What is the best time to study? Mnemonics techniques: how to learn to memorize quickly and easily. Game "Number Reach"

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Learning a language is impossible without memorizing new words. But besides banal and boring cramming, there are many simple, and most importantly, effective ways to learn unfamiliar words.

First, you need to figure out exactly how you best perceive information. There is a small but very important checklist for this. If you are an auditory learner, then the “read a notebook” method will work much worse for you than the “listen to a list of words for a text” method. And you may not even think about it and look at this stupid notebook for a long time and persistently, until the bitter end and the feeling of your own worthlessness and not understand why nothing is remembered!

Traditional methods

  1. Yartsev method (visuals)

Let's take a notebook. We write down the word - translation - in 2-3 columns. We give synonyms\antonyms\examples next to each other. We read lists from time to time, just read, don’t cram anything.

I don’t know how it works, but, for example, I didn’t cram German, but just read the notebook from time to time. The teacher did not give dictations and never checked us against lists. And I still, many years later, remember a bunch of words.

It turns out that you don’t strain yourself, you don’t try to cram 100 words into yourself in 30 minutes, you just systematically refresh the material from time to time. But you should immediately warn that these words should appear in textbooks, articles, i.e. you must, in addition to reading the notebook, somehow activate them.

  1. Card method

The second popular method. We take and cut up a bunch of cards or buy square blocks of note paper. On one side we write the word, on the other - the translation. For advanced users we provide examples. We pass the cards around, putting aside those that we know well. From time to time we repeat what we have covered in order to refresh ourselves. The downside is that if there are a lot of words and little time, you will spend a lot of time creating the cards themselves.

For fun, you can put them in piles of 10 in different places in the apartment, stumble upon them from time to time and repeat. Auditory learners should definitely add speaking out loud to this method. Cards are great for children; this can be turned into an interesting game.

  1. Prescription method

Classics of the genre. You take a word and write it out many, many times. Works great for Chinese characters. Minus - green melancholy. But the method has been tested for centuries.

  1. Half Page Method

This is one of my favorite ways. You bend the sheet in half, write the word on one edge, and the translation on the other side. You can quickly check yourself. For me, as a visual learner, it works well, because... I easily remember in which part of the sheet a given word was written down. The downside is that you get used to a certain word order.

  1. Interior Designer Method

If you are learning some specific vocabulary that surrounds you, you can make unique “labels” everywhere - stick stickers with the names of objects. You can also stick the most disgusting words on the monitor that you don’t want to remember. The advantage of this method is that it's fun. The downside is that the brain may begin to ignore all these pieces of paper, and then they will hang somewhere for a long time.

Optimization methods

  1. Method of grouping by grammatical features

If you have a large list of words, the worst thing you can do with it is to learn it haphazardly. It can and should be processed and grouped. For example, first you write down verbs, and you do not write them out in a row, but group them by type of ending, or you write down masculine nouns, then feminine and separately exceptions that do not fall into these lists.

Thus, because Most of our words are not exceptions; you begin to see the logic of the language and remember words in conjunction with similar ones.

  1. Method of grouping by meaning

You write down and remember the word and its synonym/antonym at once. This is true for both beginners and intermediates. Now that you have learned the word “good”, find out right away what “bad” will be. And if you also remember “excellent, so-so, disgusting,” then you will greatly enrich your vocabulary.

  1. Method of studying cognates words

We take words, group them around a root, for example, “deed/do/done,” and learn several parts of speech with the same root at once.

  1. Etymological method

Works well for those who have learned several languages. When you study multiple languages ​​within the same language branch, you begin to see similar roots. This actually comes with experience, and there is no need to learn a huge number of words again. At a certain point, you just know enough. And if I understand that this word doesn’t tell me anything categorically, I go into the etymological dictionary and find out where it came from. While I do this, I remember it.

  1. Chains of words

You take a list of words that you need to learn and make up a story (even a crazy one) from them. So you will learn not 30 words, but 5 sentences of 6 words each. If you approach this matter creatively, you can have a fun and useful time.

Methods for those who do not like old-fashioned methods

  1. Spaced Repetition

A technique of retention in memory, which consists in repeating learned educational material at certain, constantly increasing intervals. In fact, you install the application on your phone, and the program will automatically show you words in the specified order and with the desired frequency. You can use ready-made word lists or create your own.

Pros: thoroughly etched in memory.

