly it will be held.

It’s great if you work, study or live with a friend. In other situations, you will have to try to organize everything the way it should be. But, in general, in this article we have collected excellent and not very complicated prank options, which in any case will help you laugh heartily. Which ones can be carried out?

Interesting! On April 1, April Fool's Day is celebrated in many countries around the world, although its names may vary. Although, the fact remains that this is a day for carrying out various kinds of pranks and jokes.

If you watch a video on how to prank your friends on April 1st, then the most funny options There will be practical jokes within the work team. So, if you are lucky and you work with friends, then there will definitely be something to do here. But, in this collection there are the most different variants sweepstakes, including not only within one workplace.

For the curious

For curious friends with whom you work, this prank is ideal. In principle, you can carry out this version of the joke at home, and even in a bar or cafe. You should take a large cardboard box and remove the bottom. After this, you need to put this box somewhere high, but in a visible place. Write on the box not to touch it with your hands. It is important here that the inscription itself attracts attention, or you can simply tell a friend that you cannot get the box, but it contains some important documents.

Only first you will need to pour confetti or even candy into the box when it is already lying on the cabinet. When a person reaches to remove the box, cheerful and bright rain will pour out on him. As practice shows, this method of drawing evokes many positive emotions. If there are sweets inside, you can then eat them and enjoy a pleasant day and a great holiday.


It always goes well in the office: then there will be something to tell at home. It will be necessary to hang a sign in the office where many people gather: “Toilet.” Everyone who looks for this room will come to this office. It is clear that people inside the premises will not understand what caused such popularity. Of course, until they ask and the prank is revealed.

You can also change the signs on the toilet doors in advance. Then employees will be confused throughout the day. The main thing here is to act in such a way that in the end you can understand that this is just a prank for April 1 and cope with all your affairs before it is too late.

The most difficult joke is the following version of the joke. You will need to wrap the top of the toilet with transparent film or just tape. So that this is not noticeable, you can also unscrew the light bulb. One can only guess what the consequences of this joke might be.

With a computer

How to prank your friends on April 1 at school or at work if you have a computer class? We know exactly what needs to be done! You should come to work or class before everyone else and swap the cables from the screens and the main part of the machine. Half an hour of panic and misunderstanding in the cockpit is guaranteed. But you shouldn’t drag out the joke so that everyone can appreciate it, understand it and laugh.

You can also pour a little PVA glue onto the paper and wait until the stain hardens. Then carefully remove the glue from the paper and place it on the computer keyboard. When a person walks into the booth and sees this, he will think that something was just poured on his computer!

"Endless Thread"

You need to put on a black suit and take a white spool of thread. Pull part of the thread out of the sleeve and put the spool in your pocket. When your friend notices the thread, ask him to tear it off. What a surprise it will be when a person pulls the thread, and it turns out to be endless.

Chalk and hands

Everything is simple and clear here: you will need to smear your hands with chalk, and then hug your friend and pat him on the shoulder. Then comes the funniest moment: you say that your friend’s back is white. He, of course, doesn’t believe you, because he knows that today is April 1st. But my friend really does have a white back.

Not enough salt

Invite a friend over on April Fool's Day, maybe for lunch or dinner. Instead of salt, pour fine sugar into the vessel. Now serve a plate with a dish and say that you completely forgot to salt the dish, give them a salt shaker. A joke, of course, is suitable for having a good laugh. But keep in mind that the food will be spoiled and your friend will have to serve another portion.

Boots with problems

To make this joke work, you will need to prepare a sheet of paper and a piece of cotton wool. While your friend is doing his business, put it all in the shoe, moreover, it is important that the paper does not stick out from there: it should be tucked well into the very sock. When your friend gets ready to put on his shoes, they will seem uncomfortable to him. Here, we need to look at exactly how the situation will develop. Your friend might want to understand what's wrong. Perhaps he will pretend that everything is fine and will diligently endure the torment.

"Smoked a lot"

You can hold this draw in the company of friends who smoke. Moreover, everyone will need to be persuaded in advance, except the person at whom the prank is directed. At one point you need to let the parrot out of the cage, let the cat into the room and also let the chicken run around the floor. It is important that everyone pretend that nothing is happening. Everything should look in such a way that only one person notices the outrages that are happening. This can be explained simply: he got very high and should quit this bad habit.


Another draw for April 1, which requires talent and calmness. Everyone who takes part in the drawing must portray a moose. He folds his fingers into a fan, brings them to his head and shouts: “I am a moose, let the moose in.” This is done where there are a lot of people so that everyone notices. This man is followed by another who, with a frightened look, asks everyone if they have seen the moose that escaped from the zoo.

With phone

You can borrow a friend's phone to call. Move away a little and pretend that the conversation is underway. But at this moment, hide the device in your pocket and replace the normal panel with an old and shabby one. Then throw the phone with force to hit it on the asphalt.


