How to get out of the dopamine network. The phenomenon of time distortion and time “loops” Time loop in life

A creative person is rarely satisfied with the result precisely for this reason. But discontent was born only today,because he has ascended to a new level.And yesterday, for your stage, you felt like God, squeezed like a lemon, and therefore 100% satisfied with the current result.

Any person should prepare for any action like a master of his craft, even if he is loading coal or sweeping leaves. Self-criticism should occur as you rise to each new level:“Well, what a loser I was yesterday, what kind of primitive? Now, I’m out as best I can!”

Such a reaction to one’s own yesterday’s achievement is the norm; it is with such an assessment of oneself that progress is possible.

The universe is built on this principle.

Reverse situation:

Until you get 100% out of yourself, there can be no talk of an upgrade. No one will put 100 kg on the chest of a goner until he learns to squeeze at least 60. And you can squeeze everything out of yourself only by clenching your jaw and turning off the pain. If, turning back to yesterday’s work, you evaluate it as the height of perfection, then there will be no progress and you will have to rewrite that section of the loop to the last drop of your"I can not".

99% of you live according to the first option. They don’t even realize that in this way their speed of completing each level is thousands of times slower. They shoot at their target without even aiming, so they won’t hit it very soon, instead of hitting the target at least on the second or third attempt, and maybe on the first, if they carefully pick out all the eyes from their current potatoes.

The second option is used instinctively or consciously only by very old spirits and, of course, by those players who know how time loops work.

Whatever method of passing the level you choose, all that the erasers will leave you with are seconds of deja vu and, of course, experience that cannot be erased, and which you will later call wisdom.

Motivation of the parties

What is the purpose of going through the maze?

A lot of them. Let me remind you that the game is interesting to many layers, everyone has their own views on it, so you have one goal, the spotters have another, the scriptwriters have a third, etc.

Let's look from the player's position, that is, through your eyes: Your task is to complete the level as quickly as possible(analogous to any computer toy).

The player gains skills from the game, and the writers receive megatons of energy that you release, so even a three-story obscene message when hit with a hammer on your finger produces a gigantic eruption of woof not only through physical pain, but also through your anger. Now multiply"a hammer on the finger"per thousand repetitions(loops).Now strain your brains and imagine how much gavvaha you allocated in addition to the hammer, and even for tens of thousands of loops, large and small.

Not only did you miss the nail with the hammer, but you also took the wrong turn, pressed the wrong button, kissed the wrong woman over and over again, returning to the starting point until you learned to bypass the rake.

Thus, in order to pass the level, you need to master, polish, and in the final polish an incredible number of skills, including the ability to limit yourself to just the vein squeezed out on your forehead while looking at the sunken iPhone in your 2-year-old child’s bowl of soup.

What happens when you reach that level?

what alreadywithout straining,will you get to the desired exit?

The answer is in the phrase"without straining."

You will simply stop radiating energy!!!

on the same scale as at the beginning of the quest,

and gavvaha you won’t be interrogated at all.

Do you understand what the secret is?

You as a player:

    acquired new skills, the trace of which can no longer be erased;

    filled their box with a mass of new pearls;

    and of course, they got to know themselves, thereby raising the level of their consciousness in the most global sense.

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PKS for its part:

    milked you like a cowBut (!!! )

​ ​

Once you have completed the quest

and brought its passage to the level"God"

- milking is over!!!

You no longer react to game stimuli

neithergasps of admiration,neitherfits of rabies.

All. Even if the PKS, by cunning and meanness, puts you at the start of that level, then on the first try you will skip through it without even breaking a sweat, which means you will not generate the energy so necessary for the existence of this level. From the game's point of view, you lose all value as a source of energy for the existence of the Matrix.

Draw your conclusions, boys and girls!

Time loop

Imagine that you are walking along a narrow path on the very edge of an abyss. It is clear that here any detail seen is vitally important. Every stone, every unevenness can cause a fall, and in order not to fall, you must fully concentrate on all the images of the visible world. So completely that there is no room left in the consciousness for any voluntary thoughts - the usual flow of thinking stops. That is, we can think - we can choose which stone we can step on and which one is better to avoid. But that’s all - our thoughts are limited by what we see at a given moment in time, by the picture of the world in which we are now completely immersed.

Now imagine that you are walking along a wide road somewhere safe. You can take a couple of extra steps to the right or left, you can even step off to the side of the road without any risk of falling. The details of what you see - pebbles and irregularities - almost lose their meaning and you can go “automatically”, thinking about something else. Sometimes the immersion in another turns out to be so complete that we really do not see the approaching car and can get run over and die - although we were in a safe place. And this happens much more often - more people die on the roads than on the “paths” leading along the edge of the abyss.

