How to make a lollipop. How to make sugar lollipops at home? Recipe for homemade mint, fruit, milk, ginger, sugar-free, colored, honey candies. How to make sugar and chocolate candies

Lollipops, the main ingredient of which is granulated sugar, are an amazingly tasty delicacy from our childhood. They can be given any shape, color and aroma, but the sugar base remains unshakable for several centuries. Transparent circles, hearts, and cockerels on a stick are invariably popular and delight sweet tooths of different generations.
Making lollipops at home is not difficult at all. Moreover, the possibilities of a modern housewife are very wide. All you have to do is put in a little effort, show a little imagination, and delicious homemade candies will appear in a vase on your table.
Homemade lollipops have a number of advantages over store-bought ones:

  • differ in excellent taste, pleasant smell and original design;
  • prepared with love by the best cook - the mistress of the house;
  • the delicacy contains only simple and affordable natural ingredients;
  • No chemical additives, preservatives or flavors are used.
For the classic recipe you will need products that you always have on hand:
  • granulated sugar 200 g.
  • good water 5 tbsp. spoons
  • lemon juice 2 dessert spoons or 1 tbsp. spoon of 9% vinegar.
  • a little vegetable oil to grease the paper.
If you want to deviate from the standard, you should stock up on:
  • small dragees and pieces of marmalade to decorate lollipops;
  • vanilla sugar, honey, ginger or ground cinnamon to add flavor.
Equipment and materials for making candy:
  • deep saucepan or small saucepan with a thick bottom;
  • a container with cold water to cool the sugar mass;
  • sticks, skewers, toothpicks with cut ends or tubes;
  • baking paper or silicone dough board.

Now you can get to work.

Step-by-step recipe for homemade candy

Pour sugar into a saucepan, pour in water. Bring to a boil over low heat. Boil, stirring, for 5-7 minutes. Finally add lemon juice or vinegar. Mix well. Vanilla, ginger or honey are also added at the final stage of cooking. The temperature of the finished caramel should not be lower than 170-175°C.
In the absence of a culinary thermometer in the housewife's arsenal, the readiness of the syrup can be determined using the method of our grandmothers. If a hot drop in cold water becomes hard and does not stick to your hands, the caramel is ready.

Little secret. To prevent the syrup from sticking to the walls of the dish, during boiling it must be “pushed” with a brush dipped in cold water. This way you can avoid loss of sugar mass.

Act boldly, and then all the caramel will go into action.

When the syrup has boiled down and is ready for use, remove the saucepan from the heat, carefully place it in a container with cold water and cool slightly.

Lightly grease baking paper or silicone board with vegetable oil. Carefully pour the caramel into small circles and place the sticks.
Decorate with pieces of marmalade and dragees. To better secure the sticks and decorations, you can pour a little more syrup on top.

Everything is very simple, easy and pleasant.
If desired, you can insert cherries, seedless raisins, pieces of pineapple, apple or banana into the candy. It is worth adding a couple of tablespoons of raspberry syrup, blackcurrant juice to the sugar mass, or take 5-6 tbsp instead of water. spoons of milk, the appearance, taste and color of the appetizing delicacy will completely change.

Homemade candies are much tastier and more varied than those offered in the store. In addition, you can and should involve your child in preparing them. Cooking is a wide field for the development of creative abilities. By imagining together, you will always surprise guests, relatives, and children's party participants with surprises and gifts.


Homemade lollipops- a sweet delicacy loved by everyone without exception from early childhood. They are usually made in the shape of cockerels, but at home you can make lollipops of any shape you like.

In our today's step-by-step recipe with photos, we suggest giving homemade candies the shape of hearts, because Valentine's Day is coming soon, and the heart is its main symbol. To prepare this themed dessert, you don’t need any special effort or complicated ingredients. The ingredients in it are simple, and the cooking process is simple. You just need to carefully monitor the caramel so that it doesn’t burn or get on your hand (melted sugar burns very strongly). And you should be able to handle the rest without difficulty.

We believe that these sweet hearts on a stick will soon become a romantic part of any celebration for you.

Let's start cooking!


  • (250 g)

  • (100 g)

  • (1/2 tsp)

  • (of necessity)

Cooking steps

    We measure and place all the necessary ingredients on the table.