An option on how to prank your friends on April 1 via SMS. You just need to send a friend an SMS with the following content: “When will you open the door with the intercom for me. I'm frozen, we agreed! I do not have much time".

These are the options for how to prank your friends on April 1, you can safely use in your ordinary life. Of course, you should weigh the pros and cons a hundred times over whether this or that joke should be applied to to a specific person. Only if the risks of the joke being misinterpreted are reduced to zero can you begin to organize a great prank.

April 1 breaks all records for the number of draws. Children play pranks on their parents and vice versa, subordinates make jokes on their boss, schoolchildren make jokes on their teachers and classmates. And even sharp humor is perceived without offense, because that’s what April Fool’s Day is for. You can joke about friends and strangers, at home, at work, on a minibus, and not only is it possible, but it is imperative to charge everyone with positivity! The main thing is not to forget: your “victim”’s sense of humor must be adequate to your pranks, because everyone should find it funny (including the victim of the prank). What pranks can you come up with on April 1 for colleagues, friends and family to keep your mood high and remember the holiday for a long time?

World famous April 1st draws

  • fall of the Leaning Tower of Pisa;
  • UFO sighting in London;
  • photo report “Flying penguins”
  • transition to a new, decimal time measurement system;
  • change in the mathematical constant Pi from 3.14 to 3.0.

Pranks at work and more

We spend a significant part of our time at work, and our colleagues will probably not miss an opportunity to prank you. So be the first.

Box without bottom

It is best to set a scene for the inquisitive ones who poke their noses in everywhere and always. At a height (for example, on a cabinet), a box without a bottom is installed, but the top must open. The box may have a bright sticker that arouses interest, and an inscription like “Do not touch with your hands!” Fill the box with confetti or similar filling. When the chosen one for the joke appears in the room, it is better to leave to give him the opportunity to satisfy his curiosity. You return with a broom for those who are especially curious.

Secretary's Prank

From another office they call a trusting colleague or secretary and seriously inform that they are calling from a telephone exchange, where hot steam will be supplied under pressure through the cable to clean the telephone network. Therefore, you need to wrap the tubes in polyethylene or simply lower them to the floor. It is important not to reveal yourself while the naive victim brings the office to a safe state.

Prank on the user

An option for a colleague with strong nerves and a sense of humor.

Action plan

  • You occupy a colleague’s computer while he is away.
  • Take a photo of the screen using the PrintSrceen key.
  • Go to Paint (graphics editor).
  • Press the ShiftInsert key and insert the photo.
  • Now you need to save it (windows address FUN. bmp) and close the editor.
  • Go to the “screen properties” section.
  • Installing a JOKE. bmpbackground.
  • Select all the shortcuts on the monitor and drag them off the screen.
  • You can also remove the “Taskbar” for full effect.

When the teapot user starts rebooting the computer and running around the office screaming, the main thing is to clarify the situation before calling the IT service or complaining to the boss. Help it "arrange icons by" and restore the screen background.

The mouse ran away

For presentation you will need:

  • the same mouse as on a colleague’s computer, only not a working one: its fate is difficult to predict;
  • mouse tail (cord) – long and reliable;
  • movable chair on wheels;
  • Ideally, the processor should be under the table;
  • A colleague's brilliant absent-mindedness is welcome!

Preparation (in the absence of the main character, of course) takes a couple of minutes. Replace the mouse and tie a rope to the tail. Stretch the cord and rope behind the table, secure the other end to the chair so that when the chair is pulled up, the mouse is in its usual place, but with the “tail” stretched. Moving the chair away, the victim pulls the rope and the mouse runs away. Trying to catch it, a colleague grabs the fleeing mouse, the chair moves away with a blow to the knees. The unfortunate colleague looks very funny in these races.

Fatal call

Call the secretary or another employee and introduce yourself as a telephone company lineman repairing a fault on the line. Please ask not to use the phone for ten minutes, as this may cause an electric shock to the electrician. After deadline you call back to the same number and, when the phone is picked up, you let out a heartbreaking scream.


Cruel though funny prank for a company with many clients. Attach a sign (or just a piece of paper) with the text “Toilet” to the door of the selected office. That's basically the whole joke. But can you imagine the faces of employees and visitors constantly barging in with the same question: “Toilet? And where…?"

April Fool's Day and friends

April 1st pranks for friends are the funniest, because you know exactly who you can prank and how, and you can anticipate the reaction to your jokes. Of course, we don’t stand on ceremony with our friends, but still know when to stop.

Phone prank

Calling a friend late at night, you ask in a serious voice if he has hot water. After an affirmative answer, you give advice: “Wash quickly and sleep!”


You drink tea with a friend and chat, then suddenly you fall silent, change your face and scream: “Cockroach, Lucy (Masha, Sveta...) there’s a cockroach on your head!” .Do not use for the faint of heart.

Winter diesel fuel

If you happen to meet a friend (or a beautiful stranger) at a gas station, you can prank them by glancing at the gas station with the question: “I hope you are filling up with WINTER diesel fuel?” Before your friend sees through the joke, he will have time to get scared. And for the girl there will be a reason to get acquainted.


