How to become popular in your city

Popularity, as a rule, is enjoyed by those who do not go unnoticed. Attract attention to yourself! Therefore, experiment with clothes, develop your signature gestures, do not hide your original profession and no less unexpected hobby. Sing, dance, tell stories, take the initiative, have parties, don't hang out and don't stand in the corner in an unfamiliar group, waiting for someone to introduce you to someone - come up first and start a conversation with someone you want to communicate with. In other words, do not be afraid to do something that is not accepted and does not fit into the standards. A person who adheres to his own style and does not depend on the conventions of public opinion is always interesting. However, do not forget about a sense of proportion, unless, of course, you have the goal of gaining a reputation as an eccentric person without a king in his head.

Don't change lanes. Popularity is, first of all, naturalness. An excessive desire to turn into an object of universal love at any cost will cause a completely opposite reaction and, at the very least, laughter. Don't become close friends with people who have nothing in common with you. Be yourself! Insincerity repels us and makes us suspicious: few people like it when hypocritical people ingratiate themselves into their trust. After all, we give preference to those who sincerely appreciate and love our society. Ease and ease in communication is the secret of popularity.

The ability to listen and ask questions is the recipe for an ideal interlocutor. Of course, you only want to talk about your loved ones, but if you allow someone to capture your attention, then you will conquer their heart forever. The most popular person in the company listens carefully, does not interrupt, and skillfully carries on the conversation. It is not for nothing that a couple of centuries ago these skills were part of the basics of raising noble maidens. And those who mastered these basics shone in the best houses in Europe.

Cheerful people are very popular, you've probably noticed this. Hang “I’m looking for positivity” above your mirror and instead of lamenting and complaining, put all your energy into finding a solution. By not allowing yourself to stagnate and get bored, you will always be determined for the best. This behavior inspires the deeds of others. And you, meanwhile, are not only moving towards great achievements yourself, but also leading a group of supporters who unconditionally recognize you as their leader.

Never be embarrassed! Embarrassment, of course, adorned romantic young ladies in past centuries, but even they learned to solve their problems with dignity. Embarrassment is weakness. In our cynical world, strong personalities are valued. No matter what happens, never lose control of the situation. Seek help, get advice, learn lessons for the future, just don’t stall! Even the lottery is won by the one who buys the ticket first...

Laugh at yourself! Only the ability to approach any problem with irony, or rather with self-irony, will attract glances full of delight. There is probably no more repulsive image than a person who takes himself too seriously. If you humorously get out of an awkward situation, then everyone will laugh not at you, but with you (and this, you see, is a completely different matter).

To be popular, you must sincerely believe that you really deserve everyone's attention and have all the necessary qualities for this. In other words, you must present yourself correctly. They want to look up to someone who knows their worth. Make sure that all your super qualities do not go to waste: do not hide your talents, present yourself in a favorable light and from the right perspective. In general, do not forget about the magical power of PR.

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Many girls want to become popular among classmates, friends and schoolchildren. If you are one of them, know that anyone can achieve their goal. You just need to know how to become the most popular in school and class.

If you can’t boast of beauty, relaxedness, charm or intelligence, it’s possible to become the epicenter of attraction. Believe in yourself and follow a few simple rules.

Before I tell you how to succeed and become popular at school, I’ll tell you what not to do. Wrong actions, instead of getting results, will doom your efforts and attempts to become popular to failure.

  1. You should not gain favor with classmates and friends through flattery.
  2. Even if friendship with a certain girl or group of students will be beneficial, do not put yourself down to create a friendly relationship.
  3. Copying the behavior of popular girls and imitating manners will not lead to anything good.
  4. Don't date boys in order to appear worthy and interesting.

Schoolchildren, seeing that you happily fulfill their wishes and follow their lead, will communicate, but such friendship cannot be called sincere. Do not forget that by sacrificing pride and dignity, you will not be able to gain real popularity in school or class.

