How to leave the World of Tanks clan. Leaving a clan in the game World of Tanks

Goals to change the community in WorldOfTanks There can be many, ranging from any disagreements in the team to a transition to a more promising clan. When a player moves to a stronger team, he has a chance to achieve greater heights in the game, and as is known in such a game as WorldOfTanks occupation of top places by the clan is awarded with especially generous gifts.

This article will describe in detail step by step guide about what a player needs to do to leave his clan.

Where to start

Unfortunately, in the game client WorldOfTanks There is no separate button that would allow the player to immediately leave the clan. Therefore, first you need to go to the game website itself. At the top right there will be a tab - log in (image of a man). Click on this tab and enter your account information.

Next, your personal account will open, where you need to click on the “my clan” tab, which will be on the right. Then you need to click on the “leave the clan” link, also located on the right. After 1-2 seconds you will receive a notification that the operation was successful. After completing this procedure, you must remember that a player can join and apply for a new community only after 48 hours have passed from the moment he left the clan. This restriction was introduced by the administration in order for people to more carefully choose their future clan.

How to dissolve your clan commander

In the event that the clan commander WorldOfTanks wants to disband its entire composition and create a new one, it must first exclude all its participants from the composition. This is also done through your personal account, which is located on the official website. Then you should click on the “my clan” tab and the “dissolve clan” link.

If the commander himself wants to leave his association, then, first of all, he will need to take care of transferring authority to another player. This method works well if the clan commander, for some reason, cannot devote much time to the game.


If you have never taken part in clan wars, then you have lost a lot, because a clan can give gamers unprecedented opportunities. Let’s say, seeing a “red” in battle, a newcomer is ready to submit to him and respond to orders from above. Moreover, by taking part in battles on the Global Map, you can earn gold coins and become the owner of a unique tank.

As soon as you take part in the battles of the First Campaign and take a high position in the ranking, you will receive an M60 tank as a gift. At the end of the Second Campaign the German will be awarded heavy tank Level 10, which implies a mixture of chassis and turret. After a while, playing in a clan becomes so boring that the question arises - ?

How to transfer to another team?

This means that in order to leave the clan, naturally, you need to go through authorization on the game resource, because the client does not have a corresponding button. Open the official WOT resource, then click on the “log out” button from your account, then you need to open the site again and log in, enter your own account information, authenticate on the server, then on new page, directly in the menu personal account click on the “my clan” link. Next, you again need to find the “Leave the clan” link, click on it, and once again confirm your exit from the community. Please note that after pressing the button, you will not be able to join a new clan for 2 days.

What else should I do to leave the clan?

How to leave a clan in World of Tanks? Within the Third Campaign, those players who managed to get onto the Walk of Fame will be awarded a unique Soviet-made tank “Object 907” as a gift. In order to be on the Alley, it is important to gain fame points, and ultimately become one of the 30 thousand best clan gamers. Moreover, for the first time there is a chance to choose a gift yourself. Players hesitate between 3 gift vehicles - the Soviet “Object 907”, the American version of the M60, and also the German tank VK 72.01 (K). If you assume that your clan will never get into the premium segment, it is rational to leave it and find a new team. But keep in mind that you need to develop high efficiency, all this affects the statistics, otherwise you simply won’t be able to get into a good clan. Actively work on the number of victories, improve your accuracy, average damage, and also experience, as a result, offers will start coming in on their own.

How to leave a clan in World of Tanks video guide

Then you can team up with other players.

This is a real strong team of tankers that strives for one goal - to win.

Clans in World of Tanks unite 50 members with similar hobbies, which often turn into friendship in real life.

Players fight hard for the clan name! If you have never taken part in clan wars, then believe me, you are missing out on a lot.

Teamwork gives unique opportunities. However, many players often have a question: how to leave a clan in World of Tanks?

Why does this happen and how to do it, you ask. Now you will find out everything.

First, I will tell everyone who doesn’t know what opportunities clans give a player.

Why are clans needed?

IN online game clan teams have existed for a long time; there are even representatives of large gaming clan communities.

Each player can join existing ones or start creating his own.

Anyway the main objective- achieve such success that just at the sight of your clan tag, opponents begin to give up and the opposing teams are ready for defeat even before the start of battles.

In a clan, players can:

  1. Help each other when performing various combat missions.
  2. Find strong partners for your combat platoon.
  3. Always get hints or tips for playing online.
  4. In between battles, enjoy communicating with your comrades.

All clans in the browser have their own profiles. General average statistics they are based on the combat effectiveness of each individual fighter.

Each player must improve his style through his own personal achievements.

Why does the question “leave the clan” arise?

Most players, having participated in the battles of the first company, begin to occupy high ranking positions in the ranking.

In addition, they are given an M60 tank as a gift. Further even more - after the second campaign the player receives a more advanced vehicle - a German heavy tank of level 10.

This involves a mixture of turret and chassis, and after a while playing in a clan simply starts to get boring.

So much so that gamers begin to think about how to leave a clan in World of Tanks in order to move to another team?

How to leave a clan?

To leave a clan in the game, you will first need to log in to the resource. Why is this necessary? There is no corresponding button in the client.

After you open the official World of Tanks resource, click on the “log out account” button. Then you will need to open the site and log in by entering all your account information.

Go through authentication on the server and do the same action on a new page. Open your personal account menu, find the “my clan” link in it, and click on it.

