What foods should you eat to lose belly fat? Products and principles of nutrition for losing weight in the stomach and sides. Diet. If you are very fat and find it difficult to move

Anyone who goes on a diet and begins to fight excess weight is concerned about the problem of what to eat to lose weight in the stomach. And this is not unreasonable, because there are problem areas that are difficult to get into shape even after losing a large number of unnecessary pounds. And the stomach is just one of them. With the right approach, however, achieving the desired results is quite easy.

What foods remove belly fat?

The correct program of what to eat to lose belly fat should contain the following foods:

  • Fibrous foods are good for a flat stomach. A menu rich in it fills the stomach, as a result of which hunger is dulled. This all happens naturally, so there are no negative side effects like constipation or flatulence. The basis of such a diet should be fiber-rich vegetables and grains. For example, grains, legumes, brown rice, apples, cucumbers, seaweed, greens and zucchini;
  • Fruits must be included in the daily menu for a flat stomach. Moreover, the more there are, the better the result. But fruits should be consumed as a separate dish, and not as an addition, for example, to a bowl of porridge. The familiar pears and apples are the best for burning waist fat, but oranges and grapefruits are ideal among the exotic ones in this regard. Speaking about which foods eliminate belly fat, we should repeat once again the obligatory condition for obtaining the desired effect - you should not mix fruits with other dishes, they should be eaten separately, for example, with yogurt or cottage cheese for breakfast and afternoon snack;
  • Proteins are an essential component of proper metabolism. Therefore, at least 2 times a week you need to eat a rather large piece of fish for lunch, 1 time - boiled chicken, and every day for dinner - 1-2 eggs. Plus you should eat 50 g of seeds and nuts per day;
  • Salads and oils occupy leading positions among belly fattening products. It is vegetable oils, and not sour cream or mayonnaise, that should be used to season all salads consumed during weight loss. Moreover, first of all, you should give preference to olive, followed by sesame, flax and corn. It is advisable to use the usual sunflower seed less often. The oil must be refined. Among salads, you can only eat those that are prepared only from fresh vegetables. Other ingredients are prohibited.

Fast diet for the belly

Breakfast: unsweetened green tea, medium green apple, 90-110 g of cottage cheese.

Lunch: 180-200 g of chicken breast boiled without salt with a portion of cabbage salad.

Dinner: 400-600 ml low-fat kefir.

Breakfast: a couple of eggs omelet cooked with tomatoes.

Lunch: 200-320 g stewed lean fish (without salt), medium apple.

Dinner: salad of bell peppers, fresh cucumbers, herbs and tomatoes dressed with sesame or olive oil (preferably without any salt).

Day 3 of the Fast Belly Diet

Breakfast: green tea, medium apple, natural unsweetened yogurt.

Lunch: 180-220 g of boiled chicken breast (without salt) and 1-2 small oranges.

Dinner: salad with cucumber and crab sticks.

Breakfast: oatmeal cooked in water (without oil), medium apple.

Lunch: boiled or steamed fish (without salt) and a large grapefruit.

Dinner: 200 g boiled shrimp without salt (with lemon), unsweetened green tea.

Day 5 of the program of what to eat to lose belly fat

Breakfast: fruit salad, seasoned with natural unsweetened yogurt.

Lunch: medium apple and lightly salted vegetable soup.

Dinner: large grapefruit and 180-230 g of cottage cheese.

Breakfast: medium orange and 2-3 boiled quail or chicken eggs.

Lunch: 2-3 low-fat small cheesecakes with a glass of kefir.

Dinner: 190-220 g of any baked meat, cabbage and radish salad.

The presented diet can guarantee effective belly fat loss only if you do not violate it, do not replace foods with others, and do not change the daily menu. Also, if necessary, this nutrition program can be extended to 24 days. It’s just that in this case you need to start everything again from the first every time after the sixth day.