Step-by-step action plan

  1. Communicate with all your peers without trying to join a specific group. You will achieve popularity if your circle of friends is unlimited. Talk to everyone and don't neglect anyone.
  2. Remember, the key to popularity is goodwill. You will not be able to achieve your goal with the help of aggression and anger. If your character is complex, try to become kinder and focus on pleasant communication and sincere friendship.
  3. Keep your spirits up. A smile will help attract the attention of children from school, provoking them to communicate. Go to school in the mood.
  4. Will help increase popularity and attractiveness. During school years, boys compete for the attention of beautiful girls. Take care of your skin, nails and hair. Choose stylish, beautiful and clean clothes.
  5. Meet older students. Friendship with high school students is perceived by peers as an indicator of coolness. By gaining their trust, you will be on the right path to the top of popularity.
  6. Do something fun and interesting. With the help of an unusual hobby, you will attract attention and attract interest. Having chosen an interesting activity, be it dancing or wrestling, try to achieve success. As a result, there will be an incentive to share achievements with peers.

Here's how to become popular in school. When moving towards your goal, do not behave extremely defiantly, do not impose yourself and forget about embarrassment. Otherwise, instead of popularity, you will gain a reputation as a frivolous schoolgirl who thinks only about herself.

Video tips

Be a relaxed and natural person. As a result, your peers will begin to consider you an interesting person, spending time with whom is very pleasant. Don't copy an existing school star.

How to become the most popular in class

All girls dream of becoming popular among their classmates. Nevertheless, some girls are invited to holidays and given gifts, while others are ignored.

If you think that your popularity among your peers is minimal, try to correct the situation using step-by-step instructions. By following the recommendations, achieve your goal and climb to the top of popularity, which can even go beyond the classroom.

  • Take care of your appearance . Even if you don’t shine with exceptional beauty, pay as much attention to your image as possible. Keep your nails and hair clean, wear neat clothes and take care of fresh breath. Agree, greasy hair and torn tights will alienate your classmates.
  • Find your style . It is not necessary to go to extreme measures such as dyeing your bangs green or using a large amount of cosmetics and accessories. It's better to dress properly. Only the right items will help hide figure flaws, and a fashionable haircut will highlight the beauty of your face.
  • Actively participate in class life . Alternatively, you can publish a school newspaper, participate in extracurricular activities, keep a diary, create skits and quizzes. If you're not good at acting, try becoming a school director.
  • Use your talents . If you know how to embroider, sing, dance or draw, use your talents to win over your classmates. Invite them to the next concert or competition in which you intend to participate. As a result, your classmates will be able to learn something new about you. None of the school competitions, exhibitions or concert programs should take place without your participation.
  • Be interested in history and the world . You will be able to gain popularity among your classmates if you can interest them. Knowledge about sports, music, fashion trends or the latest in cinema will help. Talk to your classmates about interesting things, trying not to let the conversation become a one-sided lecture.
  • Hospitality and generosity . If a classmate asks for a book or CD with an educational video, don’t be greedy. Invite your classmates to visit, entertain and treat them. If it's your birthday, try baking your own cake and treat the whole class. Demonstrate your culinary skills and attract attention.
  • State your point of view . Regarding events that happen in class or at school, you should have your own point of view. Express it with reason. Treat other people's opinions with respect.
  • Pay special attention to developing a sense of humor . A girl who is constantly serious and gloomy will not be popular at school or in class. Just don’t overdo it, otherwise, instead of a school star, you will become a jester. Watching humorous TV shows, reading jokes and anecdotes will help develop a sense of humor.
  • Unexpected action . You can make a huge impression on your school colleagues with the help of an unexpected act. For example, ask a handsome friend to meet you after school or drive up to the school threshold in the side seat of a nice car. It is not worth making an impression with cigarettes, strong drinks or psychotropic substances. They will only bring bad fame.

Agree, the steps that I propose to take to achieve the goal are as simple and understandable as possible. At the same time, they are very effective and have repeatedly demonstrated their effectiveness in practice.

During their school years, all children try to gain popularity among their peers. Especially in high school, when they begin to rapidly mature physically and mentally. When trying to get the desired status, the main thing is to avoid making a serious mistake. In an effort to gain popularity, you can commit rash and ill-considered actions, which you later have to be ashamed of.

What is popularity and why is it needed?

While studying at school, children study various disciplines every day in order to gain knowledge. They constantly make attempts to gain status among classmates and friends. There is nothing wrong if a girl strives to gain popularity. Each person needs to get to know each other in order to exchange opinions and useful data, which has a positive effect on the development of communication skills, which will definitely be useful throughout adult life.

Sociability – the ability to talk with different people without hesitation. During such communication, a person learns to understand psychology, which helps in school, at work, and even in creating relationships.

