What kind of crafts can you make on a circus theme? A selection of gaming material on the theme “Circus. Tools and materials

Master class on making the “Arctic” model.

Ivanova Elena Vladimirovna, teacher of MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 34”, Ivanovo
Description: The master class will be of interest to educators, additional education teachers, and caring parents.
The "Arctic" layout is a box of materials. All components of the layout are mobile. Children fill it with content as they wish. Playing with it promotes the development of creative thinking and the development of the makings of a landscape designer.
Purpose: design of a nature center (educational area - cognitive development), use as a visual and didactic aid, for independent games.
Making the “Arctic” model
- expand children’s understanding of different continents;
- to develop an interest in the animal world and the peculiarities of the climatic conditions of the Arctic;
- create conditions for the development of cognitive and research activities of children.

Arctic(from the Greek - “ursa”, “located under the constellation Ursa Major”, “northern”) - a single physical-geographical region of the Earth adjacent to the North Pole and including the outskirts of the continents of Eurasia and North America, almost the entire Arctic Ocean with islands ( except the offshore islands of Norway), as well as adjacent parts of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.
The Arctic is home to a number of unique animals: musk ox, wild reindeer, bighorn sheep, polar bear, arctic fox and wolf. The polar bear is a predator; it prefers to hunt sea animals from the ice. Cold regions are home to many species of birds and marine life. The Arctic seas are home to seals, walruses, as well as several species of cetaceans: baleen whales, narwhals, killer whales and beluga whales. In addition, wolverines, stoats and long-tailed ground squirrels live in the Arctic. (From the Internet)

Materials for work:
A lid from a box of copier paper, the remains of light blue embossed wallpaper, colored paper, cardboard, 2 pictures depicting Arctic nature, 2 files, scissors, glue, a simple pencil, a ruler, double-sided tape, white foam rubber, animal figurines .

Safety precautions when working with scissors:

1) Work with well-adjusted and sharpened scissors.
2) Place the scissors with the rings facing you and the closed blades away from you.
3) Do not leave cutting tools open.
4) Don't leave tools on the edge of the table.
5) Watch the movements of the blades while cutting, take care of the fingers of your left hand.
6) Pass the scissors only closed, rings first;
7) Do not play with cutting instruments, do not bring them to your face.
8) Use scissors only at the table.

Work process:

1. Measure strips of wallpaper equal to the sides of the cover in width, length, and height. Cut a rectangle equal to the bottom of the box.

2. Cover the sides of the box and glue a rectangle to the bottom.

3. Cut out the letters A, P, K, T, I using a stencil. (The stencil is larger than A4 format, I had to scan it 2 times, otherwise the edges would not fit).

4. Trace along the outline on blue paper and cut out.

5. Glue the letters onto the box where the front will be. You can decorate with a picture or sticker based on the theme.

6. Print pictures or photographs of Arctic landscapes. I suggest these:

7. Seal them with cardboard and put them in a file to preserve their appearance. If possible, you can laminate it.

8. Stick pieces of double-sided tape on both sides along the length and width.

9. Glue the pictures on these sides.

10. Cut two pieces of arbitrary size and shape from foam rubber. “Pluck” them with scissors for relief. These will be ice floes and pieces of ice.

11. Place them in a box in any shape.

12. Place animals.

Children play with great pleasure with such models, look at animals, draw and sculpt new “residents”. And if questions arise during the game, we look for answers in encyclopedias.

The little one and I did it!

Since our family has an ingrained tradition of remembering everything at the last moment, this case was no exception. My son Vadik told me about the assignment exactly one day before it was due. There was nowhere to go - I had to get to work!

Tools and materials

The model of the city does not require any extra-natural materials, and a normal student should have everything available:

  1. Ruler
  2. Colored paper + colored cardboard
  3. Colour pencils
  4. Scissors
  5. Brushes + paints (we used gouache)
  6. Glue
  7. A4 paper

How to make a city layout

We thought about it a little and decided that since time was running out, we would make a road + a couple of buildings + some kind of transport. We decided - we do it.

