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Casino tokens are one of the greatest inventions in the history of the gambling industry. Thanks to this discovery, the settlement process in gambling houses has been significantly simplified. Today, and for many years now, they are actively used in card games. board games, in particular poker.

What is a casino chip?

Essentially, this is a chip, a fictitious currency in a casino, which is disc-shaped. In simple words, this is an excellent alternative to real money, but it is more compact and practical to use. Each has its own color, depending on the denomination assigned to it.

History of appearance

Gambling appeared a long time ago and were popular at all times. Say the exact date inventing chips is very difficult. It is known that the first ones had a completely different composition and were made from different materials.

Everyone knows modern version chip appeared in early XIX century, when table card games began to become especially popular (especially poker). Interest in this intellectual card game from gambling users has been steadily increasing. Therefore, the most convenient and practical method for calculating the winnings and losses of players was needed. In those days when gamblers did not have the same monetary currency (during the gold rush, different precious metals, bullion and valuables), creating unified tokens was extremely important.

Also, one of the important reasons why poker chips appeared is the precaution of players who did not want to bring them to the casino large sums money. In times of lack of an appropriate security system, sitting at a table in a circle of tipsy thugs, players simply feared for their lives. Thus, they appeared in response to the risk of unpleasant situations occurring to guarantee a safe game for the visitor.

When tokens first appeared, plastic was not in such high demand as it is now. Then to create them they used alternative options in the form natural materials: stones, wood, bones, etc.

Early 19th century

During the period of prosperity of the gambling business, large clay tokens were very popular. Over time, poker players began to use thick paper and even ivory to make them. At that time, their variety was equivalent, for example, to the number of coins in different countries peace.

Ceramic chips have become a real discovery for all thrill-seekers. The most prestigious companies of that time have been producing this product for many years. The production of such ceramic products ceased in 1930.

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It was in this decade that the first plastic tokens were produced. Made from of this material, they attracted affordable price, great variety, durability and strength.

In the process of popularizing poker tokens, scammers began to operate on the market, counterfeiting original chips. This prompted developers to introduce the first protective elements into them. For example, special engraving and embossing.

Crest & Seal are poker tokens that have occupied a leading position in the gambling market for a long time. Developed by the famous U.S. company. Playing Card co., they were produced until 1985, until plastic chips came into circulation. Home distinctive feature Crest & Seal was a round lithograph with a clay border. In addition, the poker chips had a unique coating that resembled a classic glossy varnish.

Product denominations in both land-based and virtual casinos are indicated by a certain color. This is the world standard in the gambling business.

“How much is a chip worth in a casino?” ─ one of the most common questions among novice gamblers. We bring to your attention the international range of chips in gambling establishments:

The highest denomination token of $10,000,000 is used in one of the most prestigious casinos in Las Vegas, USA - Aladdin.

Reasons for use

Such a system is aimed at simplifying the work and interaction of all participants in the gambling community. This applies to both the staff of the gambling enterprise and its direct clients.

It is a common practice to paint casino gaming tables the same color as the chip. This is done in order to immediately show gamblers the limit minimum rate at this table. Thanks to this decision experienced players at first glance they understand whether they should approach a particular table.

Thoughtful color scheme helps dealers, cashiers, service personnel and the security service in monitoring visitors’ bets through cameras located along the entire perimeter of the gaming halls.

Today, gambling users are increasingly choosing to play online, which implies the absence of special substitutes for fiat money. Despite this, there are still pros who will never pass up the opportunity to weigh down their hand with a clay token and throw it into the middle of the playing table.

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First of all on the chip if we're talking about about the cache, there should be its denomination, i.e., how much it costs in a particular currency. Often the sign of the currency itself is also indicated. The next item is the name of the gambling establishment itself and (or) its logo. The location of the casino is also sometimes indicated. For example, here is a chip from the Moscow Beverly Hills, where there is a denomination, name and place:

Some chip manufacturers leave their marks - a small logo. For example, the company Bourgogne Et Grasset often uses its trademark "BG". In addition to basic information, the chips can depict anything. This is the year the chip was released, and the name of the event, and simply interesting picture. For example, chips depicting animals, fruits, cars, cities, famous people, cartoon and movie characters, historical buildings and so on.

I have a chip that came to me by chance. But I don't know which casino she's from. How can I determine this?

First, I recommend comparing the chip with those presented on this site. To do this, type the name of the casino in the “Search”. You can also send a scanned drawing to me by e-mail. If I recognize this chip, I will tell you all the information that I know about it.

My chip doesn't have the name of the casino written on it. What do i do?

IN Lately I get a lot of requests to identify the chips used in poker sets (mostly made in China). The design changes a little, but they look something like this:

As can be seen from the figure, the chip lacks the main attribute of the cache used in casinos - the name of the gambling establishment. Sometimes words like "Poker", "Las Vegas" or "Monte Carlo" are written on the poker chip. Often the denomination is not indicated on such chips. Apart from poker chips, roulette chips often do not carry any information about the casino in which they are used. They also have no face value. Roulette chips are made of lightweight homogeneous material with inserts of a different color. Like these ones:

I definitely have a chip from a casino, it has a name on it and the equivalent of 1000, I assume, dollars is written on it.

