How to enlarge your forearms at home. How to build awesome forearms! Video: how to pump up your forearms at home

Hello, dear fans of sports and bodybuilding in particular. Surely you remember that we have already done a single workout for the arms together: we pumped up the biceps, triceps, strengthened the hands and fingers, and worked on the shoulders. However, don't you think that there is something missing in this series? Seems? So do I. Therefore, I decided to urgently catch up and today we will do exercises for the forearms with dumbbells.

Those who didn’t miss it while performing the training described probably felt a considerable load on the muscles of the forearm. This is natural, because the hand and forearm are inextricably linked, and the basic exercises for this muscle group consist of flexion/extension of the hands.

If you have dumbbells, which, in theory, you should have had long ago, you can perform almost the entire range of exercises for developing and strengthening the muscles of the forearm at home. Therefore, I suggest you quickly start warming up before training, while I will tell you some of the anatomical features of the structure of this muscle group.

Anatomy of the forearms

The muscles of the forearm stretch from the wrist to the elbow and consist of four bundles, which are conventionally divided into flexors and extensors. The first group is located on the inside of the hand, the second - on the outside, respectively.

In principle, pumping up your arms as a whole, all the basic exercises that you perform also involve your forearms. At first they also develop. However, at some point there is a need to start doing them purposefully, since the loads being performed are no longer enough for development.

Today we will focus specifically on the flexors and extensors of the arms. And especially for this, I have prepared the best exercises for pumping up the lower arms.
So, have you warmed up? Then take the dumbbells and go ahead.

Set of exercises

Let's start, naturally, with the basics. For this we will need dumbbells. It is possible with a barbell, but it is believed that dumbbells will be more effective here.

Sit on a bench or chair. The knees are straight, slightly apart. Dumbbells are already in your hands. Place your hands on your knees so that your hands are free. We hold the dumbbells with our palms from below and begin to bend. Low point - the hands are lowered as much as possible, you can even straighten your fingers a little to increase the load on them. The top point is the wrist is straight.

Wait, don't get up. Now take the dumbbells from above. Let's do the extension. You do the same thing, only in the opposite direction. Working only with your wrists, without lifting your hands from your knees, lift the dumbbells up. Bottom position – the hand is in line with the arm. Do you feel your hands getting clogged? Still would!

These two exercises can be done standing. Stand straight, make sure your arms are relaxed. Depending on how you hold the dumbbells, perform either flexion or extension.

Standing is another very effective training for pumping up the muscle group we need, but here we will preferably need a barbell. You need to take it behind your back. It is performed exactly according to the same principle as the previous one with dumbbells. Depending on the grip of the barbell - forward or reverse - bend/extend your wrists. Make sure that when performing any load on your forearms, your hands are relaxed. This is an important factor on which the progress of your studies depends.

Another exercise with a barbell is the reverse grip. Hold the barbell with relaxed hands. And just lifting by bending/extending your elbows. Everything is simple here.

Let's now put the barbell down and get back to the dumbbells. Remember we already did the “hammer”? In principle, you can do it in a classic version. However, it will be more effective to perform it by bending your arms in turn towards the opposite shoulder. Look at the photos, they will help you do everything right.

This workout is effective for both men and women. The only difference is the weight of the equipment, that is, the load. Dear ladies, be sure to do this so that at some point it doesn’t turn out that the skin is sagging in some places. This happens very often, especially in the triceps area. It is not worth performing such isolating loads for the forearms all in a row. Just adopt them and add them to your training.

Training your grip

An important element of our training is exercises to increase grip strength. As you remember, for this purpose we used a tennis ball, wrist expanders, even a barbell. For those who missed this lesson, let me remind you.

I think everyone knows what to do with an expander. Surely every man, at least in childhood, had this mini-simulator in his arsenal. Remember how your forearm got clogged when you exercised with it. This is despite the fact that its main focus is still the brush.

Now the ball. Just take it in your palm and press it in with your fingers. The same can be done with one thumb. In general, refer to our workout for the hand and fingers.