All this is closer than it seems. There are people who live as if they are “walking over an abyss” - at least they can live like that. Be fully involved in the situation and see all the smallest details. During negotiations, for example, they hear everything the interlocutor says, catch changes in his intonations, facial expressions, gestures, and so on. Moreover, they “see” everything that is related to the object of negotiations - all opportunities, all threats, options for action - they “see” the whole picture. It is clear that in such cases they almost always succeed. And not only during negotiations - these people can also act alone and then few can stop them - because in the picture in which they act, there are simply no other people - physically these people are here, but their immersion in their own thoughts turns them into “ghosts”. Even the most obvious signals of the world remain invisible to them, and a person who has managed to immerse himself in the whole picture also becomes “invisible” to other people and can do whatever he wants. Of course, if such a person exists - when everyone is asleep, everyone is in an equally comical situation - at least watch the “tram conflicts” or “squabbles in the queue”. Or remember quarrels with loved ones - usually they also follow the most senseless scenario. Of course, this does not happen by itself - when we “sleep”, what is happening is controlled by the “picture”, which seeks to subjugate us to an even greater extent. Create several new “circles” formed by our Shadow Power and tying us to it. For example, as soon as we quarrel with loved ones several times, the state of conflict becomes almost habitual for us and we strive to return to it at the first opportunity - there are families for which endless reproaches and accusations are the norm in relationships. As soon as we are late somewhere a few times, we start to be late all the time; as soon as we eat “extra candy,” this also quickly turns into a habit. There are people who constantly get sick just because they are used to getting sick - among the “sick people” they are the majority. And so on.

But this seems normal to all those “sleeping” - even the fact that their aspirations never come true, and the roads they follow lead them to a completely different place than where they wanted to go. While everyone is “sleeping” - if someone manages to wake up, then the situation changes - the “awakened” one can see the whole “picture” as a whole and become its center - for this it is enough just to invest the required amount of Power into it. And this will allow him to act in the most effective way.

Let's take a simple example - yesterday I was asked to send one of the Circle of Power materials “out of turn.” I had this material on my home computer, and at the time of the “request” I myself was at work - so I suggested waiting until tomorrow - an absolutely logical option. But “tomorrow” I “forgot” to dump the material onto the flash drive, which means I couldn’t fulfill my promise - I didn’t like it. And situations of this kind often pull us into themselves - like a “narrow mountain road”, upon which we have to wake up. And as soon as I “woke up” a little, the problem was solved without any difficulty - previously I sent this material from a mailbox on the site - and copies of sent letters are stored there. It was enough to open the corresponding letter, save the attachment and send it to the desired address - and that’s it. The funny thing is that there was no new knowledge in this “revelation” - I knew this before. But while I was “sleeping,” this fragment of the familiar “picture” remained invisible to me. This means I had to move in familiar and very uncomfortable “circles”, which turned out to be the only available way of action. And we all find ourselves in this situation - there is always a known solution to any problem. But we almost never see this solution - we simply do not have the strength to discern the corresponding fragment of the picture - therefore many problems seem to us unsolvable.

The vast majority of people live as if they are “walking along a broad road”, the “details” of which can be ignored. They are constantly immersed in their thoughts, that is, they are somewhere outside the “picture” in which their body now resides. Even when they talk to us - take a close look at the interlocutors - in fact they are talking to themselves. Often they don’t hear us in the literal sense of the word - they just wait for a pause into which they can insert something of their own. It’s the same with actions - let’s remember the anxiety familiar to many about “faucets not closed”, “iron not turned off”, “door unlocked” and so on - it arises because we really don’t remember what we are doing. But even if our actions acquire the appearance of awareness, they still remain mechanical and “linear” - we do not take into account all the “branches” that we could easily see. Remember what happens when we analyze a situation of “defeat” in hindsight - all the mistakes we made become clearly visible - a person usually does not even understand how he could have made them. But no one prevented him from seeing this in time - no one except himself, the habit of “sleeping” and “dreaming” embedded in us. But we don’t always “see” mistakes - only in those situations that “catch us”, force us to “wake up” - at least after they happened. In ordinary cases, we make no less mistakes, they just all seem “normal” to us. Just remember how often we forget to switch the computer keyboard to the correct register, are distracted from work in order to play solitaire or stupidly surf the Internet, put off an important call until later, and so on. All this seems to us to be “little things” that can be corrected - but it is precisely these “little things” that not only keep us in the same place, not allowing us to change anything in our lives, but also plunge us into an almost endless sleep, fencing us off from all the Powers of Magic and Sorcery .

Everything is simple here - imagine that the “picture” in which we find ourselves is a “hologram” that appears if it is illuminated by coherent radiation with a certain oscillation frequency. And our consciousness is the source of this radiation, the frequency of which we can change. If we tune the source to the desired frequency, the “hologram” will become three-dimensional and all the details will be highlighted on it - that is, we will be able to see the “picture” as a whole. But if our thoughts are immersed in a different “picture”, the frequency of the radiation of our consciousness changes, it no longer resonates with the “hologram” and we can see, at best, a flat image. Or rather, the “radiation of consciousness” becomes multi-frequency and the required frequency accounts for a very small part of the energy, so the “picture” turns out to be almost dark and we can only see what is in close proximity to us. Or not seeing anything at all - many are probably familiar with situations when, after talking with another person, we cannot remember not only his face or clothes, but also the very topic of the conversation. This is not accidental - “circles” woven from our Shadow Power can only rotate in the “darkness” and therefore the ability not to see the world is the key to their existence - and therefore the key to the existence of the entire everyday world.

This is one side of the issue, but besides the “stones on the road” there is also the road itself, there is a goal to which it leads us. Take chess for example - you can see the location of all the pieces on the board and even the smallest details of each piece - this is unlikely to allow us to win the game. In order to win, we need to be able to see not what is, but what can be - all possible options for moves, including the option that will allow us to checkmate our opponent. So it is with everything else - besides the “photograph” of the world that we see, there is also a “film” in which this photograph becomes just one of many frames. Imagine that we were able to project ourselves into this “frame”, to become part of it - it is clear that in this case the rest of the “frames” cease to exist for us. Only for us - an outside observer can see the “film” in motion, but for him we remain part of only one “frame”, one “episode” - in others we simply do not exist. Everything we talked about above remains in force - the more fully we were able to immerse ourselves in the “frame,” the better we see it and the more we can change in it. But these changes remain invisible to those who watch the film in its entirety - the “frames” change too quickly, making it impossible to see the changes in details.

