What kind of car does Gufa have now? Basta told Top Gear about his favorite and least favorite cars. Are you completely satisfied with the car?

I thought you had a Range Rover, but you came in a Mercedes. Why?

Unfortunately, the Range Rover is under repair.

So, does the saying that Range Rover drivers don’t say hello because they already saw each other at the service station in the morning work?

In fact, this car has never broken down for me. But it so happened that I went to change a light bulb. I changed it and the silent blocks, after which something started to crunch. I came back to the service center and found out that the stabilization had turned off. We started reading the errors and there were so many of them... It had never broken, but here it was all at once.

How long have you been with this car?

I've been with her for 2 years, and before that my friend had her.

Were there really no problems?

At all. The right window lift broke once, we replaced it and that was it.

Are you completely satisfied with the car?

Yes, I'm happy with my car.

How do you like the car you arrived in?

I really like it, the 221 is a good car.

Are you for safe traffic?

I was a stupid young fool back in the day and didn't pay attention to the rules. But when I grew up, I realized that it was not about my safety, but about the safety of other people! If a person is driving drunk, then he may simply not see and hit someone. And do something bad to a person who has nothing to do with it.

What kind of driver are you in the city?

This is not to say that I am an aggressive driver and rush along the roads, but I am quite active. At the same time, I don’t break the rules, I don’t turn around after two continuous spaces, I park where I need to.

You had some funny ones, interesting stories behind the wheel?

Yes they were. I was disqualified twice. The first time I was really guilty, when I was young I got behind the wheel drunk. I drove nearby, a traffic police officer stopped me and put me in prison for 5 days. I didn’t even resist, I understood that I was to blame. I didn’t think, of course, that they would give me 5 days, but I got some sleep. And the second time I was deprived of my license for crossing a continuous line, although there was none. I just drove around the corner and got into my lane. The police officers standing around the corner did not see me leave and thought that I had driven all the way into the oncoming lane and was now trying to change lanes back. Unfortunately, I could not prove him otherwise. Since then I began to drive very carefully.

It's great that life teaches you.

Everyone thinks when they get behind the wheel that they are a hero, a super driver, they see everything and do everything right. But sometimes unpleasant moments occur due to one’s own stupidity. You need to get behind the wheel adequately, sober, and preferably well-rested.

This is true. Tell me, are you easy to start on the road?

I have a BMW with a six-liter engine and I can race in principle, but this happens very rarely.

Tell me, have you changed many cars in your life?

I had a Mazda 6, a BMW 7-series and a Range Rover. I want to sell them now and buy myself something else, but I don’t know what yet. And there was also a BMW “penny”!

It's funny how you looked in it.

I “trashed” it... I had an accident on the Third Transport Ring, and then sold it. And in general she annoyed me because she was too small.

What brand of car do you prefer?

Generally BMW, of course. I really like the way it handles the road. But in terms of comfort, Mercedes is still ahead, this is a sofa, a beautiful sofa.

The car is for the passenger, and the BMW is for the driver.

Yes, BMW for the driver, so BMW me and I choose.

That is, most likely new car will there be a BMW?

No, it will be Lexus. IN Lately I'm not satisfied with BMW quality. Cars of this brand drive for a while, and then they begin to have problems with the electrical system. So I think, since it’s about electrics, we need to take a leader in electrics.

An unexpected approach. But everyone also says about the Range Rover that it crumbles!

These are fairy tales. A friend of mine has the same Range Rover as me and he just lives in a car service center. I can climb into the mud on mine, and through mountain-gardens on it. But a friend of mine doesn’t, it’s always pneuma, then something else... So it all depends on the car. It sounds childish, but sometimes I think it's Living being. Each car has its own character. Either it constantly breaks, or it is always intact.

So, for you, a car is not just a means of transportation?

No, the car is your friend. She can difficult situation become your home or a place where you can be alone.

What do you like to do in traffic jams?

