How faith relates to Zheltkov’s love. “Garnet Bracelet”: the theme of love in Kuprin’s work. An unusual story on an ordinary topic

A.I. Kuprin wrote a beautiful and sad story about love that every person would like to experience. The story “The Garnet Bracelet” is about just such a sublime and selfless feeling. And now readers continue to debate whether the main character did the right thing by refusing her admirer. Or perhaps an admirer would make her happy? To talk about this topic, you need to characterize Zheltkov from “Garnet Bracelet”.

Description of the appearance of a fan of Vera

What is remarkable about this gentleman and why did the author decide to make him the main character? Maybe there is something unusual in the characterization of Zheltkov in the story “The Garnet Bracelet”? For example, in many romantic stories, the main characters have beautiful or memorable appearance. It should be immediately noted that the name of the main character is not indicated in the story (perhaps his name is George). This can be explained by the writer’s attempts to show the insignificance of a person in the eyes of society.

Zheltkov was tall and had a thin build. His face looks more like a girl’s: soft features, blue eyes and a stubborn chin with a dimple. It is the last point that indicates that despite the apparent pliability of nature, this person is actually stubborn and does not like to back down from his decisions.

He looked to be 30-35 years old, i.e. he was already an adult man and a fully formed personality. There was a nervousness in all his movements: his fingers were constantly fiddling with the buttons, and he himself was pale, which indicates his strong mental agitation. If we rely on the external characteristics of Zheltkov from “The Garnet Bracelet,” we can conclude that he has a soft, receptive nature, is prone to experiences, but at the same time is not devoid of perseverance.

The situation in the main character's room

For the first time, Kuprin “brings” his character to the reader during the visit of the main character’s husband and brother. Before this, its existence was known only through letters. To the characterization of Zheltkov in “The Garnet Bracelet” we can add a description of his living conditions. The sparse decoration of the room emphasizes his social position. After all, the reason that he could not openly communicate with Vera was social inequality.

The room had low ceilings and round windows barely illuminated it. The only furniture was a narrow bed, an old sofa and a table covered with a tablecloth. The whole situation suggests that the apartment is occupied by a person who is not at all rich and does not strive for comfort. But Zheltkov didn’t need this: there was only one woman in his life with whom he could be happy, but she was already married. Therefore, the man did not even think about starting a family. That is, Zheltkov’s characterization in “The Garnet Bracelet” is complemented by an important quality - he is monogamous.

The fact that the house has small windows is indicative. The room is a reflection of the existence of the main character. There were few joys in his life, it was full of difficulties, and the only bright ray for the unfortunate man was Vera.

Zheltkov's character

Despite the insignificance of his position, the main character had an exalted nature, otherwise he would not have been capable of such selfless love. The man served as an official in some chamber. The fact that he had money is informed to the reader from a letter in which Zheltkov writes that he could not give Vera a gift worthy of her due to limited funds.

Zheltkov was a well-mannered and modest person; he did not consider himself endowed with subtle taste. For the owner of the room he rented, Zheltkov became like his own son - his manner was so courteous and kind-hearted.

Vera's husband discerned in him a noble and honest nature that was incapable of deception. The main character immediately admits to him that he cannot stop loving Vera, because this feeling is stronger than him. But he will no longer bother her, because she asked for it, and the peace and happiness of his beloved is more important than anything else.

The story of Zheltkov’s love for Vera

Despite the fact that this is an unrequited romance in letters, the writer was able to show a sublime feeling. Therefore, an unusual love story has occupied the minds of readers for several decades. As for Zheltkov’s characterization in “The Garnet Bracelet,” it is precisely his willingness to be content with little, the ability for selfless love, that reveals the nobility of his soul.

He first saw Vera 8 years ago and immediately realized that she was the one, simply because there is no better woman in the world.