Cons: it takes a lot of time. If you've already memorized a word, it will still pop up from time to time in some programs.

In Memrise you can choose ready-made lists of words or create your own. If a word is absolutely not memorized, you can use special funny pictures that users create using mnemonic techniques, or upload your own. Memrise also recently added a new option - you can not just hear the voice of a word, but watch a video of how people pronounce these words.

A service for working on written speech for those who have already mastered the basics of language practice. The user writes a text in the language being studied, after which a native speaker of the corresponding language checks what has been written and makes his own corrections.

"Magic" methods

Various marketers and language gurus love to use magical methods to lure people. Usually the essence of the methods lies in “secret techniques of the special services,” which, objectively speaking, are described in a lot of literature. And they ask for ludicrous amounts of money for this.

  1. Mnemonics

Mnemonics is one of the most popular methods, the essence of which is to come up with funny and absurd associations for a word that you can’t remember. You take a word and come up with some kind of associative image, which should be very vivid. But in this image there must be a “key” to the memorized word.

Example: “grief” (“grief”) - woe to the wounded tiger, vultures are circling over him.

For auditory learners

Rule #1 for you: Always say out loud what you are learning. If you use flashcards, recite them. If you are reading a list, read it out loud. Listen to the words, this is the fastest way for you to remember them! Naturally, you will have to write them down, but things will go faster than if you read and write silently.

  1. Listening to words

You can play audio recordings of word lists and repeat after the announcer. Usually, good textbooks provide a well-read list of words for the lesson. You can also listen to high-quality podcasts that provide detailed analysis of dialogues.

  1. Repeat multiple times

A method similar to writing words in a row is quite tedious and boring, but effective - repeat it out loud several times. There is an opinion that you can consider a word learned if you have used it in context 5 times. So try to give 5 different examples of how this word is used. Naturally, out loud. You can reinforce this by writing it down.

Methods for those who absolutely do not want to work with lists

  1. Reading (a lot of reading)

If the level is high enough and there is no urgent need to urgently expand your vocabulary, the easiest way is to read a lot. You can mark new words and even write them down (this works best, but not everyone likes to do this). By reading, you learn to understand the meaning from the context, you are “saturated” with words, they themselves become your passive stock. But reading usually doesn’t really help translate them into an asset, i.e., in order to progress in the language, you need to do something else in addition to reading.

  1. Learn what is really necessary

In one of my textbooks, the word “hoe” appeared in the vocabulary before the words “short and long” appeared. Don't learn "hoes" and all that unnecessary crap until you've learned some really relevant and pressing vocabulary.

How to determine relevance? There are many manuals and lists from the “1000 most common words” series. First we learn frequency, then “hoes”, not before. If you have not yet learned to count and do not know pronouns, it is too early for you to learn colors, no matter how much you would like to.

  1. Get creative with the process

If everything infuriates you, words don’t come into your head and you want to quickly close these lists, experiment. Some people get help from drawings, some people walk around the apartment and recite out loud, some people talk to their cat. If you are interested in something, do not be lazy to look into the dictionary. Study what is close to you. Don't get hung up on methods that don't work.

« If you lose interest in everything, you lose your memory.» Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (German poet, thinker and natural scientist).

For each role, the actor has to memorize a large amount of text, and, unlike a TV presenter or teacher, he does not have the opportunity to look at the notes.

But, of course, it is not only useful for actors to strengthen and develop their memory, but any person will only benefit from mastering the skills of memorizing a large amount of information.

There are a great many methods and exercises for developing human abilities. Thus, the head and founder of the educational portal 4brain, Evgeniy Buyanov, on the pages of his project has collected the most significant and interesting methods for developing various mental skills in a person, and all for one important goal: "V Nowadays, it’s difficult to find anything worthwhile on the Internet: something you can read and then tell your grandchildren in old age; what we can learn to make the world a better place; which will make us a little wiser and more tolerant". By going through, you can find a large number of useful, exciting techniques, rules and techniques aimed at increasing the level of memory development and the ability of targeted memorization. The entire method of teaching memorization methods presented on this site is very simple and accessible to everyone.

The more you learn about the ability of memory, the easier it will be for you to communicate with it in the “same language,” which means you will understand each other for many years, while remaining “true friends.”

So, don't rush to start exercising right away. First, let's decide what type of memory is best developed for you.