During traffic jams, I usually surf the Internet. If I’m stuck in a traffic jam, I look at my phone, but if there’s traffic, I immediately put it away. I always argue with friends who drive “one eye on the road, the other on WhatsApp.” I’m also very afraid when someone drives more than 80 km/h and I’m not the one driving. I got into serious accidents twice and both times it wasn’t me driving - now I’m a very timid passenger. So there is no driver on the planet that I would trust.

Who among us has not heard the song of the famous Russian performer Timati? What is the singer's real name and how did he achieve such dizzying popularity? What cars does Timati collect in his garage?


The performer was born on August 15, 1983 in Moscow. Does everyone know what Timati's real name is? Hardly. Under the pseudonym is hidden the most ordinary one who achieved everything himself.

Timur's father is an influential businessman and entrepreneur. However, he has nothing to do with his son’s dizzying career. Since childhood, Timati was raised as an honest and ambitious person. It is worth recognizing that his parents succeeded.

In his numerous interviews, Timati does not hide the fact that he grew up in a fairly wealthy family, but at the same time emphasizes that his influential father never helped him. The rise of the star began back in 1998. Then he founded his music group. At that time, he treated music as a hobby and nothing more, but unexpectedly for his family, in 2004 he was casted to participate in “Star Factory 4”. This caused serious discord in the family. Father did not want Timati to build musical career. He believed that this would not bring him success and persuaded his son to enter the Faculty of Economics. Timur's father wanted his son to be like himself.

The only person who supported Timati was his grandmother. It was she who instilled a love of music in the future performer from childhood and constantly shared his opinion. In 2006, Timati released his first solo album. Every year the artist’s popularity grows, as do his fees. What cars does Timati prefer to buy for his collection? What scandal related to the rapper's car caused a flurry of emotions and discussions among fans?

First car

It's no secret that Timati huge collection not only tattoos, but also cars. The performer has both simple and obscenely unusual and expensive cars in his garage. Quite recently, Timur released a new track about a domestic car, which became popular in the first days. The track mentions Timati - "Lada 21099".

In numerous interviews, Timur happily recalls his first car and shares its characteristics. Timati believes that with tracks about Russian cars, he draws attention to the domestic auto industry, which needs to be developed. Timati remembers this car with good emotions. He drove a Lada a lot and to this day remembers his first car in detail.

Adult gift

In 2014, Timati had a daughter. The performer is in his child. He boldly declares that he is ready to give gifts to his daughter all year round and constantly confirms this.

A year after the baby was born, the star dad gave her a brand new expensive car. Timati informed his fans about this on his Instagram account. The singer also posted photos in which he is holding his daughter, and in the background there is a car decorated with balloons.

Fans react to such a gift ambiguously. Some consider it a waste of money, while others consider it a good investment in their daughter's future. By the way, Timati broke up with his wife, but still communicates with her to this day. They are raising their daughter together.

Timati's expensive collection

As we said earlier, the executive loves to purchase cars. Rumor has it that Timati's car collection cost him more than two million euros. Moreover, many of the rapper's cars have an individual interior design, which also cost a considerable amount. We will tell you how many cars Timati has and what kind of cars they are.

Porsche Cayenne Turbo

Porsche Cayenne Turbo is one of Timur's cars. All Timati's cars have their own characteristics. His Porsche is no exception, which is distinguished by its incredible acidity. orange. The performer purchased this car in 2007 for $240,000.

It was not for nothing that Timati chose Porshe, because this particular car has no equal, just like the rapper himself. The car is versatile. Every detail, as Timur states, is created for a comfortable and enjoyable ride. Moreover, the car also accelerates to 280 kilometers per hour. The interior of the car is custom designed. The seats are upholstered in genuine leather with the rapper's initials embroidered. However, this is far from the only incredible car in the singer’s collection.