And all this time Zhelktov continued to love her, not expecting any reciprocity. He followed her, wrote letters, but not for the purpose of persecution, but simply because he sincerely loved her. Zheltkov did not want anything for himself - for him, the most important thing was Vera’s well-being. The man did not understand what he did to deserve such happiness - a bright feeling for her. Vera's tragedy is that she only realized at the very end that this was the very love that women dream of. She felt that Zheltkov forgave her because his love was selfless and sublime. In Kuprin's "Garnet Bracelet", Zheltkov's characterization is not a description of one person, but of a true, constant, precious feeling.

The theme of love has been one of the most important in world and Russian literature since its inception. This feeling has a variety of definitions, but perhaps the most comprehensive is the definition from the Gospel: “This mystery is great.” Kuprin leads the reader to an understanding of the great secret with the entire system of images of the short story “Garnet Bracelet”.

The author embodied the mystery of God's gift of love, pure and unique, high to the point of self-sacrifice, creating a high atmosphere of morality, in the image of the “little man” Zheltkov.

The novella opens with a description of the coming autumn based on the principle of contrast. In the middle of August the weather is “disgusting”. It is accompanied by “thick fog, fine rain like water dust, turning clay roads and paths into solid thick mud”, a ferocious hurricane, “the siren at the lighthouse roared like a mad bull”... The trees swayed..., “like waves in a storm.”

By the beginning of September the weather changes dramatically. “Quiet cloudless days, so clear, sunny and warm, which were not even in July. On the dry, compressed fields, on the prickly yellow stubble, an autumn cobweb glistened with a mica sheen. The calmed trees silently and obediently dropped their yellow leaves.”

This contrasting landscape, depressing and joyful, seems to precede a natural change in the life of Princess Vera Nikolaevna Sheina and the official of the control chamber Zheltkov, where Divine purity and tragedy, insight and faith in eternal, unearthly love will harmoniously merge together. The author gives Vera Nikolaevna’s state of mind through the prism of her attitude to natural beauty, dissolved in the vast world of existence.

“She was very happy about the wonderful days that had come, the silence, solitude, clean air, the chirping of swallows on the telegraph wires...”

Naturally sensitive, she “long ago” lost the feeling of love for her husband. They were friends and cared about each other.

Faith intuitively seeks the answer to the question of whether love exists and how it manifests itself.

The author explains the thirst for love and naivety of married sisters by the established stereotype in many generations, where love is replaced by habit and convenience. The author will lead his heroine, together with the reader, to true love, to the throne, on the altar of which life is laid.

Throughout the entire narrative, Zheltkov is Vera Nikolaevna’s secret lover.

Sheina, who rarely reminds of himself by letters. For Vera's relatives, he seems funny and insignificant. Vasily Lvovich, Vera’s husband, is intelligent, merciful, devotes a lot of space to Zheltkov in his home humor magazine, depicts his caricatured imaginary portrait. Either Zheltkov is a chimney sweep, or a monk, or a village woman, or he sends Vera a perfume bottle filled with tears. In such a reduced manner, Shein portrayed the inferiority of the “little man” who dared to fall in love with a woman not of his circle.

Probably, Prince Shein, at the moment of his meeting with Zheltkov, realized his clowning, since even Nikolai Nikolaevich Tuganovsky instantly saw Zheltkov’s nobility. He peers into the unusual appearance of a man, sees in him the inner workings of the soul: “thin, nervous fingers, a pale, gentle face, a childish chin.”

These external features of a person who subtly perceives the world are complemented by the touches of his psychological experiences in front of Vasily Lvovich and Nikolai Nikolaevich. Zheltkov was confused, his lips became dead, he jumped up, his trembling hands ran around, etc.

All this characterizes a lonely person who is not accustomed to such communication.

In the novella, the word “cliff” has a direct meaning and takes on the meaning of an image - a symbol. Vera lives on a cliff, in front of which the sea rages. She is afraid to look from the cliff. Zheltkov is constantly mentally there, on the cliff.

