What insurance risks are included in the comprehensive insurance policy? Casco risk insurance: conditions, risks, objects of motor insurance Casco risks of damage or destruction of an object or

We have a natural desire to protect our car from various types of force majeure. This is where insurance comes to our aid.

Insurance is the surest way to protect your car from force majeure circumstances

What types of CASCO exist today, a package of insurance services - we read about all this below.

CASCO - we buy consciously

Before spending a considerable amount on an expensive item, first of all, we realize the need for such an acquisition. Its importance and benefit to us. We are considering several options for this product, ways to obtain it,. As a result, we find an option that suits us in all respects.

Naturally, the price for different CASCO insurance policies will have significant differences. In this whirlpool of prices and services, you can easily make a mistake - by overpaying for an unnecessary product or underpaying and not getting what you need. But by compiling a list only of the insurance cases we need, and taking the time to familiarize ourselves with the tariffs of different insurance agencies, for the same services, we can still get the insurance policy that interests us at the best price.

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If, when taking out a compulsory MTPL insurance policy, the driver can protect himself from compensation for damage to third parties - the insurance company will do this for him, then all the costs of car repairs will fall on him.

Compulsory car insurance does not include risks of loss or damage to the car, for such risks you will have to take out a second policy.

Most often, along with compulsory motor liability insurance, drivers also apply for comprehensive insurance.

This is the insurance that covers to cover damage caused by theft, severe damage or complete destruction of the car.

Beginning drivers are interested in what motor vehicle insurance is, why motor insurance is needed, what it insures against, and under what conditions it is issued.

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    How is it deciphered?

    You can often hear the question: “What is the meaning of the abbreviation CASCO?” In fact, casco is not an abbreviation, as many people think, but international insurance term, which is used in most countries.

    The erroneous decoding of the term comprehensive insurance, as well as its writing in capital letters, occurs due to an analogy with another insurance policy - OSAGO.

    In the most popular translation from Italian, the definition of casco means board, but there are also such variants as helmet or body.

    In any case, researchers are unanimous in the opinion that the emergence of the term casco, as well as the first contracts using it, have their roots precisely in Medieval Italy.

    In accordance with the terms of the insurance, its object may be any vehicle– precisely a means, and not the civil liability associated with it.

    This term is used for all vehicles:

    • cars (including motorcycles);
    • aviation transport (airplanes, helicopters);
    • river and sea vessels (including motor boats).

    You can purchase a policy at any insurance company– almost every company operating on the market has this product on sale. The difference will only be in the terms of the policy and its cost.

    Is it necessary to register?

    Many car enthusiasts ask the question: “Is it possible to refuse comprehensive insurance?”

    Registration of comprehensive insurance for a car is completely voluntary decision– no one can force the driver to do this.

    Unlike mandatory compulsory motor liability insurance, the presence of which is established by law, the choice of a voluntary insurance policy remains with the car owner.

    However, there are certain features of comprehensive insurance related to a credit car.

    Almost all banks require such insurance in the list of mandatory conditions to obtain a loan.

    This is a completely logical requirement - the car acts as collateral until the loan is fully repaid, and the bank wants to completely protect itself from possible losses associated with its damage.

    The requirement from the bank to issue a comprehensive insurance policy is illegal, and the client has the right not to do this.

    However, in this case you should be prepared for some consequences:

  1. The bank will establish higher interest rate for the use of credit funds - the final overpayment will be the cost of the policy.
  2. From the bank side will be installed restrictions on loan amount– the client will be able to purchase only an inexpensive car.
  3. Loan term will be significantly lower - instead of the usual 5-7 years, the money will have to be paid in one or two years.
  4. The bank may even refuse to receive a loan.

It is compiled by many insurance companies based on statistics on theft and helps determine which vehicles are most susceptible to theft.

If a driver contacts an insurance company with a question about insuring a car that is at the top of such a rating, he will need to be prepared for certain consequences.

In particular, the cost of an insurance policy will definitely be an order of magnitude higher than for other cars. Additional requirements may also be put forward regarding the presence of special anti-theft systems.


Depending on the insurance risks that are included in the policy, there are two standard programs CASCO car insurance – full and partial.

The cost of insurance for both of these policies is noticeably different - for full it will be more, and for partial it will be less.

You can choose the cheapest comprehensive insurance policy using partial insurance. It only includes risks regarding damage to the car, its breakdown or destruction, without insuring damage from theft or theft. The smaller the list of risks included in the policy, the lower its final cost will be.

Another way reducing the cost of insurance is – this is part of the insurance compensation (in a fixed amount or percentage), which, upon the occurrence of an insured event, will not need to be paid to the client.

