How to restore a certificate of secondary education: solving a difficult issue. What to do if your certificate is lost

Losing any document is a very difficult and unpleasant circumstance. How to restore your diploma in order to avoid a lot of negative aspects that negatively affect certain life situations?

For example, it is almost impossible to get a well-paid job without documented proof of qualifications. In this case, it is necessary to immediately begin to restore the lost certificate of education.

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Obtaining a duplicate from the university

The diploma awarded at the end of the university serves as a fundamental document when applying for a job or when receiving the next higher education.

The unintentional loss of “crusts” may lead to the employer’s refusal to hire you or make you throw out the dream of improving your professional knowledge from your head. According to existing rules, it is possible to obtain a duplicate of an education document if you provide evidence that the original diploma was stolen, lost or lost in a fire, and so on.

Therefore, the restoration of your diploma should begin with a visit to the police. A police officer will issue a certificate confirming the loss of the document and the lack of results in its search.

Then you need to contact any periodical printed publication to place an announcement about invalidating the lost diploma. The text of the publication must necessarily contain identification information:

  • Title of the document;
  • number and series of the form, calendar date of issue;
  • the name of the institution;
  • personal (last name, first name, patronymic) data of the person – the owner of the diploma;
  • number under which the diploma is registered.

Having collected all the necessary information and having in hand a newspaper with a published notice, you should go to the higher educational institution where the diploma was issued upon completion of your studies. In the personnel department or dean's office of the university, an application is written according to the established template addressed to the rector with a request to issue a copy of the diploma.

If due to objective reasons there has been a change of surname (marriage), a photocopy of the marriage certificate is attached to the collected package of documents.
For the provision of a duplicate diploma, a fee is charged, which is paid to the institute's cash desk.

Note: a copy of the diploma has full legal force, but a duplicate copy of the insert with grades for the diploma or a duplicate of higher education is considered invalid without a duplicate/original diploma.

The procedure for restoring a copy of a document lasts about thirty days and starts from the moment the application is submitted. Issuing a duplicate copy of a diploma with an attachment is simplified and possible if documents are stored in the archives of the educational institution indicating the fact of your studies and graduation from this academic institution, namely:

  • document on the implementation and completion of the training program;
  • report of the meeting of the examination committee;
  • orders of the rector of the university on the graduation of newly minted specialists;
  • a special book for recording diplomas awarded to graduates;
  • other business papers indicating the fact of receipt of education.

A copy of the educational document is presented to the applicant upon presentation of an identity document, and to the representative using a power of attorney notarized in the prescribed manner. A duplicate of the diploma can be sent by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt.

On the form of a copy of the document on graduation from the institute there must be the inscription “duplicate” and the exact and full name of the institution that issued the copy must be written down. If the name of the university is changed, the date of the renaming of the educational institution is indicated on the back of the copy of the application.

You should know: When a higher educational institution is reorganized, copies of diplomas are issued by the legal successor.

If the educational institution was liquidated, then government agencies supervising municipal or state archives in which personal files of graduates are stored will help restore the document.

How to get a copy of a vocational school document

The mechanism for restoring and obtaining a certificate of secondary specialized education is identical to the procedure for restoring an institute diploma.

It is also necessary to submit to the educational department of a vocational school or college a certificate issued by the Department of Internal Affairs, a periodical printed publication declaring the invalidity of the missing original, and a passport. Using a special approved sample, an application is written to the head of the school or technical school for the issuance of a copy of the lost diploma.

In the event that a secondary specialized educational institution has been reformed and ceased to exist, you should forward your request to the department for the development and implementation of educational programs.

Today, almost all doors are open to a qualified specialist in any field. If you wish, you can go to work abroad, you can actively develop in your field, reaching new horizons, you can “make” a fortune by improving in a certain direction... But, in any case, it all starts small - from school, and from the need to obtain a school certificate.

What is a school certificate? This is a documentary certificate that every student receives upon completion of the 9th or 11th grade. To obtain a 9th grade certificate, it is enough to master the basic school foundation. As for the 11th grade certificate, this document indicates that you have received a complete secondary general education. In any case, a school student can receive a document only if he successfully passes all exams. If for some reason the exams are not passed, the graduate will receive a certificate instead of a certificate. Then the student will be faced with a choice: study at school for another year or retake the exams.