What to drink to lose belly fat

Among the products that remove belly fat are the following drinks:

  • pure water;
  • green tea;
  • citrus and vegetable juices;
  • herbal decoctions and infusions;
  • ginger tea;
  • cucumber-lemon drink;
  • coffee;
  • chicory;
  • milk;
  • kefir;
  • kvass (especially lemon);
  • cocoa;
  • oatmeal jelly.

By supplementing your adjusted diet or diet with these drinks, you can achieve effective belly fat loss at a more accelerated pace. In addition, you need to monitor your water balance by drinking 2-3 liters of liquid daily. This volume includes the entire list recommended above, and not just pure still water.

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Why is belly fat deposited?

Fat cells in women and men are different: women's fat cells are larger and more elastic, and stretch well during pregnancy. More fat accumulates in the connective tissue - it is this that should warm and protect the unborn baby. The number of fat cells and where they are distributed are determined genetically. As soon as the balance in the body is disturbed, problem areas make themselves felt.

Adipose tissue is necessary for the body: it is a reserve of energy, an assistant in the production of hormones, but at the same time, toxins and waste products that come with food accumulate in the tissue. There are two types of fat: subcutaneous and internal (visceral). The subcutaneous ones are the unattractive folds, but the internal ones are much more dangerous. It can envelop organs and disrupt their function. It is because of this that atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases, stroke, etc. can develop.

Belly fat: why it is deposited:

  • Hormonal disorders.
  • Improper lifestyle (sedentary work, lack of physical activity, lack of sleep).
  • Poor nutrition (fast food, snacks, fatty and smoked foods, etc.).
  • After pregnancy and childbirth.
  • Decreased metabolic rate. After 35 years, each year the metabolism decreases by 1%. Therefore, if at the age of 18 the food consumed was not stored in reserves, then at 30 in order to lose weight you need to control yourself and not allow yourself to eat too much.

Healthy eating rules

Effective diet for 14 days

This diet for losing belly fat is simple: you need to eat 5 times a day, alternate the proposed meal options at your discretion, but monotony is unacceptable.

For breakfast you can eat:

  • 1 boiled egg and a couple of diet breads.
  • 1 glass of yogurt and an orange.
  • 40g low-fat cheese, 1 tomato.
  • 100g low-fat cottage cheese, 1 apple.
  • 3 tbsp. oatmeal steamed with boiling water, apple, 3 pcs. dried apricots.

Suitable for snacks:

  • 1 grapefruit or orange.
  • 2 small green apples.
  • 1 banana.
  • 3 tablespoons raspberries (or other berries).
  • Tomato or cucumber.

For lunch you can eat:

  • Vegetable soup with boiled chicken (200g), low-fat cheese (40g).
  • Vegetable salad (200g).
  • Puree fish soup (150g), vegetables (100g).
  • Boiled vegetables (150g), a piece of baked fish (150g).
  • Vegetable stew (200g), a piece of boiled meat (100g).

For dinner you can eat:

  • 150g chicken, cucumber and tomato salad (100g).
  • Boiled beans (200g), 1 boiled egg, 1 fresh cucumber.
  • Baked poultry (100g), vegetable salad (150g).
  • Jacket potatoes (2 pieces), cabbage and carrot salad (150g).
  • Stewed seafood (150g), vegetable salad (100g).

Everyone wants to feel great and look great too. Last time excellent figure And good health became symbols of success. But how to achieve this look? To do this, you need to choose a special diet and follow it. There are many different methods. What tips will really help you lose fat from your belly and sides?

Causes of fat on the stomach and sides

Excess deposits in problem areas are consequence of a sedentary lifestyle, poor nutrition and metabolic disorders in the body. Too much flour and sweets, abuse of “fast food” - all this certainly leads to a sad outcome. At the same time, many ways to lose weight quickly They really help get rid of kilograms, but not for long. The reason is poor nutrition. The weight will return in a few weeks. necessary with a proven diet.

What foods should you eliminate from your diet to lose belly fat?