So, Napoleon, possessed, motor memory(we all remember his phenomenal memory for names very well). A person who has acoustic memory, you need to hear what he teaches. And this suggests that the best option for him is to learn it out loud. A pillar of memory for people visual perception, serves as a thoughtful arrangement of keywords (coloring, drawing, diagrams).

It is also important to determine when choosing a method for memorizing text:

  • What type of text (what complexity, topic)
  • How detailed do you need to remember it?
  • For how long

So, let’s do one test to find out your memory type once and for all. It's called "Test to determine memory type". For this you will need three sheets of paper, necessarily numbered.

Read the words aloud:

  • Lamp
  • Pear
  • Map
  • Rain
  • Goose
  • Hoop
  • Dog
  • Sheet
  • Newspaper

Write down what you remember on the first sheet.

Now read the words to yourself, and be sure to imagine these objects:

  • Kettle
  • Airplane
  • Butterfly
  • Legs
  • Horse
  • Board
  • Candle
  • Bread
  • Book
  • Bike
  • Moon

Write down what you remember again using sheet #2.

Now read the words and “write” them in the air:

  • Hare
  • Skis
  • Samovar
  • Axe
  • Boat
  • Drive
  • Mystery
  • Chair
  • Cookie

Write down everything you can remember on the third sheet.

Now here are the conclusions: if there are more matches on sheet No. 1, you have auditory memory. On sheet No. 2 - visual memory, on sheet No. 3 - kinesthetic memory.

Techniques for quickly memorizing text

« Remembering is the same as understanding, and the more you understand, the more good you see" Maksim Gorky.

Each professional in the “speech” profession has his own techniques, secrets for quickly memorizing a huge amount of information or text.

In the book “245 simple exercises according to the Stanislavsky system” Elvira Sarabyan lifts the veil of these secrets for us.

And here are just some fragments of this fascinating book:

  • The text instantly “pops up” in your memory if you take a pose that was taken in the theater, in makeup and costume... that is, you need to enter the desired image. In general, you get the idea!
  • The book is also filled with all sorts of effective tips, including reading the material out loud. And it is advisable to only repeat the part that is least amenable to memorization. Don't forget to take a break and rest.
  • Be sure to train your imaginative abilities (there is even a method “Mnemonics (method of associations)”; read all about this technique at.

Now let's play a game "Catena" for the development of creative thinking, described in Harry Lorraine's book "Super Memory". You can play alone or in a company. The rules are very simple. Take any two words. It is necessary to take them in a chain of association words (that is, there must be at least something in common between the words, or, on the contrary, the opposite).

Example: Watch And Cloud.

Solution: Clock – Time – Day – Sun – Sky – Cloud.

Come up with your own associations, develop creative thinking. And definitely take the lesson "".

You may have already heard about "Cicero's Method" or it is also called "road method" to remember a sequence of words. To use the method, you need to prepare the “road” (a matrix of images) in advance.

And its essence is this: you must take the first word and create an association with the first image of your matrix. And so with every word. And the process of “remembering” words will work for you when you mentally reproduce the image corresponding to the given word.

Here are a few more effective ways that allow you to qualitatively, and most importantly, quickly remember the material (be it a poem, a role or a report):

  • After reading the text, highlight the main idea in it
  • When reading the text, pay attention to details
  • Draw parallels with your existing knowledge
  • Be sure to set yourself internal guidelines for memorization - actively work both with yourself and with the text. Learn only with desire
  • Small texts are most effective when memorized before bed
  • Divide voluminous (large) information into parts, do not try to master everything in one day
  • Connect the memorization of material with phenomena that are well known to you (music, colors, numbers)
  • Stimulate yourself, reward your work (with a delicious lunch, a long-awaited purchase)
  • If you have to memorize a foreign text, be sure to first make an accurate translation of it
  • Everything is complex, try to simplify it as much as possible
  • Make full use of your different senses
  • Try to take in as many words as possible with your gaze (develop peripheral vision). For this purpose they are used, among others.
  • Read and study only with a fresh mind
  • Work with text in comfortable conditions (good lighting, absence of external stimuli)
  • Get enough sleep (this will significantly improve your memory performance)

There is another very effective method of quickly memorizing text - using pictograms(that is, using graphic images). Its principle is exactly the same as in the road method. The picture you draw is a way to quickly reproduce the necessary words or sentences.