A certificate for the 9th grade gives the right to admission to technical schools, vocational schools, that is, to any secondary specialized educational institution. If you want to continue your studies at any university, be it an institute or a university, you will need to complete 11 classes, which will be confirmed by receiving a certificate for the 11th grade.

Regardless of what type of document we are talking about, in any case you will receive two documents:

- a form on which you can find information about the graduate’s surname and initials, the name of the school where he studied, as well as the years of his study;

- liner. Here you can find all the necessary information about grades in completed subjects.

By the way, you may need a school certificate not only when enrolling in vocational educational institutions, but often this document is also required when applying for a job, so you should not throw away the form with the insert after graduating from a technical school or university.

What to do if you have lost your school certificate?

The situation is not very pleasant, but quite amenable to correction. To begin with, you should try to find the certificate on your own: place an advertisement about the loss of the document in the media (newspapers) or on thematic Internet resources. If you don’t see any results, you need to start restoring such an important document as a school certificate.

How to do it?

First, you need to place an advertisement in the newspaper stating that your certificate (do not forget to indicate the certificate data (number, time of issue, your full name)) should be considered invalid, since the original document has been lost. After the release of this announcement, you need to stock up on one copy of the newspaper and you can go to the police department to write a statement about the loss of the document. You will receive a certificate of refusal to initiate a criminal case, since there is not enough material to initiate this very case.

Then, “armed” with a certificate and a newspaper, you need to go to the school that issued you the document. Here you have to write an application requesting a duplicate certificate. The application will need to indicate the reason for the loss of the document: drowned, torn, lost, and so on. At school they will give you an extract from the certificate issuing book (or make a photocopy), which will indicate the series and number, the date of issue of the certificate, and your academic performance.

“Without a piece of paper, you are a bug” - is sung in the famous “Bureaucrat’s Song”, the words of which have become popular. Sometimes very important “pieces of paper” turn out to be needed at the most unexpected moment, and it turns out to be impossible to find them.

For example, you decided to fill the gap and finally get a higher education, but your high school diploma was lost when you moved. Or your new job asked you to bring your diploma, but you can’t find it. “MK-Estonia” found out where to restore lost education documents.

“I completed an accounting course many years ago. Now I need a diploma, but I can't find it. I’ve already gone through everything, but there are no “crusts” anywhere. Either they are lying somewhere, or they are lost. And the educational institution where I studied and received a certificate of completion no longer exists. Where can I go to get a copy of my diploma?” asked a reader of MK-Estonia.

And on all sorts of forums and social networks there are plenty of questions about how to restore a document. Someone simply forgot to pick up a diploma from the office because he was sick at the time of issue, and only now the document itself became necessary, someone did not work by education, but decided to suddenly change their field of activity, and the diploma could not be found. Others have completed their studies in Russia and now have no idea how to get a new diploma in another country with completely different procedures from Estonia.

Diploma from a non-existent university

Educational diplomas are more difficult and take longer to recover than other documents. This is due to the fact that a lot of time usually passes from the moment of graduation from an educational institution, during which not only its name and location may change, but the educational institution may be reorganized or closed.

“If a person has lost his education document or it has been destroyed, then first of all he needs to contact the educational institution where this document was received. If the educational institution no longer exists, then you need to contact the educational institution that is its legal successor, says Asso Ladva, communications consultant for the Ministry of Education and Science. - For example, a person graduated from Audentes University. In the meantime, Audentes has merged with the Tallinn Technical University, and today it is they who issue duplicate diplomas.”

However, if the school from which a person graduated and from which he was issued a certificate of completion was liquidated, then you need to contact the Ministry of Education and Science. In most cases, according to the specialist, the ministry has data from liquidated educational institutions. However, there are cases when some documents are missing, something was lost during liquidation or transferred to another archive. Then obtaining a duplicate diploma may take much longer.
“If we are talking about a person who has recently graduated from high school and needs to receive a certificate with the results of state exams, then these duplicates are issued by the Innove Foundation, which conducts state exams,” adds Ladva.