His speech to the guests who came to deprive him of what he lives on was a leap into the abyss from a cliff. With childish frankness, he will say what fills his soul: “Sending the bracelet was even more stupid. But...I can never stop loving her...Should I be imprisoned? But even there I will find a way to let her know about my existence. There is only one thing left - death..."

Zheltkov rushes off the “cliff” into oblivion when he hears Vera on the phone: “Oh, if you only knew how tired I am of this story.”

Zheltkov’s appearance, speech, and behavior stirred up Shein. He suddenly saw in front of him a living person “with unshed tears”, with “an enormous tragedy of the soul.” Shein realized that he was not crazy, but a loving person, for whom life without Faith did not exist.

Vera hears from the landlady words full of maternal love and sorrow: “If only you knew, lady, what a wonderful man he was.” From her, Vera learns that he asked to hang the garnet bracelet on the icon of the Mother of God. And the cold Vera takes Zheltkov’s last letter written for her from the hands of the landlady with tenderness, reads the lines addressed to her, the only one: “It is not my fault, Vera Nikolaevna, that God was pleased to send me, as great happiness, love for you. If you remember me, then play or ask me to play the Sonata in D major No. 2. op.2.”

So, Zheltkov’s love, eternal and unique, selfless and selfless, a gift from the Creator, for which he joyfully goes to death. Zheltkova’s love heals Vera and two men from pride, spiritual dryness, and gives birth to mercy in the souls of these people.

In Vera’s family there was no love between the spouses, although they felt comfortable and confident. There was no demand for love, as evidenced by Vera’s conversation with Yakov Mikhailovich Anosov.

- People nowadays have forgotten how to love. I don't see true love. And in my time I didn’t see it.

- Well, how can it be, grandfather? Why slander? You yourself were married. So they still loved you?

“It means absolutely nothing, dear Verochka.”

- Take Vasya and me for example. Can we call our marriage unhappy? Anosov was silent for a long time. Then he said reluctantly:

- Well, okay... let's say - an exception...

Smart Anosov, who loves both Vera and Anna, very doubtfully agrees with Verochkin’s concept of happiness. Sister Anna couldn’t stand her husband at all, although she gave birth to two children.

He alone among the heroes of the story smells roses on this autumn evening: “How roses smell... I hear it from here.” Vera put two roses in the buttonhole of the general’s coat. General Anosov's first love is connected with a girl who was sorting dry rose petals.

The subtle smell of roses reminded him of an incident from his life - funny and sad. This is an insert story in the short story “Garnet Bracelet”, with a beginning and an end.

“I’m walking down the street in Bucharest. Suddenly a strong pink smell wafted over me... Between two soldiers there is a beautiful crystal bottle with rose oil. They lubricated their boots and also their weapon locks.

-What do you have?

“They put some kind of oil in the porridge, Your Honor, but it’s not good, it hurts your mouth, but it smells good.”

Consequently, soldiers do not need a subtle scent, their horizons are not the same, and there is no need for beauty. The path to the pinnacle of spirit, beauty, the pinnacle of nobility is difficult and long.

The image of a rose, a symbol of love and tragedy, permeates the fabric of the story from beginning to end. They, both in the form of dry petals and in the form of already prepared oil, are undoubtedly a parallel to all those love stories that the grandfather tells, those that the reader himself observes among the acting characters.

The image of a living rose, red as blood, appears as an impossible phenomenon in the fall in the hands of Vera Nikolaevna. She placed it at the head of the deceased in recognition of his unearthly love. The same color is in the garnet bracelet, only it is a different symbol, a symbol of tragedy, “like blood.”

Having understood the power of Zheltkov’s love, Vera is chained to Beethoven’s music. And the magical sounds of the words of enthusiastic love whispered to her: “Let your name shine.” The conscious guilt dissolves in her copious tears. The soul is filled with sounds equivalent to words:

“Calm down, darling, calm down. Do you remember about me? You are my only and last love. Calm down, I’m with you.”

