How to find out if I have damage or the evil eye. Cards, runes and a pendulum in diagnosing damage. How to identify a bad apartment

The main sign that you have been damaged is a radical change in mood, constant irritability, short temper, aggression towards others. A person can laugh and then cry. Simultaneously with mental disorders, changes occur in the environment. For example, when betrayal, disappointment, quarrels and scandals become constant guests on your life path.

A black cat is considered a symbol of bad luck. However, the owners of such pets are never afraid of the evil eye or damage. Animals masterfully drive away all evil spirits from their owner.

And finally, the evil eye can be determined by how you feel. If you feel negative, it’s unpleasant for you not only to communicate with him, but also just to be near him, and after communicating with him, you began to feel yourself, an unreasonable chill appeared, as if you had a cold, perhaps this has jinxed you.

We hope that by using our advice, you will not find the evil eye in yourself. If you have indeed been jinxed, do not despair. If the evil eye is identified in time, then in most cases you can remove it yourself.

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If you made an appointment with a specialist for a session or diagnostics and for some reason did not come, this indicates that you have strong corruption that completely controls you (you are already a puppet of dark forces).

Helpful advice

How to determine the evil eye yourself, without turning to healers and fortune tellers? The signs of the evil eye are quite varied, but it mainly affects a person’s weak points. Often the evil eye manifests itself in deteriorating health, for example, if a person is accompanied by headaches, they will intensify and become more frequent. Take three church candles, in the evening before going to bed, put them on the table and light them, read the prayer to the Mother of God, then cross yourself three times; if the candles begin to smoke heavily, hiss or go out, the evil eye or damage has been cast on you.


  • how to find out if there is an evil eye or not

We are exposed to negative forces without realizing it. Someone may feel tired and tense in a conversation with a stranger and not attach importance to this state. It turns out that there are several folk signs by which you can determine whether you are you or not.

You will need

  • An egg, a glass of water, matches, a church candle.


You can also determine the evil eye using a church candle. Light a candle and move it around yourself several times. If there is a crackling sound from the candle and wax flows down abundantly, it means that dark forces have been brought upon the person. The Lord's Prayer, read many times during this ritual, will help soften the power of negativity.


  • how to check if I have the evil eye

The evil eye is a superstition, the meaning of which is to disrupt a person’s energy field through divination or evil thoughts. People exposed to such negative influence may feel causeless weakness and apathy, their sleep is disturbed, and illnesses appear. You can verify the presence of the evil eye by certain signs.

You will need

  • - matches;
  • - cup;
  • - water;
  • - gold;
  • - church candle;
  • - saucer;
  • - wheat;
  • - egg.


Pour water into a glass and read the Lord's Prayer to cleanse the space around you. After this, burn three matches one after another and throw them into a glass of water. If they remained on the surface - no, if they became vertical in the water - a small one, but if they sank to the bottom - they cast an evil eye on you or even.

Swipe pure consecrated gold over your face. If after this a dark stripe appears on the metal, you are most likely... For this purpose, use only pure gold, without additives, the purity of which is not lower than 585.

Place a glass of water on the top of your head and crack a raw egg into it. After this, lower the dish and carefully examine its contents. If the yolk calmly sank to the bottom without staining the water, there is no evil eye. And if streaks or silver balls appear in the glass, someone has disturbed your energy.

Find out about the presence of the evil eye using a church candle. Have someone close to you light a candle and slowly move it around you from head to toe. If the candle smokes a lot or cracks at the same time, the evil eye has been cast on you or they have wished evil on you.

At dawn on any day except Friday, take the saucer and wipe thoroughly with a clean white cloth. After that, pour some wheat into it and say the following: “As I am, so is the wheat. Just as they looked at me, the birds look at the wheat. Amen". Then place the saucer outside and cross it three times. When the sun goes down, look at the saucer. If all the wheat is left, someone is waiting for you.

Listen to your feelings. If, after meeting or communicating with a person, you suddenly begin to feel bad, or your mood suddenly changes for no particular reason, most likely he has a negative effect on your energy. It's better to stay away from such people.

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It happens that everything in life suddenly begins to collapse. Out of nowhere, out of nowhere. It’s as if some kind of black hole is opening into which wealth, good relationships, health, and sometimes life are flying. And now it’s time to sound the alarm, because all these misfortunes may turn out to be the result of damage caused by a spiteful critic. To check damage, it is not necessary to go to witches and black magicians. You can do this yourself.

You will need

  • - wax candle
  • - a transparent glass of water;
  • - raw chicken egg;
  • - matches.


Take a close look at the circumstances that made you suspect you have it. Direct signs that they have decided to target you: a sudden deterioration in health, critical mood swings, auditory, olfactory or visual hallucinations, nightly nightmares, a sharp deterioration in financial affairs.

Try checking with a candle. Take a wax candle, light it and move the flame along your body for 5-7 minutes at a distance of about 20 cm from the skin. If in some places the flame begins to change color, smoke, or crackle, it means there is, and its blow fell on those places in the person’s energy shell, opposite which the candle flame became capricious.

Use your or someone else's photo to diagnose damage. Place the photo directly in front of you. Light a wax candle and move it along the photo, observing the behavior of the flame. If the flame behaved strangely—smoked, crackled—there is a negative impact on the person shown in the photo.

Roll it up. Take a raw egg and a glass of cold water. Strip naked and for 5-10 minutes roll the egg all over your body, starting from the top of your head and ending with your feet. Then break the egg into a glass and evaluate the result. If the water in the glass remains clear, the white lays down like a soft pillow, and the yolk sits comfortably on it - there is no spoilage. At the end of the ritual, pour the water and egg into the toilet.