Pay and receive

It is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of “copy of diploma” and “duplicate”. As Ilmar Ermus, head of the TTU archive, notes, providing a copy of a diploma is often not enough; more often, a document is required that has the same legal capabilities as the original.
“This means that a person who has lost his university diploma has the right to receive a duplicate diploma. To do this, you need to personally contact the university and submit an application addressed to the rector, as well as pay a fee for issuing a duplicate, explains a university representative. At TTU, the educational department deals with duplicates.”

Ermus says that in practice there are slightly more applicants for a duplicate diploma than duplicates issued by TTU. And there are various reasons for this: the person found his diploma himself, does not want to pay a fee for a duplicate, or no longer needs a duplicate.

“The storage period for student personal files at all Estonian universities is 50 years, and this is quite a long period for all documents,” notes Ilmar Ermus. - But some data is stored longer. For example, the register of diplomas is stored permanently. At the same time, student data is duplicated in the state register Eesti Hariduse Infosüsteem (at - editor's note).”

First thing's first - go to the police


Those who received education in Russia or in the USSR on the territory of modern Russia, and have lost their document, need to go to the place. To restore a lost diploma, you will have to contact the internal affairs authorities, that is, the police, with a corresponding statement about the loss of this document. You must have your passport with you. The police issue a certificate stating that you filed a complaint regarding the loss of the document, but the diploma was not found. Then, with a police certificate and your passport, you will need to apply in writing for a duplicate to the educational institution where the lost diploma was issued.
In the case of a school certificate, you need to go the same way to the police station, and then with the received certificate of loss and an application for a duplicate certificate to the school. Based on all these documents, the school director will write an official letter and, with your documents, contact the district department of science and education with a request to issue a duplicate school certificate. The graduate's application and all grounds for issuing a duplicate are stored together with the graduates' personal files.

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Restore your certificate

Can I restore the certificate (9th grade) that I received in the Altai Territory while in the Moscow Region?

There is no way to go to school in the Altai region without going to school.

How to restore a secondary education certificate? The problem is that the school archives up to 1992 have also been lost.

Good day! First, contact the police department about the loss of your certificate (they will give you a certificate that you applied), then you can contact the Department of Education at the location of the school. With respect, Yartseva I.N.

How can I restore my high school diploma? I graduated from school in Tver and live in Anapa.. I called the school, they say you need to personally apply for a duplicate and attach a statement from the newspaper about the loss, and from the police. Is there another option?

No, there is no other option.

The following situation arose. I lost my 11th grade certificate. Is it possible to restore it somehow? The situation is even more complicated by the fact that I graduated from school in Lugansk, and you, I think, know what’s going on there now. Where should I turn in such cases?

Dear Alexey, you will have to contact Lugansk with a request to issue a certificate or a duplicate of the certificate.

How can I restore my certificate from the Ulyanovsk school if I live in Moscow?

Buy a ticket to Ulyanovsk... come to school (or to the archive... if there is no school)... write an application... get a duplicate.

How to restore my certificate? He graduated from school in 1986.

Pavel, you need to contact the educational institution from which you graduated with an application for the issuance of a duplicate certificate, the procedure for issuing a certificate is described in Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated February 14, 2014 N 115 “On approval of the Procedure for filling out, recording and issuing certificates of basic general and secondary general education and their duplicates."

How to restore a certificate of secondary education for grades 10-11 at a school if the diploma was not protected, and this educational institution was re-certified from a college to a technical school. And 12 years have passed since graduation.

So, if the diploma was not protected, you can only get a certificate in the archive.

Please, how can I restore my 11th grade certificate if I live in Khabarovsk and studied in Khakassia, Abakan IK 33

Hello Alexander, to restore your certificate, you need to write an application addressed to the director of the educational institution for the issuance of a duplicate, as well as an application for the sending of this duplicate to you by mail in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated February 13, 2014 N 112 (as amended on November 29, 2016) “On approval The procedure for filling out, recording and issuing documents on higher education and qualifications and their duplicates" - indicating the desire to receive a duplicate of the certificate to your address through public postal operators by registered mail with return receipt requested. But I advise you to first contact this educational institution by phone or email; they can send you samples of these applications. Sincerely!

