What are the beneficial properties of figs? Fresh figs beneficial properties, calorie content Figs plant description

" Trees

The oldest fruit tree mentioned in history is undoubtedly the fig. Its leaves were the first clothes of Adam and Eve; there is even a version that the tree of knowledge was not an apple tree at all, but a fig.

The history of the ancient world is inextricably linked with the cultivation of figs. In Greece, these fruits were a symbol of fertility (the number of fruit grains reaches 1000 or more).

Soft fig leaves replaced napkins for the Romans... By the way, the she-wolf nursed the founders of Rome precisely under the shade of the fig tree. To this day, Italians consider figs a Christmas symbol of abundance.

In this article we will learn what figs look like (white and black), where they grow in Russia, and how to eat their fruits.

Another name for figs is “ficus carica”. It is difficult to call this multi-stemmed tree up to 10 meters high a bush. The crown is spreading, the bark is gray, curved branches are covered with very large beautiful foliage.

Its outer side is dark, the leaves below are much lighter, rough with small fibers. Figs, like other ficus trees, contain a very pungent milky juice.

Fig fruits have a very delicate skin, filled inside with a sweet reddish “jelly” and small grains. In fruits, fermentation processes often begin right on the branches, hence the second name - “wine berries”.

The plant is dioecious, with “male” and “female” inflorescences growing on different trees. How does the tree bloom? Inconspicuous-looking flowers grow in the axils of the leaves. Pollination occurs in a very specific way - a special type of wasp develops inside a fig flower and, when flying out, carries pollen.

Due to the lack of natural pollinators (these wasps), figs could not be acclimatized in America until special varieties were developed for new growing conditions. Nowadays, industrial plantations of fig trees consist entirely of such self-fertile varieties.

How, where does fig grow and bloom, how to determine its ripeness?

The plant is so unpretentious that it can grow not only on poor soils, but even on rocky screes and stone walls. The soil does not require any treatment at all before planting - neither cultivation nor fertilization.

For the plant to feel comfortable, only one thing is necessary - the soil should not be too damp. The fig tree doesn't even have insect pests.

The fig tree propagates by seeds, root suckers, and green cuttings. The plant easily tolerates cutting and pruning at any age. Figs begin to bear fruit early - in 2-3 years, starting from about 7 years old they produce a stable harvest, live up to 100 years (even 300-year-old specimens are known).

The closest relative of the well-known ficus, figs grow as spreading shrubs or trees up to 10-12 meters in height. The plant is exclusively tropical, even a temperature of -100C is destructive for it; on the Black Sea coast, frequent frosts significantly damage plantings of cultivated figs.

The specificity of the plant is that it is not the frost itself that is terrible for figs. Pollinating wasps that overwinter in fruits cannot tolerate cold weather.

An unpretentious fruit tree with such tasty and healthy fruits has become widespread in India, Australia and the islands of Oceania, the semi-deserts of Africa, Central and Latin America, Bermuda and the Caribbean.

Since ancient times, figs have been growing in the Crimea, Transcaucasia and Central Asia. It was brought to the Black Sea coast by Greek colonists.

When are the berries harvested?

The most unusual thing in our understanding is that on the branches there are simultaneously figs from the current harvest and the rudiments of the fruits of the next season. Moreover, these buds, having overwintered, are ready for harvesting at the end of May. They are much larger than the fall harvest, but not as tasty.

The first harvest (minor) is harvested in June-July, and the main second crop is harvested in the fall, in September-October. However, in modern industrial plantings, varieties with one-time fruiting are cultivated.

You can determine the ripeness of wine berries not only by taste - they are softer to the touch, slightly withered at the tail. The harvest is harvested in several stages, selectively. The figs are carefully cut using a knife or pruning shears.

If the figs are intended for drying, they are left on the branches longer, where they wither and dry spontaneously almost to the required condition under natural conditions.

Now they are developing varieties of low-growing figs, as well as varieties that wither on the branches much faster. All this facilitates the production of valuable fruits.

The very delicate berries can only be stored for a few hours and must be processed quickly or eaten fresh.

How to pick figs correctly: green or ripe?

Just like a thousand years ago, fig fruits are harvested only by hand. This is due solely to the very “delicate” structure of the fruit - the jelly-like pulp with small seeds is covered by a thin peel. The fruits are removed from each tree in several stages, selecting only ripe figs as they ripen. Unripe fruits should not be eaten because they contain poisonous bitter milk.

Every resident of the tropical zone where fig trees grow knows the main rule - figs are picked only early in the morning with clothes covering the hands. The fact is that under the influence of the sun, the villi on the leaves release a substance that causes a burning sensation (like nettle) and even dermatitis.

The fruits are not only collected very carefully. Fruit pickers must wear thick cotton gloves,

  • so as not to damage the delicate wine berries,
  • to protect yourself from the caustic sap of the plant.

The fruits, cut with a sharp pruner or knife, are placed in low trays, transferred to the shade and sent to consumers.

How to store and consume the collected fruits of the tree?

Fresh fig fruits can be stored for literally several hours. Considering the high sugar content (up to 30% in fresh fruits), fermentation processes begin very quickly - no longer than 6 hours (hence the second name - “wine berry”).

In the United States, a significant portion of figs are immediately deep-frozen. Some varieties are perfectly stored in a 30-40% solution of cane sugar at a temperature of -12 o C in refrigerators. The main part is supplied to consumers in dried form.

For drying, light-colored fruits up to about 5 centimeters are most often used. They are kept in the sun for 4-5 days.

Small fruits are the most expensive. The fruits have the highest quality, each gram of which contains more than 900 grains. If there are less than 500, then the product is mediocre.

The classic way of drying figs is under a canopy, strung on a thread through a pierced stalk (in the form of “beads”). Sometimes it is dried with the “eye” facing up, laid out in the sun. Sometimes, before drying, fig fruits are literally dipped into hot syrup for a few seconds and then brought to condition over gas or in the sun.

Freeze figs with dark berries. It is pre-washed, dried, packaged and frozen. Store at -16-18 o C for about six months. But this storage method is not the most popular.

Beneficial properties of ripe fruit

Figs are not only tasty, but also very healthy. In addition to pectins, organic acids, vitamins (B, C, PP, beta-carotene), these fruits contain many minerals and trace elements. The potassium content of figs is almost the same as that of nuts, and the iron content is higher than that of an apple.


