What role do Pechorin’s notes play in revealing his character? (17.1). “Pechorin’s Diary” essay Why does the author give a preface to Pechorin’s journal

In 1838, Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov began work on “A Hero of Our Time,” relying on his Caucasian impressions. During the creation process, the works “Bela” and “Taman” were published as separate stories. When “Fatalist” was published in “Otechestvennye zapiski,” the editors placed a notice that the author intended to publish “a collection of his stories, both printed and unpublished,” in the near future. The announcement ended with the promising ones being published as separate stories. When “Fatalist” was published in “Otechestvennye zapiski,” the editors placed a notice that the author intended to publish “a collection of his stories, both printed and unpublished,” in the near future. The announcement ended with promising words: “This will be a new, wonderful gift to Russian literature.” So, readers were waiting for a collection of stories and the author initially, apparently, did not conceive his work as a holistic and coherent narrative. In 1840, the novel “A Hero of Our Time” was published. The stories included in it had a continuous compositional structure.

The psychological complexity of the central image determined the compositional structure of the work. Lermontov gradually introduces the reader to his hero, revealing Pechorin’s soul more and more deeply to us, getting us more and more interested.

In addition to the plot, the composition also incorporates other components of the work. An important point in revealing the composition of “A Hero of Our Time” is who is talking about what is happening. Changing the narrator allows Lermontov to more deeply and comprehensively reveal the hero's inner world.

We meet Pechorin in Bel. Maxim Maksimych, a staff captain who served with him for a year in the Caucasus, talks about the hero. Maxim Maksimych is a kind person, but he is not able to understand Pechorin. The only thing he can say about him is: “a nice fellow,” “but with great oddities.” Maxim Maksimych and Pechorin are strangers to each other. Before us are people of different eras, different worldviews. Maxim Maksimych is an old campaigner who unquestioningly carries out any orders from his superiors, unable and unwilling to reason.

Pechorin is a different matter. In “Bel” he is secretive, and therefore incomprehensible to the staff captain. Pechorin resembles a romantic hero. The story of his tragic love, disappointment, and melancholy amaze the good-natured Maxim Maksimych, but he cannot unravel the soul of his subordinate.
The reader is interested, but it is too early to draw conclusions about the character of the hero. The author transfers the right to tell about Pechorin to a passing officer, on whose behalf the novel is narrated. This is a person who clearly understands Pechorin, they are people of the same generation, people of the same circle. We fully trust his judgment and therefore carefully read his words.

We see a psychological portrait of the hero. Describing his appearance in detail, the narrator tries to understand Pechorin’s character. The narrator pays special attention to the eyes: “They didn’t laugh when he laughed!..” He wants to find out what they are hiding, and therefore he happily takes Pechorin’s notes from Maxim Maksimych.

The aura of mystery does not disappear, although we have already learned a lot about the hero. The author allows Pechorin himself to talk about himself. The novel continues Pechorin's Journal and is preceded by a foreword by the narrator. Here we read important words: “Perhaps some readers will want to know my opinion about the character of Pechorin? My answer is the title of this book." So, Pechorin is a hero of his time, a typical personality, the face of the era. However, only the confession of the hero himself will help to understand him deeply.

“Pechorin's Journal” is a kind of “novel within a novel.” “Taman”, “Princess Mary”, “Fatalist” - “the history of the human soul, a consequence of the observations of a mature mind on itself.” The confessional nature of the diary entries makes Lermontov's novel similar to his lyrics. The thirst for life, the search for true values, the meaning of human existence sometimes takes on harsh and cruel forms in Pechorin’s personality. Disappointment, boredom, suffering are the companions of his life and the lives of people who have linked their fate with him.

The final chapter, “Fatalist,” at first glance seems superfluous, falling out of the natural development of the novel. But in fact, “Fatalist” contains the most important idea of ​​the story; the author gradually led us to it. Pechorin moves from self-esteem to thinking about his generation. What are his thoughts? Here Lermontov talks about what he shouted about in the Duma, what haunted him all his life - about the bitter fate of his generation: “... we... miserable descendants, wandering the earth without convictions and pride, without pleasure and fear... We are no longer capable of making great sacrifices, either for the good of humanity, or even for our own happiness, because we know its impossibility and indifferently move from doubt to doubt...”

“Fatalist” takes us back to the fortress where the tragedy with Bela occurred. The circle is closed. The “ring” composition emphasizes the hero’s doom. Pechorin is trying to solve the most difficult question: how free a person is to control his own destiny. “And if there is definitely predestination, then why were we given will, reason?” Thus, the novel deals with social, moral and philosophical issues. A psychologically accurate picture of the relationship between society and the individual is given.

    M. Yu. Lermontov’s novel “Hero of Our Time” is the final work of the writer’s creativity. It reflected problems that deeply worried the author, as well as his contemporaries. Their range is extremely wide, this circumstance determined the deep and...

    “A Hero of Our Time” belongs to those phenomena of true art that, occupying... the attention of the public, like a literary story, turn into eternal capital, which over time increases more and more with the right interest. V.G....

    And we hate, and we love by chance, Without sacrificing anything, neither malice nor love, And some kind of secret cold reigns in the soul, When fire boils in the blood. These Lermontov lines perfectly characterize the “hero of his time” - Pechorin. IN...

    Has it ever occurred to you, while analyzing the character and actions of Grigory Aleksandrovich Pechorin, the hero of his time, to look at the female characters of the novel not as a background that makes the image of the main character brighter and fuller, but as an independent phenomenon, at the heroines...

The meaning of Pechorin’s journal in M. Yu. Lermontov’s novel “A Hero of Our Time.”