And she felt his forgiveness. It was music that united them on this mournful day of their first meeting and farewell, just as it united Vera and Zheltkov for all eight years when he first saw her at a concert where Beethoven’s music was played. Beethoven's music and Zheltkov's love is an artistic parallel to the short story, which is prefaced by the epigraph to the short story.

L. Von Bethoven. 2 Son. (op.2, no. 2)
Largo Appassionato

Thus, all artistic means: live speech, inserted narratives, psychological portraits, sounds and smells, details, symbols - make the author’s narrative a vivid picture, where love is the main motive.

Kuprin convinces that everyone has their own love. Now it is like autumn roses, now it is like dry petals, now love has taken on vulgar forms and has descended to everyday convenience and little entertainment. Kuprin focused the love that women dream about on the image of Zheltkov. His love is God's gift. His love transforms the world. Kuprin convinces the reader that a “little man” can have a very rich soul, capable of making a gracious contribution to the improvement of human morality. How important it is to understand this before the tragedy occurs.

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Kuprin's story "The Garnet Bracelet" was published in 1907. It is based on real events from the family chronicles of the Tugan-Baranovsky princes. This story has become one of the most famous and profound works about love in Russian literature.
At its center is a story about the feelings of a minor official Zheltkov for the cold beauty Princess Vera Nikolaevna Sheina. The Sheins are typical representatives of the Russian aristocracy of the early 20th century. The author notes that all members of this family bore, to one degree or another, the imprint of degeneration.
So, Vera Nikolaevna’s sister, Anna Nikolaevna, was unhappy in her marriage. The elderly and ugly husband did not attract her, and this still young woman sought solace in numerous novels, from which, however, she also did not get what she wanted. From her unloved husband, Anna Nikolaevna gave birth to weak and ugly children, who also bore the mark of degeneration.
Vera Nikolaevna's brother, Nikolai, was not married at all. He mockingly and contemptuously treated marriage and love, considering it all fiction and romantic fairy tales. And Vera Nikolaevna herself experienced any noble and sublime feelings for her husband, but not love.
Kuprin shows us that people have forgotten how to love. “ among people has taken such vulgar forms and has descended simply to some kind of everyday convenience, to a little entertainment,” - with these words of General Anosov, Kuprin conveys the contemporary state of affairs.
And in this wretched and essentially gray reality, a bright ray of light appears - the love of the petty official Zheltkov for Princess Vera. At first, this feeling is perceived by the heroine’s family completely negatively - frivolously, contemptuously and mockingly. Nikolai Nikolaevich is seething with indignation - how did this plebeian dare to bother his sister! Vasily Lvovich, the princess’s husband, sees in this story just a funny incident, an incident.
So what is the love story of the petty official Zheltkov? Kuprin explains it to us in sufficient detail in the story. First, we hear this story in a distorted, mocking and mocking form from Prince Shein, and Vera Nikolaevna’s husband speaks prophetically about the death of the little official. Then, gradually, as the action progresses, we learn about the real course of things.
G.S. Zheltkov served as an official of the control chamber. Once in his life (for sorrow or joy?) a fatal meeting took place - Zheltkov saw Vera Nikolaevna Sheina. He didn’t even talk to this young lady, who was still unmarried. And how dare he - their social status was too unequal. But a person is not subject to feelings of such strength, he is not able to control the life of his heart. Love captured Zheltkov so much that it became the meaning of his entire existence. From this man's farewell letter we learn that his feeling is “reverence, eternal admiration and slavish devotion.”
In addition, we learn that the official followed Vera Nikolaevna, tried to go where she was, in order to once again see the object of his adoration, breathe the same air with her, touch her things: “I mentally bow to the land of furniture, on the floor you sit on, the parquet floor you walk on, the trees you touch in passing, the servants you talk to.”
Vera Nikolaevna, and we too are following her, beginning to wonder - is this Zheltkov crazy? Perhaps his passionate and deep passion was a consequence of mental illness: “And what was it: love or madness?” But the hero himself answers this question in his last letter to the princess. He tested himself and concluded that his feeling was a gift from heaven, and not a disease. After all, Zheltkov does not claim the attention of his beloved; he felt good only from the realization that Vera Nikolaevna exists.
As a sign of his love, the official gives the princess the most valuable thing he has - a family jewel in the form of a garnet bracelet. Perhaps, financially, this bracelet was not of great value - unsightly, inflated, roughly processed. Its main decoration was five blood-red garnets, “diluted” by one green one located in the middle. “According to an old legend that has been preserved in our family, it has the ability to impart the gift of foresight to women who wear it and drives away heavy thoughts from them, while it protects men from violent death,” Zheltkov wrote in the accompanying letter to this gift.
The official gave Vera Nikolaevna the most expensive thing he had. I think that the princess, even forgiving herself, appreciated this gesture.
But Zheltkov’s sacrificial and sublime love ended tragically - he died of his own free will, so as not to interfere with Princess Sheina. This man even sacrificed his physical existence on the altar of high feelings. It is important that the hero did not talk to anyone about love, did not seek Vera Nikolaevna’s favor or attention. He simply lived, enjoying what fate gave him. And he passed away with a feeling of great gratitude for what he had experienced.
Kuprin shows that love of such strength and sacrifice could not but leave a mark on the souls of the people involved in this story. In Vera Nikolaevna, Zheltkov awakened longing and bright sadness for love, and helped her to reveal her true needs. It is not for nothing that at the end of the story, while listening to a Beethoven sonata, the heroine cries: “Princess Vera hugged the trunk of the acacia tree, pressed herself against it and cried.” It seems to me that these tears are the heroine’s longing for true love, which people so often forget about.
Even Vera Nikolaevna’s husband, Prince Shein, experienced involuntary respect for Zheltkov’s feelings: “I feel sorry for this man. And not only do I feel sorry, but I also feel that I am present at some enormous tragedy of the soul, and I cannot clown around here.”
Thus, the love given to the little official Zheltkov from above filled his life with meaning and became a source of light not only for this person, but also for those around him. The story of Zheltkov’s feelings for Princess Vera once again confirmed that love is the most important thing in a person’s life. Without this feeling, life turns into a meaningless and empty existence, inevitably leading to death. The death of the soul and the divine spirit in us.