We need pancakes so that we can lift them with just our fingers. To do this, fold two pancakes, start with two 5gk each, take them on top with your fingers, lift them, and try to hold them for as long as possible. We considered this too.

What we haven't discussed yet is kettlebell exercises. Naturally, this requires appropriate physical training, but it’s probably hard to think of anything better than strength training for grip. So, grab a weight. Starting position: legs spread wide, butt sticking out, back arched. This position gives you stability. The weight stands between the legs. Grab a kettlebell and use your body momentum to lift it toward your chest. However, you should not press it, but hold it at arm's length, with your elbow bent at an angle of 90 degrees. Look at the photo to understand how everything needs to be done correctly. I hope everything works out for you.

Having analyzed all the really best and most effective exercises, let's try to create a program.

Training program

1. Start with overhand dumbbell curls while sitting on a bench. Do 3 sets of 12 reps each;
2. Now do the same, but hold the dumbbells with an underhand grip. Also 3 sets of 12 times each;
3. We continue by performing barbell curls with a reverse grip. By the way, for greater efficiency, this training can be done on a Scott bench. In general, the choice is yours - 3 sets of 12 repetitions;
4. Finish with a cross hammer. Also – 3 to 12.

You can train, I advise you to do so, regardless of working on the forearm. The ball and expander can be squeezed almost around the clock.

Before completing today’s workout, I would like to once again remind you of the importance of sports nutrition, which allows you to develop not only muscles but also our ligaments. I use quality protein nutrition you yourself will be amazed at the result.

This concludes our training. Don't forget about breathing, don't take long breaks between approaches - the workout should be as intense as possible. Take care of your health, build a beautiful body and see you at the next lesson.

Friends, hello everyone. In this issue, I decided to talk about a small muscle group, which, in my opinion, is not a priority, but still, looking at the query statistics, apparently many are interested in it - how to pump up your forearms? I will try to be concise compared to previous releases.

Friends, to be honest, I wanted to start the release, as always, with muscle anatomy. Because I have always said and continue to say that in order to achieve something you need to understand how it works. In our case, we want to pump up our forearms, which means we need to understand how they are structured in order to understand what the most effective exercises are suitable for training them. But after writing a paragraph, I realized that most people wouldn’t even understand anything, it’s meaningless rubbish that an ordinary person would be too lazy to read.

I decided to do it a little differently, a little theory, which in theory you should understand (only the most important) and then immediately move on to practice, i.e. how, when and with what exercises to train the forearms. Then we will draw up training plans based on this information. That's all. Let's go!

1.The most effective way to train your forearms is on the day you train your BICEPS! On other days it is not profitable to do this, because... the forearms will receive excessive (too much) load and this may lead to

2.The forearms are the weakest muscle group in our body. What I mean is that you can’t train your forearms at the beginning of your workout, only at the very end! Otherwise, if you train your forearms at the beginning of your workout, it will be difficult to COMPLETELY train your back or the same biceps. FOR the forearms are a traction movement (in back training we pull ourselves up, do various bent over rows, deadlifts and more, well, in general, the back = traction muscle group, the same with the biceps, and after training the forearms (they get very tired), back or biceps training will be impossible, and injuries are inevitable.

In general, only train your forearms after your workout. And based on the first rule, train them at the end of your workout on the day you train your biceps. This will be most effective.

3.Train your forearms just like other muscle groups. Many gurus believe that this is a small muscle, it is very durable and recovers faster than others and can be trained almost daily. I don't think this is wrong. In general, I believe that there is no need to train them separately; many professional athletes do not train them at all, because they already receive sufficient load during training of the back and biceps. In general, train your forearms just like other muscle groups; more often than not it is not necessary.

4. Increased number of repetitions. Yes, there is no point in arguing here! The matter is very similar to training the lower leg, because... the amplitude here and there is very short, and I have already said that for muscle growth, it doesn’t matter how many repetitions there are, it is important that the muscles are under load and the time of onset. And it should come within 10-30 seconds, that’s the whole secret of an increased number of repetitions for the forearm and lower legs, i.e. where we manage to perform 6-12 repetitions in 10-30 seconds, then because the amplitude is very short, we will do more (about 15-30 repetitions).