For starters, it's worth give up alcoholic drinks. Not only beer, but also strong alcohol is a sure way to the appearance of belly fat. You will also have to give up canned juices and soda. Sweets, bakery products, roast, salty And smoked- all this is prohibited. Remember that the effect of eating healthy foods will only be noticeable after a few weeks. But giving up harmful ones will lead to quick results. If you want to know how to eat properly to lose belly fat, what foods to eat, then take a closer look at diets.

How to eat properly to get rid of your belly and sides?

If you want, then you cannot do without a special diet. It will help not only get rid of, but also correct your figure as a whole.

Small meals to remove belly fat

Many people have heard that a person should get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger. There is a lot of truth in this saying. Fractional meals involves eating small volumes every two to three waking hours. Thus, a person does not have the need to “fill” his stomach with food. After all, in just a couple of hours the next meal time will come. Fractional meals allow you to get all the necessary vitamins and minerals without giving up your favorite foods. This eliminates the possibility of overeating. Moreover, the stomach gradually decreases in size, because the volumes of regularly supplied food are noticeably reduced.

Nutritionists advise starting to eat only at the moment when you feel real hunger. The body very often gives a signal that not all people can understand. Thirst is often mistaken for a desire to replenish energy reserves. The best way to find out what the body really wants is drink a glass of water. If the feeling of hunger does not pass, then it is time for lunch.

You should spend at least twenty minutes eating. Under no circumstances should you eat on the run. By chewing thoroughly, without distractions or fussing, you will be able to feel full much faster.

Protein diet to remove fat from the belly and sides

The real salvation for everyone who started is protein diet. Protein is not only processed very slowly in the body, which allows you to maintain the necessary energy reserve for a long time, but it can’t turn into fat. Lipid tissue is the “product” of the union of carbohydrates and fats, but proteins have nothing to do with it. Thus, consuming protein, you physically will not be able to gain excess weight. In addition, you do not have to limit yourself in your diet and give up meat. Make sure that the menu included:

  • legumes,
  • eggs,
  • meat and fish (boiled and lean),
  • nuts and sunflower seeds,
  • vegetable oils,
  • fermented milk and dairy products.

And here bakery products strictly prohibited. You will also have to give up fried foods And smoked, sweet and fat. Eliminate whole milk, canned fish and all types of fast food (including instant soups) from your diet.

Fruit and vegetable diet to lose belly fat

Tasty and healthy - that’s the motto popular among girls. Usually they adhere to it for only a week, but the best results can be achieved only after a month of living according to these recommendations.

Menu It’s best to make it in advance and schedule it for the whole month in advance. It must include not only fruits and vegetables, But and lean meat.

Usually the diet is based on the “two weeks” principle. First comes 7 days strict adherence to the menu, and then a week with small indulgences (fermented milk products, meat with a small amount of fat). After this, it’s time for another “tough” week.

It is worth noting that you can consume all fruits and vegetables within except bananas And potatoes.

An example of a diet menu for losing weight on the stomach and sides

An approximate menu for one day on a fruit and vegetable diet looks like this.


  • Grapefruit (can be replaced with another citrus) + a small piece of rye bread.
  • Dinner.
  • Steamed (or boiled) meat + vegetable salad.
  • Dinner.
  • Steamed meat or fish + sliced ​​vegetables.

You can eat between these meals fruits and vegetables in reasonable quantities. If you feel hungry, drink a small amount of water.

Nutritional features of men

The body is a very complex system, so there are simply no universal rules for all people. But there are several important points that should be addressed pay attention to the stronger sex.

How to eat properly to remove belly fat for a man:

  • monitor the consumption of the required amount of protein (otherwise it will be not fat that is burned, but muscle),
  • give up simple carbohydrates (sweets, potatoes, drinks, fast food and cookies)
  • do not get carried away with diets based on the consumption of one product (there is a high risk of exhaustion of the body).