There is a good movie - “Groundhog Day”, the hero of which fell into a kind of time loop and was forced to live one day over and over again. It is clear that he was able to immerse himself so completely in the corresponding “picture” to see it entirely - he knew what would happen and when and could take advantage of this knowledge. To the point of subjugating the entire “picture” - achieving anything. But only within the current day - in the morning he returned to the starting point again and had to start all over again.

This plot seems to us as fictitious as discussions about “frame” and “film” seem abstract. But look at the people around you - for the vast majority of them, today is an almost exact repetition of yesterday, and tomorrow will be a repetition of today. Of course, there are deviations, but in such cases a person does everything to restore the usual order of things, so that today does not differ from yesterday. Even in those cases when he wants to change something - remember the moments when we really began to move forward - whether in an esoteric sense, or in terms of solving everyday problems - it doesn’t matter here. Usually everything ends the same way - a return to the starting point, to the “yesterday” from which we wanted to get out. And then again the endless rotation in “circles” that we talked about in the last newsletter and which tie us to one single frame of a “film” that we have not watched.

From this point of view, our situation is even worse than that of the hero of “Groundhog Day” - he knew that he was stuck in time, so he could see all the details of the “picture” in which he found himself and all the options for their changes. But it seems to us that we are moving, so we cannot predict what will happen to us and we find ourselves helpless even in the “frame” in which we find ourselves. In fact, it hardly changes - we just cannot highlight it entirely, we cannot completely immerse ourselves in the picture around us. It’s like in the famous joke in which three blind men were asked to describe an elephant - the one who felt the leg said that the elephant looked like a tree, the one who felt the trunk saw the elephant as a snake, and the one holding the tail it resembled a rope. If they switched places, each would think that they were dealing with something new, although the elephant would remain the same - it’s just that neither of them could “illuminate” it entirely. Almost the same thing happens to us - when we shift slightly in the “photograph of the world” in which we find ourselves, it seems to us that we have found ourselves in another, “tomorrow” world, although everything remains the same - only the point of our contact has changed with the space of the “picture”. And here there is one more point - we are accustomed to very quickly forget what we saw before - precisely in order not to see absolute coincidences that would make us understand that we are moving along the “ring of time”. Sometimes this mechanism malfunctions - everyone has encountered the phenomenon of deja vu, that is, everyone has had to feel that our life is an endless repetition of yesterday. But this kind of sensation is rare - usually an absolute repetition of an event displaces the “memory of the past” and we perceive it as a new event. Or rather, it’s not like that - it seems to us that this is a “new event,” but inside ourselves we feel that all this has already happened. We have a clear mechanism for distinguishing between “old” and “new” - everything new always arouses our Interest, it cannot be otherwise. Interest is a reaction to the discrepancy between the contours of the space in which we find ourselves and the shape of our “cocoon” and it arises automatically upon contact with any new object or new situation. But remember the last time we were truly interested in something - it will be difficult to remember. Precisely because our “new” is an endless repetition of the “old”, and lack of interest is an accurate criterion that we are living in yesterday.

Of course, I'm simplifying the situation a little. Sometimes the world really changes in such a way that we find ourselves in a completely different picture - take, for example, wars, revolutions and natural disasters. Any events after which returning to yesterday becomes impossible - no matter how much we would like to return there. In such cases, we really begin to move along with the “film”, we are transported to another frame. But these changes occur independently of us - the film projector mechanism simply worked and the current “frame” was replaced by the next one. And while we are not self-sufficient, we cannot shine with our own light, we have to follow the beam of the projector in all the “films” in which we participate. There are small “films” related to our lives - here a “change of frames” occurs with very great successes or very great troubles. Related to this is the well-known phenomenon of “morbido” - the desire to destroy one’s life. Almost no one can change life for the better in one leap, but everyone can change it for the worse, and this turns out to be the only available option for change. Surely you are familiar with cases when people for whom everything was going well suddenly began to ruin everything themselves - until they found themselves in a much worse situation. This seems paradoxical, but there is no paradox - being “stuck in time” is painful for those who can feel even the edge of what is happening - hence the desire to “break out of the loop” by any available means. The same is true in “big films” related, for example, to the fate of humanity. It is clear that here the transition occurs during very large cataclysms that change the living conditions of all people. Dramatic changes for the better seem unlikely to most of them - there is a feeling that “the world is going downhill” and this feeling does not deceive us. Therefore, ideas about changes for the worse, about the End of the World, become much more realistic. At the same time, this option does not scare away many people, but attracts them - otherwise so many films on a similar topic would not be made. And when they “save the world” in such films, these “many” have a feeling of disappointment - they really want the world to be destroyed. For the same reason - they feel that they are stuck in a “time loop”, and this turns out to be more painful for them than even possible death. And they, too, are ready to break out of the “loop” in any way possible - when the End of the World begins, many will applaud this.

But even in those cases when movement in time occurs, it turns out to be invisible to us - we are immersed in something like a strip of fog and appear in a different frame, which becomes the only possible one for us. That is why, with sudden changes, we so easily forget about the past - we are no longer in it, we still remain only in one “picture”. The frames may change, but the feeling of a “time loop” remains a constant factor in human existence. Every day in which he lives turns out to be yesterday - it is clear that it would be too painful to realize this. That’s why people prefer to “sleep” - “sleep” gives them a feeling of movement in time, and without this feeling we simply cannot exist.