In the article, I shared methods for achieving popularity at school and in the classroom, which are widely used by teenage girls. Surely at school you saw how your friends, in order to gain popularity and attract attention, use bad habits. Remember, for teenagers, alcohol and cigarettes are forbidden things that have nothing to do with real popularity.

Before you take action, think carefully about whether you need great popularity. Identify the reasons why you are still unpopular. It may turn out that popularity is not needed; a couple of good friends are plenty.

Don't try to change to please your peers. You will achieve success if you can live in harmony with yourself. Time will pass, your environment will change, but you must remain yourself. Each new change will make you better and more natural.

Tired of being a gray mouse and want to finally prove yourself and come out of the shadows? Then your time has come! Try to follow our recommendations and you will succeed!

How to become popular at school

Most remember their school years as the most carefree and wonderful. But for many students this is not the case at all. Popularity among other students plays a significant role in school life. How to become popular in class and at school? Let's try to give you some tips!

Stay neutral! You should not give your preference to a certain group of people. If you want to become popular, expand your social circle! Try to become a part of every school group, communicate with everyone and do not ignore a person just because others don’t like him.

Try to be friendly! It is unlikely that evil and aggression can achieve positive popularity. Remember that people are drawn to those with whom they can make friends and have pleasant conversations.

Always be in a good mood! Nothing attracts a person more than his sincere smile and good mood.

Find something interesting and exciting for yourself! Attract the attention of the surrounding children to your person with some unusual hobby. Enroll in a modern dance class, a photo studio, or learn to play a rare musical instrument. Become successful in one activity or another.

Take care of your appearance! They greet you based on their clothes, so you have to try hard. Start by devoting time and effort to caring for your skin, hair, and nails. Make sure your clothes are clean, tidy and, of course, stylish and attractive. It is very important to show your individuality; do not try to look like others.

Make friends with high school students! A student who has the trust of his elders will always be popular among his peers.

How to become popular on the Internet

How to become more popular in VKontakte

Many people want fame, but not everyone is able to achieve it. If you want to become popular among users of the social network VKontakte, try to follow our advice.

Millionaire group! Administrators of popular groups arouse great interest among users. If you want people to add you as friends and write a large number of messages, create a group that can arouse keen interest among the social network audience.

Creation! If you are talented in any creative activity, don't be afraid to show it off. By posting your own song, video, poetry or story, you can gain a lot of fans. However, be objective towards yourself, think about whether your creativity is worth other people’s attention.

How to become popular on Twitter

To ensure that your Twitter is read by as many people as possible, your blog posts need to be relevant and interesting. Then many people will want to discuss your posts and learn more about you.

How to become a popular girl

What girl doesn't dream of popularity? Let's talk about how you can make people around you interested in your personality.

How to become popular among guys

Communicate! Don't be shy to talk to guys. In order to become popular, you will have to forget about modesty and shyness. Guys really like sociable girls with a good sense of humor. Be relaxed in your communication, but do not go too far, because some young men are afraid of girls who are too relaxed.

Watch how you look! Take care to always look neat and well-groomed. Clothes should look stylish and highlight your individuality. Makeup should not be too provocative.

Be kind! Try to avoid scandals and intrigues. Don't use people to achieve your goals. Don't offend guys. Show that you can be trusted.

Don't sit at home! To learn how to communicate, you need to spend more time in the company of friends. Go to concerts, movies and cafes. Meet new people. Remember that experience comes with practice!

How to become the most popular

If popularity among friends and students of your school is not enough for you and you want to be known throughout the city, and maybe even throughout the country, you will have to try hard! It's no secret that only the most talented and beautiful people achieve wide popularity. Try to prove yourself at castings or well-known Internet resources. It is unlikely that an interesting and talented person will go unnoticed!

At one fine moment in my life, I realized that something was missing in me: you seem to be living, but something is wrong and wrong. I looked at myself from the outside and in the mirror, went through one strong training on my own, read a couple of educational books. I made disappointing conclusions that I have a bunch of bad habits, I devote almost no time to my health, I am not popular with girls, my level of disorganization is off the charts, and in addition, I often avoid solving complex life problems.

It doesn't matter how many days are in your life, what matters is how much life is in your days!


It all starts with introducing it into your life. We start with basic exercises, but you need to do them every day. These are simple exercises: squats, abdominal presses (lifting the body), push-ups. It all starts with repetition 5 times and increases by 1 time every day; you can do two repetitions a day. In a month, you will be doing 35 squats, 35 abdominal exercises, and 35 push-ups. Then you can increase the number of repetitions as needed, but be sure to do it every day.