Pour water into a glass and recite any suitable protective prayer over it. You can do without prayer. A strong intention is enough to see if you are damaged. Then light three matches and when they burn out, throw them into the water one by one. Matches floating on the surface will tell you that there is no damage, those standing vertically in the water column will warn that there is some kind of negativity, and those that have drowned are direct evidence of severe damage.


Damage is a clot of negativity sent to a person by an ill-wisher. This dark clot penetrates into the human energy shell and begins to “spoil” its owner. It is almost impossible to remove damage on your own.

Helpful advice

There are many types of damage. One of the most common is lining. Damage is done to the item, which is then placed on the recipient. Therefore, you should never pick up objects on the streets; you should be wary of unknown packages, bundles, or needles stuck in doors or windows found in the house. All this could be a souvenir from a villain who intends to “spoil” you.

Related article


  • damage check

Today, it may seem obscurantist to someone that one person is trying to spoil another. Unfortunately, black magic still exists, moreover, it is a fairly common phenomenon. Is it possible to independently determine that a person has been damaged, and if so, how to do it?

Sometimes it happens that all sorts of misfortunes begin to fall on a person or an entire family. Your health fails, and very seriously, problems begin at work - up to dismissal or the initiation of a criminal case, pipes at home burst, equipment breaks down, and a fire may even break out. Of course, all these phenomena can lead to the onset of the so-called “black streak”, but it is possible that in fact the person was damaged.

How can you find out for yourself whether a person has damage?

Damage is an extremely serious negative impact aimed at harming the subtle bodies of a person. If no measures are taken in time, then severe damage can literally reduce a person to death. Therefore, if there is a suspicion that you have been damaged, you need to diagnose it and remove it as soon as possible, otherwise everything may end badly.

In order to independently determine whether there is damage to you, you can use a church wax candle. You need to light it and baptize yourself with the burning candle from top to bottom. If it crackles, smokes and flares up, scattering sparks around itself, this is a sure sign that negativity has been directed at you. Black streaks on the candle indicate the same thing.

Find out about spoilage - method using eggs

Another very effective way to determine whether a person has been damaged is by using a fresh chicken egg, preferably straight from the chicken. For this method, take a glass of water and carefully break an egg into it so as not to damage the yolk. A glass with water and an egg is placed on the head of the person being checked for damage, and held there for five minutes. After this, the contents of the glass are carefully examined.

If transparent threads stretch upward from the protein, then damage has been caused to you, but not very serious - to tears, to lack of money. The thicker these threads are, the more serious the damage has been caused. If there are bubbles on the threads, then it was clearly done by a professional. If, in addition to bubbles, there are also black dots, then the damage is done to death and it urgently needs to be removed. If the yolk has completely turned black, then the person is practically dead, and only the urgent intervention of a magician will save him.

What to do if, according to the diagnostic results, a person is damaged?

If you have conducted a self-diagnosis and discovered that you have been damaged, then look for a practicing specialist in the field of magic as soon as possible. It is almost impossible to do on your own, and the damage it can cause is irreparable. There are not many truly powerful magicians, but such people do exist, and their contacts are not difficult to find.


  • How to find out if you have the evil eye or damage

When a trail of troubles and bad luck begins to follow a person - personal relationships are not going well, problems at work, health is deteriorating - he begins to involuntarily think: maybe this is the evil eye or damage? There are several ways to recognize whether the troubles that have piled up are a coincidence or a consequence of black magic.

You will need

  • - wedding ring;
  • - egg;
  • - glass of water;
  • - St. John's wort herb;
  • - three church candles;
  • - three coals.


Some of the signs of the evil eye and damage are drowsiness, lethargy, chronic fatigue, fatigue, and weakness in the body. A person becomes irritable, gets angry for no apparent reason and lashes out at others, loses interest in life. Against this background, conflicts in the family and at work are common. Chronic diseases are also getting worse.

A gold wedding ring will help you recognize the presence of the evil eye and damage. Swipe it across your cheek. If there is a white line left from the ring, there is no cause for concern. And if it’s black, the evil eye or damage is present.

Another way to detect spoilage is with a fresh chicken egg. Hold it at your temples, move it in circular movements over your head, spine, and chest for 3 minutes. And then carefully break the egg into a glass of water.

If there is no evil eye or damage, the water will remain clear, and the white will lie at the bottom and envelop the yolk. Otherwise, the protein rises in columns or peaks to the top. Depending on the strength of the damage or the evil eye, bubbles, flakes, and waves can be observed in the glass.

You can also call upon the herb St. John's wort to help. Tear a small bunch and divide it into exactly the same number of corners as you have at home. Grass should be placed in the corners of each room. Consider St. John's wort in the bedroom. If it has dried out earlier than in the rest of the house, there is a high probability that dark forces are affecting you.

But at the same time, don’t complain that everything is bad and you’re unlucky in life. Even if you encounter difficulties, tell yourself that you are the most human in the world and will very soon cope with all the troubles.

Avoid communication or reduce it to a minimum with people who are unpleasant to you. Especially don't look them in the eye.

Make it a habit to shower every night. This way you will wash away all the negativity that has accumulated during the day and restore your strength.

Above all, remain a kind and open person. Don't envy more successful people and don't wish harm on anyone. Then no negativity will come to you.

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Sometimes even the most rationally thinking people may have suspicions that they have been damaged. Most often this is due to sudden problems, losses and conflicts. Damage can be determined by certain signs and with the help of rituals.