Here we need to understand the main thing - movement in time is always associated with internal changes. If we remain the same as we were before, then we are at the same point. In the literal sense of the word - we have a mechanism that binds us to the space of a certain “picture” - this is a “muscle pattern”, the tension of certain muscle groups. In the last newsletter we talked about the “circles” that form our external spatial body, woven from those habitual routes along which we are accustomed to move. Their internal basis is muscle tension, which contains a stimulus to perform certain actions. We can say that the muscles are a resonator that connects us with spatial “circles” - when the resonance is established, we begin to move along these “circles” without even noticing what is happening. For example, all people who smoke know that smoking is harmful, but almost all of them smoke more often than they want, they smoke “with disgust,” not understanding why they do it. And the secret is precisely in the tension of some muscles, which activate the “smoking ritual”. Or let’s take the desire to leave work home, which is familiar to many - very often nothing interesting awaits us at home, and at work there are things that would be worth finishing, but the muscles associated with the “circle of returning home” tense up so much that “returning home” becomes a us the main goal. So in all other cases - as long as the muscle pattern remains unchanged, we find ourselves tied to the same “frame” - to “yesterday”, and no matter how quickly we move along it, this does not change anything. Moreover, we easily forget the paths we have already taken and go through them again and again, stepping on the “same rake.” But we cannot change the muscle pattern - it is clear that relaxation techniques can be taught to anyone, but here only a change in the intensity of muscle tension is achieved - the pattern itself remains unchanged. This means that we remain tied to the “time loop” that we once found ourselves in.

In fact, everything is simple - everyone has their own purpose - a goal that they must achieve. Not external - changes in the external world do not matter; or rather, they follow our internal changes. This is an internal goal - the destruction of the elements of the “karmic body”, woven from those “holes” that tie us to the everyday world. The “film” in which we were supposed to play the main role always has a happy ending - in the epilogue we become strong and free. This is the script that no one can change. But there are those who can do something different - create a “time loop” that ties us to the same “frame”. In the literal sense of the word - in this “loop” the future is a repetition of the past, the present does not exist, and Time itself becomes illusory - remember how past days and weeks merge - as if they never existed. The “loop” itself can be of different sizes, which is determined by the amount of our Power. For some, this is really “one day”; for others, the diameter of the “loop” can be much larger - there are people who set distant goals and actually achieve them. But they never reach the “end of the film”, moreover, they do not even move towards this “end”. There is a clear criterion here - if we connect with “our film”, that is, we move along the lines of our own pattern of life, then we become stronger with each “episode” we pass. And if we “get old”, it means we are simply “running in circles”, in the “loop of time”, giving energy to those who are in its center. Everyone grows old and dies - at least that’s what we think - which means everyone is in a “time loop” that forms the world of everyday life accessible to us. A world that doesn’t really exist - that’s why such problems with “wandering” arise. We can say that we are in a “looking glass”, from where it is almost impossible to be transported not only to another reality, but also to the one with which we actually come into contact. And what keeps us in it is precisely the mechanism that we talked about at the beginning of this newsletter. A person cannot completely immerse himself in the space of the “picture” in which he is now, cannot live as if he is “walking along a mountain road” - his thoughts are always away from his actions, therefore his muscle pattern is dissonant with space this "picture". Remember how rarely the feeling of complete immersion in a situation occurs and how quickly it passes. But he cannot completely distance himself from this space - live as if he were “walking along a broad road.” We are taught to distrust the world and fear it, so we can never “relax” completely, free ourselves from the “muscle pattern” that connects us with the space in which we find ourselves now. Therefore, we cannot see our own “film”, our past and future, that is, our entire Pattern of Life. And therefore our thoughts and actions become automatic - when we do something familiar, our consciousness is always on the sidelines, which allows us not to notice the endless repetition of all our actions. And when we manage to come into contact with actions, begin to realize what we are doing, the current of thinking becomes inaudible and we do not notice how our thoughts also turn into endlessly repeating “rings of consciousness” - listen to yourself, we really “think” almost about the same thing. This is the result of being in a “time loop”, and the mechanism that connects us with it. This is the existing order of things - the question is how it can be changed.


First, it’s worth understanding the main thing - getting out of the “time loop” not only allows us to solve all everyday problems, it gives us much more. The opportunity to touch the Powers that are beyond this world - the Powers of Magic and Sorcery. No “spells” or “magic wands” are needed - the Power of Magic awakens itself upon complete immersion in the space of the corresponding “picture”. Just remember the well-known meditation techniques - full concentration of attention on an object not only allows you to see it as it is, but also allows you to change it or create a new object. There are many examples of the “materialization” of images of consciousness - for this it is enough to focus on some image every day for half an hour - in a month not only we, but also the people around us will see it. Everything can be done even much faster - remember the “monsters” that we were afraid of in childhood - in a sense, this is also the fruit of our creation. Of course, there are those who “live in the dark,” but the path always opens from this side - only we can create something into which those living there can be embodied. And since we are separated from our Power, it is much easier for us to create what is “frightening” than what we want - that’s why we are afraid of our Magic Power. You can say this - while we are in a “time loop,” we always turn out to be too weak for this Force and it turns against us. On some level, people know this and touching Magic frightens them - even those who follow this path. It is believed, for example, that when a person enters this world, he encounters the most terrible monsters that must be defeated in order to move on - into the “good world”, ready to fulfill all our desires. So it is, but only because we are accustomed to “do terrible things” at any contact with the Power of Magic. This is one of the main guards that keeps us in the “time loop” and it is very difficult to overcome its resistance. As long as we are in this loop. If we left it, the world of goblins and evil trolls would turn into a world of fairies and elves, but none of us saw a good fairy under our bed as a child - there was always something hiding there that could scare us. Therefore, we do not like any contact with reality, and therefore we prefer endless rotation in a circle to moving forward.