That's all for today. Load your memory, because as Napoleon I said: « A head without memory is like a fortress without a garrison». If you are interested in the development of thinking more globally, pay attention to the course.

Dear friends, we will be very glad if you share with us not only your impressions of the material presented by our team, but most importantly, the results of your efforts. By doing this, we will once again make sure that our work is not in vain. Please leave your feedback and comments in the line below.

Good luck to you and have a great memory!

Every person periodically faces the need to learn material of varying content and volume. This comes easily to some, but the vast majority of people face difficulties, not knowing how to quickly memorize a given amount of text.

The functioning of the human brain is still not 100% understood; we only know that we use a small part of the brain’s abilities. Psychological processes occurring in the human mind are amenable to daily training. Memory and other mechanisms of consciousness can be developed to unprecedented heights. A strong memory will allow you to achieve success in any area of ​​human life; it will be needed in everyday life, study, and will easily increase your intellectual abilities.

To learn text, artistic or scientific content, you will need constant memory training with exercises specially designed for this. Human memory is divided into visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory and tactile. It represents the ability to remember and store any amount of information.

Each type of memory develops differently in people. Some people find it easier to remember a text by saying it out loud, while others, on the contrary, learn it better after visualizing what they read. Therefore, it is important to understand which type of memory is better developed in order to use it for memorization in the future.

The same information can be learned well in several ways. There are three ways to remember the necessary material in a short time.

  • Method of rational memorization;

It is based on the use of logical memory. In the process of rational memorization, the semantic and logical connection of the material with life experience is consolidated in the mind. With rational memorization, awareness of the text read occurs and information is more easily perceived. This method helps to remember the material by heart, trains intellectual abilities and increases knowledge.

  • Method of mnemonic memorization;

This is the most interesting method of the three. It helps to remember non-semantic information by processing it into images and associative connections. Mnemonic memorization is based on life experience, translating the text into images familiar to consciousness. This method helps to remember a large amount of material that does not carry a semantic load. These could be dates, phone numbers, names, addresses. It helps combat everyday forgetfulness by increasing the ability to mechanically remember things that happen.

  • Method of rote memorization.

This method involves memorizing the material. It is considered ineffective and difficult to train, since it can fail at any moment, “falling out” of memory. As we age, our rote memorization ability declines.

Memorization techniques

To quickly assimilate text, different memorization techniques are used. One of the most effective methods of thoughtful reading. It is well suited for memorizing large and small volumes. This method is used by actors, for whom it is more important than anyone else to know how to quickly learn a text by heart.

  • First, we slowly and carefully read the text that needs to be remembered. It's better to read it out loud. When reading, you need to understand the main idea of ​​the text, its main plot, so that you can remember it faster.
  • If the volume of material is large, we break it down into meaningful parts. Each part must be learned separately, finding the main words or phrases in them. This will help in the future to restore all the text in order.
  • After this, you need to rewrite all the text manually. This must be done slowly, delving into the essence of what is written.
  • After everything is rewritten, we retell what we remember. You need to remember the smallest details, based on keywords. If you can’t remember a moment, it’s better not to look at the recording, but try to do it yourself. You can peek only as a last resort.
  • Next, we rewrite a second time only what we remembered without prompting.
  • At the last stage, we carefully re-read the text and retell it. It's better to do this before bed.

This memorization method is suitable for learning a text word for word. It will help students, schoolchildren and anyone who needs to know how to learn a large amount of information in a short time. Theater and film actors use this method to remember their roles.

Tricks for fast memorization

There are a few more simple but very effective tricks for memorizing the entire text, based on the nuances of our brain. To do this you need:

  • Highlight the main points in the text with a bright marker;

This will allow you not to be distracted by unnecessary text. Actors thus highlight their lines in the script.

  • Sing words or text;

This is a non-standard method of memorization. Having sung the material, it will be better embedded in your memory and you can recall it faster.

  • You need to read until the meaning becomes completely clear;

It is very important to feel the feelings and emotions that the characters experience if this is fiction.

  • After reading, you need to ask yourself questions about the content;
  • Read out loud with expression;
  • Write the text with the other hand;

If you are left-handed, write with your right hand, if you are right-handed, write with your left. This clever trick will force your brain to spend more effort analyzing all the written material.

  • Find a training partner;

The actors rehearse in pairs, this helps in their work. You can also ask someone you know to test your knowledge of all the material. Learning by heart is more interesting and much easier in a company.

