How to end a claim correctly. Sample complaint for a defective product: how to file a complaint correctly

Unfortunately, we encounter the need to write a claim quite often. The number of different types of claims is more than two dozen. The most typical conflict situations are poor-quality services or goods. The claim must be made in writing in any form. Calling and making a claim is at least pointless. In order for the claim to achieve its goals, it must be written and formatted correctly.

A claim submitted in writing is a consumer’s demand describing on paper the facts of violation of his rights by the service provider (employer, seller, contractor). You must have documents confirming the fact of purchase of goods or services provided: contract, checks, receipts, certificates, witness statements, photos, price list, and some other evidence. The claim can be prepared on the computer or by hand. On sheet A4 in the upper right corner, write to whom you are making a complaint. As a rule, this is not one specific person, but an organization (the organization on whose behalf the poor-quality service was provided, the supplier, the manufacturer). Be sure to indicate the name of the guilty organization, the full name of its leader, and his position. Below write who the claim is from: your personal (last name, initials) and contact information for communication.

Step back and write the word “Claim” in the center of the line. In the next paragraph, briefly and clearly state the essence of the problem - exactly how your rights were violated. By whom, when, under what circumstances did this violation occur, what problems arose as a result. Please indicate what documents support your requirements. Make an assessment of the damage incurred, attach a calculation (calculation). If you have already made an oral appeal, then indicate when and to whom you addressed.

Next, write how the addressee, in your opinion, is obliged to satisfy your requirements. For example, write “Based on all of the above, in full accordance with the article (indicate the name of the law, the violated article), I ask...” Now describe your requirements. Alternatively: replacing the product, reducing the cost of the service, eliminating the malfunction, terminating the contract, returning the amount spent, etc. It would not be superfluous to add “I ask you to give me an answer about the measures you have taken within a month.”

After this, list what documents you are attaching to the claim to confirm that your rights have been violated. Write the word “Attachments” and make a list of attached copies of documents. Keep all original documents with you for the court. Finally, add a date and signature. Unsigned – anonymous complaints will not be processed. The claim is drawn up in 2 copies. Print both copies or make a photocopy. The copy remains with you; give the original to the addressee in person or by mail.

On your copy, the addressee must put: his full name, position, signature, incoming registration number. It happens that the culprit refuses to accept your claim. Have two witnesses and, if you refuse, draw up a document stating that the addressee refuses to accept your claim. It is better to hand over the document to the first person - the director or his clerk. Send your claim by mail by certified or registered mail. With the help of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Russian Post service, it will not be difficult for you to track the delivery time of a letter to the addressee. The following three options for responding to a complaint are possible: your demands will be denied, satisfied in full or partially. If you are denied, the resolution to the denial must be included in your claim or set out in a separate document. You will receive a response within 30 days from the day the complaint was received by the addressee. If there is no answer, then write a complaint to the district prosecutor's office, the Rospotrebnadzor department, or a statement of claim to the court.

Today we will try to figure out what to do if a store refuses to accept its damaged products from a buyer. What to do in this case? How to write a complaint to a store correctly?

According to the legislative act “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” No. 2300-1 of February 7, 1992, citizens have the right to purchase quality goods. This law fully ensures their protection. Every citizen must know how to file a claim.

A case from one's life

It often happens in our daily life that a purchased product breaks down and the warranty period has still expired. When you bring a faulty item to the salon, the seller offers to repair it. The consumer's request to replace the product or return the money is usually denied.

In accordance with Article 18, the consumer, if there are any defects in the purchased product, can exercise the following rights:

  • exchange an item for a similar one;
  • make an exchange for another model;
  • reduce the purchase price;
  • demand immediate elimination of defects present in the product;
  • return money for the item.

It is noteworthy that even the absence of a receipt cannot be grounds for refusing the consumer to fulfill any of these requirements

What is the time frame for satisfying a claim?

If the seller disputes the defect, he is obliged to conduct an examination at his own expense. According to current legislation, checking the goods should not take more than 20 days. During this period, the buyer must be provided with a serviceable product for temporary use. If it turns out that the product is broken/deteriorated due to the fault of the buyer, he will have to reimburse all expenses incurred by the seller for the examination.

The period for repairing a product, in accordance with the law, should not exceed 45 days. If the buyer decides not to fix the damage, but to replace the item, then seven days are given for the replacement, starting from the moment the demand was made. If the product is not available in the store, the seller has no more than a month to exchange it. If the buyer wants to return the money for the product, the seller has 10 days to satisfy his request.