    Pour water into a saucepan or stewpan and add granulated sugar. Heat the resulting mixture to 130 degrees. We check the temperature with a food thermometer, but if you don’t have one, take a little syrup and drop it into a container with cold water: the resulting drop should be shaped, but soft.

    Add natural flavoring (in our case, raspberries in syrup) and red food coloring. Mix everything thoroughly and heat it to another 150 (maybe a little more) degrees (this time a drop of syrup in cold water should become solid). Mix citric acid with water in a 1:1 ratio and add to the syrup. Mix everything again.

    On a silicone mat or baking parchment (flatten the latter so that it does not curl into a roll, and spread it lightly with vegetable oil), using a large spoon, first spread the caramel in a circle, but when it begins to harden, give it a heart shape. If the caramel starts to thicken quickly in the saucepan, put it back on the heat for a few seconds and it will melt (you can do this a couple of times).

    Do not spread the caramel mass onto the parchment all at once. Two round pieces will be enough, with a wooden skewer attached to each of them.

    Keep in mind that simply attaching a skewer is not enough. You also need to rotate it around its axis 360 degrees so that the stick is neatly immersed in the caramel (this is very important, almost the main secret!).

    Leave the finished lollipops to harden. And don’t forget to give them the desired shape in the process.

    Bon appetit and sweet Valentine's Day!


Which kid doesn't love delicious lollipops? During our childhood, such lollipops could be bought in the form of cockerels, squirrels, and bunnies. Well, our children have to be content with all kinds of lollipops and other candies that contain many harmful additives, but the health of the child is above all else for the mother. Therefore, I would like to invite you to try making lollipops.

You can be confident in these lollipops because you know their composition. Once upon a time, special molds for making lollipops were sold, but it’s unlikely that anyone still has them; silicone molds are not suitable for these purposes, since they can melt under the influence of hot syrup. But don’t despair, because foil can make wonderful molds.

I offer you a basic recipe for lollipops. Ingredients of homemade sweets:
. Sugar - 4 tablespoons
. Water - 2 tablespoons (water can be replaced with fruit juice)
. Vinegar - 1 teaspoon
. Food coloring - on the tip of a knife (but you can do it without coloring)

Recipe for making homemade candy.

If you have silicone ice molds, you can use them for lollipops. But, unfortunately, I don’t have those, so I came up with foil molds. For this we need foil. We make a strip out of it. Homemade lollipops.

We cut this strip into several parts.

Take a regular stack and wrap the bottom in foil.

This is how the mold turns out.

I trimmed off the extra pieces of foil, and these are the shapes I got.

Now carefully insert a toothpick into each mold.

The forms are ready. Now let's make caramel. Pour sugar into a saucepan or frying pan, add water and vinegar.

Place on low heat. When the caramel boils, add coloring.

The caramel should boil a little. If a drop of caramel immediately cools in the water, then the caramel is ready. We literally add a drop of sunflower oil to each mold so that the caramels do not stick to the molds.

Pour caramel into molds.

If you want, you can decorate the caramels a little with different confectionery decorations.

After 10 minutes, the fireplaces are ready and can be removed from the molds. Homemade lollipops are ready. As you can see, there is nothing complicated in making candy.




Lollipop cockerel

The simplest recipe for classic lollipops:
4 tbsp. l. Sahara
1 tbsp. l. water
Boil sugar and water over low heat until transparent (a drop of syrup should instantly solidify in cold water), then add a little vinegar (apple vinegar is fine) or a grain of citric acid (it is important not to overdo it with acid) and, for flavoring, a drop of essence.
Pour into greased molds, insert pre-prepared sticks - frozen - ready.
Instead of water, you can try adding some kind of juice - here you have flavoring and natural coloring.

Burnt sugar candies:

Add 250 g of granulated sugar to the pan, add 1 tablespoon of powder or vanilla sugar and 50 g of cognac. Place all this on the stove, hold for no more than 1 minute, while stirring thoroughly.

Now remove from the stove and add a few drops of lemon juice and peppermint oil.
Pour the syrup into small molds and let it cool. Place the stick in the mold so that it sticks when the candy has completely hardened.