Good afternoon. Lost my passport. Tell me please. Where can I restore it? He studied and is registered in Moscow.

Good afternoon To obtain a duplicate certificate, you need to contact the educational institution where you studied with the appropriate application. Thank you!

How can I restore my school leaving certificate 11 Orenburg.

Hello Julia! The school you graduated from will be rehabilitated, so that’s where you need to go. The law that will guide you in solving this problem is called “The procedure for filling out, recording and issuing certificates of basic general and secondary education and their duplicates” (Approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated February 14, 2014 N 115)

How to restore a school certificate if I studied in the Tyumen region, and now I live in the Altai region.

There are actually two options here: 1. Either you yourself go to the school where you studied to restore your certificate 2, Or send an application by mail to the director of the school with a request to make you a duplicate certificate.

How to restore a lost certificate if the school is closed and I live in another city?

Good afternoon You need to write an application to the school that took the children on the right of succession. Also write an application to the Moscow Department of Education and attach all documents. Everything should work out. Sincerely.

In places of deprivation of liberty, 11 classes were completed, the certificate was lost, how can it be restored if this place was moved to another city? Is it possible through the MFC or an institution where this information is available?

Dear Ksenia, you need to contact the organization that issued the lost education document with an application to issue a duplicate certificate. Moving is not a reason for refusal. The MFC does not do this. But you need to submit an application in advance to the Ministry of Internal Affairs about the loss and an advertisement in the newspaper, and pay the state fee.

I lost my school leaving certificate, in order to get it reinstated, the school requires a police certificate, is it needed, and if so, how to get it.

This is a certificate from the police stating that it was not stolen from you and that no criminal case was initiated regarding this fact. This certificate is needed.

Please tell me if it is possible to somehow restore a certificate after 11th grade from my school, if I studied there 16 years ago.

Dear Ira! I recommend that you contact the school directly, where they will explain to you how to restore your certificate. Most likely, you will need to provide the relevant documents and pay a state fee. If the school does not help, contact the local administration (education department). If this does not help, contact the supervisory authority - the prosecutor's office with a corresponding complaint. Sincerely, Blinov A.E.

Is it possible to restore a school certificate at the MFC?

Hello. Unfortunately no. Contact the educational institution where you received your secondary education and submit an application addressed to the director. The application must describe the circumstances of the loss of the certificate and attach supporting documents: a certificate from the internal affairs bodies, the fire department, an advertisement in the newspaper about the loss of the certificate or another document. A duplicate of the certificate is issued free of charge - clause 16 of Art. 60 Federal Law No. 273 of December 29, 2012 “On Education in the Russian Federation”

I graduated from 11th grade in 2005, my certificate was lost, can I restore it? Now I live in another city, can I get it at my place of stay?

Certificates and duplicates of certificates are issued by organizations carrying out educational activities according to their accredited educational programs of basic general and secondary general education, so you need to apply to the educational institution that previously issued you the certificate you lost to receive a duplicate certificate.

How to restore a certificate of secondary education if the entire school archive is missing? I received this letter.

Hello, site visitor, in your case, you can get a duplicate; for this, please send an official letter to the district education department with a request to issue a duplicate school certificate.

How to restore a lost certificate of completion of 8th grade in 1980? The school still exists, but has a completely different name.

Good afternoon In any case, there should be an archive where copies of certificates are stored, despite the fact that the name has changed, or there has been a reorganization, the data is transferred. You need to apply to the director for a duplicate certificate. You can submit your application through the director's reception desk and secretary. Sincerely!