Inspect your belongings and the front door of the apartment. If you find pins or sewn objects stuck in your clothes, needles and nails stuck in the door or door frames, and you find water, salt, coins or earth near the threshold, this means that they were trying to spoil you. It is advisable to burn all discovered objects or throw them away from the house with the words: “Where it came from, go there, whoever put it there, take it.”

Listen to yourself. Damage may be indicated by unexpectedly appearing apathy, causeless anxiety, a strong decrease or increase in weight and appetite, painful nightmares, constant fatigue, and a drop in immunity. All sudden changes in health that cannot be explained rationally should alert you, but do not neglect the help of a doctor.

Wear silver jewelry for a few days. This metal darkens upon contact with skin or air, but in the presence of a negative magical effect, silver darkens very quickly and is almost black.

Buy a candle at church and bring it home. In the room, close all windows and doors and light a candle. A church candle is a strong sensor of energy fields, and if its fire begins to crackle, smoke, flicker or fade, this indicates the presence of damage or the evil eye.

Calculate damage using St. John's wort. Pick fresh St. John's wort and place it near all the sleeping places in the apartment. If in some place St. John's wort begins to quickly fade and darken, the owner of the bed is damaged. If St. John's wort spread slowly and evenly everywhere, there was no magical effect. It is not recommended to throw away dried St. John's wort - it will preserve peace and well-being in your home.

Perform a ritual with water and wax. Melt some beeswax in a metal bowl and pour it into a glass of cold water with the words: “It’s not I who pours it, it’s not me who pronounces, it is the Most Holy Theotokos with all the angels, archangels, saints and patrons who pours and pronounces from the servant of God (insert your name). In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit." Let the wax harden and inspect the casting. If it is even, smooth and uniform in color, there is no damage to you. The presence of negative magical effects is evidenced by growths, lumps, holes, air bubbles, torn and uneven edges of the casting. After checking, the wax must be wrapped in paper and burned, and if this is not possible, buried in a vacant lot.

The word “damage” usually means loss, harm, loss, illness, distortion and flaw, according to the dictionary of V.I. Dalia. If it seems to you that everything in your life has suddenly gone awry, this may mean that you have been spoiled.


In some cases, it is possible to target yourself. People who constantly scold themselves, say that they are unlucky in everything, that they never succeed in anything, most often program themselves. If this behavior is typical for you, try telling yourself good things every morning, talking about what positive changes await you in the future, and so on. It is enough to do this for a week to see changes for the better. In such a case, the self-induced one resolves.

To determine whether someone else has damaged you, it is not at all necessary to perform rituals. It is enough to listen to your body. You are damaged if you often experience unreasonable hatred of family and friends, suffer from constant headaches or toothaches, get nervous over trifles and quickly lose your temper, suddenly acquired a tendency to sudden mood swings and become afraid of the sun's rays. The presence of several signs with a high degree of probability indicates the presence of damage.

Due to damage, the integrity of the energy field is disrupted, which makes your body less resistant to diseases and minor annoying injuries. If lately you have been sick a lot for no reason, and often stumble or fall, this most likely indicates damage.

You can try to check the presence and absence of damage using a regular gold ring. Run it over your hand or cheek with a little force, if a white or just a light line appears in this place, then everything is fine with you. A dark stripe in this place indicates that your troubles are not accidental. Please note that gold of at least 585 is suitable for this test, since more impurities may affect the result.

You can use the services of a fortune teller to find out for sure whether there is damage to you. Contact only trusted specialists, do not use advertisements in newspapers or the Internet, try to find a suitable magician through friends. Be prepared to pay extra to remove the damage. However, before you agree to this ritual and pay for it, be sure to ask the psychic exactly how he will remove the damage. If they cannot give you a clear answer and get off with vague explanations, it is better to look for another specialist.

If your health has suddenly deteriorated, also evaluate the reasons for this. Perhaps an unhealthy lifestyle, unhealthy diet, accidental hypothermia, etc. are to blame. It is important to note that in case of damage, doctors often cannot establish the correct diagnosis - the person feels a sharp loss of energy and general malaise. Against this background, pre-existing chronic diseases may worsen.

Think about whether any strange events have happened to you recently. For example, the doorbell rang, you opened it, but there was no one there; or you noticed on the landing, under the rug in front of the door, a needle, a pin, sand, grains of wheat. Needles can be stuck into door jambs, hidden under wallpaper, etc. Maybe you found a large bill, a gold ring or some other valuable thing on the street, and that’s where all your troubles began? Any such event may be a sign that you have been damaged.

Has your marriage suddenly begun to crack at the seams, threatening to collapse, although there are no obvious reasons for breaking off the relationship? This may also be a result of damage. The same applies to work - if suddenly a series of troubles begins, you are haunted by failures and losses, you should think about the possibility of damage. Currently, damage to business failures is one of the most popular witchcraft services.

Pay attention to your dreams. If suddenly you suddenly begin to be haunted by incessant nightmares, this may be a consequence of damage. Restless, heavy dreams are one of the most common signs of its presence. In particularly severe cases, auditory and visual hallucinations can occur even during the day.

Remember that damage is not irreparable; it can be removed. There are ways to remove it yourself - for example, one of the simplest is to fry coarse salt in a cast iron frying pan. Fry for about 20 minutes with the windows open wide. Salt destroys negative energy - if there has been spoilage, the salt will crack loudly during frying. After the ritual, the salt should be thrown into the trash or flushed down the toilet.

What signs indicate the presence of the evil eye on a person?