  1. In Lermontov's novel, composition and style are subordinated to one task: to reveal the image of the hero of his time as deeply and comprehensively as possible, to trace the history of his inner life. The history of the human soul, as the author states in the Preface to Pechorin's Journal, even the smallest soul, is almost more interesting and useful than the history of an entire people, especially when it... written without a vain desire to arouse sympathy or surprise.
    The image of Pechorin is revealed in two ways: from the point of view of an outside observer and in terms of his internal self-disclosure. This is why Lermontov's novel is clearly divided into two parts; each of these parts has internal unity. The first part introduces the reader to the hero using methods of external characterization. The second part is prepared first. Pechorin's Journal falls into the hands of the reader, in which he talks about himself in an extremely sincere confession.
    After the author’s meeting with Pechorin in Vladikavkaz, his notes fall into the author’s hands. In the Preface to Pechorin's Journal, the author reports something that Pechorin himself could not have reported: Pechorin died while returning from a trip to Persia. This is how the author’s right to publish Pechorin’s Journal, consisting of three stories: Taman, Princess Mary and Fatalist, is justified.
    In the stories of Pechorin's Journal, written in the first person, a third narrator appears, the third author is Pechorin himself, whose fate the reader became interested in in the story of Maxim Maksimych and whose significance was assessed by the portrait description given by the observant author. And so the smart, secretive Pechorin, who knows how to accurately determine every thought, every state of mind of both himself and his interlocutors, talks with merciless frankness about his life, about his deep dissatisfaction with himself and everyone around him. In self-analysis, in reflection (in Belinsky’s terminology) Pechorin’s strength and weakness, hence his superiority over people, and this is one of the reasons for his skepticism and disappointment.
    The style of Pechorin's Journal is in many ways close to the style of the author's narration in Bel and Maxim Maksimych. Belinsky also noted: although the author poses as a person completely alien to Pechorin, he strongly sympathizes with him, and there is an amazing similarity in their view of things.
    With all the stylistic unity of Pechorin's Magazine, each of the three stories that make up this Magazine has its own historical and literary genealogy.
    Taman, an action-packed and at the same time the most lyrical story in the entire book, continues the traditions of romantic robber stories in a new and realistic manner; At the same time, the motif of a mermaid, an undine, common in a romantic ballad, is woven into this little story, but it is also translated into a real life plan: the undine turns into a seductive smuggler.
    L. F. Zurov noted the plot closeness of Taman to the story of George Sand LOrco. This story by George Sand was published in the Revue des deux mondes in volume XIII on March 1, 1838. Lermontov followed this publication and, one can say with confidence, knew the story of Georges Sand.
    For George Sand, the story takes place in Venice, which was under Austrian rule. The conspirators, dreaming of liberating their hometown, wage a ruthless fight against the Austrians. A brave Venetian beauty lures young officers into her gondola at night and drowns them in the sea. Many people know about her gondola in Venice, even the Austrian border guards saw it, but they consider it a smugglers’ boat. George Sand mentions smugglers twice. During a night walk, a young Austrian officer meets a night beauty; like the girl in Taman at her first meeting with a young Russian officer, she sings a song, as if not noticing him, etc. Despite all the plot closeness to George Sand’s story in terms of ideological concept, in terms of the author’s attitude to the reproduced reality, Taman is the complete opposite both this and other romantic short stories of Lermontov’s predecessors.

What do we learn about Pechorin’s character from the chapter “Pechorin’s Journal”? and got the best answer

Answer from Alexey Khoroshev[guru]
Pechorin's journal (it includes "Taman", "Princess Mary", "Fatalist") reveals the tragedy of a gifted, active person, but doomed to forced inactivity. In his diary, the hero is very honest, maybe that’s why he evokes sympathy and compassion.
The first entry is the story “Taman”. Pechorin tells about an event that happened to him in the “bad town” of Taman. The narration of the hero's actions and his reflections alternate, but most of the story is still occupied by a description of the action. From this short story we learn that Pechorin is not at all indifferent to people’s lives, he loves nature and admires it. The plot of "Tamani" is sharp, developing quickly, with elements of mystery and mystery. Mystery is one of the compositional techniques, generally aimed at a more in-depth disclosure of the image of Pechorin. When drawing smugglers, the author of the notes expresses his personal views, sympathies, and inclinations. The landscape, which is not only a realistic background for the action, but also participates in its development, also helps to reveal the hero’s experiences, his state of mind, and his attitude to what is happening. The hero subtly senses the beauty of nature; for him it is a source of joy, pleasure and consolation.
If in the stories “Taman” and “Bela” Pechorin appears surrounded by ordinary people, then in “Princess Mary” he is shown in the typical noble environment of the “water society”. Here we learn about the experiences that explain Pechorin’s actions. The protagonist's "soul story" is revealed through psychological analysis. If in “Taman” Pechorin found soft, lyrical, beautiful words to describe portraits and events, then, showing representatives of the “water nobility”, he speaks in rude, even vulgar words, which is completely unusual for him. Portraiture occupies an important place in the depiction of faces. The author of the diary emphasizes his attitude towards the depicted characters by selecting epithets and verbs that convey the state or reveal individual traits of the character. For example, Pechorin describes the dragoon captain this way: “he turned yellow and blue.” He notes a “squeaky voice” from Grushnitsky’s second second. The speech of the dragoon captain characterizes him as a man of little culture and vulgarity. The description of clothing is also important in the external characteristics of the characters. Grushnitsky's peculiarities in his dressing style are emphasized twice. The cadet's lack of taste is evidenced by the epithets: “double lorgnette”, “huge black scarf”. Grushnitsky doesn’t smell like pink lipstick, but “carries.”
In "Fatalist" Pechorin's soul is fully revealed. The actions described in this story do not reveal anything new in the character of the hero. His behavior proves that he does not consider his life to be the main value. But we learn a lot of new things from Pechorin’s thoughts about the power of predestination and the purpose of his life. Here is an explanation of why the hero looks “at the sufferings and joys of others only in relation to himself.” From the preface to Pechorin's Journal we learn about his further fate and his death.
The action of “A Hero of Our Time” is transferred to the Caucasus, which frees the author from the need to tell the full biography of Pechorin and find out the reasons that forced him to come here. But from the draft manuscripts of the novel it is known that Pechorin was exiled.