Another work that moved me, called “Garnet Bracelet,” also shows true love. In this work, Kuprin depicts the fragility and insecurity of high human feelings. G. S. Zheltkov is one of the employees in a government institution. He has been in love with Vera Nikolaevna Sheina for eight years now, but his feelings are unrequited. Zheltkov wrote love letters to Vera even before Vera’s marriage. But no one knew who was sending them, since Zheltkov signed with the initials “P. P.Zh.” They assumed that he was abnormal, crazy, crazy, “manic.” But this was a man who truly loved. Zheltkov’s love was unselfish, selfless, not waiting for reward, “love for which to accomplish any feat, to give one’s life, to go to torment is not work at all, but one joy.” This is exactly what Zheltkov’s love for Vera was. In his life, he loved only her and no one else. Faith for him was the only joy in life, the only consolation, “the only thought.” And since his love had no future, it was hopeless, he committed suicide.

The heroine is married, but she loves her husband, and, on the contrary, she does not feel any feelings towards Mr. Zheltkov except annoyance. And Zheltkov himself seems to us at first to be just a vulgar suitor. This is how both Vera and her family perceive him. But in the story about a calm and happy life, disturbing notes flash: this is the fatal love of Vera’s husband’s brother; the love and adoration that her husband has for Vera’s sister; the failed love of Vera’s grandfather, it is this general who says that true love should be a tragedy, but in life it is vulgarized, everyday life and various kinds of conventions interfere. He tells two stories (one of them even somewhat resembles the plot of “The Duel”), where true love turns into a farce. Listening to this story, Vera has already received a garnet bracelet with a bloody stone, which should protect her from misfortune, and could save her former owner from violent death. It is with this gift that the reader’s attitude towards Zheltkov changes. He sacrifices everything for his love: career, money, peace of mind. And doesn't require anything in return.