To restore strength after illness and simply to boost immunity, a “miracle mixture” is recommended.

To prepare it, you need to take equal parts:

  • dried figs,
  • dried apricots,
  • raisin,
  • shelled walnuts.

Pass everything through a meat grinder and mix with the same amount of honey. Keep refrigerated. Taking 1 tablespoon every morning is not only very tasty, but also well supports the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract and general body tone.

In southern countries, figs are processed into jam, marshmallows, and even high-proof alcoholic drinks are prepared from it. From the products available to us, try making original cookies.

Required Products :

  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar,
  • 50 grams of unsalted butter,
  • 1.5 wheat flour,
  • 1 chicken egg,
  • 1/4 cup milk,
  • 200 grams of chopped figs,
  • 1 teaspoon each of baking powder, vanilla sugar, lemon zest and juice,
  • a pinch of salt.

It's very easy to prepare: mix everything and gradually add flour. Roll out the dough 1-2 centimeters thick. Cut into a glass and place on a baking sheet. Bake at 160 o C for about 15-20 minutes.


Figs are a tree of the tropics and subtropics. Of course, you can grow it in a greenhouse, and even get a few berries in a room. But all the beneficial properties are preserved in dried berries, which can always be bought in the retail chain.

And grow another ficus at home...

Figs are one of the plants mentioned in history. It was the leaves of this tree that served as the first clothes of Adam and Eve. It was grown in ancient Greece and was considered a symbol of fertility. How figs grow and how to use them is a question that has worried people of different eras.

How and where figs grow

The fig tree is called differently:

  • fig tree;
  • fig;
  • fig tree;
  • smoke;
  • ficus dwarf.

The ancient province of Caria is considered to be the birthplace of figs. The fig tree spread from Asia Minor to the Mediterranean coast thanks to travelers and traders. This is where the climatic conditions are most suitable. This is evidenced by the remains of figs found at the entrance of the excavations.

Over time, the area where this plant can be found has expanded. The fig tree is common in India, Georgia, Iran, Armenia, the Black Sea and Krasnodar regions.

Figs belong to the genus Ficus, of the Mulberry family. It is a multi-stemmed tree, but it can hardly be called a bush. It grows up to 10 meters, life expectancy is about 100 years. The bark of the tree is gray in color, the branches are covered with large foliage, about 20 centimeters in size. The bottom of the leaf is lighter than the top. Small fibers give it roughness. In France, ficus leaves are used in perfumery to produce a woody-herbal aroma.

Important! The milky sap contained in the plant, when it gets on the skin, irritates it. It must be removed immediately.

The fig itself resembles a vessel with a hole at the top. The peel of the fruit is tender; inside it contains jelly-like pulp with grains. Depending on the variety, it is white, light yellow or purple. Fermentation processes can begin right on the tree. It is often called "wineberry".

Important! Figs are not eaten raw.

Dried figs are a very nutritious and healthy fruit. It contains fiber, minerals and vitamins:

  • vitamin A for vision;
  • vitamin B and B1 for beauty and health of hair;
  • vitamin C strengthens the immune system;
  • Vitamin PP regulates metabolism.

The dried fruit decreases in size and shape. At the same time, it contains a huge amount of sugar.

Important! The calorie content of dried figs is 94 kcal, and raw figs are only 42 kcal.

Climate and soil

The tree is unpretentious and can grow even in the poorest soil. You can even meet it in mountainous areas. In the wild, it prefers to grow in warmth, although it can tolerate temperatures below minus twenty. Suitable conditions are tropical and subtropical climate zones.

Important! For the tree to grow well, the soil should not be too wet.

Frosts are not as terrible for the fig tree as the pollinating wasps that overwinter in the fruits die in the cold.

Where does the exotic fruit grow in Russia?

Since ficus is a heat-loving plant, it grows in open ground mainly in the south of Russia. You can meet him on the Black Sea coast, in Kuban, Sochi, and also in Crimea. It is recommended to grow it as a bush and cover it for the winter, thereby protecting the figs from frost.

There are many varieties of ficus trees that do well in cool climates. The Eggplant variety is grown in Sochi. The berries have an elongated shape, small size, and tolerate transportation well. It is this variety that can be seen more often on store shelves. In Dagestan, Ak-fig is considered the best variety, and on the Black Sea coast, preference is given to the Dalmatian variety and Kadeta. The white variety “Adriatic” grows in Crimea

In the central zone and northern regions of Russia, the fig tree is grown as a houseplant.

How to grow figs at home

Before planting a ficus, you need to decide on the choice of tree:

  1. The “Dalmatian” variety is the most cold-resistant, its appearance resembles a pear, the peel is gray-green. The weight of the fetus reaches up to 170 grams. The taste is sweet and sour, with juicy pulp.
  2. "White Adriatic" variety. The fruits are small, oval in shape. The flesh is pink and sweet.
  3. “Kadota” has small sizes up to 70 grams, oval-pear shape. This variety tolerates long transportation. The pulp is sugary, bright pink.

Once the variety has been selected, it is easy to grow figs at home once you have decided on the plant’s propagation methods.

Important! In the south of the country, trees are planted both in spring and autumn, and in the north of the country only in spring.

Experienced gardeners use two methods of propagation: grow from cuttings or from seeds.

Growing from cuttings

Cuttings need to be harvested in the fall. One-year-old shoots are selected from an adult plant. For planting, it is better not to cut them, but to break them off. At the site of the break, stronger roots are obtained. The optimal length is at least 30 centimeters.

Then you need to prepare the soil by fertilizing it with humus or leaves. Sterilize in the oven before planting. Pour the substrate into a deep container and pour warm water over it. Plant seedlings to a depth of 8 centimeters. Cover with film, place in a warm place and germinate it. In a month the cuttings will begin to grow.

At the end of April they can be taken out into the garden, where they quickly get used to the sun's rays. Bring it back indoors for the winter. Planting in open ground is possible next spring.

Important! Figs have no insect pests.

From seeds

To grow figs from seeds at home, you need to purchase high-quality fruit. From a ripe fruit, select the jelly pulp with seeds, place in a container and leave for five days. Afterwards, wash the seeds and leave them in a cool place until planting begins.