The best exercises to train your forearm

  1. Reverse barbell curl
  2. Barbell wrist curls

Less effective forearm exercises

  1. Forearm extension while sitting with a barbell on a bench
  2. Dumbbell curls with supination
  3. Hammer curls

Forearm training scheme

In general, let's sum it up: We train the forearms, like other muscle groups, no more often. It is most profitable to train for biceps training. We train the forearms only at the end of the workout, with a higher number of repetitions (usually 15-30) according to this scheme:

  1. Reverse barbell curl 4x6-12
  2. Wrist curls with barbell 4x15-30

This will be enough for your forearms to begin to grow. I hope the issue is useful and you found it interesting!

Best regards, administrator.

The wings and biceps are formed, the shoulder girdle is sculpted and beautiful, and the forearms are thin, like those of a teenager? It’s not for nothing that bodybuilders call them stubborn. The small muscles that control the fingers and hands take a long time to develop. You can’t do without weights, because your forearms increase in volume thanks to heavy weights and long workouts at a slow pace.

Dedicated to beginners

People who have recently become acquainted with sports want to modify their own body in three or four sessions. They spend their free time on horizontal bars and with dumbbells in their hands, training to the point of exhaustion. Beginners don't know that it takes time for forearms to recover. At least 2, and preferably 3–4 days. If this part of the hand does not get enough rest, positive results can be forgotten.

One or two workouts per week are devoted to the forearms. To warm up this muscle group, perform exercises to modify the shoulder girdle and back. They actively load the biceps and triceps, working with all their might. The workout ends with exercises for stubborn muscles. If you break the sequence, you can’t even dream of positive changes.

Before picking up a weight, warm up your joints and ligaments. Exercises to develop the forearms are a huge burden. If you do not prepare your fingers and wrists, dislocations and ruptures of soft tissues cannot be avoided. What to do? Stretch and knead the hands and all phalanges. Rotate your palms bent into a fist. Do not overexert the forearms and wrists. Regular intense exercise is a direct road to chronic pain syndrome, which is difficult to get rid of.

How many repetitions should there be at one time? Beginning bodybuilders do from 15 to 18, professionals raise the bar to 25–30. How many approaches per workout? Up to 5. Depends on the level of training. If 2 workouts per week are devoted to pumping up the forearms, then different exercises are selected for each. The more varied the program, the faster stubborn muscles develop.

Tip: It is not necessary to equip a mini-gym in your apartment. A simple and effective exercise is to lift ten-liter buckets filled with sand. The equipment is carried around the room non-stop for 5–15 minutes. The appearance of your forearms will improve after just 3-4 workouts.

Barbells and dumbbells

Beginners planning to exercise at home are advised to acquire a collapsible barbell, dumbbells or several weights. The athlete independently chooses the weight of the equipment. If finances do not allow you to buy equipment, professional weights are replaced with bottles of sand, a backpack filled with bricks, and bundles of books or newspapers.

Wristbands or elastic bandages are worn on the wrists during training. They will protect tendons from sprains and joints from dislocations. The weights are lifted slowly to feel how the muscles tense.

Exercise 1
Get into the classic starting position: legs apart, shoulder-width apart, back straight.

  • Hold a barbell in your hands.
  • The wrists are turned towards the hips, the fingers are tightly gripping the bar.
  • Smoothly raise the equipment to shoulder level and press it to your chest.
  • The upper arms and shoulder blades do not move.
  • Shoulders are pressed to the ribs, elbows do not protrude.
  • Slowly lower the weight down.
  • The arms remain slightly bent and the forearm muscles are tense.