If the chip is really from a casino and has a face value of 1000, then it is most likely rubles or another currency that is not at all equal to dollars. The fact is that in casinos, high-denomination chips (from $500 and above), as a rule, are made in the form of plax, large in size and rectangular in shape. For example, like this:

The casino administration carefully monitors the circulation of high-denomination chips within its walls and does not allow them to leave gambling establishment. If you want to leave a chip, for example, worth 1000 dollars for the collection, then you will most likely be refused this and asked to exchange it for money. Even if you want to take it secretly, due to the above tracking, you may be stopped on the way out and asked to see if you “remembered to cash out your chips.”

Will I be able to exchange the chip I received for money?

If the casino is still operating, then yes, the chip can be changed at the cash desk according to its equivalent. At the same time, in reputable establishments you can even change chips that are out of circulation, but previously used in this casino.

I have a lot of chips from a closed casino. Can I exchange them for money somewhere?

No. After the casino closes, the chips must be disposed of. Sometimes this is not done, but, in any case, no one will pay for these chips at their face value. The profit can be made either by selling them to collectors or by using these chips for home games, such as poker.

How can I evaluate the chip I have?

First, you should go to an online auction and see how much the chips are worth. You can try to put your chip up for auction for a price that you consider acceptable. Leading auction with thousands of chips:

In English-language sources, when talking about chips, the concepts chip and check are used - what is the difference?

A "chip" was originally a non-denominated chip used in the game of roulette. And a “check” is a chip with a face value, cash. However, even in the USA, any chips are now increasingly called chips.

Why do you come across chips on the site that are depicted in two versions, both identical, but one of them is upside down?

Some chips have the same pattern on both sides. In order not to duplicate it completely, I at least flip the picture.

How much can a collection of chips cost?

Everything is very subjective. I remember a collection of 15,000 Nevada state chips from the 50s of the 20th century was sold at auction. The initial cost is two million dollars. Considering the age of the chips and their quantity, as well as the scale of collecting chips in the United States, I assume that there were buyers for this collection. I have over 5,000 chips in my collection and it is valued at over $100,000.

If you have not found the answer to your question, you can contact me by e-mail:

Nowadays no one can be surprised by collecting coins, paper money, icons, various items antiquities and other items. However, almost no one realizes that some people are collecting chips at the Vulcan of Luck casino. And this is not a pure hobby of collecting; it also brings sufficient financial profit to individual collectors.

It is difficult to establish in what century the first collector of these items appeared and who he was. It can be assumed that the first collector of chips was some kind of gambler who decided to leave chips from various casinos in which he played himself as a souvenir of these establishments. Then these chips were joined by other chips, incl. and presented by friends and acquaintances of our person incognito. This is how the first collections of casino chips were formed.

Who is currently engaged in this type of collecting?

There is no doubt that the collectors of casino chips are mainly the players themselves, who, in search of luck, travel or have traveled to all corners of the world in order to make money in casinos. And as a memory of their voyages, they keep lucky chips for themselves.

And if players are happy with the new chips that have appeared in their collection, then for casino owners, the “leaving of chips” from the internal circulation of the establishment causes some difficulties, but does not lead to financial losses, since the cost of manufacturing one chip is significantly lower than its face value. If we take an average, the cost of one chip ranges from 50 cents to 2 dollars, and their nominal value is about 2 to 5 dollars.

If players have to collect only chips from circulation that have significant wear and tear during use, then the manufacturers or customers of these chips (casino owners) are in a more advantageous position, since they can keep new chips for their collection without signs of circulation on their surface.

What parameters are used to evaluate casino chips as one of the collectibles?

The value of any item on the collector's market is determined based on the following factors: edition, metal and condition. Also very valuable are casino chips that have already ceased to exist, as well as chips that were circulated in illegal gambling houses in countries where gambling is prohibited by national legislation.

Some casinos produce limited edition chips, which are dedicated to the establishment's anniversary or some holiday, which, due to their small circulation, later become a collector's item. So, for example, the online casino JoyCasino on the occasion of their release new game Brothers, we ordered a new batch of chips with the image of the main character of the game.

How are casino chips valued?

For most collectibles, for example, in numismatics, there are specialized catalogs that allow you to find out the characteristics of coins and their collectible value.

But how to estimate the collectible value of chips, find out their circulation, place of issue and other parameters? Here you can’t do without collectors’ clubs and various specialized sites and forums, with the help of which you can find out various information on certain chips, buy, sell or exchange casino chips.

It should also be said that collecting casino chips is a rather expensive hobby. After all, on average, the cost of one copy costs a collector about $5. And if you need to collect chips from different continents, the amount will be quite impressive.

But since it’s mostly players who collect, they are willing to spend a lot of money for their memories. After all, memories, especially if they are pleasant, should not be valued in monetary terms.

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