We took a piece of thick cardboard, cut out a 40 by 30 cm rectangle from it. Then we pasted it on one side with A4 office paper.

Having carefully trimmed the edges, we got a base for the layout, which is ready for painting.

They drew an impromptu road

The next step was to build a high-rise building. I don’t give explicit dimensions, since everything was done by eye...

Before gluing the building together I decorated it

This is what happened after gluing

We cut the back of the building to size, then glued it on and also painted it.

Children's city model

Sorry friends.

Due to the fact that time was really pressing, the shooting had to be postponed. The building alone took almost 2 hours.

The next step was a bus. They did it according to the same principle as the building - they glued it together and painted it. Balconies were added to the building and the inscription “shop” was attached to the bottom.

They built a stop with a sign and made several trees.

The final step was gluing all the products onto the base. To make it stick better in some places I had to use tape :)

And here is the result!

And further…

The city model with your own hands is ready!

Thank you for watching!

Thematic selection of gaming material, theme: “Circus”


Expand children's knowledge about the circus.
Enrich children's vocabulary on this topic.
Form a stable idea of ​​color, quantity, size, geometric shapes.
Teach children to determine the number of objects by touch, the heaviness and lightness of objects.
Continue to teach children to determine their position in space, to understand the concepts of “top”, “bottom”, “on”, “under”, “middle”, “in a circle”, “next to”.
Introduce children to an unconventional method of drawing with toothbrushes.
Improve the skills of modeling, gluing, cutting with scissors, designing from building materials and planar geometric shapes.
Develop memory, fine motor skills, coordination of movements.


Picture-scheme of a circus tent made of geometric shapes, geometric shapes cut out of colored cardboard.
Scissors. Blank for cutting “tickets to the circus”.
Background picture “circus arena”, color silhouette images of a zebra, monkey, lion, counting sticks.
Background for the “clown head” applique, details for gluing: hat, bow, wig.
Bags filled with cotton wool, bags filled with stones.
“Weights” toys.
Buttons in two sizes: red, white, blue, green and yellow. A picture for laying out buttons with the image of a strongman with weights and barbells.
Silhouette images of elephants in four sizes.
Silhouette color pictures of animals, their shadows drawn on paper, cages for these animals of different sizes.
Small toys “horses”, plasticine, feathers, blocks of small building material.
Boxes with lids, inside - laces.
Animal mask caps, a hoop wrapped in red napkins.
A silhouette picture of a clown's head in a cap with a collar and clothespins pasted onto cardboard.
Large fabric snake exercise toy.
Balloons (not inflated), with one and three pebbles inside.
Jars of water covered with lids with paint on the inside, paints, brushes, double pourable bottles with stickers of different colors.
Background picture with an image of an arena and a magician, toothbrushes, paint.
Ball, cube, toy, scarf.
Audio recordings: “Circus” (from the film of the same name), “Love the Circus.”

Progress of the lesson:

Music from the movie "Circus" is playing.

Hello children. Today we are going to the circus.

Children make a circus tent out of geometric shapes. The teacher asks to name the shapes (circle, triangle, square, rectangle) and their color.

Let's put the elephant on a big stand. Put? Now let’s put the lion on a small pedestal.
Walk the horse around in a circle. Place the monkey on the swing. Make a ladder out of counting sticks.

Children use scissors to cut tickets along the line.

A clown performs at the circus. He is cheerful and tries to cheer everyone up.

Look, it's a clown. Let's put makeup on him, make him beautiful. Glue on the clown's hair, hat and bow.

Now we will help decorate another clown. Let's make him a beautiful collar from clothespins.

A strongman performs in our circus. He is very strong and can lift enormous weights.

Experiment “Heavy-light”

Hold the bags in your hands and tell which ones are light and which are heavy.
Children are offered bags with cotton wool and pebbles.

In this picture, a strongman in a circus lifts heavy weights and a barbell. Organize buttons by color and size.