Features of filing a claim

It often happens that a store refuses to satisfy the buyer’s verbal demands. In this case, the latter must know how to file a claim. A written request is made addressed to the store manager.

The claim must contain the following information:

  • date of purchase of the product;
  • deficiencies/detected defects;
  • wishes.

Sample complaint to a mobile phone store

Let's look at how to write a complaint to a store.

To the head of the cellular communication store, S.V. Kolesnik.

Podolskaya A. R.,

living at the address:

Saint Petersburg,

st. Zheleznodorozhnaya 108/46,

phone: 380-56-784

On December 10, 2015, I purchased a Nokia mobile phone from your store. The cost of the gadget is 3 thousand rubles. I am enclosing a cash receipt indicating the purchase with the claim. The warranty period for the mobile device is one year.

After a month of work, the sound began to disappear. The phone does not emit signals at all, so its use has become impossible. I asked to replace the phone with a more expensive model. However, the seller Ivanov S.A. refused me.

According to clauses 1.2, art. 18, paragraph 1,2 art. 19, paragraph 1, art. 21 Federal Law No. 2300-1 “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” dated February 7, 1992, I ask you to replace your Nokia mobile phone with another device, recalculating the purchase price. In accordance with the law, you must do this within seven days of receiving this request.

If the store management refuses to fulfill my demands as a buyer voluntarily, then I will be forced to file a claim in the magistrate’s court. In it, I will demand a refund for the phone, compensation for a fine and compensation for moral damages, since my demands were not satisfied.

date Signature

The claim must be drawn up in two copies. One remains in the store, the other should be taken for yourself.

If, after receiving the claim, the seller decides not to satisfy your demands, then to successfully resolve the issue you will need to go to the magistrate’s court. A copy of the claim, which bears the date and signature of the store representative who accepted it, a cash receipt and the faulty device itself, should be attached to the claim. As experts note, in almost 99% of cases the court decision is made in favor of the buyer.

Complaint to a furniture store

Also, the buyer can file a claim for furniture if it turns out to be of inadequate quality. It needs to describe the problem and clearly formulate your requirements. In order for the seller to contact you to resolve the problem, you must leave your contact information.

Very often, representatives of furniture showrooms state that they cannot process the return of products that were made to order. It should be noted that this is not actually the case. The problem can be easily solved if you know how to correctly write a complaint to the store.

If the buyer does not have a receipt for the goods

Of course, the easiest way to prove the fact of purchasing a product is by presenting a receipt for it. However, the buyer does not always save this document. In this case, evidence may include:

  • testimony of citizens who were present when the goods were purchased;
  • testimony of cashiers or store clerks;
  • warranty service card filled out by the seller;
  • invoice or any other documents that contain information about the seller and the date of the transaction;
  • the price tag on the packaging of the item indicating information about the seller.

Complaint to a shoe store

If you purchased low-quality boots or shoes or found that they do not suit you in size or appearance, then you can return the products to the seller.

The buyer has 14 days from the date of purchase to return goods of inadequate quality to the store. The item must be in salable condition and unworn. The seller must also provide a sales receipt confirming the transaction and shoe packaging.

The inadequate quality of a thing is proven by conducting an examination. In most cases, serious stores determine factory defects on their own, without bringing the matter to examination and litigation.

The buyer can return shoes of inadequate quality within two years, even if he does not have a warranty for the product. If the store admits the manufacturer’s fault, then it will have to return the money within 10 days.

When contacting a shoe store, you must make a written complaint in two copies. If the seller refuses to put an acceptance mark on the letter, it is recommended that you send your demands by letter with notification by mail. We discussed above how to write a complaint to a store.

Key points in writing a claim

Thus, a claim is a document that is drawn up in any form. However, to successfully resolve the issue, experts recommend adhering to the following rules. As you can see, the sample complaint to the store should contain the following information:

  1. To whom does the buyer send a claim?
  2. Who is the claim from? Contacts for communication.
  3. When a transaction has been completed and defects in the product are discovered.
  4. The buyer should clearly formulate his requirements to the seller.

By adhering to these simple rules and knowing how to write a complaint to the store, the buyer will always be able to protect and defend their interests.

