What a fun way to celebrate a child's birthday at home. How to organize a children's birthday party yourself and not go crazy. Family cafes "Anderson"

Summary: How parents can spend their child's birthday or children's party at home. An original birthday on your own. Scenarios for a child's birthday. Organizing a children's party on your own.

Is your child's birthday coming soon and you want the holiday to be special so that your son or daughter will remember this day for a long time? Believe me, for this it is not at all necessary to invite animators from a special agency or to hold a holiday in some children's club. A fun, original, memorable children's birthday can be held at home. Parents are quite capable of organizing and holding a children's party themselves. The most important thing you will need is time to plan and prepare everything in advance. And we will help you with valuable advice on holding a children's party at home.

1. Child's birthday. Children's birthday

The baby is looking forward to his birthday, asking you several times a day: “How soon? And when? How much is left?” In order not to answer the same question 100 times, the author of the site kokokokids.ru recommends that you make a waiting calendar so that every day the child can cut off a number and see how many days are left until the holiday. The cake and circles with numbers are made of thick paper (cardboard).

The most amazing and magical thing about this calendar is that when all the circles are cut off and only one paper cake remains from the calendar, then in the evening it suddenly magically materializes into a real cake, greatly surprising and delighting the birthday boy (birthday girl) and all those gathered.

As you may have guessed, there is, in fact, no magic. When making a calendar, you just need to draw a cake that you can then bake yourself, buy or order. For a detailed master class on making a waiting calendar for a child's birthday, see the link.

2. DIY for your birthday. Original birthday

If it is better for parents to make a calendar expecting a child’s birthday themselves, in secret from the child, then the birthday person (s) must definitely participate in the creation of invitation cards for the holiday. In the invitation, be sure to indicate the date and time of the event; the place where the children's party will take place. You can make the invitations yourself, or you can use ready-made options.

3. Children's party at home. Children's party

To create a festive mood for yourself and your little guests, you must definitely decorate your apartment for your children's birthday. Of course, when decorating your home for a children's party, you can't do without balloons. It would be great if you had the opportunity to inflate them with helium. By the way, you can find helium cans for inflating balloons on sale.

Large balls made from corrugated paper also look very impressive.

Making such a ball is not at all difficult. To do this, you need to fold the corrugated paper like an accordion and fasten it in the middle with wire. Now you need to round off the ends on both sides, and then straighten out all the folds.

Stores sell very inexpensive Chinese lanterns. They will also help you create a festive atmosphere in your home.

To decorate your home for the holiday, you and your child can make your own lanterns. Read our special article on how to make lanterns from paper and other materials.

When creating a festive interior, do not forget about garlands. Garlands made of corrugated paper, pompoms, paper chains, garlands of flags...read how to make them.

An interesting idea is to make a number out of balloons or other materials that corresponds to the number of years the child is turning.

You can decorate a room for a children's party in an original way using ordinary balloons. Balls can easily be turned into dinosaurs, fish or, for example, an octopus. The necessary parts must be cut out of thick colored paper and glued to the balls with tape. Note: in the photo below, the octopus tentacles and sea waves are made from strips of corrugated paper.

4. Children's parties. Organization of children's parties

We've sorted out the decoration of the room for a children's party, now let's move on to the entertainment. There are many good articles on our website dedicated to games and competitions for children's parties. You can find them using the following links:

Choose 2-3 games you like best and play them at your children's birthday party. Make or buy the necessary equipment in advance for playing games at a children's party.

In this article we want to offer you some more win-win entertainment options for children's parties.

5. Birthday games. Birthday contests for children

At children's birthdays, drawings of small gifts for guests are a great success. The well-known classic version of the prize draw is this. Prizes wrapped in beautiful paper are hung on strings, and blindfolded children cut them off one by one. Whoever cut off which bundle won a prize. The number of prizes should be greater than the number of participants in the drawing, so that the last ones also have plenty to choose from.

Pinata "Donkey" master class.

A piñata is great fun for kids at a party. Roughly speaking, a piñata is a box in the shape of an object or animal, covered with a fringe of corrugated paper. There are sweets and surprises hidden inside the piñata. Children take turns hitting the piñata with a stick. As a result, the box falls apart and surprises fall out.

Usually the finished piñata is hung somewhere high, for example on a tree. But if there is nothing suitable nearby, you can hang the piñata on a rope and ask two adults to hold the ends of the rope.