At the end of February, plant the seeds in a container with turf soil with the addition of sand and humus. Within a month the first shoots appear. When they have about eight leaves, plant the seedlings in separate pots. A tree from seeds can be planted in open ground after two years.

Regardless of the propagation method, figs grow and bear fruit the same way.

The fig tree can be grown as a tree or as a bush. The second option will be more practical; it is easier to cover in winter. Since figs love warmth, special attention should be paid to wintering the plant. This is done in three ways:

  1. You can cover it a couple of weeks after fruiting. Carefully, so as not to damage the plant, gradually bend the branches to the ground and secure with ropes.
  2. At the end of autumn, wrap each branch with special material. If this is not the case, a regular flour bag will do.
  3. Completely cover the bush, you can put it on the ground, poison from rodents.

Carefully open the fig tree in late April or early May. Harvest in the second or third year.

Features of harvesting

At the same time, the fruits of the current harvest and the beginnings of the next harvest grow on the tree. The first fruit harvest begins in July. The second one is assembled in the fall.

Important! You can tell when a fruit is ripe not only by the taste of the fruit. It is soft to the touch and slightly depressed in the tail area.

If the fruit is intended for drying, then it is left on the tree longer. You need to pick figs carefully and wear special gloves. This will protect your hands from getting the caustic milky juice.

The picked fruit is stored for only a few hours, after which the fermentation process begins. The White Adriatic variety is best suited for drying.

Figs are a tropical plant, unpretentious and easy to care for, which can easily be grown at home.

Figs - tropical plant with a unique healing composition. In different regions it is also known as fig, fig tree, fig, fig tree, wineberry. Figs were especially popular in ancient times. If you believe the interpretations of the Bible, then it was with its sheets that Adam and Eve covered their private parts. And in Greece they say that if a fig tree grows in the yard, then the family does not starve. Its fruits were considered so nutritious that travelers always took dried figs with them. long journey. Many have heard about this culture, but few know about its beneficial properties.

General information

This is a large shrub that grows up to 8-10 meters in length. Its branches are smooth and thick, and its crown is wide. The trunk diameter can reach 18 cm, and the root system - 15 meters (the roots go deep up to 6 meters). Fig leaves large and hard with uneven teeth along the edges. The color of the leaves is from dark green to green-grayish. They can reach 12 cm in width and 15 cm in length.

All fig bushes are divided into female and male individuals, which in nature are pollinated by blastophagous black wasps. These insects do an excellent job, the main proof of which is the large harvest. There are small holes in the inflorescences of the plant, and it is through them that pollination occurs.

The fruits are pear-shaped and grow up to 10 cm in length. They can be from dark to purple to yellowish-green color. The fruit is a kind of fleshy vessel with small scales. The color and size of the fruit depends on the variety. The most common color of the fruit is dark blue or yellow (yellow-green).

Unripe berries should not be eaten as they contain inedible latex. The number of seeds in a fig depends on the variety, so it can contain up to 16 thousand small and 30 large seeds. If a fig grows in favorable climatic conditions, it can bear fruit for 200 years. The tree blooms several times a year, but fruits are formed only in warm weather (from summer to autumn).

A fig tree grows in the wild in warm regions with a humid climate: in the Mediterranean and Asia Minor, in India, Georgia, Iran, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia. In Russia, the fig tree can be found in the Caucasus and the Crimean Peninsula.

Useful properties of figs

Figs are not highly enriched with vitamins, like raspberries or currants. It contains vitamins B, C, PP and carotene. But the mineral composition is very rich. There's a lot in it calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus and iron. This combination of minerals makes figs the healthiest among all southern fruits. All these beneficial substances have a beneficial effect on the body.

Fresh fruits are of great value. They contain:

  • sugar -12−25%;
  • organic acids - 0.39%;
  • glucose - 3.2%;
  • sucrose - 1.7−3.8%.

The amount of sugar in dried fruits reaches 70%.

Benefits and properties the fruits of the fig tree are as follows:

Fig tree cultivation

Of course, figs are cultivated much less frequently than tangerines, lemons or pomegranates. When growing figs, you should take into account some of their growth and fruiting characteristics. This the plant is considered cold-resistant, some varieties can withstand even temperatures of -20 degrees.

Growing in an apartment

Even a novice gardener can grow this useful plant at home. Growing is carried out in two ways:

Outdoor cultivation

The fig tree can grow not only in the southern regions, but it is also successfully cultivated in the northern regions of the country. But growing in these cold regions comes with some challenges.

Should be planted in the ground seedlings already with roots. Preparing cuttings is easy. To do this, they are first dipped in water with honey, this solution helps the formation of roots. After which the prepared cuttings are planted in a container. It is most convenient to plant in plastic bottles. You need to cut off half the bottle, fill it with soil and place the cutting. The soil around it is watered (the soil should always be moist). These improvised containers are placed in a bright place where there is no direct sunlight. Through the transparent plastic it is easy to see whether the cutting has taken root or not. As soon as the first leaves appear, the seedling is planted in the ground along with a lump of earth.

In open ground, seedlings are planted in a sunny and windless place, where trenches or holes have been previously prepared. The bottom of the pit must be covered with a layer of drainage. Fig tree quickly sends out branches. As they grow, they should be tilted to the soil and attached. This is done so that the figs do not grow in height, but spread along the surface of the ground.

It is better to cover the fig tree for the winter. To do this, you need to cover the plant with a layer of mulch from branches (some cover it with a blanket), then cover it with polyethylene on top and sprinkle it with a small layer of earth. In the spring, when the frosts have subsided, the shelter is removed.

General rules for caring for figs

Like all plants, figs need proper care. If all requirements are met, the fig tree will delight you with its beneficial fruits for many years. Main rules of care:

Diseases and pests

The fig tree is considered a fairly resistant plant to diseases and pests, but there is still a predisposition to certain ailments. The most common diseases of figs:

Insect pests that most often attack fig trees:

  • moth - a butterfly that leads to rotting of leaves and fruits;
  • leaf roller moth - harms the entire tree(the fruits rot, then the leaves and fruits fall off);
  • psyllid is a small insect that sucks all the juices from the buds and fruits (deprives the bush of vitality and prevents its development);
  • The pine beetle is a brown beetle that damages the bark of the plant, and it slowly dies.