Remember that after you make this decision, you will not be able to join a new clan for two days.

There are still reasons to leave a clan in World of Tanks. We talked above about the first and second companies. But there is also a third company in WOT.

Players who manage to get onto such a Walk of Fame are given a unique gift that all gamers dream of - this soviet tank"Object 907".

The path to the Walk of Fame is not easy; the player must collect a lot of fame points and get on the list of the best clan players. This list includes 30 thousand of the best players.

All gamers hesitate between several gift battle tanks: German VK 72.01 (K), Soviet Object 907, American M60.

If a player is sure that his clan will not get into the premium segments, then the right decision there will be a way out of the clan to find a stronger team for yourself.

Now you know how to leave a clan in World of Tanks. But keep in mind that getting into a good clan is not so easy; for this you will need to develop high efficiency.

Otherwise, you will not make it into strong, good clans, since there all the players’ indicators affect the statistics.

Work hard, get the maximum number of victories, improve your damage and accuracy.

Believe me, you will be noticed immediately and offers will begin to come to you from the clans in large quantities.

You might want to create your own clan. Invite your friends and try it, and who knows, maybe soon the whole world of tanks will know about you! Wishing you valiant victories and success!

Don’t forget to subscribe to the blog news, because here also like-minded people in the game are actively looking for each other and uniting. Bye everyone, see you soon!

Many players who played a large number of ordinary battles in random, want to somehow diversify the gameplay in game World of Tanks. One of these ways is to join an in-game clan, which will give the player the opportunity to participate in clan battles, as well as take part in battles on the Global Map.

But after a certain period of time, many people get tired of the endless conversations of the commander and driving under orders. Those players who no longer want to play in “communities” want to leave these structures. It is quite difficult to leave the clan yourself, since in order to leave it, you will need to go through a whole list of operations to get to the cherished point. How to leave a clan in WoT? This is exactly the question that worries many users who are disappointed in team battles.

First way

Recently, there have been several ways to solve this problem. The first way is the most difficult, since you will need to spend a little personal time finding certain tabs. The first way is to exit using the official website of the World of Tanks game. The first thing you need to do is go to the official website. To do this, you need to write the name of the game in any search engine, and then follow the link at the first request.

As soon as you find yourself on the official website, you need to find the player authorization sub-item. This item is located in the upper right corner. In the window that opens, enter your email and password for your in-game account. This completes the user authorization stage on the game website. Next, you need to go to the tab of our game - select the game “World of Tanks”. Next, in the window that appears, you need to find the “My Clan” sub-item - click on this item. You will be redirected to the page of your clan from which you want to leave.

Next, you need to open an additional panel, which is located on the left of the browser page. For most users, this panel is collapsed; to open it, click on the arrow in the upper left corner of the browser. After clicking, an additional panel should open, where many items will be indicated. You need to select the “Leave Clan” option, which is located below.

Method that doesn't work

If for some reason you cannot leave your “comrades in arms” using the methods described, then you can always create a request on the official website of the game. This application should indicate the main reason for leaving, as well as fully explain this action. After this, the application will be processed for several real days, where moderators will resolve your issue. Once the decision is made, you will receive a notification that you have been excluded.
We hope our recommendations helped you solve the problem.

With every decade, the army of fans of online computer games is constantly growing. And there is nothing surprising here, since developers, coupled with progress, do not stand still and create new and even more exciting virtual universes. Players are presented with both completely self-sufficient worlds in which a character is born and constantly develops and improves, as well as more simple options, where you can also spend time with interest. One of these games that has gained universal fame and love among gamers is World Of Tanks.

About “tanks” in brief

Before raising the question of how to leave a clan in World Of Tanks, you need to say a little about the game itself. World Of Tanks, or more simply WOT, is an arcade-style multiplayer online game. In it you can simply play so-called random battles, without spending a lot of time, but just relaxing and enjoying gameplay. In other words, playing in the style of "every man for himself." But still, we must not forget that one of the main aspects of such games is communication, and the implementation of this aspect occupies one of the highest places among developers.

Gaming clans

For this purpose, clans were created, that is, bringing together a certain number of players to pursue a specific gaming goal, or simply based on interests for a more comfortable gaming pastime. To tell the truth, getting into a good clan is not so easy, but finding out, for example, how to leave a clan in World Of Tanks, will not be difficult.

Take the same WOT: playing in a clan here, in addition to communication, implies additional opportunities, such as playing on global maps, capturing and holding certain territories, as well as earning in-game currency. Of course, in addition to the advantages and additional opportunities, playing in a clan imposes a number of responsibilities on the player that must be adhered to. And here, sooner or later, a desire may arise to give up everything and play, as before, for yourself, without answering to anyone.

The question arises, how to leave a clan in World Of Tanks? The process of leaving a clan is not very complicated, and you can find out how to do this by reading the next section.

So, the gamer is tired of responsibility, he does not want to follow the clan rules, spend a lot of time on the game (when playing in a clan you really need to spend a lot of real time), and decided to just play for himself. To do this, you just need to leave the clan in World Of Tanks and do it in two simple steps. First you need to go to the gaming website in the “my game profiles” section, select the “My Clan” section there and click the “Leave Clan” button in the menu, and then confirm the action.

That's it, now the gamer is a single player again. However, if you left a clan to join another, you will have to wait two days. That's all.

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