Features of women's nutrition

Girls suffer from fat in problem areas much more than men. Of course, everyone wants to look impressive, but without a slim figure this cannot be achieved. How to eat properly to get rid of belly fat for a girl?

First you need to learn control your stress. The fact is that nature itself provides for the accumulation of fat in the abdominal area. The body of the expectant mother protects what is most precious and important - the possibility of a new life. Cortisol, a stress hormone, promotes fat storage in this area. Therefore, one of the simple ways to remove extra pounds is to reduce your stress level. You can do this using special therapy and foods that lead to the production of joy hormones: chocolate, nuts, dried apricots peanut butter, cheese. It is worth remembering that these products themselves are very high in calories, so their quantity should be strictly limited.

Nutritionist advice: how to eat to get rid of belly fat: video

The video will tell you how to eat right to lose belly fat best ways to lose weight.

To get the perfect body, you need to work on yourself. But getting rid of fat is not so difficult, if you follow the diet and recommendations of specialists.

"), so I decided to devote a lot of time to this question in order to prepare and answer it in detail and in detail. Today we will talk about only one side of the coin, which will tell us how to remove belly fat, and it will be FOOD. We will consider the most best belly fat loss foods, and also find out How in general it is necessary eat to lose belly fat?

So, let's first find out what exactly leads to the formation of a belly and the accumulation of fat deposits in this area.

Causes of belly fat:

1. Poor nutrition, namely:

- lack of a clear diet (long intervals between meals, too large/small portions);

- lack of understanding of what is healthy to eat and what is harmful;

- abuse of carbohydrates and fatty foods;

— lack of habit of preparing food and taking it with you in containers (to work/school).

2. Sedentary lifestyle and insufficient physical activity.

3. Lack of sleep and recovery.

All these 3 reasons are interconnected, and the presence of at least one of them will certainly lead you to gain excess weight and the formation of hated folds on your stomach.

In order to prevent this in a timely manner, and if the problem already exists, then to eliminate it correctly, then first of all you need to adjust your diet, and you need to start now!

How to eat to lose belly fat?

I will now say the already hackneyed phrase that “nutrition is 80% of success in losing weight.” Yes, yes, everyone knows this perfectly well, but they still continue to blindly ignore these golden words, but in vain.

A problematic belly with fat is nothing more than the consequences of poor nutrition and negligence in the foods you consume. I can say with 99% confidence that the diet of a girl who has excess belly fat consists of:

  • 65-70% carbohydrates
  • 15-20% fat
  • and only 10-15% proteins.

Many people are afraid to eat meat, as it is a source of animal fats; throw away the yolks, as they contain a lot of cholesterol; afraid to drink 1 tbsp. oils in the morning, because they think that they will immediately become covered in fat; THEN they easily eat fruit at night (and not just one apple, but half a kilo); have a snack with tea and candy; they drink low-fat yoghurts, in which the sugar level goes through the roof, etc. All these mistakes lead to the fact that after a while girls begin to wonder how to remove belly fat

It is an incorrect understanding of all the intricacies of a properly balanced diet that leads to such disastrous consequences.

This is what the percentage of diet for a girl who wants to get rid of belly fat and become the owner of a thin waist and beautiful abs should look like:

Proteins – 50%

Fats – 20-25%

Carbohydrates 25-30%

Why exactly this ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates should be adhered to by everyone who wants get rid of belly fat?


Protein foods help the body spend more energy on its absorption, which is why such a large percentage (50%) of the diet is allocated to proteins. But you need to remember that not all proteins are equally useful for losing weight. You need to choose lean types of protein, here is a list of some products:

  • egg whites;
  • chicken breast;
  • turkey fillet;
  • cod;
  • hake/pollock/notothenia;
  • tuna;
  • lean veal/beef;
  • squid.

You also need to consume other types of protein, which have a higher fat content, but are no less healthy, these mainly include red fish meat: salmon/trout/salmon/pink salmon (1-2 times a week, 90-100 g per serving ).