Lesson topic:

“Pechorin’s Journal” as a means of self-disclosure of the protagonist’s character

Target: to trace how Pechorin’s inconsistency stands out sharply against the background of the life of ordinary people, to answer the question: how is the hero’s inner world revealed in “Pechorin’s Journal”?


1) Teach critical understanding (analysis, comparison) of a literary work.

2) To form information and communication competence of students.

3) Develop independence, the ability to interact in a team, and a culture of communication.

Equipment: multimedia: presentation, film excerpts

During the classes:

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1. Organizational moment.

In previous lessons we got acquainted with the theme, idea, composition of the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov "Hero of Our Time". We analyzed the first chapters of the novel. Today, as we continue to work on the novel, we will try to trace how Pechorin’s inconsistency stands out sharply against the background of the lives of ordinary people, and we will also answer the question: how is the hero’s inner world revealed in “Pechorin’s Journal”?

Open your notebooks and write down the topic of the lesson.

Today we have an unusual form of work - work in groups. The groups were previously given an assignment on one of the chapters of the Journal. Each student will be assessed at the end of the lesson: there is an assessment sheet on the tables, which is filled out by the person responsible in this group.

2. Blitz - a survey on the content of the novel. Creating motivation.

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So, before we move on to working in groups, let's remember the events and characters of the work.

Fragments from the novel are offered with omissions in place of geographical names.

We need to fill in the gaps.

Based on excerpts from the novel, you need to guess the character in question.

Each item needs to find an owner.

3. Updating knowledge. Preparing to perceive something new

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When was the novel written?

(since 1838, and 2 years later published as a separate publication)

What is the problem of the work?

(Lermontov is interested in the problems of the individual and society, man and the environment that raised him, man and fate, his idea of ​​faith and predestination, the problem of finding the meaning of life, free will and necessity).

3.1. Composition (presentation Composition)

We have already noted the unusual composition more than once. What is it?

(The novel consists of separate chapters, not arranged in chronological order.)

Those. the plot does not coincide with the plot. What are PLOT and FABULA?

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Fable - events recreated in a work, which are connected by a temporal sequence and a logical, cause-and-effect relationship.

Plot - this is an “artistically constructed distribution of events” (B.V. Tomashevsky), a set of plot motifs given in the sequence and with the degree of completeness that is necessary for the implementation of the author’s plan.

In other words, the plot is the eventual backbone of the work, a kind of summary in which one event naturally follows from another and cannot be skipped without violating the general logic. The plot is a form of embodiment of the plot; the story of events may be accompanied by a violation of the chronological sequence, acceleration or slowdown of the pace of the narrative, omissions or, conversely, artistic concretization and detailed development of individual moments that are most important from the author’s point of view.

Name the chapters in plot and chronological order.

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Why don't the plot and plot coincide in a novel? Was it by chance that Lermontov abandoned the chronological principle in the arrangement of the stories included in the novel, and the order of their initial publication?

(Thanks to the unusual sequence, we GRADUALLY learn the psychology of the hero and an objective way of presenting the image of Pechorin arises: first he is seen from the outside, in his external manifestations (from the 3rd person - Maxim Maksimych; from the 2nd person - the officer-narrator, and then appears in a SUBJECTIVE way, in diary entries (from the 1st person - Pechorin himself). All other characters also explain in one way or another the personality of the main character. The reader involuntarily compares him with these people and, comparing, evaluates him in a new way and deeper comprehends.)
Yuri Mikhailovich Lotman, literary critic, cultural critic, writes:

“In this way, Pechorin’s character is revealed to the reader gradually, as if reflected in many mirrors, and none of the reflections, taken separately, gives an exhaustive description of Pechorin. Only the totality of these voices arguing among themselves creates the complex and contradictory character of the hero.”

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From whose lips do we learn about the fate of the main character?

(There are three narrators in the novel: Maxim Maksimych, a traveling officer and Pechorin himself.)

3.2. Psychological portrait of Pechorin.

Let's turn to the chapters of the novel to see how the hero's inner world is revealed.

The hero in the assessment of Maxim Maksimovich.
- Who introduces Pechorin to us in the chapter “Bela”?

(Pechorin appears before the reader in the story of Maxim Maksimovich, in his perception).

- How does Pechorin appear in his story? Find it in the text.

(Reading a fragment from words: “Once, in the fall, a transport arrived...” to the words “... a rich man: how many expensive things he had”).

Can you trust the opinion of Maxim Maksimovich? (He does not understand that a person does not always strive to expose his feelings, does not understand the reasons for the “unhappy character” of the hero. He believes that the reason for this is spoilage in childhood. For him, Pechorin is strange. Which means he is hidden and mysterious to us, the readers).

The hero in the assessment of the second narrator - a traveling officer.

Who introduces Pechorin to us in the chapter “Maxim Maksimych”?
(The narration is continued by the conditional author, the “publisher” of Pechorin’s diary.)
- What did the traveling officer see in the guise of Pechorin?
(The hero’s appearance is woven from contradictions. His portrait explains Pechorin’s character, testifies to his fatigue and coldness, to his unspent strength. Observations convinced the narrator of the richness and complexity of this man’s character.Give examples from the text.
("...his slender, thin frame and broad shoulders proved a strong build, capable of enduring all the difficulties of nomadic life..."
"...he did not wave his arms - a sure sign of some secretiveness of character..."
“...he sat as Balzac’s thirty-year-old coquette sits on her downy chairs after a tiring ball...”
"...his skin had some kind of feminine tenderness..."
"...his mustache and eyebrows were black - a sign of the breed in a person..."
“...I must say a few more words about the eyes.
First of all, they didn't laugh when he laughed! Have you ever noticed such strangeness in some people?.. This is a sign of either an evil disposition or deep, constant sadness.”
"... had one of those original physiognomies that secular women especially like...").