Surely there have been times in your life when, after communicating with someone - no matter whether you knew each other or not - you felt squeezed like a lemon. This is clear evidence that your interlocutor was a so-called “eye-catching” person. If, after talking with someone, you feel a sharp loss of strength, nausea and dizziness, your eyes may darken, and your legs begin to give way, then this should lead you to believe that you have become the object of the evil eye.

Very often, young children become victims of the evil eye. Unfriendly people may envy their good appearance, good health, or irrepressible vital energy. Remember, sometimes after a visit from one of your relatives or friends or during a walk, the child simply begins to cry, and there are no objective reasons for him to feel discomfort. The fact is that children feel much more acutely than adults any negative programs that simply physically interfere with them, and make this known through sudden and inexplicable hysteria.

Practices for identifying the evil eye

You can check the presence or absence of the evil eye on a person using an ordinary church candle. Place the person you are diagnosing on a chair in front of you, tell him to close his eyes and gently move the lit candle around his body, reading the Lord's Prayer to himself. If at some point the candle began to crackle, smoke and float with cloudy dark smudges, then it means that the organs located in this part of the body have been exposed to the evil eye. Hold the candle at this point until the candle flame becomes normal - if it has not yet taken root in a person’s etheric body, then this will allow you to get rid of it.

Another way to not only identify the evil eye, but also remove it, involves the use of wax. Melt 150-200 grams of wax in a small metal container, focusing your mind on the question of whether there is an evil eye on a person, and then pour it into cold water. If the resulting figure has smooth contours and there are no vertical growths at its bottom, then there is no evil eye on the person. The less harmonious the wax that has hardened as a result of casting looks, the more serious the negative impact on the person.

How to recognize damage

There are signs by which you can understand that you are a victim of the “evil eye” or damage.

1. Nightmares signal that someone is trying to influence your energy field. You should be especially wary if they become permanent.

2. Nervousness and aggressive behavior that you have not observed in yourself before can also indicate damage.

3. A sharp change in tastes should also alert you. If you have been damaged, then changes in habits and interests will certainly appear. Pay close attention to these signals.

4. Not only your behavior, but also the attitude of those around you may suddenly change. If a person has been subjected to magical influence, then the treatment of loved ones and acquaintances with him noticeably worsens. Like a magnet, you begin to attract brawlers and swindlers.

5. Deterioration in health and physical well-being indicates that you are being damaged. Diseases begin to “stick” to a person who has been subjected to witchcraft spells. In addition to general malaise, weight problems arise. Its sudden gain or loss are frequent companions of damage.

6. With a strong magical influence, a craving for alcohol or immoral behavior may appear. These are especially serious signs.

7. Unforeseen money problems can also be a signal of dark spells. Difficulties with finances can arise not only when money is damaged.

Since ancient times, only folk healers, healers, and sorcerers knew how to identify the evil eye and damage. And the people came to them for healing, since it had long been noticed that these misfortunes exist from the influence of unkind people and the evil eye. Since time immemorial, Eastern teachings have said that man is more than just a physical body. From there came knowledge about chakras, energy channels, acupuncture points, and the aura.

Since the beginning of the twentieth century, scientists around the world have been studying the bioenergetic essence of man. They have written a lot of scientific papers and books, made many interesting documentaries with the results of these studies and proof that the human biofield really exists. And the impact on him too!

It doesn’t matter whether we believe in it or not, but the unkind energetic influence of people on each other has been scientifically confirmed. And before, it was popularly called the evil eye and damage. So it turns out that every day we come into contact with many people at home, at work, in transport, in shops..., intertwining our biofields. And we act on each other, sometimes joyfully, and sometimes disgustingly, negatively influencing someone else’s biofield.

How to identify the evil eye and damage yourself at home? Find out if there is damage in the biofield? Today we will look at ancient folk ways of how to do this. But first, let’s figure out what these phenomena are and how they differ from each other.

What is the evil eye and damage

Evil eye

This negative impact of a person with a strong biofield on the field is weaker. These are energy holes in the aura through which vital energy, strength and health leak. We can say that this is SPAM launched at you by another person. Symptoms of the evil eye on the physical level are the syndrome of chronic weakness and fatigue.

The evil eye is applied without magical influence, often unconsciously: you were praised, flattered, maliciously envied, slandered, looked at unkindly, yelled at... And your aura was pierced by a strong energy flow (if you have the habit of yelling at others or your children, don’t be surprised that they are constantly sick , behave inappropriately, fall behind in their studies!). Women, especially during pregnancy, and children are more often exposed to the evil eye.

The evil eye is like a cut that gradually heals itself. But damage is already a “knife blow.”


In popular understanding, it means actions to spoil, damage. This is a deliberate evil influence with the help of special incantations and rituals to harm a person’s health, or his complete physical destruction. It can be compared to a computer virus, a code that acts purposefully and destroys from the inside.

They damage food, drinks, things, etc. They are given as gifts, or treated, or quietly left at your home. If you find spilled salt, needles, broken eggs, grave sand, shreds of wool, twisted feathers - you are “lucky”, you are very disturbing to someone.

Exposure through animals

Pets often become victims of exposure, since they are the easiest way to harm the owner. The animal suddenly changes behavior sharply, becomes aggressive, disobedient, or, on the contrary, loses mobility, does not eat, and has a fever for no reason. And we cannot understand what happened to him.

Have you noticed that over time your pet develops the same diseases that you suffer from? It’s just that animals devoted to their owner very often take all the negativity and illness upon themselves and die, not allowing their loved one to die. After all, they have not lost the natural sensitivity of the subtle world, like humans.