When it comes to losing weight, everyone is afraid of the word “fats,” but not all fats are harmful, there are some that, on the contrary, help you lose weight, and their presence in your daily diet will only speed up the process of getting rid of belly fat. These fats include poly/monounsaturated fatty acids. Best sources:

  • nuts (almonds, walnuts);
  • flax/olive/mustard/sesame and other vegetable oils in raw form;
  • avocado;
  • fish oil capsules.


Carbohydrates certainly know how to remove belly fat, take my word for it. It is carbohydrates that are the most insidious nutrient for the human body, and not fats, as many people think. Now there is too much “carbohydrate” temptation in the form of sweet candies, cakes, bars and other sweet treats on the shelves of supermarkets, at a party and even at home, which are hard to resist... Namely, excessive consumption of simple carbohydrates leads to the formation of a belly and more. The reason for this may be a lack of COMPLEX carbohydrates in the body, which gradually supply you with energy (over 2-3 hours) without causing a sharp jump in blood sugar, as simple carbohydrates do. Therefore, to get rid of carbohydrate addiction and remove belly, you need to give preference to slow carbohydrates. You can find them in the following sources:

  • buckwheat;
  • oatmeal (Hercules);
  • pearl barley porridge;
  • brown and wild rice;
  • durum wheat pasta;
  • rye yeast-free bread;


Vegetables contain a lot of fiber, which is not absorbed in our body and passes through our intestines in transit, acting as a “nurse”. Fiber helps to cleanse our body of the final products of digestion and remove them from our body, preventing them from lying around for a long time, causing rotting, fermentation and other not very pleasant processes in it. Fiber also helps you feel full faster, which prevents overeating and, as a result, weight gain. Therefore, I always advise adding foods rich in fiber to every meal (if possible), this will certainly allow you get rid of belly fat and look perfect. Best sources of fiber:

  • all types of cabbage: broccoli, Brussels sprouts, white cabbage, cauliflower;
  • green beans;
  • asparagus;
  • cucumbers;
  • green pea;
  • spinach;
  • all types of greens: lettuce, arugula, parsley, dill;
  • pepper;
  • zucchini.

The best products for the “stomach”

Here is a list of vegetables that can and should be included in your daily diet for anyone who wants get rid of belly fat and have a thin waist:

  • celery;
  • romaine lettuce;
  • White cabbage;
  • broccoli;
  • Brussels sprouts;
  • Chinese/Beijing cabbage;
  • spinach;
  • arugula;
  • green beans;
  • asparagus;
  • parsley
  • dill;
  • lettuce leaves.

This is what they look like products, belly cleanser:

All these vegetables will help you not only remove belly, but also have a healthy skin color, look young and beautiful always! A serving of vegetables should be 150-250 grams.

And now I will give you an example of a menu for one day, which will help a girl of 55-65 kg get rid of her belly in a fairly short time, but subject to following all the rules and regular physical activity (2-3 times a week):

Well, to the question, how to remove belly fat, or rather, how to eat to lose belly fat, I tried to answer as detailed and clear as possible. The main thing you need to remember is that you need to eat according to the system. There is no order in chaos, and there is no such thing as a flat stomach without a well-functioning nutritional system (although there are exceptions who are lucky with genetics). Keep track of the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in your daily menu, and you will see how to remove belly fat it will become easier than ever. Also, do not forget to use the best belly fat loss foods, and soon you will see positive results!

I wish you to always stay in shape!

Sincerely yours, Janelia Skripnik!

Many people dream of a beautiful figure and a flat stomach. Proper nutrition to lose belly fat is not a grueling diet at all. First of all, you need to eat a balanced diet and know which foods contribute to a figure that is close to ideal.

Proper nutrition for losing belly fat is not only the quantitative and qualitative composition of foods, but also the diet. There will be no discomfort or feeling of heaviness if fractional meals are taken (5-6 times a day). The developed eating regimen will slow down the gain of extra pounds. First, you need to remember some foods that do not stimulate the appearance of excess weight and, accordingly, a belly.