Every person needs to find his own sport, and you shouldn’t follow fashion: everyone runs, that means running, everyone does yoga, that means yoga. Look for a sport that suits you completely: loads, interest, time, financial component, people. It should become an extension of your essence.

Over the course of a year, I tried the gym, boxing, running, jiu-jitsu, aikido, cycling. At the same time, I practiced several types for several months. It was a great time, because it was definitely beneficial for my health, and I also understood more and more what exactly I wanted from sports.

My choice fell on jiu-jitsu and swimming - this is the basis of my sports development. Now this has been for the rest of my life, since the pleasure I get in my classes is difficult to express in words, and my success in this field only reinforces this conviction.


You'll have to read a lot. An excellent result is 40–50 books per year. I read 42 books and understand that 50 books a year is realistic. The main thing is to read without stopping. And, of course, don’t watch TV and don’t spend too much time on social networks.

Read only to develop your mind: psychology, Russian and foreign classics, self-development, finance - no pulp or entertaining books.

Take notes on the gist of what you read, what impressed you or didn’t like in the book, memorize the quotes. This way you train your memory and can always surprise your interlocutors with clever sayings from books.

Ayn Rand’s book “Atlas Shrugged” greatly influenced me with its fundamentality and strong dialogues, as well as situations similar to events from my life.

My morality, the morality of reason, is contained in one axiom: reality exists in one choice - to live. Everything else flows from here. To live, a person must consider three things to be the highest and decisive values: Reason, Purpose, Self-Respect. Reason as the only instrument of knowledge, Purpose as the choice of happiness, which this instrument must achieve, Self-respect as the indestructible confidence that he is able to think and his personality is worthy of happiness, which means worthy of life. These three values ​​require all the virtues of man, and all his virtues are related to the relationship of existence and consciousness: rationality, independence, purity, honesty, justice, efficiency, pride.

Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged


What distinguishes a strong personality from an ordinary person is... Regardless of your mood, motivation, external circumstances, family relationships, do what is necessary at a given moment in time.

Learn to swim against the tide of life circumstances, educate yourself so that your internal state does not depend on what is happening around you. It was very difficult and everything did not work out right away, as there were breakdowns. But again and again I moved forward with the support of loved ones and the inner desire to go through this path at any cost.

Where can I start? From the morning ritual. Here is the simplest and most effective method for honing discipline: when the alarm clock rings, get up immediately, wash your face, turn on music, do exercises with strength exercises, then a contrast shower, a healthy breakfast (without fried or sweet foods) and reading a book (you can do it on the way to the office) .

You need to do this until you can do it automatically and without forcing yourself. It took me 3 months, sometimes, of course, there were failures, especially after overloaded days. I recommend that anyone who wants to change their lifestyle develop their own morning ritual.

We must learn to control ourselves: our speech, gait, gaze and gestures. Wherever you are, at home, at work, at the gym, you should exude confidence and act without unnecessary fuss. Remember the principle of feedback: even if you don’t feel that way, this feeling of confidence and discipline will come.

A very useful exercise for developing inner strength - despite all your natural fears, do not take your eyes off your interlocutor, from passing people who look into your eyes. I won’t lie, martial arts classes helped me with this. But it’s also good to look with a warm gaze, showing that you are friendly.

To educate myself, I learned to deny myself pleasures: bars, alcohol, sweets, cigarettes, impulse purchases, idleness, empty conversations at work. This may not happen right away, but you need to think about it all the time, work in this direction. And one day I said to myself: “Yes, I haven’t drunk alcohol for three months and haven’t eaten sweets for two months.”

I attended sports classes or courses despite my mood, circumstances, weather and my motivation. I made a schedule and followed it, throwing away all my favorite excuses. I liked coming to the gym when others were stopped by something and when there were like-minded people who were ready to support me in these endeavors.

And most importantly, you need to learn to control yourself when little is happening, and there is a mess around. Be an island of calm and cool endurance.


Keep a financial journal. Keep it going for a month, two, three and don’t stop. And don’t just manage it, but analyze every month what goes where, why and how to fix it.

I had a lot of expenses on coffee - 1,300 rubles a month. I realized that it was time to reduce its amount, and now the level of spending on coffee is 600 rubles per month. Coffee is my weakness that I don't want to get rid of.