Figs are a shrub of the subtropics and tropics. Of course, to obtain fruits, it can be grown both at home and in open ground. Or you can make the task easier by buying dried figs, which have the same high concentration of nutrients as fresh fruit.

Figs are an interesting fruit that leaves few people indifferent, it is so tasty and unusual. And the whole world knows the beneficial properties of this product, which is why it should be present in every person’s diet at least occasionally.

Yes, to my great regret, fresh figs appear on my menu very rarely - once a year, or even every few years. The thing is that these fruits do not grow in my region, and those sold in stores clearly do not reach my understanding of what truly tasty figs should be.

I was lucky enough to meet wild figs on the Black Sea. We arrived as a family in one of the resort towns of the Krasnodar Territory and ended up at the abandoned “estate” of one of our friends for a barbecue. Naturally, this dish interested me little, because at that time I was an active raw foodist. Moreover, figs grew on 15 acres of this piece of paradise. I just grew up like that, can you imagine? No one watered it except for rain, no one looked after it, and no one, of course, harvested the trees.

My russula friend and I and our children quickly corrected this situation. I grew up in the south and it was not the first time for me to eat fruit straight from the tree, but this girl was from the northern latitudes, and therefore that day became a real revelation for her. We popped purple and green figs straight from the branches. Well, what kind of barbecue can there be when such a miracle grows nearby? 🙂

The story doesn't end there. We, like many fanatical raw foodists, did not even consider it necessary to wash the fruits before eating, they are wild, no one sprayed them with chemicals. But we didn’t know that these juicy fruits have a protective, prickly skin that makes itself known only later, when you’ve eaten your fill. And it turns out that my friend and I behaved like those mice from the famous joke: “We cried, but continued to eat cacti.”

After that, I, already taught by the sweet-prickly experience, arrived a year later in the Crimea and, having got my hands on the beloved figs, washed them thoroughly, but devoured them in the same incredible quantities. And I couldn’t choose which one I liked better – purple or green. By the way, these amazing fruits are one of the reasons why I have been dreaming of moving to Crimea for many years.

I can share my impressions about figs for a very long time. Let me tell you better what kind of plant this is, where it came from on our shelves and what it is eaten with.

Figs are good for alkalizing your body, as they have an acidic pH of 4.6.

Let me start with the fact that a fig is not just a fig, but also a fig (fig tree), and a common fig tree (although I would call it extraordinary, it is so tasty and healthy!), and a fig, and a Smyrna berry, and a wine berry .

And scientifically, in Latin, the fig is called “ficus carica”, that is, in fact, it is a ficus, only Carian. This term comes from the name of the mountainous region of ancient Caria (southwest Asia Minor), where, as you probably guessed, the ancient Carians lived. It was there, according to researchers, that this unique tree with smooth, light-gray bark, belonging to the genus Ficus and belonging to the Mulberry family, first appeared. It can reach a height of 11 meters, although it is quite often found in the form of low shrubs, especially on rocky soil.

The fig tree begins to bear fruit at the age of 2-3, and lives for quite a long time - on average 30-60 years.

Although in nature there are also unique figs that can “stretch” up to 300 years.

The leaves of the plant are large, up to 15 centimeters long, “fingered,” that is, having several “fingers,” usually from 3 to 7 pieces. Interestingly, the flowers of the plant are divided into two groups - male and female. The first are called caprifigs, and the second - figs. In nature, figs are pollinated by only one type of insect - blastophagous wasps, which, surprisingly, also cannot be fertilized outside the flowers of this plant. The act of love between the wasps occurs inside the male inflorescence, but before finding such a flower, the female also stumbles upon female figs. Thus, their pollen mixes and pollination occurs.

After all this, fruits gradually begin to ripen on the trees, which are small pear-shaped sacs, covered with the same hairs that I already mentioned in my story above, with numerous seeds inside. The color of the peel can be yellow, green, light purple, violet and even violet-black. The most common fruits are yellow and green.

I’m writing to you here about these fruits, but what exactly are juicy figs? And this is perhaps my most interesting discovery regarding this product.

It turns out that figs are not berries or fruits, and they are not fruits at all. These are just ficus inflorescences!

What a surprise. 🙂

Well, for us fig lovers, however, there is not much difference, as botanists call it among themselves. We are just modest connoisseurs of its taste and healing properties, and therefore I propose to continue calling these cute bags fruit. This is more familiar and understandable than some ficus inflorescences.

Figs are loved all over the world, and have been for a very, very long time. It is believed that this is the oldest plant on the planet. Moreover, the Bible also contains a mention of a fig tree, with the leaves of which Adam and Eve, after they ate the forbidden fruit, covered their nakedness: “they sewed together fig leaves and made aprons for themselves.”

Fig fruits were widely cultivated in Arabia, Egypt, Syria, and Phenicia. The word “ficus” entered the Russian language only in the 17th century; it gradually transformed into “fig” (“fica”), and the name “fig” comes from the Persian “angir”.

Today, subtropical fig trees can be found in the Caucasus and Crimea, in Abkhazia and the Carpathians, in the countries of the Mediterranean and Central Asia, as well as on the Black Sea coast of the Krasnodar Territory.

Figs are very sweet in taste and unusual in appearance.

It is not for nothing that this tree grew in the Garden of Eden, because its fruits taste truly heavenly. The elastic, rubbery, fleshy skin, after you bite into it, mixes in your mouth with a sweet aromatic juice, and small, soft and tasty seeds burst pleasantly on your teeth. Thus, it is as if you are not eating a fruit, but a jelly prepared by nature itself.

To be honest, I have never encountered anything like these sensations in my life. The taste of these fruits is somewhat reminiscent of the mulberry tree, which my yard friends and I carried around every summer since childhood. But the consistency of mulberry berries is not so impressive.

Interestingly, if you make two separate jams from figs and mulberries, they will taste almost identical.

This once again convinces us that in the process of heat treatment, plant products lose their original charm and individuality.

In the ancient Indian science of Ayurveda, figs are considered a beneficial product, and the tree itself is considered sacred. It is believed that figs in their original form have cooling properties, while dried figs have, on the contrary, warming properties. It should be consumed in any form in the morning, combined with nuts and other sweet fruits.