Dynamic pause “Playing with weights”

Take the weight in your right hand. Lift it up, put it on your shoulder, lower it to the floor.
Grab the kettlebell with your left hand. Lift it up, put it on your shoulder, hide it behind your back.
Place a weight on the floor in front of you and jump over it.

In the circus, trainers always perform with their trained animals.

Didactic game “Animals in Cages”

After the performance, the animals return to their cages. Help put the animals in cages. Place a tall giraffe in a tall cage, then select suitable cages for the zebra and monkey.

Children arrange cardboard pictures of elephants from largest to smallest.

Didactic game “Find the shadow”

Children attach colored silhouette images of animals to their black silhouette shadows.

Exercise “Trained Animals”

Children, if desired, put on animal hats and follow the teacher-trainer’s commands: stand, sit, lie down, crawl, crawl into a fiery ring-hoop, walk along a bench, climb over an obstacle.

Construction of “Horse Fences” from building material

Children make fences from bars placed on the side edge: low - from one bar, medium - from two bars, high - from three bars laid on top of each other.

Game "Circus Horse"

A saddle is attached to the fly horse toy - a piece of thick fabric on the back and a decoration - a feather is stuck into a piece of plasticine attached to the horse's head. Then the horse jumps over the fences.
To jump over a high fence, the horse must jump high.

Didactic exercise “Snake”

Open the box and take out the snake cord. How long is the snake? The snake is long. Pull the string and show how the snake crawls. Place the string snake back into the box and cover with the lid.

Dynamic pause “Performance with a snake”

Children lie down on the “snake” laid out on the floor with their chests and swing their arms and legs, then turn over, lie on their backs, and raise their arms and legs up. Walking on a snake, crawling, jumping over.

Magicians also perform at the circus.

Didactic exercise “What’s in the ball?”

Children are given balls and asked to determine by touch which ball has one pebble and which has many pebbles.

Didactic game “What disappeared?”

Three objects are laid out in front of the children, covered with a scarf, and one object is quietly removed. Children must name this missing item.

Didactic game “Colored water”

The teacher paints the lid of the water jar in advance. After the words “Hocus Pocus!” The jar is shaken and the water becomes colored. Children name the color the water is colored. Then, using a brush and paint, they paint the water in the non-pouring bottle according to the color of the sticker pasted on it.

Drawing “Fireworks in the circus arena”

Children draw fireworks with paints using toothbrushes, moving them up and to the sides from the image of the magician.

Hello, friends! Have you already gone to the circus with your baby? Last week we took Veronica to the circus for the first time. And in this regard, I decided to conduct a thematic lesson for her on the theme of the circus. Veronica, like all children, loves animals, so the lesson turned out to be interesting and fun. If your child is also interested in the topic of animals, then read the article “Thematic lesson “Animals on the farm.”

Thematic lesson "Circus"

Let's watch the presentation “For children about the circus”:

Speech development

After watching the presentation, discuss with your child what he liked about it. If you have already been to the circus, remember what you saw there.

Read the poem and discuss it.



There's another attraction at the circus.

Tigers and an elephant perform

Acrobats and athletes...

Buy tickets quickly!

Rare talents await you -

Circus performers and musicians.

Here the artists are animals, people,

And no one will be bored!..

There is a bright light in the arena,

There are no empty seats in the hall.

The clown came out - what fun!

Everyone is dying of laughter.

The acrobat is so beautiful!

But it's dangerous under the dome,

And upside down too.

The spectator froze, barely alive.

Fleet horses

Dashingly rushing around the site,

And on them are horsemen-aces

They do crazy things.

Here's a riddle for people -

Magician and sorcerer:

Showed me an empty bag -

In a moment there is a cockerel!

All teams deftly, quickly

Performed by lion artists,

Monkeys, tigers, cats...

Let's clap everyone's hands

For the pleasant excitement,

For talent and skill!..

Circus is everywhere, all over the planet

Adults and children love it!

Fine motor skills

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