To make a piñata you will need:

Large cardboard box
- scissors
- knife for cutting boxes
- pencil
- ruler
- wide tape
- corrugated paper
- liquid glue

For a detailed master class on making a “Donkey” piñata with your own hands, see the photo.

You can make a pinata in the form of a number corresponding to the age of the birthday child.

Or in the form of a watermelon slice, for example.

A great idea is to make a piñata using the papier-mâché technique.

8. Children's birthday at home. Celebrate a child's birthday

The children's party is coming to an end, it's time for the little guests to go home... To make this inevitable part of the children's party not so sad, prepare small gifts for the children that they can take with them.

It’s good if it’s not banal sweets or cheap Chinese toys, but something unusual and necessary. You will find a useful list of interesting and inexpensive things that you can give to children on the website kokokokids.ru

Not only the gift itself is important, but also the gift wrapping. You will find a large selection of boxes for every taste on our website here. All boxes are accompanied by ready-made diagrams. You just need to choose the packaging you like, print its template on thick paper or cardboard and glue it according to the instructions. In the gift box you can put a small homemade card with words of gratitude for attending a children's party.

How to organize a children's birthday party at home?

So, let's discuss ideas for organizing and holding a children's birthday party.

To do this you need to choose a fairy tale, cartoon or a film that interests all guests.

Prepare costumes for the main characters, come up with competitions that reflect the theme of the holiday, and also decorate the house and festive table in the general style of the celebration.

Don't think that all this is very labor-intensive and complicated.

Main- think through everything in advance and interest the children during the holiday itself.

If your budget allows, then arrange for mummers and clowns to come home. They definitely know how to make kids laugh!

❧ You can buy festive birthday caps in any hypermarket, in the gift department, or make them yourself. For this you will need cardboard, colored paper, glue and elastic bands (ribbons, strings).

How to decorate the interior for a child's birthday

Clean the apartment before guests arrive, but do not devote a lot of time to this process, since after the end of the holiday one way or another you will have to clean it again. In addition, if your guests are children, then they are unlikely to pay any attention to the order in the house.

Decorate your child's room with balloons - they will create a festive atmosphere.

When preparing to celebrate your child's birthday, be sure to invite him to help you. So, in a relaxed atmosphere, children will be able to learn how to do homework, and will also appreciate your work and your desire to please your guests.

U Do you have a joyful event coming up - your child's birthday? We invite you to spend it at Znaechka! But if you do not have such an opportunity, you can arrange a children's birthday at home, organizing an unforgettable holiday on your own. It's no secret that birthdays are the most favorite children's holiday, which children look forward to and hope to receive the most desired gifts. How successful the holiday will be depends primarily on you, the parents.

Start organizing the holiday by distributing invitations. Write a list of guests, because the menu and competitions will depend on it.

To decorate a children's table at a birthday party, you can tie1-3 helium-filled balloons per chair,with the image of congratulatory inscriptions and emoticons. The highlight of the holiday can be a surprise balloon filledcolorful and shiny confetti bursting straightover the birthday boy. Having covered the hero of the occasion with bright sparkles,it will be one of the most memorable moments of thisholiday. Try making a photo garland from photo flagsyour baby. Decorative butterflies attached to the curtains will create a special festive mood. To make this decoration, you need to cut out a rectangle measuring 20x25 cm from corrugated paper of any color, make side cuts, assemble the sheet with an accordion, tie it in the middle with thread and straighten the edges - you get wings. ForTaurus, you need a piece of gilded corrugated paper 4x13 cm. You can hang butterflies in the room not only on curtains, a chandelier, but also in the form of a garland, attaching them at different heights to a strong fishing line.

The most ideal option is if table setting during the eventchildren's party does not contain glass items.

For a children's party, choose paper tablecloths withchildren can draw. At a children's party, plastic dishes with images of various cartoon characters on them would also be ideal; such a move will not only increase the child's interest in food, but will also turn eating into a fun game. You can decorate simple disposable cups and plates with stickers with images of cartoon characters.

An interesting element of decorating a holiday table can be homemade funny figurines made from salt dough standing on the table.

Salt dough recipe: 1 tbsp. p. flour with a slide, 1 tbsp. l. salt, 1 tbsp. l. water, a few drops of vegetable oil.

Mix flour and salt well. Add water little by littleand butter, kneading the dough until it becomes elastic andfeels good in your hands. The water should be cool, knead for a long time.

If the dough is too soft, add a little salt and flour and continueknead until you achieve the desired consistency.

Place the finished dough in a plastic bag and keep it in the refrigerator for at least half an hour.