- This is how we see Pechorin through the eyes of Maxim Maksimych and the traveling officer. Thus, Lermontov creates a detailedpsychological picture,the first in Russian literature.

3.3. Working with a term

What does it mean psychological portrait?

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Writing in a notebook

Psychological picture- this is a characterization of a hero, where the author presents external details in a certain sequence and immediately gives them a psychological and social interpretation.

What is his role?

(A psychological portrait, in contrast to verbal drawing, gives us an idea of ​​the inner essence of the hero.The portrait of a hero explains the character of the hero, his contradictions, testifies to the fatigue and coldness of Pechorin, and the unspent strength of the hero. Observations convince the narrator of the richness and complexity of this person’s character).

Do we understand the hero, since we have considered the point of view of both Maxim Maksimych and the traveling officer?

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(The hero is, of course, interesting. The more mysterious, the more interesting. Pechorin has a strong individuality, he is endowed with charm, but there is also something in him that alarms the reader. He is both strong and weak, hardened and pampered. He is able to fight for love - and he quickly cools down, does not know how to love for a long time. After infatuation, he quickly becomes cold and feels a sense of emptiness in his heart.)

4. Analysis of Pechorin’s journal

Where is the hero’s inner essence most fully revealed?
(If the first two stories in the genre are travel notes (the narrator noted: “I am writing not a story, but travel notes”), then the next stories are Pechorin’s diary - “Pechorin’s Journal,” which explains the mysteries of his character.

4.1. Working with a term

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Diary - these are records of a personal nature in which a person, knowing that they will not become known to others, can set forth not only external events, but also internal, hidden from everyone, movements of his soul.

Pechorin was sure that he was writing “this magazine... for himself,” which is why he was so open in describing them.

What parts does Pechorin's Journal consist of?
(Three chapters of the novel - “Taman”, “Princess Mary” and “Fatalist” - are parts of “Pechorin’s Diary”.)

Who represents our hero?
(The hero himself receives the floor, analyzing himself with the utmost degree of penetration and giving the reader the opportunity to look into his soul from the inside.)

5. Group work

5.1. Working with a table:

In the course of working in groups, we answer the question: how is the hero’s inner world revealed in Pechorin’s Journal? The results of observations are entered into a table as the discussion progresses.

5.2.Analysis of the story “Taman”

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So, what will the reader learn from Taman? ( condensed retelling ).
- What surprised Pechorin in the heroes of the chapter “Taman”?

Watching an episode from the film: dialogue between a blind man and an undine girl.

Think How does Pechorin’s character manifest itself in this episode?

Why did he need to “get the key” to the smugglers’ riddle? (Pechorin is an active person. Here, as in “Bel,” the hero’s desire to get closer to the original sources of existence, a world full of danger, the world of smugglers, is manifested. But Pechorin understands that among “honest smugglers” it is impossible to achieve that fullness of life , the happiness that his soul so longs for. In this world, his prosaic side, real life contradictions, are revealed to him).

Why is he sad at the end of their story? What does this reveal about his character? (Watching the meeting of the blind man and Yanko causes sadness in the hero, reveals histhe ability to sympathize with the hero. Pechorin feels sorry for the deceived boy. He understands that he has scared off the “honest smugglers”; their lives will now change. Watching the boy cry, herealizes that he is also lonely. For the first time throughout the story, hethere is a feeling of unity of feelings, experiences, destinies.)

Why does the hero's activity bring misfortune to people? With what feeling does the hero pronounce the words: “And what do I care about human joys and misfortunes?” (The hero's activity is directed towards himself, she does not have a high goal, he just curious . Hero looking for real action, but finds its semblance, a game. He is annoyed with himself for the fact that invading people’s lives does not bring them joy; he is a stranger in this world.)


What features of the hero’s character are revealed in the story “Taman”?
(Shows himself asman of action. Decisive, courageous , but his activity turns out to be pointless. He does not have the opportunity to indulge in major activities, to perform actions that would be remembered, for which Pechorin feels the strength. Hewastes himself, getting involved in other people's affairs, interfering in other people's destinies, invading other people's lives and upsetting other people's happiness).

What did you write in the table?

To the table (Decision, courage, interest in a new circle of people, the ability to sympathize, hope for a romantic adventure, adventurism.)

5.3. Analysis of the story “Princess Mary”

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Which story most fully reveals Pechorin's spiritual world?
(Stories “Princess Mary.”)

What kind of society surrounds the hero this time? How is it different from the highlanders, the smugglers? (The environment surrounding the hero is people equal to him in social origin - representatives of secular society).

Then why was there a conflict between this society and Pechorin?
(Among the people of this society there were no people equal to him intellectually. For these people, the main thing is not the inner world of a person, but his appearance; the feelings of women are fleeting and shallow.)

Why do you think the hero so persistently seeks the love of a young girl, Princess Mary, whom he will never marry?
(Pechorin cannot always sort out his feelings.“But there is immense pleasure in possessing a young, barely blossoming soul! She is like a flower whose best fragrance evaporates towards the first ray of the sun; you need to pick it up at this moment and, after breathing it to your heart’s content, throw it on the road: maybe someone will pick it up! I feel this insatiable greed within me, devouring everything that comes my way; I look at the sufferings and joys of others only in relation to myself, as food that supports my spiritual strength.”.)