Mercedes CL

It’s hard to answer which car Timati has is the most expensive and comfortable. Every car is the best of the best. This is the next car from Timur’s collection. In 2006, the rapper was inspired by the idea of ​​purchasing a Mercedes CL, and, naturally, he fulfilled his dream, spending about one hundred thousand dollars on the purchase. This time Timati did not experiment and purchased a silver car. Timur knew that this car was worth its price, so he made the purchase without hesitation.

Mercedes has high level comfort and safety. Built-in climate control allows passengers to always feel comfortable. Unlike Porsche, this car accelerates to only 250 kilometers per hour. Electronics no longer allow it.

Mercedes SL Lorinser

Timati's cars are a delight. With each car purchased, the rapper is attracted to more and more expensive and exclusive cars. Lorinser is like that. By the way, Timati - sole owner such a car in Russia. He purchased it in Germany as a custom order. Unfortunately, Timati does not tell anyone the cost of the exclusive car. However, the rapper emphasizes that such a purchase cost about the same as a new Ferrari.

Timati's cars are not just a means of transportation. When journalists ask Timati why he needs so many expensive and exclusive cars, he says that for him cars are like handbags for girls. He dreams of getting into a car that matches the color of his shoes. To assemble such a collection, he has very little left.

Audi R8

The next car is As you may have guessed, this sports car also has a high cost and a small number of owners. Like most of Timur's cars, it is a German-made sports car. By the way, Timati has two such cars: white and black. Each one costs more than 300,000 euros.

The car has a powerful engine and a rear view camera. The Audi R8 is often used on the set of music videos and films, as the car has a sophisticated but at the same time discreet design.

Rolls Royce Phantom

Timati bought this car with an equally attractive design because it is considered a rapper car. Abroad, every successful performer has the same. Not everyone can afford this car.

Rolls-Royce - It has been the most popular among wealthy people for about a hundred years.

Ferrari 458 Italia

Timati's cars were purchased quite a long time ago, but there were also some new products. Italia is one of Timur's most recent acquisitions. The car has a stylish design and high engine power.

Timati's new toy can accelerate to 325 kilometers per hour in a couple of seconds. Despite the car's power, it can travel almost 600 kilometers with a full tank. Such a car cannot but cause delight.

Lamborghini Aventador Mansory

The Russian rapper and party animal's latest purchase is a Lamborghini. The singer made such a purchase in the summer of 2014. On it, he comfortably drove through the streets of Monaco, where he was at the time of purchase.

Timati's Lamborghini can accelerate to 375 kilometers per hour. The sports car has a solid design and a seven-liter engine. The body of Timati's car is painted matte black, which gives the car a special sophistication. The car has a ribbed surface, and its interior is decorated in black with orange accents. The sight of such a car takes everyone's breath away.

Investigation by journalists

NTV journalists conducted an investigation in one of their television programs. Experts evaluate the vehicle fleet Russian singer one and a half to two million euros. Timati often shoots videos for his blogs, where he gives a tour not only of the house, but also demonstrates the collection.

However, journalists conducted their own investigation. They acquired a database of car owners and found out interesting fact. All the star's cars are registered to other people. Journalists were unable to find out the reason for this. Perhaps someone presented expensive cars to the singer, or the purchased base was simply outdated.

Scandal in Kazakhstan

In 2005, in Moscow, the famous Russian rapper Timati’s car was stolen while it was parked near his house. Timur immediately wrote a statement to the police about the theft, but the car was found only a year later.

The stolen car was found in Petropavlovsk. According to workers at the impound lot, the car is still there today. It looks like Timati has no plans to take his car. The stolen Audi TT Coupe is valued at $56,000. Ten years later, the car continues to rust among old cars, and Timati, in turn, owes the parking lot a third of the cost of his car.

There are a huge number of people who want to buy the car that Timur Yunusov drove. Despite this, according to the law, the car still belongs to the singer and it is impossible to sell it without his consent. By the way, the stolen car is a pretty decent sports car. The director of the impound lot emphasizes that the car is quite decent. Even after years, the car was perfectly preserved. The car is additionally equipped with expensive reinforced speakers, which were installed by the owner himself.