Almost the same thing is with the Power of Magic, which allows us to connect with Patterns - with “movies” in which we play some role. To master this Power, you must be able to watch the “film” to the end - at least on a subconscious level. And in the usual understanding of people, the “film” always ends with the same thing - a grave in a cemetery. In fact, the ending may be completely different, but for us what becomes real is what scares us most - and most of all people fear Death. Therefore, any touch to the Power of Magic is blocked by the ghost of the “grave,” which instantly breaks the connection with this Power. The Force itself remains and continues to act according to the scenario that we have laid in it - that is why people grow old and die much earlier than their “biological deadlines”. There is a clear pattern here - those who at least a little believe in Magic live longer than others and can feel a touch of the “magical world”. “Pragmatists” die much earlier, no matter how much effort they spend on taking care of their health. That is, everything is very simple - in order to master the Power of Magic, you need to stop being afraid of Death. And the only way to do this is to feel like an Immortal. Possession of this Power is the privilege of the Immortals; it is not available to anyone else.

These are general conditions - it is clear that you cannot suddenly stop being “afraid” and feel immortal - desire alone is not enough here, we are talking about changing the shape of the “cocoon” and getting out of the “time loop”. A very big task that is worth keeping in mind, but not worth trying to solve immediately. For now, it makes sense to limit ourselves to simpler techniques that could point in the right direction of the path. And at the same time solve some practical problems.

Here we will look at the Power of Magic - the secret is that it is separated only from our consciousness. It is clear that consciousness is connected with the body - while we are in it, the Power of Magic turns out to be separated from it. But we have the opportunity to create an “energy double” that can easily connect with this Force. Take a poltergeist, for example - in most cases it is associated with one person, that is, everything happens only in the presence of this person. For one reason - once this person was so scared that his muscle pattern took on an almost perfect shape - in moments of mortal danger, real people become better. Then the muscles relaxed, but the created pattern was preserved in energy form, in the form of an invisible “double”. And its “destructiveness” is connected only with the “creator’s” refusal to recognize kinship - this “double” simply wants to attract attention. But when they begin to fear him, he obediently takes on the form imposed on him and truly becomes scary.

It is clear that it is difficult to scare yourself too much - we use a different technique - the technique of extreme muscle tension. It's simple - do push-ups, for example, from the floor, and maintain the position on “outstretched arms” for as long as you can. And when you don’t have enough strength, hold on a little longer. The last point is very important - here those actions that we do “through force” count, only such actions come into contact with our Power of Creation - that is, this is the only way to create a “double”.

When your arms refuse to hold your body and you begin to fall to the floor, say the NAME that you need to come up with in advance. It may be associated with your name, it may be some nickname that you once liked, your “nickname” and so on - the main thing is that this NAME should become the personification of Power for you. And you need to pronounce it just at the moment of muscle relaxation - so that it completely fits into it. So the NAME should not be long. Theoretically, you don’t have to invent it - if you tune in to the right mood, the NAME will be pronounced on its own - many of us have a memory of this technique. But you shouldn’t count on this too much - the memories are too distant from us. Therefore, you can try the “spontaneous pronunciation” of the NAME once, but if nothing comes up, you should come up with the NAME in advance.

It is better to pronounce the NAME while closing your eyes. Then slowly open them and look in front of you. If you are in semi-darkness, you will almost certainly see a ghostly figure in front of you - this is the double you created. You can see it in the light, but here the vision will not be so clear. But in any case, contact him by NAME and explain the main thing - that you created him for traveling together in this world, that he is your ally, and you are his ally, and that you will always help each other until the time comes for reunion. This is a very important point - contact must be established within a few seconds after creation, otherwise other Forces will take control of your double. But during this period of time, only you can talk to him and he will definitely listen to you.

I won’t talk about what’s next - firstly, because everything is already clear - you teach your “double” to use the Power of Magic, give instructions, listen to his advice and requests, and so on. Secondly, because few people can create a real “double” capable of, for example, destroying a multi-story building. In other cases, there is no need to know “safety precautions”; moreover, this knowledge may even get in the way. But if you really encounter something destructive, write to us and we will solve the problem. And if not, just have fun and continue to grow a “double” - we will need it later).

Good luck! B.Servest

Victor Yakovlev 09/29/2013 01:36 (link) This is spam

Re: Time loop

Thank you. very interesting and correct - immortality can be felt. but not only immortality but also Eternity - this energy is physically felt. and you will need to plan your future. - live in it now and here. giving up time and death. try to plan your life for the first millennium. As for the pictures, you need to learn to look, as if from the outside, at the events that are happening. As for the power, there is none, there is Love and Light. Then comes Inspiration and your further advancement occurs. If there is darkness, then there is no progress and you stand still .-It is given to man to create like God. we must start small. with an understanding of food. sleep. way of life, move on to poetic thinking - this is what our grandfathers and grandmothers practiced. control of the weather. nature and subsequently control of the Universe. building their planet and further in Infinity. We need to talk about force. - since the concept of force is more convenient for you. - Man has a miracle. For each of you, the understanding of this miracle comes with experience when Man Creates. His energy does not decrease. On the contrary, it increases - doubles. I want to create even more and even better than before. There are, of course, immortals. But what they do. In my opinion, it’s not right. But you do everything right

Various options for getting out of the situation, proposed in films and TV series.