Many people say that a magazine is a useless thing: “I already know how much I spend and earn.” And you try to keep it for 1 year with accurate analysis and charts and you will see the whole picture of your financial literacy or illiteracy.

Keep yourself in financial asceticism, stop buying what you don’t need or what is imposed by advertising and friends. Most of our purchases are useless and will not be useful in life, and we can quite easily do without them.

Find additional income, even if it is small, but it will motivate you to even greater achievements. Let it be an increased workload, additional work (of any format), freelancing, selling unnecessary things, training other people. The mistake of the majority is that everyone wants a lot of money in the initial stages, but that doesn’t happen. You don’t earn a lot at work right away, so everything in life is gradual.


This point applies more to men who have not found their soul mate or do not even want it, which is what I was. If you are alone and have a lot of time, develop the skill of meeting girls. Register on dating sites, meet people in cafes and on the street, chat in the gym, ask friends about girls you know.

Try different communication strategies: gentleman, macho, shy, sporty guy. Meet girls smarter than you, admit it, win them over.

In various situations, not everything will work out: the wrong words, the wrong method, the wrong person, failures in bed. But don’t stop, this should strengthen you.

And over time, you will learn to understand the opposite sex, learn to easily start a conversation, and make beautiful compliments. Girls will often reciprocate and feel that you are an interesting personality. But don’t be self-confident, look for someone who will appreciate your qualities “without cuts”, and be devoted and faithful to her.

To put it simply - love, suffer, conquer, break up and start over. Become someone you want to spend time with, with whom you will be comfortable in any situation, be able to understand and listen to the other person. And remember that your significant other can always leave you, so enjoy every moment together.


Start developing skills you didn't have before: for example, breaststroke, speed typing, context planning, defensive driving. Master them, find a mentor on the topic, get training. Such achievements develop a personality and make it multifaceted.

You will also learn to intentionally step out of your comfort zone and overcome fear, which will later become your driving force. All great achievements begin with small victories over yourself.

Over the past 12 months, I have done things that I have never done before: heavy strength training, meditation, training with children, conducting trainings, asceticism.


Determine your values ​​in life, create internal and social rules for yourself, find your “I”.

Finally, find the answer to the eternal question: “Why am I here? What is my mission?

How? Ask yourself important questions, don’t look at other people who are drifting like a boat on the ocean, become a guide for both yourself and others. Read spiritual books, visit spiritual places and, finally, create your own picture of the world order. This is very important, so you will become unshakable and you will have your own faith. Not the one that is shown in the media, but precisely the inner one.

Most people are afraid to ask themselves difficult questions and close themselves off with materialism, like I did at one time, but this is a dead-end branch of development. You can’t close yourself off with things and the bustle of everyday life; they won’t give you the happiness that you will feel when you find something important inside that will lead you further.

Useful habits

As you break bad habits and make structural changes, you will need other habits - and it better be useful.

For example, if you talk a lot, learn to be silent and listen to your interlocutor, even when your tongue is itching - remain silent.

If you eat a lot of sweets, replace them with nuts or dried fruits, do not eat so much chocolate and cookies, and drink sweet tea.

Books are a great way to save yourself from TV and Internet addiction. The brain just doesn’t want to “liquefy” anymore.

If you don’t have anything planned and everything happens just like that, keep a notebook and write down all your tasks for the day, week, month. Write down the thoughts that come to you, fresh ideas, describe events and people. Keep records and analysis of your life.

If you smoke, quit and immediately get into a sport, preferably one where your lungs work the hardest to get all the tar out of you.

Algorithm for structural self-change in 12 months

  • Sports activity every day. Decide on your sport for a long time, do it, no matter what, for a whole year.
  • Read a lot of books, 3–4 per month. Write a summary of what you read.
  • Develop discipline. Deny yourself pleasures. Stay calm when things are stormy. Try to deny yourself something every month.
  • Develop financial literacy. Keep a financial journal and find extra income throughout the year.
  • If you are single, look for your soul mate and develop the skill of seduction. If you are no longer alone, fall in love again with your chosen one.
  • Learn new skills you didn't know before. Preferably - 1 skill in 2 months.
  • Find the answer to why you are here, even an approximate one - it will be good. Spend as much time on this as you think is necessary.
  • Get good habits instead of bad ones. This is everyday work.