When thinking about the menu, remember that children are not adults, and they come to visit each other to play, not to eat. Forget about salads and hot dishes. For your children's birthday, choose easy recipes - snacks and a sweet table.

We offer you several simple and child-friendly recipes.

You can make small sandwiches, canapés, sandwiches.

Make “bunnies,” “hedgehogs,” “mushrooms,” and baskets from hard-boiled eggs, tomatoes, and cucumbers.


2 cups flour, 2 eggs, 200 g butter, 2 tbsp. l. sour cream, salt.

Chop flour with butter, add eggs and sour cream, knead the doughand refrigerate for 10 minutes. Grease the molds with oil. Doughroll out into a layer 0.5 cm thick and cut out circles from itforms for baskets. Press the dough into the molds with your fingers untilso that their inner side is completely covered with an even layertest. Place in the oven, bake until done, cool.

The filling for such baskets can be fruit, whipped cream or other mousses and creams.

"Potato Baskets"

2 potatoes, 1 egg, butter, salt.

Peel the potatoes and grate them on a grater or in a food processor. Squeeze alljuice. Separate the white from the yolk. Add protein to potatoes and add salt.

Place grated potatoes in greased pans,forming a basket. Bake until done, cool.

“Delicious” salad for baskets

400 g apples, 300 g carrots, 150 g walnuts, sour cream.

Peel the apples and cut into thin strips. Carrotgrate on a coarse grater, add chopped walnuts,season with sour cream and place in baskets.

Sandwich “SUN”

Spread a piece of bread with a thick layer of herring, ham or sprout butter, place a sprig of dill on top, in the middle of the sandwichplace half of the yolk, and around it place rays ofchopped egg white so that the butter shines through. ForFor contrast, you can tint the oil by adding tomato puree.

“Boats with chicken filling”:

1 chicken breast, 1 head of green lettuce, 2 fresh tomatoes,2 tbsp. l. low-calorie yogurt or sour cream.

Remove the skin from the breast. Boil the chicken breast, cut into small piecespieces. Divide the salad into leaves, select 8 strong leavesquite large size. Fill each leaf with chickenplace a slice of fresh tomato on top and 1/2 tsp.yogurt or sour cream.

Dessert “Tutti-frutti”
One banana, half a glass of strawberries, a glass of low-fat yogurt, a glass of milk. Mash all the fruits to a puree and, slowly pour in the yogurt and milk, beat well. Sprinkle cinnamon on top. A delicious and beautiful dessert is ready!

But no matter how well you set the table, no matter how great you decorate the house, you still need to come up with a competition program. For younger children, competitions and entertainment should not last longer than 1.5 hours, otherwise they will simply get tired. Here is a sample list of games and competitions that can entertain the birthday boy and his guests.


Make a chamomile out of paper in advance - as many petals asthere will be children. Write funny on the back of each petaltasks. Children tear off the petals and begin to complete tasks:

walk in single file, crow, jump on one leg, sing a song,repeat the tongue twister, etc.


The presenter throws up a balloon. While he is flying, you can move,touched the floor - everyone should freeze and not smile. Those who do not comply are eliminated from the game.


Two participants sit on chairs with their backs to each other. Under the chairsthere is a rope or cord lying around. At the leader’s signal, each playerruns around the other person's chair, sits on his own chair and tries to quickly grabend of the rope and pull it out.

Game "Bank and River"

This game requires children to be attentive. Two lines are drawn on the groundat a distance of about 1 m. Between these lines there is a river,and at the edges there is a shore. All the guys are standing on the banks. The leader gives the command:

“river”, and all the guys jump into the river. At the command “shore” everythingjump ashore. The leader gives commands quickly and randomly,to confuse the players. For example: “Bank, river, river, shore,river, river, river...” If at the command “bank” someone isin the “river” (and vice versa), then he leaves the game. The game continues untiluntil the most attentive participant is determined. He is awardedand start the game again.

Game "Colored"miracles"

Children are given sheets of white paper on which an invisibleparaffin candle drawing. They paint them with different colorswatercolors. On a colored background, a drawing will appear that waspainted with paraffin.

Competition "Guess who I am!"

Those who wish are blindfolded and given small pieces to try.or sausage, or cheese, or boiled vegetables, a little at a timeany salads. Participants determine products.

Artist competition

On a large sheet of whatman paper we suggest drawing a generaldrawing or color an already drawn drawing. This collective

The picture is given to the birthday boy on behalf of all the wizards.