Exercise 2

  1. Sit on a low chair or bench with your legs apart.
  2. Place your elbows on your hips and let your wrists hang down.
  3. Palms face the floor, back straight.
  4. Wrap your fingers around the empty barbell, you can hang the smallest weights.
  5. Lift equipment using your palms only. The muscles of the forearms work, the rest of the body is relaxed.
  6. Do not squeeze the bar too much with your palm. It is advisable to hold it with your fingertips so that the muscles tense more.
  7. Pay attention to the sensations in your wrists. If a nagging pain appears, reduce the weight or stop the exercise.

Dumbbells are also used instead of barbells. Beginners start with 0.5–2 kg, then increase the weight of the equipment. Lift the dumbbells exactly like you lift the bar, but it's important to make sure both hands are working in sync. The upper limbs are slightly extended forward to engage not only the ligaments, but also the muscles.

Exercise 3

  1. Continuing to sit with your legs wide apart, turn your palms with your wrists facing up.
  2. The elbows rest on the hips, the body leans forward, but the back remains straight.
  3. The bar or dumbbells should hang on your fingertips.
  4. Slowly pull the equipment towards you, smoothly squeezing your palm.
  5. Try to keep the chest and shoulder muscles motionless. Only your forearms should work, otherwise you will not be able to achieve the desired result.
  6. When your palm is completely clenched, you need to freeze for 3-4 seconds.
  7. Smoothly lower the bar down onto your fingertips, being careful not to drop it.

Exercise 4

  1. Stand up straight. It doesn't matter how wide your legs are. The main thing is that it is comfortable for the athlete himself.
  2. Arm yourself with dumbbells or bottles of sand, arms are lowered at the seams and pressed to the body.
  3. Turn your hands so that your palms, gripping the weights, face the ground.
  4. Only the fingers and forearms work, the elbows rest against the body and do not move.
  5. Bend your hand all the way, turning your palms in the opposite direction. They should be looking at the ceiling.

Exercise 5
It uses the same muscle groups as the fourth option, but to perform it you will need a barbell:

  • With your feet shoulder-width apart, lower your arms along your body.
  • With your palms facing back, squeeze the barbell.
  • Use your fingers and wrists to lift and lower the weight.
  • The amplitude is small, the movements are slow.
  • Sharp jerks are prohibited, otherwise injuries and sprains cannot be avoided.
  • Only the muscles of the forearms and shoulder girdle are active. Do not strain your back and lower back too much.
  • Having reached the highest point, relax your palms and allow the barbell to roll down.
  • When the weight hangs on your fingertips, rest for 2-3 seconds and repeat the lift.

Exercise 6
You will need a collapsible dumbbell or a weighted stick. A weight or pancake is secured at one end, the other remains free.

  1. Remain in a standing position. Lower your right or left hand along the body, place the second on your belt or relax.
  2. Grasp the free end of the improvised hammer.
  3. Rotate the equipment to the sides, back and forth, as well as lower and raise.
  4. Only the wrist and palm move. The upper part of the arm is pressed against the body.

The exercise makes the forearm voluminous and prominent, forcing all muscle groups to work. But you need to do it carefully so as not to strain your wrist.

Exercise 7
You will need a stick to which a weight is tied. A removable pancake weighing 0.5–1.5 kg or just a piece of iron will do. The rope should be thick and strong. Take a stick and extend your arm in front of you. Using only your wrist, wrap the rope and weight around the base and then unwind.

Other workout options

To have developed forearms, you don’t have to own dumbbells. It is enough to hang a crossbar in your apartment, which will replace the horizontal bar, and buy a jump rope. You will need small weights, which can be replaced with improvised items or purchased at a sports store.

Weights are attached to the legs and training begins. After warming up, it is recommended to hang on the horizontal bar. Do not pull yourself up, but simply tuck your legs and tense the muscles of the shoulder girdle and forearms, slightly bending your elbows. Hang for no more than 30 seconds. Do a few sets, then switch to the jump rope.

Boxing is useful for forearms, only gloves should be weighted. You can attach weights to your wrists, but so that they do not interfere with the movement of your hands. Boxing with weights develops the muscle group responsible for bending the fingers.