But again, empty secular conventions destroy even this illusory happiness. Nikolai, Vera’s brother-in-law, who once gave up his love to these prejudices, now demands the same from Zheltkov, he threatens him with prison, the court of society, and his connections. But Zheltkov reasonably objects: what can all these threats do to his love? Unlike Nikolai (and Romashov), he is ready to fight and defend his feelings. The barriers set by society mean nothing to him. Just for the sake of the peace of his beloved, he is ready to give up love, but along with his life: he commits suicide.

Now Vera understands what she has lost. If Shurochka gave up feeling for the sake of well-being and did it consciously, then Vera simply did not see the big feeling. But in the end, she didn’t want to see him, she preferred peace and a familiar life (although nothing was demanded of her) and by this she seemed to have betrayed the man who loved her. But true love is generous - it was forgiven.

According to Kuprin himself, the “Garnet Bracelet” is his most “chaste” thing. Kuprin turned the traditional plot about a small official and a woman of secular society into a poem about unrequited love, sublime, selfless, selfless.

The owner of spiritual wealth and beauty of feeling in the story is a poor man - the official Zheltkov, who sincerely loved Princess Vera Nikolaevna Sheina for seven years. “For him there was no life without you,” the princess’s husband, Prince Vasily, said about Zheltkov. Zheltkov loved Sheina without the slightest hope of reciprocity. It was lucky for him that she read his letters. Zheltkov loved all the little things associated with her. He kept the handkerchief she had forgotten, the program she kept, the note in which the princess forbade her to write. He worshiped these things as believers worship holy relics. “I mentally bow to the ground of the furniture on which you sit, the parquet floor on which you walk, the trees that you touch in passing, the servants with whom you speak.” Zheltkov deified the princess, even when he was dying: “When leaving, I say in delight: “Hallowed be Thy name.” In the boring life of a petty official, in the constant struggle for life, working for a piece of bread, this sudden feeling was, in the words of the hero himself, “... enormous happiness... love with which God was pleased to reward me for something.”

Princess Vera’s brother was unable to understand Zheltkov, but her husband, Prince Vasily Lvovich, appreciated this man’s feelings, although he was forced by the laws of decency to stop this story. He foresaw a tragic end: “It seemed to me that I was present at enormous suffering from which people were dying,” he confesses to Vera.

Princess Vera at first treated G.S.Zh.’s letters and gifts with some contempt, then pity for the unfortunate lover stirred in her soul. After Zheltkov’s death, “...she realized that the love that every woman dreams of had passed her by.”

Vera came into agreement with herself after Zheltkov’s death only after, at the request of the man who committed suicide for her, she listened to “Beethoven’s best work” - the Second Sonata. The music seemed to speak to her on behalf of Zheltkov’s soul: “You and I love each other only for one moment, but forever.” And Vera feels that in the poor man’s soul at the hour of death, neither anger, nor hatred, nor even resentment really stirred to her, the culprit of great happiness and great tragedy in Zheltkov’s life, and that he died loving and blessing his beloved.

Kuprin showed in his story “The Garnet Bracelet” bright human feelings, contrasted with the callousness of the surrounding world.

In the story “The Garnet Bracelet,” Kuprin, with all the power of his skill, develops the idea of ​​true love. He does not want to come to terms with vulgar, practical views on love and marriage, drawing our attention to these problems in a rather unusual way, equating to an ideal feeling. Through the mouth of General Anosov, he says: “...People in our time have forgotten how to love! I don't see true love. I didn’t even see it in my time.” What is this? Call? Isn't what we feel the truth? We have calm, moderate happiness with the person we need. What more? According to Kuprin, “Love must be a tragedy. The greatest secret in the world! No life conveniences, calculations or compromises should concern her.” Only then can love be called a real feeling, completely true and moral.