Competition "Mummy"

Participants are divided into pairs, each pair receives a toilet rollpaper, and one wraps the other in paper from head to toe, competing,Which pair will finish faster?

Favorite color

The game is very simple, but exciting and fun. The presenter names a color. Children must find this color in clothes or in the things of their comrades and take on it. The one who does not have time is eliminated or becomes the leader.


A game that you can play without leaving your workplace. And during the holiday, have more ordinary paper clips in stock.

Invite the children to make a chain from paper clips in 1-2 minutes. The one whose chain is longer will win.

Hiding the candy

A simple and exciting competition. Invite the kids to treat the adults with the collected candies.

Ask everyone to leave the room and hide 10-20 candies. Hiding doesn't have to be far and deep. Place them in visible but unexpected places. Call the children into the room and offer to collect all the candy. The one who finds the most candies wins.

Questions for ingenuity

A selection of funny questions will help you out at any time.

Why does a duck swim? (From the shore.)

Why does a hunter carry a gun? (Behind the shoulders.)

Can it rain 2 days in a row? (No, there is night between them.)

When does a stork stand on one leg? (When he pulls his other leg under him.)

Why is there a tongue in the mouth? (Behind the teeth.)

What's the most important thing at lunch? (Mouth.)

What kind of dishes should you not eat from? (From empty.)

What is the water in the glass for? (Behind the glass.)

What can't you bake bread without? (No crust.)

Where was Peter I when the candle went out? (In the dark.)

When is the best time for a black cat to get into the house? (When the door is open.)

Why do the military wear boots? (On the ground.)

Which knot cannot be untied? (Railway.)

Which teeth don't chew food? (Saw teeth.)

Which month is the shortest? (May, it only has three letters.)

What stands between the mountain and the valley? (Letter "I".)

How does summer end and autumn begin? (The letter "O".)

What are we eating for? (At the table.)

How long can you go into the forest? (Half the way, half the way - back from the forest.)

Why do you go to bed when you want to sleep? (By the floor.)

What can you see with your eyes closed? (Dream.)

To make the holiday a success, create the necessary space for children to play. At a children's birthday party, place the table not in the middle of the room, but to the side or in the corner so that it does not interfere with the fun.

When preparing for the holiday, please note that children 2-3 years old are not requiredprizes for participating in competitions, they only distract them. But theyYou should definitely get something as a souvenir from your birthday - it could be a small toy or a book.

With children over 4 years old follow the rule: the more prizes, the happier the children will be. Children's self-esteem increases if they earnthere are many prizes, and, importantly, even the most capricious children actively participate in competitions if they know that some kind of surprise awaits them. Prizes are things that remind you for a long time of a fun evening and the friends you played with.

We remind you once again: try to make sure that every child at the birthday party receives a prize, if not in a competition, then “for the most diligent participation,” as “who ate the most candy,” etc. When you reward the child, do not rush, find kind and heartfelt words for everyone: let him feel the solemnity of the moment!

What could be more pleasant and relaxing for parents than celebrating children's birthdays at home? Of course, it is much cheaper, and mothers will not worry about their children, although there will be more hassle and cleaning. If everything is organized correctly, the children's menu and competitions are thought out in advance, then everything will be at the highest level, and the child will remember the holiday for many years. Moreover, children adore holidays for the fun and many gifts.

Home celebration

It is best if parents organize a party, but they will not disturb the children, for example, they will go to another room. This way the kids will feel much freer. Children's birthdays at home mean, of course, that you will periodically monitor the situation, but try to do it unobtrusively and unnoticed. Be sure to introduce the guys to each other, if they don’t know each other yet, tell them who is interested in what, try to find commonality between them and point this out. The birthday girl or the birthday boy should pay attention to all members of the celebration so that no one feels lonely. It won't be nice if your child "forgets" about some of his friends and they try to entertain themselves.

Attributes and festive decorations

To organize an orphanage, decorate the room beautifully and make the atmosphere as festive as possible. Balloons (regular or helium), signs, garlands of letters with the inscription “Happy Birthday!” are suitable for this. and other. At the end of the celebration, each party participant can take a ball of their favorite color home with them. It will be interesting for the children to look at a wall newspaper made with their own hands, which will contain funny poems, photographs of the birthday boy or girl. Photos taken in each year of the hero of the occasion’s life are perfect. If your apartment is small, you can temporarily rent a larger home, for example, a house with a fireplace.

What's on our menu?