Lying on the floor
Buy a hard rubber bandage at the pharmacy. Tie one edge to the leg of a sofa or other massive furniture. Wrap the second one around your fingers, lie on the mat or just on the floor. The bandage is perpendicular to the body, located on the outside. The arms are pressed to the body, only the wrists move. Pull the bandage towards you and let go, simulating a hand-wrestling. If you need to increase the load, the rubber band is folded several times and moved slightly away from the sofa.

You can perform the exercise while standing, pressing the bandage to the floor with your foot.

On the horizontal bar
How to pump up your forearms using a bar? Pull yourself up, holding onto the pipe only with your fingertips. Make sure that it is the muscles that are working, not the tendons.

There is a second option:

  • Throw a towel or piece of rope over the bar.
  • Grab it with one hand, bending it at the elbow.
  • Hang for 30–60 seconds. You can raise and lower your legs at this time to also pump up your abs.

It’s not for nothing that the muscles of the forearms are called stubborn. In order for them to grow to the required volume, you will have to work hard and not miss classes. But if you train regularly, increase the load and believe in yourself, the results will appear after a few months.

Video: how to pump up your forearms at home

0 2015 2 years ago

The forearms are the muscle group most often used in everyday life. Despite this, in 80% of professional athletes, it is the wrists that lag behind overall development. What is the reason, and how can you turn your Achilles heel into a powerful progression tool? How to pump up your forearms and why don’t they grow? The answer lies on the surface.

A little anatomy

First you need to understand why forearms are so difficult to pump. To do this, you will have to open a reference book on anatomy, but you can explain everything on your fingers.

You need to start with the bones. Unlike the shoulders, and the main girdle that supports the muscles, the bones of the forearms consist of two main radial processes, which are much thinner than the others, this allows the wrists to rotate along their axis without any problems, providing high mobility of the hands. In return, you have to pay with force, since attaching large muscles to such thin bones is simply irrational from the point of view of optimizing the body's resources.

The second reason is even more prosaic. The forearm muscles are a complex multifunctional group of small fibers, each of which is responsible for its own action. Finger mobility is provided by as many as 5 muscle groups, while shoulder mobility is provided by 2 main groups. There are also muscles responsible for flexing the hand itself. This means that in order to pump up your arms, you need to try to use more exercises aimed at different small muscle groups. Namely:

  • Brachialis;
  • Brachioradialis;
  • Flexors;
  • Extensors;
  • Round ponator.

Moreover, if an athlete is not involved in armlifting, then the main task is to pump up the flexors and extensors.

Warning: Forearms require special attention to recovery, use moderate weights, and allow adequate rest time.

Exercises for home

In order to effectively pump up the muscles of the forearm, you need to work hard. Unfortunately, unlike other muscles, it is simply impossible to work your forearms at home without special equipment. But this does not mean that you need to immediately run to the gym. A minimal set can be found in any yard, and some tools can be replaced with improvised means.

What do you need to work autonomously at home?

  1. Rubber bracelet;
  2. Two types of expanders. A rubber circle and a full-fledged “spring” for the brush;
  3. Jump rope.

All this can be found at your nearest sports store. How to pump up your forearm at home - in fact, there is nothing complicated about it. Each apparatus allows you to carry out only one type of exercise on it, and minimizes the risk of injury during training. For more details, see table.

Rubber braceletPlace it on your fingertips and try to open them as much as possible.
Carpal expanderSqueezing the expander. To begin with, take a light model with which you can do 35-40 times. As we progress, models change
Forearm expanderTry to bend your arm at the wrist - this is done several times. Progression is achieved by strengthening the spring
Horizontal barHanging in different grips, with and without a lock. Static load. Progression is achieved by increasing time.
Jump ropeJumping at maximum speed – the arch support develops. The load can be varied by speed, time, or special weights.

These exercises will be enough to pump up the muscles of the forearm. Each of them is aimed at its own muscle group, and although visually with such a load they will not become larger, the handshake of a person pumping his hands in this way will become many times stronger and stronger.