How does this characterize Pechorin?

(One can note the hero’s consumer attitude towards women, his selfishness, even cruelty . Pechorin does not take into account the simple truths that you need to think about other people, you cannot bring them suffering. Pechorinloves himself too muchto give up the pleasure of torturing others.)

What features of Pechorin appear in him during the last meeting with Mary? (June 16).

Read this episode(“I stood opposite her” to the words “I thanked, bowed respectfully and left”).

(Pechorin is not playing here. He developed feelings that are natural for a person in this situation -pity, compassion. He wants to be honestwith Mary, so he directly explains that he laughed at her and she should despise him for this. At the same time, it’s not easy for Pechorin himself).

But is his soul so callous? Why did Pechorin’s heart beat stronger than usual when remembering Vera? Do you think Pechorin is capable of love?
(Vera’s love for Pechorin has that sacrifice that Mary does not have. Vera’s tenderness does not depend on any conditions. The sensitivity of her heart made it possible to understand Pechorin with all his vices and sorrow.

Pechorin's feeling for Vera is extremely strong and sincere. This is the true love of his life. And yet, for Vera, he also does not sacrifice anything, as for other women. On the contrary, he inflames jealousy in her, dragging after Mary. But there is a difference: in his love for Vera, he not only satisfies his passionate need of the heart and love, he not only takes, he also gives a part of himself.

This quality is especially evident in the episode of the crazy, desperate chase on a wildly galloping horse for Vera, who has left forever. Read it out.

Reading the episode.

This episode has deep symbolic meaning. Pechorin forever lost not only Vera, his beloved woman, but also hope for the future and love for people.

What are Pechorin's views on friendship? How is Pechorin characterized by his relationship with Werner and Grushnitsky?

("... I am not capable of friendship: of two friends, one is always the slave of the other; I cannot be a slave, and in this case, commanding is tedious work..." Pechorin has no real friends.)

What can pride and lack of friends lead to?
(To loneliness, of course).

What assessment does Pechorin give to Grushnitsky at the beginning of their acquaintance? Why is Pechorin so irreconcilable in his perception of this man?

(Pechorin is unpleasant about Grushnitsky’s manner of pronouncing “ready-made pompous phrases... to produce an effect...” “I don’t like him either, I feel that we will someday collide with him on a narrow road, and one of us will be in trouble.”)

What feature of Pechorin’s character can we highlight?
(The ability to understand the inner essence of a person.)

- How does Pechorin behave in the duel scene?
(During the duel, Pechorin behaves like a human
courageous . Outwardly he is calm. Only after feeling the pulse did Werner notice in itsigns of excitement. The details of the description of nature that Pechorin wrote down in his diary also reveal his experiences: “... down there it seemed dark and cold, like in a coffin; Mossy jagged rocks... awaited their prey.”)

Does the hero experience the triumph of a winner?
(Pechorin hard : “I had a stone on my heart. The sun seemed dim to me, its rays did not warm me... The sight of a man was painful for me: I wanted to be alone...")

For what purpose does the author introduce the image of Grushnitsky?
(To highlight the true depth and originality of the main character. Grushnitsky is a caricature of Pechorin, he is very similar to him, but at the same time is his complete opposite. Grushnitsky has all the negative properties of Pechorin -selfishness, lack of simplicity, self-admiration. Pechorin’s duel with Grushnitsky is Pechorin’s attempt to kill the petty side of his own soul).
- So, what features of Pechorin are revealed in the chapter “Princess Mary”?
What did you write in the table?

To the table: (Selfishness, cruelty, lack of simplicity, self-admiration, masculinity, insight, demonstrates the ability to love).

5.4. Questions and tasks for discussing the chapter “Fatalist”

We examined the image of Pechorin when meeting with danger. Further, in the hero’s reasoning, his life philosophy emerges. Let's turn to the chapter "Fatalist".

Working with a term

What is fatalism and who is a fatalist?

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Fatalism - belief in a predetermined, inevitable fate. The problem of fate, predestination, worried Lermontov's contemporaries, and people of the previous generation... worries us today too. Pechorin was also worried about this problem. Is there destiny? What influences a person's life?

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What is Vulich’s attitude towards predetermination in fate? at Pechorin? Which of them has it ambiguous and why?

(Vulich does not doubt the existence of predestination and suggests “trying for yourself whether a person can arbitrarily dispose of his life, or whether everyone... has a fateful moment assigned in advance”;

At Pechorin's there are no ready answers to questions related to the existence or absence of a predetermined human destiny, predestination, but he understands that character is of considerable importance in a person’s destiny. The character of the hero has a desire to actively intervene in the lives of people he meets along the way. Of all the events depicted in the story, the herocomes to an idea: under any circumstances, no matter what, you need to act, show your will and determination).

What action of Pechorin confirms these thoughts?

(Scene of the capture of a drunken Cossack)

How does Pechorin behave? What conclusions does it draw?

(Analyzing the situation and behavior, he says “that he decided to tempt fate.” But At the same time, he does not act at random, contrary to reason, although not from rational considerations alone)

Reading the episode from the words: “I ordered Esaul to start a conversation with him...” to the words “The officers congratulated me - and definitely, there was something!”

What did the officers congratulate Pechorin on?

(Pechorin commits a heroic act: for the first time hesacrifices himself for others. The egoistic will, which previously did evil, now becomes good, devoid of self-interest. It is filled with social meaning. Thus, Pechorin’s act at the end of the novel reveals the possible direction of hisspiritual development).

Why does the story end up last in the novel, despite the fact that its place is different chronologically?

(Sums up the philosophical understanding of the life experience that befell Pechorin. The hero experiences trust in fate for the first and last time, and fate this time not only spares him, but also elevates him. The fatal predetermination of human fate collapses, but tragic social predetermination remains ( inability to find one's place in life).