So you organized a children's birthday party at home, the kids looked at the photo from the wall newspaper, now it's time to have a snack. What to cook for children? Don’t bother with complex dishes, let everything be done tasty, simply and, most importantly, creatively. For example, multi-colored animals, sweets, bright salads and, of course, a big cake with candles! When organizing children's birthday parties at home, you should not prepare heavy meat dishes, because children should remain cheerful, and not overfed and sleepy. Chicken wings or nuggets are great. You can make chicken Kiev or prepare a large pizza, and for dessert order a large ice cream cake.

What drinks should I take? Coca-Cola, fruit or black tea, cappuccino and many others are suitable. Children will also really enjoy a variety of milkshakes, since almost every home has a blender.

For adults, you can set a separate table in the kitchen or even postpone the celebration of your beloved child’s birthday to another day; usually children like the holiday to belong only to them.

Entertaining guests

Children's birthdays at home are certainly noise and fun, where would we be without it? Prepare various playful games, such as hide and seek. Girls will love organizing fashion shows: invite them to bring their dolls from home - let them also give them a grand celebration and show off their outfits. You can invite a fairy-tale character to your home, for example, Pinocchio or Carlson. Many holiday agencies provide such services. They will congratulate your baby and cheer up the company. Also, in such organizations there is a director who will create a script for you and take into account the most demanding preferences. If you don’t want to call someone to your house, become the host yourself for a while. A festive outfit, cheerful music and good jokes are enough.

Come up with games. The game “By Eye Color” will be interesting for children. Invite the kids to line up from the lightest eye colors to the darkest. You will see how they, with hubbub and chirping, will determine the shades and look out for who is lighter or darker. So you can group into groups - who was born in summer, winter, spring or autumn, line up according to the length of their hair, and exchange elements of clothing.

Make up riddles in advance that you need to solve and complete tasks to get some item. This game is suitable if you live in a private house. Notes can be hidden in various places and made artificially aged using tea leaves. This way they will resemble parchment scrolls, which will add even more mystery. Riddles can be in the form of puzzles, mysterious messages where letters or words are mixed, and much more. You can dress up one of your family members as a cheerful clown, who hands out drinks to the kids here and there as the game progresses.

As a physical barrier, you can stretch a cobweb from ropes or threads between the trees in the yard and, according to the assignment, have the children try to pass it in a short period of time. Be prepared that this will be very interesting for children, but it may rain, for example. Then, in this case, come up with additional tasks that need to be performed in the house. As a prize or mystery item, you can make a box with small gifts.

We organize competitions

Children's birthday parties at home involve competitions first of all. These can be both intellectual tasks and competitions, especially if you live in a private house. Let everyone draw a “ticket” and complete the task, and you prepare gifts that you will distribute to everyone without exception, something like You can show magic tricks as a competition. Let everyone show or use cards, and the most “professional” magician will get a sweet prize, which he, naturally, will divide among the other participants.

And finally...

Holding children's birthday parties at home is, of course, fun and interesting, but children can quickly get bored with it. At the end of the day, try organizing an outing to a public garden or amusement park. Children will also enjoy an evening trip to the cinema, where they can enjoy watching their favorite film, accompanied by cheerful friends and popcorn. Such a holiday will be discussed for a long time in the classroom or kindergarten, because the kids will have a lot of fun!

1. Come up with a topic.

Do you want to avoid ruining your child's birthday? Organize a themed celebration, not a banquet “for an occasion.” Themed matinees allow kids and even teenagers to immerse themselves in their favorite story, wear the costume of their favorite character, and meet their favorite book or cartoon characters. It is this kind of magic that brings unforgettable impressions to children. First of all, pay attention to what books he likes to leaf through (or already read)? Then watch his favorite cartoons with him, which he watches many times. What does the child draw or sculpt from plasticine? What is he playing? With what toys? All this will tell attentive moms and dads the theme of the holiday for their girl or boy.

2. Estimate expenses.

You can think about what you can do yourself (after all, the crisis has not been canceled!), and what can only be done with the help of an agency. Of course, it’s normal for parents to save money when preparing a holiday for their child. So, most of the costumes for a themed holiday can be made with your own hands (from old curtains, tablecloths, colored paper and glue), together with the brothers and sisters of the hero of the occasion or even together with him. But it is better to entrust the preparation of the correct script and the involvement of animators, presenter, musicians, and DJ to a holiday agency. Professionals will do this job much better. If you prepare a holiday in advance, it will bring significant cost savings. You can save up to 25% of your holiday investment if you order it from a holiday agency 2-3 months before your birthday. Savings are achieved due to the fact that a restaurant (cafe or special children's entertainment center) pre-paid by the agency allows you to get a 5-10% discount on a banquet for children and adult guests (approximately the same discount is given by a screenwriter, director, presenter, pre-paid through the agency, animators, costumes for animators, scenery and festive decorations, musical and dynamic lighting equipment for a disco, DJ, ensemble of musicians, fire shows, etc.).