Documents containing claims against the other party to the transaction or the tortfeasor are called claims. This section contains examples of the most common documents of this type in civil circulation. Using the examples and information to accompany them, making a claim yourself will not be difficult. In addition, the site provides the opportunity to ask a lawyer a question to adapt a published example of a claim to a specific situation.

Types of claims

Each of us probably had to make complaints. Most often these are consumer claims, the requirements of which are related to the operation of the Consumer Protection Act. We have posted not only a general example of a consumer claim, but also certain types of such a document: a claim for elimination of defects, for the return of goods, for a refund of funds, etc. Filing a consumer claim is required before filing a claim in court for the protection of consumer rights.

Another type of mandatory claim is claims for amendment of the contract and for termination of the contract. This applies to any contracts, both concluded with individuals and legal entities.

Examples of claims under individual contracts are given: purchase and sale, contract, lease, loan (claim on receipt). Each article must indicate whether drawing up a claim in this case is mandatory or is simply advisory in nature.

Separate types of claims are claims for damages (before filing a claim for compensation for damages in an accident, from flooding an apartment, etc.). The basis for their filing is not a transaction, but an action that resulted in damage.

Claim as evidence in a civil case

When the obligation to submit a claim is expressly provided for by law, filing a statement of claim without providing evidence of filing a claim will result in the return of the claim. And then the plaintiff will be forced to first file a claim and only then go to court again.

Often the claim procedure for resolving a dispute is provided for by the contract itself. Although any correspondence that contains demands and makes it possible to establish on the basis of what (agreement, action, etc.) such a letter was sent can be considered as a claim, we recommend that in such cases, draw up a pre-trial claim.

Samples and examples of claims

On the website you can download sample claims for the most common legal relationships. In addition, examples of filing claims for specific life situations are given and recommendations are given for their correct preparation.

Legal disputes, conflicts, and disagreements can be resolved not only by going to court. A fairly effective way to convey “dissatisfaction” to your business partner, organization or institution is a letter of complaint or complaint.

What is a letter of claim and why is it needed?

A letter of claim is a written appeal from a person to his counterparty, containing a demand to eliminate the violation of his subjective rights. The claim, as it were, “warns” that the next step may be to go to court or another authority.

Many civil law contracts, especially long-term ones, such as deliveries, contain a provision that the party must file a claim before going to court. But even if there is no such condition, it is more advisable to first write a letter of claim and try to resolve everything peacefully, rather than spending huge resources on legal proceedings.

What should be contained in the claim and how to file it?

The claim letter must include:

  • Full name of the sender, or name of the organization, return address for communication and telephone number;
  • Full name of the recipient of the claim with the shipping address. If the letter is sent to an organization, then its head must be indicated;
  • The circumstances of the case under which the violation occurred, as well as what exactly this violation was expressed in;
  • A reference to the rules of law that the counterparty violated;
  • A specific requirement to eliminate the violation, as well as a deadline for its implementation;
  • Adverse consequences for the violator that will occur if the requirement is not fulfilled;
  • Signature, seal, date;
The claim is written by hand, but it is best to print it. There are no strict rules for its formatting, but you need to remember that the letter must be written in an official business style, extremely clear and understandable for the counterparty. Ambiguous phrases and slang words should be avoided.

Sample letter of complaint to a customer

General Director of Atom LLC

Ivanov I.I.

000000, Moscow,

B. Strochenovsky lane, no. 1

From Petrov P.P.

000000, Moscow

Lenin Ave. 1, apt. 1


October 28, 2012 Between Atom LLC, represented by General Director Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov, on the one hand, hereinafter referred to as the Customer, and Petrov Petrovich, on the other hand, hereinafter referred to as the Contractor, agreement No. 11-057 was concluded for the performance of work, the subject of which, according to Clause 1.1 of the Agreement was the execution by the Contractor of the work specified in Specification No. 1 and the acceptance and payment for the work performed by the Customer.

According to clause 1 of the Additional Agreement dated January 30, 2012. to the Agreement, payment under the agreement is made in three stages: payment of the first stage in the amount of 50% of the amount of Specification No. 1 of Appendix No. 1 until December 31, 2011. Payment for the second stage in the amount of 25% of the amount of Specification No. 1 of Appendix No. 1 until April 30, 2012. Payment of the balance of the amount is carried out within 14 calendar days from the date of signing the Acceptance Certificate for completed work, provided that the work is completed properly and on time.