Due to the allocation of such an amount, a reduction in the amount of insurance premiums is achieved.

The second type of comprehensive insurance program is full policy. It includes all possible risks affecting the car - damage, theft, and theft. The cost of such a program is much higher, and it is also worth paying attention to the specific formulation of risks.

Statute of limitations

In the event that the insurance company does not want to compensate for the damage caused to the car, each the client has the right go to court to protect your legal rights.

For situations with comprehensive insurance, a certain period has been established during which this can be done - the statute of limitations. It amounts to 2 years from the moment the insured event occurred or the client learned about it.

In some cases, this period may be extended and renewed.

This decision is made by the court, and serious reasons are needed for its adoption.


Although comprehensive insurance is not mandatory, its purchase is recommended for all car owners.

This is due to the fact that it covers many risks and damages that a car can suffer during its operation. Moreover, the list of risks and the amount of possible damage may be much higher than those covered by compulsory insurance.

The main disadvantage of comprehensive insurance is high cost for its purchase.

In all other matters, this insurance is an ideal option for car owners - if it were available, it would be entirely possible to do without compulsory motor liability insurance if such a condition were not a legal requirement.

Having a comprehensive insurance policy is a good guarantee for all drivers and car owners, since it covers serious and very common types of damage.

The cost of insurance, although quite high, can still be reduced - by using a deductible or by reducing the list of risks.

Useful video

For advice from a lawyer on comprehensive insurance, watch the video below.

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A comprehensive insurance policy may include car protection from one or multiple insurance events. Depending on the volume of risks, this insurance is divided into two types: partial and full comprehensive insurance.

Full comprehensive insurance

This insurance combines a combination of car insurance for the following risks: damage, theft and theft.

It is important to understand that with comprehensive insurance you only insure the car itself as supplied by the manufacturer. Full comprehensive insurance does not cover damage associated with harm to the life and health of the driver and passengers, as well as the contents of the car (transported property or additionally installed equipment), as well as the driver’s liability to third parties (insurance is provided for this).

The classic version of full comprehensive insurance covers the following types of risks:

  • Any damage to the car in the event of a road traffic accident (accident) up to the complete loss of the car.
  • Theft, theft or theft of a car.
  • Causing damage to a car during an attempt to steal it.
  • Damage, loss of individual parts, components, and assemblies of the vehicle.
  • Various illegal actions of third parties leading to damage to the vehicle (acts of vandalism and intentional sabotage).
  • Damage to a vehicle or its complete loss as a result of intentional arson by a third party or spontaneous combustion.
  • Damage sustained by a vehicle due to various natural disasters.
  • Actions of force majeure (force majeure).
  • Accidental impact of stones or other objects on the car - icicles, hail, etc.

Theft and theft are different concepts

Many drivers mistakenly believe that theft and theft are, if not the same, then almost identical concepts. For the owner of the vehicle, the meaning is that “the car was there and disappeared,” then the insurance company will most likely look at the event from the point of view of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. According to its norms, theft and theft are different concepts:

1. Article 166: Theft is the unlawful taking of a car or other vehicle without the purpose of theft.

2. Article 158: Theft is the unlawful gratuitous seizure and (or) conversion of someone else’s property for the benefit of the perpetrator or other persons, committed for mercenary purposes, causing damage to the owner or other holder of this property.

In other words, theft is the unlawful taking of a car, as a result of which you lose the opportunity to use and dispose of the property at your own discretion, and the culprit gets the opportunity to use someone else’s property for personal gain.

Special cases of theft are theft (secret theft of property); robbery (open theft of someone else's property) and robbery (an attack for the purpose of stealing someone else's property, committed with the use of violence dangerous to life or health, or with the threat of such violence).

To avoid misunderstandings and major troubles, negotiate in advance with the insurance company a specific list of risks, which includes the full comprehensive insurance program.

Partial comprehensive insurance

This type of insurance involves insuring the car against damage - possible damage (up to complete loss) of the car and its parts. The difference between partial and full comprehensive insurance is that it does not include car insurance against theft and theft.

As a rule, insurance companies include damage to the car as a result of:

  • collision, run-over, rollover, fall, fire due to a traffic accident (accident), falling into water and falling through ice;
  • exposure to stones or other objects flying off the wheels of another vehicle, falling under ice or road surface, collapse of elements of roads, bridges, crossings, etc.;
  • fire, lightning strike, explosion;
  • natural disaster (earthquake, collapse, landslide, mudflow, sudden release of groundwater, storm, heavy snowfall, whirlwind, hurricane, typhoon, storm, tornado, volcanic eruption, flood, hail, high water, subsidence and subsidence of soil as a consequence of the above phenomena, atmospheric phenomena unusual for the area);
  • falling of foreign objects onto the vehicle, including trees, snow and ice, floods;
  • illegal actions of third parties, with the exception of theft of a vehicle, its parts or additional equipment;
  • actions of animals.