If there are no fresh figs on the horizon, I take dried or chocolate ones.

I confess to you, dear reader, that I feel extremely sorry for the thermal processing of this wonderful product, and therefore I eat it only in its original form and try to buy it in regions where figs grow.

Of course, my diet also includes dried fruits of this plant, since, alas, I cannot eat fresh ones all year round.

I advise you to buy dry figs only in raw food and organic stores - this way you will have a better chance of purchasing a product that has not been treated with chemicals.

Please note that the manufacturers of figs that are on the shelves in supermarkets do not even hide this - the composition always indicates the substance with which the fruit was stuffed. All you have to do is turn the packaging over and carefully read the ingredients.

Below I will definitely tell you how to choose fresh and dried figs so that they not only please you with their taste, but also benefit your body. Now let's talk about what this miracle of nature can be combined with.

Wine lovers use figs as a snack and even make alcohol from it (wine, tinctures, liqueurs), but I hope, like me, you don’t drink alcohol, and therefore I suggest you, dear reader, try adding these fruits to a salad.

A snack with figs can be more than just sweet, although it fits perfectly into green smoothies, smoothies and salads. Try combining it with soft cheese, nuts, asparagus, mushrooms, cherry tomatoes,. Play with dressings using honey, lemon juice, and various unrefined vegetable oils.

For spices, you can use dried Provençal and Italian herbs. Figs also go well with greens - lettuce, celery. I think in some cases you can add a little wild garlic to a salad with these fruits - you get a very piquant combination of flavors.

Figs, like other dried fruits, can be stuffed with nuts and pieces of cheese, and then served with sweet sour cream sauce. Unless, of course, you still consume dairy products.

I know that figs are often added to various fruit and berry sweet and sour sauces: apricot, cranberry. Also, sometimes it serves as the basis for such a fragrant dressing, which is eaten with spaghetti or vegetables - baked, fried, steamed.

You can include fig pieces in a vegetable stew, as well as in cream soup - it will add a sweet, original touch to the first dish of broccoli, cauliflower, etc.

I have been eyeing fig jam for a long time, which is sold in one of the large stores in my city. Through the transparent walls of the jar, such familiar and beloved seeds look at me, but I am in no hurry to buy it, because I am afraid of being disappointed. Still, I am in love with fresh figs, and not with the mess that is drowned in.

Pastilles, jams, confitures, marmalade, and marmalade are also prepared from these fruits. They are used as a filling in gingerbreads, cookies, and candies. I confess, at one time I could not pass by the chocolate-covered figs - they were in pieces and crunched so deliciously in my teeth.

If you still eat flour, try making strudel using these fruits. In Andalusia, fig bread, also called fig bread, has long been baked. It is believed that the tradition of preparing this type of pastry was adopted by the Spaniards from the Arabs. In addition to the fruits of the fig tree, they put in this bread, anise, and, but do not add sugar - the sweetness of the fruit is enough. Since such a product is stored for quite a long time, it was previously used as canned food so that the harvest would not be lost.

Of course, it is best to eat these fruits raw without the need for storage. Could there be anything tastier and healthier than what nature itself created?

This is probably what heaven smells like!

Fig wood has good qualities - dense and quite strong, does not crack during the drying process and is resistant to rotting. Due to the fact that it can be processed without much effort, it is used for the manufacture of various turned products, small souvenirs and amulets. Residents of countries where this tree grows use it as fuel.

The leaves of this plant are also used, which contain various organic acids, essential oils, flavonoids and tannins. They are cut with a knife and then air dried for 5-6 days in dry weather.

And infusions and decoctions of fig tree leaves are widely used in folk medicine - to treat sore throats and remove kidney stones, for cystitis and scabies, for trachoma and furunculosis.

Official medicine also knows about the healing properties of fig leaves, and therefore based on them they make the drug “Psobean”, which is effective for various skin lesions, including vitiligo.

Since ancient times, healthy and aromatic essential oil has been extracted from fig seeds, which is widely used by cosmetologists and perfumers in their work. This unique substance is added to aromatic compositions, as well as to skin and hair products, and natural soaps. Once upon a time, Eastern women valued such oil as worth its weight in gold and carefully stored it in small clay pots.

If fig seed oil has been cold pressed, it has a number of valuable properties and, above all, not only effectively moisturizes the skin, but also helps its cells retain life-giving moisture within themselves. In addition, this product perfectly protects the face and body from the negative effects of sunlight and pigmentation. After regular use of fig seed oil, the skin becomes soft, elastic and matte.

It also effectively cares for hair, restoring its natural shine and strength. This is especially true for strands damaged by perms, heat treatment (iron, curling iron, hair dryer), as well as dyeing.

Moreover, you can grow a fig tree - this type of ficus - at home, or you can make it part of your garden plot.

Good drainage, high-quality fertilizer and optimal soil moisture, plenty of light and enough heat, no drafts, timely control of mites and rot - and then, most likely, you will be able to harvest a mini-harvest of mini-figs. 🙂

Each fig tree is like a work of art.

These amazing trees give their owners two harvests a year! The fruits ripen first in late June - mid-July, and then in August-September. The former are obtained without pollination, and the latter - with its help.

The only drawback of figs, in my opinion, is that they spoil very quickly (just imagine that ripe fruits are stored for only 10-13 days after harvesting), and therefore they are picked almost green, and even processed with all sorts of things.

In addition, pre-harvested fruits will never become truly sweet, juicy and aromatic, and therefore buyers of imported fruits have to chew tasteless rubber. For this reason, if you live in Russia, I do not advise you to buy fruits brought from distant countries. Give preference to nearby regions and countries.

Yes, figs spoil very quickly. The peel of these fruits is very delicate, they contain a lot of sugar, and at the bottom there is a small hole through which voracious bacteria and insects penetrate inside. It turns out that not only people love to feast on this miracle of nature!

If a fig has been lying in the sun for a long time, stored for a long time, or has been severely deformed during transportation, then fermentation processes begin in it, which are actively used for the production of alcoholic beverages. Wine berry after all!

If you don’t want to get drunk from eating these fruits, you need to learn to distinguish quality figs from spoiled ones. Be sure to smell the fruits you are about to purchase.