The work performed by the Contractor under the Contract was presented to the Customer, for which he made payment in the amount of 50% of the amount of Specification No. 1. According to established business practices, as well as clauses 2.1.5, 2.2.3 of the Agreement, the Customer, after sending the work to him, must check it and, in case of any shortcomings, refuse to accept the results, draw up, together with the Contractor, a protocol of comments indicating the shortcomings and deadlines for their elimination.

However, the Customer accepted the results of the work, paying 50% of their cost, without making any comments on the quality and timing of the work.

In accordance with clause 1 of Additional Agreement No. 1 dated January 30, 2012. payment for the second stage in the amount of 25% of the amount of Specification No. 1 of Appendix No. 1 is made until April 30, 2012.

According to clause 1 of Article 781 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the customer is obliged to pay for the services provided to him within the time frame and in the manner specified in the contract for the provision of paid services.

Clause 6.3 of the Agreement provides for the Customer’s right to refuse to perform this Agreement subject to payment to the Contractor for the work actually performed, however, the Customer, in violation of this provision, refused to fulfill the Agreement without paying the Contractor the 25% of the amount provided for in Specification No. 1 and Additional Agreement No. 1 specified in the specification.

With the Assessment Report of Work Completed dated 04/30/2012, in which the scope of work under the Contract dated 10/28/2012 was assessed. The Contractor does not agree, since this assessment was carried out by the Customer’s employees, therefore, it is not objective in nature, in addition, this Act does not contain a justification for the assessment made; The Customer did not express any other comments regarding the work performed.

Agreement No. 12-2461 sent by the Customer on termination of the contract for work No. 11-057 dated October 28, 2012. contradicts current legislation, namely clause 3 of Article 154 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, due to the fact that the text of this agreement was not agreed upon by the parties, I do not agree with the terms, therefore I do not consider it necessary to sign it.

The amount indicated in Specification No. 1, taking into account personal income tax, is RUB 396,945.50. 25% of the specified amount is 99,236.38 rubles.

Based on the foregoing,

Pay funds under the Agreement in the amount of 25% of the amount specified in Specification No. 1 in the amount of 99,236.38 rubles. within 15 days from the date of receipt of this claim.

In case of non-payment of the specified amount, I will be forced to go to court with a demand for payment of this amount under the Agreement, for the collection of interest for the use of other people's funds under Article 395 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and legal costs.

"__"____________2012 ______________Petrov P.P.

Features of some claim letters

Debt repayment letter

This letter must indicate the specific amount of the debt, the deadline for its payment, as well as the penalties and fines provided for. If the agreement does not provide for interest, the borrower nevertheless has the right to demand payment of remuneration for the use of his money, in accordance with Article 395 of the Civil Code.

In order for the counterparty to understand what the required amount is made up of, the claimant must make a detailed calculation. It can be included in the text of the letter itself, or in an appendix to it.

Complaint against a supplier, contractor, or customer

It indicates which clause of the contract he violated. Most often, the deadlines for completing work according to the master plan, the schedule for delivery of objects under a construction contract, as well as various types of delays in payment, or incomplete transfer of payment by the customer are violated.

To support your arguments, you must use, in addition to the Agreement, articles of the Civil Code that establish these relations. For example, if the quality of work under a contract turned out to be low, the customer will be helped in filing a claim by Article 723 of the Civil Code.

Complaint about product quality

This is one of the most popular types of claims. A product that does not perform or does not fully perform its usual functions is considered to be of poor quality. The complaint must state exactly what defect the product has.

The law stipulates that such a claim can be filed during the warranty period, or within two years from the date of purchase. If it is filed after two years, the burden of proof of defective quality shifts to the seller.

Claim to an insurance company or bank

A loan agreement and an insurance agreement are contracts of adhesion, that is, the client of these organizations cannot agree on any clause of the agreement with the organization; he either agrees to it or not. But, having signed the agreement, the illegal clause can be changed or canceled in the future.

The claim must contain the disputed condition, as well as a reference to the rule of law, which this condition contradicts. In addition to the court, a commercial bank can be “threatened” by the Central Bank, an insurance company by the Financial Markets Service, and both of them by Rospotrebnadzor.

Several years have passed since the day when charging bank fees for maintaining a court account was banned. Banks, changing the name of this fee, continue to demand money from clients for the service. In the vast majority of cases, the claim forces the credit institution to return the funds paid, since litigation will bring it even greater losses.