It is worth considering that the exact list of insured events for incomplete comprehensive insurance must be agreed with your insurer. It is not uncommon for an insurance company to understand this type of insurance as covering a shortened list of risks (for example, all types of illegal actions of third parties and a few more items from the standard list) or, conversely, including damage caused to installed additional equipment.

By concluding an insurance agreement for any type of comprehensive insurance, you insure the car for a certain amount, which cannot exceed the market amount. Everything that is above is considered void under any insurance contract.

Sravni.ru advice: Obviously, the cost of insurance for full and partial comprehensive insurance will be very different. However, by choosing the right set of options you need, it is quite possible to find insurance at an affordable price. Just take the time to compare prices for the same policy from different insurance companies. This will help you.

CASCO– a voluntary type of car insurance. The key word is voluntary, since whether or not to take out a CASCO policy is something everyone decides for themselves separately, and besides, they don’t check it on the roads. CASCO can be full (damage + theft), or partial (either theft or damage). Everything is clear with theft: if your car is stolen, the insurance company pays the amount for which the car was insured. Damage includes coverage if the car is damaged due to an accident, natural disasters, fire, illegal actions of third parties, falling trees, etc. The damage also includes the complete loss of the vehicle.

CASCO- voluntary insurance of a vehicle for the risks of “DAMAGE” and “THEFT” (theft). The concept of "CASCO" has long been in common use among most car owners who own modern cars, however, we will tell you about this type in more detail - in simple and understandable language.

CASCO– this is a type of insurance under which the insurance company, in the event of the occurrence of certain events falling under the insured risks, guarantees you compensation. That is, it pays for repairs or makes a cash payment in the event of damage (“Damage”) or even theft (“Theft”) of your vehicle, one might say, for any reason, except "Insured's intent"

× “Intent of the Policyholder” - cases when a client of the insurance company (“Insured”) deliberately caused damage to his own vehicle in order to repair it at the expense of the insurance company or receive monetary compensation. This is already insurance fraud, which entails criminal liability. Read more about this here.



this term includes any damage that occurs to the car (CASCO for other types of vehicles will be discussed separately). That is, if the car’s engine breaks down, this is not an insured event and will not be compensated by the insurance company. But if the engine stops working due to a traffic accident in which the bumper, radiator grille and the engine itself were damaged by another car, a fence or a light pole - all this damage must be reported to the insurance company. It does not matter how the damage was caused - by accident by the driver himself, or by the fault of third parties. from outside

Insurance companies also include in this concept damage caused by natural disasters, natural phenomena, fires, floods, as well as virtually any actions of third parties - hooliganism, carelessness, negligence, etc. In more detail, about all cases that are grounds for compensation , is described in the insurance rules of each insurance company, here is a short list of possible events

  • Road traffic accident (RTA)
  • Fire
  • Natural disaster
  • Foreign objects falling onto the insured vehicle
  • External damage to the insured vehicle by animals
  • Illegal actions of third parties
  • Soil failure
  • Failure of a vehicle under the ice on an organized ice crossing
  • Lightning strike
  • Collapse of bridges or tunnels
  • Failure of engineering networks (communications)
  • Man-made accident


– as a rule, this term means any criminal offense due to which you are wrongfully deprived of a car. This could be theft (hijacking), theft or robbery.


CASCO - insurance against THEFT AND DAMAGE

What is insured under CASCO?

Any vehicles (even before registration with the traffic police)

Also, the CASCO policy may include protection for:

Additional installed equipment.

Driver and passengers from an accident.

Civil liability of the driver in the amount of up to 30 million rubles.

How much does insurance protection cost?

The final cost of insurance protection is influenced by the following factors:

  • Vehicle cost
  • Vehicle age
  • Experience and age of drivers allowed to drive
  • Volume of risk - full or partial protection
  • Presence or absence of a franchise and its type
  • Vehicle security level
  • Vehicle storage conditions
  • Availability of anti-theft systems
  • Type of compensation
  • Availability or absence of installments
  • Is the car creditable?
  • History of relationship with the Insurer

Based on the combination of these factors, the final cost of the policy is formed - and the cost of the policy will be different for each insurance company.

How to save on CASCO?

In the current financial situation in the country and the world, many car owners are trying to find the least expensive insurance coverage options. Insurance companies, fighting for the client, meet halfway and offer various programs, often allowing for big savings.