For those who don’t want to spend money at all, know how to pump up their forearms, and want to strengthen their muscles quickly, while maintaining the progression of the load, they can try to replace the spring expander with bags of weights. The effect of such training will be somewhat lower, but it will help train your forearms, for example, on vacation. The main thing is not to forget that exercises for the forearms with bags are equivalent to exercises with a kettlebell, due to the shifted center of gravity. We recommend paying attention to effective ones.

About motivation issues

Now you can move on to the really serious exercises that will help you develop powerful arms. But first, a question that many beginners ask. Why pump up your forearms?

  1. This is the most functional muscle group and requires extreme power.
  2. Strong forearms can save lives. For example, when climbing.
  3. A strong handshake is the key to respect in any team;
  4. Weak forearms hinder progress in other exercises. For example, in the deadlift, and even in the bench press.

Well, and, of course, we must not forget about aesthetics. The hand of an athlete who neglects to train his wrists looks the same as the legs of beach “fitness athletes”. Is it necessary and how to pump up your forearms? - decide for yourself, but for serious achievements in sports, training this muscle group is simply necessary.

Exercises for the gym

What can you do for your hands in the gym? In fact, most fitness centers do not have special equipment for pumping up an important muscle group. So all that remains is free weights.

There are only two basic exercises, and several dozen variations on the theme of working these muscles. But how to pump your forearms with dumbbells or a barbell? Let's find out below.

  • Wrist flexion with weight in hand;
  • Reverse wrist extension with weight in hand.

In order to properly pump up our forearms in the gym, we need a dumbbell and a bench. The hand is tightly fixed in the area of ​​the hand itself on the edge of the bench, after which the weight rests on it. The task is to use a special expander to bend the hand. In principle, the exercise resembles classic biceps curls on a Scott bench. Advanced athletes can use a barbell to evenly work both arms at once.

Wrist extension is completely similar to the first exercise. The only difference is the position of the brush itself. It should be placed palm down. In this case, the external “extensor” muscles of the forearm are worked, the effect is similar to using a rubber bracelet, only the load is much higher.

Important: To master the correct technique, it is recommended to use an extremely soft progression, and start with weights of no more than 2 kg in the first workout. This will allow you to master the exercise, and then quickly move on to more complex loads without risking injury to thin bones.

We use a weight

Exercises with a kettlebell are completely similar to exercises with dumbbells, and are suitable for advanced athletes due to the weight of the kettlebell itself and the shifted center of gravity. But you can additionally add the possibility of using the “snatch” exercise, which in the dynamic phase provides a high static load not only on the muscles of the wrist, but also on the bones and ligaments.

Therefore, many professional weightlifters can find special “strengthening bundles” on their arms, which, although not very aesthetically pleasing, protect muscles and ligaments from injury.

Pumping up your forearms at home with kettlebells is somewhat easier - since increased load is present in both the push and pull, which contributes to the passive work of the necessary muscles in basic exercises.

Assistive exercises for the wrists

All these exercises are also done in the gym, but at the same time other muscles receive the main load, the forearms act as stabilizers, or they simply receive less load, which does not allow them to be purposefully pumped, but noticeably strengthens these groups.

  • Hammer;
  • Deadlifts and shrugs without insurance;
  • Horizontal bar and weights;
  • Bars and supination;
  • Extension and flexion of fingers with weight.

Let's take a closer look.


The next exercise is an attempt to bend your arms while hanging on a horizontal bar. Depending on the chosen grip, both internal and external beams are worked out.

Supination on parallel bars

Similar to supination on the horizontal bar. During push-ups on the uneven bars, when lowering the body down, we try to slightly bend the forearms to the outside. Allows you to significantly increase the load on the extensors, which are a lagging group in many athletes.

Attention: An exercise with an increased risk of injury; if alternatives are available, it is better not to use it.

Curling fingers with weight

For this exercise, you need to take a barbell with the maximum working weight (used for deadlifting), place it near the safety rack, and straighten your fingers, then bend them again. The load is impressive. But there is a risk of dropping the projectile.