Claim letter from transport company

The following violations by the transport company are possible:
  1. disruption of the supply of goods or cargo;
  2. shortage of goods;
  3. delivery of goods of inadequate quality;
  4. delay in the delivery of passengers and their luggage.
Liability for a specific violation will depend on the type of transport. For example, if the goods were delivered by rail, a late fee is set at 9% for each day, but not more than the cost of the entire service. Therefore, the letter should refer not to the general norms of the Civil Code, but to the agreement and clauses of specialized acts - the Air Code, the Railway Transport Charter, etc.

Response to a letter of claim: what should I write in it?

It is always necessary to respond to letters of claim, because, firstly, business etiquette is observed in this way, and secondly, if the claim remains unanswered, the party sending the letter may regard this as a guide to more serious measures. The answer must indicate:
  • Information when the claim was received by the person and that it was accepted for consideration;
  • A specific response to the request contained in the letter. If it is affirmative, and the counterparty agrees with the claim, it indicates what measures and within what time frame will be taken to eliminate the violation. If you do not agree, then you need to justify the refusal;
  • Date, signature, seal of the organization.

The complaint must be responded to within the established time frame. It is also advisable to send the response in the same way as the letter of claim was sent.

All organizations, as well as individuals intending to make a claim, need to know that:
  1. the text of the claim must be clear and understandable to the counterparty;
  2. it must contain a specific requirement to eliminate the violation, and not abstract formulations;
  3. According to business rules, most complaints are requested to be responded to within 10 days;
  4. the letter must indicate the details of the parties and contact information;
  5. The claim must be accompanied by copies of documents that can serve as evidence.
It is much easier to draw up a claim than a statement of claim, but this does not mean that writing it should be taken lightly. With the help of a competent claim letter, you can quickly restore your violated rights.

It often happens that an item purchased in a store fails or even breaks down, leaving no chance for further use. A deep feeling of disappointment sets in, accompanied by a feeling of losing money. And I really want to express my disappointment to the seller. How to behave in this case? Is it possible to recover what was lost? And how to properly file a complaint with the store?

Our legislators have tried to protect the buyer as much as possible, giving him the right to purchase only high-quality goods. This situation is described in the act “” dated 02/07/1997. Therefore, by boldly referring to the official document, you can begin to act.

If the product is of poor quality, it can be returned to the seller!

A broken item that has an unexpired warranty period may be returned to the seller for further resolution of the difficult situation. But, in most cases, when we try to prove our rights, they take the goods from our hands and offer to repair it. By agreeing to such actions, we are misleading ourselves by not insisting on replacing an equivalent copy or.

In fact, the same law, in case of detection of any deficiencies, determines the subsequent actions, the choice of which is made by the consumer himself. We can:

  • reduce the cost of purchase;
  • demand a refund;
  • agree to a similar model;
  • choose another copy based on cost;
  • insist on eliminating deficiencies discovered during operation.

It is worth understanding that even the absence of a receipt issued at the time of purchase is no longer a reason to refuse your legal request.

Time limits for consideration of a claim and making a decision on it

If the seller does not agree with your proposal and considers it correct to challenge it, then all examinations and necessary procedures will be carried out at his expense. There is a clearly established period that is set aside by law for resolving the issue. You will need to wait 20 days. During this period, the seller is obliged to provide a similar model, completely corrected for temporary use.

If, however, the result turns out that your actions were to blame for the breakdown, then all necessary costs incurred by the seller will have to be reimbursed in full. The repair decision you make is limited to a maximum of 45 days, the desired replacement is completed in 7 days, and the refund assumes 10 days.

If there is no similar product or it is in warehouses, you need to wait a little, but no more than 1 month.

Drawing up a claim and its features

To protect consumer rights, you need to know them!

If you contact the store and do not get the opportunity to solve the problem immediately, be sure to make a complaint in writing. It is worth understanding that, at its core, it must contain the following mandatory points:

  • date of purchase;
  • deficiencies you discovered;
  • ways to correct the situation

A sample of its preparation can be easily found on the Internet. The structure itself is as follows: in the upper right corner, indicate the position of the management team and the surname of the employee to whom the complaint will be sent, and then your surname and telephone number.