Symptoms of damage

How to determine if there is damage? It is easy to check this yourself using the corresponding symptoms. Consider whether you have:

  • physical and mental exhaustion;
  • sudden mood swings;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • loss of appetite, self-control, self-control;
  • intolerance to strong odors;
  • fear of bright light;
  • bad from loud noises;
  • depressed state;
  • loss of interest in life;
  • inability to contain negative emotions;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • loss of willpower.

Watch the video: how to recognize damage and its 10 signs - tips from a practicing psychic.

If you notice most of the above symptoms (and doctors shrug their shoulders in ignorance), do not be lazy to conduct a diagnosis for the presence of negative bioenergetic effects. You may be very surprised by the result.

How to find out if there is damage or the evil eye

For this purpose, various folk remedies and methods have long existed. Let's consider the simplest and most accessible at home - diagnostics using a candle, matches and an egg.

1. Methodology for determining the evil eye and damage by a candle

Damage is a strong impact and great damage to the biofield, an imbalance (see photo).

Therefore, the candle will react violently with a change in the color of the flame to red, soot, crackling, and an unpleasant odor. The more negativity a person has, the more energetic she will react, especially above her head and legs, behind her back.

The evil eye is a weaker effect, it is localized behind the back of the head and in the upper part of the body. Therefore, the candle will not behave so violently and the affected area is usually small.

I saw how a traditional healer performed this ritual, and I will try to describe it in detail.

What to do

  1. To purchase a candle on Sunday, you need to go to church before the start of the liturgy and buy 4 candles.
  2. Place one candle each near the image of Christ and the Saint in whose honor the church was consecrated.
  3. Take the fourth one with you, we need it.
  4. Perform the ceremony on Sunday evening.
  5. You must wear white clothes (or wrap yourself in a white sheet). White color repels bad things and protects.

Actions step by step

  1. Place the person you are working with on a backless chair in the middle of the room, facing east. His hands should rest freely on his knees with open palms facing up.
  2. Stand behind him. While reading the Lord's Prayer, light a candle.
  3. Now you need to go around the person three times in a circle to the right. Keep the candle at a short distance from the body. Move it from the top of your head to the floor and back. If the flame remains calm and does not change its color, then the biofield is clear. If not, see the explanation above.
  4. In order not to take on the negative, after diagnosis, be sure to mentally wash yourself with a waterfall and imagine how everything bad is carried away by the water deep into the earth.

If you need a diagnosis done for you, let someone close to you do it.

2. How to detect damage using matches

An old folk method of diagnosis. Take a glass container with water and a box of matches. We take out several matches (at least 3) and hold them in our hands, charging them with our energy. Then we ask them to show whether someone is influencing you. We light the matches one by one and immediately throw them into the water.

Now let's look.

  • If all the matches float without intersecting on the surface, rejoice, everything is in order and your Guardian Angels are not asleep.
  • If the matches are tilted down or on top of each other, it is possible that you have been jinxed.
  • If some matches fall into the water, there may be damage.
  • To be more confident, it is better to diagnose the effects several times in different ways.

3. Diagnosis of egg spoilage - 3 methods

Since ancient times, in villages, healers and healers checked whether a person had damage using a fresh chicken egg. How to accurately choose it for the ceremony, read the article. Let's consider 3 methods of such diagnostics.

Method 1

This method is popularly called egg rolling.

The egg has its own very sensitive biofield, and when it comes into contact with someone else’s energy, it absorbs it into itself. People noticed this and began to use it for diagnosis and healing. Our ancestors took a recently laid egg from a domestic chicken. If this is not the case, then take a fresh store bought one. The freshest will be a dietary egg marked “D”.

Hold and warm the egg in your palms. Then begin to gently roll it from the head along the body to the feet (this will take about 5 minutes).

Very carefully break an egg into a pre-prepared transparent half-liter jar of water and watch.

  1. If the yolk is torn, there is a gap in your biofield (great damage has been caused to you).
  2. If there are serious diseases, the protein in the water will be cloudy with white threads, cobwebs, and inclusions, as if boiled.
  3. If there are air bubbles, we can talk about major damage to the biofield and holes in it.

See the video for a very detailed explanation.

Method 2

This method of determining damage and the evil eye is similar to the previous one, only it is much easier to carry out.

First, hold a jar of water on the top of your head for a few minutes - it will take on information from your aura. Then break an egg into it and examine the result (as in the previous method).

Method 3

And the third way to check for damage is the easiest. Already in the process of diagnosis, the egg, as a living biological entity with its own biofield, draws negative energy from the sick person and cleanses it.

At the head of your bed (close to your head) place a jar of water and an egg broken into it overnight. In the morning you will learn about the state of your energy by the appearance of the egg described above.

4. How to recognize damage with a pin

This method is simple to implement, but effective. With its help, you can identify negative influences, as well as protect yourself from new attacks. You will need a new pin. Moisten it with holy water, then sprinkle with salt. After a few minutes, attach it to your clothes, placing it next to your heart. Try to keep her head looking straight up. When attaching a pin, say the words of the spell:

I protect myself with a talisman, I protect myself from the evil eye and words. I fasten evil with the sharp end of a pin and don’t let it into my heart.

This needs to be done in the morning, before leaving the house. When you return in the evening, check to see if you still have the pin on. If not, then you are definitely being negatively impacted. If you feel a pin come loose while talking to a certain person, then they may very well be the one who influenced you.

5. How to tell if there is damage to plants

An effective way to find out whether you are a carrier of alien energy is plants. If you have a flower in your house that is getting ready to bloom or has already bloomed, leave it at the head of the bed overnight and look at the inflorescences the next morning. If they wither and begin to lose petals, then the news is disappointing.