Chocolate caramel

125 g sugar
125 g honey
125 g chocolate

Cook sugar, honey and chocolate over low heat. If a drop of boiled chocolate mass immediately thickens in cold water, the caramel is ready. It can be poured into molds or poured onto a greased or water-moistened plate, and then cut into squares.

To make the lollipops you will need the following:
Ingredients for making candy
Quarter glass of water
Glass of sugar
Lollipop mold

First you need to pour water into a saucepan and pour sugar into it. Place it over medium heat and let it simmer for 5-9 minutes, stirring occasionally. Without turning off the heat, add one and a half tablespoons of vinegar to the pan and mix thoroughly. Wait a little, add another one and a half tablespoons of vinegar and mix again.

When the future caramel acquires a golden hue, turn off the heat. If you have molds for lollipops, grease them with sunflower oil and pour caramel into them. We insert toothpicks into the molds - they will be sticks for lollipops. Once the candies have cooled, they are ready to eat.

Lollipops "Childhood"

All my childhood I crunched on these candies. With big eyes, I sat and watched carefully, trying not to miss anything, as my mother prepared these delicious candies for us: and then it seemed to me that nothing else could be tastier than these candies. Time has flown by... and now my girls are crunching with such candies!!! The recipe is quite simple:


Sugar - 6 tbsp.

Water - 6 tbsp.

Vinegar (9% take 1 tbsp) - 0.5 tbsp.

Vegetable oil (for greasing the mold)


Cook over medium heat for 15-18 minutes. Stirring constantly.

You won't find one like this anymore...

OK it's all over Now! Help yourself!!!
granulated sugar - 8 large spoons;
  • juice without pulp - 7 large spoons;
  • squeezed lemon juice - 1 dessert spoon.
  • The process of making lollipops at home Step 1: Mix the juice with sand and freshly squeezed lemon.

    Step 2: Heat the ingredients in an enamel bowl until completely dissolved, stirring constantly with a spoon.

    Step 3: Check our caramel for readiness. To do this, drop a little caramel into cold water. If the drop dissolves, continue cooking; if the drop solidifies, the caramel is ready.

    Step 4: Grease the molds with vegetable oil so that the lollipops easily come off the silicone.

    Step 5: Pour the resulting syrup into molds and place in the refrigerator.

    In half an hour the lollipops will be ready and the children will be ready to taste them!

    How to make lollipops at home? This question is asked by almost every mother who wants to pamper her children with a delicious rooster, but does not want to buy harmful sweets in the store. It should be noted that today there are several ways to prepare such a delicacy. All of them require the use of a small number of components. The main advantage of such products is that they do not contain harmful dyes, preservatives or additives.

    Details on how to make lollipops at home

    The recipe presented is the simplest. Using this method, you can quickly make delicious homemade candies. In the future, the standard set can be easily modified by adding certain ingredients to it.

    Today we decided to present you with the basic recipe with which all candies are made. We will also tell you how you can change the taste and color of homemade caramel.

    So, to make regular sugar candies, you need to purchase:

    • fine granulated sugar - 10 full large spoons;
    • settled drinking water - about 10 large spoons;
    • wine or apple cider vinegar - a large full spoon (if desired, you can replace it with citric acid);
    • deodorized vegetable oil - used for greasing molds.

    Step by step cooking method

    Before you make lollipops at home, you should prepare a base for them. To do this, you need to pour drinking water, wine or apple cider vinegar into a small enamel pan, and also add granulated sugar. Mix the ingredients and heat thoroughly.

    Once the mixture becomes hot and the sugar begins to dissolve, reduce the heat and cook the contents of the pan until golden brown. The heat treatment time of the sweet mass depends on its quantity - the larger the portion, the longer it needs to be heated.

    During the cooking process, the syrup must be dripped into a bowl of cold water from time to time. If it begins to harden, then the base for the lollipops is considered completely ready.

    Dessert Formation

    Now you know the basic candy recipe. But in order to form beautiful figures from sweet syrup, the hot mass needs to be poured into molds pre-greased with vegetable fat. At the same time, you should not forget about the sticks, which must be inserted into the cooled mass. By the way, they can be purchased at any store, or you can use regular matches, toothpicks or bamboo skewers.

    Once the lollipops are formed, they should be placed in the refrigerator and allowed to cool completely. After half an hour, you need to remove the caramel from the molds and please your child with a tasty and sweet treat.