  • Record the text on a voice recorder;

Record the text on a recording device and listen to it throughout the day while doing your daily routine or while traveling. This will help you remember voluminous text without being distracted from other things and without wasting extra time.

Memory needs to be constantly trained. Memorizing information consists of encoding it and sending it to a special part of the brain for further storage. If the information is needed, it will be easily remembered. When it is not used for a long time, the brain will remove it as unnecessary. Forgetting is inherent in humans; it happens after a certain time. This is a natural mechanism of the brain and it helps not to overload the brain with unnecessary information and if it is not used, it disappears from memory over time.

You may not have known, but our activity and desire to do certain things depend entirely on the time of day. Thus, it has already been proven that it is much easier to start working in the morning than in the afternoon, in addition, the tasks themselves will be much easier to solve in the morning than at any other time of the day. This is connected precisely with the work of our brain. Let's take a closer look at what time of day the brain is most active and at what time it is better to do various work.
Postscript: here we are talking specifically about mental activity. Doing so-called “office” work in the morning is much easier.

But first, a little advice - try to go to bed before midnight. Despite the fact that the brain is active in the morning, if you don't get enough sleep you will feel incredibly tired, your body will ask for sleep and it will be twice as difficult to do any work than if you get enough sleep.

And now to the time:
1. It’s best to wake up at 6 o’clock. At this time, any information received by us is assimilated more easily and is remembered for a long time. Therefore, if you have an exam, interview or any other important matter for which you need to prepare, wake up early and repeat everything you need: notes, poems, any texts, etc.

2. From 8 o’clock logical thinking comes into play. If you need to think about something, analyze something, this is the ideal time for such work.

3. From 9 o’clock in the morning, the brain is fully tuned to work with any information it receives: it will be easier to assimilate, process, and draw any conclusions. At this time, any work you undertake will be completed much faster and easier. This is also an ideal time to work with statistics.

4. From 11 o’clock the morning energy begins to fade and the brain loses its previous activity, so at this time it is necessary to take a break - it is not without reason that big changes take place in schools and universities at this time. Have a snack, take a break from work, listen to music.

5. From 12 o'clock it is best to switch from mental activity to physical activity: work in the garden, do general cleaning in the house, just take a walk around the city, play sports, etc. activity.

In general, any mental activity after noon usually does not lead to anything good. It is better to do all tasks related to sedentary work early in the morning, and in the afternoon do something more physical.

During physical activity, you can think about what you will do with your brain tomorrow morning: try to mentally make a list in advance of what tasks you will solve, think about something. Surely, some ideas in the afternoon will lead to something great the next day.
In addition, the solution to the problem can come to you both before bedtime and during sleep.

It is best to go to bed at 9 o'clock, but it is clear that many will not do this, so try to fall asleep at least at 11 o'clock in the evening, and also do not burden yourself in any way from 21 to 23 o'clock. During this time, try to relax as much as possible and not expose yourself to stress.

Sleeping from 11 pm to 6 am helps restore emotional energy and fully prepare the body and brain for the next day of active mental and physical activity.

However, this is not where we say goodbye to you. You can slightly increase the time of effective mental activity in the following way:
-if you have the opportunity, give yourself some time after lunch to sleep. For example, from 12 o’clock to 3 o’clock you worked and now it’s time to relax a little. After sleeping at lunchtime, the brain slightly restores its morning charge, which is why you can return to working on any information again. This is not the same as working in the morning, but when a task needs to be solved quickly and there is no time, this is a fairly effective way.

Now we have everything on this issue. Some conclusions:
-it is better to work mentally from 6 a.m. to 11 a.m.
-physical work is best done from 12:00 to 15:00.
-it is best to play sports from 12 to 15 or from 14 to 18.
- in the evening, relax, read a book, spend time with your loved one.
-go to bed at 11 o'clock.

January 23, 2014

Good afternoon dear friends! When I was preparing for this post, it turned out that there are many more areas in which you need to memorize something quickly than I thought, so I divided the article into two parts. Who knows, maybe a third one will appear.

The topic is actually very interesting. I became interested in memory experiments in high school, when I was already actively working on the Internet and did not have much time to study subjects. Having stumbled upon (literally) hundreds of books on the Internet, I already sifted out all the trash by title, like “How to develop super memory in a day” or “A quick way to learn a school course in one week.” Having left about 8-10 pieces, I began to study them, writing down especially valuable thoughts and practical exercises for memorizing.