Then we begin to describe the situation in detail, indicating the date, cost of the product, and the duration of its warranty period. If you still have a cash receipt in your hands, please attach a copy of it. Tell us how the breakdown occurred and what indicates it. Describe ways to solve the problem. Put the date, signature, and also fill out the second copy.

Keep one of them for yourself, and give the second to the management of the outlet. Be sure to make sure that your document also contains the details of the responsible person. If, after the expiration of the deadline, no response is received, and the solution to the situation remains at the same level, then you will have to go to the magistrate’s court. And in this case, in addition to the written one, you will need a copy of the claim, a cash receipt and the product itself.

If you believe the statistics, then consideration of such cases almost always ends positively for the consumer.

Claim for a custom-made product

Complaint to the store: sample

Let's consider a situation in which furniture was installed for you according to individual parameters, but very soon it broke down and ceased to perform its proper functions. How to be in this case? Many argue that such a product is not subject to reverse action. Actually this is not true. The law requires the return or correction of errors in any case. You just need to file your claim correctly!

No receipt

Experienced sellers may refuse you, citing a missing document confirming the purchase of the goods. But this is not legal. There are a number of other evidence that you can resort to:

  • original price tag, which very often contains all the necessary information about the selling party;
  • cashiers or salespeople confirming your words;
  • a coupon that provides warranty service if it is filled out by the seller himself;
  • evidence of other buyers who were nearby during the transaction;
  • any document confirming your actions. For example, this could be a delivery invoice.

Returning shoes

If you purchase such products, you can return them even if you don’t like the overall appearance. It is worth remembering that you only have 14 days left. In this case, be sure to find the box itself, shoes that look good, and a receipt for the purchase. If a defect is nevertheless detected, then it is assigned.

But, in most cases, branded stores, if there are visual defects, agree to give you back the money you spent. The procedure for filing a claim is the same as for other goods, but if the seller does not want to sign, then everything can be sent by registered mail.

Nuances of filing a claim

A claim to a store is made according to the rules

Such a document drawn up by you has a free form, because it is this that allows you to correctly describe all the moments that led to such a difficult situation. But, do not forget about the basic parameters, otherwise it will be difficult to challenge the decision even in court. As mentioned earlier, they must be present in the following form:

  • Full name of the person to whom the claim is being sent, his/her. Such data can be clarified from any executive employee or at special stands called the buyer's corner. By the way, it is there that there are complaint books and more detailed data with phone numbers, as well as a hotline contact.
  • Your data. Try to write them more clearly so that the lines are readable. Indicate your current place of residence and telephone number. This is mandatory so that you can send a letter or notification in the form of an SMS message about a possible scenario.
  • When describing your situation, try to remember in detail when the defect was discovered, how it happened, as well as the date of the purchase itself. Perhaps it was then that you paid due attention to the quality, pointed out a flaw, but the seller, citing the novelty of the model and the features of the version, offered to test the product for a month.
  • In conclusion, be sure to indicate the solution you agree to for reconciliation. And it is worth remembering that a repaired model does not become flawless; it only temporarily acquires the functions originally intended for it.

By remembering such nuances, you will make the most correct claim, allowing sellers to verify your awareness. There is no need to be afraid to prove your right, especially if a significant amount is spent during the transaction. And even if it is not possible to provide a cash receipt, find other ways to confirm the fact of purchasing the goods. Try to behave competently, understanding that the law is on your side in most cases.

Expert lawyer's opinion:

A claim against a seller about a defective product, service or work has great legal significance. More precisely, legal consequences. As a result of submitting this requirement, the consumer solves two problems simultaneously. The first one offers to voluntarily correct the situation and restore his violated rights. And secondly, it complies with the pre-trial procedure for resolving the dispute.

This procedure is not mandatory, but in practice, courts do not accept statements of claim if the consumer has not filed a claim with the seller or manufacturer. And that's why. If you filed a claim, but the conflict was not resolved, then you have the opportunity in court to fine the offender and recover compensation for moral damage from him. In the absence of a pre-trial claim, this possibility no longer exists.

As always, we draw the attention of our readers to the fact that when independently developing any document, more attention should be paid to its content rather than to its form. The form is, so to speak, the cover or wrapper, and the deliciousness is inside, i.e. content. The result of reviewing the document depends on it. Therefore, use the templates and forms provided on the Internet creatively and intelligently. If the document is template, then you will get a template answer.

How to write a complaint correctly? Video material will teach and advise:

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