Victory over yourself is true success in life.

Change is difficult, but possible. The main thing is to want to set yourself interesting (and not so interesting) goals and achieve them, no matter what. Everything will not work out right away, there will be misfires and breakdowns, but the vector of movement must be maintained, and you will definitely break through the barrier of your weakness.

If you think that this requires motivation or money, you are mistaken: you only need one pure desire to become better than you are, and time, which is already so little in our lives. But remember, there is no limit to perfection, this is constant work on yourself, and it continues until the end of your days. A developed personality lives much happier than those who are weak in front of themselves and retreat before life’s circumstances.

Popularity is a thing that many people want and try to achieve. When you study at university, popularity plays an important role for you.

Almost each of us wants to be on the crest of the wave, to somehow stand out from the crowd. Almost everyone tries to be the center of attention.

And it doesn’t matter that only a few actually end up in this center. The more important thing is that all people, regardless of their temperament and character, desire the day when they will shine in the rays of glory and praise will fall on them from all sides. Even the quietest people want this long-awaited “finest hour” to come in their lives.

However, have you wondered why everyone strives so much for popularity? What's so good about it?

To answer this difficult question we need to look at the consequences of popularity. Or, in simple terms, it is necessary to find out the positive effects that occur when a person becomes popular. With the onset of popularity, the student really receives a lot of advantages.

Firstly, if you are popular, then your opinion will be significant to many. You, so to speak, have your own contingent, which, in fact, makes you popular at the university.

Accordingly, much of what is proposed by a popular person will be heard. But it’s always nice when others listen to your opinion. This makes you almost a god among people.

The next positive thing about popularity is that you have certain concessions in your studies if your popularity is also based on the views of your teachers.

If you have proven yourself well in front of your teachers, then rumors will certainly spread about you as a good student. Accordingly, you will no longer be treated as an ordinary “green student”, but as someone who means something more than the average student.

Many students take advantage of this unspoken privilege. This is their right, they deserve it and no one has the right to condemn them.

Another consequence of popularity is that it is easier for a popular person at a university to make his way in life.

Let's give an example: if you curry favor with your teacher in some competition or scientific seminar, win it, or simply perform well, then next time the teacher will take you to a conference in another city.

Not someone from the outside, but you! Because he is sure that you will not let him down. And he will recommend your candidacy to other teachers at any teaching council.

Because little by little you will be “pushed” to some positions at the university. You will become the chairman of the student council. Or you may be asked to take the reins of some other position in student government.

In any case, you will gain invaluable experience that will undoubtedly be useful to you in adulthood. Plus, you will “grow” some connections with representatives from other circles (you will speak or represent your university at various events).

Therefore, in this light, popularity will certainly play into the hands of any person.

Of course, everything in the world has its negative sides. But within the framework of this article we will not focus your attention on this.

After all, now our goal is to prove to you that popularity does not fall from the sky like manna from heaven, is not bought (students are not show business) for money, but is earned for your specific actions.

Then the next logical question would be: is popularity still the destiny of the few, or can almost anyone learn it?

Is it possible for a simple student like me to gain popularity?

Why not? Who is stopping you from doing this? After all, our country is full of opportunities, as all the media are now trumpeting right and left.

Therefore, to be popular or not is a purely personal decision for each person. Since you are reading this article, we therefore believe that you have decided to gain popularity among your peers or teachers.

Congratulations! You are on the right track! A little more “water”, and we will tell you what techniques currently exist to become popular at a university.

If you are an ordinary student, but dream of fame within your university or even in a wider audience, then you have to choose which way you will win people's favor with you. You can write a lot about different ways to gain popularity.

We will only focus on what we think are the simplest ways that you can use after reading this post.

So, decide: which role suits you best?

1) Expert.

This is a way of gaining popularity in which you will act as some kind of expert on certain issues. For example, if you are strong in law or some other science, then you can advise your comrades on various issues from your field of knowledge.

Thus, a certain group of people will form around you, who will already know that this guy or girl is “rummaging around in this.” At the same time, as mentioned above, your classmates will recommend you to their friends and so on.

Thus, you will gain the reputation of a true professional in your field and will be popular in your educational institution.

2) Bad-bad-boy.

If you want to gain popularity only among your peers, you can take on the role of the bad boy/girl. And this does not mean at all that you should destroy everything in the area. No.