A sour, as well as alcohol-like smell indicates that the processes of rotting and fermentation have already begun inside them.

Also carefully examine the skin of the fruit - if it is damaged, then you should not take them for the reasons I described above. It is worth paying attention to the degree of moisture in the fig peel. If it is wet, sticky or slippery, then pass by such fruits - they have clearly been overexposed.

To the touch, high-quality figs are elastic, but not hard - when you press them with your finger, shallow dents should remain on the surface.

There is no point in storing ripe figs - it is better to deal with them, as they say, without leaving the cash register, that is, immediately on the day of purchase or at most the next day. Of course, the refrigerator will slightly extend the shelf life of these capricious fruits, but not for long - just a couple of days. And then only on condition that you put them in an open container from which moisture will evaporate.

How to select and store dried figs?

If you love figs as reverently as I do, then you probably have a hard time passing by their dried fruits. Now I’ll tell you which dried fruits you should not only pass by, but even run past, and as soon as possible!

Quality dried figs should be matte, not shiny, beige or light brown in color. If there is a small white coating on the fig buns, do not be afraid of it - this is glucose.

Avoid deformed and spotted specimens - most likely, they will taste unpleasant, not only in appearance. The best thing to do is try to mash the dried figs with your hands - carefully, without using excessive force. We are interested in soft fruits.

If these dried fruits taste sour or salty, feel free to throw them away or take them back to the careless seller. High-quality dried figs are sickly sweet.

Naturally, purchased dry fruits should be thoroughly rinsed under running water and then placed in warm water for half an hour. Firstly, the fruits will become juicier and softer, and, secondly, there will be less dirt and chemicals, if there were any.

It is best to store dried figs in a glass jar with a tight-fitting or screw-on lid. It is important to keep them dry, otherwise they will become damp and rot.

This plant has many types, here are some of them: Afghan, Hirkana, Colchis and rock. There are several hundred varieties of figs in the world. I propose to highlight the most delicious ones.

Variety "Dalmatica"

These figs have an elongated pear-shaped shape and greenish-yellow skin. The fruits are large, can reach 10 centimeters in height, 8 in width, and weigh up to 60 grams. The red pulp of the fruit of this variety is very sweet, sugary, and juicy. Dalmatica bears harvest in July and October.

Variety "Kadota"

These fruits are smaller in size than the representatives of the previous variety - approximately 6-8 centimeters in height, but their weight also averages 60 grams. The pear-shaped shape of such figs is round, not elongated. The peel is yellow-green, and the flesh is golden, very sweet and aromatic.

Variety "Sochi No. 7"

Trees of this variety can be harvested only once a year - at the end of August - beginning of September. The pear-shaped elongated fruits are quite weighty bags weighing 50-60 grams, and inside them hides sweet, delicate dark brown pulp.

Variety "Brunswick"

It is an early variety of fig tree and produces a harvest twice a year. Brunsvik's fruits are large, their weight sometimes reaches 200 grams. The skin of this fig is green with a purple side, and the flesh is sugary, sweet and aromatic.

Variety “Abkhazian purple”

Just like the variety described above, it bears fruit twice - at the end of August and at the beginning of November, while the figs of the first harvest can weigh up to 80 grams, and the second - on average 50. But both of them have a deep purple peel. with a brown tint. These fruits are pear-shaped, elongated, with sweet, juicy pulp.”

show all

Especially juicy figs can be used to make nutritious smoothies.

Benefits of figs

Above, I already wrote a little about the healing properties of the leaves of this plant, as well as the oil obtained by cold pressing from fig seeds. In addition, the fruits of the fig tree:

  • They have a beneficial effect on the condition of the heart and blood vessels, due to their high content - the fruits dilate blood vessels and relieve tension from them.
  • They can also calm a racing heart.
  • , thin it and increase hemoglobin, therefore they are indicated for anemia, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.
  • These fruits reduce blood clotting and also prevent the formation of blood clots.
  • They normalize the digestion process and relieve constipation, as they have a mild laxative effect.
  • They reduce blood pressure, and therefore are recommended for use by hypertensive patients.
  • They reduce fever and have diaphoretic properties.
  • Stops inflammatory processes - indicated for sore throat, gingitis, periodontitis.
  • Positively affect kidney function.
  • They improve appetite, which is especially important for parents of small children.
  • Thanks to their sweet taste, they improve mood, help cope with stress, and the amino acid tryptophan, which is part of their composition, stabilizes the state of the nervous system.
  • They have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skeletal system, since, and.
  • Helps remove “bad” cholesterol from the body, as it contains large quantities of pectin, a natural, instant fiber.
  • Improves the quality of male sperm - increases their motility.
  • They can be safely introduced into the diet of people suffering from diabetes, since the glycemic index of fresh fruits is only 35 units, and the sweetness of dried fruits increases slightly to 40.

Harm of figs

Allergy to fig tree fruits is a rather rare phenomenon, but individual intolerance to this product can occur. You should not eat figs if you have gout, as well as during acute inflammatory processes occurring in the digestive organs.

Dried fig tree fruits should not be eaten by those who suffer from obesity and pancreatitis. The laxative effect that these fruits have on the body makes it impossible to consume it during diarrhea, as well as before important life events.

  1. Fig sacs look similar to male testicles; apparently, it is for this reason that the fruits of this plant have long been used to relieve male infertility. A little higher, I already wrote that they increase sperm activity, promoting conception.
  2. The first documentary evidence that ancient peoples consumed figs is the depiction of harvesting from fig trees on Egyptian bas-reliefs.
  3. The ancient Greeks considered the fig tree a symbol of fertility.
  4. The first Olympic Games in Ancient Greece did not yet know medals, and therefore the winners, in addition to laurel wreaths, were given fragrant fig fruits as a reward.
  5. In Homer's immortal work, The Odyssey, these trees are mentioned as a gift that the main character received from his father.
  6. The ancient Romans used fig leaves as napkins at feasts - the slaves who served their masters during the feast wiped their lips with the help of the wide and soft leaves of this plant.
  7. The Romans, like the Hindus, also considered the fig tree a sacred plant, since, at one time, it was under it that the future founders of Rome, the twins Romulus and Remus, were found by a she-wolf, and then suckled by her.
  8. Buddhists believe that while sitting under a fig tree, Buddha learned the meaning of existence.
  9. The ancient peoples who grew figs gave the most prolific trees proper names, thereby showing them honor and respect.
  10. There is evidence that the great Alexander the Great himself, during his long military campaigns, restored his strength with the help of dried figs.
  11. Experts say that if a fruit contains about 900 seeds, then it is tasty, and if it contains about 500, then it has mediocre taste. I wonder who came up with the idea of ​​counting fig seeds and how these craftsmen do it? 🙂
  12. In heraldry, figs are a symbol of patronage and protection. It is found on Spanish coats of arms either in the form of a tree or in the form of a leaf. For example, the coat of arms of the municipality of Feria is decorated with five small green fig leaves on a gray background, while Higuera has one large one.