  • First of all, this applies to oatmeal. It promotes good saturation of the body, and the starch content in it enhances metabolic processes.
  • Eating beans as a source of protein is also very beneficial. There is no fat in it, and any dish made from it will not lead to weight gain.
  • Lentils are also a source of protein. It contains starch. It can be added to soup, vegetable stew, or even eaten as a separate side dish.
  • Brown rice is a source of fiber. This is precisely its benefit.
  • Another source of protein is a variety of peas called chickpeas. Chickpeas grow in dry areas. This plant contains much less protein than traditional soybean crops. But due to the balanced amino acid composition, chickpeas are very useful.
  • Cereals such as pearl barley are low in calories, but in terms of the amount of starch it contains, it can be compared to oatmeal.

Diet to reduce belly fat

  1. What kind of proper nutrition should it be to get rid of the belly? You can start the day with a fruit or vegetable salad. After it, you can drink low-fat kefir or yogurt.
  2. Lunch should consist of low-fat vegetable soup and raw vegetable salad. It is best to end the day with a dinner of fruit and a glass of low-fat kefir.
  3. Main meals should alternate with snacks. Fruits and vegetables are best suited for them. You should not have dinner just before bedtime (3 hours before bedtime).
  4. It is strictly forbidden to consume foods that contribute to uncontrolled weight gain, that is, that increase appetite. This applies to carbonated drinks, alcohol, fatty foods, pickles, marinades, sauces, spices, ketchups, mayonnaise, etc.
  5. It is not recommended to eat high-calorie foods, especially fried and smoked ones. The consumption of foods such as sweets and baked goods should be limited to a minimum.
  6. It is necessary to keep track of the calories consumed. You should try to consume no more than one and a half thousand units per day.
  7. In order to lose belly fat and start eating a balanced diet, it is necessary to cleanse the intestines of toxins. To solve this problem, you need to eat for several weeks: dairy products, overripe bananas, dried fruits, etc. Prunes, dried apricots, and raisins not only relieve hunger, but also improve the functioning of the stomach and regulate intestinal motility.
  8. Periodically, using mineral water and rosehip decoction, it is necessary to cleanse the liver and intestines.
  9. To lose belly fat, you not only need to follow a diet, but also drink more water. Water improves metabolism, and melt water cleanses lymph and burns fat. To get melt water, you need to freeze it in the amount of one liter. The next day, let it thaw and drink throughout the day. Drinking green tea with a spoon of honey is also beneficial.
  10. It is better to drink natural juices diluted with water (50 to 50). It should be especially emphasized that sugar is extra calories. Its use should be reduced, or even better, eliminated. Sweeteners should not be consumed as they cause stomach cancer.
  11. Instead of juices, it is better to use compotes or decoctions of dried fruits. They will promote better bowel function.
  12. It is undesirable to eat sausages, as they contain many carcinogens that increase the risk of developing cancer.
  13. Diet for losing belly fat

    There are diets that allow you to quickly get rid of belly fat. For example, a diet of alternating protein and carbohydrate days (the diet is designed for 10 days).

    On a protein day, you should eat boiled chicken and eggs, and on a carbohydrate day, beets, carrots, and white cabbage. You should start your protein day with a glass of water. Continue breakfast with one egg, cucumber and herbs. For lunch, you need to boil the chicken, first removing the skin. After boiling, pour out the first water and continue cooking the chicken until cooked. Low-fat chicken should be eaten during the rest of the day. No salt is used. And so on for 10 days.

    During the carbohydrate day you need to consume one and a half kilograms of vegetables. In the morning, prepare a salad for 8 servings, which should be eaten throughout the day (approximately every 2 hours). To do this, you need to chop half a kilogram of carrots, cabbage and beets, stir everything and add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Do not add salt.

    The process of losing belly fat will be much more effective if, along with the diet, you exercise, go to the gym, visit the pool, and ride a bike. All this will lead to the desired results.

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