You can also check for spoilage using St. John's wort branches. If leaves and flowers begin to fall off from them in the morning, then there is a negative impact on you. If you have a guess as to who might wish you harm, try to give that person a flower. If within a few hours it completely withers and loses color, then you should avoid this person.

6. Wax

You can adopt one more ritual. Beeswax needs to be heated over a plate of cold water. When the wax becomes liquid, you need to carefully pour it into a plate and wait a couple of minutes. The resulting image, drawing or figure will help determine whether there is an evil eye.

An even, uniform pattern indicates that there is no damage to the person. Complex, torn, uneven figures, in turn, indicate interference in the consciousness of extraneous negative energy. In this case, you need to start “cleansing” procedures as soon as possible.

7. How to recognize damage in a dream

One of the common methods is to ask a question about the presence of damage in a dream. To do this, you need to pray to your Guardian Angel before going to bed, and then focus on the issue that worries you. After some time, thoughts will be directed in the right direction, and you, having relaxed, say the words of the conspiracy:

Walking through a crowd of people, I notice an ill-wisher, I notice him by his evil eyes. With the name of the Lord on my lips I pass by, I offer impenetrable, intangible protection. May he have no peace, may he not know joy, only grief. Until all the negativity leaves me, my conscience does not allow the thief to live in peace with my happiness.

Go to bed, and in your sleep you will be able to find out the answer to your question. You may have a chaotic heavy dream, or the face of an ill-wisher. If there is no damage, sleep will be light and pleasant.

8. Check for spoilage using a bowl of water

This ritual is considered one of the easiest, but most effective. It can be done at home without any problems. To do this, fill a cup with water, throw in three small coals and observe their behavior. If they drowned, it means that there really was a magical effect - damage or the evil eye. In this case, the main task is to take action as soon as possible. The coals float on the surface - don’t worry, everything is fine.

However, using this method you will not be able to find out the details. To check who is behind the damage and what exactly it was applied to, you will have to use other methods. But for searching preliminary information it will be quite enough.

A very sure way to determine damage is to use a pendulum. The ritual must be carried out at night during the full moon, and the night luminary must be in the sky during the ritual.

To determine damage, the following actions are carried out:

A figure of a person is schematically drawn on a white sheet of paper, and the words “Yes” and “No” are written above his head on the left and right.

The little man is given a name and crosses himself, after which the fingers should first be dipped in sunflower oil. During this, the prayer “Our Father” is read.

The following words are pronounced:

The Servant of God created by me (the name with which the drawn figurine was named), today you will be for me, your pain is my pain, your troubles are my troubles.

The drawing is placed in the middle of the table, at the corners of which church candles made of brown wax are placed and lit in order from left to right;

A homemade pendulum swings over a drawn man, and at the same time the necessary questions are asked.

The first question asked should be whether you have damage. If you receive a negative answer, the ritual can be stopped. And if confirmation has been received, then you should continue to ask questions that interest you.

10. Nail

Buy a new nail and carry it in your hand for several hours, then in the evening bury it near the threshold of your house with the words:

I bury a sharp nail in the ground, I want to know the truth. I turn to the forces of nature, I need help. I want to know if there is a black curse on me that draws goodness out of me and creates illness.

The next morning, dig up your cache and carefully examine the nail. If it begins to rust, it means you have been negatively affected.

How to return damage back to the offender

A simple ritual will allow you not only to get rid of damage, but also to return it to the one who caused it.

To get rid of damage, try cleansing with. Also try 15 simple rituals.

As you know, the evil eye is a beam of negative energy directed at a person with the goal of causing harm to the person. How could they jinx me, people ask me at the reception. They say that you are not your own enemy to send negativity. You can jinx it not only with evil, but also with a good word. A person can also jinx himself with negative thoughts, unconsciously.

The eye is a beam of negative energy aimed at a person with the aim of causing harm to the person.

How does the evil eye manifest itself?

The evil eye can cause various unpleasant symptoms such as:

  • insomnia, powerlessness, exhaustion, rapid loss of strength, disturbing dreams;
  • neuroses, constant nervous breakdowns;
  • bad mood, apathy, depression, indifference to everything happening around;
  • diseases, unknown pigmentation on the body;
  • alcoholism and other addictions;
  • constant failures.

If you look into a person’s eyes, or influence him directly in the mirror, then his eyes constantly water and it is very difficult for a spoiled person to survive a rendezvous with a stranger (magician).

Therefore, in order to avoid such troubles It is necessary to check for the evil eye from time to time to know for sure whether the problem is with you or not.

Put the evil eye on yourself

“How can I put the evil eye on myself?” you ask in surprise. You may never have heard of self-eye, but it is a very common phenomenon. This most often happens because you are setting yourself up for problems, bad luck, eternal problems, etc. and so on. Everyone knows that thoughts are material.

To avoid such situations, you just need to think positively, not oppress yourself with thoughts and carry at least one amulet with you: a bag of salt, a red thread, a Turkish eye or something similar. You can even learn how to create an energy field that will protect you from the evil eyes of strangers.

Evil eye on relatives

Even if it seems to you that the evil eye has a negative effect only from strangers, then you are mistaken. Even the mother of her son can cast the evil eye if they constantly claim that he is a fool, will never be able to learn, find a wife, or has a terrible character. Our energy affects both us and those around us, so you should be careful with your thoughts and words. Remember the power of words.

Even a mother can jinx her son

So how can you check for the evil eye?