Training plan

How to properly pump your forearms? This is a small muscle group that is prone to rapid recovery. This means that to achieve maximum results, it is better to use supersets of basic exercises, finishing off the program with isolating exercises at the end.

A beginner's training plan should look like this:

  • Curling fingers with weight;
  • Hanging on the horizontal bar;
  • Wrist curls with dumbbells;
  • Wrist extension on a bench.

Use moderate weights. For those who decide to professionally pump their arms, it is better to use specialized spring expanders. For example, Captain crush. But you need to understand that in this case, the load on the muscle group increases several times, which means you need to take a break of at least 2 days between workouts.

Training with Captain crush will require purchasing several equipment at once. The selection is carried out as follows:

  • Warm-up. Which can be compressed 30-50 times without problems;
  • Training – can be squeezed no more than 12 times;
  • The main one is that it cannot be compressed.

When the main expander can be compressed up to 7 times, you need to buy a stiffer one.

Note: It is not necessary to use exactly Capitan crush - you can find many analogues on the market, the main thing is to know their exact load on the springs. Rubber expanders are not suitable for this purpose, since after the nth number of compressions their rigidity dynamically decreases.

For professionals, it is better to use a full comprehensive program and allocate a separate training day for this. Or combine it daily with leg training.

Bottom line

Despite all your efforts, you may not notice a large increase in the volume of your forearms, but do not despair, because these muscles, like your calves, are involved in many basic exercises. The main thing to remember is that any workout will lead to a significant improvement in functional strength, and over time, carrying bags from the supermarket will become much easier. Forearms in sports are an auxiliary muscle group, which means that by training your forearms at home or in the gym, you are guaranteed to be able to overcome the strength plateau that awaits all athletes on the path to an ideal body.

For those who exercise exclusively at home and do not dream of becoming a professional lifter or bodybuilder, we can remind you that a powerful forearm is a strong handshake, and an even stronger blow. And this, in turn, helps to achieve respect in different public and social strata of society.

Well, and finally. To strengthen your grip and handshake, all you need to do is spend just 15 minutes a day, and within a month the results will surprise anyone!

The forearms are the most important part of harmoniously developed muscles. However, training these muscles requires special attention and discipline from the athlete. The muscles of the forearm are not always as easy to “pump up” as, for example, the pectoral or biceps. You need a well-thought-out program of special exercises to achieve qualitative changes in strength and volume. In this article we will take a closer look at how to pump up your forearms at home and more.

These muscles are among the so-called "small muscles" - they are not as visible as the shoulders, pectoral muscles and quadriceps (thigh muscles), but without them a bodybuilder's body will not look proportionally developed. In addition, the strength of the forearms is important for the full training of other muscle groups: if the forearms are not sufficiently trained, it will not be easy to achieve progress in exercises.

Need for training

Powerful forearms will make you look more massive: pumped-up muscles in this group create the impression of physical strength. In addition, developed forearms create a visual sensation of a symmetrical body (provided, of course, that the other muscle groups are also in order).

There is also a purely aesthetic aspect - when an athlete is dressed, often only his neck and forearms are visible: the desire to impress others even when dressed can also be called a fairly compelling reason.

Regular forearm training is recommended by bodybuilding experts also for safety reasons. The developed muscles of this group allow you to perform complex complexes that were previously inaccessible without the risk of injury. For example, training your back using pull-ups with additional weight: without a strong and strong grip, for which the forearm muscles are responsible, such exercises are not easy to perform. And in general, any exercise with heavy weights is possible only thanks to strong arms.

Anatomical features

The forearm is the part of the human upper limb from the elbow joint to the hand.

The composition of the muscle group is as follows:

  • Brachialis (brachial muscle);
  • Brachioradialis (brachioradialis muscle);
  • Flexors;
  • Extensors;
  • Pronator teres.

All these small muscles are jointly responsible for flexion and extension of the arm at the elbow and wrist joints, as well as for rotational movements. It is also quite difficult to pump up your forearms because of their complex anatomical structure. Exercises should cover all 5 muscles that make up this anatomical group.