Can a parent restore my education certificate without my presence and without a power of attorney, but simply with my passport in hand? Thanks in advance)

In accordance with Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation N 115 "On approval of the Procedure for filling out, recording and issuing certificates of basic general and secondary general education and their duplicates", you can obtain a duplicate from an educational institution (clause 23. Duplicate of a certificate and a duplicate of the annex to certificate are issued in exchange for the certificate and (or) annex to the certificate containing errors discovered by the graduate after receiving it). According to Art. 25 of this Order, the Certificate (duplicate of the certificate) is issued to a graduate of an organization carrying out educational activities, personally or to another person upon presentation of an identification document and a power of attorney issued in the prescribed manner, issued to the specified person by the graduate, or, at the request of the graduate, sent to his address through public postal operators by registered mail with return receipt requested. The power of attorney and (or) application for which the certificate (duplicate of the certificate) was issued (sent) is stored in the graduate’s personal file.

I lived in Ulyanovsk and received my school certificate there and now I live in Samara.
Is it possible to restore a certificate without traveling to Ulyanovsk?

Of course, you can and for this you need to write a corresponding application and send it by registered mail with notification.

Can I restore my passport through MFS?

No, educational documents cannot be restored through the MFC. You must contact the educational institution where the certificate was issued directly.

I graduated from school in 1988, I needed a certificate, but it was lost, how can I restore it?

Dear Dmitry, if you graduated from school in 1988 and you needed a certificate that was lost, then you can restore it by first contacting the school for a certificate, then the state archive for confirmation. The certificate itself will not be issued due to the lack of forms and the state that issued it.

How can you remotely recover a lost high school diploma?

Hello, Dmitry) “Remotely” is only possible on the basis of a power of attorney, which must be drawn up in advance with a notary and handed over to the person who will deal with your matter. There are no other options other than the option with your personal presence. Good luck to you)

I lost my passport and am in another city. Is it possible to restore a certificate without personal presence?