Today you learned a lot of interesting things about the amazing fig fruit. Although, as it turned out, it’s not about a fruit at all, but about a ficus inflorescence. I shared with you my impressions and knowledge about this product. What can you add to my story about the fig? Does it grow under your window?

Figs are a healthy southern berry with a unique sweet taste. Most often used in dried form. But at the end of summer, fresh fruits appear on sale for a short time. What are the benefits of figs? What are the properties and uses of fig tree fruits?

Botanical description

It grows in southern countries and regions - in Egypt, Abkhazia, Uzbekistan, Georgia, and on the Crimean peninsula. It is a tall tree up to 13 meters. The foliage is tough, large, palmate-lobed. The fig tree is considered one of the most ancient crops. People call it wineberry, fig, fig tree, fig.

Ripe fruits are valuable. In alternative medicine, the leaves and roots are used to prepare medicinal decoctions. The fruit is pear-shaped, with many seeds. There are varieties of different colors. The most common figs are green figs with a yellow tint. It is eaten raw, made into jams and preserves. Black figs make delicious dried fruits. After drying, the berries acquire a lighter shade. White figs taste similar to black ones.

You should not eat unripe fruits. Their milky juice causes poisoning when ingested. It is used as an external remedy to treat acne and remove warts.

Chemical composition and nutritional value

The fig tree spoils quickly, but is sold dried all year round. During the drying process, the fruits do not lose their beneficial properties - the concentration of valuable substances even increases. The table shows data on the nutritional value of fresh and dried berries.

Table - Nutritional value of dried and fresh figs

Calorie content also changes - fresh fruits contain only 74 kcal, dried fruits - 257 kcal. The concentration of nutrients also varies. Data on vitamin content are given in the table.

Table - Vitamin content in fresh and dry figs

Vitamin content per 100 gFresh, mgDried, mg
A7 7
E0,11 0,3
IN 10,06 0,07
AT 20,05 0,09
AT 50,3
AT 60,11 0,08
AT 90,006 0,021
RR0,4 0,7

The chemical composition includes valuable elements - calcium, potassium, magnesium. Phosphorus, iron, sodium are present. Figs contain natural enzymes, organic acids, and pectins. The beneficial properties of figs are enhanced by the content of phytosterol, Omega-3, Omega-6 acids, and glyceric acid.

Moderate amounts of figs are beneficial during pregnancy. It contains the necessary substances for the proper intrauterine formation of the fetus. A balanced combination of vitamin B9 and iron prevents anemia. During breastfeeding, fig berries are used to enhance lactation.

Effect of fruits on the body

Dried or dried figs are often used for treatment. It does not lose its beneficial properties for a long time during storage. Fresh fruits are available only a few months a year.


The medicinal properties of dried figs have been known for a long time. This is an effective restorative, tonic, immunomodulatory, and anti-cold remedy. Its most common use is in ten cases.

Treatment with fresh figs is no less effective. It is used in the treatment of all the diseases listed above. But fresh fig tree fruits also have additional medicinal properties.

  • Kidney and bladder diseases. It has a mild diuretic effect, improves kidney function, and relieves inflammation.
  • Dermatological diseases. The juice of a fresh fig tree is used to wipe the skin for acne and inflammation of surface tissues.
  • Fungus. Fig contains substances that have an antifungal effect.
  • Rheumatism. Berry compresses relieve pain from rheumatism, arthritis, and other joint diseases.

Fig tree leaves contain furocoumarins, organic acids, essential oil, steroids, tannins, and flavonoids. For diarrhea, flatulence, poisoning, colitis, bronchitis, you can brew tea from fig leaves to alleviate the patient's condition.

Benefits of figs

The fig tree benefits the male and female body, having different effects on it. At the same time, the effect of strengthening the immune system and improving general condition is achieved.

For women

For women, the benefits of figs include getting rid of common diseases and having a beneficial effect on appearance. When used correctly and regularly, the fig tree has the following effects on the female body.

  • Varicose veins. Figs reduce swelling, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, thin the blood, and eliminate heaviness and pain in the legs.
  • Cramps. During pregnancy, after wearing high heels for a long time, women sometimes experience cramps in their calf muscles. The fig tree compensates for the lack of calcium, potassium and magnesium and eliminates the unpleasant symptom.
  • Skin cell regeneration. Internal and external use of fig improves skin condition.
  • Weight loss . Wine berry helps in weight loss by removing excess fluid from the body and has a mild laxative effect. Figs normalize metabolism, enhance intestinal motility, and remove waste and toxins. To achieve weight loss, fig trees should be consumed in moderation, replacing one of your meals with two to three fruits.

For men

Even in the Ancient East they knew how beneficial figs were for men. The sweet berry was used to strengthen male power. Now the range of uses of the fig tree has expanded.

  • Prevention of heart attack. Figs strengthen the walls of blood vessels, stabilize the emotional state, improve blood circulation, and normalize blood pressure. All this is a powerful prevention of early heart attack.
  • Increased potency. Due to its rich chemical composition, the fig tree reduces the manifestations of erectile dysfunction.

A whitish coating forms on dry fruits. This is not mold, but glucose crystals that make dried fruits especially sweet and tasty.

Possible harm and contraindications

For a number of diseases, the fig tree will not alleviate, but will aggravate the patient’s condition. Carefully study the list of these diseases before starting treatment with dry or fresh fruits. Let's consider the contraindications of figs.