How to check if there is damage? From generation to generation, people have passed on various methods of checking for the presence of negative energy, because the evil eye and damage affect both a person’s psychological and physical state. But in order to know one hundred percent the presence of damage or the evil eye in a person, it is necessary to carry out certain rituals.

Who jinxed me? Interesting fact: the person who has jinxed you will have red cheeks during the ceremony.

An egg and a glass of water against the evil eye and damage

The well-known folk method with an egg and water will tell you how to check whether the evil eye exists or not. As you know, water does not tolerate evil spirits, and fresh eggs are a symbol of purity, a new beginning and purity. It is important that the eggs are homemade, from the village, since it is in them that new life is born.

For the ritual you need:

  • a glass of running water;
  • nine eggs.

Place a glass of water over the head of the person you want to check and break an egg into the container. Important: the yolk should not be damaged, since it will be the indicator of the presence of negative energy.

How to test for the evil eye on a stranger?

Sit the person down and place the glass on his head, hold it with your fingers if necessary, and break the egg into the water. Next, you need to wait from two to five minutes and then check: if there are no changes on the egg, then the biofield is clear. But if white threads, some kind of mucus, bubbles, black dots or something else appear on the surface of the protein, it means that you have been damaged. White tentacles mean that you have damage or the evil eye of a very weak level and you can get rid of it with spells, prayers and then reduce this ailment to “no”, and if there is something else, then you need to turn to literate people to remove the evil eye.

In order to track changes in your biofield, you need to break an egg every night and place it above the bed. In the morning you can already judge by the change in the egg the results of work on damage and the evil eye. If there are no strange things on the yolk of the egg, it means that the work was done successfully.

You can determine spoilage using an egg

After you have completed the test on a person, you need to pour the water with the egg into the toilet and say:

“Let it return to the one from whom it came. Amen".

Checking the evil eye through a coal

Take a container of water and three coals. Then you need to throw each of the coals in turn and observe: if there are no drowned coals, they all float on the surface, then your biofield is clear, but if at least one drowned, then this is already an indicator. If one drowns, then this is a weak evil eye, from which you can get rid of it with a talisman or a spell. If two or more, this is already a strong negative energy that needs to be gotten rid of as soon as possible.

There is no need to throw away the water used for testing. Take the coals out of the container and speak to the water with any magical verse known to you or any prayer, “Our Father.” Drink a little of the water enchanted by prayer and sprinkle the rest on your body and face.

How can I find out who jinxed me?

There is also a second option to check who exactly jinxed you. If I am asked to perform an accelerated ritual, I offer clients fortune telling using coals. But this option will not give an exact definition, and will simply help calm the soul. You need to throw the coals one by one. Throwing one coal, say: “The man has the evil eye,” throwing the second: “The woman has the evil eye,” throwing the third: “The maiden has the evil eye.” The ember that sank is the cause of your problems. If all the coals float, there are no drowned people: the problem is with you, and not with the evil eye or damage.

Checking for the evil eye with wax and water

For this ritual you need to take homemade beeswax and melt it. How else can I check: have I been jinxed?

Fill a container with water and hold it above your head. Ask a relative to pour the wax into the water in a thin, thin stream. It should lie flat, creating neat shapes. When finished pouring, drain the water and examine the resulting figure. If everything is smooth, without any special bumps, then the reason for your failures is far from being damaged or the evil eye. If you get bumps, growths, or something resembling candles on the surface, then your biofield is disturbed by negative energy.

To test for the evil eye, you need to take homemade beeswax and melt it

If the wax turns into one huge growth, it means that a strong magician has worked on you, bringing great misfortune upon you and you need to get rid of it as soon as possible. Start with the fact that this wax will need to be burned and wrapped in paper and cloth, and then buried in a place where people do not walk.

Power of nature

Thanks to nettle, linden or oregano, it is possible to detect disturbances in the energy cocoon and holes in human bioenergy. There is one important condition: all components for testing must be collected at the edge of the forest. Next, all collected products need to be dried. You need to brew the decoction with a woman’s hand, read the “Our Father” over it and give a sip to each of the family members. If one of the family members begins to have headaches, then this is an indicator of the presence of the evil eye in the person. The pain will go away in a couple of hours, but the evil eye will have to be removed: the stronger the headache, the stronger the evil eye is cast on the person.

Photo test

This test is one of the most effective, but to carry it out you will need a brand new mirror that you didn’t even take out of the box.

During the ritual, you need to place two wax candles and a photograph between them, and a mirror level with it. Next you need to say the hex:

“As the candle wax melts, let him show me the mirror of an evil and envious person who has jinxed a dear person.”

How will I know if I've been jinxed? The mirror will reflect all the truth you need to know.

Salt guesses

“I’m worried about my boyfriend, there’s something wrong with him,” how can I check if he has a negative program, damage, the evil eye, or just influence.

If you suspect that a loved one has been damaged, then you can do a special check for him with your own hands. To do this, you need to sew a bag with your own hands and fill it with salt. Then the pad with salt is sewn up with a secret stitch so that the threads are not visible, and is left in the room of the desired individual. After a couple of days, open the bag: if the salt is in the same form as you filled it in, then we say that everything is in order, but if it is stuck together, then a negative flow of energy is directed at the person.

Take care of yourself and do not succumb to negative influences.

Every day, without noticing it, every person is influenced by negative energy. It is thrown out by people around and can be transmitted to any of the people present nearby. Such negative energy flows are called the evil eye. Under its influence, a person begins to feel unreasonably tired, he is haunted by disappointments and failures, and sometimes his personal life even collapses. Therefore, it is very important to know how to check whether there is an evil eye, so that every time at the first suspicion you do not run to psychics or fortune tellers.