How to restore a certificate: obtaining a duplicate certificate without problems 07/26/2016 Documents for school Comments: 300 Ivanova Tatyana If such an incident happened in your life that you lost your certificate of basic general (9 grades) or secondary general (11 grades) education, then no be upset. The procedure for its restoration is not so complicated and tricky. After completing all the steps written in this article, you will receive a duplicate (which means a copy that has legal force) of your education certificate. That's what we'll tell you about today. How to restore your certificate The school you graduated from will be restored, so that’s where you need to go. The law that will guide you in solving this problem is called “The procedure for filling out, recording and issuing certificates of basic general and secondary education and their duplicates” (Approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated February 14, 2014 N 115) In the event reorganization of an organization carrying out educational activities, a duplicate of the certificate and (or) a duplicate of the annex to the certificate is issued by the organization carrying out educational activities, which is the legal successor. If the school where you studied has become another educational institution (for example, a secondary school has turned into a gymnasium or lyceum), then this gymnasium or lyceum will issue you a duplicate certificate. In the event of liquidation of an organization carrying out educational activities, a duplicate of the certificate and (or) a duplicate of the annex to the certificate is issued by the organization carrying out educational activities, determined by the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation exercising public administration in the field of education, or by the local government body exercising management in the field of education. entities under the jurisdiction of the specified organization, in accordance with this Procedure. And if the school has completely disappeared from the face of the earth, then you will have to contact the education department of your district/city (it is unlikely to be reorganized). We found a place where we will contact and take further action on the topic: “how to restore the certificate.” Important! The certificate is restored free of charge. There is no need to pay any duties. Action No. 1 First, your certificate must be invalidated. As a rule, if you have lost your education document, it is enough to submit an advertisement in the newspaper with similar text: If you have lost your certificate of basic general education (9 grades) Certificate of basic general education No.……….from ………. .G. , issued by (name of the educational institution to which the certificate was issued) in the name of (full name) shall be considered invalid. If you have lost your certificate of secondary general education (grade 11) Certificate of secondary general education No.……….from ………..g. , issued by (name of the educational institution to which the certificate was issued) in the name of (full name) shall be considered invalid. If the document was stolen or burned in a fire, then you can ask for a certificate of loss of the certificate and use it instead of an advertisement in the newspaper. A newspaper with a printed advertisement should be in your hands when you go to school to restore your certificate. If you don’t remember the number or date of issue of the certificate, then there is nothing wrong with that. Knowing your full name, which was displayed on the form of the education document and the year in which you graduated, will be enough to produce a duplicate certificate. Action No. 2 We write an application for the issuance of a duplicate certificate at school and present an identity card (passport). It is possible that you will be asked to present a certificate of marriage or change of first name/surname/patronymic (if you changed your last name/first name/patronymic). An example statement is given below. Important! For married women: if you changed your last name, but your maiden name is indicated on your certificate, then be sure to indicate it in the application, otherwise the information about your lost certificate will not be found. It is also important that you provide a contact number so that we can contact you if any questions arise. How to restore a certificate Example (sample) of an application for the issuance of a duplicate certificate When indicating the reason for losing the certificate, describe in as much detail as possible the conditions under which you lost the document. What if the school considers your arguments unfounded and refuses to issue a duplicate. Along with the application, we attach a page from the newspaper with your printed advertisement. The period for producing a duplicate certificate is 1 month from the date of application. (Clause 26, part 5) The decision to issue or refuse to issue a duplicate of the certificate and (or) a duplicate of the annex to it is made by the organization carrying out educational activities within a month from the date of submission of the written application. If the school you graduated from was reorganized into another educational institution and you were given a duplicate certificate there, then they must also attach a copy of the document that reflects the fact of renaming or reorganization (clause 28, part 1). If the name of an organization carrying out educational activities is changed, a duplicate of the certificate and (or) a duplicate of the annex to the certificate is issued by the organization carrying out educational activities, along with a document confirming the change in the name of the organization carrying out educational activities. Thus, to apply for a duplicate certificate, prepare the following documents: passport; a newspaper with a printed advertisement declaring your certificate invalid; certificate of marriage or change of name/surname/patronymic (if the data has changed since the receipt of the certificate); your signed application for the issuance of a duplicate certificate. And it is worth knowing that you will receive a duplicate of the certificate on the forms that are issued at the time of submitting the application. For example, previously all entries were entered manually directly into the form of the certificate. Now they look like diplomas with an insert (in which grades are indicated) and are filled out on a computer. Therefore, do not be surprised that the certificate looks different from how you received it. Is it possible to get a duplicate while in another city? Can. We read the article. 25 of the above-mentioned normative act: Art. 25. A certificate (duplicate of a certificate) is issued to a graduate of an organization carrying out educational activities, personally or to another person upon presentation of an identification document and a power of attorney issued in the prescribed manner, issued to the specified person by the graduate, or, at the request of the graduate, is sent to his address through postal operators public communications by registered mail with return receipt requested. The power of attorney and (or) application for which the certificate (duplicate of the certificate) was issued (sent) is stored in the graduate’s personal file. When writing the application, indicate that you want to receive the document by mail (by registered mail, most likely by parcel post) with acknowledgment of delivery and indicate the postal address. Or issue a power of attorney to a loved one or friend so that he can receive the document for you.

I lost my 11th grade certificate. Can I restore it in another city since I moved? Thank you in advance.

Hello. The school you graduated from will restore your certificate, so that’s where you need to go. The law that will guide you in solving this problem is called “The procedure for filling out, recording and issuing certificates of basic general and secondary education and their duplicates” (Approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated February 14, 2014 N 115) Art. 25. A certificate (duplicate of a certificate) is issued to a graduate of an organization carrying out educational activities, personally or to another person upon presentation of an identification document and a power of attorney issued in the prescribed manner, issued to the specified person by the graduate, or, at the request of the graduate, is sent to his address through postal operators public communications by registered mail with return receipt requested. The power of attorney and (or) application for which the certificate (duplicate of the certificate) was issued (sent) is stored in the graduate’s personal file. When writing the application, indicate that you want to receive the document by mail (by registered mail, most likely by parcel post) with acknowledgment of delivery and indicate the postal address. Or issue a power of attorney to a loved one or friend so that he can receive the document for you.

Good afternoon You can only restore your certificate at the educational institution where you received it. You can send an application to the director by mail. Best wishes to you!

How to restore a lost Russian passport, I am in Armenia.

Hello. For a complete and accurate answer, I need complete information, so I ask you to clarify which country you are a citizen of, as well as the certificate of which educational institution you want to restore? Sincerely.