"Stubborn" muscles

Since the forearms work when performing exercises on other muscle groups and are involved in everyday life, their resistance to stress is quite high. Therefore, these muscles are called “stubborn”, and their development is a very labor-intensive process that requires patience and perseverance.

First, let's decide how many times a week you can pump your forearms. For the harmonious development of this muscle group, you need to perform exercises twice a week. In this case, each exercise should be done in 3 sets of 10-15 repetitions each. An important nuance - before training your forearms, you should perform a full warm-up and warm-up: these muscles are quite often injured. You should also not allow excessive muscle stretching at the end points of the range of motion.

It is best to train your forearms in conjunction with training your arms and back. But exercises for the forearms should be done at the end of classes, when the muscles of the back and arms have already been worked out, otherwise there will be no full return from the training.

It is not recommended to train your forearms more than twice a week. These muscles require a minimum of 48 hours, preferably 72, to recover. If you regularly overexert your forearms, chronic pain in the wrist area may occur.

Set of exercises

And now directly about how to pump up your forearms. The training program must necessarily include exercises for the entire muscle group. It is advisable to change the choice of specific exercises and the sequence of their implementation from training to training - this will improve muscle growth.

We offer the most effective and affordable exercises for training your forearms at home, as well as in the gym.

Barbell exercises

Standing barbell curl. Performed similarly to biceps curls, only with a reverse (overhead) grip. Leaving your shoulders motionless, as you exhale, lift the barbell to shoulder level. As you inhale, slowly lower your arms to the starting position. The main load here falls on the brachyradialis; the biceps and brachialis are simultaneously involved. The weight of the barbell is taken less than when training biceps, since the brachyradialis is anatomically weaker.

Grasp the barbell with an underhand grip (palms up), resting your forearms on your thighs. Holding the bar tightly, you need to slightly stretch your forearms forward and lower the load down. Then slowly bend and straighten your arms at the wrists. The range of motion when training your wrists is low, so do not jerk or swing the barbell to avoid sprains and injuries.

Stand with your back to the barbell rack, turn your palms back, take the apparatus and perform flexion-extension of your wrists without bending your elbow joints. This exercise also develops the flexor-extensor muscles of the wrist itself. This type of training is suitable for those who find sitting exercises with a barbell somewhat uncomfortable.

Exercises with dumbbells

Primarily, forearm exercises with dumbbells include "Zottman bends". This is a variation of forearm exercises with a barbell, only instead of a barbell there are dumbbells. In the lower position, the dumbbells are held, as when lifting biceps; as you move up, the forearm pronates (palms turn down). Then the arms with dumbbells are lowered and turned to their original position - palms up.

The second exercise is similar to the wrist curl with a barbell while sitting, only, again, the apparatus changes. Also, when performing exercises with dumbbells in a sitting position, it will be effective to work each arm in turn.

Hanging on the horizontal bar

This is the most basic exercise for the forearm muscles: you simply hang on a horizontal bar, preferably with a load. Systematically completing this study in a couple of months will allow you to easily win a prize in a popular park attraction.

Advice: the load should be selected in such a way that it hangs for no more than 30 seconds, otherwise the muscles will develop for endurance, and not for mass and strength.

Exercises with an expander

A good alternative for regular forearm development at home is exercises with a super-rigid expander. The projectile must be exactly hard, since soft versions develop mainly the hand. So before buying a piece of equipment in a store, be sure to consult with the seller which expander is most suitable for training the muscles of the forearms.

Additional exercises

Good additional exercises for developing the forearm area:

  • Jumping rope with weights in handles: This cardio exercise for 20 minutes works well on the outer surface of the forearm.
  • Performing punches on a punching bag, especially in gloves with weights - an excellent load on the flexors.
  • Wearing a special rubber bracelet during exercises it will increase muscle resistance and will work to develop mass and strength.

And one more piece of advice: regular training is not a reason to neglect the hard “male” housework. Moving furniture, working with a hammer, drill and screwdriver are in themselves excellent methods for developing the muscles of the forearms.

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