The easiest way to save on CASCO insurance is to include a franchise in the contract. Excess is the part of the damage that is not reimbursed by the insurance company. Those. with a deductible of, for example, 10,000 rubles, any damage below this amount will not have to be reported to the insurance company. For a loss of 100,000 rubles, the insurance company will pay only 90,000. The most common types of deductible are conditional and unconditional.

With a conditional franchise:

  • if the amount of damage does not exceed the deductible amount established in the contract, then insurance compensation is not paid;
  • if it exceeds, it is paid in full;
With an unconditional franchise:
  • in all cases, the deductible amount established by the contract is deducted from the amount of insurance compensation.

Get a discount on CASCO if you are a reliable customer

What does it mean to be a “reliable” or “break-even” client? Insurance companies are willing to provide a discount for a “break-even transition” or renewal (rollover) of a policy for which no losses were reported. If there has already been a CASCO insurance contract and no losses have been claimed under it, the insurance company may provide an additional discount upon renewal. You can also contact any other insurance company, providing the number of the expiring policy for calculation and declaring that there are no losses. In this case, the discount may be even greater, because Everyone needs “break-even” clients.

Discounts for special insurance programs

Many insurers are developing certain programs with truncated types of insured risks or conditions, thanks to

which can save you a lot of money. Among the most popular (for us) programs:

  • “100 for 50”, when only half the cost of the CASCO policy is paid and in the absence of requests, no additional payment is required;
  • CASCO to the top ten", in which the insured is the risk of "THEFT" and damage only due to the fault of identified third parties, while the price of the policy is a fixed amount of 9950 rubles and others.

In the vast majority of cases, by correctly assessing the required level of insurance protection, we can choose an excellent offer for any category of our clients.

Discount on CASCO for a fleet (several vehicles)

For legal entities, and also in some cases for individuals, you can get a discount for insuring several vehicles with one insurance company: the so-called “fleet discount”. However, it is worth considering that the possibility of providing this type of discount is individual and is always considered privately.

Discount on CASCO for insurance of other risks (comprehensive insurance)

It is also possible to receive a discount for comprehensive insurance, that is, for simultaneous insurance of several objects and risks in addition to the vehicle. For example, if you insure property, life, health, transport, or other risks in various insurance companies, it makes sense to negotiate with one of them and consolidate risks in one. In this case, you will receive the status of a “regular customer” and can count on a discount. The provision of such a discount is also agreed upon individually.

Discount on CASCO from intermediaries

Also, do not lose sight of the opportunity to save money by insuring not in the central branches of insurance companies, but with representatives - brokers, agents and intermediaries. This type of discount is provided individually by the agent or broker by reducing their own commission.

Unlike the MTPL policy (the so-called “automobile insurance”), which is a compulsory type of insurance, the CASCO policy is an optional voluntary insurance that allows drivers to protect themselves from unpredictable and unplanned costs in case of accidents and road accidents.

This type of insurance is often requested when applying for car loans for the full term of the loan, due to which it is becoming increasingly popular among owners of all types of vehicles.

CASCO is a legal term in international practice that denotes insurance of various types of transport, from passenger cars to special equipment and aircraft. This type of policy does not cover the liability of drivers, the safety of passengers and cargo.

Features of CASCO insurance

Despite the fact that this type of insurance policy has a higher cost, it is becoming increasingly popular because:

  • when signing a contract, the driver can be sure that he will be compensated for damage in the event of destruction, theft, or damage to the car;
  • the policy takes into account the maximum number of risks, since it has a wide range of services;
  • the policy compensates for damage even if the perpetrators of the accident or theft are not identified;
  • it makes it possible to compensate for damage in the event of a mistake by the car owner;
  • compensation is not credited to third parties, as with car insurance, but to the owner of the car - payments are made in cash or by card;
  • If the owner wishes, it is possible to transfer documents to a service station and pay for vehicle repairs at the expense of the policyholder.

Cases of possible refusal to pay compensation by the insurer:

  • violation of contract by the car owner;
  • intentional damage to the vehicle by the owner or members of his family;
  • using a faulty machine;
  • failure to comply with safety requirements: fire safety or when transporting dangerous goods;
  • driving vehicles without a driver's license, except in the case of theft;
  • drunk driving;
  • if the insured event occurred abroad;
  • damage to transport as a result of terrorist attacks, government decisions, military operations, mass unrest.

Differences in design between different companies relate to the following points:

  • list of required documents;
  • conditions for emergency specialist departure;
  • bonus and additional services;
  • franchise and its types;
  • reducing or maintaining the amount of compensation upon the occurrence of an insured event.