“I graduated from accounting courses many years ago. Now I need a diploma, but I can't find it. I’ve already gone through everything, but there are no “crusts” anywhere. Either they are lying somewhere, or they are lost. And the educational institution where I studied and received a certificate of completion no longer exists. Where can I go to get a copy of my diploma?” asked a MK-Estonia reader.

And on all sorts of forums and social networks there are plenty of questions about how to restore a document. Someone simply forgot to pick up a diploma from the office because he was sick at the time of issue, and only now the document itself became necessary, someone did not work by education, but decided to suddenly change their field of activity, and the diploma could not be found. Others have completed their studies in Russia and now have no idea how to get a new diploma in another country with completely different procedures from Estonia.

Diploma from a non-existent university

Educational diplomas are more difficult and take longer to recover than other documents. This is due to the fact that a lot of time usually passes from the moment of graduation from an educational institution, during which not only its name and location may change, but the educational institution may be reorganized or closed.

“If a person has lost his education document or it has been destroyed, then first of all he needs to contact the educational institution where this document was received. If the educational institution no longer exists, then you need to contact the educational institution that is its legal successor, says Asso Ladva, communications consultant for the Ministry of Education and Science. – For example, a person graduated from Audentes University. In the meantime, Audentes has merged with the Tallinn Technical University, and today it is they who issue duplicate diplomas.”

However, if the school from which a person graduated and from which he was issued a certificate of completion was liquidated, then you need to contact the Ministry of Education and Science. In most cases, according to the specialist, the ministry has data from liquidated educational institutions. However, there are cases when some documents are missing, something was lost during liquidation or transferred to another archive. Then obtaining a duplicate diploma may take much longer.

“If we are talking about a person who has recently graduated from high school and needs to receive a certificate with the results of state exams, then these duplicates are issued by the Innove Foundation, which conducts state exams,” adds Ladva.

Pay and receive

It is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of “copy of diploma” and “duplicate”. As Ilmar Ermus, head of the TTU archive, notes, providing a copy of a diploma is often not enough; more often, a document is required that has the same legal capabilities as the original.

“This means that a person who has lost his university diploma has the right to receive a duplicate diploma.

To do this, you need to personally contact the university and submit an application addressed to the rector, as well as pay a fee for issuing a duplicate, explains a university representative. At TTU, the educational department deals with duplicates.”

Ermus says that in practice there are slightly more applicants for a duplicate diploma than duplicates issued by TTU. And there are various reasons for this: the person found his diploma himself, does not want to pay a fee for a duplicate, or no longer needs a duplicate.

“The storage period for student personal files at all Estonian universities is 50 years, and this is quite a long period for all documents,” notes Ilmar Ermus. – But some data is stored longer. For example, the register of diplomas is stored permanently. At the same time, student data is duplicated in the state register Eesti Hariduse Infosüsteem (at - editor's note)."

First thing's first - go to the police

Those who received education in Russia or in the USSR on the territory of modern Russia, and have lost their document, need to go to the place. To restore a lost diploma, you will have to contact the internal affairs authorities, that is, the police, with a corresponding statement about the loss of this document. You must have your passport with you. The police issue a certificate stating that you filed a complaint regarding the loss of the document, but the diploma was not found. Then, with a police certificate and your passport, you will need to apply in writing for a duplicate to the educational institution where the lost diploma was issued.

In the case of a school certificate, you need to go the same way to the police station, and then with the received certificate of loss and an application for a duplicate certificate to the school. Based on all these documents, the school director will write an official letter and, with your documents, contact the district department of science and education with a request to issue a duplicate school certificate. The graduate's application and all grounds for issuing a duplicate are stored together with the graduates' personal files.

A duplicate of the certificate and attachments are issued on the sample forms valid during the period of application for a duplicate, regardless of the year you graduated from the educational institution. Recovery will take at least a week, and sometimes certificates are issued only in May-June, at the same time as graduates.

The storage period for student personal files, which include, among other things, copies of orders for enrollment, graduation, transfer, expulsion and copies of diplomas, is stored in educational institutions of Russia for 75 years.

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