To the table (able to sacrifice himself for others, able to develop spiritually).

6. Systematization of knowledge

Slide 23

Analyze the contents of the table and draw a conclusion: how does Pechorin appear before us in the “Journal”?

(Pechorin appears in the Journal as a man who feels deeply and suffers. His soul is “spoiled by the light”, and his whole life is a retribution for his own actions. Pechorin’s personality is complex and contradictory. Without wanting it, he becomes the culprit of the misfortunes of others).

A few days before the duel, the hero is occupied with the question of the meaning of life. What does he see as the purpose of his own existence?

Reading a passage by heart("...why did I live? For what purpose was I born?...)

Noble aspirations, according to the hero, are the most significant thing in a person’s life.

Why can't Pechorin find meaning in life?

- Guys, could we today, from the perspective of a person of the 21st century, having become acquainted with the fate and inner world of Georgy Pechorin, give him some advice or recommendations? (Children's answers).

Slide 24

Vasily AlexandrovichSukhomlinsky, a Russian teacher, gives us advice:

“You live among people... Check your actions with your consciousness: are you not causing harm, trouble, or inconvenience to people with your actions. Make the people around you feel good.”

7. Homework. Ratings.

Slide 25

This is the hero of that time. What would we take in our time?

An essay about: "What character traits are necessary for a hero of our time? (Based on the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov “Hero of Our Time”).”

Mark the work of active students, analyze the assessment sheet.

How does Pechorin's Journal reveal the hero's inner world?

Chapter "Taman"

Chapter "Princess Mary"

Chapter "Fatalist"

Decisiveness, courage, interest in a new circle of people, the ability to sympathize, hope for a romantic adventure


masculinity, insight, demonstrates possibility

be in love

Selfishness, cruelty,

lack of simplicity,

admiring oneself

able to sacrifice oneself for the sake of others, able to develop spiritually

An extraordinary person, endowed with intelligence and willpower, with a desire for active activity, cannot manifest himself in the life around him. Pechorin cannot be happy and cannot give happiness to anyone. This is his tragedy.

Sections: Literature

Target: creating conditions for comprehension (analysis, comparison of facts) of a literary work.


  1. To trace how Pechorin’s inconsistency stands out sharply against the background of the life of ordinary people, to answer the question: how is the hero’s inner world revealed in “Pechorin’s Journal”?
  2. Formation of information and communication competence of students.
  3. Developing independence, the ability to interact in a team, and a culture of communication.

Equipment: multimedia: presentation ( Annex 1), excerpts from the film .

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

Slide 1.

– In previous lessons we got acquainted with the theme, idea, composition of the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov "Hero of Our Time". We analyzed the first chapters of the novel. Today, as we continue to work on the novel, we will try to trace how Pechorin’s inconsistency stands out sharply against the background of the lives of ordinary people, and we will also answer the question: how is the hero’s inner world revealed in “Pechorin’s Journal”?

– Open your notebooks and write down the topic of the lesson.

– Today we have an unusual form of work – work in groups. The groups were previously given an assignment on one of the chapters of the Journal. Each student will be assessed at the end of the lesson: there is an assessment sheet on the tables ( Appendix 2), which is filled out by the person responsible in this group.

II. Blitz survey on the content of the novel. Creating motivation.

Slide 2-10

So, before we move on to working in groups, let's remember the events and characters of the work.

– Fragments from the novel are offered with omissions in place of geographical names.

We need to fill in the gaps.

– Based on excerpts from the novel, you need to guess the character in question.

– Every object needs to find an owner.

III. Updating knowledge. Preparing to perceive something new.

Slide 11

– When was the novel written?

– What are the problems of the work?

(Lermontov is interested in the problems of the individual and society, man and the environment that raised him, man and fate, his idea of ​​faith and predestination, the problem of finding the meaning of life, free will and necessity).

1. Composition

– We have already noted the unusualness of the composition more than once. What is it?

(The novel consists of separate chapters, not arranged in chronological order.)

Those. plot does not match plot. What are PLOT and FABULA? Slide 12

– Name the chapters in plot and chronological order. Slide 13-14

– Why don’t the plot and plot coincide in a novel? Was it by chance that Lermontov abandoned the chronological principle in the arrangement of the stories included in the novel, and the order of their initial publication?

(Thanks to the unusual sequence, we GRADUALLY learn the psychology of the hero and an objective way of presenting the image of Pechorin arises: first he is seen from the outside, in his external manifestations (from the 3rd person - Maxim Maksimych; from the 2nd person - the officer-narrator, and then appears in a SUBJECTIVE way, in diary entries (from the 1st person - Pechorin himself). All other characters also explain in one way or another the personality of the main character. The reader involuntarily compares him with these people and, comparing, evaluates him in a new way and deeper comprehends.)

Yuri Mikhailovich Lotman, literary critic, cultural critic, writes:

“In this way, Pechorin’s character is revealed to the reader gradually, as if reflected in many mirrors, and none of the reflections, taken separately, gives an exhaustive description of Pechorin. Only the totality of these voices arguing among themselves creates the complex and contradictory character of the hero.” Slide 15

– From whose lips do we learn about the fate of the main character?

(There are three narrators in the novel: Maxim Maksimych, a traveling officer and Pechorin himself.)

2. Psychological portrait of Pechorin. Frontal conversation with reference to the text.

– Let’s turn to the chapters of the novel to see how the hero’s inner world is revealed.

The hero in the assessment of Maxim Maksimovich.

– Who introduces Pechorin to us in the chapter “Bela”? (Pechorin appears before the reader in the story of Maxim Maksimovich, in his perception).

How does Pechorin appear in his story? Find it in the text.