Types of CASCO insurance

To avoid problems in the future and receive fair compensation for damages under CASCO, you should understand the types and decide on the main points of the insurance contract.

All insurance companies offer a choice of packages with different services and costs:

Full CASCO insurance policy

It is distinguished by its high cost, which is compensated by guarantees of compensation in the maximum number of insurance cases, against all troubles, in case of an accident of any kind, as well as the provision of bonus services. It provides insurance against the main risks or their various combinations:

  • hijacking;
  • explosion,
  • theft;
  • fire;
  • damage;
  • vandalism;
  • arson;
  • capsizing;
  • collision with an obstacle;
  • flooding;
  • hitting an obstacle;
  • falling through the ice;
  • falling from a height;
  • turning over.

Additional services:

  • calling a lawyer;
  • Taxi;
  • psychological counseling;
  • tow truck services;
  • use of the car while your own is being repaired.

Typically, full CASCO insurance is valid for 1 year. It is also possible to conclude it for 6 months, but this is unprofitable for the car owner, since the difference in cost is only 30%.

Partial CASCO insurance

With this type of insurance, the vehicle owner can select only the main risks. In most cases, it includes and implies insurance only against damage, and insurance against theft and theft is not provided. As a result of narrowing the range of services, the cost of the policy itself is significantly reduced.

The term “damage” includes damage or destruction of transport as a result of all other risks.

Partial CASCO is suitable for vehicles that are well protected from theft - if they are stored in a securely guarded parking lot or garage, are equipped with security systems and are not on the list of the most stolen cars. Insurance only against theft and theft is rare.

Companies offer ready-made partial insurance options, so it’s worth thinking through and choosing the most suitable one for a specific vehicle and owner. The partial type of insurance contract provides for a period from one month to several years.

Types of CASCO policies by payment methods

  • A non-aggregate type of insurance means receiving the full amount of funds to compensate for damage as many times as the need arises.
  • The aggregate type provides that the next time an insured event occurs, payments are reduced by the amount received previously. The aggregate type of policy is cheaper and is a suitable option for experienced drivers.
  • When insuring with a deductible, a fixed amount is agreed upon, which is paid by the car owner himself, and the insurance company will pay only the missing amount towards compensation for damage, only if the fixed amount is not enough to repair the car. The cost of such insurance is low. For some programs, the deductible comes into effect on the second or third occasion in a year. This option is suitable for experienced and careful drivers.

Video: Excess for CASCO insurance

Important. With CASCO insurance, the car is insured for an amount that should not exceed its market value. Any insurance compensation cannot exceed these limits. Car insurance is carried out for the amount at which the car is valued by the owner or the insurer - there are also different options stipulated in the contract.

Recently, another insurance option has appeared - with 50% payment. By paying only half the cost of the policy, the car owner, in the event of an accident or theft, receives an insurance payment minus the underpaid amount. This option is a type of defective insurance - if the cost of damage does not exceed the amount of the unpaid amount, the owner does not receive compensation from the insurer.

Other details

The conditions and cost of this type of insurance are not prescribed by a specific regulatory act or a separate law (as with “automobile insurance”). They are formed by insurance companies in accordance with the law of the Russian Federation “On the organization of insurance business in the Russian Federation”. Therefore, the rules vary not only between different insurers, but also within the same company. Percentages, coefficients and prices are determined more often on the basis of statistical data on thefts and incidents, and are dictated by conditions in the insurance market.

What affects the cost of the policy

  • car age;
  • cost of the vehicle;
  • type of insured event.

If the vehicle is more than 7 years old, it is difficult to find an insurer, and the cost of the policy will be much higher than for a car 2-3 years old.

Some companies include clauses in the contract that allow non-payment of compensation in the event of an accident during the insurance period if the car is out of the age category specified in the contract.

The cost of insurance for expensive brands of cars is very high and not all companies insure them.

Theft and theft are classified by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation under different articles, and they are also classified by the policyholder as different risks, which entails different cost of policies.

Before concluding a contract, be sure to carefully read all its clauses so that there are no unclear points. Particular attention should be paid to the points in the contract regarding the actions of the car owner in the event of an insured event:

  • what to do if it is not possible to call an emergency dispatcher within 15 minutes;
  • what are the requirements for recording car damage;
  • How many days does it take for road accident certificates to be submitted to the insurance company, since sometimes it takes more than a week to receive them from government agencies?

CASCO insurance guarantees confidence in everything that happens to the vehicle, and in all incidents, a policy purchased in advance will eliminate unnecessary expenses, even if the owner intentionally caused the accident. The car owner just needs to take the time to familiarize himself with agencies, insurance cases, service packages and create his own option at a favorable price.

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