Fans of the Russian rapper are following the news on this issue. Who knows, perhaps very soon the owner will pick up his car and put it up for auction. Then the car will be able to be purchased as connoisseurs good cars, and fans of the artist himself.

Uniqueness of the fleet

Timati doesn’t just buy cars, he puts a piece of himself into each of them, making each car unique. As we said earlier, the rapper dotes on his fleet of vehicles. It changes something in every car. Like, for example, in his orange Porsche. Let us remind you that the car interior has a unique design. The seats have leather covers with Timati's initials.

In each car, Timur installs powerful speakers for listening to music, tuning them to his taste.

Timati and his collection

Now you know not only Timati’s real name, but also the value of his car collection. It is worth recognizing that the cost of the rapper's fleet is quite impressive, but it is justified.

All the cars that Timati purchases have enviable characteristics and unique design. Most of the cars like Timur's are rarely seen in Russia, and some of his cars are the only ones in our country. As mentioned earlier, Timati loves tuning his cars. After improvement, the price of the car increases significantly.

Timati is a versatile personality. He is not only a rapper, but also a car collector and designer. For some, Timati is the “golden” child. In fact, the singer made himself thanks to his clear life position, which he boldly demonstrates to others.

About your cars. He called his first car a Mazda CX-7.

I immediately managed to get into a good car. It’s great after passing your license,” said Vasily Vakulenko. - I passed my license on the first try. But it’s too late, at 25 years old. Before that there was simply no need. This is probably the same car that appears in famous song Basti "Urban".

Many people advise me: “Braz, it’s time to quit.

They say that resources and material resources are important in life.

You have a repeatedly damaged black Mazda, borrowed on credit.

And these airports, train stations and highways.

Then a Cadillac Escalade appeared in the life of the Rostov rapper. According to the star, this was his main car.

It feels like I've driven it for a million years. “I fell in love with this thug,” Basta recalled with a smile.

Still frame from the Basta/Guf video “Boarded Up”

He noted that he likes big cars, for their convenience. The rapper drove a Bentley Continental GT and an old Mercedes from 1993. The performer bought an open Mustang in America, but “didn’t understand this car.” Basta also described Aston Martin as “not mine.”

The rapper said that his friends taught him how to drive. He tries to drive carefully and does not like dangerous roads. Basta also remembered the first accident.

It was a long time ago. I remember driving in the morning without much sleep. I looked somewhere for a second and slightly hit the “American”, Chrysler 300C. Not much, but I remembered it for a long time.

He also said that he doesn’t like long car trips, when attention and concentration decrease and “the buzz fades,” but they happen to him quite often. The rapper travels 800 kilometers between cities and prefers to drive himself rather than sit as a passenger. He currently drives a long-wheelbase Cadillac Escalade, which he presented to his fans on Instagram last year.

For me, a car is a thrill, a mood, a challenge, an adventure, partly a necessity, but mostly an atmosphere,” admitted Vasily. - Very often lines come while driving. So, in fact, I composed the soundtrack for Peter Buslov’s “Motherland” on the road.


Basta overtook Stas Mikhailov and Valery Meladze in popularity

Forbes magazine ranked the main Russian celebrities in the 2015/2016 season. The final score, by which places are awarded to stars on this list, is calculated from the amount earned by a person, the number of his mentions in the media and queries containing his name in Yandex. The top three this year consists of tennis player Maria Sharapova, singers Grigory Leps and Sergei Shnurov. ()

Rostov resident Basta teaches Muscovites how to behave in traffic jams

On the evening of November 5, the rapper was driving somewhere in a taxi in Moscow and got stuck in a traffic jam. To avoid boredom, he began filming himself and posting videos on the Internet. With a sharp word, Vasya addressed traffic jams and their eternal inhabitants, Muscovites. ()

Listen to the radion" TVNZ Rostov" on 89.8 fm.

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