(Reading a fragment from words: “Once, in the fall, a transport arrived...” to the words “... a rich man: how many expensive things he had”).

– Can you trust the opinion of Maxim Maksimovich? (He does not understand that a person does not always strive to expose his feelings, does not understand the reasons for the “unhappy character” of the hero. He believes that the reason for this is spoilage in childhood. For him, Pechorin is strange. Which means he is hidden and mysterious to us, the readers).

The hero in the assessment of the second narrator - a traveling officer.

– Who introduces Pechorin to us in the chapter “Maksim Maksimych”? (The narration is continued by the conditional author, the “publisher” of Pechorin’s diary.)

– What did the traveling officer see in the guise of Pechorin? Give examples from the text.

(The hero’s appearance is woven from contradictions. His portrait explains Pechorin’s character, testifies to his fatigue and coldness, to his unspent strength. Observations convinced the narrator of the richness and complexity of this man’s character).

– This is how we see Pechorin through the eyes of Maxim Maksimych and the traveling officer. Thus, Lermontov creates a detailed psychological picture, the first in Russian literature.

3. Working with the term

What does a psychological portrait mean? Slide 16. Writing in a notebook

What is his role?

(The psychological portrait gives us an idea of ​​the inner essence of the hero. The portrait of the hero explains the character of the hero, his contradictions, testifies to the fatigue and coldness of Pechorin, and the unspent strength of the hero).

– Do we understand the hero, since we have considered the point of view of both Maxim Maksimych and the traveling officer? Slide 17

(The hero is, of course, interesting. The more mysterious, the more interesting. Pechorin has a strong individuality, he is endowed with charm, but there is also something alarming about him. He is both strong and weak, hardened and pampered. He is able to fight for love - and he quickly cools down, does not know how to love for a long time. After infatuation, he quickly becomes cold and feels a sense of emptiness in his heart.)

IV. Analysis of Pechorin's journal.

– Where is the hero’s inner essence most fully revealed?

(If the first two stories in the genre are travel notes (the narrator noted: “I am writing not a story, but travel notes”), then the next stories are Pechorin’s diary - “Pechorin’s Journal,” which explains the mysteries of his character.

1. Working with the term “diary”. Slide 18

– Pechorin was sure that he was writing “this magazine... for himself,” which is why he was so open in describing them.

– What parts does “Pechorin’s Journal” consist of?

– Who represents the hero to us? (The hero himself receives the floor, analyzing himself with the utmost degree of penetration and giving the reader the opportunity to look into his soul from the inside.)

V. Group work.

1. Working with the table:

– In the course of working in groups, we answer the question: how is the hero’s inner world revealed in Pechorin’s Journal? The results of observations are entered into a table as the discussion progresses ( Appendix 3).

2. Analysis of the story “Taman”. Slide 19

– So, what will the reader learn from Taman? ( condensed retelling).

– What surprised Pechorin in the heroes of the chapter “Taman”?

Watching an episode from the film: dialogue between a blind man and an undine girl.

Think about how Pechorin’s character manifests itself in this episode?

– Why did he need to “get the key” to the smugglers’ riddle? (Pechorin is an active person. Here, as in “Bel,” the hero’s desire to get closer to the original sources of existence, a world full of danger, the world of smugglers, is manifested. But Pechorin understands that among “honest smugglers” it is impossible to achieve that fullness of life , the happiness that his soul so longs for. In this world, his prosaic side, real life contradictions, are revealed to him).

– Why is he sad at the end of their story? What does this reveal about his character? (Watching the meeting of the blind man and Yanko causes sadness in the hero, reveals his the ability to sympathize with the hero. Pechorin feels sorry for the deceived boy. He understands that he has scared off the “honest smugglers”; their lives will now change. Watching the boy cry, he realizes that he is also lonely. For the first time throughout the story, he there is a feeling of unity of feelings, experiences, destinies.)

– Why does the hero’s activity bring misfortune to people? With what feeling does the hero pronounce the words: “And what do I care about human joys and misfortunes?” ( The hero's activity is directed towards himself, she does not have a high goal, he just curious. Hero looking for real action, but finds its semblance, a game. He is annoyed with himself for the fact that invading people’s lives does not bring them joy; he is a stranger in this world.)


– What features of the hero’s character are revealed in the story “Taman”?

(Shows himself as man of action. Decisive, courageous, but his activity turns out to be pointless. He does not have the opportunity to indulge in major activities, to perform actions that would be remembered, for which Pechorin feels the strength. He wastes himself, getting involved in other people's affairs, interfering in other people's destinies, invading other people's lives and upsetting other people's happiness).

– What did you write down in the table?

To the table: determination, courage, interest in a new circle of people, the ability to sympathize, hope for a romantic adventure, adventurism.

3. Analysis of the story “Princess Mary”. Slide 20

– Which story most fully reveals Pechorin’s spiritual world?

(Stories “Princess Mary.”)

– What kind of society surrounds the hero this time? How is it different from the highlanders, the smugglers? (These are people equal to him in social origin - representatives of secular society).

-Then why did the conflict occur between this society and Pechorin?

(Among the people of this society there were no people equal to him intellectually. For these people, the main thing is not the inner world of a person, but his appearance; the feelings of women are fleeting and shallow.)

– Why do you think the hero so persistently seeks the love of a young girl, Princess Mary, whom he will never marry?

(Pechorin cannot always sort out his feelings).

– How does this characterize Pechorin?

(One can note the hero’s consumer attitude towards women, his selfishness, even cruelty. Pechorin does not take into account the simple truths that you need to think about other people, you cannot bring them suffering. Pechorin loves himself too much to give up the pleasure of torturing others.)

– Read this episode(“I stood opposite her” to the words “I thanked, bowed respectfully and left”).