I still cannot forget the impression Zheltkov’s feelings made on me. How much he loved Vera Nikolaevna that he could commit suicide! This is crazy! Loving Princess Sheina “for seven years with a hopeless and polite love,” he, without ever meeting her, talking about his love only in letters, suddenly commits suicide! Not because Vera Nikolaevna’s brother is going to turn to the authorities, and not because his gift - a garnet bracelet - was returned. (It is a symbol of deep fiery love and at the same time a terrible bloody sign of death.) And, probably, not because he squandered government money. For Zheltkov there was simply no other choice. He loved a married woman so much that he could not help but think about her for a minute, and exist without remembering her smile, her look, the sound of her walk. He himself tells Vera’s husband: “Only one thing remains - death... You want me to accept it in any form.” The terrible thing is that he was pushed to this decision by Vera Nikolaevna’s brother and husband, who came to demand that their family be left alone. They turned out to be indirectly responsible for his death. They had the right to demand peace, but Nikolai Nikolayevich’s threat to turn to the authorities was unacceptable, even ridiculous. How can the government prohibit a person from loving?

Kuprin’s ideal is “selfless, selfless love, not expecting a reward,” one for which you can give your life and endure anything. It was with this kind of love that happens once every thousand years that Zheltkov loved. This was his need, the meaning of life, and he proved this: “I knew neither complaint, nor reproach, nor the pain of pride, I have only one prayer before you: “Hallowed be your name.” These words, with which his soul was filled, are felt by Princess Vera in the sounds of Beethoven’s immortal sonata. They cannot leave us indifferent and instill in us an unbridled desire to strive for the same incomparably pure feeling. Its roots go back to morality and spiritual harmony in a person... Princess Vera did not regret that this love, “which every woman dreams of, passed her by.” She cries because her soul is filled with admiration for sublime, almost unearthly feelings.

A person who could love so much must have some kind of special worldview. Although Zheltkov was just a small official, he turned out to be above social norms and standards. People like them are elevated by people's rumors to the rank of saints, and the bright memory of them lives on for a long time.

Kuprin in his works shows us true love, where there is not an ounce of self-interest, and which does not crave any reward. And love in the story “The Garnet Bracelet” is described as all-consuming, it is not just a hobby, but a great feeling for life.

In the story we see the true love of one poor official Zheltkov for the married Vera Shein, how happy he is to simply love, without demanding anything in return. And as we see, it didn’t matter to him at all that she didn’t need him. And as proof of his boundless love, he gives Vera Nikolaevna a garnet bracelet, the only valuable thing that he inherited from his mother.

Vera’s relatives, dissatisfied with the interference in their personal life, ask Zheltkov to leave her alone and not write letters, which she doesn’t care about anyway. But is it really possible to take away love?

The only joy and meaning in Zheltkov’s life was his love for Vera. He did not have any goals in life, he was no longer interested in anything.

As a result, he decides to commit suicide and fulfills Vera’s will by leaving her. Zheltkova’s love will remain unrequited...

She will realize late that it was true love, the one that many can only dream of, passed her by. Later, looking at the dead Zheltkov, Vera will compare him with the greatest people.

The story “The Garnet Bracelet” colorfully shows us all the torment and tender feelings that are contrasted with the lack of spirituality in this world, where a lover is ready to do anything for the sake of his beloved.

A person who has managed to love so reverently has some special concept of life. And even though Zheltkov was just an ordinary person, he turned out to be above all established norms and standards.

Kuprin portrays love as an unattainable mystery, but for such love there is no doubt. “The Garnet Bracelet” is a very interesting and at the same time sad work, in which Kuprin tried to teach us to appreciate something in life in a timely manner...