For me, practice is very important, because in theory you can really do anything, but putting it into practice is quite problematic. Therefore, I try to test any advice and recommendations on my own skin. It turns out quite interesting, and you gain a lot of new skills.

I try to judge as objectively as possible, but this does not mean that I announce the final truth. I only recommend what helped me and I hope it will help you too.

Fundamental Principles

There are basic principles that will help your brain remember information much more effectively. It doesn't matter if you want to know how to quickly learn a poem or just interested in ways to remember.

  1. Maximum concentration;
  2. Physical state;
  3. Brightness of images;
  4. Motivation;
  5. Understanding;

Just from the names you can figure out up to 90% of the essence of each principle, but let's look at each point in more detail.

Don't be distracted while memorizing.

It seems to me that anyone can confirm that the more concentrated you are on a task, the faster you can get results. There are even many techniques that can improve this process, but we will talk about this in the following articles, if you don’t want to miss it, subscribe (form at the bottom of the article).

Our brain is designed in such a way that the fewer tasks we perform, the more effective the result will be. It’s not for nothing that our head is often compared to a computer. By limiting the number of tasks you perform to one or two, you can get truly incredible results. It would be best to find a quiet room where no one will distract you, turn off all irritants and start studying.

Breathing techniques and personal settings will also help you concentrate quickly. Take 10 deep breaths, during which you repeat to yourself something like “I can learn everything, quickly and without stress.” As soon as you take your last breath, immediately begin to memorize the necessary material.

Concentration will help you in many areas of life. I already talked about this in the article “”. This is a very valuable skill that needs to be constantly practiced.

Get some rest.

If you feel unwell, have a headache, or are very sleepy, then you are unlikely to be able to learn the material quickly. Firstly, you will be constantly distracted by your sores, and this already contradicts the first principle. Secondly, illnesses affect the efficiency of the body as a whole. So, if you want to engage in productive mental activity, you will have to get rid of these problems.

In most cases, regular sleep will help. It will allow your body to relax, your brain to come to its senses a little, and you will be able to start learning with full strength. As far as I remember, this advice was given by one of the authors of the books when asked by students about how to quickly learn English (German, Italian, French) or some other language. Half an hour's sleep will allow you to increase your efficiency by 2-3 times. As a result, you can do much more in less time.

Come up with vivid images.

We remember what seems unusual to us and, as a rule, lose sight of what we are used to seeing every day. Can you remember what colors the traffic lights were today along the route you take every day? Hardly. But if on your way to work/school you saw a tiger playing with a huge ball, you would probably remember it for the rest of your life. So why not use this feature of our brain to your advantage?

Let's say you wondered how to quickly learn the verse "Borodino". As we know, this poem is literally made up of vivid images and actions. This greatly simplifies our task. Just while reading, try to imagine as vividly as possible the pictures that Lermontov describes. Only this exercise will increase the efficiency of memorization significantly, but imagine what will happen if you use all the principles?

You must understand why you need to learn this material.

The main problem of schoolchildren and students is that they do not understand at all why they are studying. This is why many people are able to read one line 10 times and not remember anything. If a person is completely confident in the necessity of the material being studied, then he will be able to master it simply by skimming his eyes. For example, if you were offered to quickly learn chords or instructions for a million dollars, then you would probably be able to do it almost instantly.

The secret is that motivation really exists. And always. A poem can be learned simply to develop memory or to become familiar with art. You can learn Japanese in order to watch anime in the original or calmly go to this eastern country. Definitions need to be memorized for better understanding of the subject or for successfully passing the exam. The only important thing is to find motivation and really believe in it. It's not difficult to do this.

You must understand the information you are teaching.

You will be learning the material, which was probably compiled by aliens, for a very long time. And you will most likely forget it in a few hours. There is a real relationship between comprehension and memory speed. Therefore, before memorizing the definition, try to thoroughly understand the essence of what you are reading about. Then, perhaps, you won’t have to look for information about how to quickly learn some information.

I'll start with, perhaps, the most common use of quick memorization - poetry. Personally, I love poetry very much (I remember I even took 3rd place in the region at the Olympiad), but I always had problems memorizing them. School was the first place where I began to become interested in How you can quickly learn a poem. I remember it was Pushkin’s poem “The sky covers the sky with darkness...”.