Star Trek: The Next Generation (episode Cause and Effect)

Situation: The Enterprise collides with another spaceship dangerously close to a warp in the space-time continuum, causing the temporal fabric to rupture and the Enterprise to return to the beginning of its journey.

Number of repetitions: 5


exit: The android Data sends a message to the future for his next version. Just before the collision, he begins to experience déjà vu and ends up helping to avoid disaster.

"Groundhog Day"

Situation: A world-weary TV anchor goes to a small town to report on Groundhog Day—and does it again, and again, and again.

Number of repetitions: 36

Exit: the path that Bill Murray's character goes through is a bit like Kübler-Ross's five stages of accepting death: first he denies everything, then he tries to make a deal with fate, then he grieves, accepts his situation, seduces the woman he likes, saves people from getting caught into a puddle and ultimately saves himself.

"Xena: Warrior Princess" (episodeBeen thereDone That)

Situation: A young couple in love cannot be together because their families are at enmity. The girl drinks a slow-acting poison that will kill her the next day, and the young man convinces Cupid to make sure that day never comes.

Number of repetitions: 14

Exit: Xena eventually reveals the lovers' plan, knocks the poison out of the bride's hands and turns the feud between the families.

"The X-Files" (episodeMonday)

Situation: Scully and Mulder find themselves in a bank during a robbery. The robber has a bomb, with each explosion of which the day begins anew.

Number of repetitions: 5

Exit: The hero's girlfriend turns out to be the only person who remembers all the cycles of the loop. She ends up dying trying to save Mulder, which stops the robber from detonating the bomb.

"Supernatural" (episodeMystery Spot)

Situation: A demigod named Trickster creates a time loop that always ends with the death of one of the main characters (Dean).

Number of repetitions: 11

Exit: The brother of the constantly dying hero (Sam) tracks down the Trickster and forces him to eliminate the loop. True, when Dean does die, but under different circumstances, Dean asks the Trickster to create another one-time loop.


Situation: A soldier named Coulter mysteriously finds himself in the body of an unknown man who died in a train accident. Coulter is forced to relive someone else's death over and over again until he understands who is responsible for the disaster.

Number of repetitions: 9

Exit: Coulter sacrifices himself, staying forever in an alternate reality and saving all the passengers on the train.

"Time loop"

Situation: Joe's job is to kill criminals sent to him from the future. However, when his next target is a future version of himself, he begins to question his actions and tries to change his fate.

Number of repetitions: 1

Exit: When Joe realizes that the future version of himself will cause the events he wants to prevent, he commits suicide, thereby erasing his future and destroying the loop.

Hello! Have a sunny mood!

Today I wanted reflect on the speed of life, movements of time, time loops. And I will be glad if you also get involved in this process.

Quite often I hear from my friends and acquaintances that time is very fast, and its pace is constantly accelerating. Sometimes it just flies by unnoticed. I feel this myself from time to time. And you?

Even before college, time passed at a calm pace for me. Although after a few years it began to accelerate. Then it started running. And now it has acquired the ability to fly. And I wondered why this is and what I gain or lose from this.

In essence, the speed of time has not changed. There are still 24 hours in a day, and there are 60 minutes in one hour. The pace of life and the speed of movement have accelerated. This is especially felt in big cities. The larger the city, the higher the speed of life.

It's like we've changed our means of transportation. Here we are no longer talking about the external, but about the internal. A series of images came.

At first, in childhood, when we didn’t yet know how to walk, it was mainly our people who moved.
eyes... Then the movements of the head and body started... They began to crawl, walk, run... They sat down on a tricycle... Two-wheeler... Motorcycle... Car... Regular, racing... Someone boarded a train, or maybe even ran ahead of a steam locomotive... Some - on a plane, and others - on a rocket...

I listed this not only to make you smile and think about it, what internal “mode of movement” do you currently have?. And you thought about it and realized how much everything flies by when you are at the maximum speed of your life, and how conscious this “flight” is.

To realize this, you need to slow down at least a little, then it is advisable to stop for a while. Remember that each vehicle has its own braking distance. Therefore, avoid sudden braking. This is fraught with “breaking of the pads”. Gradually move from "rocket" to a quiet gait, head and eye movements. And at some point awareness will turn on the forces of the present moment .

Remember the movie "Groundhog Day"? This is just about consciously living the current moment. When the hero of the film was able to slow down to see and feel his life, his perception of the world and, first of all, himself in what surrounds him, he was able get out of running in circles, out of the time loop.

This is a very interesting experience. Give it a try.

To begin with, you should think about How often do you experience Groundhog Day?. And accept this fact: “Yes, it is.”

Then ask yourself a few questions:

  • I run through life to get everything done, what is planned to get what I want?
  • Am I running through life to keep up with others? Still they run...
  • I run through life to escape pain, fear, guilt or anger.
    (or some other feeling)?

    "Press pause" to recognize if you are trying to run away from your feelings,
    from situations, from troubles. What remained unrealized because of this. Which
    emotions were not expressed. What words were left unspoken.