    How to make colorful cockerels at home?

    We talked about how to make regular lollipops. But if you want to make multi-colored caramel, then you need bright natural dyes in the standard set of products.

    So, to create multi-colored cockerels we will need:

    • fine granulated sugar - 8 large spoons;
    • fruit or berry juice without pulp - 7 large spoons;
    • fresh lemon juice - dessert spoon;
    • cooking sugar - use as desired.

    Cooking process

    How to make lollipops at home so that they turn out bright and beautiful? To do this, you need to mix fruit or berry juice without pulp with granulated sugar and freshly squeezed lemon. Next, the ingredients must be heated in an enamel bowl until all components are completely dissolved. In this case, the products should be stirred regularly with a large spoon so that they do not burn to the bottom of the pan.

    Check the readiness of the caramel in exactly the same way as described above. To do this, the syrup must be periodically dripped into a bowl of cold water. As soon as the product begins to quickly solidify and not dissolve in the liquid, the candies are completely ready.

    After cooking the base, add cooking sugar (if desired) and pour into molds greased with vegetable oil. If you really want to, you can add some additional nutritional supplements to these lollipops. This will make the dessert even more beautiful and vibrant. However, it should be noted that it is recommended to use only natural and not harmful ingredients. After all, your own child will enjoy the finished treat.

    Making a mold for homemade candy

    We told you how to make delicious lollipops at home just above. However, you should also talk about what molds you need to use to make beautiful caramel.

    Today it is quite problematic to find dishes for homemade candy in the store. After all, such a dessert is not very popular due to the fact that it can be purchased at any time in the nearest supermarket. In this regard, we recommend using improvised means. For example, if you want to make a round lollipop with a stick, then the caramel mass should simply be poured onto a flat baking sheet in the form of neat puddles. Next, you need to place a regular wooden stick in each of them. Once hardened, you will get a standard round lollipop.

    To prepare homemade caramel, experienced housewives often use shaped silicone molds, which are intended for cupcakes. Chocolate boxes are also good for this dessert.

    Some people with a sweet tooth make beautiful homemade lollipops by filling cookie molds with caramel mixture, etc.

    Let's sum it up

    As you can see, there are quite a few ways to make delicious and beautiful homemade caramel. But when preparing such a dessert, you should not forget about generously lubricating the molds. Otherwise, your candies will simply stick to the dishes, and it is unlikely that you will be able to remove them intact.

    It should also be noted that it is very important that the molds are made of a material that can withstand the temperature of hot caramel without melting.

    The biggest sweet tooth in the world is our beloved children. , ice cream - they all love it. However, it is not always possible to give purchased products to everyone. Many candies from the offered assortment are not safe for the child’s body, and children with allergies should not be fed such treats.

    It’s another matter if you prepare delicious lollipops yourself at home. The same ones... from your childhood that your mother cooked.

    I am sure that your kids will also like these cockerel candies, Santa Claus and Snow Maidens. In addition, the cooking process is also fascinating - it’s real magic, how real candies are made from simple sugar and water. And they are in no way inferior to modern lollipops.

    To make homemade lollipops we need the following ingredients:

    • Sugar 10 tbsp.
    • Water 5 tbsp.
    • Vinegar 2 tbsp.
    • Butter for greasing the mold
    • Candy mold (special or silicone for baking)
    • Candy sticks

    Recipe for homemade sugar lollipops:

    Pour sugar into a ladle, pour water and add vinegar. Vinegar plays a very important role in sweets; it prevents sugar from crystallizing. If you do not add it, the candies will turn out cloudy.

    Bring the contents to a boil and reduce the heat.

    Cook until thickened and color changes. The sweet mass will take on a reddish tint.

    Prepare the mold in advance by greasing it with butter.
    Pour the finished mixture into the holes in the mold and insert the sticks, I use bamboo skewers, cut into two equal parts.

    If you don’t have a special form in your kitchen arsenal, it doesn’t matter. There is a way out of this situation - just take parchment paper, also grease it with butter and pour the syrup directly onto it. We embed the stick in it and wait until it hardens. Or pour the sugar mixture into small silicone baking or ice molds.

    Only after the candies have cooled completely do we open the mold and take out our homemade candies from it.

    Sugar lollipops can be given to children so they can enjoy the sweet taste.

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