  • Pancreatic diseases. If the pancreas is inflamed, it cannot cope with large amounts of sugar.
  • Diabetes . Figs cause an increase in blood sugar levels due to the high concentration of glucose.
  • Bleeding disorder. Figs thin the blood and are contraindicated for people with low blood clotting ability.
  • Gout. The fig tree contains oxalic acid - it aggravates the condition of gout.
  • Gastrointestinal diseases. Consumption of figs is contraindicated for gastritis, ulcers, colitis due to the large amount of fiber.

In these cases, the harm of figs will outweigh its benefits. Even healthy people should not overuse the fig tree. A large amount of sweet fruits eaten will lead to diarrhea and bloating.

Medicine prescriptions

Depending on the disease, medicines from figs and their leaves are prepared according to different recipes. The table shows the necessary ingredients, method of preparation, indications for use.

Table - Medicines from figs

MedicineIngredientsPreparationIndications for use
Leaf decoction– Dried leaves;
– water
– A tablespoon of raw material is poured into a glass of water;
– boil for 5 minutes
– Kidney diseases;
– dermatological diseases (externally)
Fruit decoction– Figs;
– water
– 3–5 fruits are poured with a glass of boiling water;
– Boil for 5 minutes over low heat;
– grind into a homogeneous mass
- Stones in the kidneys;
– thyroid disease
Leaf infusion– Dried leaves;
– water
– 3 tablespoons of raw materials are poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water;
- insist for 5 hours
- Bronchial asthma;
– diseases of the urinary tract and kidneys
Figs with milk– Dry fruits;
- milk
– 2-3 crushed fruits are added to a glass of milk;
– boil for 2 minutes;
- insist for an hour
- Cough;
- a sore throat;
– elevated temperature
Laxative– Figs;
- raisin;
– ground ginger;
- nutmeg
– 100 g of dried fruits are passed through a meat grinder;
– add half a teaspoon of spices;
– knead the mass, form balls
Constipation (eat two balls on an empty stomach)
Fig syrup– Fruits of the fig tree;
– water;
- sugar;
- ginger;
– lemon
– 8 fruits cut;
– pour a glass of water, boil for 20 minutes;
– take out the berries, add a glass of sugar, a teaspoon of spicy root, and lemon juice to the broth;
– boil for 5 minutes, pour into a bottle
- Cough;
- flu;
– digestive problems
Decoction of leaves in milk- Dry leaves;
- milk
– 2 tablespoons of raw materials are poured into 200 ml of hot boiled milk;
- leave until cool;
– filter
– Sore throat (gargle);
– boils

Figs are good for the spine. For osteochondrosis, it is recommended to eat a mixture of dried fruits before going to bed for a month and a half. Portion for each meal: one fig, one prune, five dried apricots. Additionally, you can make a decoction of fig fruits.

You can eat figs with or without the peel - the skin does not contain harmful substances. The fruits are dried unpeeled - it is difficult, and sometimes impossible, to remove the peel from a dry fruit.

Drying and storage rules

It’s easier to buy ready-made dried fruits, but some people prefer to dry figs at home. The fruits are pre-sorted, washed and dried. There are several drying methods.

In the sun

Description . Traditional way of making dried fruits. When dried in the sun, the fruits do not lose their beneficial properties. The only problem is that the sweet smell attracts insects.


  1. The prepared fruits are cut in half and placed on a wire rack with the cut side up.
  2. Wrap in gauze to protect against insects.
  3. Leave in the sun for four to six days.
  4. The fruits are strung on a thread and hung in a shaded place until completely dry.

In the oven

Description . Figs are dried in the oven at a minimum temperature to preserve as many valuable substances as possible. The fruits are constantly monitored - they will burn if they are not turned over for a long time.


  1. The washed and dried fig fruits are placed on a wire rack.
  2. The oven is turned on to the minimum temperature, the door is left ajar.
  3. Dry for two to three days with breaks at night, periodically turning the fruits over.

In an electric dryer

Description . The most delicious dried fruits are obtained in the dryer with little time. They acquire a beautiful color and retain all vitamins and nutrients.


  1. Cut the figs in half and place them on a cloth napkin.
  2. Half the fruits are evenly placed on electric dryer trays.
  3. Medium-sized fruits are dried for about ten hours, large ones - longer.

The correct way to store a fig tree is in paper or fabric bags. In jars they cake, become damp and moldy. It is better to keep the package of dried fruits in a shaded, dry, well-ventilated place.

To add more sweetness to dried fruits, figs are pre-boiled in sugar syrup. Pour a glass of sugar into three glasses of water, dissolve it, add figs, and cook for seven to ten minutes. The berries are placed in a colander, the liquid is allowed to drain, and dried in any convenient way.

Cooking recipes

Sweet desserts and salads are prepared from figs. It goes well with poultry and meat – giving them a unique exotic aroma. Pork is stewed with fig tree fruits and turkey and duck are stuffed with them. It is no coincidence that figs received the nickname wine berry. In southern countries it is often used to make sweet, aromatic wine.


Description. Fresh or dried fruits are used to prepare compote. They are pre-washed and dried. Figs can be combined with other fruits, adding spices.

List of ingredients:

  • figs – 300 g;
  • sugar – 150 g;
  • water – 2.5 l.
  1. Water is poured into a saucepan and brought to a boil.
  2. Add figs, sugar, and boil for ten minutes.
  3. Use a slotted spoon to transfer the figs into jars.
  4. Fill with syrup and roll up.
  5. The jars are turned upside down and wrapped in a towel.


Description . Fig jam can be used as a dessert or a remedy for colds and weakened immunity. Below is the basic recipe. If desired, it can be supplemented with spices and other dried fruits.

List of ingredients:

  • dried fig fruits – 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 1 kg;
  • water – one and a half glasses;
  • citric acid - a pinch.

Cooking sequence

  1. The figs are washed, dried, and punctured with a toothpick.
  2. Boil water and cook figs for ten minutes.
  3. The fruits are taken out, washed with cold water, and dried.
  4. Boil thick syrup. Place the berries in it and simmer over low heat for about 40 minutes.
  5. Five minutes before readiness, add citric acid.
  6. Place the jam in sterile jars.

Using figs for coughs, colds, constipation and other illnesses is a pleasant and safe way of treatment. If there are no contraindications, fig tree fruits will be beneficial if included in your daily diet.

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