The phenomenon of “distortion” of the real course of time is often observed during various kinds of contacts with UFOs and entities of parallel worlds. During such contacts, phenomena of partial “falling out” from our time are also possible. Here is the opinion on this matter of a recognized authority in the field of ufology (UFO science), Doctor of Technical Sciences V. Azhazhi: “A lot of facts have accumulated abroad and in our country that allow us to assert that in some cases unidentified flying objects, flying or hovering over people or animals, are capable of causing temporary paralysis of their motor system, which usually goes away after the UFO departs...”

This once again proves that no matter what the UFO problem is connected with, it nevertheless directly points to the ability of these objects to change the course of time. It is no coincidence that at UFO landing sites, researchers note differences in chronometer readings. Similar experiments were carried out, for example, by Professor A.V. Zolotov, who recorded the acceleration of time with an ordinary marine chronometer.
A similar thing can happen when a poltergeist manifests itself. Here is the story given by A. Kardashkin, an expert at the Ecology of the Unknown Association, about one of the recognized authorities in the field of anomalous phenomena, I. Mirzalis: “...Mirzalis is professional. In July 1990, there was a case when there was a conversation with people who had experienced the horror of a poltergeist. The conversation was friendly, inviting... but when one of the survivors of the adventure stood up to leave the table, Mirzalis glanced at his wristwatch and automatically He noted the time “20.10” in his notebook... He left, and the conversation continued in the same calm spirit. Soon, after 15 minutes, he turned away. Igor Vladimirovich Mirzalis looked at the dial again and wrote in his notebook: “20.10.” At first, he did not notice the strange coincidence; but then, returning home, when he compared the numbers on different pages of the notebook, he spent a long time checking the progress of his watch with the blinking lights of the electronic board above the entrance to the tunnel. His watch was running fine!”
Another similar, but no less interesting case related to the “compression” of time is described by Moscow resident D. Davydov: “One day in the spring of 1990, I called my friend, who lived one bus stop away from me, and suggested we go for a walk. We agreed to meet at my entrance. As I remember now, it was exactly two o’clock in the afternoon. Having hung up the phone, I immediately left the house so as not to sit in the apartment, but to breathe some air in the yard. Literally at that very second I saw that my friend was coming towards me. But this it couldn't be because, as I said, he lived quite far from me!
I moved towards him, when suddenly I was blinded by a flash of light, and when I blinked, I saw that I was alone in the yard.
Not understanding what was happening, I got on the bus and went to my friend. He opened the door for me and said in surprise: “Well, you’re just like a jet plane!” I just called and I’m already here! How did you do it?”
I looked at my watch - it was exactly 14.00, although, according to my feelings, about forty minutes had passed since my call. Maybe my watch was behind? But that means my friend’s watch was behind too, because it also showed two. So I still don’t know where those forty minutes went..."

In both cases, a distortion in the passage of time was noted, which often accompanies all sorts of anomalous phenomena. You can unnoticed for a short period of time find yourself in a very close and similar, but still parallel reality, and then also unnoticed return. During such “travels,” when returning to your reality, you can find yourself at almost the same point in the time flow, and thus, for the “traveler,” “extra” time subjectively appears. But sometimes it happens that time describes a certain “loop,” i.e. its distortion becomes so strong that the phenomenon of “doubles” begins to appear. A person can see himself performing some action, and then, after some time, see the same event now through the eyes of his “double”, while exchanging with him in some places. This happens almost as the famous science fiction writer Stanislav Lem describes it in “The Star Diaries of Ijon the Quiet” with only one significant difference - in the writer’s work, a “time loop” was formed as a result of the influence of a “black hole” and this is already accepted by modern science. How can something like this happen under terrestrial conditions? There is no clear answer to this question yet.
However, such cases, although they occur quite rarely, are still not an exception for our world. It is known for certain that the famous German writer Johann Wolfgang von Goethe in 1771, on the way to Drusenheim, met his double, who was galloping on horseback towards him The double was dressed in a gray and gold coat, which Goethe did not have. But eight years later, he returned to his native place in exactly the same coat that he saw on his double.
Here is how another such incident, which occurred in 1975, is described by V. Savintsev, a resident of the city of Nytva, Perm Region, who was a student at Perm University at that time: “...One late evening, I, my friend Alexander, a student of another department, and our mutual friend Igor were walking around the city with the intention of “reading” three “monographs.” In our jargon, this meant drinking three bottles of rather lousy wine. To do this, we decided to go to Igor, who lived nearby. And then suddenly some kind of incomprehensible apathy fell upon me. I refused to go with my comrades. Despite their persuasion, I jumped on an approaching trolleybus and went to my hostel.

And then the unprecedented happened: when approaching the house where Igor was renting a room in the apartment on the first floor, the friends saw a light in the window! This surprised Igor, since he had the only key to the room with him, and no one could enter there without it. He left during the day, and remembered well that the light was turned off. The young man grabbed the window sill and, pulling himself up, looked into the room. A second later he screamed, jumped to the ground and stared at Alexander in a frenzy.
“There, there, you, just look what’s there,” he muttered in horror. My friend looked out the window and also came into indescribable amazement and horror. In the room at the table were sitting... himself and Igor! Their doubles looked like an exact copy of the guys and were dressed the same as them. At the same time, they were holding glasses of wine in their hands and talking about something, but no words could be heard. Then both doubles looked at the window, laughed, raised their glasses in greeting and drank wine...
Alexander was also shocked by what he saw. The friends ran away from the incredible spectacle. They walked the streets for a long time and discussed what had happened. Finally, both came to the conclusion that it was all their imagination. The hallucination of one was transmitted to the other - that’s all. Encouraged by this idea, they again went to the apartment where Igor lived. This time there was no light in the window of his room. They carefully entered the apartment. The door to Igor’s room was locked. The friends entered the room and turned on the light. No one was there. This calmed them down. They took out bottles, poured wine into glasses, drank and, sitting at the table, continued the conversation of an incredible hallucination. And then Igor jokingly said: “Or maybe these doubles of ours are now clinging to the window sill and looking at us?” Both looked at the window, laughed and, raising their glasses in greeting, drank wine. Alexander was stunned: he realized that they had now exactly repeated the actions of their doubles seen in window!