There are many folk signs and beliefs that help you understand whether the evil eye is the source of your failures. Here are some of the ways to check for the evil eye or damage. To check you will need:

  • church candles (not very thick)
  • glass of clean water
  • several matches (a lighter is absolutely not suitable)

Method with matches

Take a glass of water and light three matches. They can be set on fire either simultaneously or one by one. When the matches are lit, throw them into a glass of water. By their location you can understand whether there is an evil eye or damage to you.

  • If matches float on the surface of the water, then you don’t have to worry about the evil eye and continue to enjoy life.
  • In the case when the matches stand almost vertically in the water, you are damaged, but not particularly strong. You can still remove it yourself.
  • You should worry when you see that the matches have sunk - this means that you have serious problems with the evil eye. In this case, you need to contact professionals in this field, only they can remove this black energy from you.

Human influence

Before checking whether you have the evil eye or not, analyze exactly when you feel bad and depressed. It often happens that a person from your environment has an extremely negative influence on you. Remember, after communicating with which person do you feel depressed, begin to experience fatigue and inexplicable anxiety? If these emotions were not present before the conversation began, and they appeared only after its completion, it means that the person has an extremely negative influence on you. Limit your communication with him or stop it altogether.

Church candle

A very easy-to-use way to check the evil eye is to light a church candle. This must be done using a regular match. When the candle lights up, circle it around you several times. If you notice that it is cracking violently, the tongue of the flame is not calm, and wax is flowing strongly along the edges, forming wondrous figures - the evil eye is upon you, and quite seriously. Its effect can be softened if you repeatedly read the Lord's Prayer and go to church.

Definition of egg spoilage

There is another reliable way to check the evil eye with an egg. Take a clean glass and fill it with cold water from the tap. Then carefully break a fresh chicken egg and pour it into the water. Do this carefully so as not to damage the yolk, it is very important that it remains intact. Immediately place the glass on your crown, pressing your chin to your chest. Wait in this position for 3 minutes, then carefully remove the glass and see what is visible in the water.

  • If nothing in the glass has changed, namely the water is clear and the egg has not lost its shape, everything is clear for you.
  • If the yolk is lying down, and stripes go up from the white, there is an evil eye on you, but not at all significant.
  • If the protein strips have bubbles, the spoilage is severe.
  • If you see black dots in the stripes, you are cursed to death. In this case, be sure to immediately contact a specialist; without his intervention, an extremely bad fate may await you.

Damage is an evil act of a person that is directed against the “victim”. In this case, it is not necessary to perform any ritual. Most often, a person influences another through suggestion. People who believe in corruption are the most vulnerable. In this case, it becomes very easy to cast the evil eye on the person himself, his house, animal, car, family. Damage is usually created in order to divorce spouses, so that the family starts using drugs and alcohol, so that the victim goes broke.

More and more people are beginning to wonder: First of all, take a close look at your palms. A person with strong energy has three clear lines: life, mind and heart. If the last two of them are crossed by another one, then the owner of the palm can be easily damaged. This is also evidenced by the presence of a large number of crosses. Moreover, these symbols on the palm mean damage that has been passed down “by inheritance” or from a past life. The presence of moles also indicates a serious evil eye.

How can I find out if I have damage in a simple way? Take a glass of water and a raw egg. Place a glass on top of your head and break an egg into the water. Then look at the result. If the yolk rests calmly on the bottom of the glass and the water remains clean, then there is no damage to you. If streaks or silvery balls appear in the glass, your aura is most likely disturbed.

How to find out if you have damage using matches? Take a glass of clean water and hold it for a few minutes. This way you will transfer your energy to the liquid. To improve the effect, you can add a pinch of salt. Now light a match, wait for it to almost burn out, and at the last moment throw it into the water. Observe the “behavior” of the cinder. If he drowned, then there is damage to you. The match remained afloat - it was gone.

How can I find out if I have damage from a candle? Take a church candle and light it. Move it around the person's body. If the candle begins to smoke and crackle, this is a sure sign that the subject has been damaged. But when carrying out this examination, it is necessary to take into account that the candle can react in this way not to the subtle body of a person, but to the energy of the room. Therefore, when conducting diagnostics, it is advisable to use various spells and prayers.

How can I find out if I have damage using gold? This precious metal must be sampled over 585. When using low-grade gold, this method is ineffective. If you run a gold ring across your cheek or hand, then if a person has damage, a dark or gray mark will remain on the skin. Do not use jewelry gold for this experiment, as various impurities are often added to its composition.

How do I know if I have damage or the evil eye? Before Epiphany or Christmas, pour holy water into any vessel. Let it sit for a day. Wash your face with this water before going to bed. If there is damage to you, then you will dream about the one who caused it. He will rejoice in your sufferings and failures.

To find out, it is not necessary to carry out various complex manipulations. Listen to your own body. You are damaged if you often:

You feel hatred towards your loved ones;

You suffer from toothache or headache;

You get irritated and nervous over trifles;

Notice sudden mood swings;

We began to be afraid of sunlight.

You can also talk about the evil eye when a person begins to get sick often. Due to damage, the integrity of his aura is compromised, which significantly reduces his resistance to disease. Please note - if you have recently started constantly stumbling and getting various injuries, this may be the result of the evil eye. With this, a person may feel devastated, confused, and be in constant depression. If you suddenly experience any of the signs listed above, contact a specialist to remove the evil eye.

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