(Pechorin is not playing here. He developed feelings that are natural for a person in this situation - pity, compassion. He wants to be honest with Mary, so he directly explains that he laughed at her and she should despise him for this. At the same time, it’s not easy for Pechorin himself).

– But is his soul so callous? Why did Pechorin’s heart beat stronger than usual when remembering Vera? Do you think Pechorin is capable of love?

(In Vera’s love for Pechorin there is that sacrifice that Mary does not have. Pechorin’s feeling for Vera is strong, sincere. This is the true love of his life. And yet, for Vera, he also does not sacrifice anything, as for other women. On the contrary, he kindles there is jealousy in her, dragging after Mary. But there is a difference: in his love for Vera, he not only satisfies his passionate need of the heart and love, he not only takes, he also gives a part of himself).

“This quality is especially evident in the episode of the crazy, desperate chase on a wildly galloping horse for Vera, who has left forever. Read it out.

Reading the episode.

– This episode has a deep symbolic meaning. Pechorin forever lost not only Vera, his beloved woman, but also hope for the future and love for people.

– What are Pechorin’s views on friendship? How is Pechorin characterized by his relationship with Werner and Grushnitsky?

– What can pride and lack of friends lead to?

(To loneliness, of course).

How does Pechorin behave in the duel scene?

(During the duel, Pechorin behaves like a human courageous. Outwardly he is calm. Only after feeling the pulse did Werner notice in it signs of excitement. The details of the description of nature that Pechorin wrote down in his diary also reveal his experiences: “... down there it seemed dark and cold, like in a coffin; Mossy jagged rocks... awaited their prey.”)

– Does the hero experience the triumph of a winner?

(Pechorin hard: “I had a stone on my heart. The sun seemed dim to me, its rays did not warm me... The sight of a person was painful for me: I wanted to be alone...").

(To highlight the true depth and originality of the main character. Grushnitsky is a caricature of Pechorin, he is very similar to him, but at the same time is his complete opposite. Grushnitsky has all the negative properties of Pechorin - selfishness, lack of simplicity, self-admiration. Pechorin’s duel with Grushnitsky is Pechorin’s attempt to kill the petty side of his own soul).

– So, what features of Pechorin are revealed in the chapter “Princess Mary”? What was written down in the table?

To the table: selfishness, cruelty, lack of simplicity, self-admiration, masculinity, insight, demonstrates the ability to love.

4. Questions and tasks for discussing the chapter “Fatalist”

– We examined the image of Pechorin when meeting with danger. Further, in the hero’s reasoning, his life philosophy emerges. Let's turn to the chapter "Fatalist".

Working with a term

– What is fatalism and who is a fatalist? Slide 21

The problem of fate, predestination, worried Lermontov’s contemporaries, and people of the previous generation worry us today. Pechorin was also worried about this problem. Is there destiny? What influences a person's life? Slide 22

– What is Vulich’s attitude towards predetermination in fate? At Pechorin's? Which of them has it ambiguous and why?

(Vulich does not doubt the existence of predestination and suggests “trying for yourself whether a person can arbitrarily dispose of his life, or whether everyone... has a fateful moment assigned in advance”;

U Pechorina there are no ready answers to questions related to the existence or absence of a predetermined human destiny, predestination, but he understands that character is of considerable importance in a person’s destiny. The character of the hero has a desire to actively intervene in the lives of people he meets along the way. Of all the events depicted in the story, the hero comes to an idea: under any circumstances, no matter what, you need to act, show your will and determination).

– What action of Pechorin confirms these thoughts? (Scene of the capture of a drunken Cossack)

– How does Pechorin behave? What conclusions does it draw?

Reading the episode from the words: “I ordered Esaul to start a conversation with him...” to the words “The officers congratulated me - and definitely, there was something!”

– What did the officers congratulate Pechorin on?

(Pechorin commits a heroic act: for the first time he sacrifices himself for others. The egoistic will, which previously did evil, now becomes good, devoid of self-interest. It is filled with social meaning. Thus, Pechorin’s act at the end of the novel reveals the possible direction of his spiritual development).

– Why does the story end up last in the novel, despite the fact that its place is different chronologically?

(Sums up the philosophical understanding of the life experience that befell Pechorin. The hero experiences trust in fate for the first and last time, and fate this time not only spares him, but also elevates him. The fatal predetermination of human fate collapses, but tragic social predetermination remains ( inability to find one's place in life).

To the table: capable of sacrificing himself for the sake of others, capable of developing spiritually.

VI. Systematization of knowledge.

Slide 23

– Analyze the contents of the table and draw a conclusion: how does Pechorin appear before us in the “Journal”?

– A few days before the duel, the hero is occupied with the question of the meaning of life. What does he see as the purpose of his own existence?

Student reading a passage by heart("...why did I live? For what purpose was I born?...)

– Noble aspirations, according to the hero, are the most significant thing in a person’s life.

– Why can’t Pechorin find meaning in life?

(An extraordinary personality, endowed with intelligence and willpower, with a desire for active activity, cannot manifest himself in the life around him. Pechorin cannot be happy and cannot give happiness to anyone. This is his tragedy.)

– Guys, could we today, from the perspective of a person of the 21st century, having become acquainted with the fate and inner world of Georgy Pechorin, give him some advice and recommendations? (Children's answers). Slide 24

Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky, a Russian teacher, gives us advice:

“You live among people... Check your actions with your consciousness: are you not causing harm, trouble, or inconvenience to people with your actions. Make the people around you feel good.”

VII. Homework. Ratings.

Slide 25

- This is the hero of that time. What would we take in our time?

An essay about: " What character traits are necessary for a hero of our time? (Based on the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov “Hero of Our Time”).”

– Mark the work of active students, analyze the assessment sheet.

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