Thanks to his works, we find ourselves in a world where selfless and kind people appear before us. Love is passion, it is a powerful and real feeling that shows the best qualities of the soul. But besides all this, love is truthfulness and sincerity in relationships.

Option 2

Love - this word evokes completely different emotions. It can carry both a positive and negative attitude. Kuprin was a unique author who could combine several areas of love in his works. One of these stories was “The Garnet Bracelet.”

The author has always been sensitive to such a phenomenon as love, and in his story he exalted it, one might say, idolized it, which made his work so magical. The main character - the official Zheltkov - was madly in love with a lady named Vera, although he was able to open up to her entirely only at the end of his life's journey. At first Vera did not know how to react, because she received letters with declarations of love, and her family laughed and mocked her. Only Vera’s grandfather suggested that the words written in the letters may not be empty, then the granddaughter will miss the love that all girls in the world dream of.

Love is shown as a bright, pure feeling, and the object of official Zheltkov’s adoration appears before us as an example of the female ideal. Our hero is ready to envy absolutely everything that surrounds and touches Vera. He envies the trees she could touch as she passed, the people she talked to along the way. Therefore, when the realization of the hopelessness of his love and life came to him, he decides to give the woman he loves a gift with which, although not on his own, he will be able to touch her. This bracelet was the most expensive item our poor hero had.

Love at a distance was very difficult for him, but he cherished it in his heart for a long time. In parting, before his death, he wrote her one last letter, in which he said that he was leaving this life at the behest of God, and that he was blessing her and wishing her further happiness. But one can understand that Vera, who realized her chance too late, will no longer be able to live calmly and happily; perhaps this was the only true and sincere love that was waiting for her in life, and she missed it.

In this story by Kuprin, love has a tragic connotation, because it remained an unopened flower in the lives of two people. At first she was unresponsive for a very long time, but when she began to sprout into the second heart, the first, already exhausted from waiting, stopped beating.

The work “Garnet Bracelet” can be perceived not only as an “ode” to love, but also as a prayer for love. Zheltkov in his letter used the expression “hallowed be thy name,” which is a reference to the scriptures of God. He deified his chosen one, which, unfortunately, still could not bring his life to a joyful end. But he did not suffer, he loved, and this feeling was a gift, because not everyone is given the opportunity to experience such a strong feeling at least once in their life, for which our hero remained grateful to his chosen one. She gave him, albeit unrequited, but true love!

Essay Love in the work of Kuprin Garnet bracelet

Over the many centuries of human existence, countless works have been written on the topic of love. And this is not without reason. After all, love occupies a huge place in the life of every person, giving it a special meaning. Among all these works, one can single out very few that describe as strong a feeling of love as Kuprin’s work “Garnet Bracelet”.

The main character, official Zheltkov, as he himself describes his feeling, has the happiness of experiencing real, boundless love. His feeling is so strong that in some places he can be mistaken for an unhealthy, mentally ill person. The peculiarity of Zheltkov’s feeling is that this person in no way wants to disturb the object of his boundless love and passion. He demands absolutely nothing in return for this superhuman love. It doesn’t even occur to him that he can cool down and calm his heart just by meeting Vera. This not only speaks of the iron willpower of a person, but also of the boundless love of this person. It is love that does not allow him, even for a moment, to be worthy of the attention of the object of love.

In the letter, Zheltkov calls his love a gift from God and expresses his gratitude to the Lord for the opportunity to experience such a feeling. Of course, both the reader and the other heroes of the work are well aware that Zheltkov’s love brought him nothing more than bitter suffering and torment. But only a person who has experienced all this and felt such a strong feeling of love has the right to judge or understand the hero. Zheltkov is unable to do anything with his love. He knows about the impossibility of his further coexistence with this feeling of love. That is why the best way out for him is suicide. Before this act, he assures everyone in a letter that he has lived a happy life.

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