What should you pay attention to when concluding an agreement with an agency?

  • Check for the presence of prepayment and postpayment clauses in the contract. If they try to take all the money from parents before the holiday, there is a risk of receiving low-quality services for which the money cannot be returned. Typically, professional agencies take 75-80% as an advance payment in order to pay all the scriptwriters, directors, decorators and artists they hired, etc. But they will offer to pay their commission for services in the amount of 30-25% after the event.
  • To the reference in the contract, according to which the “scenario” and “estimate” of the holiday are an integral part of the contract. Such a clause will allow you to control what is happening at the celebration and, if something goes wrong, hold the agency accountable.
  • To indicate in the contract a clear time frame according to which the stages of preparation for the holiday (and the holiday itself) should take place. In addition, the preparation plan must contain the names of responsible persons on both the agency and customer sides.

3. Invite guests.

If the first year or two of a child’s life, relatives and friends of the parents gather for his birthday, then starting from the age of 3, a company of peers is needed. It is more fun for the baby to play with them, and play is the dominant interest for the child. There are several simple principles for forming a company for children for a holiday:

  • 3-5 years old - the ideal guests for a child’s birthday are his older brothers and sisters (if any), two or three peers from the sandbox or from kindergarten, as well as animators dressed as their favorite book and cartoon characters. Do not invite too many guests, because the heroes of the occasion quickly get tired of the crowd of many faces and excited by the fun, and the fatigue of the birthday party often results in his tears.
  • 6-10 years old: the child already has some friendships and these should be taken into account when creating a birthday guest list. But know the limit in the number of invitees! If there are too many children, they will soon forget in whose honor they gathered and get carried away with games, forgetting about the real hero of the day. Experience shows that the optimal number of guests at this age is 5-7 people, and the critical number is 10 or more. At the same time, the number of costumed animators at a themed event should also not go off scale: 3-5 characters are enough.
  • 11-15 years old: the child is well versed in what he wants for his birthday, and he can make a choice: to invite only his best friends or everyone. In both cases, parents should listen to his wishes and invite as many guests as the birthday boy wishes (or funds allow). Animators and artists can be invited to the holiday in sufficient numbers. The main thing is that they all fulfill their roles according to a pre-created script plan strictly, and not be a motley, uncoordinated crowd.
  • 15 years and older: Teenagers often prefer to celebrate their birthday without the presence of parents and adult relatives. You need to take this calmly, understanding that the desire to feel like adults is especially acute among teenagers. To be calm about what is happening at the holiday, it is useful to resort to the services of professional animators, artists and presenters who know how to work with young people. When there is a pre-compiled script in which the roles of not only the animators, but also the children are clearly defined, you don’t have to worry about success.

4. Buy a gift.

We offer some short useful tips:

  • Try to avoid going to the toy store. The annual repeated gifting of dolls or cars leads to the child losing that enthusiastic perception of the gift that the givers expect. You can evoke much more positive emotions and vivid impressions if you give your daughter, for example, a professional photo session by renting a professional photo studio with a full set of specialists (photographer, decorator, costume designer, stylist, hairdresser, makeup artist) for a couple of hours. It will be a more valuable gift for your son if, instead of another designer set, you give him a children's go-kart race on a race track under the guidance of professional instructors. Moreover, the cup and medals, purchased in advance for this purpose in an ordinary sports store, will be valued especially highly by the birthday boy and his friends if you arrange a bright award ceremony on a real pedestal accompanied by solemn music with splashing of children's champagne. In a word, give experiences, not toys, and children will appreciate it.
  • Don’t skimp on decorating children’s parties (especially if they are themed). Your children will experience more delightful impressions if on their birthday you give them a real immersion in a fairy tale or favorite story filled with magical flowers, castles, aircraft and, of course, their favorite characters come to life.
  • Don't forget the treats! For many parents, the cliche is triggered - the holiday treat should be especially varied, beautiful and tasty. But, as practice shows, for children the most desired treat at their own birthday is the food that their parents reject in everyday life. We are talking about fast food: French fries, nuggets, popcorn and Coca-Cola. What will please children the most is the permission to eat plenty of forbidden foods at least once a year.
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