Well, as for “falling out” (partial or complete) from our space-time, then a similar thing, as we remember, has already happened to some members of the Elridge crew who “fell out of the real flow of time.”
Here's how Bob Frissell describes the "Philadelphia experiment": “Whatever the results of the Philadelphia experiment were, it actually took place in real life and was carried out by the US Navy in 1943. The USS Eldridge was used for this. Scientists wanted to make this ship invisible to radar, rather than completely invisible. During the experiment, the colors change from red to orange , yellow and green(remember the characteristic “green fog” noted by witnesses of the experiment - author’s note). This doesn't take too much time, but the experimenters were unable to reach a different phase. This is about the same as raising a jet plane several meters above the ground and then turning off the engine. In other words, the experiment instantly failed. The warship and its entire crew disappeared from view for about four hours. When he appeared, some of the crew were literally crushed into the deck, two were found in the compartments, some were not found at all, and the rest were alternately dematerialized and rematerialized. It goes without saying that all the survivors were completely disoriented.”
But the failure of the experiment did not stop the American military; in the 80s, another attempt was made (the Montauk Project), which created a time loop and linked the two experiments together: “Two of the crew members jumped into the water hoping to swim to land. And they really ended up on land, but not in Philadelphia, on Long Island (in one of the boroughs of New York) in 1983. They “swimmed out” at that very time, since then a similar experiment was carried out, called the “Montauk Project”. was associated with the 1943 Philadelphia Experiment. These two were brothers, their names were Duncan and Edward Cameron.

Both experiments were conducted on August 12. According to Al Bilek (who claims his real name is Edward Cameron and that he is one of the two who plunged into the USS Eldridge), there are four biofields on our planet, and they all reach peak intensity every twenty years (1943, 1963, 1983 and etc.), precisely on August 12th. This leads to the fact that magnetic energy also reaches its peak at this time. This energy is enough to create a hyperspace field and for a warship to enter this space in 1943.”
And here is another evidence of the Philadelphia experiment, which was received by the American mathematician and astronomer Morris Jessup in 1956 from the physicist K. Allende, who was a “friend of a friend” of A. Einstein: “You might be interested to know that the unified field theory was actually developed by Einstein in the 1920s. But he rejected it on moral grounds; the results obtained frightened him... Despite this, the calculations performed on its basis by my friend Franklin Reno were implemented and justified themselves from the point of view of physical phenomena...
The result of the experiment was the complete invisibility of the warship on which it was carried out and its entire crew. The field used was in the form of a spheroid, flattened at the poles and extended a hundred yards over the side of the ship. The persons inside the field saw each other as blurry silhouettes, but nothing was visible outside. Today there are very few people left from that crew. Most have gone crazy. One simply walked through the wall of the apartment in front of his wife, child and two comrades and then disappeared. Several people are still in this field, where everyone can get help from their comrades if they suddenly “fall into the void.” “Falling into the void” means becoming invisible to everyone, regardless of your will. The only salvation is quickly touching other people and instantly turning off the field.
When, during an experiment, someone “fell into the void,” his body and face seemed to become stiff and truly icy, the person actually froze there. Defrosting lasts for several hours, people replace one another, and, having become visible, they acquire a normal weight and weight, most go crazy... Those to whom consciousness returned argued that such a state is the worst thing that can happen to a person in this world.”

At the end of the letter, Allende indicated his naval number and the names of the people who participated in the experiment. All these facts eventually leaked into the official press. It is no coincidence that the US military department allocated 2 million dollars to refute all the facts related to the “Philadelphia experiment.” As we know, money is not simply thrown away. And there is no smoke without fire.
However, most likely, “falling out of the real flow of time” in this case is not associated with moving into parallel space, but with moving into a certain zone of curvature of the space-time continuum, into a certain “time bag”, a “black hole” where even time does not exist. D. Andreev described in “The Rose of the World” a similar place in the Universe as the very “bottom” of the lower worlds of hell, a kind of “dump of the universe”, where space and time collapse into a point. This is the very first, starting point of the ascending spiral of evolution. Incompetent experiments like the “Philadelphia” experiment eventually lead to the opening of communication channels in our three-dimensional space-time with the one-dimensional world of the “universal dump,” even bypassing the two-dimensional worlds of inorganic entities.
The essence of the ascending spiral of evolution is to move towards multidimensional consciousness, to inhabit the multidimensional realities of the higher worlds. The path of degradation leads to a fall into the two- and one-dimensional demonic worlds of hell.

Now it becomes clear why A. Einstein destroyed his principles of the general field theory and came at the end of his life to a deep and genuine faith in God. He understood the danger of such experiments for humanity, which could lead to its complete degradation. The path to the higher worlds lies through the creation of an internal, rather than external, “time machine”.

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