You can play the most gloomy member of the company, the main condition is that he is a smoker. You invite him to try a new brand of cigarettes, supposedly a gift from a distant mutual friend. After smoking a cigarette, in agreement with friends, quietly turn on the music, discreetly apply paint on yourself, let the chickens in - the main thing is for everyone to behave as usual, and only the smoker should notice the changes.

Secret admirer

Hand your friend a bouquet with a note indicating the place and time of the date, and ask her to take the bouquet with her. At the meeting stranger guy takes the bouquet, thanks and immediately gives it to his girlfriend. So that the victim does not get too upset, a familiar company immediately appears and hands her his own bouquet.

Fortune telling with matches

Invite your girlfriend or friend to tell fortunes on your future destiny. You give a box of matches and ask them to carefully break off the heads. You meticulously inspect the result of the work and ask for it to be remade. Then you insert matches into the victim’s nose, ears, hair, teeth, meticulously examine the result and, finally, show the victim your reflection in the mirror with the question: “Well, who needs you so scary?”

How to make a joke at home

April 1st pranks for parents bring a lot of fun, no matter who is pranking whom.

Hello homeless people!

If you have been planning to change the lock in your apartment for a long time, do it on April 1, when your parents will not be at home. When they try to open the door, they should be met by an unfamiliar man in shorts with the remark: “What do you need?” To the question: “What are you doing in my apartment?” explains that he purchased it at some real estate office. The duration of negotiations is proportional to the strength nervous system parents, but don't overdo it.


If the door in the kitchen opens from the outside, you can tie a strong thread to it and secure as many unbreakable objects as possible to it: spoons, towels... The end of the thread should be secured from the inside very carefully so as not to move the bunch. When the doors are opened, all objects fly apart, and mom will instantly cause a real destruction. True, they can give you a headache too.

Good morning!

In the evening, when everyone is asleep, move all the clocks in the house forward by an hour. In the morning, when sleepy household members are getting ready for school and work, congratulate them on April 1 or silently watch how they will enjoy the surprise when they get to work.

One size larger

In the evening, put cotton wool or paper in everyone’s shoes and boots, stuffing the socks and making the shoes one size smaller. When your family struggles with putting on shoes, don’t forget to congratulate them on April 1st.

Young hairdresser

A prank for a blonde mom or dad with gray hair. Instead of shampoo, pour a solution of potassium permanganate into an opaque bottle. Don't forget to take a photo of your dream pink hair.

Focus in the kitchen

Pour water into a saucepan or three-liter glass jar. Cover it with a sheet of paper, turn it over and place it on a flat tabletop. You can safely pull out the paper - the water will remain in place until someone tries to remove the vessel.

School jokes

In any country and at all times, pranks on April 1 at school were a test for teachers and a pleasure for young pranksters: at every step, some kind of trick awaited everyone. But even if the teacher is a joker himself, he is unlikely to be happy with your attempt to disrupt the lesson. Will there be peace at school this time?

Mop on the ceiling

A simple and witty prank can be done right in class by writing a note with the text “mop on the ceiling” and asking him to pass it on to a neighbor after reading it. The next time a student looks at the ceiling, the teacher will certainly look there too! And if you rub the board with soap or a candle, then no one will be able to write on it, you will have to switch to an oral survey. Whether this is good is up to you to decide.

There will be no algebra

Upset educational process maybe this is a joke. Come to class first and tell everyone who comes in that the teacher is sick and there will be another lesson. Notify teachers that the schedule has been rescheduled. When everyone gets really confused, don't forget to remind them about April 1st.

New diary

Raffles on April 1st for a classmate can be organized like this. Buy new diary with a cover exactly like your friend’s (hopefully it’s common enough) and discreetly change it for him. The surprise of both the teacher and classmate when called to the board is guaranteed. I hope they appreciate the joke too.


Attach a notice to the school door with strong glue stating that there will be no classes today due to a break in the water supply network. High school students must show up at 11:00 in work clothes with buckets and rags.

Heavy bag

A heavy (preferably metal) object is placed in a classmate’s bag, accidentally left unattended. Watching the efforts of a classmate, the main thing is to keep a serious, imperturbable face. It is important to stop in time so that the girl does not leave in tears.

Who's going where, and I'm skiing

Ask your friend to stretch his arms forward and insert matches between the first and second fingers, slip two more under his shoes and with an innocent look ask the question: “what month is it now?” To the obvious answer that it’s already April, clarify: “Why is he skiing.” The delight of your classmates is guaranteed.


This prank is for a classmate who is a computer nerd. Tell him about the email and suddenly remember that you are waiting for a money transfer. And calmly take out the bill hidden somewhere in the drive.

By the way, April 1 is a holiday of humor and smiles, but not hysterics, so play kindly with everyone. We also recommend reading What competitions to hold on March 8, read in

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