In general, in any area, in addition to the fundamental principles, there are “tricks”, the use of which allows you to achieve significant results in memorizing. Poems based on literature are no exception. I recommend using a technique that I have used myself.

  1. Read the poem several times, delve into its meaning, feel its essence. This is very important, you remember the fifth principle, right? From an aesthetic point of view, this is also very important, because you will gain something more than an A in literature, you will be able to enjoy truly great words, and that is worth a lot.
  2. After this, copy the work onto a piece of paper. Be sure to do this by hand. You can show your imagination and embellish the lines somehow. Not in the sense of changing the words, but in the sense of drawing some kind of picture to match the theme or depicting an exquisite capital letter. Imagine that you are writing this poem yourself.
  3. Try to hum the tune. Have you ever noticed that songs are very easy to remember? Sometimes listening 1-2 times is enough to remember 90% of a song. It's all about melody. As a rule, poems also have their own melody, but it is not so strongly expressed. Come up with your own tune and start humming the poem. This will help you remember it even more.
  4. Start learning quickly. That is, read the stanza once and try to retell it. Even if you don’t remember a word, don’t look for at least a minute. Get your brain working. This will allow you to develop powerful neural connections, and you will remember these words for a much longer period.
  5. Don’t try to repeat it all the time, it’s better to learn each quatrain separately, and then try to repeat the entire poem in its entirety. Yes, it is more difficult, but the result is achieved faster and lasts longer.
  6. To understand how to quickly learn literature, work with the author's biography. Yes, it will take you more time (irony), but you will have a better understanding of the subject and will be able to show truly high-quality knowledge.
  7. Repeat the verse regularly. It is better to learn a little, but every day, than all at once and in one evening. You can spend a little more time on the first day and try to remember as much as possible, and then repeat the poem 2-3 times a day. In total, it will take less time, and it will be much easier for you.

With fables it is even easier, since the images used there are simple and understandable, and they are easier to remember, so this will not pose any special difficulties.

Knowledge of a foreign language has enormous prospects, so its study is now gaining enormous volumes. Almost everyone now has the opportunity to receive an education, but some take years to learn a language, and some become fluent in it after just a few months. What's the secret?

The two main ingredients for the recipe for success are practice and consistency. If everything is clear with the first point (the more often and more regularly you study, the better your command of a foreign language), then with the second you will have to understand in more detail. The more complete the incoming information and the more varied it is, the better the material is absorbed. In the case of a foreign language, this is an excellent chance to quickly master the necessary material.

Reading, writing, listening, speaking - these are the four areas in which you will develop. If you combine them all together, the effect will be simply unimaginable. Of course, if you don’t know the language at all, then first you will need to learn the alphabet, basic words and irregular verbs, and only then move on to systematic studies, although you can start talking right away.

  1. Read at least one page of text in a foreign language every day. Try not to look in the dictionary. This advice is given to anyone who wants to know how to learn English quickly and easily. I recommend reading books on the Ilya Frank method. It is advisable to do this out loud. They can be easily found on the Internet.
  2. Set yourself a minimum number of words. It doesn't matter whether you are going to learn Chinese, French or German. Let's say it's 5 words a day. In a year you will know 1780 words, and this is already enough to speak normally with native speakers. The most important thing here is regularity, don’t pause even on the busiest days. Moreover, learning five words takes ten minutes. The LinguoLeo service can be an excellent help.
  3. Download audio lessons and start studying with them. Not only will you be able to remember stable constructions, but you will also understand how to pronounce this or that word correctly. This is important if a foreign language is needed for communication.
  4. Be sure to buy a grammar book, learn the rules and do the exercises. Of course, if you do not plan to seriously master the language, you are unlikely to need this, but grammar will allow you to better understand the structure and become truly educated. In addition, it will be easier for you to express your thoughts yourself.

By the way, in order to quickly learn English words, do not try to memorize them. It’s better to imagine what this word looks like (for example, apple) and say the English name out loud. This way you will remember the word much faster, and you will be able to use it without rummaging through your memory. And to understand how to quickly learn English verbs, find songs on the Internet. There are not so few of them, and they are learned faster.

Of course, the tips above were given in general terms so that you can understand the basic principles and ways to quickly memorize. In this article, I will more specifically highlight the main areas of application of quick memorization, which will certainly be useful to you. Don't forget to subscribe for updates. Bye!

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