We mean this type of your behavior in which it is simply impossible to remain unnoticed. For example, you can use an old trick and start talking like a tough guy.

Something like “yes, yes, baby.” At the same time, do not be rude, do not swear anywhere, but simply present to people your own feature that will distinguish you from students like you.

People are designed in such a way that they are drawn to the “bad guys” more than the good ones. Apparently, people have a program for thrills in their genes. Therefore, your peculiar character and behavior will attract a large number of fans and with it the fame of a bad guy.

But be careful! This path is the easiest and at the same time the most dangerous. Don’t get used to the role too actively, otherwise in the future you will live like a bad-bad boy all your life.

3) Hard worker

Hardworking people are always loved everywhere, always and by everyone.

Such students are the “life preservers” to whom they cling during tests, tests, and similar important certifications.

If you choose this path to gaining popularity, then it is worth saying the following about it. This is the path, we believe, the most difficult and responsible in terms of maintaining your popularity rating.

You will just need to do everything that is asked of you at the university every day. If you relax even a little, and God forbid, don’t help your friend, then you will almost instantly lose all your popularity, which you have earned with your hard work that is too hard for many.

This path is somewhat reminiscent of the path of an expert, with the only difference that it is enough for an expert to know something perfectly only from a limited area, while a hard worker must have decent knowledge of everything that he encounters during his studies at a university.

The image of a hard worker is most suitable for really strong students who study excellently or almost perfectly and who are able to carry all the other lagging behind comrades.

Teachers show increased interest in such hardworking people. It will be easier for you to gain their trust, and, accordingly, receive certain bonuses if you unquestioningly complete almost any task that is given to you.

If you truly have the natural ability and skills for hard work (or, in our case, study), then the role of a hard worker is right for you!

It will be easier for you to make your way through life, you will occupy high positions, first at the university, and then in other organizations where you will continue to work. It is your hard work that will allow you to become not only popular, but also a very successful person in life.

Therefore, next time, instead of immediately sitting down at the computer after studying and accessing your favorite “contact”, think about the fact that perhaps you are capable of more than you currently have and can do.

Do more volunteer work, work hard while you are young, and don’t mindlessly sit around talking on social networks.

Remember popularity loves those who stubbornly stick to their line for a long time. Or, as it is now fashionable to say, it holds the brand.

So, you have learned about three ways to gain popularity at a university. Whatever you like, in any case, we will not leave you without our traditional advice. Today, as you probably already guessed, they will relate to popularity.

We did not divide advice for each of the paths discussed above, but brought them all into a single list. So much the better for you, since there is no completely “clean” way to achieve popularity. Each path complements the other. The same applies to councils.

We have selected the best for you, so read more carefully and absorb everything like a sponge.

No matter how much of a genius you are, all people first judge you by your appearance. If you don't take special care of yourself, then your chances of gaining popularity are noticeably reduced.

Moreover, if you are a young man or girl, then they practically drop to zero, provided that you do not dress with taste. You don't need bright and fluffy outfits every day! This sometimes even irritates others. It’s enough just to look good, wear clean and neat clothes that will emphasize your status.

The more you are in the public eye, the more likely you are to be remembered, and this is the first step towards gaining popularity in college. If you are a regular participant in various events (concerts, KVN, student council), then there is a very high probability that you will have a favorable influence on your teachers.

What an active student he is, he participates everywhere!” — the teachers will discuss among themselves. This will gradually increase your popularity among teachers. Well, we have already written above about the privileges that you will receive if you become a prominent figure among the teaching staff.

If you are asked something, always try to complete any task to the maximum. We explain why it is necessary to do this: the fact is that when you almost always do your homework completely and on time, you gain, firstly, practical problem-solving skills (nowadays few are able to force themselves to do something), and, secondly, -secondly, you gain the reputation of a person from whom you can always ask for advice or simply simply write off a job.

People always love when there is a person next to them who is able to help. Therefore, your popularity among, first your own, and then other students, will grow exponentially. The most important thing in this case is not to overstrain yourself and do not keep parasites near you.

Conclusion: Anyone can become a popular person now. The example with +100500 clearly demonstrates this. However, in order to gain this popularity, you need to make some efforts to gain the favor of your comrades.

Remember: popularity is hard work, which forces you to maintain your brand every day. But, if you are ready for difficulties, if you have confidence that you can become popular, then go for it! And then all the privileges that popularity gives will be yours.

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